What were some of the negative effects of urbanization


Answer 1


Over population, crowding, loss of nature/space, poor health conditions, disease spreading, and potential water and sanitary problems.


too many ppl lol

Related Questions

What in Huey Long’s upbringing might have prepared him for politics?


Huey Long's upbringing in rural Louisiana, where he witnessed the struggles of poor farmers and the corruption of local politicians, prepared him for politics.

What is politics?

Politics is the process by which those who live in organizations decide on things. Politics is the process of establishing agreements between individuals so that they may coexist in social units like clans, cities, or nations.

What is politics in the world?

The term "global politics," also referred to as "world politics," refers to both the area being studied and the discipline that does so. At the core of that field are the various processes of globalization in politics in relation to issues of social power.

To know more about politics visit :



What happened to Yugoslavia in the 1990s?


In the 1990s, Yugoslavia experienced a series of ethnic and political conflicts that resulted in the country's dissolution and the creation of several new nations.

This was known as the Yugoslav Wars.What happened to Yugoslavia in the 1990s?In the early 1990s, Yugoslavia, which was made up of six republics, was facing political and economic issues. In addition to this, ethnic and religious tensions were rising, especially between Serbs, Croats, and Bosniaks.The situation escalated when Slovenia and Croatia declared their independence from Yugoslavia in 1991. This led to a ten-day war between the Yugoslav army and Slovenia.

Later that year, a full-scale conflict broke out between the Yugoslav army and Croatian forces. The war lasted until 1995 and resulted in the deaths of thousands of people.In 1992, Bosnia and Herzegovina also declared independence from Yugoslavia. This led to a war between Bosniak, Croat, and Serb forces, with atrocities such as ethnic cleansing and genocide committed by all sides.

Learn more about Yugoslavia  here:https://brainly.com/question/756850


In what ways was World War I a total war?



“Total war” includes four things: Mobilization, refusal to compromise, the blurring of roles between soldier and civilians, and total control of society. In many ways World War I was total war. There had never been a war that was so widely devastating.



What does Long want to do with people who own more than $50 million in wealth?


Huey Long, a former governor of Louisiana and U.S. Senator in the 1930s, proposed a policy known as the "Share Our Wealth" program.

Under this program, Long advocated for the redistribution of wealth in the United States, with the goal of providing a more equal distribution of resources and opportunities for all Americans.

What informs this policy?

As part of his "Share Our Wealth" program, Long proposed a progressive tax system that would heavily tax the wealthiest Americans, including those who owned more than $50 million in wealth. Long argued that this would help to reduce economic inequality and provide resources for social programs such as education, healthcare, and public infrastructure.

In addition to the tax system, Long also proposed a number of other measures, such as a guaranteed minimum income for all Americans and increased government investment in public works projects to create jobs and stimulate economic growth.

While Long's proposals were controversial and faced opposition from many wealthy Americans and political opponents, they resonated with many Americans who were struggling during the Great Depression and who saw Long as a champion of their economic interests.

learn more about Huey Long: https://brainly.com/question/7038062


5. How AND why did Stalin censor all communication?



Stalin censored all communication in the Soviet Union to control the spread of information and ideas that could challenge his authority or the Communist Party's ideology. The censorship was enforced through various means such as strict state control of media, surveillance, and punishment of dissidents. Stalin's censorship regime aimed to suppress any criticism of his rule, eliminate political opposition, and promote the Communist Party's agenda.

Stalin's censorship regime was comprehensive and covered all forms of communication, including newspapers, radio, books, films, and personal correspondence. All published materials were subject to state approval, and any content deemed "anti-Soviet" or "counter-revolutionary" was censored. The state also controlled access to foreign media and limited travel abroad.

Stalin believed that controlling communication was essential to maintain his power and keep the Soviet Union under his control. By censoring all forms of communication, he could shape public opinion and control the narrative of Soviet history. Additionally, censorship helped to maintain the strict discipline and obedience required of Soviet citizens under the Communist regime.

In summary, Stalin's censorship of communication in the Soviet Union was a means to control information and eliminate any criticism or opposition to his rule. It was part of his broader strategy of centralizing power and maintaining control over all aspects of Soviet life.

What is the message of Exodus 18:17-23? What does it say about the administrative spirtual gift?


Answer :

Jethro gave Moses some crucial guidance on how he (Moses) could effectively serve the Israelites as their spokesperson and judge 18 : 17 - 23


Who would most likely agree with these statements?

A revolution is no picnic. We must eliminate capitalism and imperialism even if thousands have to sacrifice their lives.

John F. Kennedy

Mao Zedong

George Marshall

Harry Truman


The person who would most likely agree with the statement "A revolution is no picnic. We must eliminate capitalism and imperialism even if thousands have to sacrifice their lives" is Mao Zedong.

Mao Zedong was a Chinese Communist revolutionary who led the Communist Party of China to victory against the nationalist forces in the Chinese Civil War. He believed in the elimination of capitalism and imperialism through revolution, and his leadership resulted in significant social and economic changes in China, albeit at the cost of thousands of lives during the Cultural Revolution.

John F. Kennedy, George Marshall, and Harry Truman were not known for advocating for the elimination of capitalism and imperialism through violent revolution.

Explain how Soviet domination of eastern Europe developed



Soviet takeover of control at the outset generally followed a process: a general coalition of left-wing, Anti-fascist forces; a reorganised 'coalition' in which the Communists would have the upper hand and neutralise those in other parties who were not willing to accept their supremacy; complete Communist domination.


Describe the jazz age and some of the reactions to it. (Postwar social changes)



In the 1920s, when the Jazz Age happened, there were a lot of big changes in American society, especially in cities. The author F. Scott Fitzgerald came up with the term "Jazz Age" to describe the time when jazz music and dance became popular. This was a break from traditional values and ways of thinking.

During the Jazz Age, young people started to question traditional gender roles, and women in particular got more freedom and independence. The rise of the flapper, a young woman who wore short skirts, bobbed her hair, and smoked and drank in public, was a break from traditional gender roles and societal expectations. The flapper was a sign of the Jazz Age's new sense of freedom and social change.

But not everyone liked how things changed during the Jazz Age. Many older Americans thought that the new ideas and ways of acting were wrong and a threat to traditional family values. Some religious leaders didn't like the new morality, and many politicians and lawmakers tried to put limits on behavior they thought was wrong or dangerous. The idea that the Jazz Age was too wild and immoral led to Prohibition, which made it illegal to sell or drink alcohol anywhere in the country.

Even though these things happened, the Jazz Age was a big change in American culture and society. The rise of jazz music and dance, the emergence of new social and cultural attitudes, and women becoming more independent were all important events that had lasting effects on American society and culture. In the decades that followed, more social change and new cultural movements happened because of the Jazz Age.

As part of his reforms, Reagan

the government regulation of business,

A major social issue he addressed was stopping the sale of illegal

Reagan also named

new justices to the Supreme Court. One of his appointments was noteworthy for

being the first



As part of his reforms, Reagan reduced the government regulation of business. A major social issue he addressed was stopping the sale of illegal drugs. Reagan also named new justices to the Supreme Court. One of his appointments, Sandra Day O'Connor, was noteworthy for being the first female justice.

Reagan introduced "Reaganomics" during his first term, which entailed economic deregulation and cutbacks to both taxes and spending on the part of the government during a time of stagflation. He turned the Cold War's détente into a retreat by intensifying a weapons competition with the Soviet Union.

In addition, he overcame an assassination attempt, battled public sector unions, promoted the war on drugs, and gave the go-ahead for the invasion of Grenada in 1983. Reagan won the presidency in 1984 with a resounding win over former vice president Walter Mondale.

Reagan's second term was dominated by foreign policy, including the bombing of Libya in 1986, the Iran-Iraq War, the covert sale of weapons to Iran to support the Contras, and a more accommodative stance in negotiations with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev that resulted in the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty.

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In addition to military and civilian deaths, what were two effects of World War II? Your answer could include changes in warfare, impacts on societies, or effects on international relations.

An optional way you may start your response is:

One effect of World War II was . . .


When World War II was done, the United States had the strongest economy in the entire globe. Including the 300,000 battle deaths.

What two consequences did World War II have?

The landscape had been burned, bridges and railroads destroyed, and cities and towns had been completely destroyed. Both military and civilian casualties from the conflict were very high. Food, fuel, and other consumer goods shortages lasted after the end of hostilities and, in many places, worsened.

What were the effects and impacts of World War II on the participating nations?

Millions of people were dead and homeless at the end of the war, the European economy was in shambles, and the majority of the European industrial The city's support systems were gone. S

To know more about military and civilian deaths, visit:-



briefly describe why you think the U.S. Olympic Committee decided not to boycott the 1936 Olympic games


United States led a boycott of the Summer Olympic Games in Moscow to protest the late 1979 Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. In total, 65 nations refused to participate in the games, whereas 80 countries sent athletes to compete.

What led to Movement to Boycott the Berlin Olympics of 1936?

In response to reports of Jewish athletes being persecuted in 1933, Avery Brundage, president of the American Olympic Committee (AOC), stated, "The very foundation of the modern Olympic revival will be undermined if individual countries are permitted to restrict participation on the basis of class, creed, or race."

Brundage, like many others in the Olympic movement, considered moving the Games away from Germany at first. Brundage stated publicly in 1934, following a brief and tightly controlled inspection of German sports facilities, that Jewish athletes were being treated fairly and that the Games should proceed as planned.

Read more about Berlin Olympics



Why is Isabella of France called She-wolf of France?​



Isabella of France (1295-1358) was given the nickname "She-wolf of France" due to her role in a rebellion against her husband, King Edward II of England.

In the early 14th century, Isabella was married to Edward II, who was widely regarded as a weak and ineffective king. Edward was also rumored to have a close relationship with his favorite male companion, Piers Gaveston, which caused tension and resentment among the English nobility.

Isabella, who was known for her intelligence and strength of character, grew increasingly frustrated with Edward's behavior and his inability to govern effectively. In 1325, she traveled to France ostensibly to negotiate a peace treaty, but instead she formed an alliance with her brother, King Charles IV of France, and other disaffected English nobles.

Together, they raised an army and invaded England, forcing Edward to flee to Wales. Isabella then deposed Edward and installed their son, Edward III, as king, effectively ruling England as regent for several years.

Isabella's actions were seen as ruthless and cunning, hence the nickname "She-wolf of France." While her motivations for rebelling against her husband were complex, her reputation as a fierce and powerful woman has endured throughout history.


Isabella of France, also known as Isabella the Fair, was given the nickname "The She-Wolf of France" due to her political and personal actions during her reign as queen consort of England. The nickname is said to have been given to her by her political opponents, who saw her as a ruthless and cunning figure.

One of the most significant actions that led to the nickname was the role she played in the overthrow of her husband, King Edward II. Isabella was unhappy with Edward's rule and his relationship with his favorite, Piers Gaveston. In 1325, she left England and went to France, where she formed an alliance with Roger Mortimer and began plotting against her husband.

Isabella and Mortimer invaded England in 1326 with a small army, and Edward was forced to flee. Isabella and Mortimer then took control of the government, and Edward was later deposed and imprisoned. Isabella and Mortimer were seen as ruthless and power-hungry, and their actions led to the execution of several of Edward's supporters.

Isabella's nickname, "The She-Wolf of France," reflects the negative view that many of her contemporaries had of her. It is important to note, however, that the nickname is not an accurate reflection of Isabella's character or actions, and may have been used in part due to the sexist attitudes of the time.

Which battle in world war 1 marked the defeat of the final German offensive on the western front?


The German Army launched the “Ardennes Counteroffensive”, better known as the “Battle of the Bulge”.

As the last major German offensive in the west, it was their final attempt to beat and push back the advancing Allied armies that had moved rapidly across France and Belgium since June 6, 1944.

Planned in secrecy, the Germans campaign goal was recapturing the harbor city of Antwerp, Belgium which was critical to the Allied supply chain in western Europe. On top of stopping Allied transport across the English Channel, the offensive was intended to split the Allied line in half.

The morning of December 16, 1944, over 200,000 German troops and 1,000 tanks attacked a 75-mile stretch of the front in the Ardennes, covering parts of Belgium, France, and Luxembourg. The four American divisions stationed there were exhausted from previous operations as well as recuperating, or inexperienced and still in training.

About 19,000 Americans were killed during this counteroffensive. Many of the Americans who lost their lives in the Battle of the Bulge are buried in Ardennes, Henri-Chapelle, Luxembourg, and Netherlands American Cemeteries.

In a five paragraph essay, evaluate the legacy the War of 1812 had on the new nation of America. Be sure to discuss its effect on foreign policy, the economy, and society.


The War of 1812 was a significant conflict for the new nation of America, shaping its foreign policy, economy, and society for years to come. Despite being considered a stalemate, the legacy of the war had a significant impact on the nation.

One of the primary effects of the War of 1812 on foreign policy was the shift towards a more isolationist approach. The conflict highlighted the vulnerability of America's economy and military to external threats, leading to a desire to focus more on domestic issues rather than international affairs. This isolationist approach continued throughout the 19th century, as the country sought to build its economic and political power internally.

The War of 1812 also had a significant impact on the economy of the new nation. Prior to the conflict, America's economy was heavily dependent on trade with Europe, but the war disrupted these trade routes, leading to an economic recession. However, the war also led to the growth of American industry, as domestic manufacturing increased to replace goods that could no longer be imported from Europe. This shift towards domestic industry would eventually become a hallmark of the American economy.

The war also had a significant impact on society, particularly in terms of national identity. Prior to the war, the United States was still a relatively young nation, and many citizens still identified more with their state than with the country as a whole. However, the war brought Americans together and fostered a sense of national identity, as citizens rallied around the flag and supported the war effort. This sense of national identity would become increasingly important in the years to come, as America continued to grow and evolve as a nation.

Finally, the legacy of the War of 1812 can also be seen in the relationships between America and its neighbors to the north and south. The conflict solidified the border between the United States and Canada, leading to a peaceful and stable relationship between the two nations. Similarly, the war had a significant impact on the relationship between America and Mexico, setting the stage for future conflicts and shaping the political and economic relationship between the two nations.

In conclusion, the War of 1812 had a significant impact on the new nation of America, shaping its foreign policy, economy, and society for years to come. The shift towards isolationism, the growth of American industry, and the fostering of a sense of national identity all stemmed from the conflict. Additionally, the relationships between America and its neighbors to the north and south were shaped by the conflict, further cementing its legacy in the history of the nation.

Events in one part of the atmosphere *

A. have nothing to do with other parts of the atmosphere

B. affect other parts of the atmosphere

C. only affect Earth

D. only affect the thermosphere​


I believe it’s A I think

In a paragraph, describe the changes in society that led to the rise of mass culture around 1900. (5 pts)


Around 1900, there were several changes in society that led to the rise of mass culture. One of the most significant changes was the growth of industrialization and urbanization, which led to an increase in the size of cities and the number of people living in them. This created a new market for mass-produced goods and services, as well as new forms of entertainment and leisure activities. Another important factor was the development of new technologies, such as the printing press, radio, and cinema, which made it easier and cheaper to produce and distribute cultural products to a wider audience. Additionally, the rise of consumer culture and advertising helped to create a demand for mass-produced goods and services, as well as new forms of entertainment and leisure activities. Finally, the growth of mass media and the rise of new forms of communication, such as newspapers, magazines, and telegraphy, helped to create a shared culture and a sense of national identity, which contributed to the rise of mass culture !!!


The rise of mass culture around 1900 was a result of a number of changes in society. Public education was becoming more widespread, allowing more people to gain access to knowledge and information. Improvements in communication technologies, such as the invention of the phonograph, allowed for the spread of ideas and information to a much wider audience. Additionally, industrial growth transformed American society, producing a new class of workers and providing a boost to wages of native-born workers. This, coupled with the expansion of industry in the two decades before 1900, led to a population growth of 15 million people in U.S. cities. These developments, coupled with more acceptance of immigrants and diversity, helped to create the mass culture that we know today.

Construct a 2-3 paragraph essay to compare and contrast metals and non-metals. Discuss chemical and physical properties, examples, valence electrons, location on the periodic table, etc. in your own words. Please cite any sources you quote directly from.


When the temperature is ambient, metals can be found in solid form. Gallium and Mercury are liquids. Ionic compounds are created when non-metals and metals interact. Metals are present left or right hand sides.

What is the purpose of mercury?

Several industries make use of mercury. It's used to make caustic soda and chlorine gas, as well as in electrical switches, thermometers, and barometers.

Where does Mercury come from?

Like other metal, mercury is collected from ores, with cinnabar being one of the most common types. China, Spain, and California are where you can find it most often. The ore does contain liquid mercury in the form of drops, however it is typically removed by heating.

To know more more about visit:



Early Humans and Agricultural Revolution Crossword


Agricultural Revolution - Innovative Agriculture Lesson Pack was last downloaded on. Crossword puzzle featuring key figures from the American Revolution. The most recent download was on.

What precisely was the Agricultural Revolution?

The agricultural revolution refers to a series of cultural transformations that allowed humans to transition from a hunting and gathering subsistence to one based on agriculture and animal domestication.

What was the name of the first Agricultural Revolution?

The Neolithic Revolution, also known as the (First) Agricultural Revolution, was the large-scale transition of many human cultures during the Neolithic period from a hunting and gathering lifestyle to one of agriculture and settlement, allowing for an increasingly large population.

To know more about Agricultural Revolution visit:-



Please help! What is the position that the federal government should not interfere with the states exercising their constitutional powers called?


"States' rights" refers to the idea that the federal government shouldn't obstruct states from exercising their constitutional rights.

According to this viewpoint, the federal government's authority should be constrained, and the states should be free to conduct their own internal affairs as long as they do not contravene the Constitution.

It is predicated on the notion that the Constitution established a system of dual sovereignty in which the federal government and the states each have their own areas of jurisdiction.

Throughout American history, this idea has been a topic of discussion and contention, especially in relation to matters like taxation, civil rights, and slavery.

To know more about federal government here



Should Social Media Companies Be Immune From Lawsuits Over Content Recommended on Their Sites?


Social media companies have become an integral part of modern society, connecting people from all over the world and enabling the sharing of information and ideas.

However, the issue of liability for content recommended on their sites is a complex one. On one hand, social media companies may argue that they cannot be held responsible for every piece of content that appears on their platform. The sheer volume of user-generated content makes it difficult to police every post, comment, or recommendation. On the other hand, social media companies have a responsibility to ensure that their platforms are not used to spread hate speech, misinformation, or other harmful content. By recommending certain content to users, social media companies can inadvertently amplify harmful messages and contribute to the spread of false information. Therefore, it is reasonable to expect social media companies to take reasonable steps to prevent the spread of harmful content, even if they cannot control every piece of user-generated content. However, the specifics of any liability should be carefully considered, taking into account the challenges faced by social media companies in monitoring the vast amounts of user-generated content on their platforms.

Learn more about Social media here:



What do Jewish citizens have to wear under the Nuremberg laws


Under the Nuremberg Laws of 1935, Jewish citizens were required to wear a yellow star badge or armband as a form of identification. The badge or armband had to be visible at all times and was a sign of humiliation.

The Nuremberg Laws were a set of anti-Semitic laws that stripped Jews of their rights and citizenship, paving the way for the Holocaust. The yellow star badge was just one of many ways Jews were targeted and oppressed during the Nazi regime.

The requirement to wear the yellow star badge was a form of social and political control intended to isolate Jews from the rest of German society and make discrimination against them easier. It was a dehumanising symbol of Jewish persecution and genocide under Nazi rule.

For more question on Jewish click on



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The process for creating an amendment to the United States Constitution is outlined in Article V of the Constitution.

The recipe for creating an amendment involves several key ingredients, including:

1. Proposal: The first step in creating an amendment is to propose it. This can be done either by a two-thirds vote of both houses of Congress or by a constitutional convention called for by two-thirds of the state legislatures.

2. Ratification: Once an amendment has been proposed, it must be ratified by three-fourths of the states. This can be done either by the state legislatures or by special state conventions.

3. Key People: There are several key people involved in the amendment process. Members of Congress propose amendments, state legislators ratify them, and the President can sign them into law. Additionally, the Supreme Court may interpret the Constitution and decide whether or not an amendment is constitutional.

4. Time: The amendment process can take a considerable amount of time. Amendments have taken anywhere from a few months to several decades to be ratified.

5. Political Will: Finally, creating an amendment requires political will. Amendments must be proposed and ratified by elected officials who are willing to take the necessary steps to make the amendment a reality.

In summary, creating an amendment to the United States Constitution requires a proposal, ratification by three-fourths of the states, key people such as members of Congress, state legislators, and the President, time, and political will.

To learn more about amendments in US constitution from given link



Which element is part of the policy of containment?

military intervention in countries that were already communist

an isolationist foreign policy

refusal to negotiate with the enemy

economic aid to countries destroyed by war


The element of economic aid to countries destroyed by war is part of the policy of containment.

The policy of containment was a US foreign policy strategy during the Cold War aimed at preventing the spread of communism. It involved a variety of political, economic, and military measures, but the primary focus was on preventing the Soviet Union and its allies from expanding their influence into new territories. Economic aid, such as the Marshall Plan, was an important part of this strategy, as it was aimed at rebuilding war-torn European economies and strengthening their resistance to Soviet influence. Military intervention was also a component of the policy, but it was not limited to countries that were already communist.

The Bonus Army

Identify Cause and Effect What factors probably turned public opinion in favor of the Bonus Army after the Washington demonstration?


Prior to the Civil War, Andrew Johnson shared the opinions of Southern Democrats who supported the institution of slavery and supported states' rights. Johnson, who owned slaves, had previously represented Tennessee in the Senate; Tennessee had broken away from the Union in 1861.

However, Johnson's actions during Reconstruction were more in line with the opinions of the Republican Party regarding the subject of slavery and civil rights.

He advocated for the abolition of slavery and played a key role in the Constitution's 13th Amendment, which put an end to slavery in the United States.

Johnson was not as radical in his beliefs as many Republicans, but he did support giving African Americans the right to vote.

To know more about Washington demonstration  here



how did the US work to produce the military needs they had after war was declared


Answer: Lend-Lease Act


The US become more allied with those fighting Germany and Japan, so Congress passed the Lend-Lease Act, which authorized military aid to countries in the war effort. The US funneled a lot of arms to Britain and China, dramatically increasing the US involvement in the war.

How many miles farther south does rainfall extend in January, 7000 B. C. –present as compared to

January, 10,000–7000 B. C. ?


It is NOT possible to make an estimate without detailed and specific data on climate patterns and rainfall records for a particular region.

What factors influence this?

There are many factors that can influence the extent of rainfall in a particular region, including changes in atmospheric circulation patterns, ocean temperatures, and land surface conditions.

Therefore, the answer to this question will depend on the specific region in question and the available climate data for that area. It is also important to note that climate models and historical climate records have inherent uncertainties, particularly for periods in the distant past.

In general, it is known that climate patterns and precipitation levels can vary significantly over time and space.

Read more about rainfall here:


Which of these would be the best title for the illustration above?
Question 5 options:

Divine Nature

Universal Expansion

Survival of the Fittest

Manifest Destiny


Answer:Manifest Destiny


Manifest destiny was a cultural belief in the 19th-century United States that American settlers were destined to expand across North America.

do you think italian artists had more artistic freedom under this form of government why or why not​


Leading residents of Italy could afford to employ painters, sculptors, and architects to create a variety of new works. They had more consumers for artists and more money for new kinds of art as a result of their robust economy.

Who was Italian artists and artistic freedom?

Giotto has been regarded as the founder of European painting and the first of the great Italian painters for over seven centuries. He is thought to have been a student of the Florentine painter Cimabue and to have painted tempera panel paintings and frescoes for chapels at Assisi, Rome, Padua, Florence, and Naples.

Italian artist Gian Lorenzo Bernini, regarded as the best sculptor of the 17th century, is credited with creating the Baroque style of sculpture.

Masaccio established the Early Renaissance style, and later artists like Fra Angelico, Paolo Uccello, Piero della Francesca, Sandro Botticelli, Verrocchio, Domenico Ghirlandaio, and Giovanni Bellini expanded on it.

Learn more about freedom:



Describe how the Federal Government expanded Union influence during and after the American Civil War


The Federal Government expanded Union influence during and after the American Civil War in several ways.

The Civil War established the federal government’s power over the states, and the government had to enforce its power over the states to control issues such as segregation, racism, and regulating states’ powers over the rights of citizens.

The Civil War also resulted in the very first income tax collection in U.S. history, which was imposed only on wealthy citizens of the Union and was repealed at the end of the war. The Union’s ability to fund industrial expansion was also dramatically increased by a system of national banks. Finally, the federal government had to enforce the laws on the south and rebuild the south’s state governments after the Civil War.

What is the history of the American Civil War?

The American Civil War was fought from 1861-1865 and was the result of decades of sectional tensions between the North and South. Focused on enslavement and states rights, these issues came to a head following the election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860. Over the next several months, 11 southern states seceded and formed the Confederate States of America.

The Civil War was America’s bloodiest and most divisive conflict, pitting the Union Army against the Confederate States of America. The war resulted in the deaths of more than 620,000 people, with millions more injured and the South left in ruins.

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The few German soldiers who objected to the killings of Jewish people were:a.Jailed for treasonb.Reassigned to different jobs and outpostsc.Killed on the spot by their superiorsd.Sent to labor camps A right triangle has a rise of 16 and a run of 4. A similar right triangle with a run of 5 will have a rise of? "If the cross price elasticity between goods B and A is -2 andthe price of good B increases by 5% the quantity demanded of good Awill:a. increase by 5%b. increase by 10%c. decrease by 2%d. decrease by 5% Estimate the sum ofand. Write anequation. The mean SAT score in mathematics, , is 53. The standard deviation of these scores is 41. A special preparation course claims that its graduates will score higher, on average, than the mean score 503. A random sample of 70 students completed the course, and their mean SAT score in mathematics was 505. At the 0. 05 level of significance, can we conclude that the preparation course does what it claims? Assume that the standard deviation of the scores of course graduates is also 41. A. ) Null Hypothesis: B. ) Alternative Hypothesis:C. ) The Value of the test statistic:D. ) The P-Value: What is the meaning of "the group of rotations and symmetries of the configuration"? mansfield incorporated, a calendar year corporation, is expecting to have a current year tax liability of $100,000. which best describes the tax payments mansfield should make to avoid penalty? a.make quarterly payments totaling $100,000, all during the current year. b.make no payments during the year but pay the entire balance on the original due date. c.make no payments during the year but pay the entire balance on the extended due date. d.make payments at the end of june and december of $40,000 each and $20,000 when filing the return on the original due date. e.none of these will avoid penalty. Cari knows that it is a 45 mile drive from her house to the airport. She also knows that it is a 45 mile drive from her house to her grandparents house in the woods. How many miles is it directly from the airport to her grandparents house in the woods? Show your work. The Greek root geo means earth.The Greek root therm means heat.Highlight the sentence that helps the reader to understand the meaning of geothermal.The earth produces many types of energy that people can use. For example, we capture light from the sun and use it to produce electricity. In many parts of the country, one can see giant windmills that use power the of the wind to create energy. Volcanoes and Hot Springs create geothermal energy. Using the natural heat produced inside the earth, people can create electrical power. A turntable must spin at 33.3 rev/min (3.49 rad/s) to play an old fashion vinyl record . How much torque must the motor deliver if the turntable is to reach its angular speed in 2.20 revolutions starting from rest ? The turntable is an uniform disk of diameter 30.5 cm and mass 0.240kgAnswer. N-m gina prepara un postre para 8 personas usa 1/2 de libra de mantequilla 1/4 de libra de azucar ,una lib a de harina y 3/2 libra de queso cuantas libras de ingredientes necesita si para preparar la receta para 16 personas cuantas libras necesita Discuss Transport Layer in General. Then, you can also discuss the protocols residing in Transport Layer (TCP and UDP) and compare them. What is port addressing and how does it compare with Logical (IP) addressing and Physical (MAC) address? Why do we need any of them? Relying on what you know about Coleridge's life, explain what you think he means in the first half of Line 6."Stop, Christian passer-by!Stop, child of God,And read with gentle breast. Beneath this sodA poet lies, or that which once seemed he.O, lift one thought in prayer for S.T.C.That he who many a year with toil of breathFound death in life, may here find life in death!Mercy for praise--to be forgiven for fameHe asked, and hoped, through Christ..." The lengths of the sides of a triangle are 6, 9, and 12. Classify the triangle as acute, right, or obtuse. Explain how you know A chocolate chip cookie recipe calls for 0. 050 moles of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate, NaHCO3). How many grams should the chef mass out? If a solution has a concentration of 12 M when the volume is 150 mL. What is the new concentration if you increase the volume to 600 mL? solve for c3 120 10 round your answer to the nearest tenth Root word start with terra that means need for lands Multiply out and simplify (x-8) a gas contains 70.0 wt% methane, 15.0% ethane, 5.0% ethylene, and the balance water. a) calculate the molar composition of this gas on both a wet and a dry basis and the ratio (mol h2o/mol dry gas). b) if 100 kg/h of this fuel is to be burned with 30% excess air, what is the required air feed rate (kmol/h)? how would the answer change if the combustion were only 75% complete? c) if the fuel b