what were the patterns of Latin American society for most people in the decades after independence??

Please answer!! Will give brainliest!!


Answer 1


The independence of Latin American after three centuries of colonial rule, independence came rather suddenly to most of Spanish and Portuguese American

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true or false diocletian divided te empire in half, keeping the eastern part under his control and appointing a ruler for the western half


Diocletian divided the empire in half, keeping the eastern part under his control and appointing a ruler for the western half- True.

In the third century CE, the Roman emperor Diocletian gained control of the Roman Empire. Learn about Emperor Diocletian's reforms and efforts to mend a broken empire by getting to know him.

These two inquiries may be two distinct ones, depending on who you ask. The Roman Empire was divided in two before it was overthrown, with Rome in the west and Alexandria along the eastern Mediterranean. The Byzantine Empire, which outlived the Western Roman Empire and rose to become one of the most powerful nations in the mediaeval era, was finally regarded as the eastern half of the Roman Empire.

Emperor Diocletian may be the person most responsible for the survival of Roman power if the Byzantine Empire is viewed as a continuation of the Roman Empire. This Roman emperor of the third century discovered a way to salvage the waning empire and laid the groundwork for the establishment of Byzantium.

Learn more about Diocletian :



what impact did the events of the 1968 democratic national convention have on the american people watching at home?


The events of the 1968 Democratic National Convention had a significant impact on the American people watching at home.

It was a pivotal moment in American history, and it was marked by intense protests and demonstrations. It left a lasting impact on the American political landscape and American society as a whole.

The events that took place at the 1968 Democratic National Convention had a significant impact on the American people watching at home. It was a time of great political upheaval and social unrest, and the convention was seen as a battleground for the various factions that were vying for power and influence.

In the end, the events of the 1968 Democratic National Convention had a profound impact on American society. They gave rise to a new generation of activists and protestors, and they helped to redefine the relationship between the government and the people.

Today, the events of 1968 are remembered as a turning point in American history.

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true or false: the influential book the protocols of the elders of zion (1903) is a factual, historically accurate assessment of the jewish plan for world domination.


The statement "the influential book the protocols of the elders of zion (1903) is a factual, historically accurate assessment of the jewish plan for world domination" is false because it is fabricated text that purports to describe the Jewish plan for world domination.

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion are a fabricated text that was first published in Russia in 1903. The text purports to be a factual account of a Jewish conspiracy to dominate the world. It is widely regarded as a forgery and is not a historically accurate assessment of anything at all. The text has been used by various extremist groups and individuals to promote hatred and violence against Jewish people.

It has also been used as a pretext for a range of anti-Semitic activities, including acts of violence, discrimination, and persecution. In the present day, it is widely recognized that the Protocols of the Elders of Zion are a false text and do not provide an accurate or factual account of anything. They are, instead, a dangerous and hateful piece of propaganda that should be condemned and rejected by all those who value tolerance, diversity, and human rights.

To know more about the protocols of the elders of zion, refer here:



how and to what extent merchants were able to acquire influence with rulers in the ottoman empire, the various parts of what is now india, and china in the 15th and 16th centuries.


In the 15th and 16th centuries, merchants in the Ottoman Empire, various parts of India, and China were able to acquire influence with rulers through the payment of bribes, and by forming relationships and alliances with the powerful.

Merchants would often provide goods, services, and other forms of wealth to the rulers in exchange for protection and other privileges. They would also form relationships with powerful people in the court, which would give them a better chance to influence the ruler.

Merchants would also form alliances with other merchants and traders, and together they could have more power in the court.

1. Merchants in the Ottoman Empire, various parts of India, and China were able to acquire influence with rulers through bribes, forming relationships and alliances, and providing goods and services.

2. Forming relationships with powerful people in the court and forming alliances with other merchants and traders could help them have more influence.

3. These strategies helped merchants to acquire influence in the 15th and 16th centuries.

To know more about ottoman empire refer to-



describe the methods used to deny civil rights and liberties to black americans. use specific examples from reconstruction and the early 1900s.



The baffling and bewildering nature of the denial of civil rights and liberties to Black Americans during Reconstruction and the early 1900s is a conundrum of great complexity, filled with an array of mechanisms and methods employed in achieving this end. The brutality and harassment tactics deployed by white supremacist groups like the Ku Klux Klan were ceaseless and merciless in nature, covering a spectrum of horrors from lynching and arson to mob violence. These tactics are aimed at terrorizing Black communities and preventing them from exercising their political and social rights, such as their right to vote. A particularly chilling example of such violent acts was the Colfax massacre of 1873, where marauding armed white men descended on the town of Colfax, Louisiana, killing numerous Black people who had valiantly stood up for their right to vote.

Legal discrimination played a major role in disenfranchising Black Americans, and segregation laws institutionalized racial segregation throughout Southern states, requiring separate facilities and services for Black and white people, including schools, housing, transportation, and public spaces. This institutionalized discrimination was further entrenched by the Plessy v. Ferguson Supreme Court ruling of 1896, which validated the constitutionality of "separate but equal" facilities, thereby providing legal cover for segregation and emboldening its proponents.

Furthermore, African Americans were systematically excluded from political participation through various discriminatory tactics such as poll taxes, literacy tests, and other obstacles to voting. These practices made it nearly impossible for Black people to exercise their right to vote, despite constitutional amendments granting them that right. In Mississippi, for example, where more than half of the population was Black, fewer than 1.5% of eligible Black voters were registered to vote in 1942 due to such discriminatory practices.

In summary, the denial of civil rights and liberties to Black Americans during Reconstruction and the early 1900s was a perplexing and multi-dimensional issue, involving a twisted mix of violence, legal discrimination, and voter disenfranchisement. It wasn't until the Civil Rights Movement of the mid-20th century that tangible progress was made in addressing these injustices.

The methods included segregation, disfranchisement, denial of educational and economic opportunities, and the enforcement of racial terror.

During the Reconstruction era (1863-1877) and the early 1900s, there were several methods used to deny civil rights and liberties to African Americans.

Segregation: Segregation was the separation of African Americans from whites in all aspects of life, such as education, public transportation, and public restrooms. The Supreme Court upheld the “separate but equal” doctrine in the 1896 case Plessy v. Ferguson, which resulted in Jim Crow laws, which further segregated African Americans from whites.

Disfranchisement: Disfranchisement was the restriction of African Americans from voting in elections. Various methods of disfranchisement, such as literacy tests and poll taxes, were used to limit African Americans’ access to voting.

Denial of Educational and Economic Opportunities: African Americans were denied educational and economic opportunities, such as access to higher education, employment opportunities, and access to housing. African Americans were also often subjected to economic exploitation in the form of exploitative wages and labor contracts.

Enforcement of Racial Terror: During this time period, African Americans were also subjected to racial terror in the form of lynchings, riots, and other acts of violence. This terror served to instill fear and limit African Americans’ access to civil rights and liberties.

To know more about Reconstruction era refer to-


scholarship indicates that there have been how many waves of democratization in the world since 1825?


There have been four main waves of democratization in the world since 1825. The first wave of democratization began in the early 19th century, with countries like the United States, France, and the United Kingdom democratizing.

The second wave of democratization began in the late 19th century and was concentrated in Latin America. The third wave of democratization occurred in the mid-20th century and saw a spread of democratic rule to countries in Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. The fourth and most recent wave of democratization began in the late 20th century and has been largely concentrated in post-Communist countries in Europe and Eurasia.

Since 1825, there have been four distinct waves of democratization across the world. The first wave of democratization began in the early 19th century and focused primarily on Europe and the Americas. The second wave of democratization occurred in the late 19th century and was mainly concentrated in Latin America.

The third wave of democratization occurred in the mid-20th century and saw a spread of democratic rule to countries in Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. The fourth and most recent wave of democratization began in the late 20th century and has been largely concentrated in post-Communist countries in Europe and Eurasia.

To know more about democratization refer to-



Most Intelligent Civilization in Greek



In ancient Greek culture, the concept of the most intelligent civilization was associated with the term "Sophrosyne." Sophrosyne is a term that refers to a state of wisdom, self-control, and balance. In ancient Greek philosophy, Sophrosyne was considered a key virtue that was necessary for individuals and societies to achieve a harmonious and virtuous life.

The idea of Sophrosyne was particularly important in the works of Socrates and his followers, who believed that the pursuit of knowledge and self-improvement was essential for the achievement of this state of wisdom and balance. They believed that through the cultivation of virtues such as wisdom, self-control, and humility, individuals could become the most intelligent and morally advanced members of society.

Overall, the ancient Greeks valued wisdom and intellectual prowess, but they also recognized the importance of cultivating moral virtues and a balanced approach to life. The concept of Sophrosyne reflects this holistic approach to intelligence and remains a significant aspect of Greek culture and philosophy today.

what was christianity's appeal to the people of the roman empire? choose all answers that are correct.


Christianity's appeal to the people of the Roman Empire was its promise of eternal life, its moral code, and its focus on communal gatherings.

1. Christianity promised eternal life, which appealed to the people of the Roman Empire.

2. Christianity focused on an ethical and moral code, which attracted people to its teachings.

3. Christianity held communal gatherings which offered a sense of community and unity.

These three elements provided people with a sense of hope, purpose, and community, making it an attractive choice for many.

To know more about Christianity refer to-



Which best explains how easy credit contributed to the Great Depression?
Group of answer choices

Access to easy credit required people to keep money in the bank in order to pay off their debts.

Access to easy credit helped average Americans purchase stock, which decreased the overall value.

Access to easy credit prevented average Americans from spending money, which caused a recession.

Access to easy credit encouraged people to take on debt by spending money they did not have.


Millions of People bought a variety of items, including radios, refrigerators, washing machines, and vehicles, using credit. Even the banks utilized credit to purchase equities on the stock exchange.

How easy credit contributed to the Great Depression?

Even the banks utilized credit to purchase equities on the stock exchange. Because no one had enough money to pay off all of their debts, not even the banks, everyone had to borrow credit. Which of the following best describes how bank failures affected the Great Depression? When the government did not insure bank deposits, many lost their savings.

The 1929 stock market crash, the Smoot-Hawley Tariff's impact on global commerce, government policies, bank failures and panics, and the depletion of the money supply are a few of the explanations cited for the Great Depression. Because customers were purchasing a lot of items on credit before to the crash, easy credit had a role in the Depression.

Learn more about Great Depression:



what geographic reason might explain why, when poland gained its independence after the war, it gained a strip of land that split germany in two parts?


The geographic reason that could explain why Poland gained a strip of land that divided Germany into two parts when it gained independence after the war is that this region, called the Polish Corridor, was historically Polish and provided Poland with access to the sea.

The Treaty of Versailles provided for the establishment of an independent Polish state after World War I. As a result, Poland gained a piece of territory that was geographically contiguous with the Baltic Sea. Germany, on the other hand, was divided into two parts by this territory.

In this way, the Polish Corridor came to divide East Prussia from the rest of Germany. The Polish Corridor was a narrow strip of land running through Pomerania, which connected East Prussia to the rest of Germany. This land had a mixed German and Polish population, and its ownership had been the subject of dispute between the two countries for centuries.

The corridor provided Poland with a seaport, and it also gave it a more defensible western border. The Polish Corridor was a thorn in Germany's side, and it was one of the main reasons why Hitler was able to come to power. In his campaign to reclaim German territory, Hitler focused on the Polish Corridor, which he considered to be rightfully German. This eventually led to the invasion of Poland and the outbreak of World War II.

To know more about Polish Corridor here:


when the committee of public safety fell from power in 1794, it was replaced by a more moderate group known as the


When the Committee of Public Safety fell from power in 1794, it was replaced by a more moderate group known as the Thermidorian Reaction.

This group was made up of individuals who had become dissatisfied with the extreme measures taken by the Committee, particularly in regards to the Reign of Terror that had taken place from 1793-1794.

The Thermidorian Reaction sought to restore a more moderate and stable government in France.

The fall of the Committee of Public Safety came as a result of several factors. Firstly, the military situation had improved for France, which had allowed for the threat of foreign invasion to recede.

This made it easier for those who had previously supported the Committee to turn against it, as they were no longer in fear of imminent danger.

Secondly, there was growing opposition to the extreme measures taken by the Committee, particularly in regards to the Reign of Terror. This opposition was particularly strong among the more moderate members of the Convention, who had previously supported the Committee but now saw it as a threat to their own political power.

Finally, there was a sense among many in France that the Committee had become corrupt and ineffective, and that it was time for a change in leadership.

This sentiment was particularly strong among the urban middle class, who had been hit hard by the economic and social upheavals of the Revolution and were looking for a more stable and predictable government.

The Thermidorian Reaction that replaced the Committee of Public Safety was characterized by a more moderate approach to government, particularly in regards to the use of violence and repression.

This group sought to restore order and stability to France, and to establish a more moderate and stable government that would be less prone to the excesses of the previous regime.

To know more about Thermidorian Reaction refer here :



how did the ottoman, safavid, and mughal empires primarily finance their government and military operations?


The Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal Empires primarily financed their government and military operations through taxation of the population and the sale of goods and services, such as the production and sale of weapons. They also obtained funds through trade with other countries and by issuing coins, called sultanic coins.

1. The Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal Empires relied on taxation of the population to finance their government and military operations.

2. They also funded their operations through the sale of goods and services, such as the production and sale of weapons.

3. The Empires obtained funds through trade with other countries and by issuing coins, called sultanic coins.

The Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal Empires had various sources of income to finance their government and military operations. Taxes from the population were an important source of revenue for the Empires, as were the sale of goods and services. They were also able to generate funds from trade with other countries and by issuing coins.

To know more about Ottoman refer to-


From which direction do you think Pakistan's moisture-bearing winds come?



I think southwesterly winds if I’m not mistaken

The Legend of Sleepy Hallow - A fictional story of a teacher and the spirit of a Hessian soldier from the American Revolution.

The Last of The Mohicans - A narrative primarily set in the New York wilderness during the French and Indian war?

The Scarlet Letter - A fictional story set in the puritan town of Boston during the 1640s.

how does this literature reflect the development of a unique American culture?

A) The themes are centered on patriotic acts in American History.
B) The books are all biographies on American Leaders.
C) The authors use American history as settings of the story.
D) The tales are based on American Indian myths.


Answer: C ) The authors use American history as settings of the story.

((I could be wrong, if someone else were to give the correct answer, please comment under this with large bold and letters))  


The Legend of Sleepy Hallow-  

As you read the information until the line is Hessian Soldier from the American Revolution, it took a setting or a place during American Revolution, it is a real setting but in a different version instead of the original.

The Last of The Mohicans-

 It's the same with the last information, but with a different time and place instead, the word that is use Primarily is the main background and time they're focusing on for the plot

The Scarlet Letter-

Just as before again, different areas and time with their story. With the sentence "Set in puritan town of Boston during the 1640s"

What do these three have in common?

How do you know that they all have one commmon?

The background and different time setting

who declared in 1893 that the frontier that had shaped the character of america no longer existed?


The statement "the frontier that had shaped the character of America no longer existed" was made by historian Frederick Jackson Turner in 1893.

Frederick Jackson Turner delivered a paper at the American Historical Association, entitled “The Significance of the Frontier in American History,” in which he made the statement, "the frontier that had shaped the character of America no longer existed."

The frontier played a significant role in the growth and development of the United States, according to Turner. It had a strong influence on American identity, culture, and democracy. The process of Americanization was also driven by the frontier. The idea of a westward-moving frontier was well-known in American literature, movies, and popular culture. The westward-moving frontier was, according to Turner, an essential aspect of the American character. It stimulated democracy and individualism, encouraged economic opportunity, and shaped the American identity.

Turner's statement, which claimed that the frontier no longer existed, was symbolic of the transformation of American society. By the turn of the twentieth century, the western frontier had been colonized, and industrialization had taken over. America was no longer a frontier nation, but an industrialized society.

Learn more about America:



Why does Georgia sign the Declaration of Independence?



Georgia signed the Declaration of Independence on August 2, 1776, along with the other thirteen British North American colonies. Georgia was the last of the thirteen colonies to sign the Declaration.

Georgia was initially hesitant to join the other colonies in declaring independence from Great Britain. This was partly due to the fact that Georgia was still a relatively new colony and had not yet developed a strong sense of identity and independence from Britain. Additionally, Georgia had a large population of loyalists who were opposed to the idea of independence.

However, Georgia eventually decided to join the other colonies in declaring independence from Great Britain for several reasons. First, Georgia was facing military threats from both the British and the Spanish, and joining the other colonies in declaring independence could provide greater military support. Second, Georgia's leaders were influenced by the growing revolutionary sentiment throughout the colonies and recognized the importance of joining the other colonies in their fight for independence. Finally, Georgia's economy was suffering under British trade restrictions and joining the other colonies in declaring independence offered the possibility of greater economic freedom.

In the end, Georgia's decision to sign the Declaration of Independence helped to solidify the unity of the thirteen colonies and contributed to the eventual victory of the American Revolution.

Many claimed that white superiority justified enslaving African Americans.True or False​





Unfortunately, a lot of people thought that more melanin in your skin resulutedreslued in you being inferior.

Which diagram best explains how American Indian cultures were shaped by their environments before the arrival of Europeans? Help ASAP


"Mountains and rivers - little ability to move from place to place", best explains how American Indian cultures were shaped by their environments before the arrival of Europeans option c is correct.

American Indian cultures evolved throughout North America in a variety of landscapes, including plains, woodlands, deserts, and coastlines.The formation of Native American cultures was significantly influenced by the natural elements of these locations, such as mountains, rivers, and weather patterns.For instance, tribes in the Pacific Northwest established fishing-based economies as a result of the region's numerous rivers and beaches.In order to raise crops like maize in the dry Southwest, tribes created intricate irrigation systems to deal with the lack of rainfall.Native American cultures were greatly influenced by the availability of natural resources, including minerals, plants, and animals.For instance, tribes in the Great Plains developed advanced hunting techniques and utilised every component of the bison for food, clothing, and other purposes.

learn more about American Indian here:



What feature of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers support farming?


Access to water

Two rivers, the Tigris and the Euphrates, regularly flooded the region, and the Nile River also runs through part of it. Irrigation and agriculture developed here because of the fertile soil found near these rivers. Access to water helped with farming and trade routes.

Explanation: The floodplains allowed for rich soil and crops could grow well. They built irrigation canals to bring water to crops.

Critically is the policies of European companies in India before independence


The policies of European companies in India before independence were characterized by exploitation, greed, and disregard for the welfare of Indian people.

The British East India Company and other European companies used their political and economic power to control India's resources and extract wealth for their own benefit. These companies engaged in practices such as forced labor, land grabs, and price-fixing, which contributed to poverty and economic hardship for many Indians. Additionally, these policies had devastating impacts on Indian culture and society, leading to the suppression of Indian traditions and the erosion of social structures. Overall, the policies of European companies in India before independence were marked by a profound lack of ethics and concern for the well-being of the Indian people.

To know more about policies click here:



compare and contrast the positions of washington and du bois on the issue of civil rights for african americans. how were they similar, how were they different?


Washington and Du Bois held different positions and beliefs on civil rights for African Americans.

While Washington believed that African Americans could earn civil rights by improving their economic status, Du Bois advocated for immediate political and social equality for African Americans. They had some similarities as well.

Washington's position on African Americans and their civil rights was that they should focus on economic advancement rather than immediate political or social equality. He believed that by becoming financially successful, African Americans would gain respect from the white community and eventually earn civil rights.

Washington also believed that African Americans should not openly challenge segregation and discrimination but should rather work within the existing system to improve their lives.

Du Bois, on the other hand, believed that immediate political and social equality for African Americans was necessary to end racism and discrimination. He advocated for African Americans to have the right to vote, receive equal education, and have equal opportunities for employment.

Du Bois also believed that African Americans should openly challenge segregation and racism rather than working within the system.

Washington and Du Bois shared some similarities in their positions.

Both believed that education was crucial for the advancement of African Americans. Washington founded the Tuskegee Institute, which provided vocational training to African Americans. Similarly, Du Bois believed in the importance of education and was a strong advocate for African Americans to receive equal education opportunities.

In conclusion, Washington and Du Bois held different positions on civil rights for African Americans, but they both shared a belief in the importance of education for African American advancement. Washington focused on economic advancement, while Du Bois advocated for immediate political and social equality.

To know more about African Americans, click on the link below:



Who in the military chain of command made the final official decision whether to use the atomic bomb? a. pilot paul tibbets b. president franklin roosevelt c. president harry truman d. general douglas macarthur


The final official decision to use the atomic bomb during World War II was made by President Harry Truman, who was the Commander-in-Chief of the United States military at the time.

General Douglas MacArthur did not have the authority to make such a decision, as he was a subordinate military commander responsible for carrying out orders from higher authorities. The pilot of the Enola Gay, Paul Tibbets, was responsible for delivering the atomic bomb, but did not have the authority to decide whether or not to use it. Ultimately, President Truman made the difficult decision to use the atomic bomb in order to bring an end to the war with Japan and prevent further American casualties.

To know more about atomic bomb click here:




President Harry Truman


between 1820 and 1840 freight rates on western rivers declined drastically. the main reason for this drop in prices was .


The main reason for the drop in freight rates on western rivers between 1820 and 1840 was the development of efficient steamboat transportation. Steamboats were able to navigate the rivers quickly and cheaply, allowing merchants to lower their shipping rates.

1. In the early 19th century, the primary mode of transportation on western rivers was flatboats, which were slow and expensive.

2. In the 1810s, inventors began to develop the steamboat, which used a steam-powered engine to navigate rivers.

3. The development of the steamboat allowed for more efficient transportation, which allowed merchants to lower their shipping rates.

4. The development of the steamboat led to a drastic drop in freight rates between 1820 and 1840.

To know more about Steamboats refer to-



true or false the mst succesdul democracies are usually based on some form od absolutism


False. Successful democracies are not based on absolutism.

Why is it?

Absolutism refers to a political system where a single individual or group holds absolute power and authority over the state, with no checks and balances to limit their power.

This system is antithetical to democracy, which is based on the principles of representation, accountability, and popular sovereignty. Historically, successful democracies have emerged through a variety of means, including revolutions, social movements, and peaceful transitions of power.

These democracies are characterized by constitutional frameworks that guarantee individual rights and civil liberties, as well as institutions that provide for the separation of powers and the rule of law.

To know more about Democracy related question visit:



according to the new york times extract on kissing, the social kiss has roots dating back to question 9 options: 1800s england 1700s france the roman empire confucian china


According to the New York Times extract on kissing, the social kiss has roots dating back to the 1700s France.

A social kiss is a traditional greeting gesture of kissing cheeks among friends, family members, and colleagues that have strong social ties. In contrast to romantic kissing, the social kiss is a ritualistic and affectionate way of showing friendship, admiration, or respect.

There are various forms of social kissing that vary by country and region.

In Italy, a social kiss is a one-time gesture that involves kissing cheeks with both hands while lightly hugging the person.In France, the social kiss is known as "la bise," which involves kissing cheeks twice while making a kissing sound. The social kiss dates back to 1700s France, where it was an exclusively feminine form of greeting. In England, the social kiss was a way of displaying class and power during the Victorian era, where the aristocracy would offer their cheek for a kiss to a lesser-ranked person. The social kiss also has roots in ancient Rome, where it was a sign of greeting among aristocrats and emperors. In China, the social kiss was not common, and Confucian teachings frowned upon public displays of affection.

Therefore, the origins of the social kiss can be traced back to France in the 1700s.

To know more about social kiss click here:



what was one effect of the 1783 treat of paris, which ended the american revolution? learning curve


The 1783 Treaty of Paris ended the American Revolution and had a number of effects.

The most significant effect was that the United States was recognized as a sovereign, independent nation. This recognition allowed the United States to create foreign relations and eventually join the international community.

Additionally, the Treaty of Paris established new borders, demilitarized areas, and ceded lands to the United States, including present-day Florida, Maine, and part of Canada.

This expansion of the United States created an opportunity to expand the nation’s population, resources, and cultural diversity. The Treaty of Paris was an important milestone in American history, as it created a stable and peaceful environment in which the United States could thrive.

To know more about Treaty of Paris click on below link:



reggio emilia schools were founded by loris malaguzzi in reggio emilia, a city in northern italy. one of the most striking features of the reggio approach is:


Reggio Emilia schools were founded by Loris Malaguzzi in Reggio Emilia, a city in northern Italy. One of the most striking features of the Reggio approach is the child-centered teaching approach that encourages creativity and exploration.

What is Reggio Emilia?

The Reggio Emilia approach is an innovative educational philosophy developed in Reggio Emilia, Italy, after World War II. The approach aims to foster creativity, exploration, and a child-centered educational philosophy.

Reggio Emilia schools provide children with opportunities to explore, question, and reflect on their surroundings in a way that is meaningful to them. They believe that children should have a say in their educational journey, and they actively involve them in the planning and delivery of lessons.

The Reggio Emilia approach emphasizes the use of "100 languages" to help children communicate their experiences and ideas. These "languages" include everything from drawing and painting to dance, music, and storytelling. Reggio Emilia teachers use these languages to encourage exploration and creativity in their students.

Conclusion:One of the most striking features of the Reggio approach is the child-centered teaching approach that encourages creativity and exploration. Reggio Emilia schools provide children with opportunities to explore, question, and reflect on their surroundings in a way that is meaningful to them.

They believe that children should have a say in their educational journey, and they actively involve them in the planning and delivery of lessons.

To know more about child-centered teaching refer here:https://brainly.com/question/15798450#


what are some similarities and differences between 9/11 and Pearl harbor?


In Pearl Harbor, there were civilian casualties, but the Japanese were primarily interested in destroying the military base; on 9/11, civilians were explicitly targeted.

What distinctions may be seen between Pearl Harbor and 9/11?

In Pearl Harbor, the Japanese concentrated on the major military installation despite the fact that civilians also suffered losses; on 9/11, civilians were specifically targeted. The 9/11 terrorists were covert members of a large international organization, as opposed to the Japanese military, which served as a proxy for a nation-traditional state's armed forces.

How do the events of 9/11 and the attack on Pearl Harbor relate?

The 9/11 Memorial and Museum estimates that 2,977 people were killed during the September 11, 2001 attacks, compared to Pearl Harbor's 2,403 fatalities. There were 40 people on Flight 93, 184 people in the Pentagon, and 2,753 people died in New York City.

Learn more about Pearl Harbor: https://brainly.com/question/30238368


the first theme group of the second exposition of a concerto features a
rondo recapitulation baryton modulation


The first theme group of the second exposition of a concerto features a rondo.A concerto is a classical music piece that features a solo instrument, accompanied by an orchestra.

A concerto is a multi-movement work with an instrumental soloist, typically in three movements. It is usually composed of three movements: fast, slow, and fast. It is a musical composition for an orchestra and one or more solo instruments.The first theme group of the second exposition of a concerto features a rondo. Rondo is a musical form in which a specific section of music is repeated three or more times, separated by contrasting sections. The structure is generally A-B-A-C-A-D-A or A-B-A-C-A-B-A.

The rondo form is commonly used in the final movements of classical sonatas, string quartets, and symphonies.The exposition is the first section of a sonata, concerto, or symphony. The exposition sets the stage for the rest of the piece, introducing the primary themes and tonal centers. It comprises of two distinct themes and a closing theme, which is referred to as the transition theme.

Learn more about recapitulation baryton modulation here:https://brainly.com/question/29612038


which antiwar movement featured a wide variety of tactics, from mass demonstration to voter registration to nonviolent civil disobedience, and even to violent tactics such as the days of rage vandalism?


Anti-Vietnam War movement featured a wide variety of tactics, from mass demonstration to voter registration to nonviolent civil disobedience .

Throughout the years that followed, protests against the United States' expanding role in the Vietnam War gave rise to opposition to American involvement in the conflict, or the anti-Vietnam War movement, which is still active today.

In the 1960s and 1970s, there were demonstrations against the Vietnam War. The demonstrations were a part of a movement against American engagement in the Vietnam War. While most of the demonstrations occurred in the United States, some also occurred abroad.

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Your report discusses trends in net profits over a period of four years. To visually display these trends, you should use a __________.A.tableB.flowchartC.line chartD.pie chart which term describes a soil that remails in place after having formed by weathering of the underlying bedrock? residual relict transformational transported max moore is a widower (his spouse died in 2020) and maintains a separate apartment for his father. max cannot take a dependency exemption for his father because his father's income is $4,500 per year. what is the best filing status for max for 2022? major benefits of using pesticides include . multiple select question. increased crop yields development of pesticide tolerance reduced food costs decreased yield how much would you pay to receive $100 at the end of 20 years if you can earn 12% interest on alternative investments of similar risk? Tim and Al are brick makers. T can make an outdoor grill in ll day. If Al helps they can do it in 3 days. How long would it take Al to build the grill alone? the equation above relates the number of hours, a, kevin spends doing homework each week and the number of hours he spends watching television each week. if kevin spends a total of 15 hours doing homework and watching television each week, what does the variable b represent? What happens to Eva when Alfred and Henrique leave?(Uncle Toms cabin) Write a function (getResults) that has a parameter (myGrades - a List data type). The function will return the sum of numbers in the list which are positive. (python) Given a 32 x 8 ROM chip with an enable input, show the external connec- tions necessary to construct a 128 X 8 ROM with four chips and a decoder. what would be the unit of measurement for a surface area that has degrees farenheit as the height and time as the width? The associative property works with expressions that useAdivision and subtraction. Baddition and subtraction. Cmultiplication and division. Dmultiplication and addition businesses come and go. in many countries some businesses have been around for 100 years, and then all of a sudden are gone or at least it appears that way. usually this is not the case, but to the consumer's eyes they are there one day and gone the next. what is the most common reason for this happening? group of answer choices loss of investments failure to adapt world pandemics bad employees ran out of money assume that $9,100 of the inventory was not damaged. what is the amount of the loss from the tornado? a new species of frog has been discovered that has 20 different types of chromosomes. each frog body cell is diploid so there are a total of 40 chromosomes in each body cell. how many chromosomes will there be in the sperm produced by this species of frog? believing that we can release to a higher power some things that are beyond our control relieves stress by providing a sense of tranquility and security. group of answer choices true false A crate of mass m = 26 kg rides on the bed of a truck attached by a cord to the back of the cab as in the figure below. The cord can withstand a maximum tension of 69 N before breaking. Neglecting friction between the crate and truck bed, find the maximum acceleration the truck can have before the cord breaks. (Enter the magnitude of the maximum acceleration in the forward direction.) m/s2 How does Marie respond when Miss Ophelia tells her about Evas illness?(Uncle toms cabin) Last year, a person wrote 120 checks. Let the random variable x represent the number of checks he wrote in one day, and assume that it has a Poisson distribution. What is the mean number of checks written per day? What is the standard deviation? What is the variance? Anyone Want to Give me 6th Grade Inequalities?Reward- Brainliest and 10 Tokens