What message is the author trying to convey?


Answer 1

Answer: The term theme can be defined as the underlying meaning of a story. It is the message the writer is trying to convey through the story. Often the theme of a story is a broad message about life. The theme of a story is important because a story's theme is part of the reason why the author wrote the story.

Related Questions

Write about an entity in nature (plant, animal, bird, fish, etc.) as if you were that entity. From that perspective, describe the world around you. Relate some of the experiences you have had and give examples of the benefits you enjoy and the challenges you face.


As a monarch butterfly, my world is one of constant movement and change. I spend my days flitting from flower to flower, searching for the nectar that sustains me. The world around me is full of vibrant colors and sweet smells, and I am grateful for the beauty that surrounds me.

One of the greatest challenges I face is the journey I must undertake each year. I am part of a migratory species, and each fall I must fly thousands of miles to reach my winter home in Mexico. The journey is long and perilous, and many of my fellow butterflies do not survive the trip. But for those of us who do, the rewards are great. The forests of Mexico are a wonderland of warm sun and abundant flowers, and we spend the winter months feasting and basking in the sun.

In the spring, we begin our journey back north, stopping along the way to lay our eggs on milkweed plants. The caterpillars that hatch from these eggs will grow into new generations of monarchs, continuing the cycle of life that has sustained our species for generations.

Of course, life is not without its challenges. As a butterfly, I am vulnerable to predators like birds and spiders, and I must always be on the lookout for danger. And as human activity continues to alter the landscape, the availability of food and habitat for my species is becoming increasingly limited.

Despite these challenges, I remain optimistic about the future. I have seen firsthand the resilience of my species, and I know that we will continue to adapt and thrive in the face of adversity. And as long as there are flowers to feed on and places to lay our eggs, I know that my fellow monarchs and I will continue to bring beauty and wonder to the world around us.

As a monarch butterfly, my life is full of movement and change all the time. I spend my days flying between flowers, looking for the nectar that will keep me alive.

What will be an paragraph for nature entity?

I am thankful for the beauty that surrounds me, which is filled with bright colors and delicious scents. The annual trek I have to make is one of my biggest problems. As a member of a migratory species, I must travel hundreds of miles every fall to get to my winter habitat in Mexico. Many of my fellow butterflies do not survive the lengthy and dangerous voyage. But the benefits are substantial for those of us who do.

We spend the winter months eating and soaking up the sun in the woods of Mexico, which are a dream of warm weather and plenty of flowers. We set out on our northward migration in the spring, stopping sometimes to deposit our eggs on milkweed plants. These eggs will hatch into caterpillars, which will develop into new generations of monarch butterflies, continuing the circle of life that has supported our species for many ages.

Learn more about nature here:



question about the great Gatsby chapter 7:

What was daisy doing at the beginning of the chapter to make the audience feel like she is going to choose Gatsby?



At the beginning of Chapter 7 in "The Great Gatsby," Daisy is shown to be enjoying Gatsby's company, laughing and chatting with him, while ignoring Tom. This gives the impression that she may choose Gatsby over Tom. Additionally, the fact that Daisy and Gatsby spend the day together, driving around in Gatsby's car, reinforces the idea that Daisy is growing more attached to Gatsby and may leave Tom for him.


Three ways which the media’s portrayal of women can lead to injustice


The four axes of media freedom, plurality, independence, and safety provide the basis for women's roles in the media. Women in the media encounter the same challenges and dangers as men, in addition to facing gender inequality, safety concerns, or underrepresentation.

What five media effects are there?

These six domains are behavior, cognition, belief, attitude, affect, and physiology. The media's impact on one or more of these six kinds is examined in all research of individual-level media effects.

What 3 categories of media effects are there?

The direct effects theory holds that the media directly contributes to social evils and is to blame for them. The indirect effects theory holds that media exposure has a variety of consequences on people. the idea that the media sets the agenda for what is significant.

To Know more about media freedom,



Poetic Language with Purpose Worksheet

Part 1: Choose Your Poem

Select one of the following poems to complete this assignment. Highlight your selected poem.

“George Gray” by Edgar Lee Masters

“Hidden Gems” by Ella Wheeler Wilcox

“Wind” by Gwendolyn Bennett

Part 2: Finding Figurative Language

Locate three figurative language devices in your poem. Use the devices to complete this chart.










Figurative Language Device

Which figurative language device is used?

Line from Poem

Copy and paste the line from the poem where the device is used.


Explain the meaning of the figurative language in your own words. What does the device add to the poem?

Part 3: Determining Mood and Tone

Respond to the following questions in at least two complete sentences. Use specific evidence from your selected poem to support your response.

What is the tone of your selected poem? Which words, phrases, and figurative language devices contribute to the tone?

What is the mood of your selected poem? How is this mood achieved? Use details from the text to support your response.


Poetic tone refers to the poet's attitude toward the speaker, the reader, and the message of the poem. When considering poetic tone, we consider whether.

What is the meaning of tone in figurative language?

Tone is more than an author's attitude toward his or her audience and characters; it is the stylistic means by which an author communicates his or her attitude(s) in a work of literature.

What is the poem's tone? What is the poem's tone?

The poet's attitude toward the poem's speaker, reader, and subject matter, as perceived by the reader. The poem's vocabulary, metrical regularity or irregularity, syntax, use of figurative language, and rhyme all contribute to a "mood" that pervades the reading experience.

To know more about figurative language devices visit:-



When using MLA style, how would you cite this article with an in-text citation?



n-text citations in MLA style follow the general format of author's last name followed by a page number enclosed in parentheses. ...

If the author's name is not given, use the first word (or words) of the title. ...

If the source does not have page numbers (for example, some online articles, websites and e-books), only include the author's name for the in-text citation. ...

More items


Consider Benvolio and Romeo in the excerpts you've reread.
Which descriptions apply to Romeo and his motivations? Which apply to Benvolio and his motivations?
Drag each description to the correct place on the image.


Benvolio is aware that his influence is restricted since Mercutio may behave carelessly because of the Prince's protection and authority due to Mercutio's relationship with the Prince.

In Romeo and Juliet, what kind of connection does Romeo have with Benvolio?

Benvolio, who is around the same age as Romeo Montague, is a cousin. Along with being Romeo's buddy, he belongs to the group of young people that hang out in Verona with Romeo and other young Montagues.

What are your thoughts on Benvolio's personality from Romeo and Juliet?

Due to his complex personality features, Benvolio makes for an intriguing subject for in-depth analysis. He assumes a number of roles throughout the narrative, including those of a mediator, problem-solver, counsellor who speaks with objectivity, dependable character, and excellent buddy.

To know more about Romeo and Benvolio visit:-



Answer. Romeo: wants to be in love - wants to wallow in misery and sadness.

Benvolio:wants to cheer up his friends - feels empathy


1. Throw away the box that is empty. Complex compound or simple


Answer: It's a simple compound sentence

Explanation: hope this helps :)

Help asap! Which sentence about adjectives and adverbs is true?

Adjectives replace conjunctions while adverbs replace prepositions.

Adjectives describe actions while adverbs describe thoughts.

Adjectives replace nouns while adverbs replace verbs.

Adjectives describe nouns while adverbs describe verbs.



If I'm not wrong it should be: Adjectives describe nouns while adverbs describe verbs.

What is the meaning of "all freedom had always depended on freedom of the seas"?


The statement "all freedom had always depended on freedom of the seas" means that the ability of nations to trade, communicate, and move freely across the oceans has been a fundamental factor in the growth of civilization and the preservation of individual freedom.

What is freedom?

Historically, control of the seas has been a key component of military and economic power, and nations that have been able to maintain control of the seas have been better positioned to protect their own interests and project their power abroad.

In modern times, the freedom of the seas is also seen as essential to global trade and commerce, which depend on the ability of ships to travel freely between ports around the world. The statement emphasizes the importance of protecting the open seas from interference or domination by any single nation or group, and preserving the freedom of navigation for all.

Read more on freedom here:



Which passage best reveals the character of Matre Hauchecome, the main character in "A Piece of String"?

A.) Matre Hauchecome, economical like a true Norman, thought...everything useful ought to be picked up.

B.) The heavy roll of the drum and the crier's voice were again heard at a distance.

C.) [T]here was lost this morning on the road to Benzeville...a black leather pocketbook...​​


The passage that best reveals the character of Matre Hauchecome is A.) Matre Hauchecome, economical like a true Norman, thought...everything useful ought to be picked up.

What is the passage about?

This passage shows Matre Hauchecome's personality trait of being frugal and resourceful. The phrase "economical like a true Norman" indicates that he values thriftiness, and his belief that "everything useful ought to be picked up" suggests that he is someone who doesn't waste things and takes advantage of opportunities to acquire things he considers useful.

This insight into his character helps explain why he was so determined to pick up the piece of string he found, even though it ultimately caused him trouble.

Learn more about character on:



A cup is for coffee, as a plate is for:
A. A Dish
B. A Spoon
C. Food
D. A Table Cloth


Answer: A. Dish


 A dish is generally something that food is eaten or served from such as a plate

Which of these is NOT a common text structure?
compare and contrast
chronological order
informational article


According to the research, the correct answer is Option C. Chronological order is NOT a common text structure.

What is a text structure?

It refers to the organization of the parts that make up a text, the correct wording of each paragraph that is governed by conditions of connection between them to achieve a coherent text.

In this sense, chronological order is used on descriptions that usually show a simple and specific history whose structure is highlighted in scientific works and some novels.

Therefore, we can conclude that according to the research, the text structure that a text that orders a series of facts chronologically is NOT common.

Learn more about text structure here: https://brainly.com/question/30006598


In the poem "The Road Not
Taken, why did he wish
The could have taken both!

2.- In the road not taken, why did choosing the road that was less travelled on make all the difference in the end?



In the poem "The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost, the speaker expresses regret that he cannot take both paths, as he stands at a fork in the road and must choose one. He wishes he could explore both roads, but he ultimately decides to take the one less traveled by, and this choice makes all the difference. By expressing a desire to take both roads, the speaker acknowledges the uncertainty of life and the fact that we cannot know the outcomes of the choices we make. He is aware that both roads could have led him to different experiences and opportunities, and he is curious about what might have happened if he had taken the other path.

In "The Road Not Taken," the speaker chooses the road that is less traveled, which makes all the difference in the end because it leads him to a unique experience. By taking the road less traveled, he is able to see things that he would not have seen if he had taken the well-worn path. The road less traveled represents the choice to take a less conventional or more challenging path in life, and the speaker suggests that this choice can lead to a more fulfilling and meaningful life. The poem emphasizes the importance of making one's own choices and forging one's own path in life, even if it is not the most popular or conventional choice.

2. There were only a few people at the meeting, six – to be ________.​



There were only a few people at the meeting, six – to be _Exact_.​

Final answer:

The exact phrase that completes the sentence 'There were only a few people at the meeting, six – to be ________.' is 'precise'. It is used to indicate a specific number or amount after a vague reference.


The missing word in the sentence 'There were only a few people at the meeting, six – to be ________.' is precise. In English, when we want to indicate an exact number or amount after making a vague reference, we use the term 'to be precise'. For instance, after stating that there were 'only a few people' at the meeting, you can follow it up with 'six – to be precise' to specify the exact number of people.

Learn more about Language Clarification here:



Which information would be MOST HELPFUL to identify the social context of this passage?

A an unedited copy of the original speech, including the notes and feedback received after the speechan unedited copy of the original speech, including the notes and feedback received after the speech

B a description of the additional speeches and writings of Patrick Henry, including his memoirs and persuasive essaysa description of the additional speeches and writings of Patrick Henry, including his memoirs and persuasive essays

C a description of the original audience, including nationality, race, gender, and classa description of the original audience, including nationality, race, gender, and class

D a detailed description of the author, including biographical information such as nationality and class



D a detailed description of the author, including biographical information such as nationality and class

Identify funding sources in criminal justice and describe how funding impacts the criminal justice system.


There are several funding sources in criminal justice, including federal, state, and local government funding, grants from private foundations, and donations from individuals or corporations.

Federal funding for criminal justice includes grants such as the Byrne Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) program, which provides funding to state and local governments for law enforcement, prosecution, and court programs. Other federal funding sources include the Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) program, which provides grants to hire additional police officers, and the Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) program, which provides funding for victim services.

State and local government funding for criminal justice includes funding for law enforcement agencies, courts, and corrections facilities. This funding may come from taxes, fees, fines, and forfeitures.

Private foundations also provide grants for criminal justice initiatives, such as the MacArthur Foundation's Safety and Justice Challenge, which provides funding to reduce over-incarceration and improve public safety.

The impact of funding on the criminal justice system can be significant. Adequate funding can allow criminal justice agencies to hire additional staff, purchase equipment and technology, and provide training and resources for their personnel. On the other hand, inadequate funding can lead to understaffing, outdated equipment, and insufficient resources, which can compromise public safety and hinder the effectiveness of the criminal justice system.

Funding can also have an impact on the types of programs and policies that are implemented in the criminal justice system. For example, federal funding for drug enforcement programs may prioritize a punitive approach to drug offenses, while funding for alternatives to incarceration may prioritize a rehabilitative approach.

In summary, funding sources in criminal justice include federal, state, and local government funding, grants from private foundations, and donations. Adequate funding can support the effectiveness and efficiency of the criminal justice system, while inadequate funding can compromise public safety and hinder the effectiveness of the system. Funding can also impact the types of programs and policies that are implemented in the criminal justice system.

Measures that government use to tackle graduate unemployment in Ghana


Ghana has 12% youth unemployment and more than 50% underemployment, more significant than Sub-Saharan African countries' overall unemployment rates.

Despite significant public and commercial sector investments, this situation will worsen unless job prospects are available. "Ghana's young employment crisis is massive, and it necessitates a comprehensive, deliberate, and consistent solution," said Pierre Frank Laporte, World Bank Country Director for Ghana, Liberia, and Sierra Leone.

"Considering the choices in this research, future youth employment policy planning should address youth unemployment and build the human capital required to sustain Ghana's economy."

1. Significance of aligning formal education programs with skill development activities in the context of a rapidly changing labor market that necessitates new and diverse skill sets and adapting to new technology.

2. To adapt to the future of work, collaborate with the business sector, such as integrating employers in the design of training curricula and establishing certificates for occupational standards.

3. To properly prepare young people for the transition to work, pre-employment support activities should be included in the country's current education system.

4. Support social inclusion efforts that enhance access to loans and management training for women entrepreneurs, as well as infrastructure and equipment available to people with disabilities, to guarantee that no one falls behind.

Learn more about the strategies to overcome unemployment:


Swami's realisation about Samuel


According to him, Mr. Samuel once made a boy kneel for the duration of a class after giving him six cane cuts and twisting his ears. According to Swami, Mr. Samuel is so violent that the Headmaster is terrified of him.

How would Swami characterize Samuel?

According to him, Mr. Samuel once made a boy kneel for the duration of a class after giving him six cane cuts and twisting his ears. According to Swami, Mr. Samuel is so violent that the Headmaster is terrified of him.

What was spoken about Samuel's father prior, according to Swami?

Samuel to his father in the hopes that his father would be forced to realize that he couldn't arrive at his class late. He then informed his father that Mr. Samuel was a violent man who wouldn't stop caning the boy until he saw blood on his hand, at which point he forced the boy to press his blood-stained hand to his forehead like a vermillion marking.

To know more about Samuel visit:



what does Pi mean when he says that "certain illusion about freedom plague" both zoos and religion?


I know zoos are no longer in people's good graces. Religion faces the same problem. Certain illusions about freedom plague them both. '' Pi is saying that people imagine that religion is restrictive, but in actuality, it provides security and care.

writing compare two places


Sao Paulo in Brazil and New York in the US are two of the biggest and most well-known cities in the world. These are thriving cities with significant cultural and historical value.

Compare the two cities, Sao Paulo and New York.

São Paulo and New York are two cities that are highly similar to one another because of the high cost of living, tourism, and immigration.  They serve as commercial hubs for their respective nations, and Brazilian culture can be seen in São Paulo. These cities are in different hemispheres and have various dialects, cuisines, and customs. Their economies and climatic conditions differ greatly from one another.

Both cities have a large immigrant population, draw a lot of visitors, and have expensive costs of living.  There are numerous immigrants in both São Paulo and New York, which is one thing they have in common. Tourism is another commonality between the two places. These cities are more alike than one might immediately expect, however, there are some obvious variances.

To learn more about Brazilian culture, visit:



Teenage pregnancy how became one of the global issues?


Teenage pregnancy has become a global issue due to several reasons:

1. Health Risks: Teenage pregnancy can pose serious health risks to both the mother and the baby. Young mothers are more likely to experience complications during pregnancy and childbirth, and their babies are more likely to be born prematurely or have a low birth weight. This can lead to long-term health problems for both the mother and the baby.

2. Education: Teenage pregnancy often results in young mothers dropping out of school, which can limit their future opportunities and earning potential. This can lead to a cycle of poverty and social exclusion.

3. Social Stigma: Teenage mothers and their children can face social stigma and discrimination, which can have lasting effects on their mental and emotional well-being.

4. Economic Costs: Teenage pregnancy can result in significant economic costs, including increased healthcare costs, lost productivity, and increased social welfare spending.

5. Global Impact: Teenage pregnancy is a global issue that affects both developed and developing countries. It is estimated that more than 21 million girls aged 15 to 19 years give birth each year, with the highest rates of teenage pregnancy occurring in developing countries.

Given these factors, teenage pregnancy has become an issue of global concern, and efforts are being made to address the root causes of the problem, including promoting access to education and healthcare, providing support for young mothers, and working to eliminate social stigma and discrimination.

What are the main elements of fiction? Check all that apply.


Answer: Characters, setting, plot, conflict, point of view, and theme are six key elements for writing fiction.


Read the prompt and type your response in the space provided.

In the article "Word Collage Poems," a central idea is that writers find words and phrases in source texts and use those to create poetry that is new and different. Use details from the text to explain how those details convey the central idea.




In "Word Collage Poems," the central idea is that writers can use existing texts to create something new and unique. The author explains that word collage poems are made up of words and phrases that are taken from source texts, such as magazines, newspapers, or books. The author also suggests that writers can use different techniques to select and arrange these words and phrases in creative ways, such as cutting them out and rearranging them on a table or using a computer program to manipulate the text. By doing so, writers can create poetry that is entirely different from the original text and that expresses their own ideas and emotions. The details in the text, such as the examples of word collage poems and the different techniques that can be used to create them, support the central idea that writers can use existing texts as a starting point for their own creative expression.

Pleaseeee helpppp

Research question
How bio-technology has affected animal production



Animal biotechnology has been used to produce genetically modified animals that synthesize therapeutic proteins, have improved growth rates or are resistant to disease

What question should you ask yourself to make sure that your thesis and
paragraphs are connected?
A. Do all my paragraphs relate in some way to the central idea of my
B. Does each paragraph have a topic sentence?
OC. Are the transitions smooth?
OD. Does the order of my paragraphs make sense?


Answer: A. Do all my paragraphs relate in some way to the central idea of my writing? is the answer.

Explanation: In order to make sure your thesis and paragraphs are corgile, they have to relate to each other. Since none of the other options correlate with the question, it leaves me to believe letter A is the correct option.

Further Explanation: What question should you ask yourself to make sure that your thesis and paragraphs are connected?

B. Does each paragraph have a topic sentence?

Each paragraph could have a topic sentence. That doesn't clarify what the thesis is about, or if the topic sentences are related to the thesis.

C. Are the transitions smooth?

The transitions could be as smooth as butter, but are they about the thesis?

D. Does the order of my paragraphs make sense?

Your paragraphs may make sense, but is it in the sense of the thesis?

A. Do all my paragraphs relate in some way to the central idea of my


Yes, the paragraphs are related to the thesis, and they link to the central idea of my writing.

Hope this helps! :D

Why would the average new reader think of the first two chapters? would the reader any themes/messages growing in the first two chapters? Ifso what would they be


The average new reader think of the first two chapters of any literary work as an introduction to the plot, setting and character. The readers also might be intrigued by the hints in the introductory chapters on the themes or message of the book.

What is a theme of a story?

The main idea of a tale, or the theme, is what the author is attempting to portray. Novels typically contain several themes, whereas short stories typically have just one. The actions, conversations, and motivations of the characters all reveal the theme of the story, which is woven across the entire narrative.

The events of the story and their chronological order make up the plot, and the moral is the lesson the author intends for the main character to take away from it. Each of these contributes to the narrative's overarching theme. In other words, the story's actions and moral lessons serve to exemplify the theme.

To learn more about theme, visit:



Read the dictionary entry.
\ ˈer \
1. before
2. sooner than

Which part of the dictionary entry shows the pronunciation of the word ere?

A. sooner than
B. preposition
C. conjunction
D. \ ˈer \


The part of the dictionary entry shows the pronunciation of the word "ere" is option D. \ ˈer \, in which the phonetic transcription appears written in symbols.

Parts of a dictionary entry

A dictionary entry typically includes several elements that help to define and describe a word or term. These elements may vary depending on the dictionary, but generally include the following:

Word/term: The headword or term being defined, which appears at the top of the entry.Pronunciation: The phonetic spelling and/or audio recording of how the word is pronounced.Part of speech: The grammatical category of the word, such as noun, verb, adjective, etc.Definition: The meaning of the word, often presented in one or more sentences.Etymology: The origin and history of the word, including its roots and how it has evolved over time.Synonyms: Other words that have a similar meaning to the word being defined.Examples: Sentences or phrases that illustrate how the word is used in context.

With that in mind, we can conclude we have correctly chosen option D as the answer for this question.

Learn more about dictionary entries here:



Answer: The correct answer is D \ 'er \

Explanation: I took the test and it was right

Hope this helps :)

Your friend has written to tell you that she has decided to learn a trade after her secondary school.write to her giving at least 3 reasons why you support or disagree with her decision


We can see here that the three reasons one can give to her friend in a letter are:

Here are three reasons why I support your decision:

1. Career Stability: Learning a trade is a great way to achieve career stability. Trades are always in demand and provide a valuable service to society.

2. Financial Security: Pursuing a trade can also lead to financial security. Many tradespeople are able to earn a good living and can often make more money than those who pursue traditional academic paths.

3. Hands-On Learning: Learning a trade provides a hands-on learning experience that can be very rewarding.

What is letter?

A letter is a written message that is typically sent to another person or organization through the mail or other forms of communication.

Letters can be used for a variety of purposes, such as expressing gratitude, requesting information, making a complaint, or simply keeping in touch with friends and family.

Learn more about letter on https://brainly.com/question/24623157


Directions: Using the words in the word bank, complete this CLOZE summary for Act IV. Words that are
used more than once will appear more than once in the word bank.
Word Bank
The Tragedy of
komeo and Juliet
Act IV CLOZE Activity
will make her
Act IV begins with
Friar's cell and speaks to Paris about being a
talking to The Friar about the upcoming wedding, Juliet enters the
After Paris leaves, Juliet threatens to
herself so that she does not have to marry him. The Friar tells Juliet that he has a possible
to the problem, and he reveals his plan. He gives her a
of distilled liquor that
lifeless for 42 hours. He then tells Juliet that he will send word to
so that he will know the plan. Juliet will then wake up in the Capulet
with Romeo by her
. Meanwhile, the
house is preparing for
Juliet tells her father that she met Paris at the Friar's cell and that she agrees to marry
and her
on being alone. The
him. The night before the wedding, Juliet,
She is afraid
's ghost
bid her goodnight. Before drinking the potion, Juliet expresses her
before Romeo arrives. She is also worried about
that she might
seeking out Romeo. She drinks the potion. Early next morning when all of the house is ready for the
. At first, the Nurse simply
wedding, Capulet tells the Nurse to wake Juliet up and get her
thinks that Juliet is in a deep
but then she realizes that Juliet is
mother and father, the Friar, and Paris all enter the room and see Juliet's lifeless body. Lady Capulet,
but Paris reveals that he
Capulet and the Nurse express sincere
because of Juliet's death. The Capulets bury Juliet instead of seeing her wedded.


Juliet requests permission from the nurse to spend the night alone in her bedchamber, and when Lady Capulet shows up, she reiterates the request.

Act IV Scene 4 of Romeo and Juliet describes what occurs ?

The entire Capulet household is seen scurrying about to get ready for Juliet and Paris's wedding in Act 4, Scene 4 of Romeo and Juliet. In particular, Lord Capulet is involved. In order to make sure the occasion is flawless, he is determined to remain up all night directing the servants.

Act 4 Scene 1 of Romeo and Juliet describes what occurs ?

Act 4 Scene 1: The Friar comes up with a scheme for Juliet to drink a potion that will make her appear dead and have "no warmth, no breath, shall attest that you are alive. Romeo will be able to pick her up from the Capulet family grave if Friar Laurence can send him a telegram telling him the truth.

To know more about Romeo Juliet visit:



Reading books about the past can teach us about a country’s ...............





History is the study of past events, particularly in human affairs.

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Use the following statement to answer parts a) and b). Five hundred raffle tickets are sold for $3 each. One prize of $200 is to be awarded. Winners do not have their ticket costs of $3 refunded to them. Raul purchases one ticket. a) Determine his expected value. b) Determine the fair price of a ticket. 11. 3#12 For nitrous acid, HNO2, K, = 4. 0 x 10^-4. Calculate the pH of 0. 68 M HNO ASAP and a giving away a BRAINLYPrompt: Reimagine Omega as a business of your choice. You are an employee at this business, as are all of your classmates. What type of business is this? What kind of shenanigans do yall get up to? Tell me all about it.Make it unusual and really scary please. Thank you Help quickly due at 7:35 in the morning! from Night the book.Read the following passage and explain how Wiesel interrupts the narration of the story to emphasize the truth behind what Eliezer witnesses. Not far from us, flames, huge flames, were rising from a ditch. Something was being burned there. A truck drew close and unloaded its hold: small children. Babies! Yes, I did see this, with my own eyes...children thrown into the flames. (Is it a wonder that ever since then, sleep tends to elude me?) what is the meaning of bookkeeping negative inflationary surprises lead to a(n): group of answer choices redistribution of wealth from borrowers to lenders. decline in inflation risk for lenders. decline in the nominal interest rate. increase in the real interest rate. redistribution of wealth from lenders to borrowers. After they were exiled to Babylon, why were the Jews allowed to return to their homeland? What is the remainder when 5x3 + 2x2 - 7 is divided by x + 9? If 100. 0 g of Cl2 are needed, what mass of NaOCl must be reacted? NaOCl + HCl NaOH + Cl2 comprehensive insurance is when your insurance company usually A cove just collision a lot of cars at once B includes health insurance for any injury C covers collision and physical damage D cant help you is you are driving in an area that has a higher rate of accidents and crimes Historiography is the writing of history based on the careful _______ and _____ of sources. Very far from earth (at R=infinity), a spacecraft has run out of fuel and its kinetic energy is zero. If only the gravitational force of the earth were to act on it (i. E. , neglect the forces from the sun and other solar system objects), the spacecraft would eventually crash into the earth. The mass of the earth is Me and its radius is Re. Neglect air resistance throughout this problem, since the spacecraft is primarily moving through the near vacuum of space. a. Find the speed Se of the spacecraft when it crashes into the earth. Express the speed in terms of Me, Re, and the universal gravitational constant G. b. Now find the spacecrafts speed when its distance from the center of the earth is R=Re, where >=1. Express the speed in terms of Se and . James had 20 minutes to do a three-problem quiz. He spent 8 1 4 minutes on question A and 3 4 5 minutes on question B. How much time did he have left for question C? 4The two business people discussed the deal in the lounge of the hotel.The word lounge in this sentence meansO A. to recline or lie back.OB. a room for sitting.OC.to pass time lazily.a long, backless sofa.O D.ResetNext According to the passage, the only limitation on a kings divine right is ? a. ) the power of church b. ) the countrys decisionsc. ) a requirement that he do good d. ) his own desires A charge of 6.5 x 10-5 C is attracted by another charge with a force of 250 N whenthey are separated by 0.15 m. Find the magnitude of the other charge.8.65 X 105 C9.62 10-2 C6.15 x 10-6 CO 9.62 x 10 c QUESTION 2 IFRS 16 leases defines a lease as A contract, or part of a contract, that conveys the right to use an asset for a period of time in exchange for consideration. Mr Kasuba Ltd is a a Pizza maker and offers delivery service to its clients at an additional fee. Kasuba Ltd enters into a 5 year contract with Honda Bikes for the right to use two of its motor bikes per week that will be used for deliveries. Honda Bikes has allocated Bike A and Bike B to be used for this purpose. Honda Bikes will be required to provide any other Bike to Kasuba Limited in times when Bike A and Bike B are being serviced by Honda Bikes. Kasuba will be able to use the Bikes on any route and at any time to make deliveries but Honda Bikes has restricted Kasuba on using the Bikes to carry any other goods rather Pizzas. Kasuba is prohibited from using other drivers for motor bikes other than those registered with Honda Bikes upon entry into this agreement. The average age of the Honda is 6 year as estimated by Honda.Required : In accordance with the provisions of IFRS 16, discuss whether a lease cantract exists between Mulonga and Honda Bikes or not. (10 marks) mary richardo has performed $470 of cpa services for a client but has not billed the client as of the end of the accounting period. what adjusting entry must mary make? select answer from the options below debit cash and credit unearned service revenue debit accounts receivable and credit unearned service revenue debit unearned service revenue and credit service revenue debit accounts receivable and credit service revenue The decision to raise a family will affect your financial planning byOA. decreasing your liabilitiesB. making it easier to retire at an early ageC. increasing your savingsD. increasing your financial responsibility can anybody helppp?????????