What were the long-term effects of the Plessy v. Ferguson case?


Homer Plessy, a black man arrested for sitting in a whites-only railroad car in Louisiana, looked to the courts for help. Plessy argued that Jim Crow laws violated the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. In1 896, his case, Plessy vs Ferguson, reached the Supreme Court. The majority of the justices ruled that segregation was constitutional as long as the facilities provided to blacks were equal to those provided to whites. This"separate but equal "doctrine was soon applied to almost every aspect of life in the South and endured well into the 1950s. However, the facilities set apart for African Americans in Southern states were seldom equal to those labeled "whites only."


Answer 1


Support the racial segregation under the separate but equal doctrine.


Homer Plessy was an African American who broke Louisiana segregation law by going in rail coach in 1896 that meant to be for  "whites only". His case was taken in the U.S. Supreme Court where Plessy questioned the Separate Car Act.

After the Plessy v. Ferguson case, the Supreme Court approved the segregation of cars, which resulted in the separate but equal law throughout the South. This policy allows the segregation of African Americans possible by keeping them away from White Americans.                                          

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True, did some research and it’s true.
True squires The squire was a young servant to a knight and someone who one day hoped to become a knight himself. ... The squire's job was to took care of the horse and armor of the knight to whom he served, followed him in battles and tournaments and gaining the first experience in battle.

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Answer: air


Providing clean water and and adequate air was a challenge in growing cities, because the air was polluted by smoke. The answer to the question is air. Hope this helps you!

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C) Social


Fishing, shrimping, and shipping
Medical industry
Petroleum industry
Aerospace industry

Which of these would be the best title for the list above?

A.Economic activities of the Coastal Plains

B.Impact of Tourism on the Texas Economy

C.Social Activities of the North Central Plain

D.Career Opportunities in the Mountains and Basins Regions









funny da



Boss Tweed made his fortune by graft and corruption. What term describes this?

Captionless Image
A kickback



A kickback


From the question given, Boss Tweed is said to have made his fortune by grafts and corruption, the term to describe this would be a kickback.

A kickback is a type of payment that is given to someone to facilitate an illegal transaction or project. This can be described as a form of bribery and corruption.

Therefore, the correct term is kickback as other options are incorrect.

How did the trial of Peter Zenger in 1733 demonstrate the need for an impartial court system?



The trial of Peter Zenger showed that the jury needs to be more diverse. The jury on his first trial were all in general his enemies(the king's council). That's not fair since they would be on the king's side and the judge makes decisions with the help of the jury and the evidence they present. This would mean an unanimous belief that he should be in jail. His second trial were full of Zenger's peers. Which may not be fair but was a victory for Zenger(with the help of famous lawyer Hamilton)

The famous case of Peter Zenger happened in 1733. He was accused of calumny. Earlier it was illegal for any individual to write and promote any opinion or information against the government.

This hearing showed that the judicial policy needed to reform and the judging panel should be more diverse.

The tribunal in Zenger's trial was all King's members that clearly would not have supported or defended him.

The panel members were surely on the leader's side and the court could not reach a balanced judgment as they would be biased towards the predicament.

In his next trial, the jury was filled with Zenger's supporters and hence the verdict came in his favour.

Therefore, this case shows that impartial bar arrangement should be abolished.

To learn more about Peter Zenger's trial follow the link:


Which early president am I?

I was one of the founders of the Republican Party and believed that the common people could be a contributing part of the government. I was elected president at a very intense, crucial point in our nation's history. The struggles between France and Great Britain had begun to affect America's decision to remain neutral in foreign affairs. The British began seizing our ships, and I was forced to cut off trade with them. The British refused to negotiate in time, and I had to declare the War of 1812.
James Monroe
Andrew Jackson
Thomas Jefferson
John Adams
George Washington
James Madison



James Madison


hope it helps

Why did the Catholic Church apposed the scientific revolution?


Church officials feared that scientific ideas would threaten the influence of the Catholic Church.

The fullness of Divine Revelation is?



The Roman Catholic Church believes Jesus Christ is the "fullness and mediator of all Revelations", and that no new divine revelation will come until the Second Coming. ... The church does not obligate the faithful to believe in, follow, or publish private revelations, whether they're approved or otherwise.

Adams began to worry that members of his party were willing to use force to destroy who



Attach a picture or say the answers in chat and book


How were the colonists view on government influenced during the American Revolution?



The passing of the English Bill of Rights, the signing of the Magna Carta by the king, and the philosophies of John Locke, Thomas Hobbes, and William Blackstone, all contributed significantly to the colonists' ideas about government.


Please answer this for me fast



All of the above


The free press clause guarantees that people can publish any lawful material without fear of punishment by the government, even if that material is critical of the government. This meant anything that criticized the government or its officials.

So it is 4. All of the above

Name the two Italian immigrants executed after being convicted in an unfair trial in 1927? What fear "fueled" this trial?


Answer:Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti were two Italian-born immigrants, workers, and anarchists, who were tried and convicted in 1921 for the armed robbery and murder of two payroll guards. The trial took place during the height of the Red Scare,


The trial took place during the height of the Red Scare, fear of a potential rise of communism or anarchism by a society or state. The name refers to the red flags that the communists use.

History is filled with unintended consequences. How do the British government’s attempts to control and regulate the colonists during this era provide a case in point? How did the aims of the British measure up against the results of their actions?



I believe that the British were very tyrannical, for instance, passing unfair taxes. For this reason, the colonies had enough and began to revolt.


What is the value of m?



It is 9


The Sahara Desert is the smallest desert but has the most extreme climates, what does
the Kalahari Desert have?
Good Climate
The driest climate
The wettest climate


answer Temperatures

the driest climate

because that is what deserts have (sorry if im no help)

What qualified a citizen in the Han Dynasty to hold a government job?
1. knowledge of advanced science and mathematics
2. belonging by blood or marriage to the royal family
3. enough money to bribe a government official
4. advanced education in Confucian principles





i took the test and it was correct :|

A citizen in the Han Dynasty to hold a government job, advanced education in Confucian principles. Thus, option (4) is correct.

What is government?

The term “government” refers to a legal authority or system that is controlled and directed by an office, public sector, country, or state. The government imposed the law. The most common functions of the government are leadership, controlling, maintaining order, commanding, providing public services, and national security.

Hierarchical dissemination had been used to end the Han dynasty. The Han dynasty had considerable impact on China's neighboring nations. Additionally, religion was propagated. War and conquering did not stifle Confucianism. There was the impact of the citizen are the Han Dynasty to hold a government job, progressed education in Philosophical doctrine principles.

As a result, A citizen in the Han Dynasty to hold a government job, advanced education in Confucian principles. Therefore, option (4) is correct.

Learn more about on government, here:



- What group of citizens did not benefit from the 15th Amendment and why? Explain your answer in full sentences.)

help me ​



Women did not benefit from the 15th Amendment.


The 15th Amendment was made to give voting rights to African Americans and other people of color. However, women were not given the right to vote until the 19th Amendment was passed in 1920. Also, those who were under 21 were not granted the right to vote until the 26th Amendment in 1971.

Who comes next in line of succession after the speaker of the house?



The President Pro Tempore.


The current President Pro Tempore is Chuck Grassley.

Meanings of Islamic words​


The following list consists of notable content that are derived from both Islamic and Arab tradition, which are expressed as words in the Arabic language

Hope this helps

In 1915, during World War I, why did Germany use unrestricted submarine warfare against ships in the eastern Atlantic Ocean, including warfare against ships of both neutral and enemy nations?
Germany wanted to stop the British from transporting materials of war on vessels not marked as British vessels but marked with flags of neutral countries.
Germany hoped to lure the United States into the war so that Germany could defeat the United States along with the other allies and claim all of those lands for itself.
Germany wanted to take over all ships in the Atlantic Ocean and add these ships to its growing naval fleet, which needed extra ships to achieve its goal of global naval supremacy.
Germany wanted to capture sailors of every nationality and impress them into their own naval forces so that these sailors could assist Germany in its war effort against the allied powers.



they wanted to have the advantage i exactly dont know they answer thougg

Why did the queen of hawaii surrender her power



She failed insurrection aimed at restoring Liliuokalani to the throne


"The Queen moved to reclaim some of that power by issuing a new constitution. But planters like Sanford Dole wanted the islands annexed by the United States, to ensure their access to American sugar markets. The Marines landed in 1893, took over government buildings and placed Queen Lili'uokalani under house arrest.

Pro-American business interests had overthrown the Queen when she rejected constitutional limits on her powers. The new government realized that Hawaii was too small and militarily weak to survive in a world of aggressive imperialism, especially on the part of Japan."

True or false? Nearly every southern state of the old Confederacy had rejected the federal woman suffrage amendment.



a couple


Which is the first prime minister of the world? ​



Sirimavo Bandaranaike If I stand corrected!

In this passage, Sanjaya, the main character, is speaking to Dhritarashtra, the king.

All mounted on their shining chariots!
On our side, too,—thou best of Brahmans! see
Excellent chiefs, commanders of my line,
Whose names I joy to count: thyself the first,
Then Bhishma, Karna, Kripa fierce in fight,
Vikarna, Aswatthaman; next to these
Strong Saumadatti, with full many more
Valiant and tried, ready this day to die

–Bhagavad Gita

How does Sanjaya describe the people who are standing with him?

He tells how they are different.
He compares them to one another.
He describes them in sequential order.
He explains what caused them to be there.



the right answer is C i got it right


2020 edge

Sanjaya describes the people who are standing with him as He describes them in sequential order. Thus the correct option is C.

What is Inference?

Inference in any literature piece refers to achieving the conclusion of any subject with the support of facts and evidence present in the particular piece of literature.

In the event of Mahabharata is known thta the king was blind so he explained to Sanjaya all the events that what was happening on the battlefield.

When all the warriors come to the battleground according to the passage Sanjaya, describes them in sequential order that who comes first and carries what weapons along with introducing their role in the battle. In this way, Sanjaya introduces legends on the battlefield.

Therefore, option C is appropriate.

Learn more about inference, here



what is the difference between craft workers and common laborers


Craft workers had special skills and were generally paid more. Common laborers had few skills and as a result received lower wages. B. In the 1830s, craft workers formed trade unions, which were unions limited to people with specific skills.

The problem of someone deriving a benefit from the actions of others is known as the

Multiple Choice
limited interest effect.
collective good effect.
free rider problem.
umbrella problem.
collective good distribution.


the correct answer to your question is: free rider problem.

As a result of World War II, Germany was


Germany was in huge debt, they were also seen as national criminals.

Germany fell into heavy debt and millions of lives were taken. In addition, countries were obliged to provide resources, and forced labour. After World War II, according to the Potsdam conference held between July 17 and August 2, 1945, Germany was to pay the Allies US$23 billion mainly in machinery and manufacturing plants.


Carefully read the passage from the Qur'an here. In a well-structured paragraph, write a summary that describes three main
ideas in the passage.



Righteousness does not consist in turning your faces towards the east or towards the west;175 true righteousness consists in believing in Allah and the Last Day, the angels, the Book and the Prophets, and in giving away one’s property in love of Him to one’s kinsmen, the orphans, the poor and the wayfarer, and to those who ask for help, and in freeing the necks of slaves, and in establishing Prayer and dispensing the Zakah. True righteousness is attained by those who are faithful to their promise once they have made it and by those who remain steadfast in adversity and affliction and at the time of battle (between Truth and falsehood). Such are the truthful ones; such are the God-fearing.

175. Turning one's face towards the east or the west is mentioned here only by way of illustration. The actual purpose of the verse is to emphasize that the observance of certain outward religious rites, the performance of certain formal religious acts out of conformism, and the manifestation of certain familiar forms of piety do not constitute that essential righteousness which alone carries weight with God and earns His recognition and approval.


the person above me is correct!


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