what type of volcanic material indicates an eruption under water? group of answer choices pillow lavas aa flows pahoehoe flows


Answer 1


The type of volcanic material that indicates an eruption under water is pillow lavas. Pillow lavas are formed when lava erupts under water or flows into water, causing it to cool rapidly and solidify into pillow-like structures. These structures are typically smooth on the outside and have a fine-grained texture on the inside, and are often found in submarine volcanic environments such as mid-ocean ridges and submarine volcanoes. The other types of volcanic material mentioned, aa flows and pahoehoe flows, are formed by lava flowing on land and are not typically associated with underwater eruptions.

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what is an example of terrigenous sediment? diatomaceous earth oolite sand granite manganese nodules


Answer: Sand


How can droughts be triggered by physical conditions ​


Streamflow's decrease, lake and reservoir levels drop, and the depth of water in wells rises when rainfall is below average for a period of weeks to years. The dry spell might turn into a drought if the dry weather continues and difficulties with the water supply arise.

How might physical factors cause droughts to occur?

Streamflow decrease, water levels in lakes and reservoirs drop, and the depth of well water rises when rainfall is below average for a period of weeks to years. The dry spell may turn into a drought if the dry conditions endure and concerns with the water supply emerge.

Due to the recent unusually low rainfall, Cape Town is currently experiencing a drought, which has put a tremendous amount of strain on the city's water supply. Cape Town's drinking water supply is reportedly in grave danger if it doesn't start raining right away.  Warmer temperatures accelerate evaporation, which decreases surface water and dries out the soil and vegetation. Low precipitation times become drier as a result, as opposed to when it is colder.

Learn more about droughts:



regular variations in the winter atmospheric pressure over the northern atlantic ocean are associated with the ____.


The regular variations in winter atmospheric pressure over the northern Atlantic Ocean are associated with the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO).

The NAO is a climate pattern in the North Atlantic Ocean that affects the climate of the surrounding area. It is the result of pressure differences between the Azores High and the Icelandic Low and is characterized by a north-south pressure gradient that influences weather across the Atlantic.

The NAO is linked to temperature, precipitation, and storminess across the northern Atlantic and Europe, and is the main driver of winter weather in the region. The positive phase of the NAO is associated with warm, wet conditions in northwest Europe, while the negative phase is associated with cold, dry conditions. The NAO has been observed to fluctuate on a decadal timescale, as well as in response to El Nino/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events.

To know more about  North Atlantic Oscillation, click here:



during the tornado outbreak of 14-16 april 2011, alabama reported the most tornado-related deaths. (True or False)


The given statement "During the tornado outbreak of 14-16 April 2011, Alabama reported the most tornado-related deaths" is true because the outbreak, which was one of the deadliest tornado outbreaks in U.S. history, produced a total of 358 tornadoes across 21 states.

Alabama was one of the hardest hit states, with over 200 tornadoes reported and 238 fatalities. The cities of Tuscaloosa and Birmingham were particularly affected, with massive damage to homes, businesses, and infrastructure. The National Weather Service reported that some of the tornadoes were rated as EF-4 and EF-5 on the Enhanced Fujita Scale, with wind speeds reaching up to 210 miles per hour.

The devastation caused by the tornado outbreak led to a significant effort by emergency responders, volunteers, and government agencies to provide relief and aid to those affected. The event also highlighted the need for improved tornado preparedness and warning systems.

For more about tornado outbreak:



True, during the tornado outbreak of 14-16 April 2011, Alabama reported the most tornado-related deaths.

Alabama was particularly hard hit by the outbreak, with a total of 62 tornadoes reported in the state over the three-day period. These tornadoes caused significant damage and resulted in a total of 253 fatalities, which was the highest death toll of any state affected by the outbreak. The tornado outbreak of 14-16 April 2011 was caused by a strong low-pressure system that moved across the central and eastern United States, bringing with it warm and moist air from the Gulf of Mexico, as well as a strong jet stream that provided the necessary wind shear for tornado formation. The outbreak resulted in an estimated $11 billion in damages, making it one of the costliest natural disasters in U.S. history.

Learn more about tornado :



the most common rock forming minerals are composed of predominantly eight elements. these minerals are the


The most common rock-forming minerals are composed of predominantly eight elements: oxygen, silicon, aluminum, iron, calcium, sodium, potassium, and magnesium.

These minerals are the building blocks of most igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks. Examples of such minerals include quartz, feldspar, mica, amphibole, pyroxene, olivine, and calcite. Silicates are classified into several groups based on their chemical composition and crystal structure. For example, feldspars are a group of silicate minerals that contain aluminum, sodium, and potassium, and they make up a significant portion of many igneous and metamorphic rocks. Quartz is another common mineral that is composed entirely of silicon and oxygen and is found in many types of rocks. In addition to silicates, other minerals that are important in the Earth's crust include carbonates (such as calcite), sulfides (such as pyrite), and oxides (such as hematite). However, these minerals are not as common as the silicates.

Learn more about sedimentary rocks :



stratigraphic correlation is group of answer choices correlating stratigraphic markers in one location. matching strata by chemical composition and color from several sites across distances. dating through the use of a chronometric method. matching stratigraphy from known sites only.


Stratigraphic correlation is matching strata by chemical composition and color from several sites across distances. The right answer is b.

The process of determining which sedimentary layers have the same age in different geographic locations by using their stratigraphic relationship is known as stratigraphic correlation. By mapping and creating stratigraphic columns—a comprehensive overview of the strata from bottom to top—geologists create geologic histories of places.

Finding which sedimentary strata are geographically distant but the same age is known as correlation. Rock types, distinctive rock sequences, magnetic polarity reversals, and index fossils can all be used to identify correlation. Stratigraphic, lithostratigraphic, chronostratigraphic, and biostratigraphic correlation are the four main forms.

The correct answer is option b.

Know more about Stratigraphic correlation here



in the formation of gneiss from a granite protolith, distinctive compositional bands form because of


In the formation of Gneiss from a Granite Protolith, distinctive compositional bands form because of crystals, dissoliving atoms and ions migrating.

Schist, granite, or volcanic rocks are transformed into Gneiss, a metamorphic rock, by being subjected to extreme heat and pressure. Because gneiss is foliated, it has layers of lighter and darker minerals. These layers, which are of varying densities, are the result of the extreme pressure that gneiss underwent during formation.

Gneiss protoliths sometimes consist of igneous rocks; in this instance, they are referred to as orthogneiss. Shear in vicous granitic magma is most likely the cause of its formation. A type of paragneiss has a sedimentary protolith. Even in the latter scenario, sedimentary rock stacking was not the initial cause of Gneissic banding.

To know more about Gneiss and Granite visit:



In the formation of gneiss from a granite protolith, distinctive compositional bands form because of a process called metamorphism.

Metamorphism involves the transformation of an existing rock type, such as granite, into a new rock type, like gneiss, due to changes in temperature, pressure, and/or mineral composition. Begin with a granite protolith. Granite is an igneous rock that consists primarily of quartz, feldspar, and mica minerals. Subject the granite protolith to increased temperature and pressure. As the granite is buried deeper within the Earth's crust, it experiences higher temperatures and pressures.

Initiate metamorphic processes. The increased temperature and pressure cause the minerals within the granite to become unstable, leading to chemical reactions and the formation of new minerals. Develop compositional banding. During metamorphism, the minerals in the original granite protolith may become reorganized into distinctive compositional bands. This occurs because different minerals have different chemical compositions, and they respond differently to the changes in temperature and pressure.

As a result, minerals with similar compositions and properties tend to group together, creating the characteristic banded appearance of gneiss. Complete the transformation. As the metamorphic process continues, the granite protolith is fully transformed into gneiss, with its distinctive compositional bands as a result of the metamorphic conditions and mineral reorganization. In summary, the formation of gneiss from a granite protolith results in distinctive compositional bands due to the metamorphic processes that cause the minerals within the granite to become unstable and reorganize under increased temperature and pressure.

For more such questions on metamorphism



In Minamata Bay, Japan over 1,200 cases of poisoning happened because of the consumption of fish contaminated with:
A. Mercury
B. Arsenic
C. Lead
D. Cadmium
E. PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls)


Mercury. It's highly poisonous and is often found in fish.

suppose you were near the epicenter and felt the earth move as if you were in the ocean. what type of seismic wave would you have experienced?


The type of seismic wave that is portrayed in the given question is “surface waves”. The seismic waves represent the types of waves that feel like water ripples, which bears a lower frequency than that of body waves.

   The surface waves can travel over both, land plates as well as water plates. These surface waves are easily detected and interpreted by a seismogram. There are two types of surface waves. They are; Rayleigh waves, representing water movements, and Love waves, representing shearing of the ground in a horizontal direction.

   Thus, the kind of seismic waves that an individual can feel around the epicenter as if moving in the ocean, is known as a surface wave, that are given out in all directions from the epicenter.

To know more about surface waves:


which describes the water movements caused by the coriolis effect? group of answer choices counterclockwise in the northern and southern hemispheres clockwise in the southern hemisphere and counterclockwise in the northern hemisphere clockwise in the northern hemisphere and counterclockwise in the southern hemisphere clockwise in the northern and southern hemispheres


The water movements caused by the Coriolis effect are described as clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and counterclockwise in the Southern Hemisphere.

A hemisphere refers to one half of the Earth, which is divided by the equator into the Northern Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere. Each hemisphere contains one of the Earth's two poles (the North Pole in the Northern Hemisphere and the South Pole in the Southern Hemisphere). Additionally, the terms hemisphere can also refer to the half of the brain, with the brain being divided into the left hemisphere and the right hemisphere. The left hemisphere is typically associated with logical and analytical thinking, while the right hemisphere is associated with creativity and intuition. Hemisphere is also used in a variety of other contexts, including astronomy and geometry, where it refers to a half of a sphere or a circular object.

Learn more about Hemisphere here:



The water movements caused by the Coriolis effect are counterclockwise in the northern hemisphere and clockwise in the southern hemisphere.

The water counterclockwise caused by the Coriolis effect are clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and counterclockwise in the Southern Hemisphere.The Coriolis effect is a phenomenon that describes the apparent deflection of objects, including water, moving across the Earth's surface due to the planet's rotation. In the context of water movements, the direction of the deflection depends on the hemisphere and the direction of the water flow. In the Northern Hemisphere, the Coriolis effect causes water movements to deflect to the right of the direction of the flow. As a result, the water moves clockwise around high-pressure systems and counterclockwise around low-pressure systems. In the Southern Hemisphere, the Coriolis effect causes water movements to deflect to the left of the direction of the flow. This means that water moves counterclockwise around high-pressure systems and clockwise around low-pressure systems.Therefore, the correct answer to the question is that water movements caused by the Coriolis effect are clockwise in the southern hemisphere and counterclockwise in the northern hemisphere. This effect has significant implications for ocean circulation patterns and weather systems, as it influences the direction of ocean currents and the formation of cyclones and anticyclones in the atmosphere.

To learn more about counterclockwise click on the link below:



surface waters are pushed away from land and replaced by nutrient-rich bottom water through: question 15 options: convergence. downwelling. land breezes. sea breezes. upwelling.


The process that describes surface waters being pushed away from land and replaced by nutrient-rich bottom water is called upwelling.

This occurs when winds blow parallel to the shore, causing water to move away from the coast and be replaced by cold, nutrient-rich water from deeper in the ocean. Downwelling, on the other hand, occurs when surface waters sink and are replaced by deeper, warmer water, which can lead to decreased nutrient availability. Convergence, land breezes, and sea breezes are not directly related to this process. The process that describes surface waters being pushed away from land and replaced by nutrient-rich bottom water is called upwelling.

Learn more about sea breezes :



Surface waters are pushed away from land and replaced by nutrient-rich bottom water through a process called upwelling.

Upwelling occurs when wind-driven currents move surface waters away from the coast, allowing deeper, colder, and nutrient-rich water to rise up and replace the displaced surface water. This process is important for marine ecosystems because the nutrient-rich waters support the growth of phytoplankton, which forms the base of the food chain and contributes to increased marine productivity.

Convergence, downwelling, land breezes, and sea breezes are not directly responsible for the replacement of surface waters with nutrient-rich bottom water. Convergence refers to the meeting of ocean currents, while downwelling occurs when surface waters sink to deeper parts of the ocean, typically due to an increase in density caused by cooling or an increase in salinity.

Land breezes and sea breezes are localized wind patterns generated by differences in temperature between the land and the ocean.

In summary, upwelling is the process responsible for pushing surface waters away from land and replacing them with nutrient-rich bottom water. This phenomenon plays a vital role in supporting marine ecosystems and maintaining biodiversity.

To learn more about upwelling refer here:



what is the term for when one lithospheric plate slides beneath another lithospheric plate? group of answer choices subduction accretion divergence isostacy


The term for when one lithospheric plate slides beneath another lithospheric plate is "subduction."

The lithosphere is the solid, outer part of Earth. The lithosphere includes the brittle upper portion of the mantle and the crust, the outermost layers of Earth’s structure. It is bounded by the atmosphere above and the asthenosphere (another part of the upper mantle) below. Although the rocks of the lithosphere are still considered elastic, they are not viscous. The asthenosphere is viscous, and the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary (LAB) is the point where geologists and rheologists—scientists who study the flow of matter—mark the difference in ductility between the two layers of the upper mantle. Ductility measures a solid material’s ability to deform or stretch under stress. The lithosphere is far less ductile than the asthenosphere.

Learn more about lithospheric plate here:



which of the following questions is related to geographic association?group of answer choiceshow much of it is here or there?is it distributed globally?is it spatially clustered or dispersed?what is absent in its presence?where are the boundaries?


The geographical association is one of the organization that is developed to the welfare of the geographical area. It is distributed globally and it is also clustered and the boundaries of GA is nature that means cliff, valley.  

The geographical association is an organization that runs not to gain any profits. So it is an NGO which is built to provide the welfare in the organization. The main aim of the organization is to give knowledge and to educate the people in the environment. It is basically formed for the safety of the environment.

The logo of the association is GA which means the Geographical Association. It is present in every region of the world also in every localities to provide education to the people. So GA is spread world wide for protection of the mother earth. The most important subject in GA is geography. It is one of the most important factor to improve the environment.

GA is a charitable trust that is geographical aided. The key function of the GA is to protect the future in the geography. It was firstly invented on 1893 in UK and there are nearly 10000 circa in the membership of GA.  The geographical distribution is dividing the land area into different region and localities on the earth.

The GA is distributed according to the animals and plants distribution in the locality, it is based on the arrangements of the living organisms that is inhabited. In India the South Asian continents are described by the geographical distribution. In GA the presence in absence is the unique species that are not recorded.

There are few basic types of distribution of species in the region it can be differentiated as follows:


That can be said as the top, bottom and middle area of the differentiation.  Here presence means something that exists in the geography and the non- existence is the species does not exist in the nature.

To know more about geographical association and there distribution, boundaries and presence follow the link below:




The question is incomplete the actual question must include the questions related to the geographical association. Such as: Where is it located? Why is it there? What is the significance of the location? What is this place like?

1. What is demand? a graphic representation of a demand schedule a table that lists the quantity of a good all consumers in a market will buy at each different price the desire to own something and the ability to pay for it consumers buying more of a good when its price decreases and less when its price increases




money team

explain two benefits to tourists of accommodation grading


The two benefits of accommodation grading to tourists are;

It  bring about reliable indication of expected services  as well as offerings. It helps consumers to find hotels of a standard they require.

What is grading?

Grading  can be described as the assessment of tourism SME, however when it comes to the Accommodation businesses it is been rated based on the star method.

It should be noted that grading brngs about the Increased accuracy  with reespect to the assessment of performance, howebr it helps to bring about the greater focus on specific skills and standards as well as more consistent feedback.

Learn more about tourists at:



Answer:I hope this helps you


Certainly! One benefit of accommodation grading for tourists is that it provides a standard level of quality. When accommodations are graded, tourists can easily compare options and make informed decisions about where to stay. This ensures they get the quality of stay that they are looking for and helps them avoid any negative surprises.

Another benefit is that accommodation grading can provide peace of mind for tourists. Knowing that a property has been graded and meets certain standards can help tourists feel more confident that they will have a pleasant and comfortable stay. Additionally, accommodations with higher grades often offer additional amenities, such as concierge services or on-site dining, which can help to enhance the overall travel experience for tourists.

(q023) which of the following statements is true? group of answer choices on the scale of your lifespan, groundwater is a renewable resource; it rains all the time. pore collapse occurs when water is compressed between grains within an aquifer. in coastal areas, saltwater can enter an aquifer, float on the freshwater there, and be drawn up in wells. the level of the water table can drop when surface water is diverted away from recharge areas.


In reference to coastal areas, the true statement among the given choices is: "In coastal areas, saltwater can enter an aquifer, float on the freshwater there, and be drawn up in wells." This phenomenon is known as saltwater intrusion, which can cause contamination of freshwater resources in coastal regions.

Coastal areas are regions where land meets the sea, including beaches, cliffs, and wetlands. They are dynamic and complex ecosystems that are influenced by a variety of factors, including tides, waves, currents, winds, and human activities. Coastal areas are home to a diverse array of flora and fauna, including coastal dunes, mangroves, salt marshes, and coral reefs. They are also important for human activities, including fishing, shipping, recreation, and tourism. However, coastal areas are vulnerable to a range of threats, including erosion, sea level rise, storm surges, and pollution. Proper management and conservation of coastal areas are essential for maintaining the health of these important ecosystems and the well-being of local communities.

Learn more about Coastal areas here:



why is the oldest rock on the surface of the earth much younger than the estimated age of the earth?group of answer choices


The oldest rock on the surface of the Earth is much younger than the estimated age of the Earth because the Earth's surface is constantly undergoing geological processes such as erosion, weathering, etc.

The oldest rock on the surface of the Earth is much younger than the estimated age of the Earth because the Earth's surface is constantly changing due to geological processes such as erosion, volcanic activity, and tectonic plate movement. As a result, most of the original rock that formed when the Earth was created has been destroyed or buried deep beneath the surface. The oldest rock on the surface of the Earth is typically less than 4 billion years old, whereas the estimated age of the Earth is around 4.6 billion years old.

Learn more about erosion here https://brainly.com/question/30587260


the perception that the north american continent was an unpeopled wilderness during the early period of european settlement when british settlers arrived is an example of



an artifactual landscape or an anthropogenic landscape

the city of the united states with strong links to latin america based on population, regional air and sea transportation lines, and growing banking and financial services, is


The city of the United States with strong links to Latin America is Miami.

Miami is frequently referred to as the "Capital of Latin America"; for the past 40 years, Latin Americans and their ancestors have ruled the city. The majority of people in Miami are of Latin descent. 73% of people in Miami-Dade county, the metro area that encompasses the City of Miami, identify as "Hispanic or Latino."

One of the most popular tourist destinations in the United States, it is both a tropical paradise and a cultural hub. Miami is also a major entry point into Latin America.

It is also called a Magic city because of the beautiful sunsets, cool breezes, and warm waters or perhaps because in the afternoon, traffic appears mysteriously everywhere on every highway.

To know more about United States and Latin america visit:



The city in the United States with strong links to Latin America based on population, regional air and sea transportation lines, and growing banking and financial services is Miami, Florida.

Miami has a significant Latin American population, which contributes to its strong cultural and economic ties with the region. Many immigrants from Latin American countries, such as Cuba, Colombia, and Brazil, have settled in Miami, creating a diverse and vibrant community. In terms of regional air and sea transportation lines, Miami serves as a major gateway between the United States and Latin America. Miami International Airport (MIA) is a major hub for flights to and from the region, while PortMiami is one of the busiest ports in the US, handling cargo and passenger traffic to and from Latin America. The city's growing banking and financial services industry is also closely linked to Latin America.

Miami has become a prominent international banking center, with numerous banks and financial institutions from the region establishing a presence in the city. This has led to Miami being nicknamed "the Wall Street of the South." The city's financial district, known as Brickell, hosts numerous international banks that cater to the Latin American market.

In summary, Miami is a city with strong connections to Latin America, as evidenced by its large Latin American population, its status as a major transportation hub for air and sea travel to and from the region, and its growing prominence as a center for banking and financial services catering to Latin American clients.

For more such questions on Miami



Drought impacts are based upon risk from both social vulnerability and drought duration and severity. True.or false


True. Drought impacts can vary based on both the social vulnerability of the affected population and the duration and severity of the drought itself.

Social vulnerability factors such as poverty, lack of access to water resources, and limited infrastructure can exacerbate the negative impacts of drought. However, the severity and duration of the drought can also have a significant impact on water resources, agriculture, and other sectors, which can in turn affect the social and economic well-being of communities. In addition, the severity and duration of a drought can also impact the extent of its effects. For example, a short-term drought may have less impact on crops and water supplies than a long-term drought, which can lead to significant reductions in agricultural productivity and water availability. Drought impacts can also vary depending on the region affected, as different areas may have different coping mechanisms and levels of resilience in the face of drought conditions. For example, areas with more advanced water management infrastructure may be better equipped to cope with drought than areas with limited resources and infrastructure. Overall, the impacts of drought are complex and can be influenced by a variety of social, economic, and environmental factors.

Learn more about drought :



True. Drought impacts are influenced by a combination of factors including the duration and severity of the drought, as well as the social vulnerability of the affected population.

Social vulnerability can be influenced by a range of factors including poverty, access to resources, and exposure to environmental hazards. These factors can exacerbate the impacts of drought on affected communities and increase their vulnerability to its effects.

To elaborate further, the impacts of drought can be far-reaching and complex, affecting a range of sectors including agriculture, water resources, energy production, and public health.

The severity and duration of the drought can influence the magnitude of the impacts, with longer and more severe droughts resulting in greater economic losses, increased water scarcity, and higher levels of food insecurity.

Social vulnerability can exacerbate the impacts of drought on affected communities, with marginalized groups such as the poor, elderly, and those without access to basic services being particularly susceptible to the effects of drought.

Lack of access to water resources, for example, can lead to increased waterborne diseases and reduced crop yields, further increasing vulnerability.

learn more about agriculture here:



I NEED HELP ASAP!!!+ 30 points + brainiest
(couldn't find the science option
Which statement describes the light from the sun and stars?

A. The sun and some stars give off their own light, while others reflect light from other objects.

B. The sun and stars reflect light from other objects in space.

C. The sun and stars give off their own light.





because u learn in school init


They give off their own light


because they can't reflect

during metamorphism, new mineral grains can form that are not found in the protolith. this process is called .


During metamorphism, new mineral grains can form that are not found in the protolith. This process is called neometamorphism. Neometamorphism occurs when existing minerals recrystallize and form new minerals under the conditions of high temperature and pressure. These new minerals are typically more stable under the new conditions and can include minerals such as garnet, staurolite, and kyanite.

During metamorphism, new mineral grains can form that are not found in the original protolith, which is the rock that is subjected to the metamorphic process. This process is called neometamorphism, and it is the formation of new minerals due to the changes in temperature, pressure, and chemical environment that occur during metamorphism. Neometamorphism can occur through a variety of processes, including recrystallization, replacement, and precipitation. Recrystallization involves the rearrangement of atoms within existing minerals to form larger, more stable grains. Replacement involves the removal of one mineral and the deposition of another, either through diffusion or through hydrothermal fluids. Precipitation occurs when dissolved minerals in hydrothermal fluids are deposited in open spaces within the rock. The formation of new minerals during neometamorphism is influenced by a variety of factors, including the temperature and pressure conditions, the composition of the protolith, and the availability of fluids. Different types of metamorphism can produce different mineral assemblages, and the presence or absence of certain minerals can be used to infer the conditions under which the rock was metamorphosed Overall, neometamorphism is an important process in the formation of metamorphic rocks and the evolution of the Earth's crust. The formation of new minerals during metamorphism can lead to the development of unique textures and structures within rocks, and it can provide important information about the geological history and processes that have shaped our planet.

To learn more about  conditions click the link below:



a slump or rotational landslide is often preceded by?



A earthquake?


cracks, possibly with some vertical displacement, occur upslope

in freeze/thaw or wet/dry conditions during soil creep, an individual soil particle tends to?
A. be lifted vertically
B. be lifted vertically from the ground surface and placed slightly downhill
C. be lifted vertically and placed at the same spot
D. slide downhill and then be lifted vertically
E. slide downhill


In freeze/thaw or wet/dry conditions during soil creep, an individual soil particle tends to be lifted vertically and slide downhill. So, E. slide downhill is the correct answer.

Freeze/thaw and wet/dry conditions are two primary factors that contribute to soil creep. When these conditions are present, soil particles go through a process that causes them to move.

1. During freeze/thaw cycles, water trapped within the soil freezes and expands. This expansion causes individual soil particles to be lifted vertically, slightly displacing them from their original positions.
2. As the temperature increases and the ice melts, water infiltrates deeper into the soil, causing the lifted particles to settle back into the soil matrix.
3. Due to the influence of gravity, the particles may slide downhill slightly as they settle, causing the soil to creep downhill over time.
4. In wet/dry conditions, similar processes occur. When the soil becomes saturated with water, the individual soil particles become separated, allowing them to be more easily displaced.
5. As the soil dries out, particles may again shift slightly downhill due to gravity, contributing to the overall downhill creep of the soil.
In conclusion, in freeze/thaw or wet/dry conditions during soil creep, individual soil particles are both lifted vertically and slide downhill. This movement is the result of the combined effects of these conditions and gravity, which lead to the slow but continuous movement of soil particles.  So, E. slide downhill is the correct answer.

For more such questions on downhill



During soil creep, which can occur in freeze/thaw or wet/dry conditions, an individual soil particle tends to (D) slide downhill and then be lifted vertically.

Soil creep is a slow downslope movement of soil under the influence of gravity. It is caused by a combination of factors, including the weight of the soil, the angle of the slope, and the presence of water. In freeze/thaw or wet/dry conditions, the soil particles are subjected to repeated cycles of expansion and contraction, which can cause them to loosen and slide downhill. As the soil particles slide downhill, they can accumulate at the base of the slope or be removed by erosion. However, some particles may also be lifted vertically by the expansion of soil due to freezing or the absorption of water, which can cause them to settle at a slightly lower elevation than their original position. This process of downslope movement followed by vertical lifting is a characteristic feature of soil creep.

Learn more about soil creep :



what is the main difference between the bergeron and the collision-coalescence methods of precipitation formation? which method will not result in snow?


The Bergeron Process and the Collision-Coalescence Method are two different processes of precipitation formation.

In the Bergeron process, ice crystals form in the upper atmosphere and then fall to the ground as snow or rain. In the Collision-Coalescence Method, droplets of water condense on tiny particles of dust or smoke and then join together to create larger droplets which then fall as precipitation.

The main difference between the two processes is that the Bergeron Process requires the presence of ice crystals, while the Collision-Coalescence Method does not. As a result, the Bergeron Process is the only method that will result in snow, while the Collision-Coalescence Method can only result in rain. Both processes are important for the formation of precipitation, and depending on the temperatures, different precipitation types will be formed.

To know more about precipitation, click here:



in arid climates, disintegration and eventual erosion of permeable sandstone cliff-bases due to salt-crystal growth often results in a .


In arid climates, disintegration and eventual erosion of permeable sandstone cliff-bases due to salt-crystal growth often results in a formation called a "hoodoo." Hoodoos are tall, thin spires of rock that are left behind when the softer, more permeable sandstone around them erodes away.

The salt crystals in the sandstone expand as they absorb water and then contract as the water evaporates, causing the rock to crack and crumble over time. Eventually, the erosion of the surrounding sandstone exposes the hoodoo and it stands alone as a unique natural formation.In arid climates, the disintegration and eventual erosion of permeable sandstone cliff-bases due to salt-crystal growth often results in a phenomenon called "salt weathering." This process weakens the rock structure, leading to the formation of unique shapes and landforms over time.phenomenon known as "rock pedestal" formation. This occurs when the lower portion of a sandstone cliff erodes more quickly than the upper portion, leaving a column of rock standing on a narrow base. These rock pedestals can be quite spectacular and are often tourist attractions in arid regions, but they can also be dangerous as they are unstable and can collapse or topple over without warning. It's important to be cautious and stay a safe distance away from these formations.

To learn more about disintegration click the link below:



neanderthal burials from shanidar cave, iraq, associated with pollen indicate is?


The Neanderthal burials from Shanidar Cave, Iraq, associated with pollen indicate that Neanderthals practiced some form of ritual or ceremonial burial.

The pollen found in the burial sites suggests that the Neanderthals used flowers to decorate the graves of their deceased, which implies a sense of spirituality or reverence. The presence of pollen indicates that the Neanderthals also had a knowledge of plants and flowers, which suggests that they had a sophisticated culture and a complex belief system.

Furthermore, the fact that the same species of flowers were found in multiple graves suggests that the Neanderthals had a tradition of burying the dead with flowers, which implies a long-standing tradition of honoring the dead. Overall, the Neanderthal burials from Shanidar Cave associated with pollen indicate that Neanderthals had a basic understanding of the natural world, a complex belief system, and a tradition of honoring the dead.

To know more about Neanderthal burials, click here:



the coniferous forest vegetation on the equatorward side of the tundra is known as:


The coniferous forest vegetation on the equatorward side of the tundra is known as the boreal forest or taiga.

The boreal forest, also known as the taiga, is a type of coniferous forest vegetation that occurs on the equatorward side of the tundra. It is the largest terrestrial biome on Earth, covering vast areas of Canada, Russia, and Scandinavia, as well as smaller areas in other parts of the world. The boreal forest is characterized by long, cold winters and short, cool summers, and is dominated by evergreen coniferous trees such as spruce, pine, and fir. The forest floor is covered with a thick layer of organic matter, including mosses and lichens, which helps to maintain soil fertility and provides habitat for a variety of wildlife, including moose, wolves, and bears. Despite its harsh climate, the boreal forest is an important global resource for timber, pulp, and other forest products, and plays a key role in regulating the Earth's climate by storing large amounts of carbon.

Learn more about coniferous trees :



Can the age of Earth be reliably estimated from sediment thicknesses?a.Yes: sedimentation rates remain constant at any one locality throughout Earth’s history.b.Yes: sedimentary rocks are rarely metamorphosed or melted.c.No: sedimentary rocks make up only a small fraction of the rocks on Earth’s surface.d.No: much of Earth’s history is represented by unconformities between strata rather than thestrata themselves.


The age of Earth can be reliably estimated from sediment thicknesses, but there are several factors to consider.

The correct option is A.

Sedimentation rates remain constant at any one locality throughout Earth’s history, so the thickness of sedimentary rocks can be used to estimate the age of the Earth at that location.

Additionally, sedimentary rocks are rarely metamorphosed or melted, meaning that they are more likely to retain their original characteristics and thus be more reliable indicators of Earth’s age. On the other hand, sedimentary rocks make up only a small fraction of the rocks on Earth’s surface, and much of Earth’s history is represented by unconformities between strata rather than the strata themselves.

Therefore, sediment thicknesses can provide an estimate of Earth’s age, but other methods should also be used to corroborate the results.

The correct option is A.

To know more about Sedimentation, click here:



utilizing the table 10.1 depositional environments for sedimentary rocks, what type of sedimentary rock formation is associated with sand dunes?


According to Table 10.1, sand dunes are associated with the depositional environment of aeolian (wind-blown) systems. The type of sedimentary rock formation associated with sand dunes is known as eolian sandstone.

Utilizing Table 10.1 Depositional Environments for Sedimentary Rocks, the type of sedimentary rock formation associated with sand dunes is called Aeolian Sandstone. This type of rock forms in desert environments where wind-driven sand accumulates into dunes, resulting in the deposition of well-sorted and well-rounded sand grains. The aeolian sandstone is typically characterized by large-scale cross-bedding and is primarily composed of quartz grains.

Learn more about sandstone here:



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