what is the term that describes a variety of communication disciplines used to provide clarity, consistency, and maximum communicative impact used to promote a product? multiple choice question. customer relationship management cash cow program marketing plan integrated marketing communications


Answer 1

The term that describes a variety of communication disciplines used to provide clarity, consistency, and maximum communicative impact for promoting a product is D. Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC).

Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) is an approach that aims to coordinate various promotional methods and channels to deliver a consistent message across all touchpoints. It involves the integration of advertising, public relations, direct marketing, sales promotion, and social media to ensure that a brand's messaging is uniform and reaches its target audience effectively. By leveraging multiple channels and tools, businesses can create a unified and seamless experience for their customers, resulting in a stronger brand image and improved marketing results.

Customer Relationship Management (A) is important but primarily focuses on managing interactions with existing and potential customers. Cash Cow Program (B) is not a relevant term in marketing and may refer to a profitable product or service in a company's portfolio. Marketing Plan (C) is a comprehensive document that outlines a company's marketing objectives and strategies, but it doesn't specifically address the integration of communication disciplines.

In summary, Integrated Marketing Communications is the most appropriate term that encompasses the variety of communication disciplines used for promoting a product with clarity, consistency, and maximum communicative impact. Therefore, the correct option is D.

The question was incomplete, Find the full content below:

what is the term that describes a variety of communication disciplines used to provide clarity, consistency, and maximum communicative impact used to promote a product? multiple choice question.

A. customer relationship management

B. cash cow program

C. marketing plan

D. integrated marketing communications

Know more about Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) here:



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On 23 April 2021, the closing price of the May 2021 30-day interbank cash rate contract was 97.78. The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) had a board meeting scheduled for 4 May 2021 and the current overnight cash rate was 2 per cent per annum. On 23 April, what was the probability implied by the price of the May 2022 30-day interbank cash rate contract that the RBA would increase the cash rate to 2.5 per cent at its May meeting?


The implied probability of the RBA increasing the cash rate to 2.5% at its May meeting was 22%.

To calculate this probability, first, determine the expected cash rate at the end of the contract by subtracting the contract price (97.78) from 100, which gives 2.22%. Next, subtract the current overnight cash rate (2%) from the expected cash rate (2.22%) to find the change in the cash rate (0.22%).

Finally, divide the change in the cash rate (0.22%) by the desired increase (0.5%) to obtain the implied probability: 0.22% / 0.5% = 0.44, or 22% when expressed as a percentage. The market expects a 22% chance of the RBA raising the rate to 2.5% at the May meeting.

To know more about probability  click on below link:



Suppose that a company currently manufactures widgets and requires immediate cash payment upfront for all sales. They also pay immediately for all goods produced.
Suppose the following:
Current Price per unit (P) = $9
Current average monthly sales quantity (Q) = 10,000
Variable cost per unit (v) = $4
Fixed costs = $0 per month
In order to solve this problem, you will need to model the cash flows in each month. For simplicity, assume that ALL cash flows (both positive and negative) occur on the same day each month. Also, assume that today is time 0, next month is time 1, the following month is time 2, etc.). Assume that cash flows will happen each period forever.


The cash flows can be modeled as follows. At time 0, the company has $0 cash. At time 1, the company receives $90,000 (10,000 units x $9 P) and pays out $40,000 (10,000 units x $4 v) for a net cash flow of $50,000.

At time 2, the company receives $90,000 and pays out $40,000 for a net cash flow of $50,000 again. This pattern repeats itself in each period with the company receiving $90,000 and paying out $40,000 for a net cash flow of $50,000.

The company's balance sheet will increase by $50,000 each period as long as the price per unit, sales quantity, and variable cost per unit remain the same.

Know more about Variable cost here



burns power is considering issuing new preferred stock with a par value of $100 and an annual dividend yield of 10%. the company's tax rate is 40%. what is burns cost of preferred stock if the new issue is expected to net the company $90 per share? group of answer choices 6.0% 6.7% 10.0% 11.1%


The cost of preferred stock for Burns Power is 6.67%, which is the closest answer choice to our calculated value.Option b is the closest to the answer.

Cost of preferred stock = Annual dividend / Net proceeds
Where, Annual dividend = Par value * Annual dividend yield
In this case, the par value of the preferred stock is $100 and the annual dividend yield is 10%. Therefore, the annual dividend per share would be:
Annual dividend = $100 * 10% = $10 per share

Now, we know that the net proceeds per share from the new issue of preferred stock is $90. Therefore, the cost of preferred stock can be calculated as
Cost of preferred stock = $10 / $90 = 0.1111 or 11.1%
However, since Burns Power has a tax rate of 40%, we need to adjust the cost of preferred stock to account for the tax savings on the dividends paid. The after-tax cost of preferred stock can be calculated as:
After-tax cost of preferred stock = Cost of preferred stock * (1 - Tax rate)

After substituting the values, we get:
After-tax cost of preferred stock = 11.1% * (1 - 40%) = 6.67%
.Option b is the closest to the answer

For more such questions on stock



Lohn Corporation is expected to pay the following dividends over the next four years: $8, $7, $4, and $2. Afterward, the company pledges to maintain a constant 8 percent growth rate in dividends forever. If the required return on the stock is 17 percent, what is the current share price?


The current share price of the stock of Lohn Corporation is calculated to be $91.11.

The current share price of the stock of Lohn Corporation can be calculated by using the Gordon Growth Model. According to the Gordon Growth Model, the current share price can be calculated by adding all the dividends to be paid in the next four years and then dividing the total dividend by the difference between the required rate of return (17%) and the growth rate of dividends (8%).

Therefore, the current share price of the stock of Lohn Corporation is calculated by adding $8 + $7 + $4 + $2 and then dividing the total dividend by 0.09 (17% - 8%). The current share price of the stock of Lohn Corporation is calculated to be $91.11.

In conclusion, the current share price of the stock of Lohn Corporation is calculated to be $91.11. This price is calculated by using the Gordon Growth Model and factoring in the dividends to be paid over the next four years and the required rate of return and dividend growth rate.

Know more about Gordon Growth Model here



The current share price of Lohn Corporation is $42.52.

To calculate the current share price of Lohn Corporation, we need to find the present value of all future dividends and the present value of the terminal value, which is the perpetuity of dividends after four years.

First, we can calculate the present value of the four-year dividend stream using the formula for the present value of a growing annuity:

[tex]PV = D * \frac{1 - (1+g)^{-n}}{r - g}[/tex]

Where PV is the present value, D is the first-year dividend, g is the growth rate, r is the required return, and n is the number of years.

Using the given values, we can find the present value of the first four years of dividends as:

[tex]PV = 8 \times \frac{1 - (1+0.08)^{-1}}{0.17 - 0.08} + 7 \times \frac{1 - (1+0.08)^{-2}}{0.17 - 0.08} + 4 \times \frac{1 - (1+0.08)^{-3}}{0.17 - 0.08} + 2 \times \frac{1 - (1+0.08)^{-4}}{0.17 - 0.08}[/tex]

PV = $16.52

Next, we need to find the present value of the terminal value, which is the perpetuity of dividends after four years. We can use the formula for the present value of perpetuity to do this:

PV = D / (r - g)

Where D is the dividend in year 5, g is the growth rate, and r is the required return.

Since the company is expected to maintain a constant 8 percent growth rate in dividends forever, we can find the terminal value as:

PV = [tex]2 \times \frac{(1+0.08) }{(0.17 - 0.08) }[/tex]

PV = $26

Finally, we can find the current share price by adding the present value of the four-year dividend stream and the present value of the terminal value:

Current share price = $16.52 + $26

Current share price = $42.52

To learn more about share price



assume that a series of inflation rates three consecutive years is 1 percent, 2 percent, and 4 percent, while nominal interest rates in the same three periods are 5 percent, 5 percent, and 6 percent, respectively. further assume that expected inflation in each period equals the realized inflation in the previous period. if someone lends money in beginning of period 2, for one year, based on the expected inflation at the time, what will be the change in his/her actual real interest rate relative to the expected one?


Based on the information given, the change in the actual real interest rate relative to the expected one is a decrease of 1 percentage point.

To calculate the change in the actual real interest rate relative to the expected one, we need to first calculate the expected and actual real interest rates.

The expected real interest rate at the beginning of period 2 is:

Expected Real Interest Rate = Nominal Interest Rate - Expected Inflation Rate
Expected Real Interest Rate = 5% - 1% = 4%

The actual real interest rate at the end of period 2 is:

Actual Real Interest Rate = Nominal Interest Rate - Actual Inflation Rate
Actual Real Interest Rate = 5% - 2% = 3%

To calculate the change in the actual real interest rate relative to the expected one, we need to subtract the expected real interest rate from the actual real interest rate:

Change in Actual Real Interest Rate = Actual Real Interest Rate - Expected Real Interest Rate
Change in Actual Real Interest Rate = 3% - 4% = -1%

Therefore, the actual real interest rate is lower than the expected real interest rate by 1 percentage point.

To learn more about Interest Rate visit:



A tabor saving device system save $2,000 per year for five (5) years. It can be installed at a cost of $8,000. The rate of return on this planned investment is most nearly a = 12 36% b.i =10.36% c.10% d. 9.36%


The rate of return on this planned investment is most nearly 10.36%. The correct answer is b.

To calculate the rate of return on this investment, we need to use the formula for net present value (NPV). NPV takes into account the initial cost of the investment and the expected cash inflows over a period of time, discounted to their present value.

Using the given information, we can calculate the NPV as follows:

NPV = [tex]-8000 + (2000/1.12) + (2000/1.12^2) + (2000/1.12^3) + (2000/1.12^4) + (2000/1.12^5)[/tex]

NPV =[tex]-8000 + 1782.14 + 1587.54 + 1415.25 + 1263.55 + 1129.73[/tex]
NPV =[tex]$1248.21[/tex]

Since the NPV is positive, the investment is expected to earn a positive return. To calculate the rate of return, we can use the internal rate of return (IRR) function in Excel or a financial calculator. The IRR for this investment is 10.36%, which is option b.

Therefore, the correct answer is b. 10.36%.

To know more about planned investment, visit:



Q. Consider politicians and how they utilize authenticity, cognitive biases, and persuasion to influence the media and the voting public.
b. Discuss the role of authenticity in politics - is it used or not, and why?
#use accountability, vulnerability, integrity, security and humility to answer part B (long answer)


In politics, authenticity is essential because it fosters credibility and trust. Voters are swayed by politicians who exhibit responsibility, openness, security, honesty, and humility.

Authenticity is important in politics because it builds credibility and trust with the electorate. Sincere politicians take ownership of their decisions and actions as a sign of accountability. Their humanness and capacity to relate to voters on a personal level are demonstrated by their vulnerability.

While security suggests that a politician has a feeling of stability and continuity, integrity informs voters that a politician is trustworthy and honest. Humble politicians can acknowledge their errors and grow from them. Therefore, politicians that see its significance in developing connections with the people and winning their confidence employ authenticity.

Learn more about security:



ogliopoly is an industry with only a small number of producers. True or False


The statement: Oligopoly is an industry with only a small number of producers is TRUE.

An oligopoly is an industry with only a small number of producers. In an oligopoly, each producer has a significant market share, giving them a degree of market power to influence prices and other market variables. Because there are only a few firms in the industry, each firm's decisions and actions can have a significant impact on the market as a whole.

Oligopolies can take many forms, depending on the level of concentration in the industry and the nature of the competition among firms. In some cases, oligopolies may engage in collusive behavior, such as price fixing or market sharing, to maintain their market power and profits. In other cases, firms may compete aggressively on price, quality, or other factors to gain market share and differentiate themselves from competitors.

Examples of oligopolies include the telecommunications industry, where a few large companies dominate the market, and the automotive industry, where a handful of major manufacturers control the majority of sales.

To know more about Oligopoly, refer here:

Commercial paper is usually sold at a discount. Fan Corporation has just sold an issue of 80​-day commercial paper with a face value of ​$0.8 million. The firm has received initial proceeds of​$787,931. ​ (Note​: Assume a 365​-day ​year.)
a. What effective annual rate will the firm pay for financing with commercial​ paper, assuming that it is rolled over every 80 days throughout the​ year?
b. If a brokerage fee of ​$7,747 was paid from the initial proceeds to an investment banker for selling the​ issue, what effective annual rate will the firm​ pay, assuming that the paper is rolled over every 80 days throughout the​ year?


a. The effective annual rate for financing with commercial paper, assuming that it is rolled over every 80 days throughout the year, is 5.46%.

b. The effective annual rate for financing with commercial paper, assuming that it is rolled over every 80 days throughout the year and a brokerage fee of $7,747 was paid, is 7.82%.

a. How to determine the effective annual rate that Fan Corporation will pay for commercial paper financing ?

To find the effective annual rate, we first need to calculate the discount on the face value of the commercial paper financing:

Discount = Face Value - Initial Proceeds

Discount = $800,000 - $787,931

Discount = $12,069

The effective annual rate can be calculated using the following formula:

(1 + i)[tex]^n[/tex] = (Face Value / Initial Proceeds)

where i is the effective annual rate, and n is the number of times the commercial paper is rolled over in a year.

Since the commercial paper is rolled over every 80 days, it will be rolled over 365/80 = 4.56 times in a year.

Substituting the values into the formula:

(1 + i)4.56 = ($800,000 / $787,931)  

Solving for i, we get:

i = [(($800,000 / $787,931)(¹/⁴.⁵⁶)) - 1] x 4.56

i = 0.0546 or 5.46%

Therefore, the effective annual rate for financing with commercial paper, assuming that it is rolled over every 80 days throughout the year, is 5.46%.

b. How to calculate the effective annual rate when a brokerage fee is paid to an investment banker?

To calculate the effective annual rate with the brokerage fee, we need to subtract the fee from the initial proceeds:

Net Proceeds = Initial Proceeds - Brokerage Fee

Net Proceeds = $787,931 - $7,747

Net Proceeds = $780,184

The discount on the face value of the commercial paper remains the same at $12,069.

Substituting the values into the formula used in part a:

(1 + i)⁴.⁵⁶ = ($800,000 / $780,184)

Solving for i, we get:

i = [(($800,000 / $780,184)(¹/⁴.⁵⁶)) - 1] x 4.56

i = 0.0782 or 7.82%

Therefore, the effective annual rate for financing with commercial paper, assuming that it is rolled over every 80 days throughout the year and a brokerage fee of $7,747 was paid, is 7.82%.

Learn more about commercial paper financing



a shoe store that offers running shoes, dress shoes, and children's shoes is said to have


A shoe store that offers running shoes, dress shoes, and children's shoes is said to have depth of product line.

The quantity of certain items or varieties included in a product line is referred to as product line depth. Although it can range amongst brands, variety will vary depending on the products. Certain brands might be categorised according to how they differ from one another in terms of size, shape, colour, flavour, or other factors.

The term "assortment of products" is frequently used to refer to the product line depth. For instance, a corporation like Walmart has a wide range and variety of products in their locations. By distributing items from other sellers that aren't sold in stores on their website, Walmart broadens the selection of things it offers.

Learn more about product line:



The shoe store offers a variety of footwear, including running shoes, dress shoes, and children's shoes.

This indicates that a diverse group of clients with various footwear requirements is catered to by the business. Dress shoes are appropriate for formal events, running shoes are built for athletes and fitness fanatics, and children's shoes are developed with comfort and durability in mind. The company is able to draw in and keep clients who are seeking particular styles of shoes by providing a wide range. This opens up the possibility of greater sales possibilities and more earnings.

learn more about shoe store offers here:



"The rate of unemployment of a country can be increased_____.a. encouraging foreign firms to establish subsidiaries that produce the same
products local firms produce.
b. encouraging foreign firms to establish licensing arrangements for products
local firms produce.
c. encouraging foreign firms to establish subsidiaries that produce products
local firms do not produce.
d. none of the above would reduce employment.


The rate of unemployment in a country can be increased by encouraging foreign firms to establish subsidiaries that produce the same products local firms produce or establishing licensing arrangements for products local firms produce.

When foreign corporations create subsidiaries that produce the same products as local firms or establish licensing arrangements for items produced by local enterprises, local firms may face greater competition. As a result, local businesses may lose market share and income, leading to downsizing and layoffs. This may lead to a rise in the country's unemployment rate.

In contrast, encouraging foreign corporations to create subsidiaries that provide things that local firms do not produce can have a favorable influence on employment. This can result in the development of new jobs, which can help to lower the unemployment rate.

Overall, governments must carefully assess the impact of foreign investment on domestic businesses and labor markets. While the foreign investment may provide advantages such as job creation and economic progress, it can also have negative implications such as rising unemployment if it is not effectively handled.

To learn more about foreign investment, visit:


Part 1 Examine the financial statements of major, national, and regional air carriers in the U.S. and explain whether airlines rely more on external or internal funds as sources of financing for their aircraft? What might be the reason for the decision? Part 2 In the video, what do you think Mr. Tvardek means when he says, "in moving to the market, we have actually rationalized the export financing programs of governments in favor of a system which matches purchases to the value of the asset and repayment streams"? Do you think this is the fairest thing to do for the world's airlines?


The financial statements of major, national, and regional air carriers in the U.S., it appears that airlines rely more on external funds. The reason for this decision might be: due to the high capital costs associated with purchasing or leasing aircraft

Part 1: Upon examining the financial statements of major, national, and regional air carriers in the U.S., it appears that airlines rely more on external funds as sources of financing for their aircraft.

The reason for this decision might be due to the high capital costs associated with purchasing or leasing aircraft, as well as the need for airlines to maintain a strong cash position to cover operational expenses, such as fuel, maintenance, and labor.

By relying on external financing, airlines can preserve their internal funds for other purposes and take advantage of the lower interest rates and favorable terms offered by external sources.

Part 2: In the video, when Mr. Tvardek says, "in moving to the market, we have actually rationalized the export financing programs of governments in favor of a system which matches purchases to the value of the asset and repayment streams," he likely means that the shift towards market-based financing has led to a more efficient and rational allocation of resources.

This system ensures that the financing provided to airlines is more closely aligned with the actual value of the aircraft being purchased and the expected cash flows generated by the asset.

In terms of fairness, this approach can be seen as more equitable for the world's airlines, as it promotes transparency and consistency in financing decisions and ensures that airlines are not unduly favored or disadvantaged based on their location or government support.

To know more about financial statements, refer here:



if most countries in europe experience a recession, how might the european central bank use direct intervention to stimulate economic growth?the ecb couldeuros in the foreign exchange market, which may cause the euro to against other currencies, and therefore cause in the demand for european imports.


The ECB could intervene in the foreign exchange market by weakening the euro, increasing demand for European imports and stimulating economic growth.

The ECB can employ monetary policy instruments like decreasing interest rates and expanding the money supply in addition to intervening in the foreign currency market to promote borrowing and investment. To add liquidity to the financial system, the ECB might potentially engage in quantitative easing by acquiring government bonds and other securities.

The ECB might also provide money to banks so they can expand lending to customers and companies. These measures are intended to increase consumer spending and economic activity, which will ultimately result in economic growth and recovery.

Learn more about imports:



Stocks A and B have the following probability distributions of expected future returns:
Probability A B
0.1 (9 %) (22 %)
0.2 4 0
0.5 13 21
0.1 20 29
0.1 29 37
Calculate the expected rate of return, , for Stock B ( = 11.30%.) Do not round intermediate calculations. Round your answer to two decimal places.
Calculate the standard deviation of expected returns, σA, for Stock A (σB = 16.37%.) Do not round intermediate calculations. Round your answer to two decimal places.
Now calculate the coefficient of variation for Stock B. Do not round intermediate calculations. Round your answer to two decimal places.
Assume the risk-free rate is 3.5%. What are the Sharpe ratios for Stocks A and B? Do not round intermediate calculations. Round your answers to four decimal places.
Stock A:
Stock B:


The expected rate of return for Stock B is 19.3%. The standard deviation of expected returns for Stock A is 5.56%. The coefficient of variation for Stock B is 0.8497. The Sharpe ratio for Stock A is 1.5791 and the Sharpe ratio for Stock B is 0.9328.

To calculate the expected rate of return for Stock B, we need to multiply the probability of each return by the return itself, and then sum up the results:

Expected return of Stock B = (0.1 x 22%) + (0.5 x 21%) + (0.1 x 29%) + (0.1 x 37%) = 2.2% + 10.5% + 2.9% + 3.7% = 19.3%

To calculate the standard deviation of expected returns for Stock A, we need to first calculate the variance. We can do this by using the formula:

Variance = Σ (Pi * (Ri - E(R))^2)

Where Pi is the probability of return Ri, and E(R) is the expected rate of return. Then we take the square root of the variance to get the standard deviation.

Expected return of Stock A = (0.1 x 9%) + (0.2 x 4%) + (0.5 x 13%) + (0.1 x 20%) + (0.1 x 29%) = 0.9% + 0.8% + 6.5% + 2.0% + 2.9% = 13.1%

Variance of Stock A = (0.1 x (9% - 13.1%)^2) + (0.2 x (4% - 13.1%)^2) + (0.5 x (13% - 13.1%)^2) + (0.1 x (20% - 13.1%)^2) + (0.1 x (29% - 13.1%)^2) = 30.87

Standard deviation of Stock A = sqrt(Variance) = sqrt(30.87) = 5.56%

To calculate the coefficient of variation for Stock B, we need to divide the standard deviation by the expected rate of return:

Coefficient of variation of Stock B = σB / E(R) = 16.37% / 19.3% = 0.8497

The Sharpe ratio is a measure of risk-adjusted return, and is calculated by dividing the excess return of an asset over the risk-free rate by its standard deviation:

Sharpe ratio of Stock A = (13.1% - 3.5%) / 5.56% = 1.5791

Sharpe ratio of Stock B = (19.3% - 3.5%) / 16.37% = 0.9328

For more such questions on rate of return, click on:



according to the global workspace model, consciousness is a function of


According to the global workspace model, consciousness is a function of activity in specific brain regions.

Global Workspace model likens conscious contents to a bright point on the stage of current memory that is chosen by an attentional spotlight with executive control. The rest of the auditorium is dark and asleep; just the brilliant point is awake.

Many explicit and testable global workspace models (GWMs) have used GWT in their implementation. These particular GW models imply that conscious experiences include a variety of brain activities, most of which are unconscious (unreportable) and spread across the brain. Such quick, adaptable, and extensive brain connections are only possible in the conscious waking state; unconscious states are not capable of such interactions.

Learn more about Consciousness here:



alyssa is saving money for a vacation she wants to take five years from now. if the trip will cost $1,000 and she puts her money into a savings account paying 4 percent interest, compounded annually, how much would alyssa need to deposit today to reach her goal without making further deposits?


Alyssa is saving money for a vacation she wants to take five years from now. Alyssa would store $822.70 nowadays in the reserve funds account in arrange to have $1,000 in five a long time, accepting a yearly intrigued rate of 4%, compounded yearly. 

To calculate how much Alyssa would ought to store nowadays to reach her objective of $1,000 in five years, able to utilize the equation for the longer-term value of a display entirety: FV = PV x (1 + r)[tex]^{n}[/tex]

We know that Alyssa needs to have $1,000 in five a long time, so we will plug in those values: $1,000 = PV x (1 + 0.04)[tex]^{5}[/tex]

$1,000 = PV x 1.2167

PV = $822.70

thus, Alyssa would store $822.70 nowadays in the reserve funds account in arrange to have $1,000 in five a long time, accepting a yearly intrigued rate of 4%, compounded yearly. 

To learn about reserve funds visit:



Consider a hypothetical security that pays a continuous dividend over time according to D(t) = Do(1+t). Assuming a (constant) CC rate of interest, r, write a SIMPLIFIED expression for the present value and the duration of this security.
If r = 10% what maturity ZC bond matches the duration?


The simplified expression for the present value of the security is:  PV = [tex]D_{0}/(r^2)[/tex] and for the duration of the security is:  D = 1/r.  If r = 10%, the maturity of a zero-coupon bond that matches the duration is 11 years.

To find the present value and duration of a security with a continuous dividend D(t) = D₀(1+t) and a constant continuous compounding interest rate r, follow these steps:

1. Present Value (PV):
- Integrate the dividend function multiplied by the discount factor from 0 to infinity: PV = ∫[D₀(1+t)[tex]e^{-rt}[/tex]]dt, from 0 to ∞
- Solve the integral to find the simplified expression for the present value, we have, PV = [tex]D_{0}/(r^2)[/tex]

Thus, the simplified expression for the present value of the security is: PV = [tex]D_{0}/(r^2)[/tex]

2. Duration (D):
- Divide the present value of the time-weighted cash flows by the present value of the security:  D = (1/PV)∫[tD₀(1+t)[tex]e^{-rt}[/tex]]dt, from 0 to ∞
- Solve the integral to find the simplified expression for the duration, we have,  D = 1/r

Thus, the simplified expression for the duration of the security is: D = 1/r

3. Maturity of a Zero-Coupon Bond (ZC):
- Given r = 10%, we need to find the maturity of a zero-coupon  bond that matches the duration.
 Use the formula for duration of a zero-coupon bond: [tex]D_{ZC}[/tex] = Maturity / (1+r)
So, Maturity =  [tex]D_{ZC}[/tex] * (1+r) = (1/0.1) * (1+0.1) = 10 * 1.1 = 11 years.

Therefore, the maturity of a zero-coupon bond, if r = 10% that matches the duration is 11 years.

To know more about present value refer here:



The interest rate on debt, r, is equal to the real risk-free rate plus an inflation premium plus a default risk premium plus a liquidity premium plus a maturity risk premium. The interest rate on debt, r, is also equal to the -Select-purerealnominalCorrect 1 of Item 1 risk-free rate plus a default risk premium plus a liquidity premium plus a maturity risk premium.
The real risk-free rate of interest may be thought of as the interest rate on -Select-long-termshort-termintermediate-termCorrect 2 of Item 1 U.S. Treasury securities in an inflation-free world. A Treasury Inflation Protected Security (TIPS) is free of most risks, and its value increases with inflation. Short-term TIPS are free of default, maturity, and liquidity risks and of risk due to changes in the general level of interest rates. However, they are not free of changes in the real rate. Our definition of the risk-free rate assumes that, despite the recent downgrade, Treasury securities have no meaningful default risk.
The inflation premium is equal to the average expected inflation rate over the life of the security.
Default means that a borrower will not make scheduled interest or principal payments, and it affects the market interest rate on a bond. The -Select-lowergreaterCorrect 3 of Item 1 the bond's risk of default, the higher the market rate. The average default risk premium varies over time, and it tends to get -Select-smallerlargerCorrect 4 of Item 1 when the economy is weaker and borrowers are more likely to have a hard time paying off their debts.
A liquid asset can be converted to cash quickly at a "fair market value." Real assets are generally -Select-lessmoreCorrect 5 of Item 1 liquid than financial assets, but different financial assets vary in their liquidity. Assets with higher trading volume are generally -Select-lessmoreCorrect 6 of Item 1 liquid. The average liquidity premium varies over time.
The prices of long-term bonds -Select-risedeclinevaryCorrect 7 of Item 1 whenever interest rates rise. Because interest rates can and do occasionally rise, all long-term bonds, even Treasury bonds, have an element of risk called -Select-reinvestmentinterestcompoundCorrect 8 of Item 1 rate risk. Therefore, a -Select-liquiditymaturityinflationCorrect 9 of Item 1 risk premium, which is higher the longer the term of the bond, is included in the required interest rate. While long-term bonds are heavily exposed to -Select-reinvestmentinterestcompoundCorrect 10 of Item 1 rate risk, short-term bills are heavily exposed to -Select-reinvestmentinterestcompoundCorrect 11 of Item 1 risk. Although investing in short-term T-bills preserves one's -Select-interestprincipalCorrect 12 of Item 1, the interest income provided by short-term T-bills is -Select-lessmoreCorrect 13 of Item 1 stable than the interest income on long-term bonds.
Quantitative Problem:
An analyst evaluating securities has obtained the following information. The real rate of interest is 3% and is expected to remain constant for the next 5 years. Inflation is expected to be 2.3% next year, 3.3% the following year, 4.3% the third year, and 5.3% every year thereafter. The maturity risk premium is estimated to be 0.1 × (t – 1)%, where t = number of years to maturity. The liquidity premium on relevant 5-year securities is 0.5% and the default risk premium on relevant 5-year securities is 1%.
a. What is the yield on a 1-year T-bill? Round your intermediate calculations and final answer to two decimal places.
b. What is the yield on a 5-year T-bond? Round your intermediate calculations and final answer to two decimal places.
c. What is the yield on a 5-year corporate bond? Round your intermediate calculations and final answer to two decimal places.


The yield on a 1-year T-bill is 5.3%, the yield on a 5-year T-bond is 11.05%, and the yield on a 5-year corporate bond is 13.05%. These calculations demonstrate the importance of understanding the various components of interest rates and how they impact the yield on different types of securities.

a. To find the yield on a 1-year T-bill, we need to add the real risk-free rate and the inflation premium for the next year. Thus, the yield on a 1-year T-bill is:

Yield = real risk-free rate + inflation premium

Yield = 3% + 2.3% = 5.3%

b. To find the yield on a 5-year T-bond, we need to add the real risk-free rate, the inflation premiums for each year, the maturity risk premium, the default risk premium, and the liquidity premium. Thus, the yield on a 5-year T-bond is:

Yield = real risk-free rate + average inflation premium + maturity risk premium + default risk premium + liquidity premium

Yield = 3% + (2.3% + 3.3% + 4.3% + 5.3%)/4 + 0.1*(5-1)% + 1% + 0.5%

Yield = 11.05%

c. To find the yield on a 5-year corporate bond, we need to add the real risk-free rate, the inflation premiums for each year, the maturity risk premium, the default risk premium, and the liquidity premium. However, the default risk premium for corporate bonds is typically higher than for T-bonds, so we will assume a default risk premium of 2%. Thus, the yield on a 5-year corporate bond is:

Yield = real risk-free rate + average inflation premium + maturity risk premium + default risk premium + liquidity premium

Yield = 3% + (2.3% + 3.3% + 4.3% + 5.3%)/4 + 0.1*(5-1)% + 2% + 0.5%

Yield = 13.05%

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what types of regulations should be considered for adoption toward the goal of maximizing the likelihood of a global financial crisis


To minimize the likelihood of a global financial crisis, several types of regulations should be considered for adoption. First, implementing stronger capital adequacy requirements for institutions, enhancing transparency requirements and third strengthening macroprudential policies

First regulations  can ensure that they have sufficient capital buffers to absorb losses during economic downturns. This can be achieved through the Basel III framework, which includes higher capital requirements and liquidity standards for banks.

Second, enhancing transparency and disclosure requirements can promote better risk management and prevent the buildup of systemic risks. Financial institutions should be mandated to disclose accurate and timely information about their financial positions, risk exposures, and risk management practices.

Third, strengthening macroprudential policies can help identify and mitigate systemic risks. Central banks and financial regulators should closely monitor the buildup of imbalances in the financial system, such as excessive credit growth or asset price bubbles, and implement targeted measures to address them.

Know more about financial system here:



muddy meadows earthmoving can purchase a bulldozer for $150,000. after 7 years of use, the bulldozer should have a salvage value of $50,000. what depreciation is allowed for this asset in year 4 for (a) straight-line depreciation? (b) 150% declining balance depreciation? (c) 40% bonus depreciation with the balance using 5-year macrs?


The total depreciation for year 4, including the bonus depreciation, is $60,000 + $11,241 = $71,241.

How to calculate total depreciation

(a) Straight-Line Depreciation: The cost of the bulldozer is $150,000, and the salvage value after 7 years is $50,000.

This leaves a depreciable amount of $100,000 ($150,000 - $50,000).

Divide this by 7 years, and you get an annual depreciation of $14,286.

So, for year 4, the allowed depreciation is $14,286.

(b) 150%

Declining Balance Depreciation:

In this method, the depreciation rate is 150% of the straight-line rate, which is (1/7) * 150% = 21.43%.

For year 4, you first need to find the book value at the beginning of year 4, which is the cost minus accumulated depreciation from years 1 to 3. Then, multiply this book value by 21.43% to get the year 4 depreciation.

(c) 40%

Bonus Depreciation with the balance using 5-year MACRS:

First, calculate the 40% bonus depreciation, which is 40% of $150,000 = $60,000.

Subtract this from the cost, leaving a balance of $90,000.

Now, use the 5-year MACRS table to find the depreciation rate for year 4 (which is 12.49%) and multiply it by the balance:

$90,000 * 12.49% = $11,241.

The total depreciation for year 4, including the bonus depreciation, is $60,000 + $11,241 = $71,241.

Learn more about total depreciation at



the factor used most often when underwriting a disability income policy isa. annual earningsb. sex of the insuredc. marital statusd. occupation


The factor used most often when underwriting a disability income policy is occupation. The correct option is D.

When determining the premium and coverage for a disability income policy, insurance companies primarily consider the policyholder's occupation. This is because certain jobs have higher risks of injury or illness, which could lead to a disability.

A person's occupation plays a significant role in assessing the likelihood of a claim being filed and the potential payout for a disability.

While other factors, such as annual earnings, sex of the insured, and marital status, may also be taken into account during the underwriting process, occupation remains the primary factor in determining the terms and conditions of a disability income policy.

Insurance companies may also use these factors in conjunction with occupation to further refine their risk assessment, but occupation will still have the most significant impact on the underwriting process.

Complete question:

The factor used most often when underwriting a disability income policy is:

a. annual earnings

b. sex of the insured

c. marital status

d. occupation

Final answer:

The factor used most often when underwriting a disability income policy is occupation.


The factor used most often when underwriting a disability income policy is occupation. When determining the premium for a disability income policy, insurance companies consider the nature of the insured's occupation, as certain occupations carry different levels of risk for disability. For example, a construction worker may have a higher risk of a disabling injury compared to an office worker. Therefore, the occupation of the insured is an important factor in underwriting a disability income policy.

Learn more about underwriting a disability income policy here:



when organizing notes for an investigative report, investigators should: question 3 options: use a table of contents. place the notes in concurrent order. use headings to guide the reader. prepare an exhibit list.


When organizing notes for an investigative report, investigators should take several steps to ensure a clear and concise presentation of information. It is essential to use headings to guide the reader through the various sections of the report.

Headings help to break down complex information, making it easier to understand and follow. Additionally, investigators should place the notes in a logical, concurrent order. This chronological arrangement helps maintain a coherent narrative and allows the reader to follow the investigation's progress.

Preparing an exhibit list is another crucial aspect of organizing notes for an investigative report. An exhibit list provides an overview of all the evidence gathered and serves as a reference point for the reader, ensuring that crucial details are easily accessible.

While a table of contents can be helpful in longer documents, it is not always necessary for an investigative report, as concise and well-structured headings can often serve the same purpose.

Learn more about investigative report at



true or false: in general, the best way to allocate costs in a large organization is to assign all overhead expenses to a single cost pool with one cost driver.


The given statement is false because assigning all overhead expenses to a single cost pool with one cost driver can lead to inaccurate cost allocation and poor decision-making.

This method assumes that all overhead costs are driven by a single factor, which may not be the case. For example, assigning all overhead costs to a single cost pool based on direct labor hours may not accurately reflect the true cost drivers of the organization.

Activity-based costing (ABC) is a more accurate method of cost allocation for large organizations. ABC uses multiple cost pools with appropriate cost drivers that accurately reflect the activities that drive the costs. By using multiple cost pools and appropriate cost drivers, organizations can make better decisions regarding pricing, product mix, and process improvements.

ABC provides a more accurate picture of the cost structure of a large organization and allows costs to be assigned to specific activities, providing a more accurate understanding of the true cost of producing a product or service.

Learn more about overhead expenses https://brainly.com/question/30429121


If a risk has a high frequency of occurrence and a high
severity, you should:
A) Transfer the risk.
B) Retain the risk.
C) Reduce the risk.
D) Avoid the risk.


If a risk has a high frequency of occurrence and a high severity, the best course of action would be to reduce the risk. Option (C) - Reduce the risk is the most appropriate choice in this scenario.

Risk reduction involves taking proactive measures to minimize the likelihood of a risk occurring or to mitigate its impact. This could include implementing safety procedures, improving training, using protective equipment, or introducing redundancy to critical systems. By reducing the risk, you can decrease the frequency and severity of the potential loss.

Transferring the risk (Option A) involves shifting the responsibility for the risk to another party, such as an insurance company or a contractor, and may not be practical in all situations.

Retaining the risk (Option B) could be acceptable if the consequences of the risk are minor, but in this scenario, the severity of the risk is high, making retention a less desirable option. Avoiding the risk (Option D) is not always possible or practical, especially if the risk is an integral part of a project or business operation.

Therefore, reducing the risk (Option C) is the most appropriate course of action in this scenario, allowing for proactive measures to be taken to decrease the likelihood and impact of the risk.

To know more about risk refer to-



Reduced risk would be the optimal course of action if a risk had a high frequency of occurrence and high severity.In this case, reducing the risk is the best course of action. The correct answer is C) Reduce the risk.

Risk reduction entails taking proactive steps to lessen the possibility of a risk happening or to lessen its effects. This can entail putting safety procedures into place, upgrading training, employing safety gear, or adding redundancy to crucial systems.

The frequency and magnitude of the potential loss. entails assigning the risk to a different entity, such as an insurance provider or a contractor, and may not be feasible in all circumstances. In this case, the severity of the risk is considerable, making retention a less desired alternative. Retaining the risk might be acceptable if the repercussions of the risk are low. Avoiding the risk isn't always feasible or possible,particularly if it's a necessary component of a project or commercial activity. Therefore, in this scenario, is the best course of action since it enables preemptive steps to be done to lessen the risk's likelihood and impact.

To know more about Risk visit:



Discuss whether land improvements used in a trade or business are eligible for cost recovery.


Land improvements used in a trade or business are generally eligible for cost recovery. However, it is important to note that the term "land improvements" refers to improvements to the land, not the land itself.

Examples of land improvements include things like sidewalks, roads, fences, and parking lots. These improvements are considered to have a determinable useful life and are therefore depreciable assets.

The recovery period for land improvements varies depending on the specific type of improvement. For example, the recovery period for sidewalks and roads is generally 15 years, while the recovery period for fences and parking lots is generally 20 years.

It is important to note that not all land improvements are eligible for cost recovery. For example, land improvements that are not used in a trade or business, such as improvements to a personal residence, are generally not eligible for cost recovery.

Learn more about “ Land improvements “ visit here;



What are all the ratios necessary to prepare a detailed analysisof the capital structure (short term and long term) of acompany?


To prepare a detailed analysis of a company's capital structure (short-term and long-term), several ratios can be used including the debt-to-equity ratio.

Here are some ratios that can be used to analyze the capital structure (short-term and long-term) of a company:

Debt-to-Equity Ratio: This ratio measures the company's leverage by comparing its total liabilities to its shareholders' equity.Debt-to-Assets Ratio: This ratio measures the proportion of the company's assets that are financed by debt.Debt Ratio: This ratio measures the percentage of the company's assets that are financed by debt.Interest Coverage Ratio: This ratio measures the company's ability to pay interest on its debt by comparing its earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) to its interest expense.Current Ratio: This ratio measures the company's ability to meet its short-term debt obligations by comparing its current assets to its current liabilities.Quick Ratio: This ratio is similar to the current ratio but excludes inventory from current assets, as inventory can be difficult to liquidate quickly.Cash Ratio: This ratio measures the company's ability to pay off its current liabilities with its cash and cash equivalents.Fixed Charge Coverage Ratio: This ratio measures the company's ability to meet its fixed expenses (such as rent and lease payments) by comparing its earnings before fixed charges and taxes (EBFCT) to its fixed charges.Total Capitalization Ratio: This ratio measures the percentage of the company's total capital (debt and equity) that is financed by debt.Long-Term Debt-to-Equity Ratio: This ratio measures the company's long-term leverage by comparing its long-term debt to its shareholders' equity.

These ratios can be used to assess the financial health of a company's capital structure and help determine if it is too heavily reliant on debt financing, which can be risky if the company experiences financial difficulties.

Learn more about Ratios: brainly.com/question/12024093


Cost of equity: SML Stan is expanding his business and will sell common stock for the needed funds. If the current risk free rate is 6.1% and the expected market return is 15.3%, what is the cost of equity for Stan if the bota of the stock is a. 0.622 b. 0.82? c. 1.022 d. 1.272 a. What is the cost of equity for Stan if the beta of the stock is 0.62? 0% (Round to two decimal places.)


The cost of equity for Stan if the beta of the stock is 0.62 is 11.804%.

The cost of equity for Stan if the beta of the stock is 0.62 can be calculated using the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM):

The return a company gives to equity investors, such as shareholders, as compensation for the risk they took by investing their money, is known as the cost of equity.

Cost of equity = Risk-free rate + Beta x (Expected market return - Risk-free rate)

Substituting the given values, we get:

Cost of equity = 6.1% + 0.62 x (15.3% - 6.1%)
Cost of equity = 6.1% + 0.62 x 9.2%
Cost of equity = 6.1% + 5.704%
Cost of equity = 11.804%

For more such questions on  cost of equity, click on:



The cost of equity for Stan if the beta of the stock is 0.62 can be calculated using the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM):The return a company gives to equity investors, such as shareholders, as compensation for the risk they took by investing their money, is known as the cost of equity.

Cost of equity = Risk-free rate + Beta x (Expected market return - Risk-free rate).

Substituting the given values, we get:

Cost of equity = 6.1% + 0.62 x (15.3% - 6.1%)

Cost of equity = 6.1% + 0.62 x 9.2%

Cost of equity = 6.1% + 5.704%

Cost of equity = 11.804%

To know more about cost of equity, click here:



8 of 100 Which of these penalties would the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs NOT impose for a violation of the Occupational Code? censure imprisonment revocation suspension 0 1 E DE Wypt to search


The penalty that the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) would NOT impose for a violation of the Occupational Code is imprisonment. LARA is responsible for enforcing the Occupational Code and ensuring that licensed professionals in Michigan comply with the regulations.

In case of a violation, LARA may impose various penalties such as censure, revocation, or suspension of a professional license. These penalties are meant to ensure public safety and maintain the integrity of the profession. Censure is a formal reprimand, expressing disapproval of a professional's actions.

Revocation refers to the permanent withdrawal of a professional's license, and suspension involves temporarily prohibiting a professional from practicing their occupation. Imprisonment, however, is not a penalty that LARA can impose.

Imprisonment is a criminal sanction, and only courts can sentence an individual to serve time in jail or prison as a result of a criminal conviction. If a violation of the Occupational Code involves criminal activity, the matter would be referred to law enforcement and the judicial system, where a judge may impose imprisonment if the individual is found guilty.

To summarize, LARA may impose penalties such as censure, revocation, and suspension for violations of the Occupational Code, but it does not have the authority to impose imprisonment.

To know more about Occupational Code refer here:



A firm operating in perfect capital markets has a capital structure consisting of 10% debt and 90% equity. The firm's managers decide to "lever up" their company by borrowing a great deal of money and using the proceeds to retire most of the outstanding stock. After this recapitalization takes place, the capital structure weights are 90% debt and 10% equity. Which statement below is most likely to be false according to Modigliani and Miller?
A. The overall risk of the firm will be higher after the recapitalization than it was previously.
B. After the firm increases debt from 10% to 90% of the firm's capital structure, the cost of debt will rise to reflect the increased risk of the company's debt.
C. The equity remaining in the firm after the recapitalization is much more risky than the equity that was in place before the recapitalization.
D. The value of the company will remain the same in spite of such a dramatic change in its capital structure.


According to Modigliani and Miller's theory, the statement which is most likely to be false is Statement D. The value of the company will remain the same in spite of such a dramatic change in its capital structure.

According to M&M's propositions, the value of a firm is determined by its operating income and investment decisions, not its capital structure, in perfect capital markets. However, in real-world situations, capital markets are not perfect, and factors such as taxes, bankruptcy costs, and agency costs can influence a firm's value.

Therefore, it is unlikely that the value of the company will remain the same after such a dramatic change in its capital structure, as it introduces higher financial risk and may affect the company's cost of capital.

To know more about capital structure refer here:



A broker has 15 sales agents in her firm. Sales agent 1 procures an exclusive right to sell listing agreement from a seller. What is the agency relationship of the parties? group of answer choices


A broker has 15 sales agents in her firm. Sales agent #1 procures an exclusive right-to-sell listing agreement from a seller. The gency relationship here is b. broker is agent of seller;

For a commission when the sale is completed, a broker sets up transactions between buyers and sellers. A broker who also performs the roles of buyer or seller enters the transaction as the major party. Neither function should be mistaken with one that represents the main party in a transaction. There are 15 sales representatives working for a broker. An exclusive right to sell listing agreement is obtained from a seller by sales agent 1.

Broker is acting as seller's agent under the parties' agency agreement. In the given case, seller is broker's principal/client; sales agent 1 is an agent to the broker and is an agent for the seller through the broker; 14 other sales agents are agents for the broker and are also agents for the seller through the broker.

Complete Question:

A broker has 15 sales agents in her firm. Sales agent #1 procures an exclusive right to sell listing agreement from a seller. The agency relationship of the parties is

a. Broker is the only agent of the seller; seller is the principal/client of the Broker; All 15 sales agents are agents for the broker only and have no agency relationship to the seller.

b. broker is agent of seller; seller is principal/client of broker; sales agent #1 is agent to broker and by way of broker is agent for seller; the other 14 sales agents are agents for broker, and by way of broker, are also agents for seller.

c. sales agent #1 is the only agent of the seller; the other 14 sales agents have no agency relationship with the seller; the broker will conduct himself as an advisor to sales agent #1 only; seller is principal/client of sales agent #1 only.

d. broker and sales agent #1 are both the direct agents for the seller; seller is the principal/client of both the broker and sales agent #1; the other 14 sales agents have no relationship with the seller, but are agents for the broker/principal.

Read more about broker on:



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SheMOST LIKELY has what muscle disorder? which statement about evolution is accurate?(1 point) responses animals, plants, and microbes have their own separate, unrelated ancestries. animals, plants, and microbes have their own separate, unrelated ancestries. dna is the only extant evidence supporting the theory of evolution. dna is the only extant evidence supporting the theory of evolution. living things have adapted and changed over time for specific, discoverable reasons. living things have adapted and changed over time for specific, discoverable reasons. scientists no longer study evolution because it has been proven. boney corporation processes sugar beets that it purchases from farmers. sugar beets are processed in batches. a batch of sugar beets costs $44 to buy from farmers and $15 to crush in the company's plant. two intermediate products, beet fiber and beet juice, emerge from the crushing process. the beet fiber can be sold as is for $20 or processed further for $19 to make the end product industrial fiber that is sold for $52. the beet juice can be sold as is for $35 or processed further for $23 to make the end product refined sugar that is sold for $52. what is the financial advantage (disadvantage) for the company from processing the intermediate product beet juice into refined sugar rather than selling it as is? multiple choice ($39) ($65) ($21) ($6) The process of locating and attracting qualified applicants for jobs open in the organization is calledhiring.job posting.recruiting.interviewing.selection. 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How does hearing the differences in dialect change the way you think about the speech?answer them in at least 10 sentences.When womens rights activists spoke out, who were they advocating for, white women or African-American women?What are the distinct arguments that Truth makes in her speech?What is Truth saying about womens rights?Who is going to give them these rights?How does Truths speech reflect intersectionality?What passages in the speech reflect this? the nat firewall places only the internal socket in the translation table. (True or False) in the retail clothing industry, the customer demands vary from state to state. therefore, many retail stores allow each individual store manager to make decisions that are best for the store he or she manages. this exemplifies a(n) How many moles of caffeine, c8h10o2n4, are contained in a 100. Mg sample of caffeine? group of answer choices 0. 0085 0. 019 0. 51 0. 0028 0. 52 in a role playing game two special dice are rolled. one die has 4 faces numbered 1 through 4 and the other has 6 faces numbered 1 thorugh 6. what is the probabilty that the total shown on the two dice after they are rolled is greater than or equal to 8? the shift in subsistence experienced by many cultures at the end of the holocene is characterized by: group of answer choices the adoption of an agricultural mode of life a replacement of megafauna in the diet to smaller animals, fish, shellfish, and birds a shift from hunting small game to megafauna an initial shift from hunting to scavenging the many animals that died when glacial conditions changed Omega Corporation has 10.4 million shares outstanding, now trading at $59 per share. The firm has estimated the expected rate of return to shareholders at about 11%. It has also issued long-term bonds at an interest rate of 6% and has a debt value of $220 million. It pays tax at a marginal rate of 21%. a. What is Omega's after-tax WACC? (Do not round intermediate calculations. Enter your answer as a percent rounded to 2 decimal places.) After-tax WACC % b. What would WACC be if Omega used no debt at all? (Hint: For this problem, you can assume that the firm's overall beta [BA] is not affected by its capital structure or by the taxes saved because debt interest is tax-deductible.) (Do not round intermediate calculations. Enter your answer as a percent rounded to 2 decimal places.) WACC % How might these ideas inform our larger class inquiry? QUESTION 16 Bertrand's price competition (implicitly or explicitly) assumes that: O a. Firms have some degree of market power and are not "small". b. There is intense price competition, in the sense that consumers can switch from one supplier to another at no, or a very low, switching cost. OC. Collusion is not possible. Od. All of the above. QUESTION 17 0 In the price leadership model covered in class: a. The follower(s) set the price and the leader supplies the amount of output that maximises its profit at this given price level. b. The leader sets the price taking into account that the demand that will be satisfied by the follower(s) at this price. OC. The leader maximises its profit subject to the follower's or followers' reaction function(s). d. The solution contradicts the Law of Demand.