What was the significance of the inventions by Madam C. J. Walker and Garrett Morgan?


Answer 1

Answer: Morgan invented a safety helmet to protect the wearer from smoke and ammonia. He introduced his “Breathing Device” in 1912, received US Patent 1,090,036 two years later, and then established the National Safety Device Company. Walker became one of the most successful African American entrepreneurs of the early 20th century by creating a line of extremely popular hair care and beauty products for African Americans. She also helped other women succeed as an educator and philanthropist.


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Which one? Ignore the one i picked :)


One thing that Tecumesh wanted for the Native Americans was B. To unify all Native Americans and force the United States to negotiate with all Native American tribes over land and treaty issues.

What goal did Tecumseh have for Native American unity ?

Tecumseh, a Shawnee chief and warrior, established a confederacy of Native Americans in an endeavor to establish an independent Indian state and halt the immigration of white people in the Northwest Territory (modern-day Great Lakes region).

Tecumseh sought to unite the Native Americans and compel the United States to engage in treaty and land-related negotiations with all Native American tribes.

Tecumseh sought to compel the Americans to deal with each tribe separately. The individual tribes did not have a lot of influence on their own. Tecumseh believed that by working together, they would significantly hinder white expansion.

Find out more on Tecumseh at https://brainly.com/question/14509741


Choose one of the following to answer:

Option A: For those in a relationship with Christ and have made personal choices to follow Him-

In no less than 250 words, share your personal testimony as you would to a friend that doesn't yet know Jesus. A basic structure includes: what your life was like before you made the decision to follow Jesus; how you learned about who God is; why you chose to follow Jesus; how He changed your life or what He has done for you since you chose to follow Him.
Option B: For those not in a relationship with Christ-

In no less than 250 words, share where you are on your current faith journey. Some questions to help guide you (you do not have to answer these all, just to your comfort level): Do you currently follow a different religion? Do you have questions about God or life as a Christian that you need to be answered? What is holding you back from accepting Jesus or making you skeptical if the Bible is accurate and reliable? Do you need to know how you can accept God?


The testimony goes thus:

Before I made the decision to follow Jesus, my life was quite aimless. I was going through the motions of everyday life, but I didn't have a clear purpose or direction. I was searching for something more, but I didn't know what that something was.

It wasn't until I started attending a Christian church that I began to learn about who God is. I heard teachings about Jesus and His love for humanity, and I was struck by the depth of His sacrifice on the cross. I learned about the concept of grace and how we can be forgiven for our sins through faith in Jesus.

As I learned more about Jesus, I began to feel a pull towards Him. I realized that He offered something that I had been searching for my entire life: a sense of purpose and direction. I chose to follow Jesus because I wanted to live my life for something greater than myself.

What is personal testimony?

Since I chose to follow Jesus, He has changed my life in countless ways. I feel a sense of peace and contentment that I never had before. I know that I am loved and forgiven by God, which has given me a sense of freedom and joy. I am more patient, kind, and selfless than before. He has helped me to see the beauty in people and the world around me. He has helped me to be more loving and to be more of a help to those around me.

In conclusion, I would say that following Jesus has given my life a sense of purpose and meaning that I never had before. I am so grateful for the love and grace that He offers, and I would encourage anyone who is searching for something more to consider following Him as well.

Learn more about testimony on:



during world war ii, the government private american industries to help the war effort. us automobile manufacturers during the war at the government’s request. wartime production was boosted by during the war, people’s working hours . True/False ?


The government seized control of American businesses to aid in the war effort during World War II.

In order to aid in the war effort during World War II, the American government seized control of private American industries. This included the automobile industry, which was instructed to cease building cars for use by the general public and concentrate instead on creating military equipment like tanks and jeeps. The War Manufacture Board, which was created to regulate the production and distribution of war materiel, was used to accomplish this. A large number of skilled employees were also hired to work in the war industries, and companies that had previously produced consumer products were repurposed to produce war equipment. The longer hours, more people working overtime, and even the first-time employment of women and minorities during the war all contributed to higher productivity.

Learn more about World War II here:



Answer: The screenshot below



most of the farms on the great plains were bonanza farms that covered thousands of acres and employed large numbers of agricultural wage workers.


The given statement "Most of the farms on the Great Plains were bonanza farms that covered thousands of acres and employed large numbers of agricultural wage workers" is false because the correct Statement is " Despite a few "bonanza" farms, the majority of the farms west of the Mississippi were still modest, family-run operations. Due to the railroads' ability to connect them to the rest of the world and its markets, even these farms had begun to become more commercially focused."

A new agricultural development in the Pacific Northwest has recently come to the public's attention. This development appears destined to have a profound impact on how all food is produced and to bring about a revolution in the major agricultural economies.

The complete Question is-

most of the farms on the great plains were bonanza farms that covered thousands of acres and employed large numbers of agricultural wage workers. True/False.

To know more about Economy, click here:



on the map above what is theist diverse issue in 1618 for the territory of central europe between the french, the swiss, and austrians?

A. language
B. absolutism vs constitutionalism
C. religion
D. capitalism


The theist diverse issue in 1618 for the territory of Central Europe between the French, the Swiss, and Austrians was based on religion. Thus, option C is correct.

What was Thirty years war?

The thirty years war was the battle led in the 17th century from 1618 to 1648 where religious conflict took place in the Central Europe.

Thirty years is still one of the longest and most cruel conflicts in human history, with over 8 million dead through military combat as well as starvation and illness brought on by the struggle.

The theist different dispute of 1618 between the French, Swiss, and Austrians over the area of Central Europe was based on religion. As a result, option C is correct.

Learn more about Thirty years war here;



How did people in sierra Leone cope with the conflict?


Finally, the Sierra Leone Army was able to defeat the RUF before they could seize control of Freetown with the aid of UN forces, British soldiers, and Guinean air support.

The Army's pay rate, how much?

From about $25,051 for a Corporal to $94,217 for a Sergeant Major, the average pay in the U.S. Army is between these two categories. Between $1,766 for a Cannon Crewmember and $7,600 for a Commander, the average monthly pay in the US Army is between.

What exactly do soldiers in the Army do?

Regular actions by enlisted personnel include: support military actions such as combat or training exercises, humanitarian aid, or disaster relief, by taking part in them or by providing them with support. Work with equipment to operate, maintain, and fix it. Complete technical and support tasks.

To know more about Army visit:



preamble what are the historical circumstances that led to the document 


In addition to Jefferson’s eloquent preamble, the document included a long list of grievances against King George III, who was accused of committing many “injuries and usurpations” in his quest to establish “an absolute tyranny over these States.” The Declaration of Independence United the Colonists.

A) endorsements
B) opinion polls
C) issues
D) contributors
E) nonpartisan

Vocabulary, select the correct word to complete each sentence.
1. During a debate, candidates discuss their views on various _____.
2. One way to see how other people plan on voting is to check out the most
recent _______.
3. Fundraising dinners try to raise money from ______ candidates' campaigns.
4. The League of Women Voters is an example of a _______ one that does not support one political party over another.
5. Candidates seek _________from large organizations, celebrities and other big name companies.


The sentence completed with correct vocabulary are  During a debate, candidates discuss their views on various issues.

2. One way to see how other people plan on voting is to check out the most recent opinion polls.

3. Fundraising dinners try to raise money from contributors candidates' campaigns.

4. The League of Women Voters is an example of a  nonpartisan one that does not support one political party over another.

5. Candidates seek endorsements from large organizations, celebrities and other big name companies.

An illustration of an endorsement for a recommendation:

For instance, when an employer issues a payroll check, they are approving the transfer of funds from the company account to the employee's account. The act of signing the check is considered an endorsement because it is evidence that the payer intends to transfer funds to the payee.

How else would you describe endorsement?

Some popular alternatives to "endorse" are "accredit," "approve," "certify," and "sanction." "to have or express a favorable view on" is the meaning of each of these verbs, but "endorse" implies a specific declaration of support. public support for her bid for the Senate.

Learn more about Endorsements :



What decisions did the first continental congress make




The First Continental Congress, which was held in Philadelphia in 1774, was a meeting of representatives from the 13 colonies to discuss a unified response to the British government's increasing control over colonial affairs. The congress made several important decisions during its meeting. Some of the notable decisions made by the congress are:

1.The Declaration of Rights and Grievances: The congress adopted a statement of the colonies' rights and grievances against the British government, which included complaints about the Quartering Acts, the Coercive Acts, and other measures that they deemed unconstitutional.

2.The Association: The congress agreed to a plan of non-importation, non-exportation, and non-consumption of British goods, which would be enforced by local committees.

3.The Olive Branch Petition: The congress sent a petition to King George III asking for the repeal of the Coercive Acts, but the king refused to receive the petition.

4.The formation of the Continental Army: The congress established a continental army and appointed George Washington as its commander-in-chief.

5.The formation of the Continental Navy: The congress also formed a navy to protect American ships from British attacks.

6.The formation of a postal service: The congress established a postal service for the colonies.

7.The formation of the Continental Association: It was an agreement to stop trade with Britain until the Coercive Acts were repealed, it was a strong step towards the independence.

These decisions made by the First Continental Congress laid the foundation for the unified resistance of the colonies against British rule, and ultimately, the American Revolution.

if the chinese exclusion act has already been passed in america, why did mayor phelan feel the need to write this letter?


The Chinese exclusion act has already been passed in America, Phelan needed to write letter because It was only temporary and needed to be voted on again.

Exclusion Acts could only be in force for ten years at the time. The most recent legislation will automatically expire in May of next year and Congress will be asked to renew it since, up until this point, Chinese exclusion has been deemed the country's established policy in diplomatic circles and abroad. Not on the Pacific Coast, where the passing of time has further emphasised the Chinese people's lack of assimilating and their desirability as citizens.

Although the Chinese have sought to circumvent its limitations by entering the nation illegally and surreptitiously with variable degrees of success, the Exclusion Act has been fairly effective.

Learn more about Chinese Exclusion act at



And it shall be further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That if any slave who shall be out of the house or plantation where such slave shall live, or shall be usually employed, or without some whiter person in company with such slave, shall refuse to submit or undergo the examination of any white person, it shall be lawful for any such white person to pursue, apprehend, and moderately correct such slave; and if any such slave shall assault and strike such white person, such slave may be lawfully killed.
The South Carolina Negro Act of 1740

Which of the following best describes the motives of the authors in this excerpt of the act?


The option that best describes the motives of the authors in this excerpt of the act is option A. to control enslaved people by limiting their freedom of movement and association.

What is the authority about?

The South Carolina Negro Act of 1740 best describes the motives of the authors in this excerpt of the act is: to control enslaved people by limiting their freedom of movement and association.

The excerpt from the South Carolina Negro Act of 1740 is an example of the various laws that were passed by slave states in the United States in the 18th and 19th centuries to restrict the movement, behavior, and rights of enslaved people.

Therefore, The act was passed to control enslaved people by limiting their freedom of movement and association, ensuring that they were always under the surveillance of a white person, and to punish those who refused to submit to examination or who assaulted white people.

Learn more about authority from



See full question below

Read the excerpt: And it shall be further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That if any slave who shall be out of the house or plantation where such slave shall live, or shall be usually employed, or without some whiter person in company with such slave, shall refuse to submit or undergo the examination of any white person, it shall be lawful for any such white person to pursue, apprehend, and moderately correct such slave; and if any such slave shall assault and strike such white person, such slave may be lawfully killed. The South Carolina Negro Act of 1740 Which of the following best describes the motives of the authors in this excerpt of the act?

A. to control enslaved people by limiting their freedom of movement and association

B. to warn free Black people away from visiting South Carolina by threatening them with harm

C. to punish the leaders of the Stono Rebellion for advocating for rights for enslaved people

D. to help enslaved people gathering in crowds and advocating for their emancipation

Answer: to control enslaved people by limiting their freedom of movement and association

Explanation: Plato/Edmentum - got it right

A colonist from Rhode Island most likely identified as an?A) New Englander B) Rhode Inlander C) American citizen D) Dutch subject


Based on the tenets of complete religious tolerance, the separation of church and state, and political democracy, Williams established the colony of Rhode Island (values that the U.S. would later be founded upon). People who were persecuted for their religious convictions found refuge there.

In addition to a few smaller, short-lived colonies, the New England Colonies of British America included the Connecticut Colony, the Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, the Massachusetts Bay Colony, the Plymouth Colony, and the Province of New Hampshire.

With only 48 miles in length and 37 miles in width, Rhode Island was regarded as the smallest state in the United States. Roger Williams' purchase of property from the Rhode Indians in 1636 resulted in the founding of the first permanent European colony. Roger Williams oversaw the province of Rhode Island, and his steadfast support for religious tolerance, freedom, and liberty served as a model for the American constitution writers.

To learn more about Rhode Island, click here:



how old was martin luther king when he graduated high school


Answer:Martin Luther King  was 15 years old when he graduated  high school


At what point does influence cross the line and become illegal?


Although neuromarketing has the potential to be a potent tool for understanding and enticing consumers, there have long been ethical concerns and public reaction.

What is Neuromarketing ?

Ania Wieckowski, executive editor of HBR, spoke with Steven Stanton, Walter Sinnott-Armstrong, and Scott Huettel, coauthors of a paper on the subject in the Journal of Business Ethics, to find out which worries are legitimate and how marketers may address them.

Campbell Soup's revamp of its packaging a few years ago is a prime example. The business looked into how consumers responded to advertisements, logos, and the product itself by measuring changes in neurological signals like heart rate and skin moisture.

Learn more about Marketing here



Why do you think Napoleon was able to come to power in France?
A. He wanted to introduce democracy to France.
B. The people of France wanted to have stability after so many failures in the government.
C.He allowed society to have more control of the government.
D. He was a pacifist and supported peaceful takeovers, rather than military takeovers.


During the French Revolution, Napoleon ascended to prominence as a military officer. Napoleon and his supporters deposed the French Directory government and founded the French Consulate in 1799. In a rigged election, Napoleon was elected First Consul.

Why did Napoleon ascend to power in France so instantly?

Napoleon became the most powerful person in history as a result of his renown as a military commander during the French Revolution. After the French Directory government was overthrown by Napoleon and his allies in 1799, the French Consulate was established. Napoleon was selected to hold the position of First Consul in a fraudulent election.

Napoleon first seized control of the governmental system in France in a coup d'état in 1799. As a result of the coup, a three-person Consulate took the place of the previous five-member Directory as the ruling body. The real power belonged to Napoleon; the other two consuls were merely showpieces.

Learn more about French Revolution: https://brainly.com/question/27833385


Who was the second to circumnavigate the world?


Francis Drake carried out the second circumnavigation of the world in a single expedition (and on a single independent voyage), from 1577 to 1580.

About Francis Drake

Francis Drake (c. 1540 - 28 January 1596) was an English sea captain, slave trader, and officer of the Elizabethan era. Drake made his second circumnavigation of the world on a single expedition, from 1577 to 1580, and was the first person to complete the voyage as captain while leading the expedition throughout the entire navigation. With his raids into the Pacific Ocean, he claimed what is now English for Britain and inaugurated an era of conflict with Spain on the west coast of America, an area previously largely unexplored by western shipping. He has also been credited with introducing the potato to England; one of Europe's most important staple foods during the Renaissance and Modern eras.

Elizabeth I knighted Drake in 1581. As Vice Admiral, he was second in command of the English fleet in the battle against the Spanish Armada in 1588. He died of dysentery in January 1596, after a successful attack on San Juan, Puerto Rico. Drake's exploits made him a hero to the English, but his personnel led the Spanish to brand him as a pirate, known as El Draque. King Philip II allegedly offered a reward for the capture or death of 20,000 ducks, about £6 million (US$8 million) in modern currency.

Learn more about Francis Drake at



The causes and effects of 19th century latin American and caribbean independence movements led by people including bolivar, de san martin and L ouverture


L'Ouverture, Simon Bolivar and San Martin all led the Latin American and Caribbean independence movements.

A free-black general named Toussaint L'Ouverture played a role in sparking a revolution. He gave the colony its independence and cleansed it of British and Spanish influence. Napoleon attempted to stop this, but in the end Haiti prevailed and gained independence in 1801. Just before the Spanish-American War, in 1807, Simon Bolivar returned to Colombia.

He took part, rose to prominence as a great military leader, proclaimed the colony's independence, and established the foundation for the creation of the state of Great Colombia. Fighting against royalists in Latin America brought San Martin prominence. He soon started a new military career in Argentina and moved on to amass a record of wins over the royalists before being appointed Protector of Peru when he proclaimed the nation's independence in 1821.

Know more about L'Ouverture here



which us action was the most direct and immediate response to the soviet blockade of west berlin were In response to the Soviet blockade of land routes into West Berlin, the United States begins a massive airlift of food, water, and medicine to the citizens of the besieged city. True or false


The given statement “In response to the Soviet blockade of land courses into West Berlin, the US starts an enormous carrier of food, water, and medication to the residents of the blockaded city". is true because

For almost a year, supplies from American planes supported more than 2 million individuals in West Berlin.

On June 24, 1948, Soviet powers barred all street, rail, and water courses into Berlin's Partnered controlled regions, smothering the crucial progression of food, coal, and different supplies.

Soviet troop numbers predominated those of the Partners, which had drawn down after the conflict, so there was minimal the Partners could do about it militarily. It further developed their relationship since it demonstrated the way that they could cooperate effectively to oppose the USSR.

Learn more about Soviet blockade:



how does the dred scott decision work to advance the pro-slavery cause and provide political cover for the kansas-nebraska act?


The Missouri Compromise of 1820, which limited slavery in a few U.S. territories, was declared unlawful by the Dred Scott ruling. Abolitionists in the North were furious.

For many years, the debate over slavery had split the North and the South. Cotton, which was grown on enormous farms known as "plantations," served as the mainstay of the Southern economy. A majority of the labor on the plantations was performed by African Americans who were in slavery. The Northern economy used paid labor and was more dependent on manufacturing. Abolitionists supported Scott's endeavor. For instance, Francis Murdoch contributed to the filing of Scott and his wife Harriet Scott's cases.

In its decision in the Dred Scott case, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that Congress lacked the authority to restrict or abolish slavery in the territories and invalidated the Missouri Compromise. The Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854), which gave each federal territory the authority to choose whether to join the Union as a free or a slave state, also constituted the doctrine of popular sovereignty that was declared unlawful by the decision.

To know more about Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854)



During the 1830s public servants and officials were widely perceived to be unqualified. what practice reinforced that perception? question 2 options: a. the public voting for candidates based on religious affiliations b. the president rewarding political supporters with appointments to desirable positionsc. the president recruiting volunteers to serve abroad as ambassadors d. legislators awarding government contracts to the lowest bidder


The practice which reinforced the perception that public servants and officials were perceived as unqualified during the 1830s was: The president rewarding political supporters with appointments to desirable positions. The correct option is B.

What was the Nullification Crisis in the early 1830s?

The Nullification Crisis of the early 1830s was the result of a conflict between the Jackson Administration and the state of South Carolina over the question of federal tariffs. The state of South Carolina refused to enforce the federal tariff of 1832. At that time, President Andrew Jackson regarded the South Carolina Ordinance of Nullification as a clear threat to the federal union and to national authority, and he rewarded the political supporters with appointments to desirable positions. This resulted the public servants and officials were widely perceived to be unqualified because they got the positions by a reward from the President.

Learn more about Nullification Crisis at: https://brainly.com/question/29775369


Iran has a president, however, government decisions are made by a group of religious leaders and are based on Islamic law. What type of government is in place in Iran?

Iran has a president, however, government decisions are made by a group of religious leaders and are based on Islamic law. What type of government is in place in Iran?



absolute monarchy

representative democracy


Theocracy is  type of government is in place in Iran. A theocracy is a form of government in which a supreme deity serves as the ultimate ruler.

What is Theocracy?

Theocracy, a form of governance where decisions are made by officials who are believed to be guided by the divine. Government officials frequently come from the clergy, and religious law serves as the foundation for the legal system in theocracies.

Early civilizations were often theocracies. In the majority of Western nations, theocracy came to an end with the Enlightenment. Saudi Arabia, Iran, and the Vatican are modern instances of theocracies.

Vatican City is the world's only remaining Christian theocracy and the seat of the Catholic Church. Every government official as well as the vast majority of the populace of Vatican City are clergymen. It is governed by the pope, who is essentially an absolute monarch.

Learn more about Theocracy, here



in the late 1700's the number of newspapers in the united states increased greatly. what are the functions and responsibility of a free press in a democracy



The functions and responsibilities of a free press in a democracy are to report objectively and present both sides of political views, social issues, and other issues to the public

How have the British violated the colonists natural rights



Each colony had its own government, but the British king controlled these governments. By the 1770s, many colonists were angry because they did not have self-government. This meant that they could not govern themselves and make their own laws. They had to pay high taxes to the king.

Gave jobs to millions of unemployed people to carry out public works projects, including the construction of public buildings and roads.


The American New Deal organization known as the Works Progress Administration(WPA) recruited millions of job seekers (mainly men without formal education) to complete public works projects, such as the building of public structures and roadways.

The first allocation for the WPA in 1935 was $4.9 billion, or around $15 per person in the United States and 6.7 percent of the GDP in that year. The WPA, led by Harry Hopkins, provided paid employment to the jobless in the US during the Great Depression while enhancing the nation's public infrastructure, including parks, schools, and highways.

The majority of the jobs were in construction, which included building more than 10,000 bridges, more than 620,000 miles (1,000,000 km) of roads, several airports, and a substantial amount of housing.

It provided paid employment for three million unemployed men and women at its height in 1938, as well as for young people in a separate division.

To know more about WPA:



why did southern delegates agree to the three-fifths compromise?


Southern states had needed portrayal allotted by the populace; after the Virginia Plan was dismissed, the Three-Fifths Compromise appeared to ensure that the South would be firmly addressed in the Place of Agents and would have unbalanced power in choosing Presidents.

Southern states upheld it for counting part of states' subjugated populace towards portrayal in the Place of Representatives. House of Agents comparative with free states, in this way, assisting the southern states with safeguarding bondage.

It accommodated the identification of 3/5ths of the subjugated populace in a state to decide the number of Delegates in Congress each state would have.

Learn more about southern delegates:



How does the source depict the identity and character of individuals during this era? The French Revolution Era, 1792. - A chained member of the Third Estate rises up against the clergy and nobility.


The source depicts the identity and character of individuals during this era as a rebellious, oppressed, and unified group of people who were rising up against the established authority of the clergy

The French Revolution Era, 1792.

The source  described depicts the identity and character of individuals during the French Revolution era as one of rebellion and resistance against the established authority of the clergy and nobility.

The image of a chained member of the Third Estate rising up against this authority suggests a sense of oppression and subjugation felt by the common people, and their willingness to fight against it.

This image represents the growing sense of discontent and frustration with the existing social and political order during the French Revolution, which was characterized by widespread poverty, inequality, and lack of representation for the majority of the population.

Additionally, the source also symbolizes the idea of the Third Estate as a collective identity, which was formed as a result of the French Revolution, it represents the unity of the lower classes and their shared struggles. Furthermore, the image of the chains implies the idea of physical oppression, but also represents a metaphor for the mental, social and economic oppression that the Third Estate felt.

In summary, the source depicts the identity and character of individuals during this era as a rebellious, oppressed, and unified group of people who were rising up against the established authority of the clergy and nobility, fighting against their oppression and seeking greater representation and equality.

Learn more on the French Revolution Era, 1792 here:https://brainly.com/question/30325411


What role does the media play in how people perceive the world around them? Use 3 examples from the Dont look up film to support your answer.


Representation is how media texts deal with and present gender, age, ethnicity, national and regional identity, social issues and events to an audience. Media texts have the power to shape an audience’s knowledge and understanding about these important topics. This makes them very powerful in terms of influencing ideas and attitudes.

Which has MORE educational opportunities: Feudal Europe or Roman Empire? Explain
how you know.



Roman Empire


Public speaking was of highest importance in education, and education was a pushed heavily. Yet while education was pushed heavily, it was not free. Most parents or siblings were those who taught, yet even slaves were educated to a certain extent. Being a tutor was a large career in the Roman Empire for reading and writing. Feudal Europe had education, yet it was only made for wealthy males, and most schools were run by the church.

How was the National Park System (National Conservation) formed?



Specifically, the Act declares that the National Park Service has a dual mission, both to conserve park resources and provide for their use and enjoyment


It was established in 1916 by an act of the U.S. Congress that was signed into law by U.S. Pres. Woodrow Wilson. The law stipulated that the new service was to “conserve the scenery and the natural and historic objects and the wild life therein and… leave them unimpaired for the enjoyment of future generations.”

I hope this helps and have a wonderful day!

Which shaded state was the main destination of american indians forced to relocate as part of the trail of tears? question 8 options: a b c d


The shade shown in (c) i.e. Oklahoma was the main destination of american indians forced to relocate as part of the trail of tears

Between the 1830 Indian Removal Act and 1850, the American government forcibly relocated around 100,000 American Indians residing east of the Mississippi River to Indian Territory in what is now Oklahoma by forced treaties and/or U.S. Army operations.

The forcible removal of Native Americans from the Southeast of the United States, including the Cherokee, Creek, Chickasaw, Choctaw, and Seminole, to the so-called Indian Territory west of the Mississippi River during the 1830s is known as the Trail of Tears.

Native American tribes with self-governing governments were forcibly removed under American government policy from their ancient homelands in the east to regions west of the Mississippi River, more particularly, to a designated Indian Territory (roughly, present-day Oklahoma).

For more questions on Oklahoma



The missing diagram is attached below:

The Shaded State of Oklahoma was the main destination for American Indians who were forced to migrate as part of the Trail of Tears. Here option C is the correct answer.

The state of Oklahoma was a main destination for American Indians who were forced to migrate as part of the Trail of Tears. The Trail of Tears was the forced relocation of tens of thousands of American Indians from their ancestral lands in the southeastern United States to Indian Territory, which is now Oklahoma.

The relocation, which took place in the 1830s, was a result of the Indian Removal Act of 1830, which authorized the U.S. government to remove American Indians from their ancestral lands to make way for white settlers.

The relocation was a traumatic event for the American Indians, many of whom died from disease, starvation, and exposure on the journey.

Complete question:

Which shaded state was the main destination of American Indians forced to relocate as part of the trail of tears?

A - a

B - b

C - c

D - d

To learn more about American Indians



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in a liquid with a density of 1500 kg/m3 , longitudinal waves with a frequency of 410 hz are found to have a wavelength of 8.00 m . calculate the bulk modulus of the liquid. express your answer in pascals. Sulfur dioxide is present in our atmosphere, and is used as a preservative and foods. Is it possible to use the common charges that sulfur an oxygen make to determine this formula select the questions that can be explored through the principles of biological evolution. how did cetaceans transition from terrestrial to aquatic environments? why do some organisms tend to fossilize more readily than others? why can viruses, such as influenza, be difficult to fight? how do new species arise in novel environments? how do you identify a mutation in dna? Step 2: Identify the words in the problem that translate into mathematical actions.Choose one or more:A. moreB. ofC. andD. if A case manager is completing discharge planning for a client who has alcohol use disorder and cirrhosis of the liver. Which of the following actions should the case manager take first?a. Contact a social worker to assist the client with managing finances.b. Provide the client with information on self-help groups for alcohol use disorder.c. Arrange for a home health nurse to visit the client following discharge.d. Determine which home safety measures the client needs to impleme What is 88% of %33.00 Hooke's law describes the force of _____. What is the density of an object that will float in water? Which of the following would NOT be considered a socially-oriented activity for a firm?A) ADA adherenceB) minority trainingC) corporate givingD) pollution control What is the percentage composition of each element in dinitrogen monoxide, N2O? FILL IN THE BLANK When a non-motor-operated electrical appliance lacks an overcurrent protective device rating, NEC 422.11(E) states that the branch circuit overcurrent protection shall be ____. A 0.95 m aqueous solution of an ionic compound with the formula MX has a freezing point of 3.0 C. Calculate the vant Hoff factor (i) for MX at this concentration. A company offers ID theft protection using leads obtained from client banks. Three employees work 40 hours a week on the leads, at a pay rate of $18 per hour per employee. Each employee identifies an average of 4,000 potential leads a week from a list of 4,800. An average of 7 percent of potential leads actually sign up for the service, paying a one-time fee of $90. Material costs are $1,300 per week, and overhead costs are $8,800 per week.Calculate the multifactor productivity for this operation in fees generated per dollar of input.(Round your answer to 2 decimal places.) which of the following is an important consideration when developing product extensions in the travel and tourism industry: 6y + 14 math help people The story might have ended with the ten years of difficulty, but instead the author adds a surprise denouement. He brings Madame Loisel and Madame Forestier together again and provides a final bitter twist to the story.What does Madame Forestier tell Madame Loisel that changes the effect of the whole story? Which activities support the central idea about financial planning? Select 3 options. how many stairs make up the legendary el toro set? Help Me, Now! Lacey pays $15 for each hour of golf lesson and $10 for equipment rental. If the lesson is more than 3 hours long she only pays $5 for equiptment rental. Is the total cost of Lacey's lesson a function of the number of hours scheduled? Is This a function? (Write Yes Or No) I need help please ans thank you