What was the impact of the boycotts created by the Stamp Act Congress? *


Answer 1


The stamp act was repealed


Related Questions

When was Hitler Youth started and by whom?


It was started January 3rd, 1931

It was started by hitler and the Natzis of Germany

I hope this helps

Name the goods and foods that went from the New World to the Old World and
the Old World to the New World during the Columbian Exchange.



Old World to New World: cows, wheat, and horses

New World to Old World: cacao, maize, and potatoes


These were all different goods that were transferred between Europe and the Mesoamericans during the trans-oceanic interactions of c.1450-1750

Why did most people support the changes proposed by the National Assembly in France?


because it’s france
because it was known as the national constituent assembly

1. Why do you think the signers of the declaration wanted it to include this very long list of charges against the king of England​



because they wanted the king to know why they felt the way they did also so he could have a clear list of things he need to change/fix to make people happier


because i'm in the same unit as you

Who provided a majority of American imports in 1793?





They provided mainly goods but in rough times the would give weapons.

Which of the following explains the factors responsible for setting prices in a
free-market system?
A. The balance of costs and benefits.
B. Supply relative to demand.
C. Revenue minus costs.
D. The amount of scarcity.
Please help!!!





Supply relative to demand :)

The factor responsible for setting prices in a free-market system is Supply relative to demand. Thus the correct option is B.

What is the Price?

A price refers to the amount which takes place between two individuals when performing the exchange of goods and services. This price is determined by the willingness of both parties involved in the exchange.

A free market system indicates a market structure where the demand and supply maintain the balance of the market and determine the prices.

It can understand with the fact that Demand and supply are measures of how willing both buyers and sellers are to purchase and sell goods.

When both buyers and sellers can reach an agreement on a price, a commodity exchange takes place. As a result, it says that supply in relation to demand influences pricing.

Therefore,  option B is appropriate.

Learn more about the Free market sytem, here:



Curbs on the power of the majority to make decisions that would benefit some at the expense of other are called?



CIVIL RIGHTS are curbs on the power of majorities to make decisions that would benefit some at the expense of others.


Basically, civil rights are guarantees of equal citizenship, and they mean that citizens are protected from discrimination by majorities.

Hopefully this helped

How is the tone in my story different from the tone in on the bus with Rosa parks? The memoir has a shy tone;the peom has a bold tone The memoir has a fanciful tone;the peom has a factual tone The memoir has an uplifting tone;the poem has a depressing tone The memoir has an angry tone; the poem has an admiring tone



The memoir has an angry tone; the poem has an admiring tone.


The tone in my story different from the tone in on the bus with Rosa parks as a result of the memoir having an angry tone; while the poem itself has an admiring tone.

This is because in the memoir he was always protesting alone or in the company of people around the bus company which brought about the angry tone being the most suitable answer.




just took quiz

This is a map of New York from 1842. The map shows a scale stating that one inch equals 1000 feet and the island is approximately 10 inches across. Manhattan is in the middle of the map and is surrounded almost entirely by water. The Hudson River is on the left and the Eastern River is along the bottom and on the right. Brooklyn is visible, across the East River. A legend is shown on the right side of the map, listing churches, banks, public buildings, and museums. The more populated areas are near the shore. This map supports the idea that urbanization


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

You forgot to include the map and the options for the question. However, doing some research, we can answer the following.

This map supports the idea that urbanization was more likely to occur near water for transport and energy needs.

Rivers are an important source of freshwater and this represented a great opportunity to settle in and establishing towns that later became cities. Rivers also represented an excellent way to develop navigation and transport people and goods such as raw materials and crops. Finally, rivers allow fishing, an important source of food to feed families. That is why many important cities are located next to rivers or close to the banks of a river.




What is the main idea of Jeanne Allen’s commentary?



The main idea of Jeanne Allen’s commentary is explained below in details.


Jeanne Allen is a businessperson, an innovator, and a leader. Her complete profession has been dedicated to reform, and as an outcome, Jeanne is the most appreciated and honored expert, thought leader, lecturer, and author in the field. She established the Center for Education Reform and operates the national struggle to assure that the bedrock of United States education is reform, independence, and flexibility.

Which answer choice correctly describes how the US Constitution fixed a problem or problems of the Articles of Confederation?
Under the Constitution, the people could directly elect their representatives in the US Senate.

Under the Constitution, the state governments were granted more control over immigration and trade.

Under the Constitution, the federal government had the power to enforce laws but was checked by Congress and the court system.

Under the Constitution, political candidates must be a member of a political party so that they represent the interests of the people.



The correct answer is C.


The US Constitution did not originally allow for direct election of senators, it wasn't until the 17th amendment which gave citizens the right to directly elect their senators.

One of the main points of creating the Constitution rather than using the Articles of Confederation was that the federal government was too weak; they could not effectively declare war, levy taxes, or create a military.

The Constitution does not reference any political parties because the founding fathers originally intended for politics to be bipartisan. George Washington in his farewell address, actually discouraged the creation of political parties.

This leaves us with the answer choice of C. The Constitution gives Congress the power to create laws, levy taxes, and declare war, checked and balanced by the executive branch who approves and enforces the laws, and the judicial branch who interprets the laws.




What Were male citizens of ancient Athens expected to do



Citizens of Ancient Athens were expected to hold government positions, vote and ... Unlike slaves, metics could try to influence what citizens thought and did. ... cleaning spinning, weaving and caring for children, or organizing slaves to do ... They got news of the city through male relatives, servants and visits to the agora.

How were the Militiamen in Lexington and Concord warned that the British were coming?

A. By smoke signals set off in Boston
B. By riders such as the famous Paul revere
C. By secret letters sent weeks before
D. By messages through the air on homing pigeons ​



B. By riders such as the famous Paul revere


What were the 3 classes in France????????


Answer:France under the Ancien Régime (before the French Revolution) divided society into three estates: the First Estate (clergy); the Second Estate (nobility); and the Third Estate (commoners).

What caused the growth in leisure time activities in the late 1800s?
higher incomes and more free time
the move from cities to suburbs
private funding of concert halls and theaters



higher incomes and more free time


What did the Election of 1860 mean for sectionalism and national politics?



The Republican Party was relatively new; 1860 was only the second time the party had a candidate in the presidential race. The Constitutional Union Party was also new and 1860 was the first and only time the party ran a candidate for president.

The results of the 1860 election pushed the nation into war.

Can somebody help me with this question really quick? I think it may be c or d but I’m not sure


Answer: D is correct. Citing the Roosevelt Corollary . . .

Explanation: The Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine was announced in 1905, a few years before the actions noted on the map took place.

Communism did not become a threat in Latin America until much later, after the end of World War II in 1945. In the 1950's the threat became apparent, and became real in 1959 when Fidel Castro led a revolution in Cuba and began a communist government there.

Determine Central Ideas In this passage, Paine explains why Britain cannot continue to

be so far away from American colonies.

operate businesses in the American colonies.

govern the American colonies.

expand the American colonies.



answer is A


the answer is A

You are moving from the East to the Western frontier. You are to write 3 journal entries telling where you are going, why you are going there, and what do you hope to achieve.



RequirementsJournal Entries:


Topic Sentence

Three or MORE details

Required content for the day's entry



Example Journal Entry

Dear Journal, April 7th, 1847

Pa says we're gettin ready to head to Oregon Country so that we might get ourselves some of that good farming land. Ma isn't real happy about moving away from her hometown, but I am starting to get slightly excited! I am afraid of this long and dangerous journey. I am thankful that I get to take along the doll my grandmother made for me before she passed away last summer. My little brother Joey is bringing along his blanket and ma is bringing her fine china that has been passed down through her family. I am so afraid that once we start our journey that Joey might get hurt or lost. He's a wandering type, and not very good at following directions! And I will certainly miss my friends from home. My best friend Elizabeth says I must write to her everyday.


Abigail Wright

April 7th, 1847

Tell about each member of your family. Describe what they look like, their age, and what they do as a member of the family. Tell why you and your family is traveling to Oregon, what items your family plans to bring with them, what some of your fears are, and what you will miss most from your home.

April 8th, 1847

Today was a big day! You and yer' family did all yer' supply shopping to head west to Oregon Country! That's excitin' stuff. Anywho, tell about the supplies you purchased today. Tell what you're most excited about buying and why. Do you agree with all the supplies that were purchased, or are you worried you may not have gotten enough...or maybe too much!


May 1, 1847

Your pack horses are rubbed down and ready and your oxen team in place. Your belongings are packed. Your food rations carefully secured. Many of the parties in your wagon train are already lined up and ready to move out. But you still have to get one more vital item: your drinking water!

Will you top off your kegs from the drinking water available here at Independence Camp? Or wait until you get to the next stop this evening?

Journal Entry: Tell what your families decision was. Did you top off yer kegs or decide to wait? Why did you make that decision. What did the other members of your wagon train decide to do? Tell what happened to your family and every one else after the decisions were made?

May 20, 1847 - The Narrows


Progress has slowed to a crawl in this bottle neck between the Little Blue River and the bluff on its east bank. There is barely enough room for a single wagon to pass. Even the cattle have to go through in single file.

One of your party has been bit on the ankle by a rattlesnake. Is it deadly? You've tried every know remedy to try and heal the wound in a frantic attempt to keep his leg. Should it be sawed off with a common handsaw to be saved? What is your remedy?

Decision: The Rudd Family is so upset about their little Cindy Rudd, they have decided to give the poor girl some whiskey to numb the pain as well as using gun powder and burning the bite to hopefully draw out the poison.

Journal Entry: Tell about the days events. Describe where you are and what happened to Cindy Rudd. What did their family decide to do? Do you agree with their decision? Or would you have done something differently? What do you think will happen to Cindy?

June 10, 1847 - Midway station


Alas you are midway between Fort Kearny and Fort Laramie looking out along the banks of the beautiful Platte River...where wildflowers dance in the wind on the shore and tufted islands dot the river's bubbling path.

Young and old alike take this opportunity to shed weeks of prairie

How did the ancient Hebrews use the natural resources in Canaan?

They made and used tools to farm in fertile regions.
They dug mines in the mountains for different minerals.
They built dams along the major rivers to provide irrigation.
They brought different types of plants with them to Canaan.



The answer is A


I just did the test and got a 100%




In what ways did laws discriminate against immigrants?




Certain laws made it hard for immigrants to do many things. They were discriminated in many ways as well. People made it to where immigrants couldn’t live, eat, play, go to work and school in the same place as others. They did all of this because of the way someone looked, or if they could speak english or not.

What does “anti-revolutionary activities” mean?




Anti-revolutionary activities refer to the activities used to counter act revolutionary activities. You can think of these activities as a suppression or a riot control subject which is a counter to a revolution.

Some Ideas:

Some activities would be preserving state affairs, keeping the same things happening before the revolution, and stop people who want or are doing a revolution.

Anti-revolutionary activities can result in positive or negative results depending on what the "revolution" was on and what it was about.

Real life Example:

One example is, if the government was communist and there was a revolution to it, then the revolution would of had a good purpose(not to the communists obviously). Anti revolutionary activities would be activities to maintain the communism and eliminate the people who wanted a democracy. Or diminish their importance.

I hope this helps you! :)

In which portion of this excerpt from his Second Inaugural Address does Abraham Lincoln express his conflicting views about the continuation of the war?

One eighth of the whole population were colored slaves, not distributed generally over the Union, but localized in the Southern part of it. These slaves constituted a peculiar and powerful interest. All knew that this interest was, somehow, the cause of the war. To strengthen, perpetuate, and extend this interest was the object for which the insurgents would rend the Union, even by war; while the government claimed no right to do more than to restrict the territorial enlargement of it. Neither party expected for the war, the magnitude, or the duration, which it has already attained. Neither anticipated that the cause of the conflict might cease with, or even before, the conflict itself should cease. Each looked for an easier triumph, and a result less fundamental and astounding. Both read the same Bible, and pray to the same God; and each invokes His aid against the other. It may seem strange that any men should dare to ask a just God's assistance in wringing their bread from the sweat of other men's faces; but let us judge not that we be not judged. The prayers of both could not be answered; that of neither has been answered fully.

Fondly do we hope — fervently do we pray — that this mighty scourge of war may speedily pass away. Yet, if God wills that it continue, until all the wealth piled by the bond-man's two hundred and fifty years of unrequited toil shall be sunk, and until every drop of blood drawn with the lash, shall be paid by another drawn with the sword, as was said three thousand years ago, so still it must be said "the judgments of the Lord, are true and righteous altogether"



Fondly do we hope — fervently do we pray — that this mighty scourge of war may speedily pass away. Yet, if God wills that it continue, until all the wealth piled by the bond-man's two hundred and fifty years of unrequited toil shall be sunk, and until every drop of blood drawn with the lash, shall be paid by another drawn with the sword, as was said three thousand years ago, so still it must be said "the judgments of the Lord, are true and righteous altogether"


Did it today :)


Fondly do we hope — fervently do we pray — that this mighty scourge of war may speedily pass away. Yet, if God wills that it continue, until all the wealth piled by the bond-man's two hundred and fifty years of unrequited toil shall be sunk, and until every drop of blood drawn with the lash, shall be paid by another drawn with the sword, as was said three thousand years ago, so still it must be said "the judgments of the Lord, are true and righteous altogether"


Were the New England farmers industrious farmers in the middle colonies? Yes/No: Explain




Explanation:blah blah blah




How was the Gag Rule used in the House of Representatives?


Answer: the House of Representatives used the “gag rule” to prohibit discussions and debates of the anti-slavery petitions. In the late 1830s, Congress received more than 130,000 petitions from citizens demanding the abolition of slavery in Washington, D.C. and other federally- controlled territories.

Explanation: In the late 1830s, Congress received more than 130,000 petitions from citizens demanding the abolition of slavery in Washington, D.C. and other federally- controlled territories.

With the invention of the Cotton gin,...
a. the South’s economy boomed
b. the amount of slaves increased
c. led many to claim land and start their own plantations
d. all of the above are true


D. All of the above are true

Behind the Qur'an, what is the second most important source of authority for Muslims? a The 5 Pillars of Islam b The Sunnah c Ramadan d Mecca



the answer for your question is ,The Sunnah.


The Sunnah


why was the purchase of Louisiana controversial


People were against it because Jefferson overstepped his consitutional authorities to make this happen.


Read the poem "We Real Cool" by Gwendolyn Brooks.

The Pool Players.
Seven at the Golden Shovel.

We real cool. We
Left school. We

Lurk late. We
Strike straight. We

Sing sin. We
Thin gin. We

Jazz June. We
Die soon.

Which tone does the language in the final lines of "We Real Cool" create?









It says we die soon. Death is a serious matter.

Uncertain I hope it helps you

Match the famous personalities to their contributions during the Counter-Reformation. Ignatius Loyola Pope Paul III Heinrich Kramer and Jacob Sprenger Pope Paul IV founded the Society of Jesus arrowRight published the Index Librorum Prohibitorum arrowRight published Malleus Maleficarum arrowRight established the Roman Inquisition arrowRight Reset Next




Counter-Reformation can as well be be regarded as Catholic reformation, it was a reformation that took place in response to the Protestants reformation that took place within the Catholic cycles in 1500s.

The Counter-Reformation was set up to earn people trust within the church again through hearing up their faith and to get ride of all abuse and behavior the Protestants are clamoring.

1)Personallities :Ignatius Loyola

contributions:founded the Society of Jesus.

Ignatius Loyola is Spanish and also Catholic priest and the Superior General of Society of Jesus in 1541, in which he was also a founder of the society.

2) Personality: Pope Paul III

Contribution:established the Roman Inquisition

Pope Paul III assume the head of the Catholic Church, he was known with some of his action during the reformation, He was the one that called the Council of Trent in year 1545. He stablished the Roman Inquisition in year 1542.

3) Personality:Pope Paul IV

Contribution: published the Index Librorum Prohibitorum

Pope Paul IV was head of the Catholic Church from 1555, he published the Index Librorum Prohibitorum , which Catholic Church called pernicious books.

4)Personality: Heinrich Kramer and Jacob Sprenger .

Contribution: published Malleus Maleficarum

Heinrich Kramer and Jacob Sprenger were the publisher of Malleus Maleficarum which is a well known book that is used by Catholic priest, and people


1.) Ignatius Loyola- founded the society of jesus

2.) Pope Paul lll- Published the index Librorum Prohibitorum

3.) Pope Paul lV- Published Malleus maleficarum

4.) Heinrich Kramer and Jacob Sprenger- Established the roman inquisition

Explanation:Drag the tiles to the correct boxes to complete the pairs.

Match the famous personalities to their contributions during the Counter-Reformation.

Ignatius Loyola

Pope Paul III

Heinrich Kramer and

Jacob Sprenger

Pope Paul IV

founded the Society of Jesus


published the Index Librorum



published Malleus Maleficarum


established the Roman Inquisition


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