What makes up musc e tissue?
organ systems


Answer 1

molecules combine to form cells, cells combine to form tissues, tissues combine to form organs, organs combine to form organ systemsMuscle tissue is composed of cells that have the special ability to shorten or contract in order to produce movement of the body parts. The tissue is highly cellular and is well supplied with blood vessels.

Related Questions

In the natural selection simulation we set the fitness of rr individuals to 0. Why does the r allele persist in the population?



In the clarification section elsewhere here, the definition of the concern is mentioned.


The notion of fitness seems to be the basic phenomenon of Fisher. Fitness is a dynamic term since it is the calculation by a person in his lifetime of the cumulative production of viable progeny. The fitness of an organism is zero even though no offspring is created. With a growing life span as well as the amount of order to promote innovation, flexibility increases. Members of an organization that are very well-adapted to that certain range of environmental factors have had a benefit in the mechanism of selective breeding over others who might not be as possibly the best adapted. The benefit falls throughout the form of genetic diversity and longevity. Those people who are much more able to easily find and use food supplies, for example, would live considerably longer and have more offspring than someone who is less reliable at seeking food. Inherited features that increase human fitness are then passed on to their descendants, thereby providing this very same value to the descendants. The disappearance of fewer adapted varieties seems to be the most drastic alternative. Unless the best-adapted variant doesn't adjust even though it is as when the optimum balanced local, so for the ideal characteristic, less drastic will delete both-new variant.Since less drastic selection has become too inadequate to aggressive edge mutations, the aggregation of missense mutations will happen and even the outcome would be a progressive deterioration of genomic integrity. If it maintains you prolonged enough, this should contribute to disappearance for certain species; nevertheless, the subsequent widespread presence of the deleterious mutations just seems like such a genome would then inevitably also contribute to backward mutation incidence. Extinction could result if the intense choice has become too high for the entire world, because if the world is saved in time.

Largest layer of earth that makes up most of the earths mass. A:crust B:mantle. C:outer core. B:inner core



Mantle is the answer


The Earth can be divided into four main layers: the solid crust on the outside, the mantle, the outer core and the inner core. Out of them, the mantle is the thickest layer, while the crust is the thinnest layer.

I am taking the same class rn!!! whos your teacher??




The mantle is the mostly-solid bulk of Earth's interior. The mantle is about 2,900 kilometers (1,802 miles) thick, and makes up a whopping 84% of Earth's total volume.

The population in a 50 square mile area is 200 people. What is the population density?



[tex]\rho _{population}=4\frac{people}{mi^2}[/tex]



In this case, since the population density is computed by dividing the amount of people by the space (area) where they are in:

[tex]\rho _{population}=\frac{people}{area}[/tex]

For 200 people living in a 50-mi² area, the population density is:

[tex]\rho _{population}=\frac{200people}{50mi^2}\\\\\rho _{population}=4\frac{people}{mi^2}[/tex]

It means that 4 people live per square mile area.

Best regards.

NO fake awnsers this is timed pls plspls GOOOOO I MARK EVERYONE BRAINLYESTTTTT



I think B


I dunno I guessed Dont use this

How is cellular respiration
connected to our muscular



Cellular respiration is a key role in returning the muscles to normal after exercise, converting the excess pyruvate into ATP and regenerating the stores of ATP, phosphocreatine, and glycogen in the muscle that are required for more rapid contractions.

Hope that helps!

How the coin flip relates to the probability of inheriting genetic condition?



A coin represents a diploid, heterozygous cell with its heads and tails sides. The act of tossing the coin to land on heads or tails, provides an apt representation of the segregation of alleles during meiosis in the formation of gametes.

or i guess you could just say its all by chance ;P

peace :)


It is very similar to the way traits are inherited in nature, as both combinations occur by chance. Though, in the coin toss, there are only 2 possible alleles whereas in nature there may be more complicated combinations of alleles for traits.


Restriction endonucleases cleave at __________ , which are sequences that read the same, 5 to 3 , on each DNA strand.



Restriction endonucleases cleave at  DNA (Deoxy ribonucleic acid) which are sequences that read the same, 5 to 3 , on each DNA strand.


RESTRICTION ENDONUCLEASES-: An enzyme that cleaves DNA into fragments at or near unique recognition sites within molecules known as restriction sites is a restriction enzyme, constraint endonuclease, or restrictase. One class of the larger endonuclease group of enzymes is restriction enzymes. Restriction enzymes are typically divided into five groups, which vary in structure and whether their DNA substrate is cut at their location of recognition or whether the locations of recognition and cleavage are different from one another. Both restriction enzymes make two incisions in order to cut DNA, once through each sugar-phosphate backbone (i.e. each strand) of the double helix DNA.

In bacteria and archaea, these enzymes are contained and provide a defence mechanism against invading viruses. Within a prokaryote, in a process called restriction digestion, the restriction enzymes selectively cut up foreign DNA; meanwhile, host DNA is protected by a modification enzyme (a methyltransferase) that modifies the prokaryotic DNA and blocks cleavage. Together, these two procedures form the method of restriction alteration.

in which two steps of cellular respiration is the co2 produced


Answer:The only difference between a molecule of a compound and a molecule of an element is that in a molecule of an element, all the atoms are the same. For example, in a molecule of water (a compound), there is one oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms. But in a molecule of oxygen (an element), both of the atoms are oxygen.

Explanation:hope this helps

it helps to promoting growth of roots and absorption of nutrients.


Answer:oil is a major source of nutrients needed by plants for growth. The three main nutrients are nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K). Together they make up the trio known as NPK. Other important nutrients are calcium, magnesium and sulfur.

If you ate more food from secondary consumers, how would this change the percentage of the biomass pyramid necessary to support your survival?



would increase


The pyramid of biomass is a diagram that exhibits the total biomass of the organisms at different trophic levels, which are required to support life in a given ecosystem. This pyramid usually starts with producers situated on the bottom (e.g., plants), then continues with the organisms that eat these primary consumers (herbivores), after with secondary consumers (carnivores), and so successively. The pyramid of biomass indicates the amount of mass of 1-primary producers required to support the life of the primary consumers, 2- primary consumers needed to support the life of the secondary consumers, 3-secondary consumers needed to support the life of the tertiary consumers, and so successively for each trophic level. In this diagram, the trophic level with a higher amount of biomass (and energy) is usually represented by the producers (i.e., by organisms on the bottom), and this amount of biomass decreases as long as more levels are considered. In consequence, if more food from secondary consumers is consumed, it will produce an increase in the percentage of biomass that is needed to support life.

5.2 learning the key term answer


What’s the question your asking ?

The hydrogen used to produce ATP in the light reactions of photosynthesis comes from ___.
a. Splitting water
b. Carbon fixation
c. Movement of hydrogen ions through the membrane
d. The burning of sugar molecules





What type of scientist is most likely to study to cooling of lava after a volcanic eruption


Geologist, they study rocks which are formed by cool lava

When testing tonicity of red blood cells, if the solution became opaque after adding blood cells, you could assume



The solution was hypertonic and that the cells had burst.


When testing tonicity of red blood cells, if the solution became transparent after adding blood cells, you could assume the solution was hypotonic and the cells had burst.

Tonicity of the red blood cells is the degree or measure of the red blood cells ability to change the volume of a cell by alternating water amount.

From the above we can therefore say that the answer When testing tonicity of red blood cells, if the solution became transparent after adding blood cells, you could assume the solution was hypotonic and the cells had burst is correct

learn more from:


All living cells come from pre-existing cells by division





The generally accepted parts of modern cell theory include: All known living things are made up of one or more cells. All living cells arise from pre-existing cells by division. The cell is the fundamental unit of structure and function in all living organisms.


I would think it would be true?

what does a species become invasive?



An invasive species is an organism that causes ecological or economic harm in a new environment where it is not native. ... An invasive species can be introduced to a new area via the ballast water of oceangoing ships, intentional and accidental releases of aquaculture species, aquarium specimens or bait, and other means.

How do scientists say the melting ice can contribute to disease occurrence? Also example



In the melting of icebergs, icebergs could potentially contain long-dormant bacteria and viruses. Those viruses trapped in ice and permafrost for centuries, can be reactivated. That means melting those ice could potentially open a Pandora's box of diseases.  Including some that have caused global epidemics in the distant past.

Example: babesiosis

As of regular ice. The freezing of bacteria in water isn't just an old practice and ice from unclean sources could also contain disease, when melted and ingested or touched this ice as well could transmit disease not so long-dormant, however still unpleasant.

Example: AIDS

Light behaves in specific ways. It can be reflected, refracted, or absorbed, and under certain conditions, run into different kinds of interference. Which explanation best describes why light is refracted as it enters water?

A. The light bends when it enters water due to its reflection.

B. The speed of light remains the same as it moves from air to water, causing the light to reflect.

C. The speed of light increases when it enters a different medium, but it doesn't bend.

D. The speed of light changes as it moves from air to water, causing the light to bend.





Refraction is generally defined as the change in the direction of a wave as it travels from one medium to another. Light is a form of wave and light refraction is caused by a change in the speed of light as it moves from air to water, causing the light to bend in the process. The medium of travelling has to be transparent.

The change in the speed and direction is due to the variability in the refractive index of media. Light travels faster as it moves from a medium of higher refractive index to a medium of lower refractive index and vice versa.

The correct option is D.

simply means lessen the use of unnecessary materials






Reduce: simply means lessen the use of unnecessary materials.

Waste management can be defined as the processes, schemes, activities and actions that are typically required to collect, treat and manage (handle) a waste material from its creation to its final disposal.

Basically, some importance of waste management are:

I. It makes planet Earth free from garbage or waste materials.

II. It promotes a clean, beautiful and healthful environment.

III. It helps to transform garbage or waste materials into something useful through recycling.

The 5Rs of waste management generally refers to an efficient, effective and modern way of managing garbage and waste material, these include:


Reduce is a waste management technique which involves lessening the use of unnecessary materials in the performance of a task.

For example, biodegradable materials can be burned to lessen waste.

Read more: https://brainly.com/question/18769370

What type of radiation constitutes the basis for setting an SPF rating?



Answer:UV radiation


during photosynthesis, what is the source of the carbon i the sugar that is created



Plants get the carbon from the air that humans exhale. They breath it in and use it for photosynthesis.


Took biology last year.

During photosynthesis, what is the source of the carbon is the sugar that is created is carbon dioxide in the air.

Photosynthesis is the process by which plants use sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide to create oxygen and energy in the form of sugar.Carbon dioxide serves as the source of carbon, and it enters the photosynthetic process in a series of reactions called the carbon-fixation reactions (also known as the dark reactions).

Stages of photosynthesis:

(i) Absorption of light energy by chlorophyll.

(ii) Conversion of light energy to chemical energy and splitting of water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen.

(iii) Reduction of carbon dioxide to carbohydrates.

Learn more:


please help me I will give a briainliest to the first person to answer​


The answer is A it increased trade

Use your own observations and real-life experiences about your brain​



our life experience changes our brain so if u fall off a bike ur brain will train u and send signals to ur body ur brain also knows when its forgetting something but doesn't know what its forgetting


The diagram below shows the exchange of carbon dioxide (CO2) and oxygen (O2) between a cell and the blood flowing through a capillary.

In this diagram, the molecules of CO2 (represented by x’s) are moving from an area of--



From an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration.


The molecules of CO2 are moving from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration. Carbondioxide is produced as waste product in the cell during the process of respiration. This carbondioxide gas is loaded in blood cells because in the cell, concentration of carbondioxide gas is higher while on the other hand the concentration of carbondioxide is lower in the blood cells. This carbondioxide gas exchange in the lungs with oxygen which is required in the process of respiration for the production of energy in the form of ATP molecules. So from the conclusion we can say that CO2 moves from an area of higher concentration to lower concentration.

Man made sources of green House Gases

Factory emmissions

all of them

Chlorofloro Carbons

Automobile emmissions


Answer: C. Chlorofluoro Carbons.


1. How does a clock and its internal and intricate mechanical parts make up a system(Explain)

2. Is it a living or nonliving system? (Explain)

3. How may it support a living system? (Explain)

4. Therefore what is an good example of a definition of a system?



1. A clock with internal mechanical parts comprises a system because it is a combination of various parts that a heterogeneous in nature and function working together to achieve one end - indicating the time accurately.

Some mechanical clocks comprise of at least 10 parts namely:

Gear train: This component alone is a sub-system that comprises of at least 8 parts. These parts are broadly classified into wheels, pinions, and barrels.Main SpringPalletEscapement Escapement WheelBarrell Barrell WheelBalance Spring etc

2. A clock is a non-living system.

Living systems have certain characteristics. Some of them are:

Stimuli: Response to the environmentGrowth and development: The are able to increase in size and dimensionsHomeostasis: this is the capability of self-regulation regardless of external conditions such as temperature and pressure.   etc

3. A cannot support a living system. It can however help a human being (which is essentially a combination of various systems) to tell the time.

4. a system is a combination of heterogeneous parts that work in unison to form a whole complex entity that can perform one or more functions.


Birds display a wide variety of courtship behaviors. Which behavior is also a territorial behavior?(1 point)

creating a bower (arch) with interesting objects and defending it from rival males

flashing feathers to show their health and grooming abilities

dancing and calling on a lek (communal ground) with other males, competing for female attention

singing a particular song to help potential mates hear them


Answer:  The correct answer is "creating a bower (arch) with interesting objects and defending it from rival mates".


Just took the quiz.

creating a bower (arch) with interesting objects and defending it from rival males is a territorial behavior.

What is Territorial behavior?

Any defended area is referred to as a "territory," and most birds are territorial (in the sense that they defend some area, even if it's merely a nest site), at least for a portion of the year.

When a territory is defended, the "owner" has access to one or more resources (or access to resources of higher quality) than they otherwise would. According to what resource (or resources) is (are) being protected, territories can be categorized.

Type A territory, or the area where mating, nesting, and feeding take place (such as courtship, mating, nesting, & foraging).

Therefore, creating a bower (arch) with interesting objects and defending it from rival males is a territorial behavior.

To learn more about territory, refer to the link:




Fish are sensitive to many environmental variables: dissolved oxygen, light, temperature, pH, clarity of water, food supply, presence of predators, etc. Fish will be attracted to different locations in a lake, based on its mix of variables.

Imagine you want to conduct an experiment to understand how just one of these variables differs in a local lake, depending on its depth. This lake reaches a depth of 17 meters. For this activity:

Pick a variable that might change as you go deeper in the lake on a given day.

Do a little research on that variable to determine how you might measure it in a lake.

Use the template below to outline an experiment to investigate this variable in the lake by depth. For each part, simply answer the question in parentheses to create your outline.

Type your response to each field in the space below that field:

Title: (Enter a brief, descriptive title. Hint: Sometimes it’s best to do this las


Complete question:

Fish are sensitive to many environmental variables: dissolved oxygen, light, temperature, pH, clarity of the water, food supply, presence of predators, etc. Fish will be attracted to different locations in a lake, based on its mix of variables.

Imagine you want to conduct an experiment to understand how just one of these variables differs in a local lake, depending on its depth. This lake reaches a depth of 17 meters. For this activity:

Pick a variable that might change as you go deeper in the lake on a given day.

Do a little research on that variable to determine how you might measure it in a lake.

Use the template below to outline an experiment to investigate this variable in the lake by depth. For each part, simply answer the question in parentheses to create your outline.

Type your response to each field in the space below that field:

Title: (Enter a brief, descriptive title. Hint: Sometimes it’s best to do this last.)

Purpose: (Why are you doing this experiment?)

Hypothesis: (What do you predict from this experiment and why?)

Procedure/Method: (How will you specifically carry out your experiment to test your prediction?)

Observations: (What specifically would you look for and record?)

Data analysis: (With this kind of data, what would be the best way to present it?)

Conclusion: [No need to enter anything here for now.]

References: (List any references you used to design the experiment. Note that for a full experiment write-up you’d also list any references you used while carrying out the experiment or in analyzing your results.)

Answer and Explanation:

Variable: dissolved oxygen

Title: Oxygen variation as a water quality indicator.

Purpose: To study how dissolved oxygen varies with depth

Hypothesis: The percentage of dissolved oxygen will decrease as depth increases.


Selection of sampling spots, according to the morphometry of the lake,  different depth, water currents inputs and outputs, aquatic vegetation, and lake type of use. In each spot water samples will be taken using a Niskin bottle. The sample will be taken from different depth: 5 meters deep, 10 meters deep, and 15 meters deep (photic zone). Dissolved oxygen (DO) will be measured in each sample, by using a multiparameter sensor.     In a field sheet to evaluate the parameter, the %DO by site and depth will be recorded.


%DO in each site and depth will be recorded in order to analyze how it varies with depth.  

Data analysis:

According to different indicators of water quality in a lake, the observed %DO will be compared and analyzed to evaluate the sanity state of the lake water. Example of valuation scale,  

NORMAL index: Oxygen concentration in the water column is found to be sufficient for the  fish survival

REGULAR: Decrease in oxygen concentration at greater depth, values  below saturation in the background

CRITICAL: Null oxygen concentration in all or part of the column profile of  water. Probable fish mortality events.

According to the taken data, observations on the study site will be taken, such as the variation in oxygen concentration as it gets deeper, until reaching hypoxia level, where fishes can not survive. Data can be presented in tables and in graphs, in both cases comparing sampling sites and depth, making a focus on the valuation scale.


Association of the oxygen variation with the sanity state of the lake, microbiology decomposition processes at different depths, eutrophication state, among others.  


- Quality monitoring in San Roque waters. INA-CIRSA. 02/26/2013

- Quality Monitoring Program of Water from Los Molinos Reservoir. Articulation and Institutional Synergy for the Water Resources Preservation. Cossavella A, Bazan R. 2018

- Limnology course. Córdoba National University, UNC, 2018

Efficiency of a lever is always less than hundred percent. Give reason.​



There is no simple minchine on earth(aleast right now) has an efficiency of 100%


Why? Because anything has frictions, according to the AP physic book, that "Friction is the resistance to motion of one object moving relative to another."

btw, your on the wrong subject



summer squash purchased at your local grocery store would be biologically classified as a



considered a vegetable.


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