-What was the key power of colonial assemblies?
a. They acted as advisors to the governors of the colonies.
b. They had command of militias.
c. They functioned as the highest court in the colonies.
d. They were the sole entities entrusted with allocating taxes.
e. all of the above


Answer 1

All of the above were the key power of colonial assemblies.

What is colonial assemblies?

The Virginia House of Burgesses was established by Governor George Yeardley in 1619, and it served as the genesis of colonial assemblies. Following their takeover of the Virginia Company, the Sandys-Southampton faction introduced a new policy that established a unicameral assembly made up of the governor, his council, and two burgesses who would represent each town, plantation, and hundred.

Then, the units of representation were made up of the counties and a select number of privileged towns and cities. A bicameral legislature was established in the latter half of the seventeenth century as a result of the elected representatives splitting off from the parent assembly. The Virginia Assembly asserted its right to propose legislation and to control taxes from the outset. This right was also claimed and used by Governor John Harvey.

Learn more about colonial assemblies



Related Questions

We the People of the United States, in order to form a
more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic
Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the
general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to
ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this
Constitution for the United States of America.¹
Which statement reflects a main idea expressed in the passage?
OA. All people in the United States have the right to vote for
representatives in government.
OB. People have the right to establish a government independent from
Great Britain.
OC. The federal government is responsible for maintaining peace and
security for the people.
OD. State governments are permitted to establish taxes and maintain
the military.


All people in the United States have the right to vote for representatives in government best reflects the main idea expressed in passage .

Option A is correct.

What does "We the People of the United States" mean?

All American citizens are included in the phrase "We the People." This phrase's significance demonstrates that the government was given powers by more than just legislators and Constitutional framers. Instead, the citizens of the United States of America have full authority over the government.

What can the American people do to build a better union?

We the People of the United States do ordain and establish this to ensure that we and future generations will enjoy the benefits of liberty, to establish justice, to maintain domestic peace, to fund the common defense, and to advance the general welfare. As a result, the phrase "We the People" appears at the beginning of the constitution's preamble. The People of Us: What Is It? "We the People" refers to anyone who resides in the United States and is subject to constitutional law.

Learn more about constitution of united states :



Which factor makes hurricanes particularly dangerous for the residents of
New Orleans?
A. The city is the northernmost city to be affected by hurricanes.
OB. The city is at the intersection of numerous transportation routes.
OC. The city is far from other major urban centers.
OD. The city is surrounded by bodies of water.


The city is surrounded by bodies of water.

Is New Orleans vulnerable to hurricanes?

The Lake Pontchartrain Basin is quite susceptible to tropical storms and hurricanes due to its height near sea level. The category of a hurricane is determined by its wind speed in miles per hour (mph). The frequency of hurricanes hitting the Louisiana coastline peaks in September. Retiring the names of hurricanes that caused considerable material or human devastation serves as a remembrance.

The city of New Orleans has an unfavorable terrain in addition to being far from the shore. A system of river levees measuring 25 feet high surrounds the city on its southern boundary, while hurricane protection levees of around 15 feet high are present on the other sides.

to learn more about hurricanes click:



Please help I have to complete today


The options are all incorrect. As a result, choice (B) is acceptable.

What is Roosevelt corollary?

The Roosevelt Corollary was a supplement to the Monroe Doctrine that President Theodore Roosevelt stated in his State of the Union address in 1904 following the Venezuelan crisis of 1902–1903.  The corollary asserts that, if Latin American nations engaged in egregious and persistent wrongdoings, the United States might interfere in their domestic affairs.

Roosevelt based his international policy on the Monroe Doctrine, and his Big Stick Diplomacy also reflected this foreign policy. According to Roosevelt, the Monroe Doctrine allowed the US to use "international police authority" to put a stop to ongoing turmoil or crime throughout the Western Hemisphere.

Hence, oprion (B) is accurate.

Learn more about Rooosevelt Corollary, from:



Slavery and the Civil War
Describe the status of the country and Lincoln's presidency in 1864.

Were we becoming a united country? Why?

Were we moving towards or away from a nation of slavery? Why?


Answer: in the explanation:


In 1864, the country was in the midst of the Civil War, which had begun in 1861. The war was fought between the United States, led by President Abraham Lincoln, and the Confederate States of America, led by President Jefferson Davis. The conflict was primarily over the issue of slavery, as the Confederate states had seceded from the Union in order to preserve the institution of slavery.

At this point in the war, the Union was making gains against the Confederacy. President Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863, which declared all slaves in the Confederate states to be free. This had a significant impact on the war, as it effectively made the conflict about both preserving the Union and abolishing slavery.

In 1864, Lincoln was running for re-election, and he campaigned on the platform of preserving the Union and ending slavery. He was ultimately re-elected, which was seen as a mandate for his policies.

The country was becoming more united, as the Union was making progress in the war and the abolition of slavery was becoming a more prominent goal. However, the country was also deeply divided, as the Confederacy was still actively fighting for its independence and the preservation of slavery.

The country was moving towards the abolition of slavery, as the Emancipation Proclamation had been issued and the Union was making progress in the war. However, the end of slavery was not yet certain and the war would continue until April 9, 1865.

Sort the choices to the spanish- american war theater and outcome


The choices, when matched to the Spanish - American War theater and outcomes include:

Cuban Theater:

Buffalo soldiers Emilio AguinaldoGuam

Asian Theater :

George Dewey Rough Riders Jose Marti

Treaty of Paris :

Imperialism Anti - imperialist league $20 million

What ended the Spanish American War ?

The Treaty of Paris was ratified on December 10, 1898, bringing an end to the conflict. As a result, Spain lost authority of the remnants of its foreign empire, including Guam, Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines Islands.

Spanish commissioners first maintained that because Manila had given up after the armistice, the Philippines could not be claimed as a war conquest. However, they eventually capitulated out of necessity, and the U.S. subsequently paid Spain $20 million for control of the Philippines.

Find out more on the Treaty of Paris at https://brainly.com/question/20763274


How was Hypatia? How was she similar and different from other thinkers and scholars of her time?


Hypatia of Alexandria was a female philosopher, mathematician, and astronomer who lived in the 4th century CE. She was considered one of the most learned people of her time and was renowned for her knowledge of mathematics, astronomy, and philosophy. She was also known for her teaching and her ability to explain complex ideas in a clear and concise manner.

Who is Hypatia of Alexandria?

In terms of similarities, Hypatia was similar to other thinkers and scholars of her time in that she was well-educated and had a deep understanding of various intellectual disciplines. She was also a respected teacher and thinker, and her works were widely studied and admired by her contemporaries.

In terms of differences, Hypatia stood out from other thinkers and scholars of her time in several ways. Firstly, she was a woman in a field of study dominated by men. Secondly, she was a Neoplatonist, while the majority of philosophers of her time were either Stoics or Peripatetics. Additionally, she was one of the last of the great Alexandrian philosophers, and her death marked the end of an era of great intellectual flourishing in Alexandria.

Learn more about Hypatia from



what type of things are the women responsible for preparing in the Tuareg tribe ?


Women in the Tuareg tribe have a variety of responsibilities, many of which revolve around the domestic sphere. They are responsible for preparing food, caring for children, and making and repairing clothing and household items. They also tend to the family's livestock, such as goats and camels, and are responsible for collecting water and firewood. In addition to these domestic tasks, women also play a crucial role in the economic well-being of their families by creating and selling traditional crafts such as jewellery, leatherwork, and other decorative items.

Despite their traditional roles, women in the Tuareg tribe have also played a significant role in the political and social life of the community. They have long served as mediators and arbitrators in disputes within the community and have also been instrumental in preserving the tribe's culture and traditions through their participation in ceremonies and rituals.

In summary, women in the Tuareg tribe have various responsibilities, including domestic tasks such as preparing food and caring for children, tending livestock, collecting water and firewood, and creating and selling traditional crafts. Despite their traditional roles, they also play a significant role in the political and social life of the community.

Know more about the Tuareg tribe:-


How were families organized in early Africa



The whole family tree would settle in one place


Most villages only had about 4 or 5 families living in them.

​In early Africa​​, family structures​​ were centered​​ around the belief​​ in the importance​​ of family.

What is the meaning of family?

The term family refers to the large number of the member are they share the one shelter. The family are the blood relation to each other. The family are the included children's, parents, and the grandparents. A person family is the important for the spend on the life. A family is to settle on the particular place.

The average village only contained four or five households, and most of those families were tied to one another. Two major categories of relationships—relationships of affinity and relationships of descent—can be used to identify each of Africa's numerous family systems.

As a result, the significance of the families organized in early Africa are the aforementioned.

Learn more about on family, here:



"One way of life is based upon the will of the majority, and is distinguished by free institutions...free
elections...and freedom from political oppression. The second way of life is based upon the will of a minority
forcibly imposed upon the majority. It relies upon terror and oppression...fixed elections, and the suppression of
personal freedoms. I believe it must be the policy of the United States to support free people...resisting
attempted subjugation [control] by armed minorities or by outside pressures." --Harry Truman, 1947

What was President Truman saying about the Soviet Union? Does any part of the quote match with the
characteristics presented in the chart above?


This primary source is quote from PRESIDENT HARRY S. TRUMAN in his speech to Congress. It states,

What was President Truman saying about the Soviet Union?

The Soviet Union, he believed by that time, was an adversary that threatened the security of the United States. He considered those who wanted to reach out to the Soviet Union in the ways proposed in Option One to be naïve.

The President and his advisers recognized that the Soviet Union threatened the political and military balance of power, as well as the healthy economic intercourse, that favored the United States and its allies in the aftermath of World War II.

In 1947, President Harry S. Truman pledged that the United States would help any nation resist communism in order to prevent its spread. His policy of containment is known as the Truman Doctrine.

To learn more about  Soviety union refers to:



What's the solution to Biden delivering remarks with Mexico’s López Obrador?


The solution which President Joe Biden is delivering in the joint press conference between himself, Canada's Justin Trudeau, and Mexican President, Lopez Obrador is to foster an alliance between the North American countries.

What was said in the speech?

President Joe Biden reiterated his commitment to continually partner with his allies, Mexico, and Canada during the 10th North American Leaders’ Summit.

He mentioned that he was committed to working more closely with Canada and Mexico and they talked about how free trade through NAFTA has helped boost their GDP and also provide for middle-class families.

Read more about Biden's speech here:





An civil war is a conflict involving established factions within a single state. One side's objective may be to seize power in the nation or a specific area, secure regional independence.

What is civil war?

An intrastate or civil war is a conflict between established political factions within a single state. One side's objective may be to seize power in the nation or a specific area, secure regional independence, or alter governmental practices.

The phrase is a calque of the Latin phrase bellum civile, which in the first century BC was used to describe the multiple civil wars of the Roman Republic.

The majority of contemporary civil wars involve outside forces. In his book Civil Wars and Foreign Powers, Patrick M. Regan claims that international involvement occurred in nearly two-thirds of the 138 intrastate wars that occurred between the conclusion of World War II and 2000. The United States intervened in 35 of these conflicts.

Learn more about civil war, here



Charles Mann argues that when European settlers moved westward into the interior
of the Americas, they did so in two waves:
a) Disease and ecological disturbance.
Ob) Conquest and settlement.
Oc) Ecological recreation and interaction.
d) Disease and exchange.


Charles Mann argues that when European settlers moved westward into the interior of the Americas, they did so in two waves: Disease and exchange.

What is Charles Mann's arguments?While European immigrants and conquerors did have different technology than Native Americans, Mann makes persuasive claims that this difference in technology did not make up for the much greater number of people the Europeans had to contend with. The enemy was significantly more damaged by illnesses than by steel.According to Mann's argument, the civilizations and tribes that populated the Americas before Europeans came arrived considerably earlier than previously thought, were far more numerous, and were much more advanced than we had previously supposed.The main point of Mann's argument is that what we learn in school doesn't correspond to modern archaeological and anthropological understandings of life in pre-Columbian America.

Learn more about Charles Mann refer to :



from 1902 to 1905, edwin s. porter was one of many filmmakers who contributed to an industry wide concentration on .


American film pioneer Edwin Stanton Porter is most known for his work with the Edison Manufacturing Company and the Famous Players Film Company as a producer, director, studio manager, and cinematographer.

Porter was the fourth of seven children, along with two sisters, Mary and Ada, and four brothers, Chales W., Frank, John, and Everett Melbourne, who were all born and reared in Connellsville, Pennsylvania. Porter's parents were merchant Thomas Richard Porter and Mary Clark Porter. Born Edward, he eventually changed his name to Edwin Stanton in honour of the Ohioan Democratic politician who had been Abraham Lincoln's Secretary of War, Edwin Stanton. Porter employed odd occupations such as exhibition skater, sign painter, and telegraph operator after attending Connellsville public schools. At an early age, he became interested in electricity, and at age 21, he co-authored a patent for a light regulator. Porter, who eventually worked as a merchant tailor, suffered from the Panic.

Learn more about Porter here:



The establishments
of people?
laws and policies of national gov't affected greater numbers


The primary responsibilities of a government involve exerting leadership, ensuring law and order, administering public services, and guaranteeing economic, national, and social security.

What does it mean when individuals use expressions like "leadership of several" and "rule of the majority"?

Democracy, which means "rule of the people" in its literal sense, is a type of government in which the citizens elect representatives from among one another to form a governing body, such as a parliament, or to directly exercise their power. Sometimes when discussing democracy, the term "rule of the majority" is used.

The rule of law and democracy: what effects are there?

The rule of law is essential for advancing democracy if it is perceived as a norm to which every member of society, such as the government, is obligated rather than just a tool of the state. To make the rule of law stronger, more regulations and procedures will not be sufficient.

Learn more about Democracy: https://brainly.com/question/13158670


from the beginnings of the united states as a nation, northern states and southern states arranged a series of compromises in efforts to negotiate differing positions on slavery. until the 1850s both sides were able to maintain the union through mutual concession, compromise, and agreement. but the nation divided in the 1850s and the cost of repairing that division was 750,000 soldiers killed and 275,000 more severely maimed. select and explain what you believe are the four most significant events of the 1850s that led to the civil war. place the four events in chronological order and show the progression of events that demonstrates the widening divide between the north and the south as the 1850s progressed. finally, for each of the four events you selected, explain in detail what occurred, why each event was significant, and how each shows the widening divide between the north and the south.


The Compromise of 1850's outcomes are best summed up by the phrase "The compromise was strongly in favor of Southern States."

The Compromise of 1850 was an agreement that allowed some newly acquired territory to decide for themselves whether to allow slavery while admitting California to the Union as a "free" (slavery-free) state. The Fugitive Slave Act was inserted into the Compromise in an effort to address several outstanding slavery issues and prevent the Union from disintegrating, but it proved to be immensely unpopular in the North. The conclusion of the 1850 Deal is best summarized by the fact that Southern states strongly endorsed the agreement. Southern states' consideration of seceding from the Union was the primary cause of the 1850 California crisis. The Agreement was created to settle disputes over how to use newly acquired land from the Mexican American War in north and south California.

Learn more about The Compromise of 1850 here:



the ideas in the excerpt were most likely interpreted by american colonists in the 1770s as a call to reject which of the following? responses the holding of private property the holding of private property the establishment of representative democracy the establishment of representative democracy the acceptance of the divine right of kings the acceptance of the divine right of kings the creation of political parties


The ideas in the excerpt were most likely interpreted by American colonists in the 1770s as a call to reject the acceptance of the divine right of kings.

In European history, the theory of the "divine right of kings" was used to defend monarchical absolutism. It maintained that as kings were endowed with divine authority, they could not be subject to parliamentary or other earthly checks and balances. The divine-right theory has its roots in medieval European ideas that God grants political rulers temporal authority in a manner similar to how He grants the church spiritual authority. But by the 16th and 17th centuries, the new national kings had begun to impose their rule over both church and state.

Throughout its history, the Catholic Church has used the idea of the divine right of kings. As an illustration, consider the fact that the Pope is appointed by God to lead the Catholic Church.

To know more about divine right of kings



How were the civillzation of huang river valley and the nile river valley similar


The civilization of the Huang River valley in China and the civilization of the Nile River valley in Egypt were similar in several ways:

Both civilizations developed along major river systems: The Huang River valley civilization in China developed along the Yellow River, and the Nile River valley civilization in Egypt developed along the Nile River. Both river systems provided a reliable source of water for irrigation and agriculture, which allowed these civilizations to develop and flourish.

What is the civilization  about?

Both civilizations had centralized governments: Both civilizations had centralized governments that were able to exert control over their respective regions and maintain stability. In Egypt, the pharaohs held absolute power and controlled the government, army, and religion. In China, the Zhou dynasty was established by a ruling family that controlled the government and military.

Lastly, Both civilizations developed advanced technology: Both civilizations developed advanced technologies such as irrigation systems, metallurgy, and architecture. In Egypt, the ancient Egyptians developed sophisticated irrigation systems and built monumental architecture such as pyramids and temples. In China, the ancient Chinese developed advanced metallurgy etc.

Learn more about civilization from



How did America beat Britain in the American Revolution? What
were the advantages for the colonists?



After French assistance helped the Continental Army force the British surrender at Yorktown, Virginia, in 1781, the Americans had effectively won their independence, though fighting would not formally end until 1783.

the government was _________ after the articles of confederation was put into effect


The government was weak after the Articles of Confederation was put into effect.

What is government?

Government is a system of governing a state or community. The Columbia Encyclopedia defines government as "a system of social control whereby the right to make laws and the right to enforce them is vested in a particular group in society".While all types of organizations have governance, the word government is often used more specifically to refer to the approximately 200 independent national governments on Earth, as well as their associated organizations such as state and provincial governments as well as local governments.

To know more about government, click the link given below:



The Conventions of a number of the States, having at the
time of their adopting the Constitution, expressed a desire,
in order to prevent misconstruction or abuse of its powers,
that further declaratory and restrictive clauses should be
added: And as extending the ground of public confidence
in the Government, will best ensure the beneficent ends of
its institution.
What is meant by the phrase *further declaratory and restrictive clauses*?
O A. The amendments list what citizens can and can't do.
O B. The amendments have been passed by Congress.
• C. The amendments replace existing constitutional rights.
O D. The amendments are valid and legally binding.


The amendments replace existing constitutional rights are meant by the phrase *further declaratory and restrictive clauses.

What is a restrictive clause?The meaning of a noun or noun phrase is constrained or defined by a restrictive clause, which also supplies the necessary context for the noun in the sentence. There are no commas to divide it from the rest of the sentence. In writing, restrictive clauses are more typical than nonrestrictive ones.That, that, whom, or whose are frequently used as relative pronouns to start restrictive clauses. An identifying purpose may be served by a limiting clause. Neil Armstrong was the spacewalker who made the first foothold on the moon. Who first set foot on the moon is the sentence's restricted clause.

Learn more about restrictive clause refer to ;



which of the following describes the differences between historical and aspirational personas? select one.


Historical personas are those who have used a product in the past, while aspirational personas are potential new users of a product.

Historical personas are individuals who have used a product in the past. They provide valuable insights into how the product has been used, what features have been successful, and which features may need improvement. On the other hand, aspirational personas are potential new users of a product.

These personas can help identify new user needs and preferences, as well as potential areas of improvement. By understanding both historical and aspirational personas, companies can better design and market their products to meet the needs of both current and potential customers.

Hence, the correct option is "C".

---------The given question is incomplete, the complete question is:

"Which of the following describes the differences between historical and aspirational personas? Select one.

A) Historical personas are individuals who used a product once, while aspirational personas are the target market.

B) Aspirational personas are those who can perfectly deliver a product, and historical personas are those who have created mistakes.

C) Historical personas are those who have used a product in the past, while aspirational personas are potential new users of a product."---------

To know more about personas, click here.



5) Analysis: Do you think the authors of the Anti-Federalist Papers would argue that ordinary man should be heavily
involved in government, or that an elite class of educated men should be heavily involved in the government?



The authors of the Anti-Federalist paper would advocate for ordinary man's involvement in government.


Many Anti-Federalists preferred a weak central government because they equated a strong government with British tyranny.

They included primarily farmers and tradesmen and were less likely to be a part of the wealthy elite than were members of their opposition, who called themselves Federalists.

The Anti-Federalists believed that each state should have a sovereign, independent government.

Which of the following developments most likely influenced the argument expressed in the image? A. The Mexican-American War resulted in the expansion of United States territories.
B. The continued westward movement of settlers increased agricultural production.
C. The conclusion of the Civil War stirred debates over citizenship.
D. The invention of new sailing technologies made international trade easier.


The conclusion of the Civil War stirred debates over citizenship. Influenced the argument. The correct option to this question is C.

The Mexican-American War, commonly known as the Mexican War in the United States and the Intervención estadounidense en México in Mexico, was a military war between the United States and Mexico that lasted from 1846 to 1848. It followed the annexation of Texas by the United States in 1845, which Mexico nevertheless considered its territory.

The immediate cause of the Mexican-American War was a disagreement over the Nueces Strip between the United States and Texas. Mexico refused to acknowledge Texas as real American territory, and the accession of Texas to the United States infuriated Mexican politicians and citizenry.

The war and treaty brought the United States all the way to the Pacific Ocean, providing a bountiful supply of ports, minerals, and natural resources to a burgeoning country.

For more information on Mexican- American war kindly visit to



one of the beliefs of african traditional religions is that ancestors are able to return to the earth through


One of the beliefs of African traditional religions is that ancestors are able to return to the earth through reincarnation.

Even though Christianity and Islam have had a significant impact on the region, traditional African civilizations continue practice beliefs in rebirth and reincarnation to this day. These beliefs were prevalent in previous African societies. Signs like as a parent's dreams, a child's birthmarks, and other events, including memories from a previous life, are frequently associated with African reincarnation beliefs. African ideas include the possibility that a part of the spirit may survive the death of the body and continue to interact with the living, while another part of the spirit reincarnates in another body. This is similar to the beliefs held by other tribal societies that follow animistic belief systems.

To learn more about reincarnation, click here:



brief evaluation of your work.
As you begin this lesson, think about what you already know about the US government-both its history and how it functions.
Part A
Record your initial thoughts and understanding of the US government in the table provided below.
Structure and Institutions
Important Documents
Guiding Principles


The US government refers to the federal government of the United States of America, a constitutional republic in North America.

How does US government functions?

The US government is composed of three branches: the executive, legislative, and judicial branches. The executive branch is responsible for carrying out laws and administering government programs. This includes the President, Vice President, Cabinet, and other executive departments. The legislative branch, or Congress, is responsible for making laws. It is composed of the House of Representatives and the Senate. The judicial branch is responsible for interpreting laws and deciding cases brought before the court.

Structure and Institutions: The US government is composed of three branches: the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial. Each of these branches has distinct powers and responsibilities.

Important Documents: The US Constitution is the supreme law of the land, while other important documents include the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights.

Guiding Principles: The core values of the US government are liberty, justice, and equality. These principles are reflected in the country’s founding documents and laws.

Overall, I feel that I have a good understanding of the US government, its structure, and guiding principles.

Hence, US government is  a constitutional republic in North America.

To learn more about US government from the link



increased availability of technology in my classroom


Based on the context of the question, and the available option, the right answer is that there is no Plagiarism here.

Concept of plagiarism

Plagiarism is a term that is used to describe the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own.

Types of Plagiarism are the following:Word-for-Word plagiarismSelf PlagiarismMosaic plagiarismAccidental plagiarism

What is Word-for-Word Plagiarism?

Word-for-Word plagiarism is a type of plagiarism whereby the word-for-word in a text or parts of it are copied verbatim from an original work without acknowledging the author.

Generally, Word-for-word plagiarism usually occurs when there is a lack of quotation marks at the beginning and end of a short passage, or indention for a longer one is considered plagiarism.

Hence, in this case, it is concluded that the correct answer is option C. "This is not plagiarism, " the student paraphrased and also, quoted the statement he used verbatim while also making a Reference.

Learn more about Plagiarism here: https://brainly.com/question/397668


Full question

In the case below, the original source material is given along with a sample of student work. Determine the type of plagiarism by clicking the appropriate radio button.

Original Source Material

In a complex task such as creating a website for learning, instructors may want to support the generation of multiple solutions in learners' peer feedback. Anonymity may create a social context where learners feel freer to express varied ideas, and make the task of giving feedback less inhibited. However, teachers need to know just how anonymity impacts the learning dynamic in order to make informed choices about when anonymous configurations are appropriate in peer feedback.


Howard, C. D., Barrett, A. F., & Frick, T. W. (2010). Anonymity to promote peer feedback: Pre-service teachers' comments in asynchronous computer-mediated communication. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 43(1), 89-112.

Student Version

Increased availability of technology in my classroom makes it easier for peer feedback activities to be conducted anonymously which "may create a social context where learners feel freer to express varied ideas, and make the task of giving feedback less inhibited" (Howard, Barrett, & Frick, 2010, p. 90). However, I worry that my students may be overly harsh if they don't have to stand by their comments.


Howard, C. D., Barrett, A. F., & Frick, T. W. (2010). Anonymity to promote peer feedback: Pre-service teachers' comments in asynchronous computer-mediated communication. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 43(1), 89-112.

Answer options

Word-for-Word plagiarism

Paraphrasing plagiarism

This is not plagiarism

Fill in the blank please. One of the earliest English explorers who sailed for America was (blank) who landed in 1497. However, no one in England followed up on his voyages to Newfoundland and Nova Scotia. During the reign (blank) of England concentrated on subduing Ireland instead of conducting conquests in America.


One of the earliest English explorers who sailed for America was (John Cabot) who landed in 1497. However, no one in England followed up on his voyages to Newfoundland and Nova Scotia. During the reign King Henry VII of England concentrated on subduing Ireland instead of conducting conquests in America.

What was John Cabot and the first English Expedition to America?

Cabot and his English crew anchored off the coast of Newfoundland on June 24th, only staying long enough to get some fresh water and claim the land for the Crown. Despite the fact that the crew did not meet any natives during their brief visit, they did come across tools, nets, and the remains of a fire.

Cabot returned to England in early August and immediately went to London to inform King Henry VII of his discoveries. Cabot was treated as a celebrity throughout the country for a short time, but Henry only offered him £10 as a reward for his efforts!

Read more about John Cabot



According to the passage, a fan of William Faulkner who buys a pipe that allegedly belonged to Faulkner should:
A. accept the authenticity of the pipe without question.
B. realize that the purchase has nothing to do with appreciating Faulkner's work.
C. nvestigate the authenticity of the pipe thoroughly before agreeing to purchase it.
D. preserve the pipe as carefully as a saint's relics.


C) According to the passage, a fan of William Faulkner who buys a pipe that allegedly belonged to Faulkner should investigate the authenticity of the pipe thoroughly before agreeing to purchase it.

The passage does not provide any information on whether a fan of William Faulkner should accept the authenticity of the pipe without question or realize that the purchase has nothing to do with appreciating Faulkner's work.

However, it suggests that the fan should investigate the authenticity of the pipe thoroughly before agreeing to purchase it. This is the most appropriate action that a fan should take as it ensures that the purchase is not based on a false assumption and that the fan is not being misled.

The passage also does not indicate that the fan should preserve the pipe as carefully as a saint's relics. It only implies that the fan should be careful in investigating the authenticity of the pipe before buying it. It's up to the fan to decide how to preserve it or not.

For more questions like William Faulkner click the link below:



55.7.C.3.8 (High)
How did the US Supreme Court affect the juvenile justice system during the
1960s and 1970s?
it refused to hear cases on the matter, saying that juvenile offenders were
the responsibility of the state.
Bit ruled that due process rights for juveniles are the same as those for
It ruled that juvenile offenders were to be treated as they had been treated
in the past
It set up programs meant to rehabilitate juvenile offenders so the courts
would be less crowded.


The US Supreme Court affect the juvenile justice system during the

1960s and 1970s by: B. It ruled that due process rights for juveniles are the same as those for adults.

What is  juvenile justice system?

Juvenile justice system was a was a process that tend to states how people that are non adult should be treated or the treatment that should be melted on them when the commit an offence or violate the law.

The Supreme Court ruled tend to ruled that minor or juvenile that is guilty of an offence should be tried in the same court as that of an adult.

Therefore the correct option is B.

Learn more about Juvenile justice system  here:https://brainly.com/question/11399114


In countries outside of Western Europe and the United States, arguments for women's rights were often linked with


In countries outside of Western Europe and the United States, arguments for women's rights were often linked with modernization and nation strengthening.

The rights and privileges demanded by women and girls around the world are known as women's rights. They served as the inspiration for both the feminist movements of the 20th and 21st centuries as well as the women's rights movement in the 19th century.

These rights are institutionalised or supported by legislation, local tradition, and conduct in some nations, but are disregarded and suppressed in others.

They differ from more general ideas of human rights in that they contend that there is an innate historical and traditional prejudice against women and girls using their rights in favour of males and boys.

To know more about prejudice, click here:



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