What sentences best describes a theme of the play that is being developed through Macduff and Malcolm's conversation about ruling Scotland?
A. This conversation develops the theme of how the power dynamic of a husband and wife can influence their relationship.
B. This conversation develops the theme of how terrible things that a person does will always come back to haunt him or her.
OC. This conversation develops the theme of the supernatural events that influence the ordinary lives of people.
D. This conversation develops the theme of political and moral legitimacy of some kings versus the tyranny of others.


Answer 1

Macduff, a loyal son of Scotland, agrees that Malcolm is unfit to lead the country and may not even be fit to survive.

What does Macduff say in response to Malcolm's assertions about the kind of man he is and how he would run Scotland?

The way Macduff reacts is a little bit cowardly. He claims that unbridled lust is bad, but he is confident that Scotland will have enough ready women to please Malcolm.

How does Malcolm put Macduff's fidelity to Scotland to the test?

Malcolm pretends to be a worse person than Macbeth in order to test Macduff's allegiance. Macduff is steadfast in his commitment to the Scottish royal family. Malcolm admits to lying and contrasts Macduff's "fidelity" and "good truth and honor" with "Devilish Macbeth "'s.

To know more about Macduff Malcolm visit:



Related Questions

Write 3 paragraphs discussing how the universal idea of human kindness relates to the texts in the unit

Paragraph 1: discuss and give examples of how the author shows human kindness is demonstrated in the story' Thank You Ma'am"

Paragraph 2: discuss and give examples of how the author shows human kindness is demonstrated in the story " The Strangers That Came To Town"

Paragraph 3: state a theme shared by both texts. Use evidence from the text to support the theme



Respecting one another's humanity on purpose is what is meant by kindness. Our goal is to develop an environment of kindness that promotes a sense of community and, ultimately, prosperity for everybody.

What message does "thank you, ma'am" convey?

In his short story "Thank you Ma'am," Langston Hughes emphasizes the idea that showing a little kindness can go a long way. A person's life can be drastically altered by one act of kindness. Her gratuitous charity had a significant impact on Roger and transformed him.

What acts of goodwill are exemplified in the tale "The Strangers Who Came To Town"?

It has been demonstrated that being kind can elevate mood and boost empathy and compassion. It can lower blood pressure and the stress hormone cortisol, which has an immediate effect on stress levels. Balanced self-giving also tends to make people healthier and live longer.

To know more about human kindness visit:-



Paris: This is that banish' d haughty Montague
That murdered my love's cousin- -with which grief
It is supposed the fair creature died-
And here is come to do some villainous shame
To the dead bodies. I will apprehend him.
Stop thy unhallowed toil, vile Montague!
Can vengeance be pursued further than death?
Condemned villain, I do apprehend thee.
Obey, and go with me; for thou must die.
Romeo. I must indeed, and therefore came I hither.
Good gentle youth, tempt not a desp'rate man.
Fly hence and leave me, think upon these gone, Let them affright thee. I beseech thee, youth,
Put not another sin upon my head, By urging me to fury: O, be gone!
By heaven, I love thee better than myself, For I come hither arm'd against myself.
Stay not, be gone; live, and hereafter say A madman's mercy bid thee run away.
Paris. I do defy thy conjuration And apprehend thee for a felon here.
Romeo. Wilt thou provoke me? Then have at thee, boy!

What type of irony is this?

Why is it ironic ?


Paris tries to stop Romeo because he believes Romeo is attempting to desecrate the dead bodies. "That exiled, arrogant Montague killed my love's cousin,"

What does Romeo say after being exiled?

Doting on me and banishing me, Then, you may talk, rip out your hair, and fall to the earth like I am doing right now, taking the shape of an unmade grave.

What does Juliet remark regarding Romeo's exile?

Juliet asserts that Romeo's exile is worse than 10,000 dead Tybalts. Juliet regrets that she would pass away a maiden-widow, having never experienced her wedding night. But, The Nurse reassures her that she is aware of where Romeo is hiding and would make sure he shows up on their wedding night.

To know more about banished haughty montague visit:-



Hello everyone i need help on how to brainstiem a paper on V for Vendetta like ASAP please


The only appropriate response is retribution; V for Vendetta carried out as a vow and not in vain will one day bring the watchful and the righteous to justice for their actions.

What is the point of V for Vendetta?

In this movie, the main character V stands in for society's capacity to overthrow any kind of government. The movie V for Vendetta serves as a warning to audiences that if society is not vigilant, politics and the government may usurp individual freedom and rule over lives.

What makes it V for Vendetta?

The moniker V is derived from the Roman numeral for five, which stands for the room number he occupied while being held captive in a resettlement camp and undergoing medical experimentation.

To know more about V for Vendetta  visit :-



affectionate is to loving as sinister is to __ ?

A - Threatening
B - Benevolent
C - Good


Answer: A - Threatening


The word “sinister”, according to Oxford Languages, is “giving the impression that something harmful or evil is happening or will happen”. Based on this definition, the word “threatening” is similar to “sinister”, which means answer choice A is correct.

Affectionate is to loving as sinister is to Threatening. Thus, option A is the correct option.

What is sinister?

When the English term sinister first appeared in the 15th century, left-handed persons were seen as unlucky or even malevolent. Shakespeare described the villain in his play Hamlet as having a human skull in his evil hand, which is his left. To see a human skull in the right hand would look ominous or wicked, not to mention unfortunate for the individual who is without a head in the first place.

Something dark appears wicked or damaging. She detected something ominous about him that disturbed her. Threatening, nasty, menacing, and forbidding are some synonyms Other Words That Mean Sinister. Thus, according to the meaning, the word 'auspicious' is the opposite of the word 'sinister'.

Learn more about sinister here:



ead the passage from Initiation.

Millicent brushed back a strand of hair. It was stiff and sticky from the egg that they had broken on her head as she knelt blindfolded at the sorority altar a short while before. There had been a silence, a slight crunching sound, and then she had felt the cold, slimy egg-white flattening and spreading on her head and sliding down her neck. She had heard someone smothering a laugh. It was all part of the ceremony.

What technique does the author use to describe Millicent in this scene?

indirect characterization to describe how Millicent appears
indirect characterization to describe what Millicent is feeling physically
direct characterization to describe how Millicent appears
direct characterization to describe how Millicent is feeling emotionally


The authοr makes use οf οblique characterizatiοn tο describe hοw Millicent lοοks.

Which excerpt frοm Initiatiοn is the excellent οccasiοn οf an inner hοstilities Millicent had waited?

The excerpt frοm Initiatiοn “ thinking, this is establishing tο sοund seriοus. Wοrse than a lοyalty test, this grilling οver the cοals. What's it suppοsed tο exhibit anyway?” is the exceptiοnal example οf an internal cοnflict.

Millicent wοuld as a substitute dο a difficult aspect she believes is prοper than the cοnvenient thing. Indirect characterizatiοn is when an creatοr exhibits a character's elements thru actiοns, thοughts, speech, etc., alternatively οf saying it οutright. Millicent struggles with her mοtivatiοn fοr jοining the sοrοrity.

Learn more about internal conflict here:



In Rock short story by Lindiwe Nkutha
Discuss the story’s setting and analyse how Zibusiso manages to describe her
surroundings and the hardship her family is faced with, with wry humour?


The story is set in a rural village in South Africa. Zibusiso, the protagonist of the story, describes the setting in vivid detail, which paints a picture of a poor and struggling community.

What is rural village?

A rural village is a small settlement consisting of a small cluster of houses, typically located in a rural area far from large cities. Rural villages often have a village store, a post office, a church, and a community center. These are often the only places to shop, socialize, and find services within the village. Rural villages often have a strong sense of community and people rely on each other for support. Many villages also feature traditional festivals, events, and celebrations that bring people together.

She talks about how she has to fetch water from the river, how her family's small plot of land is too small to produce enough food, and how they must make do with little or nothing. Despite the hardships, Zibusiso is able to find some humour in her situation. She talks about how she can still make the most of her life by finding ways to entertain herself and her friends, such as playing with stones and twigs. She also talks about the beauty of the mountain and the river, and how the river is the only place where she can find a bit of peace and quiet. By showing the beauty of her surroundings, Zibusiso is able to find a bit of optimism in her difficult situation.

To learn more about rural village

BRAINLIST HELP PLEASE! What do you think when you see this quote
“Roughly 14 states have band outlawing most abortions with varying exemptions in penalties for doctors.”


They will think about the emotionally draining controversy surrounding abortion laws in the United States that will linger for a long time. They might also think of the consequences of abortion in many states and the need for a safer se-x-ual life.

What else might a person think looking at the quote about outlawing abortion?

They may also think about the potential consequences of these laws, such as the risk of harm to people seeking abortion services from unqualified providers, or the fact that limiting access to abortion can disproportionately affect marginalized communities who may not have the resources to travel to other states to access these services.

They may feel concerned or even outraged that so many states have enacted laws that limit or outright ban access to abortion, which is a deeply personal and often difficult decision for many individuals.

In conclusion, this quote is likely to elicit strong reactions from people with different opinions and beliefs about abortion rights and the role of the government in regulating reproductive health.

Find more information on abortion laws;



please help i was sick when she gave out the assiment so i do not know what do to and she will not let me see the recordings because when i was sick i should have been paying attention ( i had covid.)


1. Answer: Rikki-tikki-tavi felt curious and brave the first time he stepped into the garden.

   Cite: "He was a mongoose, rather like a little cat in his fur and his tail, but quite like a weasel in his head and his habits."

   Explain: The text does not provide an explicit answer to this question, but it does describe Rikki-tikki-tavi's appearance and behavior, which suggests that he was curious and unafraid.

  2.    Answer: Rikki-tikki-tavi refrained from eating Karait because he knew that the snake was poisonous and eating it could make him sick or even kill him.

   Cite: "Karait, the dusty brown snakeling, who curled himself up in the dust and pretended to be dead, but later on was detected by Rikki-tikki-tavi, who never knew when a snake was dead or alive till he had tested it."

   Explain: The text explicitly states that Rikki-tikki-tavi did not eat Karait, and provides a reason for this decision.

What is "Rikki-tikki-tavi" by Rudyard Kipling?

3. Answer: Darzee's wife told Nagaina that Rikki-tikki-tavi was in the bathroom, which allowed Nagaina to attack him by surprise. The consequence was that Rikki-tikki-tavi was almost killed by Nagaina.

   Cite: "And she flew at Nagaina, and pecked her head till she jumped off the porch: she was frightened that the valiant bird would strike her to death. So she flew away to the hedges and counted her family."

   Explain: The text explicitly states that Darzee's wife gave away Rikki-tikki-tavi's location to Nagaina, which allowed Nagaina to attack him by surprise.

   Lastly, question 4,  Answer: Yes, Rikki-tikki-tavi was willing to die to protect Teddy.

   Cite: "The boy was safe, but Rikki-tikki-tavi was bleeding from nose and mouth, and half of one ear was torn off."

   Explain: The text describes how Rikki-tikki-tavi was injured while protecting Teddy from Nagaina, which suggests that he was willing to put himself in harm's way to protect the boy.

Learn more about Rikki-tikki-tavi on:



See transcribed text below

Short Story of the Month

"Rikki-tikki-tavi" by Rudyard Kipling

I. Citing Text Evidence - Literal Comprehension Use the ACE method to answer each question.

1. How did Rikki-tikki-tavi feel the first time he stepped into the garden?




Reading Literature

2. What did Rikki-tikki-tavi refrain from doing after he killed Karait? Why? Answer:

Skill: Citing Text Evidence



3. What mistake did Darzee's wife make, and what was the consequence? Answer:



4. Was Rikki-tikki-tavi willing to die to protect Teddy?




Activity 9


©2017 ern cobb


Create a method called print_seating_area that shows the seats that have
been sold, and the seats that are still available. Display available seats with the character
‘O’ and the sold seats with ‘X’. Call this method when the user selects ‘2’ in the main menu




Here is an example implementation of the print_seating_area method in Python:

def print_seating_area(seats_sold):

   # Define the seating arrangement as a list of lists

   seating = [['O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O'],

              ['O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O'],

              ['O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O'],

              ['O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O'],

              ['O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O']]

   # Mark seats that have been sold with an 'X'

   for seat in seats_sold:

       row, col = seat

       seating[row][col] = 'X'

   # Print the seating arrangement

   print("Seats Sold: ")

   for row in seating:

       print(" ".join(row))

This method takes a list of tuples representing the seats that have been sold as its argument. It first initializes a list of lists representing the seating arrangement, with all seats initially marked as available ('O').

It then updates the seating arrangement by marking seats that have been sold with an 'X'. Finally, it prints out the seating arrangement, with sold seats represented by an 'X' and available seats represented by an 'O'.

To call this method when the user selects option 2 in the main menu, you can simply include the following code in your main program:

if choice == '2':


Here, seats_sold is a list of tuples representing the seats that have been sold, and choice is the user's input from the main menu. When choice is '2', the print_seating_area method is called with seats_sold as its argument, which displays the current seating arrangement.

BRAINLIST PLEASE HELL IM BEGGING I NEED HELP! What do you think when you see this quote
“The majority of Americans do not want these cases overturned, and an overwhelming majority, said that abortion should not be banned outright.”



Well, I think this quote is telling me that Americans do not want the Roe vs Wade Overturned, or for abortion to be banned outright.

So, it's telling me that most Americans want Roe vs Wade to stay in place, and for abortion not to be illegal.


First, define institutional racism with reference to specific examples (e.g., immigration policy, housing discrimination). How does institutional racism shape access to citizenship and notions of belonging and exclusion? Then, using notes from class andthe recordedlectures (NOT the internet!), define one of the following concepts below:

a. Failure of Reconstruction

Then, explore how this concept plays out in Marita Bonner's Black feminist play The Purple
Flower. You may want to consider how the play represents the relationship between race
and space, and/or what must be relinquished in order for this "New Man" (i.e., new person)
to come into being.



Institutional racism refers to the ways in which societal institutions, such as the government, legal and education systems, perpetuate racial discrimination through their policies and practices. An example of institutional racism in the United States is the history of discriminatory housing policies, such as redlining, which resulted in segregated neighborhoods and limited access to affordable housing for Black and brown communities. Another example is the country's immigration policies, such as the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 and the Muslim Ban of 2017, which have systematically discriminated against individuals based on their race, religion, or country of origin.

Institutional racism shapes access to citizenship and notions of belonging and exclusion by creating and perpetuating systemic barriers for marginalized groups. For example, discriminatory voting laws and policies have historically limited access to voting rights for Black and brown communities, resulting in their exclusion from the democratic process. Additionally, discriminatory practices in the criminal justice system, such as racial profiling and mandatory minimum sentencing, have resulted in disproportionate incarceration rates for Black and brown individuals, further perpetuating cycles of poverty and exclusion.

The failure of Reconstruction refers to the period following the Civil War in the United States, during which the federal government attempted to rebuild the South and integrate formerly enslaved Black individuals into society. However, despite some initial progress, Reconstruction ultimately failed to achieve its goals due to the rise of white supremacist groups, such as the Ku Klux Klan, and the inability of the federal government to effectively enforce its policies.

In Marita Bonner's Black feminist play The Purple Flower, the failure of Reconstruction is represented through the character of Johnnie, a formerly enslaved man who struggles to find his place in a post-Civil War society that is still deeply rooted in racism and inequality. Johnnie's attempts to establish a new life for himself and his family are repeatedly thwarted by white supremacist violence and discrimination, reflecting the ongoing legacy of institutional racism in the United States. The play also explores the relationship between race and space, as Johnnie's desire to create a new home for himself is continually undermined by the racialized power dynamics that govern the physical and social spaces in which he exists. Ultimately, the play suggests that in order for a "New Man" to emerge, the old structures of power and oppression must be dismantled and replaced with new systems that are truly equitable and just.


ASAP and a giving away a BRAINLY

Prompt: Reimagine Omega as a business of your choice. You are an employee at this business, as are all of your classmates. What type of business is this? What kind of shenanigans do yall get up to? Tell me all about it.

Make it unusual and really scary please. Thank you



We are a brain eating business and we eat brains. all the sudden a person with no brain comes in and we cant eat their brain and then they eat our brain.


Read this outline for an argumentative essay about government.

1. People have different ideas about the role of government.
A. The primary purpose of government is to protect its citizens.

2. Government should protect citizens from foreign and domestic threats.
A. The country faces threats from other nations, terrorists, and criminals.
B. The military can provide a strong defense at home and abroad.
C. The police and other government agencies keep citizens safe locally.
D. Some people believe social services are more important than defense,
but citizens cannot survive without protection and security.

3. Government’s main role is to provide protection via the military and other agencies.

Which statement could be added to the outline as supporting evidence for the claim?

In the past, the military and the FBI have prevented a number of terrorist attacks.
I still remember how it felt on September 11 when our country was attacked by terrorists.
Social services cannot provide the sense of security that a strong national defense can.
Social services provide food, health care, and other forms of assistance to millions of citizens each year.


To the template, the sentence that states, "Social services cannot deliver the sense of security that a robust national defence can," might be added to substantiate the argument.

Which statement could be added to the outline as supporting evidence for the claim?

To the template, the sentence that states, "Social services cannot deliver the sense of security that a robust national defence can," might be added to substantiate the argument. This claim emphasises how crucial a potent national defence apparatus is in giving citizens a sense of security. While their importance, social services fall short of the level of defence against domestic and foreign dangers that a robust military and law enforcement can provide. The assertion that protecting civilians is the main goal of government is supported by the statement's emphasis on defence and security. Overall, it makes a stronger case for why the government should give defence and security measures top priority in order to protect citizens' wellbeing.

To Know more about Essay Visit:



Read the poem.

To a Dark Girl
by Gwendolyn Bennett

Gwendolyn Bennet was a dynamic figure in the Harlem Renaissance. She was an artist, poet, journalist, and essayist. Her most well-known poem is “To a Dark Girl.”

I love you for your brownness,
And the rounded darkness of your breast,
I love you for the breaking sadness in your voice
And shadows where your wayward eyelids rest.

Something of old forgotten queens
Lurks in the lithe abandon of your walk
And something of the shackled slave
Sobs in the rhythm of your talk.

Oh, little brown girl, born for sorrow's mate,
Keep all you have of queenliness,
Forgetting that you once were slave,
And let your full lips laugh at Fate!
How does Bennett characterize the girl in “To a Dark Girl”?

The girl presents herself as a woman who, despite being enslaved, is optimistic.

Bennett portrays her as a former enslaved girl who carries herself as though she is of royal blood.

The girl is described as a woman who has been beaten down and discarded.

Bennett describes the girl as a beautiful and tall woman with dark brown skin and a shy demeanor.


The target audience for Gwendolyn Bennett's poem, "To a Dark Girl," is most likely young African-American girls.

What does the author want the reader to understand?

She urges the young black females to embrace rather than be ashamed of their skin tone.

What does the author want the reader to understand?

She urges the young black females to embrace rather than be ashamed of their skin tone.

Gwendolyn Bennett's statement implies what?

In "To a Dark Girl," Gwendolyn Bennett writes an open letter of love to a dark girl who is demoralized by her history and has low self-esteem. She is told in this poem that she accepts her for who she is, including her "brownness," difficult history, and stain .

To know morer about To a Dark Girl by Gwendolyn Bennett visit:



Most Students, Because Of Their Age, Have Less Power Than Others In Society. Write An Argument About The Most Effective Way To


An argument on the most effective way to address people in power is as follows;

The most effective way for students to address those in power and accomplish a goal is through organized and peaceful protests. While students may have less power due to their age, mass demonstrations and public pressure can be powerful tools for effecting change. For example, in 2018, the March for Our Lives protest led by students in response to gun violence in schools resulted in the passing of new gun laws in some states.

One counterargument against this approach is that peaceful protests are often ignored or dismissed by those in power. However, history has shown that peaceful protests can lead to significant change. The Civil Rights Movement in the United States utilized nonviolent protests and civil disobedience to bring about change in the 1960s. Additionally, the recent climate change protests organized by students around the world have put pressure on politicians and governments to take action on environmental issues.

In conclusion, peaceful protests are an effective way for students to address those in power and accomplish their goals. By organizing and mobilizing, students can make their voices heard and demand change in a peaceful and constructive way.

How can a person write a  good and convincing argument?

To write a good and convincing argument, clearly state your claim and provide evidence to support it. Use logical reasoning and sound evidence to make a compelling case, and consider addressing potential counterarguments to strengthen your position. Use language that is clear and concise, and avoid overly emotional or inflammatory language. Finally, make sure to present your argument in a structured and organized manner, with each point clearly and logically connected to the next.

The above answer is in response to the full question below;

Most students, because of their age, have less power than others in society. Write an argument about the most effective way to address those in power in order to accomplish a goal. Support your argument with at least one claim and at least two pieces of evidence, and be sure to address a counterargument.

Find more useful information on writing argument;



How are the two points of view similar?
O Both women are so injured that they fall to the ground.
O Both women agree to leave when the men say it is
safe to do so.
O Both women are emotionally devastated by having to
leave home.
Both women hide in their cabins and decide not to
leave with everyone.


Both women agree to leave when the men say it is safe to do so is an example of two points of view that are similar. The women have similar viewpoint when they agree to stay.

What connections exist between the point of view and perspective?

Viewpoint refers to how the characters interpret and sees the events in the story. Point of view is concerned with the kind of narrator who tells the story. The key component of perspective is how the storyteller interprets what is taking place.

The term "point of view" refers to a stance or viewpoint from which something is taken into account or assessed. Because it originates from their own unique point of view and is molded by their experiences, values, current mental state, the presumptions they bring to a situation, and a host of other factors, people have diverse and similar points of view.

To learn more about points of view, visit:



Jerome is trying a new recipe and invites several of his friends over to taste it. Rachel tells him that it is good but it has too much salt. Is this constructive criticism?

No, Rachel is a picky eater who doesn’t like anything.

Yes, Rachel’s feedback was specific and sincere.

Yes, he should not attempt to cook the dish again.

No, Rachel didn’t provide any useful information.



B. Yes, Rachel’s feedback was specific and sincere. Constructive criticism is feedback that is meant to help someone improve or do better in the future. In this case, Rachel's feedback is specific (that there is too much salt) and sincere (she is being honest and not just saying something to be polite). This information can help Jerome improve the recipe in the future by adjusting the amount of salt he uses.

Do you realize ............. you’ve done?
a) that
b) what
c) why
d) which



Explanation: makes more sense

Answer: B) what


Which supporting reason for this claim is most clearly an example? In other
words, which option uses inductive reasoning?
Claim: Our town should build a BMX bike track.
• A. Biking is great exercise and encourages kids to stay outside.
• B. A town north of us built a BMX track, and the kids love it.
• C. One hour of BMX biking can burn as many as 600 calories.
• D. If we build a track, we must require kids to wear helmets.


Claim: A BMX bike track should be built in our community - B. The kids adore the new BMX track that was created in a town north of us.

In simple terms, what is a claim?

A claim is made when you assert your ownership of anything, such as your health information or the title to your home. You demand something or declare something to be true when you make a claim or claim something. Taxpayers list their dependents and deductions.

A written statement of the relevant facts and strong refutations is a response to a statement of claim.

What definition of "claim" is the most precise?

noun. a declaration of a claim to a duty or a right to something. declaring something to be real, accurate, or true He insisted on being innocent.

To know more about Claim visit:



PART A: Which of the following best describes a central idea of the passage?A.Once someone was accused of witchcraft, there was no way out; anyone who confessed or tried to prove their innocence was executed.B.If Tituba had not been present in Salem, any suspicions about witchcraft would not have been taken as seriously.C.The town of Salem believed it was being plagued by witches, and in their panic they held a number of unfair trials.D.The girls of Salem purposefully targeted people they hated, fully understanding the consequences of their actions.SAVE & NEXT


The main point or thesis that the author is attempting to convey is the central idea of a passage. It is the author's main message or argument.

What is the passage's main point?

The most important concept that the author wishes to convey to the reader is the central idea of a passage or story. The main idea can be stated directly. The main point is stated by the author. The central idea may be implied rather than stated.

What is the main point of the passage quizlet?

the subject of the passage/text. This is the most important thought in the entire text and informs the reader of the author's main point.

To know more about  central idea visit:-



Suggest FIVE ways in which Grade 11 learners can reawaken their will to persevere when there is an obstacle stopping them from achieving their academic goals.



Believe in yourself , never give up , take advice from teachers,parents and friends , focus and set study times

Some of the suggestions can be setting achievable goals, Practice positive self-talk, Seek help, etc.

What is a goal?

A goal is an objective or desired outcome that a person or group of people wishes to achieve within a specific time frame.

Set smaller, more attainable goals: Encourage students to set smaller, more attainable goals to help them overcome obstacles.Encourage learners to develop a habit of positive self-talk, reminding themselves of their abilities, past successes, and the progress they have made toward their goals.Seek assistance: When faced with a challenge, students should feel comfortable approaching their teachers, peers, or parents for assistance.Take a break: When students are feeling overwhelmed or stuck, encourage them to take a break.Learners can find inspiration from a variety of sources, including motivational books, inspirational speeches, and successful individuals in their field of interest.

Thus, these are some suggestions needed.

For more details regarding goal, visit:



Select the correct answer.
Which words best describe the tone created by President Bush's word choices in his speech?
O A.
O C.
O D.
repression and formality
sadness and isolation
determination and grief
pessimism and harmony



determination and grief sounds right from what I read


but I don't know since the other guy got it wrong for me

The words used by President Bush in his speech create a tone of determination, as he pledges to bring those responsible for the 9/11 attacks to justice, and grief, as he mourns the loss of life and destruction caused by the attacks.The correct answer is C.

What is his speech?

President George W. Bush's speech on September 20, 2001, addressed the nation following the 9/11 terrorist attacks in New York City and Washington, D.C. In this speech, he discusses the events of the attacks, the losses suffered, and the country's response. He also emphasizes the importance of bringing the perpetrators of the attacks to justice, stating that "whether we bring our enemies to justice or bring justice to our enemies, justice will be done."

Therefore,In his speech, President Bush conveyed a tone of both resolve and grief. He vowed to bring those responsible for the 9/11 atrocities to account while also lamenting the deaths and destruction the attacks wrought.

Learn more about Verb tense errors, here:






The words or phrases, lots, it'll and way better are too casual to use in a formal essay. A formal essay is a brief, largely impersonal  piece of prose written for composition studies.

What are the types of formal essays?

Formal essays are typically written in the third person from a factual, research-based perspective. Not only essays but also letters, reports, and job applications written in a formal tone and with the use of a strong vocabulary are considered to be one sort of formal essay.

All punctuation and grammar conventions are followed in a formal essay. An official essay is a piece of writing intended to educate or persuade its reader. Introductions, bodies, and conclusions make up an essay's primary divisions. Five paragraphs in a typical short essay can give the reader all the information they need to understand the essay.

To learn more about formal essay, visit:



outline forty instances of subject - verb concord rules application


To put it another way, if the subject is singular, the verb should likewise be singular, and if the subject is plural, the verb should also be numerous. He plays football, for instance.

What are the implications What are the rules for subject-verb agreement and examples?

It is vital to keep in mind when writing a paper that verbs must always agree with the subject in both number (singular or plural) and person (first, second, or third). Your document will be accurate, understandable, and stylistically appropriate with the help of this kind of agreement.

How many guidelines exist for subject-verb agreement?

There are thirteen rules that correlate to these particular circumstances to make sure that our subjects and verbs always agree in quantity.

To know more about verb visit :-



A balanced way of life is an antidote to greed and materialism speech


We should all make an effort to have balanced lives, I implore you. Our love, generosity, and compassion for ourselves, others, and the planet around us should define us rather than our material goods or fortune. Let's strive towards a more balanced.

Why does materialism matter?

The benevolent materialists-

In collectivistic cultures, buying items that reflect the appearance of people you hold in high regard can also allow you to fit in with societal norms, which can then envelop you in a sense of belonging.

Provide one example of materialism.

A person who values material belongings highly is said to be materialistic. Everything could count as one of these items, including apparel, footwear, purses, automobiles, electronics, and gadgets. Even though everyone requires a place to live, one's home also qualifies as a tangible possession.

To know more about speech visit:



2. Read the dictionary entry below.
Motion 1. the
act or process of changing place 2. a formal proposal in a deliberative
assembly 3. melodic change of pitch 4. an impulse of inclination of the
mind Which definition best matches the word motion as it is used in line


Impulse or inclination of the mind is the definition that best matches the word motion as it is used in line 1 2 in The Wife of Bath's Tale.

What is the main point of the 'Wife of Bath's' tale?

The fundamental message of this tale, according to The Wife of Bath's Tale, is that husbands should respect their wives' opinions and give them the reins. From the outset of the narrative, the ladies of the court assume control of the circumstance by giving the knight one more opportunity to rescue himself.

The narrative, therefore, implies that, in contrast to its own claim that women most seek sovereignty over their husbands and lovers, what women actually desire is their husbands' willingness to cede authority. The irony of this narrative is that while the Knight had entire control over the victim when he committed the crime against her, the victim now has control over him.

To learn more about The Wife of Bath's Tale, visit:



1. Identify the claim and supporting reasons in the essay "Why Parents Should Not Limit Screen Time" from this lesson


The claim of the text is that screen time is not the real problem in children's development. The reasons for this claim are that there are more dangerous things like a sedentary lifestyle and isolation.

What is a claim?It's an argument.It's an opinion.It is a position on a certain subject.

Whenever a claim is made, the author must show the reasons for reaching that conclusion.

An example of this is seen when the author states that the time children spend in front of screens is not harmful, but it leads to a sedentary lifestyle and isolation and this is indeed harmful to child development and can cause serious problems.

Learn more about claims:




answer below


The claim of the text is that screen time is not the real problem in children's development. The reasons for this claim are that there are more dangerous things like a sedentary lifestyle and isolation.

In Winston Churchill's speech called the Price of Greatness what does the phrase "the long arm (of destiny) reaches out remorselessly..." mean


He declared “the charge of greatness is responsibility” and that the human beings of America were no longer absorbed in their personal affairs remaining undisturbed past their shielding oceans, which were “shrinking beneath our very eyes.” The Prime Minister spoke about the ties of blood and history between our two countries.

What is Churchill's speech about?

June 4, 1940

Churchill's 'We shall fight on the beaches' speech on 4 June 1940 is a eulogy to the British war effort that has been immortalised in famous reminiscence of the Second World War. As a newly appointed Prime Minister, Churchill's first month in workplace was described by way of the Dunkirk evacuation.

What was one of Winston Churchill's well-known phrases?

“All the greatest matters are simple, and many can be expressed in a single word: freedom; justice; honour; duty; mercy; hope.”

Learn more about Churchill's here;



which cannot be a part of email address


Space cannot be the part

(In The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks)

Assignment 2: Research Paper

In an organized, well-developed paper, address the following research question:

Is our modern technology interfering with or enhancing our ability to connect with other humans? In what ways is it interfering or enhancing? Be sure to cite specific examples from your research.

Remember that this is a research paper, so you will want to make your point and support it with at least three scholarly sources. Three quotes will need to be incorporated from your research, and all quotes should be cited both in-text and in the reference list. If you need help with organization, see the attached outline as a guide.

Please be sure to watch the following tutorials:

Characteristics of Scholarly Sources
Using the LRC to Find Sources
All sources need to be cited in-text and on your reference page.
Be sure that your in-text citations are properly formatted using MLA.
Below is an outline that you can use to help you structure and organize your paper. Ideally, all of your paragraphs should be 7-9 sentences.
• Introduction (4-7 sentences)
o Hook to capture your reader's attention—direct quote, shocking fact or quote, anecdote (1-2 sentences)
o Transition to thesis (1-2 sentences)
o Thesis statement that takes a stance regarding whether technology is enhancing OR interfering with the human ability to connect. (1 sentence)
o Preview statement that lists the main ideas of your paper (brief history of human’s relationship with technology, modern theory/social culture surrounding technology, etc). (1-2 sentences)
Notes: Your thesis statement needs to be more detailed then “Technology is distracting.”
• Body Paragraph 1, Paragraph 2, and Paragraph 3—Strong reasons outlining how technology interferes OR enhances- 1 reason per paragraph (7-9 sentences)
o Main idea/Topic sentence (1 sentence)
o Evidence from your sources (1 sentence)
o Analysis (explanation) of Textual evidence (2-3 sentences)
o Link textual evidence to topic sentence and thesis (3-5 sentences)
• Conclusion (5-9 sentences)
o Restate your thesis (1 sentence)
o Provide a commentary on the main ideas of your paper (3-5 sentences)
o Offer a final observation of your paper and leave the reader with a final impression of how technology has impacted human ability to connect with one another. (2-3 sentences)
Please note that NO GRADE WILL BE AWARDED if scholarly sources are not included in-text AND on your reference page since evidence of research is the key component of this assignment.
*Wikipedia is NOT a scholarly source and should not be used for this assignment!


The introduction and thesis statement of your research paper should read;


In today's fast-paced world, technology has become an integral part of our lives. We use it for communication, entertainment, and work. However, as we become increasingly reliant on technology, it raises the question of whether it is interfering with or enhancing our ability to connect with other humans. This paper aims to explore this topic by examining the history of human’s relationship with technology, modern theory/social culture surrounding technology, and specific examples of how technology is interfering or enhancing our ability to connect with others.

Thesis statement: While technology has undoubtedly improved communication and access to information, it has also created barriers to authentic human connection and may ultimately be undermining our social skills.

What should be contained in the body of your research paper?

In the body of your research paper it should read as follows;

1. Paragraph 1: Interference with human connection

One way in which technology is interfering with our ability to connect with others is by creating a barrier to authentic human connection. Social media, for instance, has been criticized for promoting shallow relationships and for creating a culture of comparison and self-promotion.

According to a study conducted by the University of Pennsylvania, using social media for just 30 minutes a day can lead to increased feelings of loneliness and depression. In addition, the constant need to present a curated version of oneself online can create a sense of inauthenticity and make it more difficult to establish genuine connections.

As a result, it is becoming increasingly common for people to feel isolated and disconnected from others, even when they have hundreds of "friends" on social media.

2. Paragraph 2: Enhancement of human connection

On the other hand, technology has also been shown to enhance our ability to connect with others. For example, video conferencing software  has made it possible to communicate with people from all over the world, regardless of geographical distance.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, video conferencing technology allowed people to stay connected with family, friends, and colleagues even when physical distancing measures were in place. This technology has been particularly helpful for elderly individuals who may not have been able to see their loved ones in person due to health concerns.

Furthermore, technology has also facilitated the formation of online communities that can provide support and connection for people who may not have access to these resources in their local area. For instance, there are online support groups for people struggling with addiction, mental health issues, and chronic illnesses.

3. Paragraph 3: Impact on social skills

Finally, technology is also impacting our social skills, both positively and negatively. On the one hand, the ease of communication afforded by technology has made it possible for people to connect with others more easily than ever before.

However, it has also been shown that excessive screen time can lead to a lack of face-to-face communication skills and a reduced ability to read nonverbal cues. This can make it more difficult to establish and maintain healthy relationships in the real world.

According to a study published in the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, people who spend more time on their phones and less time engaging in face-to-face communication are more likely to experience feelings of loneliness and isolation.


In conclusion, while technology has undoubtedly improved our ability to communicate and access information, it has also created barriers to authentic human connection and may ultimately be undermining our social skills. It is important that we continue to be mindful of the impact that technology is having on our social lives and work to ensure that we are using it in a way that enhances rather than interferes with our ability to connect with others.

Technology has the potential to bring people together, but it can also isolate us if we are not careful. By finding a balance between online and offline communication and being intentional about our use of technology, we can ensure that it is serving our needs rather than hindering them. As a society, we must continue to grapple with the complex relationship between technology and human connection in order to create

Find more research paper exercises here;



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