What should I write about in an essay about The Arctic Biome and Desert Biome?


Answer 1
Something about the Artic Biome And desert biome
Answer 2
for the artic biome you could talk about climate change and how a lot of the ice is melting due to climate change, so complete ecosystems are being destroyed there. (ex: lots of polar bears are slowing starving and losing their habitat). for the desert biome maybe you could talk about a drought somewhere or how the local animals and vegetation handle the climate there

Related Questions

Uncontrolled cell division can result in cancer or ?


Answer: Cancer is unchecked cell growth. Mutations in genes can cause cancer by accelerating cell division rates or inhibiting normal controls on the system, such as cell cycle arrest or programmed cell death. As a mass of cancerous cells grows, it can develop into a tumor.





When the cell notices that a mutation has happened in the division processes, it "shuts down" the cell in order to survive and not procreate these cells with the mutation in them.

Which of the following describes a second class lever
1. The fulcrum is located between the effort force and the load.
2. The effort force is located between the fulcrum and the load force.
3. The load force is located between the effort force and the fulcrum.



I think the answer might be number 2

In the second class lever, the load is between the effort force and the fulcrum. The correct option is 3.

What is a fulcrum?

The term can refer to the juncture or assistance on which a lever rotates, as well as the focal point of a critical activity or situation.

The term "fulcrum point" in zoology refers to an anatomical structure that serves as point of support.

The load in second-class levers lies among both the effort and the fulcrum. A wheelbarrow is a prominent example, where the effort moves a great distances to lift a substantial load, with the axle and wheel acting as the fulcrum.

In a second-class lever, the effort is distributed over a large area in order to raise the load a short distance.

Thus, the correct option is 3.

For more details regarding fulcrum, visit:



Question 3

Which statement below is correct?
A. Photosynthesis produces ATP, and cellular respiration requires light
B. Photosynthesis produces carbon dioxide, and cellular respiration
produces sugars.
C. Photosynthesis and cellular respiration occur in both plant and
animal cells.
D. Photosynthesis produces the oxygen required for cellular respiration.



B is the correct answer.

A is incorrect because respiration is always occuring in animals and plants, therefore it means it does not require the presence of light. Photosynthesis does produce ATP, though.

Not C because photosynthesis does not occur in animals

Not D because they both are  different processes. They don't really depend on each other, though they could occur at the same time.

1.Which of the following is a biotic factor within the ecosystem *
• The climate in the area
• The herbivore that feed on producers
• Amount of oxygen
• Amount of sunlight
2. Which of the following contains only biotic factors? *
• Temperature, pH and rainfall
• Algae, shrimp and humidity
• Frog, climate and insect
• Ant, grass and snail
3. In all symbiotic relationships, at least one organism benefits *
• True or False?
4. Lions kill and eat animals such as zebras and wildebeasts. Jackals then scavenge on the leftover remains. The jackals benefit from the lions without harming or benefiting them in return. What type of relationship is this? *
• Mutualistic
• Parasitic
• Commensal
• Competitive
5.Clownfish make their homes among the stinging tentacles of sea anemones. The clownfish gain protection from predators while attracting prey for the anemones to eat. Why is this an example of a mutualistic relationship? *
• The clownfish benefit but the anemones are not affected
• The clownfish and anemones both benefit
• The anemones benefit but the clownfish is not affected
• The anemones are harmed by clownfish


1. The herbivore that feed on producers

how is energy related to the reactants and products of a chemical reaction​



All chemical reactions involve energy.Energy is used to break bonds inreactants, and energy is released when new bonds form in products. Endothermic reactions absorb energy, and exothermic reactions releaseenergy. The law of conservation ofenergy states that matter cannot be created or destroyed.


They will be different from the reactants


Even though the new product is made up of the reactants, the product will have different properties.

What most likely happened to a species that became extinct and are only found as fossils?



Millions of years from now, paleontologists may dig into Earth and uncover fossils from our own time. They may, like scientists today, construct a chronology of what came before them, watching past species popping into—and later out of—existence. Today, humans are continually driving species to extinction—by one estimate, almost 500 vertebrate species have gone extinct in the past 100 years—but will those future scientists be able to tell? New research suggests that it might not be easy: Only a small proportion of these human-caused extinctions will leave behind a fossil trace—and the most threatened species are the ones least likely to be preserved for posterity.

The history of life on Earth is punctuated by what researchers call the “Big Five” mass extinctions, a group that includes the dinosaur-killing Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction and several other, even more severe, events. Many scientists now want to add a sixth: the one that humans are causing all over the globe today. But it’s hard to gauge just how severe the current extinction crisis is, compared with others in Earth’s sometimes tumultuous history. Modern extinctions are documented, sometimes in real time. But the Big Five are measured using only the fossil record, a history of those species that were buried and preserved by sediments over time.

That’s why Roy Plotnick, a paleontologist at the University of Illinois, Chicago, and lead author of the study, thinks about far-flung scenarios involving future paleontologists. “We really need to look at modern day extinctions as if they were in the fossil record already, in order to make a comparison,” he says. So he and his colleagues searched fossil databases for modern mammal species—both those threatened by extinction and those that aren’t—to see how many modern extinctions would be detectable by relying only on fossils.    


1.what is the meaning of synapse
2.explain how an impulse is transmitted across a synapse​



Hope this helps you. Sorry for the handwriting.

You need to find out why the GBR water is inhibiting (stopping) photosynthesis in the algae. The three major parts of photosynthesis are PSI, PSII and the Calvin cycle. The database has provided 3 things that could be inhibiting photosynthesis: high sea temperatures, paraquat, and diuron.




The question is not complete below is the remaining part of the question

Justify your choice by writing a hypothesis to explain how it has stopped the algae from making ATP, NADPH and sugars. You will be able to revise your hypothesis as you do more experiments


The hypothesis will be

High sea temperature inhibit Algae growth

Herbicides reduces algae photosynthesis rate

Algae respond to temperature differently some thrive at a low temperature, some at a moderate temperature but when the temperature is very high the rate of photosynthesis will reduce because they can not undergo the normal body physiological function as a result of harsh environment. In green plant at a very high temperature stomata closes to regulate water loss this prevent Carbon dioxide from coming in and photosynthesis rate reduces

Paraquat and Diuron are herbicide that prevent the growth of plants, when they are sprayed Algae is affected they die from immediate action of this chemical and their colour changes since chloroplast the green pigment is where light hit for photosynthesis to occur when the color changes the active site is affected photosynthesis can no longer occur.




Increasing the temperature only decreases the sugar, not the ATP and NADPH. I predict that Diuron will be inhibiting photosynthesis because photosynthesis as a whole should not work if Photosystem II is interfered with. Also, because Paraquat only lowers NADPH and sugar and not ATP, Diuron is the only choice left.

How many valence electrons does carbon have? Is this atom satisfied? Explain.



4 valence electrons


Because of the relative stability, these atoms often form covalent bonds rather than ionic bonds that need a charge. One example is Carbon. It has 4 valence electrons, so it can make a 4+ or a 4- charge.


Carbon has 4 valence electrons. It is not satisfied. To be satisfied, it needs to covalently bond with 4 electrons to achieve octet (8 valence electrons).

The diffusion of a substance into or out of a cell requires



Diffusion is one principle method of movement of substances within cells, as well as the method for essential small molecules to cross the cell membrane. Gas exchange in gills and lungs operates by this process. Carbon dioxide is produced by all cells as a result of cellular metabolic processes.


The diffusion of a substance into or out of a cell requires a process called diffusion, by which the molecules pass out through the plasma membrane.

What is diffusion?

Diffusion is a key mechanism for material transfer within cells and for the passage of critical tiny molecules across the cell membrane. This process controls the exchange of gases in the gills and lungs. All cells release carbon dioxide as a byproduct of biological metabolism.

There are two processes by which the molecules pass through a semi-permeable membrane. The processes are osmosis and diffusion. When the material transfer from low concentration to higher concentration.

Thus, diffusion is the process by which molecules travel through the plasma membrane to allow material to enter or exit a cell.

To learn more about diffusion, refer to the link:



what is the polymer for a lipid?

A. Triglyceride
B. N/A
C. Amino Acid
D. Polypeptide


It will be a triglyceride. Triglycerides are made from one glycerol with 3 fatty acid tails


I believe triglyceride is the correct answer.


Fatty acids form more complex lipid polymers called triglycerides, triacylglycerols or triacylglycerides when each single-bonded oxygen molecule bonds to a carbon that's part of a glycerol molecule. Triglycerides are also commonly found in foods, especially animal products.

What are the products of photosynthesis?

C 3H 6O 3 + 6O 2
C 6H 12O 6 + 3O 2
C 6H 12O 6 + 3H 2O
C 6H 12O 6 + 6O 2



C6H12O6 + 6O2


Carbon dioxide and water is used to make glucose (C6H12O6) and oxygen (6O2).

A feral cat needs to eat two mice a day to survive. A mouse needs to eat 5 seeds a day to survive. How many seeds are required to feed a feral cat for a week (7 days)?​



70 seeds


5 is the food for a mouse  (day)x2 mice for cat=10. 10x7(week)=70 seeds

hope this helps!

What is the function of the excretory system?

remove waste

break down food


transport nutrients



The excretory system removes waste

Sitting down at her favorite restaurant, Aliyah is looking at the menu trying to figure out what she would like to have. She notes an asterisk next to one of the dishes and finding the note at the bottom of the menu, it says, “Although we will cook to order, be aware that consuming this dish raw or undercooked may increase your risk of contracting salmonella.” Which menu item is MOST likely being referenced here?

A. Eggs Benedict
B. Blackened Salmon
C. Chocolate Cake
D. Spinach Lasagna



my guess is A. Eggs Benedict


eating eggs raw may lead to illness.

A basketball with a mass of 0.60 kg is accelerated with a force of 10.8 N. If resisting forces are ignored, what is the acceleration of the basketball to the nearest m/s2?



18 m/s^2 A newton is defined as kg*m/s^2 and you want to accelerate a mass in kg, getting a result of m/s^2. So what you need to do is cancel out the kg unit in the newtons. You can do that by dividing the newtons by kg. So let's do the math. 10.8 kg*m/s^2 / 0.60 kg = 18 m/s^2 So the ball has an acceleration of 18 m/s^2. Remember, look at the units you have and the units you desire. By doing so, the math operations become obvious.



18 m/s^2


18 m/s^2 A newton is defined as kg*m/s^2 and you want to accelerate a mass in kg, getting a result of m/s^2. So what you need to do is cancel out the kg unit in the newtons. You can do that by dividing the newtons by kg. So let's do the math. 10.8 kg*m/s^2 / 0.60 kg = 18 m/s^2 So the ball has an acceleration of 18 m/s^2. Remember, look at the units you have and the units you desire. By doing so, the math operations become obvious.

which cell is the only cell in a human body that could be seen with the naked eye


human egg cell

But human egg cell is the one of the largest cells in the human body that can be seen with naked eye. i.e we are able to see it without the help of a magnification device. The size of this cell is about 0.12 mm in diameter.

How far does a runner travel if they maintain a speed of 8.5 m/s for 240 s?


The answer is "2,040 m"
the answer is 2,040 m/s

Compare and contrast the photic and midnight zone.

HELLLLLLPPPPPPP MEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
come on its 20 points plsss help me
i will give Brainliest



In an oceanic environment the photic zone is the zone where light can be received it's usually from 0 to 200 m deep but this depth can be modified by the turbidity of the water. The aphotic zone is the zone where no light is receives it goes from 200 to the bottom of the sea.


The genetic material is arranged differently in the cell of bacteria compared with animal and plant cells.
Describe two differences.



unlike bacteria cells, plant and animal cells both have membrane. Bacteria cells lack membrane. Bacteria multiple by binary fission.

Animal and plant cells contain linear chromosomes. Bacteria have one circular chromosone and no nucleus. Plasmids carry genetic material in some bacteria.

What is bacteria?

Bacteria are unicellular organisms that are very tiny. Bacteria can be found practically anywhere on Earth and play an essential role in the ecosystems that exist there. Some animals are able to survive in environments with both high temperatures and high pressures.

Both plant and animal cells store their genetic material in the form of chromosomes, which are linear structures. Bacteria do not possess a truly organized nucleus and instead contain a single chromosone that is round. Plasmids are tiny circular pieces of genetic material that can be carried by some bacteria. These plasmids carry additional genetic material.

Learn more about bacteria's, here:



Which state is considered the “Mecca” of the natural revolution? AGRICULTURE*





Help asap!

The broadest group an organism can be classified into is its:

A. kingdom

B. domain

C. order



B. Domain


In order from broadest to most specific:

Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species



The broadest category in the Linnaean system is the kingdom. Figure above shows the Animal Kingdom because Homo sapiens belongs to that kingdom. Other kingdoms include the Plant Kingdom, Fungus Kingdom, and Protist Kingdom. Kingdoms are divided, in turn, into phyla (phylum, singular)

Why do humans want/need to know the populations of different species in the world?


Answer:does this question have answer choices?


The series of steps in which a large fish eats a smaller fish that has eaten algae is a


Answer: It is a food chain

Explanation: A series of steps including species consuming another in a direct chain is defined as a food chain

Phenylalanine is required for the production of many bodily proteins, but none of your cells are capable of synthesizing this essential amino acid. What type of metabolic pathway must be responsible for providing phenylalanine to your cells? How would your diet effect the mount of Phenylalanine that is available?


Answer and explanation:

Phenylalanine is an amino acid that is very important for our bodies to function correctly but it isn't synthesized in our cells, so the only way to incorporate it is by having it in our diets, this is why phenylalanine is an essential amino acid.

Phenylalanine can be found in milk, eggs, chicken, and liver, among other foods known to be good protein sources. Given the fact that phenylalanine is an essential amino acid, the amount we ingest of it in our diet will directly impact on the availability of this amino acid in our body.

Phenylalanine is an amino acid and, as such, it will enter the metabolic pathway of protein catabolism, where it will be degraded to be fully usable for the body. Phenylalanine will be metabolized into acetoacetic acid and fumaric acid, and is the precursor of catecholamines such as epinephrine and norepinephrine, while also being part of the structure of several neuropeptides.

8. Write down the definition for the term "cross section” ?


I highly believe that cross section is either a shape or surface that would be exposed by a cut through something.

What is genetic tagging?
O a technique that uses specific antibodies to
visualize features of cells
O a technique that visualizes how specific
genes are used within a cell
O a technique in which cells are purposefully
grown under specific conditions
o an imaging technology used to study features
smaller than the human eye can see



a technique that visualizes how specific

genes are used within a cell


Summarize the process of sexual reproduction and explain how variations of inherited traits can increase or decrease an organism’s chance of survival.
Please sum it up in 3 sentences or more.



sexual reproduction increases genetic diversity and gives species better chances of survival. Here different mutations are continually reshuffled from one generation to the next. When different parents combine their unique geromes, it results in increasing the genetic diversity.


What is the role of creatine kinase in the myofibril?



Creatine kinase (CK) has several functions in cellular energy metabolism. It catalyzes the reversible transfer of high-energy phosphate from ATP to creatine, facilitating storage of energy in the form of phosphocreatine.

The evidence suggests that the myofibrils' creatine kinase is sufficient to maintain typical tension and relaxation, typical Ca sensitivity, and typical kinetic properties.

What is myofibril?

On the long axis of the myocytes, groups of myofibrils—long contractile fibers run parallel to one another (long single multinucleated cells that combine to form the muscle).

On the cell's long axis, the myocytes are situated next to one another in parallel.

Creatine, a molecule found in your muscle cells that aids in the production of energy by your muscles, needs a phosphate group added to it by CK.

Creatine becomes the high-energy molecule, phosphocreatine, which your body uses to produce energy, when CK attaches phosphates to it.

According to the research, the myofibrils' creatine kinase is enough to keep their regular kinetic features, like tension and relaxation and Ca sensitivity, in place.

Thus, this is the role of creatine kinase in the myofibril.

For more details regarding myofibril, visit:



when something is frozen does it increase or decrease in density?



Water expands when it freezes making it less dense than the water from which it freezes. In fact, its volume is a little over 9% greater (or density ca.


Depends on what is freezing. Generally it increases density.


water when frozen has a lower density. but generally freezing increases density because it packs the molecules tighter

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Read this passage from "The Rainy Day":Be still, sad heart! and cease repining;Behind the clouds is the sun still shining;Thy fate is the common fate of all,Into each life some rain must fall,Some days must be dark and dreary.The second line is an example of foreshadowing (hinting at what might come next). What effect does this line have on the poems mood?A.The foreshadowing suggests that the sun will be too strong when it comes out, making the poems mood more anxious.B.By foreshadowing sad times to come, the line adds to the poems dreary mood.C.By foreshadowing happier times to come, the line helps lighten the mood and lift the reader's spirit.D.The foreshadowing suggests that the clouds will remain in the future, making the mood of the poem even more bleak. solving equations of different solution types help please What areas of humanity did Sigmund Freud attempt to understand? Check all that apply.O emotionO successO behaviorO speechO motivation Given the points below, find XYXY. X(-9, 2)X(9,2) and Y(5, -4)Y(5,4) Where do Earths convection currents occur? the lithospheretectonic platesthe asthenospherethe subduction zone Solve each equation.Show all steps4) -8(-6-5k)=-232 Simplify.9(y + 7) plzzzz answer fastt Given h(x) = 5x - 3. Find h(a + 1).Given h(x} Select the correct answer.How does a general internet search help in the research process?A. It helps you choose sources that have been published more recently.B. It helps you select articles that only credible authors have written.C. It helps you revise your research focus as you uncover more information.D. It helps you search for information that cant be found at libraries Use the drop-down menus to complete the statements about creating a table of contents in Word 2016.To use the table of contents feature in Word, a user must have already created in the document.The Mark Table of Contents Entry option is used for marking nonheading text for the table of contents.On the Table of Contents dialog box, the button can be used to change font styles. What is 537 rounded to the nearest hundred Because of the relatively high interest rates, most consumers attempt to pay off their credit card bills promptly. However, this is not always possible. An analysis of the amount of interest paid monthly by a bank's Visa cardholders reveals that the amount is normally distributed with a mean of 2525 dollars and a standard deviation of 88 dollars. (Round all decimals to at least 3 places.) (a) What proportion of the bank's Visa cardholders pay more than 2828 dollars in interest imagine yourself in a frozen forest Why do you think the ideal communication style is assertive communication? ____ energy is the energy a roller coaster stores while moving to the top of a hill.A. G-ForceB.PotentialC. Stirred D. Kinetic Of 1000 randomly selected cases of lung cancer, 838 resulted in death within 10 years. Construct a 95% two-sided confidence interval on the death rate from lung cancer. (a) Construct a 95% two-sided confidence interval on the death rate from lung cancer. Round your answers to 3 decimal places. (b) Using the point estimate of p obtained from the preliminary sample, what sample size is needed to be 95% confident that the error in estimating the true value of p is less than 0.03 How can point of you change how you think about a story? (Idk the answer) In the Republic of Rome, how would theSenate look? Why does Mexico's economic success largely depend on the United States? 20 POINTS PLS ANSWER Aaron has made a mistake in his work. Circle Aarons mistake in the image below.