what is the same is opposite of sentinel


Answer 1
A guardian hope I helped

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According to Nietzsche, the virtues the dominate morality value…

a. Are held up as desirable by the dependent morality as well.
b. Cannot be questioned by the dependent morality.
c. Are inverted into the vile sins of the dependent morality.
d. Are never equated with power.
e. Are valuable only during youth.


Hey how are you doing today

What issue did the Three Fifths Compromise address?


One of the issues that the Three Fifths Compromise address....was Slavery and another was Representation in the House of Representatives based on Slave Courts , and lastly , concerned by Southern states that their population would not be represented in Congress.

What are the major mountain belts



The Circum- Pacific System The AndesThe Caribbean Chains The North American Cordillera Volcanoes and island arcs surrounding the northwest Pacific basin The Alpine- Himalayan, or Tethyan, System The Himalayan chainThe Zagros and Bitlis mountains The western segment of the system Residual mountain ranges and thermally uplifted belts

Answer: Physiographically, this chain can be subdivided into three parallel belts: the Lesser Himalayas, the Great Himalayas, and the Tethys Himalayas. (Some authorities prefer a subdivision into four belts, the additional one designated the Outer, or Sub-Himalayas.)

What article of the "Articles of Confederation" required that a unanimous consent of the states was needed in order to adopt or ratify an amendment to the constitution?

A. Article 13
B. the consent of ALL articles
C. Articles of Incorporation
D. Articles of Diminished Authority


The correct option is B. the consent of ALL articles.

What do the articles state ?The United States' first constitution, the Articles of Confederation, established a weak central government that left the majority of power in the hands of the individual states.In accordance with Article XIII of the Articles of Confederation, "Every State shall abide by the decisions of the United States in Congress assembled, on all matters submitted to them by this Confederation." the Articles of Confederation would require the unanimous consent of all thirteen states.

To know more about the articles , check out :



What area was claimed by two colonial regions?



Hudson River and the Delaware River


What do you find most challenging (difficult)
about virtual school



1. Investing in the right technology.

2. Teachers feel unsupported.

3. The need for parent collaboration.

4. An academic environment at home .

5. Keeping students safe online.

6. Monitoring & maintenance from the cloud.

7. Dealing with distractions.

8. Students struggling with isolation.

9. Learning in a post-pandemic world.


How can the development of aptitudes be encouraged?
a.positive reinforcement
c. negative reinforcement
b. tangible rewards
d. isolation from negative influences


a if you look it up that’s the answer of the question

Answer: A- positive reinforcement


Judiciary is an important organ of the government/constitution.Justify
(a little small as well as a bit long ---medium--- sized ans plz.) A.S.A.P​



The Judiciary is the third organ of the government. It has the responsibility to apply the laws to specific cases and settle all disputes. ... Role of Judiciary as the guardian-protector of the constitution and the fundamental rights of the people makes it more respectable than other two organs.

Judiciary is an independent, highly honorable and impartial organ of government which applies and explains the laws formulated by legislature and enforced by the executive. Judiciary is the guardian of the constitution because it protects and promotes the constitution through different remedies as well as punishments.

mark me as brainliest if u find the answer helpful

What did the Virginia Company win from King James I to start the colony of Virginia


Answer:a charter


what did africans benefits in the save trade


I believe it was called the slave trade and they their benefits were sugar and salt but mostly sugar.


In my opinion, I believe the slave trade was not right. The Africans benefited not being killed if they worked hard, it was tough work.


I can't fully answer your question (not enough explanation). I will try my best.

When Thomas Jefferson was president, the Democratic-Republican Party tried to:

reduce the power of the federal government.

form alliances with countries around the world.

take political power away from poor farmers.

sell the Louisiana Territory to Great Britain.





I took the test on

The democratic republican's party tired to minimize the power of federal government during the time of Thomas Jefferson 's presidency.

Option A is correct.

Who was Thomas Jefferson?

Thomas Jefferson served as the third president of US country from the year 1801 till the year 1809.

During the presidentship of Thomas Jefferson, the federal government control over the US country gets to reduced which is due to the attempt of the democratic-republican party.

Therefore, the option A is correct.

Learn more about the Thomas Jefferson in the related link:



Do you think Whistler’s eccentric and intriguing public persona caused people to consider him an artistic lightweight?


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there are no options attached, we can say the following,

Yes. I think Whistler’s eccentric and intriguing public persona caused people to consider him an artistic lightweight. The reason why is that Whistler had an amicable personality that allowed him to relate with all kinds of people.

We are talking about the famous American painter and artists James A. Mc. Neill Whistler (1834-1903). He spent most of his time living in Great Britain, meanwhile in the United States was living the complex times of the Gilded Agre.

Whistler was a man that like to express his emotions through art, just for the pleasure of creation.

A(n) ______ is a graphic description of positions and lines of authority and responsibility in an organization or unit.
A. flow chart
B. Company chart
C. Line chart
D. Organizational chart


D. Organization chart.

A(n) Organizational chart is a graphic description of positions and lines of authority and responsibility in an organization or unit. Thus the correct option is D.

What is an Organizational chart?

The internal framework of an organization or business is displayed on an organizational chart. The positions and personnel are portrayed by boxes or other forms to represent their profiles.

As a result, the hierarchy and ranks of the various individuals, positions, and divisions that comprise the organization are clearly shown visually. A group of graphic designers working for the same company could be under the leadership of the lead designer.

Organizational charts show the hierarchy inside a company, making it possible to distinguish between seniority and the proper channels of authority to follow.

Therefore,option D is appropriate.

Learn more about Organizational chart, here:



8. Write any four fundamental differences that exist between provincial
government and central government.​



Please let me return, I will return to this question in 3 minutes....please wait.


This is urgent, and I know this question.

Can y'all help me ?
I'm trying to figure it out but I can't understand


turkeyiraqisrealturkeySyriaJordanSaudi ArabiaJordanIraqIsreal

What Are The Coordinates For Brunswick?

A) 31.1 N, 81.5 W

B) 32.1 N, 81.1 W

C) 33.8 N, 84.4 W

D) 34.8 N, 85.0 W



the correct answer is a :)


have a nice day :)

31.1 N, 81.5 W Are The Coordinates For Brunswick. Hence, option A is correct.

What is coordinates in GPS?

GPS coordinates, which are frequently stated in alphanumeric characters, can be used to uniquely identify a specific geographic place on the planet. In this context, coordinates are the points where a grid system intersects. In order to express GPS coordinates, latitude and longitude are frequently utilized.

Latitude and longitude are the two most typical ways to express GPS coordinates. With this approach, the planet is divided into latitude lines that show how far away from the equator a location is, and longitude lines that show how far away from the prime meridian a site is. Two categories of global coordinate systems exist: Angular coordinate system, Cartesian coordinate system.

Thus, option A is correct.

For more details about coordinates in GPS, click here:



Why was the Great Sphinx built?

to protect the pyramids
to serve as a center of worship
to serve as a tribute to the gods
to create a boundary between nations





I am on a quiz and I picked D and it was wrong. It showed me it was a! good luck

The Great Sphinx was built to protect the pyramids. The correct option is A. Ancient Egyptians thought that sculptures might be erected to guard vital locations, which is why they built the Great Sphinx. The purpose of the Great Sphinx was to guard the nearby pharaohs' temples and tombs.

Why is the Great Sphinx important?

Probably the most famous sculpture in the entire world is the Great Sphinx at Giza, which is close to Cairo. It is a representation of Ra-Horakhty, a mighty sun deity, with a lion's body and a human head. It guards the temple doors and is the embodiment of royal power.

To protect the Khafre pyramid at Giza, the enormous Great Sphinx monument was erected more than 4,500 years ago. Its body is that of a lion, but its head is that of a pharaoh. A sizable chunk of limestone that rises above the desert bottom was used to chisel out the Great Sphinx.

Thus, the ideal selection is option A.

Learn more about the Great Sphinx here:



Which action best demonstrates the transformation of mechanical energy to heat energy?



do you have examples and if not a toaster



striking a matchstick


What do the Hebrew Bible and the Epic of Gilgamesh have in common? What is different?



Various themes, plot elements, and characters in the Epic of Gilgamesh have counterparts in the Hebrew Bible, notably the accounts of the Garden of Eden, the advice from Ecclesiastes, and the Genesis flood narrative. The parallels between the stories of Enkidu/Shamhat and Adam/Eve have been long recognized by scholars


what is the importance of the Dutch East India Company today? (for 7th grade)



The Dutch East India Company was also important in that it was active in bringing European ideas and technology to Asia. It also expanded European exploration and opened up new areas to colonization and trade.


According to Charles Spearman, how do people with high general intelligence score on other intelligence abilities?



Below is an overview of how persons with higher intelligence rank on some other intellectual skills.


The three points related to the given circumstance is described below:

Strong general intelligence has been related to high expertise in pattern recognition or solving problems.  Strong general knowledge is related to a high propensity for mathematics.  Elevated general intelligence becomes correlated with high verbal skills.

Which statements are TRUE about the Egyptians?

Ancient Egyptians explained the mysteries of nature as the actions of their many gods.
Most Egyptians did not believe in an afterlife and focused only on life here and now.
Egyptian pyramids were similar to Sumerian ziggurats in that both were remarkable feats of engineering that required huge numbers of laborers and complex organization.
The Sphinx was only ornamental and served no other purpose according to the Egyptians.



Ancient Egyptians explained the mysteries of nature as the actions of their many gods.Egyptian pyramids were similar to Sumerian ziggurats in that both were remarkable feats of engineering that required huge numbers of laborers and complex organization.


Ancient Egyptians were quite religious and believed that the mysteries of nature were simply the actions of gods. To this end they had many gods and goddesses such as Ra, the sun god and Horus, the god of the sky.

Egyptian pyramids till this day continue to baffle those who study it due to engineering complexity as well as the huge number of laborers and complex organization it must have taken to build. They share these traits with the Sumerian Ziggurats.

Ancient Egyptians believed quite heavily in the afterlife and this influenced their actions in life. The Great Sphinx was not of ornamental value alone and although there are many theories about its purpose one thing clear is that it was of significant influence to the Ancient Egyptians.

Which of the following strategies best describes Catt’s “Winning Plan” to achieve voting rights for women?

1.work to achieve an amendment to the Constitution that would grant all women the right to vote

2.pursue state-by-state suffrage, so that when a majority of women gained the right to vote an amendment would be ensured

3.refuse domestic duties to force men to lobby on behalf of women’s suffrage and rights

hurry please



B pursue state-by-state suffrage, so that when a majority of women gained the right to vote an amendment would be ensured


i just got the answer right on egd . HOPE THIS HELPS :)

what is known as galaxy​


A galaxy is a huge collection of gas, dust, and billions of stars and their solar systems. A galaxy is held together by gravity.
A galaxy is a huge collection of gas, dust, and billions of stars and their solar systems. A galaxy is held together by gravity.

Question 4 of 18 This is an excerpt from the website World War I by high school student Alexia Dengbai World War I may not have ended all wars that would come later, but at the time, it was one of the deadliest conflicts in history. An estimated 15 million soldiers and civilians were killed in the war. New warfare technologies, like armored tanks and airplanes, added to the death and destruction of the war Which statement about the credibility of this source is most accurate? A This source is not credible because it contains more opinions than facts B. This source is credible because it contains opinions that are shared by other authors. C. This source is credible because it contains facts and information that are accurate D. This source is not credible because it was not written by an expert in the field PREVIOUS​





In the given case, the credibility of this source can not be considered to be accurate. Though Alexia Dengbai has presented facts and information about the World War I, but it can not be considered to be accurate, the reason being author's credibility.

In the given case, the credibility of author comes in question. Alexia Dengbai is a high school student and not an excerpt in the field. Therefore, her opinions presented in the article can not be considered credible.

Therefore, the correct answer is option D.

What is the people and culture in bondi beach


Answer: Bondi Surf Pavilion still continues to be a community cultural center, housing a theatre, a gallery, rehearsal, meeting and function rooms. The external arcades, change rooms and toilets continue to be used by visitors to the beach. Many arts, cultural, and film festivals take place at the pavilion throughout the year.

The ancient Greeks believed that the earth was the center of the universe. This model is called
A. The heliocentric model
B. The geocentric model
C. The copernican model





real answer i am grade 12

This model is called the geocentric model

The geocentric model state the fact that Earth was the center of the universe. it was the model that dominated ancient and medieval science. The early astronomers believed that the rest of the universe moved about a stable, motionless Earth

Conclusively we can therefore say that the model is called the geocentric model

Learn more from


The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was never signed by the U.S.



Universal Declaration of Human Rights was signed in 1995 by President Clinton, but it was never ratified.


The original Declaration was signed in 1948. It was later translated into hundreds of languages. Declaration has 30 articles.

It was adopted by United Nations. United States were among 48 countries that voted for adoption of this document in 1948.

Which is a trait of a scientific text?

Commands are written in point form or detailed numbered steps.

Provides factual information about experiments completed by scientists

Shows instructions on how to perform a specific task or experiment

Text structure is often a problem and



d . Text structure is often a problem and solution


a . is not the right answer. The scientific text doesn’t have to include points and numbered steps.

b. is not the right answer. Not all scientific texts include the experiment, and it’s the description.

c. is not the right answer. Scientific text isn’t manuals for the performance of an experiment.

d. is the right answer. Scientific texts are structured to pose the problem, explain it, and analyze it. Afterward, the author poses the solution to the said problem, citing why this solution is the right one and what are the objective and accurate reasons that these results are true. It has to be clear and propose scientific methods and sources.

What is the answer? A, B, C, or D.
No false answer please. This is an exam.





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