what part of the brain determines if you remember


Answer 1

The hippocampus and other similar structures in the temporal lobe are thought to perform memory-related tasks, according to the majority of existing research. (The limbic system, a neural network, includes the neighboring hippocampus and amygdala as well.)

What is meant by hippocampus?The intricate brain region known as the hippocampus is buried deep within the temporal lobe. It is crucial for memory and learning. It is a flexible and weak structure that is susceptible to several stimuli damaging it. The hippocampus controls learning, memory encoding, memory consolidation, and spatial navigation as a crucial component of the limbic system. Amnesia, a disorder that hinders someone from creating new memories and recalling the past, can be brought on by damage to the hippocampus. Recent studies have demonstrated that the hippocampus is also involved in controlling mood, and that modifying activity in the ventral portion of the hippocampus can lessen anxiety.

To learn more about hippocampus, refer to:


Related Questions

Which scenario is most likely to cause different changes in allele frequencies in two populations of the same species?

Drought affects both populations of the species.
Drought affects both populations of the species.

Females in both populations prefer the same traits in males.
Females in both populations prefer the same traits in males.

New predators are introduced to both of the populations.
New predators are introduced to both of the populations.

Predators are present in one population but not in the other.


Alleles with higher fitness can become more prevalent in the population, leading to microevolution (change in allele frequencies) caused by natural selection.

What accounts for the high allele similarity between two populations of the same species?

Several of the same alleles can be found in two populations of the same species, even if the alleles didn't emerge until after the populations had split. Across populations, there is gene flow.

What is the name of the condition where the frequencies of two or more alleles of a gene stay largely stable across time?

A population will experience generations of stability in the frequencies of alleles, or gene versions, and genotypes, or collections of alleles, if it is in a state known as Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium.

To know more about Alleles  visit :-



Answer:Predators are present in one population but not in the other.


k12 quiz Genetic isolation

RESPONSE to the question from the chapter Drugs and Consciousness. write as an paragraph

One thing you learned from the chapter that fascinated you. Why did it fascinate you?

One thing that confused you about the chapter. Why did it confuse you?

If you had a million-dollar research grant, what phenomenon from the chapter would you study? Why? How?

How do you think variables such as socio-economic status, culture, religion, geographical background influence one of the topics in the chapter?

For those of you who have an idea of what you would like to do when you graduate college, how does one of the topics in the chapter relate to your future career choice?

How does one of the topics in the chapter relate to something you read about in the news, from history, or pop culture?



From the chapter "Drugs and Consciousness," one fascinating thing that caught my attention was the concept of altered states of consciousness, such as the effects of hallucinogens like LSD on the brain. The fact that certain drugs can cause such significant changes in perception and experience is intriguing, and it raises questions about the nature of consciousness and reality.

One thing that confused me about the chapter was the discussion of neurotransmitters and their role in drug use. While I understood the basic concepts, the scientific terminology and chemical processes involved were challenging to grasp fully.

If I had a million-dollar research grant, I would study the long-term effects of drug use on the brain, particularly in regards to addiction and recovery. Understanding how drugs can alter brain chemistry and potentially cause permanent changes could provide valuable insights into effective treatment strategies and prevention measures.

Variables such as socio-economic status, culture, religion, and geographical background can significantly influence drug use and related topics. For example, cultural attitudes towards certain drugs or religious beliefs regarding substance use can impact individual choices and societal norms. Socio-economic status can also play a role in access to drugs, treatment, and education about substance use.

For those pursuing careers in fields such as psychology or neuroscience, the topic of altered states of consciousness and the effects of drugs on the brain is directly relevant to their future work. Understanding how the brain functions and the impact of drugs can inform research and treatment approaches for a variety of mental health conditions.

The topic of drug use and its effects on the brain is frequently covered in the news and popular culture, particularly in regards to the opioid epidemic and debates around drug legalization. Understanding the science behind drug use and the effects on individuals and society can help inform these discussions and potential solutions.

Who is most likely to experience a decrease in their immune system?
a. Marco, who is beginning his first serious relationship.
b. Beatriz, who is starting a new high-profile job.
c. Deshaun, who is in the midst of final exams week.
d. Jules, who is in training to compete in her first triathlon.



The person who is most likely to experience a decrease in their immune system is option c, Deshaun, who is in the midst of final exams week. Stress, such as that experienced during exam week, has been shown to have a negative impact on the immune system. Stress hormones, such as cortisol, can suppress the immune system's ability to fight off infection and disease. While the other options may also experience some stress, final exams are a particularly stressful time for many students and can lead to a temporary decrease in immune system function.

Study question on my natural selection study!





the first answer A, hunting as a pack ensures that the wolves are not competing for food, is not affect the reproduction of wolves. answer B, grouping together prevents overpopulation is not a positive affect of reproduction. Answer C, living in groups prevent genetic variations from developing in offspring is not a behavior, but a genetic code. Cooperation supports producing more pups that survive to adulthood, positively affects wolves reproduction.

What is the mitochondria referred to as?



The powerhouse of the cell!


The mitochondria is referred to as the powerhouse of the cell because of its ability to generate ATP. The mitochondria is the only organelle in the cell that can produce ATP naturally. The mitochondria produces ATP in a process known as oxidative phosphorylation.


The powerhouse of the cell


The mitochondria is often referred to as the "powerhouse" of the cell because it is responsible for producing most of the energy (ATP) that the cell needs to carry out its functions. This is done through a process called cellular respiration, which takes place within the mitochondria. The mitochondria also plays a key role in other cellular processes, such as apoptosis (programmed cell death), calcium signaling, and the synthesis of certain important molecules.

Write a claim stating what impact the disappearance of organism VI will have on the ecosystem.



a possible claim regarding the disappearance of an organism in an ecosystem could be: "The disappearance of organism X will have a significant impact on the ecosystem's food chain, biodiversity, and overall ecological balance."


Thinking about the number of carbon atoms in glucose and in pyruvic acid, explain why there is one
molecule of glucose on the left side of the arrow and two molecules of pyruvic acid on the right side
of the arrows



Glucose is a six-carbon sugar molecule with the molecular formula C6H12O6, while pyruvic acid is a three-carbon molecule with the molecular formula C3H4O3. During the process of glycolysis, which is the breakdown of glucose to produce energy, one molecule of glucose is converted into two molecules of pyruvic acid.

This happens because glucose is first broken down into two molecules of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate (G3P), which are three-carbon molecules. Each G3P molecule is then converted into a molecule of pyruvic acid. Therefore, the two G3P molecules that are produced from one glucose molecule are converted into two molecules of pyruvic acid.REASON :

So, the reason why there is one molecule of glucose on the left side of the arrow and two molecules of pyruvic acid on the right side of the arrow is because one molecule of glucose produces two molecules of pyruvic acid during glycolysis. This is due to the fact that the six-carbon glucose molecule is broken down into two three-carbon molecules, each of which is converted into a molecule of pyruvic acid.

If a hemophilic man and a homozygous nonhemophilic woman have two boys and two girls, will any of the children
be hemophilic? With punnet square


The haemophilia gene will be present just on X chromosome from haemophiliac father. Yet, the girl's mother also contributes one X chromosome to her.

Is there a 50% probability that a male with haemophilia will have a son who also has the disease?

Each father with haemophilia will have carriers in all of his daughters (called obligate carriers). A son born to a carriers has a 50% probability of being hemophilic. A daughter of a carrier does have a 50% probability of becoming a carrier as well.

Who is most susceptible to haemophilia?

One of the mainly two kinds of haemophilia is far more common in males than in girls. Haemophilia A is the most common kind of the condition, affecting 1 in 4,000 to 1 in 5,000 males worldwide at birth. Almost 1 in 20,000 newborn men around the world may have haemophilia B.

To know more about chromosome visit:






A. The wild population, because it is more likely to contain some plants that are resistant to the fungus.

The genetic diversity of the wild population means that there is a higher likelihood that at least some of the plants will have natural resistance to the fungus. This means that even if the fungus is harmful to most of the plants, the resistant plants will survive and reproduce, passing on their resistance to future generations. In contrast, the crop population, which has lower genetic diversity, is more susceptible to being wiped out entirely by the fungus.




the more variations, the more options, and therefore the higher the chance that they include some to fight a threat.

this also happened with the human race and e.g. the bubonic plaque and also with the cold, the flu and Covid.

only people with certain genetic markers survived and then reproduced.

if for some reason the bubonic plaque would break out again, and we would not have the antibiotics against it, still it would kill much less of the population than back in medieval times, as we all are descendents from the survivors back then (and carrying mostly their genetic markers) .

and because of the natural selection during the Spanish flu pandemic, the flu and Covid (as a close relative to flu and cold) are today mostly an annoyance and not a deadly threat to the general population. all of them still kill a lot of people, don't get me wrong, but it is still a tiny fraction of the population.

when the western civilization brought the common cold to the Inuit ("Eskimos"), it almost annihilated them completely, as they were not used to such a virus. but luckily at least some of them had the necessary genetic markers, and so they survived. and today it is the same "annoyance" to them as it is to the rest of the world

Covid only got the big headlines, because it killed more than the usual "share" from the risk groups (old and already sick), and concentrated its "efforts" on complex lung infections but also blood infections that caused a dangerous drop of oxygen levels in the blood, which caused the higher than usual hospitalization rates.

immunization by vaccination helped a lot with flu and Covid, but that does not (or very little) help with the natural immunization of future generations, because still everybody reproduces, and not just the ones with the necessary genetic markers to defeat these infections.

5. Every human action affects the environment.
A. What are four impacts caused by the current growth rate of humans? (8 points)
B. How do each of these impacts affect the environment? (12 points)



A. The current growth rate of humans has several impacts on the environment, including:

Deforestation: the clearing of forests for agriculture, urbanization, and logging.

Climate change: the alteration of the Earth's climate patterns due to human activities such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation.

Pollution: the release of toxic chemicals and other pollutants into the air, water, and soil by human activities such as industrial production, transportation, and waste disposal.

Loss of biodiversity: the disappearance of plant and animal species due to habitat destruction, pollution, and climate change.

B. Each of these impacts affects the environment in the following ways:

Deforestation leads to loss of habitat for wildlife, soil erosion, decreased water quality, and increased greenhouse gas emissions.

Climate change causes rising sea levels, increased frequency and intensity of extreme weather events such as hurricanes and droughts, and changes in temperature and precipitation patterns that affect ecosystems and agricultural production.

Pollution can harm human health, contaminate food and water supplies, and disrupt ecosystems by poisoning wildlife and reducing the quality of soil and water resources.

Loss of biodiversity reduces the resilience of ecosystems to environmental stressors, limits the availability of natural resources, and decreases the ability of ecosystems to provide services such as pollination, water purification, and climate regulation.



A.  Air pollution, burning fossil fuels, deforestation, water pollution.

B. Air pollution affects the environment, because air pollution damages crops and trees, when the plant absorbs the carbon dioxide, it absorbs what's in the air also, which has a big impact on the environment. Burning fossil fuels are an impact to the environment because when fossil fuels are burned, it creates large amounts of carbon dioxide that goes into the air, which traps heat into the atmosphere causing global warming. Deforestation is an impact on the environment because so many animals are losing their homes and that can cause endangered species, or possibly even extinction of a species. Water pollution effects the environment because all organisms that are living need water. When the water is polluted, animals, plants, etc, are affected.

Hope this helps : )

Are all people equally susceptible to stress related illnesses ? Aresome people better able to cope with stress than other? What does it say about stress as a cause of illness?


The vulnerability to stress varies from individual to person. Among the elements that influenced the susceptibility to stress are hereditary vulnerability, coping style, type of personality and social support.

Why are some people more able to manage stress than others?

Some people naturally respond and are more sensitive to stress. Some people are more naturally robust to stress than others due to differences in temperament, a set of inborn personality qualities that can be seen as early as infancy. On the other hand, some people may feel more threatened and be less able to handle stress.

Why is it crucial for you to manage stress?

Long-term stress can increase your risk for heart disease, obesity, high blood pressure, and depression. Avoiding and managing it can reduce this risk. You can avoid stress or lessen it by making plans in advance. selecting the initial things to complete.

To know more about stress visit-



what is cell division controlled by?



Cell division is controlled by a variety of factors, including genetic and environmental factors. The cell cycle is regulated by a complex network of proteins and signaling pathways that ensure that the cell divides accurately and at the appropriate time.

Some key regulators of cell division include cyclins, cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs), tumor suppressor genes (such as p53), and checkpoint proteins that monitor the progress of the cell cycle. These regulators ensure that DNA replication occurs correctly, that chromosomes are properly aligned and separated during mitosis or meiosis, and that the cell undergoes apoptosis (programmed cell death) if necessary to prevent the proliferation of damaged or abnormal cells.

In addition to these internal factors, external signals such as growth factors and hormones can also influence cell division. For example, certain hormones can stimulate cell division in response to physiological demands such as tissue repair or growth during development. Overall, cell division is a highly regulated process that is essential for normal growth, development, and maintenance of tissues and organs.


You complete an experiment measuring the spread of the Cordyceps fungus across a forest environment. You measure the amount of growths you observe on the ground in a 1 acre area. After evaluating your experiment, you find that fungus frequently grows long fibers underground and only sprout reproductive parts above ground. How might this affect your data and/or conclusion?


The correct answers is that the initial conclusion of the experiment is incorrect since the statistics do not account for subsurface development and the true area of fungus spread may be larger.

What do fungi do?

Although there is rising support for separating fungi and other microorganisms into a separate kingdom, fungi are typically categorised as plants. Due to this, fungi are most appropriately characterized as microbes that resemble plants but lack chlorophyll.

What does fungus do to a person's body?

Any illness or condition brought on by a fungus is referred to as a fungal infection. They often impact your skin, hair, nails, or mucous membranes, but they can also spread to other parts of your body, including your lungs. In the event that your immune system is compromised, you are more susceptible to fungal infections.

To know more about fungus visit-



Explain the existence of oxygen gas on the early earth.


Most scientists concur that oxygen was likely fermenting in the oceans as a result of cyanobacterial photosynthesis so early as 3 billion years ago, even if it was missing in the atmosphere at the time.

Was there oxygen gas on the early Earth?

The early Earth was insulated and kept warm at a crucial stage of its development by the greenhouse gases, water vapour, carbon dioxide, and methane. The early atmosphere, however, only included a very little amount of oxygen.

Why is it significant that oxygen gas is becoming more prevalent on early Earth?

As a result, the oxygen given off by cyanobacteria changed the make-up of a earth's atmosphere, brought about the development of aerobic metabolism, it ultimately facilitated the advent of multicellularity. Oxygen is the primary component on today's Earth, which is much kinder and more beautiful than the early Earth.

To know more about photosynthesis visit:



You work at a pharmaceutical company and you're tasked with developing a new contraceptive that will affect hormones in males or females to prevent pregnancy. Use homeostasis terms to explain this.
A) Would the drug be a protein hormone or a steroid hormone? Explain your choice using homeostasis terminology.
B) Discuss any feedback mechanisms, effector cells, and/or endocrine organs you will target with your drug design in detail using homeostasis terminology.


Depending on the desired mechanism of action, the hormone type for the contraceptive medicine is selected. To stop ovulation or spermatogenesis, the medication would target feedback mechanisms, effector cells, and the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis.

Which of the following contraceptive methods doesn't use hormones?

While the diaphragm, cervical cap, and sponge are also excellent non-hormonal choices, they require slightly more upkeep than other techniques. Not everyone can comply with their requirement to take care of their birth control just before having sex.

Which of the following types of contraception does not fall under the hormonal category?

Nonhormonal techniques, such as the cervical cap, diaphragm, and sponge, as well as barrier techniques (like condoms) and the copper IUD are covered individually.

To know more about effector cells visit:-



While viewing a slide of one-celled bacteria that moved very fast all day and all night, a studen concludes that these cells require a large amount of energy to maintain their activity. What organelles provide this needed energy?


It is likely that the fast-moving bacteria seen on the slide are using their mitochondria to generate the energy needed for their constant activity.

What is ATP?

ATP stands for Adenosine Triphosphate, which is a molecule that stores and provides energy for many cellular processes in living organisms. It is considered the "energy currency" of the cell.

ATP is made up of three components: adenine, a nitrogen-containing base; ribose, a five-carbon sugar; and three phosphate groups. The energy stored in ATP is found in the bonds between the phosphate groups. When a phosphate group is removed from ATP through a process called hydrolysis, energy is released that can be used by the cell for various functions.

The organelles that provide energy to cells are called mitochondria. They are responsible for producing ATP, the main energy currency of cells, through a process called cellular respiration.

Learn more about ATP from the given link



sort the chemical reactions based on whether they absorb or release energy

I'm asking this next to the other people who did because the answer with the most likes is wrong.​


The chemical reactions that absorb energy are called endothermic reactions. These reactions absorb more energy than they release. When endothermic reactions absorb energy, a temperature drop is measured during the reaction. The chemical reactions that release energy to the surroundings are called exothermic reactions

what is the pH of a solution that contains 1 x 10^-3M H3O+?


The pH οf the sοlutiοn is 3. pH is an impοrtant prοperty οf sοlutiοns in many scientific and technical fields, including chemistry, biοlοgy, envirοnmental science, and engineering.

What is pH?

pH is a measure οf the acidity οr basicity οf a sοlutiοn, defined as the negative lοgarithm (base 10) οf the cοncentratiοn οf hydrοgen iοns (H+) in mοles per liter (M) οf the sοlutiοn. The pH scale ranges frοm 0 tο 14, with a pH οf 7 being neutral, pH values less than 7 indicating acidity, and pH values greater than 7 indicating basicity. A change οf οne pH unit represents a tenfοld change in the cοncentratiοn οf hydrοgen iοns.

The pH οf a sοlutiοn can have impοrtant effects οn chemical and biοlοgical prοcesses. Fοr example, enzymes and οther biοlοgical mοlecules are sensitive tο changes in pH, and can οnly functiοn within a narrοw range οf pH values.

The pH οf a sοlutiοn that cοntains 1 x 10⁻³ M H3O+ can be fοund using the fοllοwing fοrmula:

pH = -lοg[H3O+]

where [H3O+] is the cοncentratiοn οf the hydrοnium iοn in mοles per liter (M).

Substituting the given value οf [H3O+] = 1 x 10⁻³ M intο the equatiοn, we get:

pH = [-lοg(1 x 10⁻³) = 3

Therefοre, the pH οf the sοlutiοn is 3.

Learn more about pH from given link



Carnivorous adaptations of plants mainly compensate for soil that has a relatively low content of A. potassium B. nitrogen C. calcium D. water E. phosphate

explanations of why the answers are
correct/incorrect please



The correct answer is B. Nitrogen. Plants require nitrogen for growth and development, and carnivorous plants have adapted to obtain nitrogen from the insects they consume. These adaptations allow them to survive in soils with low nitrogen content. A. Potassium is an essential nutrient for plants, but carnivorous plants do not obtain potassium from their prey; instead, they absorb potassium from the soil. C. Calcium is an essential nutrient for plants, but carnivorous plants do not obtain calcium from their prey; instead, they absorb calcium from the soil. D. Water is an essential nutrient for plants, but carnivorous plants do not obtain water from their prey; instead, they absorb water from the soil. E. Phosphate is an essential nutrient for plants, but carnivorous plants do not obtain phosphate from their prey; instead, they absorb phosphate from the soil.

Lifestyle and well being assignment

Scenario The health promotion team run an annual well-being roadshow, visiting local schools, community centres and health centres to promote many aspects of their work. The roadshows have a theme each year and this year the focus is on the health risks associated with smoking and excessive alcohol consumption and how these can affect sporting performance. You have been asked to produce an information leaflet that will be shared to the presenters at the roadshow to present.
Task 1
You need to prepare information for the general public about the health risks associated with smoking and excessive drinking and how these can affect sporting performance. You need to also explore ways in which people can stop smoking and reduce their alcohol consumption. Can you provide the following information:
• 4 Health risks associated with smoking and the effects of smoking on sports performance. (2C.P6)
• 4 Health risks associated with excessive alcohol consumption and the effects of alcohol consumption on sports performance. (2C.P7)
• What two techniques can someone use to stop smoking and what two techniques can someone use to cut down on excessive alcohol consumption? (2C.P8) Are certain techniques better than others? If so why? (2C.M3)
Evidence you must produce for this task
Information leaflet
Criteria covered by this task:
To achieve the criteria you must show that you are able to:

Describe four health risks associated with smoking and effects of smoking on sports performance

Describe four health risks associated with excessive alcohol consumption and effects of alcohol consumption on sports performance

Explain two techniques an individual can use to stop smoking, and two techniques to cut down on excessive alcohol consumption

Compare and contrast different techniques used to stop smoking and for cutting down on excessive alcohol consumption



Information Leaflet: Smoking, Alcohol and Sports Performance


Welcome to the health promotion team's well-being roadshow. This year's theme is about the health risks associated with smoking and excessive alcohol consumption and how these can affect sporting performance. In this leaflet, we will provide you with information on the health risks associated with smoking and excessive alcohol consumption, and how they can affect your sports performance. We will also explore ways in which you can stop smoking and reduce your alcohol consumption.

Health Risks Associated with Smoking and its Effects on Sports Performance:

Respiratory Problems: Smoking can cause respiratory problems, such as shortness of breath, coughing, and wheezing, which can hinder your sports performance. Smoking can also cause chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), which can make it difficult to breathe and reduce your endurance levels.

Cardiovascular Problems: Smoking can cause cardiovascular problems, such as high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke, which can negatively impact your sports performance. Smoking can also cause reduced blood flow to your muscles, which can lead to muscle fatigue and cramps.

Reduced Lung Function: Smoking can reduce your lung function, which can make it difficult to breathe, particularly during intense exercise. This can affect your endurance and overall sports performance.

Increased Risk of Injuries: Smoking can increase your risk of injuries, such as sprains and strains, due to reduced flexibility and weakened bones.

Health Risks Associated with Excessive Alcohol Consumption and its Effects on Sports Performance:

Dehydration: Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to dehydration, which can negatively impact your sports performance. Dehydration can cause fatigue, muscle cramps, and dizziness, which can affect your endurance and coordination.

Reduced Reaction Time: Alcohol can slow down your reaction time, making it difficult to respond quickly to changes in your environment, such as avoiding an opponent or reacting to a ball.

Increased Risk of Injuries: Excessive alcohol consumption can increase your risk of injuries, such as sprains and strains, due to impaired coordination and reaction time.

Reduced Muscle Growth and Recovery: Alcohol consumption can reduce your muscle growth and recovery, which can hinder your ability to build muscle and recover after a workout.

Techniques to Stop Smoking and Reduce Alcohol Consumption:

Stopping Smoking:

Nicotine Replacement Therapy: This involves using nicotine patches, gum, or lozenges to reduce your withdrawal symptoms and cravings.

Behavioral Therapy: This involves identifying your smoking triggers and developing strategies to overcome them, such as avoiding situations where you usually smoke.

Reducing Alcohol Consumption:

Set a Limit: Set a limit on the number of drinks you will have per week or per occasion.

Alternate with Non-Alcoholic Beverages: Alternate between alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages to reduce your overall alcohol consumption.

Are Certain Techniques Better Than Others?

Research suggests that combining nicotine replacement therapy with behavioral therapy can increase the chances of successfully quitting smoking. Similarly, setting a limit and alternating between alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages can be effective strategies for reducing alcohol consumption.


Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can have negative effects on your sports performance and overall health. We hope this information has provided you with useful insights on the health risks associated with smoking and excessive alcohol consumption, and ways in which you can stop smoking and reduce your alcohol consumption. Remember, a healthy lifestyle can enhance your sports performance and overall well-being.


Considering earths early atmosphere included nitrogen methane carbon dioxide and water vapor but NOT oxygen alone this meant that any living organism would have to use which method for creating ATP


Many anaerobic bacteria exist and are most likely their ancestors. Several organisms used various forms of photosynthesis that didn't result in any free oxygen. Others employed a range of chemical techniques.

What proof is there that glycolysis has been used as a source of energy for a long time?

Because glycolysis doesn't require oxygen molecules, it is in fact an old metabolic route. This implies that it persisted even when there was insufficient oxygen in the air. Organisms might have exploited the glycolysis mechanism to produce energy in the decreasing environment.

What is the source of ATP synthesis?

The ATP synthase is a mitochondrial enzyme that is found in the inner membrane and is responsible for catalyzing the synthesis of ATP from ADP and phosphate. This reaction is fueled by protons moving across a gradient created by chemical proton-to-electron transfer.

To learn more about ATP visit:



Prokaryotes can only be unicellular or single-celled. Eukaryotes can be unicellular or single-celled as well. Can eukaryotes be multicellular? How do you know this?



Yes, eukaryotes can be multicellular. Multicellularity is actually one of the defining features of eukaryotic organisms.


Eukaryotes are organisms that have a nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles, which allow for greater complexity and specialization within cells. This complexity also allows for the development of multicellularity. Multicellular organisms are composed of many cells that work together to form specialized tissues and organs, allowing for more efficient and effective functioning of the organism as a whole.

Examples of multicellular eukaryotes include animals, plants, fungi, and some protists. These organisms have evolved specialized mechanisms for communication and coordination among cells, such as intercellular signaling pathways and extracellular matrices, which allow them to function as complex, integrated organisms.

______________ is large-scale evolution of new species over time.





2 | Page Introduction Twenty percent of the human body is made up of proteins. Proteins are large, complex molecules critical for the normal functioning of body cells. They are essential for the structure, function, and regulation of the body's tissues and organs. Proteins are made up of smaller units called amino acids, which are building blocks of proteins. They are attached to one another by peptide bonds forming a long chain of proteins. SECTION A [20 Marks] 1. Which amino acid is shown in the following diagram? CH3 T + H3N- C- T H A. Proline B. Arginine C. Alanine D. Glycine COO 2. There are 20 essential amino acids of which ten are most critical. Two of the following however are only applicable to diets of infants. Which ones are these? A. Histidine and Arginine B. Alanine and Glycine C. Cystine and Methionine D. Ornithine and Aspartic acid​


Protein accounts for roughly 20% of the human body and is found in every cell. Protein is a Greek term that means "of the highest significance." Proteins are known as the workhorses of life because they offer structure to the body and conduct a wide range of activities.

How can only 20 amino acids account for the very large number of proteins?

The human body requires just 21 amino acids to produce all of the proteins it requires to operate and grow. Since amino acids may be ordered in so many various ways, your body can produce thousands of different types of proteins from only 21 amino acids.

Protein is found in every cell of the human body. Protein's fundamental structure is an amino acid chain. Protein is required in your diet to help your body repair and create new cells. Protein is also necessary for the growth and development of children, adolescents, and pregnant women.

Learn more about proteins ,



please can you help me

Theme 11. Inflammatory
odontogenic cyst of jaw from deciduous and permanent teeth.Etiology, pathogeny, differential diagnostics, treatment.

1 What cysts are usually associated with the roots of carious or non-vital primary
A dentigerous
B radicular
C paradental.
D follicular.
E residual.

2 Reduced regeneration of red blood cells identifies by presence (in blood test):
A atipical lymphocytes
B increasing the number of red blood cells.
C basophilic granulation of erythrocytes.
D poikilocytosis, microcytes with reduced number of reticulocytes.
E incrised level red blood cells sedimentation.

3 What size of bone resorption corresponds cystic formation?
A 8-10 mm
B 5 mm.
C 5-8 mm.
D more 10 mm.
E 10-15 mm.

4 Criteria by which to judge the seriousness of the infection:
A toxic appearance
B local warmth or heat near the caused tooth.

C temperatures elevated to 38.3° to 38.8°c.
D pulse rates of up to 100 beats, respiratory rate is 14 to 16 breaths per minute.
E involvement of extraoral fascial spaces, such as buccal space infections or
submandibular space infections.

5 Primary goal in surgical management of infection is:
A to remove the cause of the infection
B to provide drainage of accumulated pus and necrotic debris.
C removal of caused tooth.
D regional nerve block anesthesia.
E obtaining a specimen of the pus for culture and sensitivity (c&s) testing.

6 Drainage from the abscess cavity has stopped usually:
A 5-6 minutes.
B 2 to 5 days.
C 1-2 hours.
D 5 to 7 days.
E 1-2 days.

7 Indications for antibiotic use in oral surgery:

A severe pericoronitis, with temperatures higher than 100° f, trismus, and some swelling of the lateral aspect of the face

B acute-onset infection with diffuse swelling and moderate-to-severe pain.
C patients who have infections of any severity.
D infection that has progressed to involvement of extraoral fascial spaces.
E all above listed.



B. Radicular cysts are usually associated with the roots of carious or non-vital primary teeth.

D. Reduced regeneration of red blood cells is identified by the presence of poikilocytosis, microcytes with reduced number of reticulocytes.

D. A bone resorption size of more than 10 mm corresponds to cystic formation.

E. The involvement of extraoral fascial spaces, such as buccal space infections or submandibular space infections, is a criterion by which to judge the seriousness of the infection.

B. The primary goal in the surgical management of infection is to provide drainage of accumulated pus and necrotic debris.

D. Drainage from the abscess cavity usually stops after 5 to 7 days.

E. Indications for antibiotic use in oral surgery include severe pericoronitis, acute-onset infection with diffuse swelling and moderate-to-severe pain, patients who have infections of any severity, and infections that have progressed to involvement of extraoral fascial spaces.


1. Evolution is the process of
(1) development of one-celled organisms from
(2) change in species over long periods of
of time
(3) embryonic development of modern
(4) changing energy flow in food webs



it's two (change in species over long periods of time)

ur welcome -ssq

Question 2
How does Earth's ocean conveyor belt influence regional climate?
O It redistributes heat from the poles to the equator.
O It redistributes heat from the equator towards the poles.
O It redistributes rainfall from the equator to the poles.
OIt redistributes rainfall from the poles to the equator.
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Answer: The correct answer is:

It redistributes heat from the poles to the equator.


The ocean conveyor belt, also known as the global ocean conveyor or thermohaline circulation, is a complex system of ocean currents that circulates water throughout the world's oceans. This system plays a critical role in regulating Earth's climate, as it helps distribute heat from the tropics towards the poles and vice versa.

The ocean conveyor belt works by carrying warm, salty water from the tropics towards the poles, where it cools and becomes denser, eventually sinking and flowing back towards the equator as cold water. This process helps redistribute heat from warmer to cooler regions, which helps to moderate the climate in these areas.

The ocean conveyor belt also has an impact on regional climate by influencing the distribution of precipitation. In areas where warm water from the tropics is carried towards the poles, it can increase evaporation and lead to greater rainfall. Conversely, in regions where cold water is carried towards the equator, it can lead to reduced precipitation.

Overall, the ocean conveyor belt is an important part of Earth's climate system, and understanding its functioning is crucial for predicting and mitigating the impacts of climate change.

The moon snail is...

a. a carnivore that uses propodium to plow forward

b. know to live on mud and sand flats

c. a species of abalone

d. a species of cowry

e. choice a & b are correct

f. choice b & c are correct

g. choice a & c are correct

h. choice a & d are correct


The correct answer is e. The moon snail is a kind of carnivorous sea snail that digs through mud and sand in pursuit of prey using a muscular protrusion called a propodium.

The moon snail is a kind of carnivorous sea snail that digs through mud and sand in pursuit of prey using a muscular protrusion called a propodium. They can frequently be seen in coastal locations on mud and sand flats. As a result, choices a and b are both accurate. The moon snail is not a species of cowry or an abalone, so choices c and d are incorrect. The correct answer is e.

Learn more about prey here-



Describe four key elements of the physical environment that determine which species can
live in a particular area.


By describing the temperature range, kind of soil, quantity of light, and amount of water that are unique to that area, scientists may pinpoint a biome. These elements help certain species fill specific niches.

What are some illustrations of the physical environment?The physical environment, in which we live and have an impact on one's health, is defined as the exterior surrounds and situations. All the varied elements of nature, such as the air, trees, greenery, lakes, and ocean, are included in the physical environment. The physical environment consists of the land, the air, the water, the plants and animals, the buildings and other infrastructure, as well as all of the natural resources that meet our fundamental requirements and offer potential for social and economic development. For people's physical and mental welfare, a clean, healthy environment is crucial. Environmental elements include air, water, climate, soil, indigenous plants, and landforms. By definition, environmental factors affect daily living and play a substantial role in the health inequalities that occur between various geographical areas.

To learn more about physical environment, refer to:


Why do eukaryotic cells have many DNA molecules while prokaryotic cells have only one?
a. Eukaryotic cells need more organelles to carry out certain functions
b. Eukaryotic cells need more input to influence the growth and appearance of plants animals and other creatures.





eukaryotic has cell membrane

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