What opinion is given about Lincoln 2nd inaugural speech


Answer 1

The major goal of Lincoln's second inauguration address was to argue that both the South and the North had responsibility for the sin of slavery.

What is the significance of your inauguration?

What does it mean to be inaugurated Inauguration is the process of officially inducting someone into a post. It can also refer to the official procedure of bringing something into use. A ceremony in which a person or item is inaugurated is sometimes referred to as an inauguration. The Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies is in charge of organizing the inauguration (JCCIC). The swearing-in ceremony, the inaugural address, and the pass in review are all part of the inaugural festivities.

To know more about slavery visit:-



Related Questions

The best way to describe language convergence is as __________.
the loss of a language because of lack of use
the creation of a new language out of two or more languages
the loss of two distinct languages when they blend into one
the breakup of a language into dialects and distinct languages


B. The creation of a new language out of two or more languages.

what are some of the most famous sites in Ethiopia today?​


Some of the most famous sites in Ethiopia today are the Rock-Hewn Churches of Lalibela, Gondar Castle, Simien Mountains National Park, Addis Ababa National Museum, Blue Nile Falls, Debre Libanos Monastery, and Tiya UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Ethiopia -

Ethiopia, a country in the Horn of Africa. The country lies entirely within tropical latitudes and is relatively compact with similar north-south and east-west extents. The capital is Addis Ababa ("New Flower"), located roughly in the center of the country. Ethiopia is the largest and most populous country in the Horn of Africa. In 1993, Ethiopia became a landlocked country with the separation of the former Red Sea state of Eritrea. 

To know more about Ethiopia -



The principle that neither asceticism nor luxury leads to enlightenment is the?


Answer: The Middle Way

What is yellow journalism?

A) Articles written based on the author’s opinion.
B) Articles written by authors known for exaggerating the facts, often not providing any evidence for their claims.
C) Articles written to slander people in the press.
D) Articles written by authors known for reporting facts and providing evidence for claims.



B) Articles written by authors known for exaggerating the facts, often not providing any evidence for their claims.

B) Articles written by authors known for exaggerating the facts, often not providing any evidence for their claims.

Yellow journalism refers to a style of journalism that is characterized by sensationalism, exaggeration, and often unethical practices such as the use of misleading headlines, fake news, and false information. It is typically associated with the late 19th and early 20th centuries when newspapers competed with each other to attract readership through sensational stories, often involving crime, scandal, and gossip.

Option B is the closest to the definition of yellow journalism, as it emphasizes the use of exaggerated and unsupported claims. Option A may describe opinion journalism, while options C and D are not accurate descriptions of yellow journalism.

Which of the following occurred in response to the situation described in this expert 


Answer: Can you copy paste the question please


This is a country with its own government but under the control of an outside power.



Sphere of Influence





If you could advise Franklin Delano Roosevelt to add a new law or program to his New Deal, or change an existing one, what would you want it to focus on and accomplish?

Your response should be 3-5 sentences long





If I had the opportunity to advise Franklin Delano Roosevelt to add a new law or program to his New Deal, I would suggest a focus on racial and gender equity. This could involve the implementation of policies and programs that address systemic discrimination and provide opportunities for marginalized communities to access education, jobs, and housing. By prioritizing equity in the New Deal, FDR could help to create a more just and inclusive society, while also addressing the economic challenges of the time.

Why did the Screen
Actors Guild agreed to blacklist members of its own union?


The Screen Actors Guild (SAG) did not agree to blacklist the members of its own union.

What is a union?

Social union is a term used to describe the network of relationships, interactions, and shared values that connect individuals and communities within a society. It refers to the social cohesion that results from individuals and groups coming together to form a collective identity and sense of belonging. Social union is fostered through the development of strong social networks, inclusive institutions, and supportive policies that promote social equality, fairness, and mutual respect. It is important for building social capital, promoting economic growth, and ensuring the well-being of all members of society. Social union also plays a critical role in promoting social justice and addressing systemic inequalities by providing opportunities for marginalized individuals and communities to participate fully in society.

To learn more about union, visit:



Question 9 of 10
What is one major problem created by globalization?
A. It has become more difficult to get products made in other
B. Military conflicts between powerful nations have increased.
C. Fewer workers are able to get an education related to their jobs.
D. An increase in international shipping has led to more pollution.


Answer: D. An increase in international shipping has led to more pollution.

please help asap thank you


1. The two unusual characteristics are his lack of legs and his use of crutches. 2. because he passes the physical requirements. 3. A negative judgment. 4. It is inappropriate because it could discourage potential recruits. 5. The satire is subjective and open to interpretation.

What are the responses to other questions?

2. The medical examiner judges this man to be an acceptable soldier because he passes the physical requirements, such as having a healthy upper body and meeting the height and weight standards. The cartoon suggests that the physical requirements for military service are not flexible enough to accommodate individuals with disabilities or injuries.

3. The cartoonist has made a negative judgment about war, depicting it as a brutal and bloody conflict that requires soldiers to sacrifice their physical well-being. The cartoonist also suggests that the military has unrealistic physical requirements for its soldiers.

4. If asked to post this cartoon at a recruiting office, a soldier or army medical examiner might argue that it is inappropriate because it could discourage potential recruits from enlisting. The reason for this would be that the cartoon portrays military service as physically demanding and dangerous, which may dissuade some individuals from joining.

5. Whether this cartoon is a fair or unfair use of satire is subjective and open to interpretation. Some may argue that it is a fair use because it highlights the physical toll that war can take on soldiers and critiques the rigid physical standards of military service. Others may argue that it is an unfair use because it may discourage potential recruits from enlisting and does not accurately reflect the experiences of all soldiers. Ultimately, the fairness of the cartoon's use of satire depends on the viewer's perspective and values.

learn more about satire: https://brainly.com/question/4230795


The question in text format:

AIthough the Spanish-American War had been called "a splendid little war many Americans grew concerned that the United States might get drawn into a war as the 20th century began. They felt that industrial growth enabled countries to make increasingly deadly weapons. European powers assembled armies and amassed arms. Opposing alliances in Europe made war scem probable, especially when countries in southeastern Europe grew unstable before 1914. Most Americans did not understand the rivalries among nations in Europe, and a growing number became isolationist. They wanted to keep out of "Old World" issues and squabbles.

World War I broke out in 1914, and soon much of Europe was a battle- field. Because several of the warring nations had colonies or empires, the war spread to many parts of the world. The United States proclaimed its neutrality. President Woodrow Wilson asked Americans to remain impartial. The United States, however, carried on trade with Europe. Many Americans

also were immigrants with relatives in the countries at war. New weapons made the worst of the combat brutal and bloody. Unlike some later wars, in which some combatants fought an unseen enemy from jets or by launching ammunition across wide spaces, World War I land combat involved gory face-to-face fighting with rifles, bayonets, and sometimes poison gas. The cartoon reflects American discomfort with the prospect of going to war. It was published before the United States entered World War I in 1917 and began drafting soldiers. An army medical examiner inspects recruits to judge whether they are physically able to join the army.

1. What two characteristics of the recruit are unusual?

2. Identifying Central Issues Why does the medical examiner judge this man to be an acceptable soldier?

3. Recognizing Bias What judgment has the cartoonist made about war?

4. Expressing Problems Imagine that you are a soldier or an army medical examiner. How would you respond to a request to post this cartoon at a recruiting office? What reason would you give?

5. Demonstrating Reasoned Judgment Do you consider this cartoon a fair use of satire (humor used to attack a custom or idea) or an unfair use? Give a reason for your judgment.

Which type of program music is a multi-movement work that is typically of greater length than a
traditional Classical-era symphony?


A program symphony is a sort of program music that consists of multiple movements and is often longer than a regular symphony from the Classical era.

A program symphony is what?

SIM-fah-nee PRO-gram. [English] a piece with multiple movements that includes extra-musical elements to call the listener's attention to a literary or visual allusion. Hector Berlioz writes a narrative (program) for the Symphonie Fantastique to describe the life of the young artist as it is depicted in the symphony.

Program symphonies have a lot of movements, right?

Like any other piece of that genre, a program symphony would contain a number of movements—typically four or five—and would probably follow some of the rules of symphonic composition.

Learn more about program symphony: https://brainly.com/question/10427973


Which of the following societal advancements occurred first among early
societies during the Neolithic Revolution?


people developed techniques for herding and farming

What were Martin Luther's 95 Theses? (4 points)

A list of concerns about the Church

Books written to support the Church

Letters to the pope about the Church

Statements that supported the Church


a) A list of concerns about the Church.

50 Points How did America change between 1800 and 1850?


Between 1800 and 1860, the United States underwent a period of increased territorial expansion, immigration, economic growth, and industrialization.

What went wrong with the Bay of Pigs invasion?


Brigade 2506, which had just arrived at beaches near the Bay of Pigs, was immediately attacked heavily.

What is Way of the Pigs?

When analysing reconnaissance photos, CIA analysts had missed coral reefs in the Shallow waters in the Bay of Pigs caused landing craft to move slowly and rendered two boats unusable.

In addition, an offshore frogman's red signal light unintentionally flickered.

CIA analysts had overlooked coral reefs in the shallow waters of the Bay of Pigs when analysing reconnaissance photos, which caused landing craft to slow down and rendered two boats inoperable.. Additionally, a frogman's red signal light that was offshore unintentionally flickered.

To know about bay of pigs visit:



what is the tactical goal of terrorism


Answer:political objectives were well known and unchangeable and were pursued by groups

Explanation:Terrorism may well be one word, but its forms are multiple and accordingly the ways to combat it differ. In recent history, we have been exposed to “tactical terrorism,” whose political objectives were well known and unchangeable and were pursued by groups with a place and a stake in their own countries. By contrast, Al Qaeda has introduced strategic terrorism, perpetual confrontation with the enemy being anyone who is “different.” Furthermore, the political objectives change frequently, since they are not what matters; for strategic terrorism, the perpetual confrontation is more important than any political objective per se.

Which of the following is an FALSE about automation.

A. Automation is liberation from routine tasks
B. Automation replaces lab technicians' eyes and hands with automated workstations
C. Automation increases social engagement and collaboration
D. Automation would add millions to the ranks of the unemployed.


Untrue regarding automation is the following: The hands and eyes of lab professionals are replaced by automation workstations.

What issues does automation in society cause?

Risks include the chance that labor may be reduced to automaton slaves, that massive computer data networks would invade people's privacy, and that technological mistakes made by humans will imperil civilization.

What is a good illustration of job automation?

In order to execute jobs that formerly required the human brain as opposed to just human muscles, labor automation today increasingly requires applying artificial intelligence and/or machine learning. Electronic discovery, or E-discovery, is one instance where computers evaluate legal documents.

To know more about automation visit:-



Which word in the sentence is an example of onomatopoeia? The sleet zinged off the windshield as they drove along the icy road though the silent town. (1 point) O zinged O sleet O silent O icy​





In response to Texas becoming a state, Mexico

A- denounced its admittance into the US

B- welcomed news of a new state for the US

C- was indifferent

D- declared war



A denounced it


HELPPPPPPP what is the main idea of this excerpt from president john f. kennedy's inaugural address.

In the long history of the world, only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger. I do not shrink from this responsibility—I welcome it. I do not believe that any of us would exchange places with any other people or any other generation. The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and all who serve it—and the glow from that fire can truly light the world. And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country.

a. there are so many problems facing the world in the 1960s.

b. the united states has no responsibility to protect other countries .

c. The u.s goverment should have less power over citizens' lives.

d.U.S citizens should work hard to support Amarican valuse




Judges in federal appellatecourts determine whether


The task of the appellate court is to determine whether or not the law was correctly applied in the trial court. Appeals courts have three judges and no jury.

In India, what exactly is an appeal court?

The ability of a court to hear/review a case decided by a lower court is referred to as appellate jurisdiction. Both the Supreme Court and the High Courts have appellate jurisdiction in India. They have the authority to reverse or uphold lower court rulings. The first appeal is made to an officer designated by the public authority as the First Appellate Authority within the public authority itself. The CPIO has less authority than the First Appellate Authority. The Central Information Commission will consider the second appeal.

To know more about judges visit:-



How did most Americans first learn about the war in Europe




Most Americans first learned about the war in Europe through news reports and newspaper articles. Radio broadcasts were also important in distributing information about the war.


During World War II, news reports and newspaper articles were the primary sources of information about the war for most Americans. Radio broadcasts were also an important means of distributing information about the war, with news reports and updates being broadcasted regularly. This helped to keep the American public informed about the progress of the war, as well as the sacrifices being made by American servicemen and women. In fact, radio broadcasts played such a crucial role in keeping the public informed during the war that the U.S. government established the Office of War Information to help coordinate and disseminate information to the public through various media outlets.

News sources during WWII.

Most Americans first learned about the war in Europe through news reports and newspaper articles. Radio broadcasts were also important in distributing information about the war.

During World War II, news reports and newspaper articles were the primary sources of information about the war for most Americans. Radio broadcasts were also an important means of distributing information about the war, with news reports and updates being broadcasted regularly. This helped to keep the American public informed about the progress of the war, as well as the sacrifices being made by American servicemen and women. In fact, radio broadcasts played such a crucial role in keeping the public informed during the war that the U.S. government established the Office of War Information to help coordinate and disseminate information to the public through various media outlets.

this is more detailed

Which event is often considered the beginning of the modern-day conflict between Israelis and Palestinians



Many like to say the strife began with the extraordinary 1967 Six-Day War, and Israel’s conquest of the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, eastern Jerusalem, and the Golan Heights.


Which of the following best describes Islamic empires during the postclassical period


Islamic empires during the post-classical period were characterized by a vast array of cultural and political

What is political?

A country's or region's management and governance are referred to as political activities, ideas, attitudes, and behaviours. This includes the actions taken by people, teams, and organisations to affect the choices made by a government or other institutions, as well as their policies and laws. Political actions can be taken to sway public opinion and decision-making, such as lobbying, campaigning, voting, protesting, raising money, and organising.

Despite allowing for a variety of regional and ethnic distinctions to be maintained, Islamic empires were distinguished by a strong sense of religious and cultural unity. Islamic empires in the post-classical era were typically characterised by significant levels of economic, scientific, and technological progress as well as a strong emphasis on religious tolerance.

To learn more about political



Complete question:

Which of the following best describes Islamic empires during the postclassical period?

a. They spread Islamic culture through only nonviolent means and refused to maintain a military.

b. They limited scientific research, as it often conflicted with the Quran’s teachings.

c. They produced important advances in mathematics, science, and medicine.

d. They created a vast empire and forced their subjects to become practicing Muslims.

8. According to the text, what did the representatives agree to at the Second
Continental Congress?

Pls it’s for today


They gathered in response to the battles of Lexington and Concord. The representatives agreed the time for negotiating with Britain was over. They decided that the Congress should rule the colonies and they should declare independence. The Continental Army was formed, and George Washington was named its leader.

It was agreed that a Continental Army would be created. The Congress commissioned George Washington of Virginia to be the supreme commander, who chose to serve without pay.

What is the summary of Lincoln 2nd inaugural speech



Lincoln turns to the topic that most occupies his speech: slavery, the core issue that led to war. Everyone is EQUAL!


He expresses no intention to punish the South for what had transpired over the past four years. Northern and Southern alike.

Which government is likely to have the most trust of its constituents?
O U.S. Senate
O U.S. House of Representatives
O Nebraska State Legislature
O Detroit City Council


It is difficult to definitively determine which government entity will have the most trust of its constituents as it can vary depending on various factors such as past performance, transparency, accountability, and responsiveness to citizens' needs. However i choose C.

What is the government  about?

In general, state and local governments may have higher levels of trust from their constituents than the federal government. This is because state and local governments are typically closer to their constituents and can more easily respond to their needs and concerns. Additionally, state and local governments may have more direct impact on citizens' daily lives, such as education, transportation, and public safety.

In the given options, the Nebraska State Legislature may have higher levels of trust as state legislatures often have a closer relationship with their constituents and are responsible for passing laws that directly affect the state's citizens. On the other hand, the Detroit City Council has had a history of corruption and mismanagement, which may lower the level of trust in their constituents.

Read more about government here:



Select the correct answer from each drop-down menu.
Chris has written the following rough draft about the fall of the Roman Empire. Choose the correct way to complete each sentence.

After the Roman Empire fell, some of its cultural achievements lasted for some time and others were lost. Lost achievements include blank
coins, and literacy. However, several things remained, such as the blank
language. People may not have spoken this
language in every city, but it influenced the languages they did speak. They also created the Julian blank
which was commonly used
until the eighteenth century.


After the Roman Empire fell, some of its cultural achievements lasted for some time and others were lost. Lost achievements include Roman coins, and literacy. However, several things remained, such as the Latin language. People may not have spoken this language in every city, but it influenced the languages they did speak. They also created the Julian calendar which was commonly used until the eighteenth century.

i’ll give brainliest if correct


In line with the conditions of the land treaties signed with the U.S. government in 1855 and 1863, Chief Joseph collaborated with the federal government in 1873 to guarantee that his people may continue to reside on their land in the Wallowa Valley.

Chief Joseph gave his speech for what reason?

Legend has it that Chief Joseph replied to the general, stressing the value of preserving human equality. He responded incredulously, "The Great Spirit gives one kind of men the power to command what must be done to another kind of men. Howard intended to lead a cavalry campaign to drive the Wallowa Nez Perce off their land.

What effects did Chief Joseph's surrender have?

Ten years later, the Nez Perce were relocated to an eastern Washington reservation. Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce's surrender put an end to a decade-long standoff between Indians and the United States administration in the Far West. According to the report, the government forced practically all western Indians to reside on government-run reservations.

Learn more about Chief Joseph: https://brainly.com/question/4375167


Similarities between islamic rule and European colonization



There is a basic deference in Islamic and Western concept of human rights. According to Islamic claim Almighty Allah has granted the human rights to human being due to his honour and dignity. The western human rights are acquired after a long and endurable human struggle and demands.



There are many similarities that can be found between them. One major one is with the spread of religion.

European Colonization featured missionaries, which would attempt to convert native peoples to Christianity in an attempt to unify them with the Europeans and overall make them more “European.”

Islamic empires often did similar things with religion, but in different ways. They would often convert conquered peoples through assimilation into their societies. Even though some did this, other Islamic empires forcefully converted their subjects as well. In the Ottoman Empire, for example, through the Devshirme system, young Christian boys from conquered territories and make them Islamic scholars as well as political leaders.

So, overall, one major similarity between Islamic rule and European colonization would be the intentional spread of religion.

Hope this helped! Please like and mark brainliest!
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