What overall challenges did immigrants to the U.S. face?


Answer 1




Answer 2


1. Learning to speak English

2. Secure housing

3. Secure work

4. Accessing services

5. Cultural barriers

Just to name a few


Hope this helps (:

Related Questions

how did the jusuits spread the faith among the masses



I believe it is something like this: They founded schools that focused on Catholic teachings

I hope this helps!!!

Many illnesses spread in the Middle Passage. Which of the following was NOT one of them?


Scurvy. so b i thinkkk


D. mumps

have a good day

What made it possible for southern planters to boost their profits in the early 1800s?
A Workers planted less cotton and more rice and sugar cane.
B Planters started growing different varieties of cotton.
C Planters move North to fertile new lands.
D Workers cleaned more cotton in the same amount of time with the cotton gin.





With the cotton gin, production rates boosted because it cleaned the cotton faster, and separated the seeds quicker. That way, cotton plantation owners sold much more cotton, and made a lot more money.

Both the Dutch and French were fur traders in the New World. What was the effect of the fur trade on Native Americans?


The fur trade was both very good and very bad for American Indians who participated in the trade. The fur trade gave Indians steady and reliable access to manufactured goods, but the trade also forced them into dependency on European Americans and created an epidemic of alcoholism.

Hopes it helps you.

How does the climate in northern Arabia differ from the rest of the region?

It is much drier.
It can be milder.
It is much hotter.
It can be harsher.


A. It is much dryer

the Polynesians are known for wich of the following​


What are the options?

How did western Europe develop after the fall of Rome?



Expanded Trade i think



Después de la caída del Imperio romano en Occidente en el siglo V, Europa occidental emerge como una nueva civilización. Tras las invasiones bárbaras y la separación del Imperio bizantino (Imperio romano de Oriente), éste sobrevivió otro milenio. El Feudalismo reemplazó al Imperio romano en Europa.


Why don't judges have to worry about being fired for an unpopular but fair decision?


Answer: judges don't be fire for doing there job and how the system works and thats there life job until they die or they leave there job

Explanation: - google can also help

What is foot binding?



Foot binding was the Chinese custom of applying tight wrappings to the feet of young girls to modify their shape and size.


The practice possibly originated among upper class court dancers during the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period in 10th-century China, then gradually became popular among the elite during the Song dynasty.

What devices made exploring the seas possible?


Ships and satellites

Which best describes printing before the invention of the Gutenberg printing press?



post the options but " time consuming and difficult"


a) a long, expensive process.

Before the printing press was invented, writings were produced by hand. Generally, the ones in charge of producing these texts were the scribes, the professional copyists who lived in monasteries. Moreover, it used to take the scribes several months to complete their jobs.  

Different expensive materials, such as papyrus, clay, wax, and parchment, were used to transcribe law books, tragedies, and works related to philosophy. For that reason, books were sold at a very high price; therefore, few people had access to them. Gutenberg's invention allowed more people to access knowledge since the printing press became a less costly and faster method to reproduce texts.

Why is it important for the U.S. Constitution to be amended?



see exp.


it important for the U.S. Constitution to be amended because there is many mistakes and things missing that people wanted to add.

What letter is African


A - is America
D - Northern America
B - Africa
E - Europe
C - Asia

What were some rights that the King denied the colonies? HELP ASAP WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST TO WHOEVER ANSWERS CORRECTLY.



He denied them the right to make their own laws as well as being able to trade with other parts of the world.

what branch of government is the focus of article 1?



lagislative branch of government is the focus of article 1.

Legislative Branch. Hope this helps!!

What inference can be made about why France implemented cultural changes in Indochina? The French considered other cultures to be inferior. The French considered other cultures to be a threat to their security. The French wanted to help other cultures hold on to their customs. The French wanted to help other cultures rise up against Asian leaders.



Option:  The French considered other cultures to be inferior.


Indochina was part of the French colonial power, which consist of three countries Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia. France involvement started as early as the 17th century, with the arrival of Catholic missionaries in Vietnam. French officials brought modernization in Vietnam by building railroads connecting the major cities. The French adopted a policy which allowed the colonialists to rule with reforms that challenged the traditional cultures of local people.


The answer is option A.) The French considered other cultures to be inferior.


This is correct on edge for the history lesson about Imperialism in Southeast Asia.

I hope this helps, and hope you have a great day! (^u^)

Please mark brainliest :)

what are some effects of spatial reorganization



some highlights of it

°outward migration of logistics faculties occurred in the Tokyo Metropolitan area

°large logistics facilities in suburb replace small faculties near the urban center

°outward migration bought logistics facilities closer to their shipment demands

°increase in average load offset longer trip distance, improving efficiency by 4%

°effects of outward migration of logistics facilities can be negative or positive.

How has your understanding of the historical event in your essay changed as a result of your research? Describe one instance of a misconception or a wrong idea you had about your topic that has been corrected after researching and writing about it.



A common misconception that people have about history is related to Athenian Democracy.


Most people know that democracy was born in the Ancient Greek city of Athens, and when they first hear the world "democracy", they think that their democracy was similar to the democracy we have today.

But the truth is that Athenian democracy was very different. As you research more about this historical period, you understand that democracy in Athens was very limited: only wealthy men had democratic rights, and participated in a form of direct democracy. The rest of the population: poor men, women, and slaves, did not have political rights, and were not part of that democracy.


Hi tutor I just had a question. If a book is made in 1977 about their generation is it a secondary or primary resource ?​





it would be a primary source, because it's coming directly from the people it is about, not from someone else reading about them and writing based off of research they did

Think about what you know about competitions, monopolies, and trusts. Was business reform necessary? Check all of the boxes that you agree with. Having strong businesses and industries is good for the economy. A company should have the right to form a monopoly. Competition between companies is good for people who buy goods. The government has the right to put limits on what businesses can and cannot do, even if those limits lower businesses' profits.



Its "A company should have the right to form a monopoly" aka 2 and "The government has the right to put limits on what businesses can and cannot do, even if those limits lower businesses’ profits" aka 4.


I got it correct on edg.

The statement that i agreed includes:

Allowing competition between companies because it is good for people who buy goods. The government should continue to have the right to put limits on what businesses can and cannot do,

Competition is one of the basic force of market price because each companies which produces goods will not want to lose its customer because of high price.

Monopoly refers to a situation where there is only a recognized seller or producer of a product in the market. Monopoly is very bad for an economy because it does not encourage competition and leave the consumers at the hand of monopolist.

It is important that the government continue to devise various regulation to discourage monopoly and encourage competition in the economy.

Therefore, in conclusion, i agree with Option C and D.

Read more about this here


Mercantalism can best be described as?



Mercantilsm is belief in benefit from trading, Mercantalism is similiar to Commercialism in some ways. Mercantilism is based on the thought that a nation's prosperity and power is best served by increasing exports and so involved soaring trade.

the economic theory that trade generates wealth and is stimulated by the accumulation of profitable balances, which a government should encourage by means of protectionism.

By 1775, the population in the 13 Colonies was approximately?



2.4 Million


The colonial population grew from about 2,000 to 2.4 million between 1625 and 1775, displacing Native Americans.




40 estimated people per square mile in 1775.

what groups were involed in the french and indian war



Three major groups fought over North America during the French and Indian War: Great Britain, France, and the American Indians.

Take 10 to 15 minutes to research modern hunter-gatherer groups online. Here are some links that you could use for your research: People of the Rainforest Hunter-Gatherers: The Search for Survival After doing some research, think about this question: Has the opinion you expressed in part B changed? In about 150 words, describe what you learned from your research and the ways it may have caused you to change your opinion. If your opinion did not change, note it.



Modern hunter-gatherers live in a few isolated areas of the world where developing a civilization is hard: either because of climatic conditions, because of the geography or both. Among these regions we have: The Amazon Rainforest, where there are hundreds of small hunter-gatherer groups, some of them still uncontacted, some areas of Central Africa like the rainforests of Congo, and the Kalahari Desert, and some areas in Siberia. The Island of Papua New Guinea also hosts a few hunter-gatherer groups.

These groups share many similarities with early hunter-gatherers: they form small bands because the amount of food they collect or hunt does not support very high populations, there social structures are not as hierarchical, with income and wealth inequality being almost non-existent, and they engage in trade with other groups for those goods that they cannot produce or collect on their own. The biggest difference is that many of these hunter-gatherers keep contact with other civilizations. For example, a few groups of the Amazon Rainforest trade with Brazilian or Peruvian farmers.  


I looked at both of the websites provided and also looked at a couple online sources I found on my own. What I learned from my research is that hunter-gatherer communities did well on their own. They had access to everything they needed to survive, without having to deal with the stresses of modern life. They enjoyed a simple life in natural surroundings, away from the problems that the rest of the world was dealing with.

However, contact with modern humans and mistreatment by large corporations has changed all that. Today, hunter-gatherer tribes are being forced to adapt to the modern world. That would not be such a bad turn of events if governments recognized the land rights of hunter-gatherers and helped them find a place in modern society. Without this kind of support, hunters-gatherers would have nothing to call their own and would have to live in poverty.


PART A: Which statement identifies the central idea of the text?

A)If it weren’t for Francis Pizarro’s, the Inca Empire would have continued to expand and prosper.

B)Despite the riches they possessed, the Incas lived simple lives.

C)The Incas were a highly advanced civilization that were able to expand their net of influence far and wide.

D)Warfare was the most common and successful way in which the Incas were able to expand their empire.

PART B: Which detail from the text best supports the answer to Part A?

A)"The Inca controlled perhaps 10 million people, speaking a hundred different tongues. It was the largest empire on earth at the time."

B)"Members of a community supported one another. The Inca tailored this practice of reciprocity — give-and-take — to their own needs."

C)"All were required to pay taxes as tribute. The Mit’a was a labor tax, which required the head of every household to work for the state



A) If it weren’t for Francis Pizarro’s, the Inca Empire would have continued to expand and prosper.


We can make this conclusion because throughout the text mention was made about Francis Pizarro's role in the Inca Empire.

For example, after stating the might and glory of the Inca empire had, the author stated, "Once Pizarro had executed the last emperor, the empire rapidly collapsed." In other words, If it weren’t for Francis Pizarro’s, the Inca Empire would have continued to expand and prosper.

How did the rise of the Tang dynasty impact China ​


China became even larger during the Tang dynasty than it had been during the Han ;the Chinese regularly communicated with lands as far west as Persia, present-day Afghanistan, and the Byzantine Empire.

#9 - You are selling pizzas to raise money for a school field trip. Cheese pizza cost $8 and pepperoni pizza cost $9. You need to sell at least two of each kind of pizza, and you want to sell at least $180 worth of pizza. Select all the answers that would meet your criteria.

a 12 cheese,8 pepperoni
b 20 cheese, 4 pepperoni
c 14 cheese, 8 pepperoni
d 6 cheese, 15 pepperoni



b, c, d


$8 × 12 = $96; $9 × 8 = $72

$96 + $72 = $168

$8 × 20 = $160; $9 × 4 = $36

$160 + $36 = $196

$8 × 14 = $112; $9 × 8 = $72

$112 + $72 = $184

$8 × 6 = $48; $9 × 15 = $135

$48 + $135 = $183

Pls Help, due in 2 hours.



hello again how are you


Samuel Adams-A strong opponent of British taxation, Samuel Adams helped formulate resistance to the Stamp Act and played a vital role in organizing the Boston Tea Party. He was a second cousin of U.S. President John Adams, with whom he urged a final break from Great Britain, and a signee of the U.S. Declaration of Independence.

John Adams-In the 1780s, Adams served as a diplomat in Europe and helped negotiate the Treaty of Paris (1783), which officially ended the American Revolutionary War (1775-83). From 1789 to 1797, Adams was America's first vice president. He then served a term as the nation's second president.

Thomas Jefferson-Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826), author of the Declaration of Independence and the third U.S. president, was a leading figure in America's early development. During the American Revolutionary War (1775-83), Jefferson served in the Virginia legislature and the Continental Congress and was governor of Virginia.

Patrick Henry-An outspoken Anti-Federalist, Henry opposed the ratification of the U.S. Constitution, which he felt put too much power in the hands of a national government. His influence helped create the Bill of Rights, which guaranteed personal freedoms and set limits on the government's power.

types of people: patriots-who truly loves his homeland and is able to see everything for his homeland

geographic support-i couldn't think anything about that

I was able to write so much

I hope I was able to help

ANALYZING How does Pericles characterize Athens? Explain your answer.



Pericles sees Athens as having the ultimate possible government; the one best conducive to freedom, liberty, courage, honor, and justice – the values most honored by the Athenians. Pericles extolls several of the virtues of Athens, most of them centered on the then-unique form of democracy.

Pericles was a prominent and influential Greek statesman, orator and general of Athens during its golden age, specifically the time between the Persian and the Peloponnesian Wars. He was descended, through his mother, from the powerful and historically-influential Alcmaeonid family. Pericles had such a profound influence on Athenian society that he was acclaimed by Thucydides, a contemporary historian, as "the first citizen of Athens". Pericles turned the Delian League into an Athenian empire and led his countrymen during the first two years of the Peloponnesian War. The period during which he led Athens, roughly from 461 to 429 BC, is sometimes known as the "Age of Pericles", but the period thus denoted can include times as early as the Persian Wars or as late as the next century.

credits to google :>

also just summarized it thx!


The U.S. supported _________ Korea, while the Soviet Union supported _________ Korea, because of the type of government each represented.
North, North
North, South
South, North
South, South



South ,North


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