What were three main reasons that pushed the Americans to the war of 1812?


Answer 1


The War of 1812 was a conflict between the United States and Great Britain that lasted from 1812 to 1815. There were several factors that contributed to the outbreak of the war, but three main reasons were:

British violations of American sovereignty: The British navy was impressing American sailors, meaning they were seizing American sailors and forcing them to serve in the British navy. The British were also arming Native American tribes, who were attacking American settlers on the frontier. Americans felt that the British were not respecting their sovereignty and were interfering with their trade and expansion.

Desire for territorial expansion: Many Americans wanted to expand westward and saw British-held Canada as an attractive target. They believed that Canada was vulnerable and that an American invasion could bring it under American control. Additionally, American leaders believed that the British were blocking American access to the lucrative trade markets of the Caribbean and South America.

War hawks in Congress: A group of young, nationalist politicians known as the War Hawks were pushing for war with Britain. They believed that war would demonstrate American strength and honor, and would secure American economic interests. Led by Henry Clay and John C. Calhoun, the War Hawks argued that war was necessary to protect American honor and dignity.


If you can mark brainlist!

Answer 2

Answer: Causes of the war included British attempts to restrict U.S. trade, the Royal Navy's impressment of American seamen, and America's desire to expand its territory.

Explanation: the British didn't want us to trade bc if they did, the British people would be losing money. (I could be wrong though...even though I'm not ; )

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As a strong Democratic Republican, James Madison believed in what type of national government?


As a strong Democratic-Republican, James Madison believed in a system of checks and balances so no branch had greater power over the other.

The fourth American president, James Madison (1751–1836), was a founding father of the country and held the post from 1809 to 1817. The Virginia-born Madison, who favored a robust federal government, wrote the first drafts of both the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights, earning him the moniker "Father of the Constitution."

Madison came to the opinion that America need a strong federal government to assist in regulating the state legislatures and establish a better mechanism for obtaining federal funds after conducting a thorough study of previous foreign governments.

The government, in his opinion, should be built up with a system of checks and balances to ensure that no branch has more authority than the others. To better oversee state legislatures, Madison also advocated for governors and judges to have expanded roles in the government.

To learn more about James Madison, click here:



Rockefeller was praised for his philanthropy. Was this his most important economic contribution?



John D. Rockefeller was a highly influential figure in American economic history, and his philanthropy was certainly a significant part of his legacy. However, it is debatable whether philanthropy was his most important economic contribution.

Rockefeller's most important economic contribution was arguably his role in transforming the oil industry. Through his company, Standard Oil, Rockefeller pioneered new business practices that allowed for greater efficiency and lower costs, such as horizontal integration and the use of pipelines for transportation. These practices helped to drive down the price of oil and make it more accessible to consumers.

Rockefeller's business practices also had a significant impact on the broader economy. The growth of the oil industry created new jobs and opportunities for entrepreneurs, and the lower cost of oil helped to fuel economic growth in other industries.

While Rockefeller's philanthropy certainly had a positive impact on society, it can be argued that his contributions to the oil industry had a more significant and lasting impact on the economy as a whole.

The fall of the Berlin Wall represented


The fall of the Berlin Wall, which occurred on November 9, 1989, represents a significant turning point in world history, particularly for Germany and Europe. The Berlin Wall was a physical barrier that divided East and West Berlin, separating families and communities and symbolizing the divide between Western democracy and Eastern communism during the Cold War.


The fall of the Berlin Wall signaled the end of the Cold War and the beginning of a new era of political and social change in Europe. The collapse of the wall was a peaceful revolution and marked the reunification of East and West Germany, bringing an end to more than 40 years of division.
What the person said above me

The Janjaweed is associated with the genocide in (1 point)



Darfur. The Janjaweed are a militia group from Sudan that was responsible for carrying out attacks and atrocities in the Darfur region of Sudan. This included the genocide of the Fur, Massalit, and Zaghawa ethnic groups in Darfur.

What is region?

A region is an area of land or sea with distinct physical characteristics, such as climate, terrain, and vegetation, that constitute a distinct and unique ecosystem. Regions can be divided into smaller geographic units, such as watersheds, provinces, or biomes. Regions can also be defined by their political boundaries, such as countries, states, or provinces. Regions provide a framework for understanding the spatial relationships between people, places, and the environment. They help to explain why certain areas have particular characteristics and how people can interact and utilize the environment around them. Regions are important for understanding the patterns and relationships between different natural and human systems, and for planning and managing resources sustainably.

To learn more about region

Select the correct answer from each drop-down menu.
In Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court drew on legal groundwork laid in
The Roe decision stated that
, a case about
v were protected by the Constitution


The Supreme Court addressed the abortion issue in the case of Roe v. Wade by referring to the US Constitution.

In Roe v. Wade, what verdict did the court make?

The Roe v. Wade ruling from 1973. In its Roe v. Wade decision from 1973, the Supreme Court noted that the choice to decide whether to continue a pregnancy is a component of the right to liberty given by the Constitution, which protects individual privacy.

What did the Dobbs ruling signify?

Roe v. Wade (1973) and Planned Parenthood v. Casey (1992) were both overturned by the court's ruling, which granted individual states the authority to control any part of abortion that isn't covered by federal law.

To know more about Constitution visit:-



How did the Battle of Mobile Bay and the fall of Mobile help Ulysses S. Grant achieve his goal of weakening the Confederacy?

A. After the fall of Mobile, Sherman started The Overland Campaign.

B. After the Battle of Mobile Bay, Grant easily took the city of
Richmond, Virginia.

C. After the fall of Mobile, Confederate forces lost one of their last remaining supply ports.

D. After the Battle of Mobile Bay, Union soldiers commenced the
Siege of Petersburg.


Because Mobile Bay was one of only two remaining Confederate ports, the Union succeeded in stopping supplies to the Confederacy by blockading Mobile Bay. The Union victory boosted morale in the North and helped President Abraham Lincoln gain reelection in 1865.

The answer is B after the battle of mobile bay grant easily took the city of Richmond Virginia.

Which of the following sentences from the article shows that the United States was instrumental in the defeat of Germany?


Despite his best efforts, US President Woodrow Wilson was eventually unsuccessful in his efforts to keep the US out of the war.

Who is a President?

A president is the head of state or government in a country or organization. They are responsible for representing their nation on both domestic and international platforms. The president is typically elected through a democratic process, such as a national election, and serves for a specified term in office. Their duties can vary depending on the specific constitution and laws of their country, but generally include tasks such as signing or vetoing legislation, appointing officials to government positions, and serving as commander-in-chief of the military. The president also has the power to negotiate treaties with other nations, and to interact with other world leaders on a diplomatic level.

To learn more about President, visit:



Colonizers may impose all of the following on the native inhabitants except:


Colonization have historically imposed a wide range of oppressive practices on the native inhabitants of colonized lands.

These practices can include forced labor, cultural suppression, land theft, and forced relocation, among other things. However, it is difficult to definitively state that colonizers have never imposed a certain action or practice on native inhabitants, as the history of colonization is complex and varied.

That being said, it is important to recognize that any actions imposed by colonizers were generally intended to serve the interests of the colonizing power rather than the native inhabitants. These actions often resulted in significant harm to the native population, both in the short and long term. It is crucial to acknowledge this history of oppression and work towards reparations and justice for affected communities.

For such more question on Colonization



Write a 5 paragraph essay. What made Asian empires some of the most successful in the 1700s?



The success of Asian empires in the 1700s can be attributed to a combination of factors such as strong centralized government, economic prosperity, military prowess, and cultural advancements. These empires left a lasting impact on the world and helped to shape the course of history.


The 1700s witnessed the rise of several powerful Asian empires that left a lasting impact on the world. These empires include the Qing dynasty in China, the Mughal Empire in India, and the Ottoman Empire in Turkey. Their success can be attributed to a combination of factors such as strong centralized government, economic prosperity, military prowess, and cultural advancements.

One of the main reasons for the success of these empires was their strong centralized government. Each empire was ruled by a powerful emperor or sultan who exercised absolute authority over his subjects. This allowed for efficient decision-making and effective administration of the vast territories under their control. In addition, the emperors were often supported by a loyal bureaucracy that helped to maintain order and stability in the empire.

Economic prosperity was also a key factor in the success of these empires. They all had access to valuable resources and were able to develop successful trading networks with neighboring regions. The Ottoman Empire, for example, controlled many important trade routes between Europe and Asia, while the Mughal Empire was known for its thriving textile industry. This economic prosperity allowed the empires to fund large-scale public works projects, such as building grand mosques, palaces, and other impressive architectural feats.

Military prowess was another important factor in the success of these empires. Each empire had a powerful army that was well-trained and well-equipped. The Ottomans, for example, had a fearsome cavalry and a formidable navy, while the Mughals had a large and well-organized army that was capable of conquering new territories. These armies were often led by talented generals who were able to win decisive victories on the battlefield.

Finally, the success of these empires can also be attributed to their cultural advancements. Each empire had a rich cultural heritage that was reflected in its art, literature, music, and architecture. The Mughals, for example, were known for their beautiful gardens and intricate artwork, while the Ottomans were famous for their ornate mosques and palaces. This cultural richness helped to attract talented artists, scholars, and intellectuals to the empires, who in turn helped to enrich their cultural life.

In conclusion, the success of Asian empires in the 1700s can be attributed to a combination of factors such as strong centralized government, economic prosperity, military prowess, and cultural advancements. These empires left a lasting impact on the world and helped to shape the course of history.

Why did the South have a poor local sales

market, or people without a lot of money,

which forced them to sell to the North and


A. The rural poor were the largest group of southern citizens.

B. The 4 million slaves in the South made no money at all.

C. Plantation owners had all the money.


The correct answer is B. The 4 million slaves in the South made no money at all. The South's reliance on slave labor created a significant wealth gap between plantation owners and everyone else, including the vast majority of white southerners who were not wealthy.

Slaves were used to produce cash crops such as cotton, tobacco, and sugar, which were primarily sold to northern and European markets. The rural poor, who made up the largest group of southern citizens, had limited resources and little purchasing power, which resulted in a poor local sales market. Meanwhile, the profits from the slave-produced crops went primarily to wealthy plantation owners, who used the money to maintain their lifestyle and invest in more land and slaves.

Therefore, the lack of economic opportunity for many people in the South, particularly slaves, contributed to the poor local sales market, forcing them to sell their goods to the North and overseas.

To know more about slave click here:



SOMEONE, PLEASE HELP ME!!!! HELP THIS IS AN EMERGENCY!!!! I need to know the WHY PART of these TWO QUESTIONS! I already wrote down the first part of the answer but I need the WHY!!



Which aspects of the Compromise of 1850 was a victory for the North and why? The Compromise of 1850 was a victory for the North because it admitted California as a free state and abolished the slave trade in Washington D.C., which were both important victories for the anti-slavery movement. Additionally, it also allowed for popular sovereignty in New Mexico and Utah territories, giving the North a chance to potentially win those territories as free states.


Which aspects of the Compromise of 1850 was a victory for the South and why? The Compromise of 1850 was a victory for the South as it allowed them to keep slavery in their territories and also introduced the Fugitive Slave Act, which required citizens to assist in the capture of runaway slaves.

During the 1970s, us foreign policy underwent many changes. each president's approach to foreign policy had costs and benefits. president richard nixon's administration was marked by a policy of , which helped to stabilize nuclear tensions. however, this approach did little to benefit the people who suffered in the soviet union. later, president jimmy carter took a approach to foreign policy. his desire to help marginalized people often clashed with the economic and political interests of the united states.


During the 1970s, U.S. foreign policy underwent many changes. President Richard Nixon's administration was marked by a policy of Détente. Later President Jimmy Carter took a human rights approach to his foreign policy.

On January 9, 1913, in Yorba Linda, California, the United States of America, Richard Milhous Nixon was born. Between 1969 through 1974, he was elected to be the 37th president of the United States of America. President Nixon was a Republican, and he instituted Détente, a foreign strategy that served to reduce nuclear tensions and signaled a change in the Cold War between the Soviet Union and China.

But, to support oppressed people, President Jimmy Carter adopted a human rights approach to foreign policy, which frequently puts American economic and political interests at odds.

To learn more about U.S. foreign policy, click here:



What happened after France fell to the German military?
A. Germany invented a strategy of quick surprise attacks.
B. Germans installed new, weak French leaders.
C. Southern France became a German military base.
D. Northern France became an occupied zone.



c i think


forgive me if i wrong

After France fell to the German military, Northern France became an occupied zone, where the German forces established control and administered their occupation, while Southern France remained relatively free from direct German control. Therefore, option D is correct.

Occupied zone refers to a specific area or region that has been seized and controlled by a foreign military force, in this case, Germany during World War II.

In the context of France, the occupied zone referred to the northern part of the country that came under German control after the fall of France. It entailed direct German administration, military presence, and enforcement of German policies and laws.

The occupation had significant social, economic, and political consequences for the affected population, including restrictions on civil liberties, exploitation of resources, and resistance movements against the occupying forces.

Learn more about Occupied zone here:



Put and X by the items that are true
The North
a: had rich, fertile soil
b: began U.S manufacturing
c:was famous for its crops
d: was a center for whaling
e: more people were farmers
f: was famous for shipbuilding
g: was famous for its fishing
h: had large plantations
i: had not interest in trade


The North had fertile, rich soil - X b: started American manufacturing; X: was well-known for its crops; X: was a whaling hub; X

To study the entire planet, do you use a globe?

When we wish to examine the earth as a whole, a globe can be helpful. Nevertheless, it is not very useful if we only want to analyse a small portion of the planet, like a continent or a nation. A map is a representation of the earth's surface or a portion of it that is depicted on a flat surface.

What methods are employed to investigate the entire earth?

To learn about the entire planet, utilise a globe. A globe is the only representation of the Earth that does not distort either the shape or the size of large features – land masses, bodies of water

To know more about The North  visit:-



What explains the rapid changes in cotton production leading up to the Great Depression? (A) The government paid farmers not to plant cotton to control prices. (B) Georgia's cotton crops were impacted by boll weevils and drought. (C) Bank failures caused many cotton farmers to lose their savings and land. (D) Synthetic textiles developed during World War I reduced demand for cotton. ​



(D) Synthetic textiles developed during World War I reduced demand for cotton.


(D) Synthetic textiles developed during World War I reduced demand for cotton.

Synthetic textiles, such as nylon and rayon, were developed during World War I and became increasingly popular in the 1920s and 1930s. These materials were cheaper and more durable than cotton, and as a result, demand for cotton fell sharply. This had a major impact on cotton farmers, as they struggled to sell their crops and make a living.

Answer:(D) Synthetic textiles developed during World War I reduced demand for cotton.

Explanation: My teacher gave me this question your welcome.

Which of these statements is true? question 6 options: a. chinese americans were placed in internment camps during world war ii. b. japanese americans were not allowed to serve in the u.s. army during world war ii. c. japanese americans served with distinction in the u.s. army during world war ii.


Answer: The only correct answer would be that they served with distinction which they did since around 33 000 Japanese Americans served with distinction during world war 2


between the french and bolivian revolutions, which one held truest to its cries for egalitarianism (equality)?



Both the French and Bolivian Revolutions wanted to promote equality and justice for everyone. However, most people think that the French Revolution was more true to its calls for equality.

The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen, which came out during the French Revolution, said that "all men are born free and equal in rights." The revolutionaries wanted to get rid of the social and political hierarchies of the Ancien Régime, such as the privileges of the aristocracy and the power of the Catholic Church. Even though the French Revolution was violent and included the Reign of Terror, its ideas of freedom, equality, and brotherhood became a powerful symbol of the fight for human rights.

The Bolivian Revolution, on the other hand, was marked by political instability and violence. It also tried to promote equality and justice, but it was less successful at doing so. Indigenous people and peasants led the revolution. They wanted to get rid of the ruling elite and set up a more equal society. Even though the revolution did lead to some changes in society and the economy, such as the nationalization of industry and the redistribution of land, it was not able to fully reach its goals of social justice and equality.

So, even though both revolutions tried to make people more equal, the French Revolution is generally thought to have been more true to its calls for equality because it had a longer-lasting effect on human rights and social justice.

How do the historical and political events that are described in inside out and back again affect the novel?


Inside Out and Back Again uses historical and political events as a potent backdrop to explore themes of identity, belonging, cultural diversity, and racism.

A little girl named Hà flees Vietnam with her family during the Vietnam War and lives in Alabama, America, as the story of Inside Out and Back Again by Thanhha Lai depicts. The novel's plot, ideas, and characters are significantly influenced by the historical and political events of the Vietnam War and the ensuing refugee crisis.

First of all, the Vietnam War affects Hà's experiences as a refugee and provides the book's setting. When she is compelled to leave her home, family, and friends behind and deal with the difficulties of living in a refugee camp and a foreign nation, Hà powerfully portrays the brutality, destruction, and disruption of daily life during the war.

Second, as Hà and her family attempt to acclimatize to life in America while preserving their Vietnamese heritage and traditions, the book tackles themes of identity, belonging, and cultural disparities. Hà finds it difficult to blend in with her American classmates since they treat her strangely and make fun of her cultural quirks, such her food and attire.

The novel also discusses racism and discrimination because Hà and her family encounter prejudice and animosity from some of their American classmates and neighbours. The work illustrates the difficulties that immigrants and refugees encounter when attempting to fit in and highlights the value of tolerance, empathy, and understanding in bridging cultural gaps.

To know more about Vietnam War



Question 8(Multiple Choice Worth 3 points)
(02.06 HC)
Which of the following is an example of the idea of "separation of powers" in
O Each state elects representatives and senators to Congress.
O The process for creating laws involves Congress and the president.
O The military is allowed to make decisions without the president's appro
O Congress is allowed to pass laws without approval of the president.



The process for creating laws involves Congress and the president.


The process for creating laws involves Congress and the president.

The concept of "separation of powers" refers to the division of governmental responsibilities among different branches of government. In this sense, the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of government are independent and have different roles and powers.

In the United States, the Constitution establishes a system of checks and balances, where each branch has some authority over the others. This helps prevent any one branch from becoming too powerful.

Regarding the options provided, the process for creating laws involves Congress and the president, which means that both branches have a role in the legislative process. Congress is responsible for proposing, debating, and passing laws, while the president has the power to veto or approve them.

Hence, the interaction between Congress and the president in the legislative process is an example of the idea of "separation of powers" in action, as it shows the distribution of responsibilities between the legislative and executive branches of government.

“Our greatest primary task is to put people to work. This is no unsolvable problem if we face it wisely and courageously. It can be accomplished in part by direct recruiting by the Government itself, treating the task as we would treat the emergency of a war, but at the same time, through this employment, accomplishing greatly needed projects to stimulate and reorganize the use of our natural resources.”

Franklin D. Roosevelt, First Inaugural Address, 1933

How did Roosevelt’s plan to address the problems of the Great Depression change the role of the American government?

A. The government took on a greater role in the national economy and created programs to address the nation’s unemployment problems.
B. Under Roosevelt, the national government adopted a laissez-faire approach to the national economy and unemployment.
C. Roosevelt reduced national expenses by shrinking the size of the federal government and cutting out many agencies and programs.
D. Roosevelt decreased the political power of the federal government and gave more control to the state governments in regard to unemployment.






Answer: A. The government took on a greater role in the national economy and created programs to address the nation's unemployment problems. Roosevelt's plan, known as the New Deal, included a number of government programs and agencies aimed at addressing the economic problems of the Great Depression, including unemployment. These programs included the Civilian Conservation Corps, which put young men to work on environmental conservation projects, and the Works Progress Administration, which provided jobs for millions of unemployed Americans through public works projects. Roosevelt's approach represented a significant expansion of the role of the federal government in the economy and laid the groundwork for the modern welfare state.

Brainiest is appreciated (;  

who were the federal speakers of the house during the nineteen sixties through the nineteen nineties


The Federal Speakers of the House during the nineteen sixties through the nineteen nineties were:

1960s:Sam Rayburn (D-TX) - served as Speaker from 1955 to 1961, and again from 1963 until his death in 1961.John McCormack (D-MA) - served as Speaker from 1962 to 1971.1970s:Carl Albert (D-OK) - served as Speaker from 1971 to 1977.Tip O'Neill (D-MA) - served as Speaker from 1977 to 1987.1980s:Tip O'Neill (D-MA) - served as Speaker from 1977 to 1987.Jim Wright (D-TX) - served as Speaker from 1987 to 1989.Tom Foley (D-WA) - served as Speaker from 1989 to 1995.1990s:Tom Foley (D-WA) - served as Speaker from 1989 to 1995.Newt Gingrich (R-GA) - served as Speaker from 1995 to 1999.

How did the balance of power in Europe shift as a result of World War 1

A - The Bolshevik revolution left Russia as the most powerful state in Europe

B -The establishment of the mandate system allowed middle eastern states to gain power

C -The fall of eastern empires shifted the balance of power toward western Europe

D - The devastation on the Western front shifted the balance power away from france


The political and economic scales were tipped in many different directions. Britain, Russia, and Austria all had empires prior to the war.

What did World War One alter the distribution of power?

The distribution of socioeconomic power throughout the globe was altered by World War I. After the war, the major European nations were nearly bankrupt. Together with a collapsed economy, people were also trying to understand the new political structures that had evolved after the fall of the absolute monarchs.

How did the power structure in Europe evolve as a result of World War I?

The First World War shattered empires, gave rise to numerous new nation-states, sparked separatism in Europe's colonies, compelled the United States to assume global leadership, and paved the way for the development of Hitler and Soviet communism.

TO know more about World War I Visit:



Which of the following is NOT true about interest groups?
O They do not represent companies, they can only represent individuals.
O They are factions as Madison wrote about in Federalist No. 10.
O They can compete against and work with political parties.
They are not limited to the federal government, but can also influence state and local


The statement "They do not represent companies, they can only represent individuals" is NOT true about interest groups.

In this case option A is correct

Interest groups can represent companies, as well as other organizations, such as labor unions, advocacy groups, and trade associations, in addition to individuals.

An interest group, also known as a lobby or advocacy group, is an organized group of individuals or organizations that seeks to influence public policy or government decision-making. Interest groups may represent a variety of sectors including businesses, labor unions, professional associations, environmental groups, and social movements, among others. They engage in various activities to influence government policies, such as lobbying elected officials, participating in public hearings, and providing research and analysis to policy makers. Interest groups are a common feature of democratic societies and play an important role in representing the diverse interests and perspectives of citizens.

To know more about interest groups  here



what are some long term effects of the Industrial Revolution? and how did they impact society today?


Answer: - Most people today in industrialized countries can afford consumer goods that would have been considered luxuries a long time ago. - Working conditions are much more improved over those of workers in the 19th century

Explanation: Those are long term affects and impacts on society today

Which statement best describes Emily Dickinson and her poetic style?



Dickinson writes with creative punctuation.


hope it helps


Dickinson writes with creative punctuation.

which industry did the american steel industry not directly contribute to in the late nineteenth century? multiple choice the railroad industry. the oil industry. steam engine technology. the automobile industry. freighters on the great lakes.


In the late nineteenth century, the American steel industry directly contributed to most of the major industries in the United States. However, one industry it did not directly contribute to was the automobile industry.

This is because the automobile industry did not exist during the late nineteenth century, and the use of automobiles did not become widespread until the early twentieth century. While the American steel industry did indirectly contribute to the automobile industry through the production of steel for car manufacturing, it did not directly contribute to the automobile industry during the late nineteenth century.

On the other hand, the American steel industry directly contributed to the railroad industry by providing the rails for the tracks, the oil industry by providing steel for oil rigs and pipelines, steam engine technology by providing steel for steam engines, and freighters on the Great Lakes by providing steel for shipbuilding.

Hence the correct option is d) the automobile industry.

Learn more about the steel industry:



Which issue caused a serious rift between the Western Allies and the Soviet Union after World War II



Stalin wanted to spread communism into Eastern Europe and to create a buffer zone of friendly countries as a defense against Germany.


hope it helps

how does the Cold War affect us today


As a result of the Cold War, the West has been able to avoid Communist dictatorship; otherwise, China and the Soviet Union might have taken Europe and the United States. Ultimately, the Cold War influenced the friendships, allies, and conflicts that exist now between nations.

What is Cold War?During World War II, the US and the Soviet Union and its allies began to engage in an ongoing political conflict that was known as the Cold War. In a piece that was published in 1945, George Orwell first gave this animosity between the two superpowers its name. As well as their respective allies, the Western Bloc and the Eastern Bloc, there existed geopolitical tension during the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union. A cold war is a state of conflict between nations that does not entail direct military action but is instead predominantly pursued through economic and political actions, propaganda, espionage, or battles fought by surrogates in the name of other countries. The American-Soviet Cold War of 1947–1991 is most frequently mentioned when this phrase is employed.

To learn more about Cold War, refer to:


WWII broke out two days after germany invaded which country? question 6 options: a. albania b. czechoslovakia c. france d. poland



D. Poland


After sending his ultimatum to Poland, to cede the lands of Danzig and Poznan to the Germans or be invaded and receiving no reply, the Germans began the assault on Poland. The Poles then called on the aid of Britain and France both of which swiftly sent war declarations to the Germans and began to mobilize.


d. Poland.


d. Poland.

On September 1, 1939, Germany invaded Poland, which marked the beginning of World War II. This was two days after Germany had issued an ultimatum to Poland, demanding that they accept German demands or face military action. Poland refused, and Germany responded by invading. This invasion of Poland was the spark that ignited the war, leading to the involvement of many other countries, including France, Czechoslovakia, and Albania.

What was China like before Mao took over?


Before Mao Zedong and the Communist Party took over China in 1949, China was a country with a long history and rich culture. However, it was also a country that was struggling with internal conflict, poverty, and foreign intervention.

During the late Qing Dynasty (1644-1912), China was in a period of decline, marked by corruption, economic instability, and frequent natural disasters. This was followed by the Republic of China period (1912-1949), which saw a series of weak and ineffective governments, civil wars, and foreign invasion and occupation.

Despite these challenges, China also had periods of great achievement and cultural flourishing. For example, during the Tang Dynasty (618-907), China was a prosperous and powerful empire with a highly developed culture, including art, literature, philosophy, and science. During the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), China became a major economic power, with significant advances in technology and commerce.

In the early 20th century, China experienced significant political and social changes, including the May Fourth Movement in 1919, which called for modernization, democracy, and national sovereignty. However, these changes were interrupted by the Japanese invasion and occupation during World War II.

Overall, China, before Mao took over, was a complex and diverse country with a rich history and culture, but also faced significant challenges and struggles.


please make me brainalist and keep smiling dude

trust me...!!


In 1912, after over two thousand years of imperial rule, a republic was established to replace the monarchy. The Qing dynasty that preceded the republic had experienced instability throughout the 19th century and suffered from both internal rebellion and foreign imperialism.
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what is the central component of a business model canvas Use synthetic division to write (6x+5)/(x+7) in the form quotient +( remainder )/( divisor ). The president of your CPA firm's largest client, a medium-size manufacturing company, advises you that the firm is about to acquire its largest supplier. Both companies have been profitable for the past ten years. The president wants to know what tax return filing options are available for the two companies and the advantages and disadvantages of the options. What factors are likely to be most important for this decision? What additional information do you need to give the president an informed answer? Part 2: Based on the following genotypes, determine the phenotype.6. In humans, tongue rolling is dominant to not being able to roll the tongue.TT=Tt=7. In humans, mid-finger hair is dominant to no mid-finger hair.HH =Hh=8. In humans, cleft chin is dominant to no cleft chin.Cc =CC=ll norrible genotypes.hh= in countries where consumers have more income to spend after their physical needs are satisfied, advertising serves what particular function? it discourages competition. it stimulates innovation and new products. it stimulates the sale of products with relatively inelastic demand. it helps achieve long-term acceptance for products that do not meet consumer approval. it discourages the entry and use of new products in the market. what dies the stanza But mother I wont be alone other children will go with me and march the streets of Birmingham to make our country free Its worse for her than it is for me birthing the twins near killed her. So I took up my basket and snatched up the twins. One held by hand, the other on my hip, We set off for the market. It wasnt easy. The twin on the ground grabbed the fish from my basket and threw it. It landedby the water trough, and I had to wade through the mud to get it back. The twin on my hip seemed quiet enough till he started to bellow. I smelled something rank, and I felt it, leaking down my dress. I couldnt staunch him my hands were full. Thats when I saw her, Isobel, the lords daughter, dressed in blue. Her hair was combed, sleek as an otter. Her veil was snow white. She had a servant to carry her basket, so her hands were free to pinch up her skirt, and pick her way through the muck, daintily, daintily. Her lips were curved, like the smile of a cat, and something got into me maybe twas the devil. I let go of the twin, picked up a handful of dung, filth, God-knows-what and let fly. Bulls-eye. But I didnt enjoy it not for more n a moment. Not after I saw her face. She hadnt done anything to me, and the smutch of the mud against her blue gown the prettiest dress I ever saw. I ruined it. The boys in Shamble Lane2 laughed. They wont tell on me. Theyre my friends. I saw her eyes pass over me and rest on them. She thought they did it. I ought to have said somethingIm sorry, twas my doing but my little brother picked up something foul and mashed it in his mouth. By the time I got to him, pried open his jaws, fished it out, and bellowed, No! shed plucked up her skirts to go. Her back was straight as a knife, her head held proud, poor girl. I was sorry, almost to weeping.On the way home I went to church. I dragged the twins before the crucifix and knelt down, trying to pray and keep hold at the same time. It wasnt easy. I prayed that God would forgive me that the muck would come out of her dress, that my stepmother wouldnt die. It made me think What point on the number line is one fourth of the way from the point 0 to the point 3? 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 (Dividend policies) Final earnings estimates for Chilean Health Spa & Fitness Center have been prepared for the CFO of the company and are shown in the following table: BE. The firm has 7,700,000 shares of common stock outstanding.As assistant to the CFO, you are asked to determine the yearly dividend per share to be paid depending on the following possible policiesa.A stable dollar dividend targeted at 50 percent of earnings over a 5-year period.b.A small, regular dividend of $0.70 per share plus a year-end extra when the profits in any year exceed $21,000,000. 100.0 g of sample A has 77.6 g Xeand 22.4 g F.What is the percent by mass of Xein sample A? Assume that when adults with smartphones are randomly selected, 45% use them in meetings or classes. If 30 adult smartphone users are randomly selected, find the probability that exactly 24 of them use their smartphones in meetings or classes. Consider a scenario regarding CAL in which the T-bill (risk-free rate) is 2%, the portfolio P return is 10%, and the portfolio P risk is a standard deviation of 14%. What is the expected return for a portfolio with 90% T-bills and 10% portfolio P?a. 11.20%b. 2.80%c. 12.60%d. 1.40% You use a rope and pulley system with an ideal mechanical advantage of 2.00. How big of an output load can you lift with an inputforce of 200 N? The Byzantine Empire: Mastery TestWhat was the effect of the founding of Constantinople a 2.5 Mass ball thrown vertically upward with 10 m/s calculate a the potential energy after the 0.2second Giving Brainliest!!! You are going to invest 8934 today and 9316 1 year from today.If you expect to earn return of 9.53%, how much will you have in 5years 5(x-y)+4=7 what is the value of x-y Why did different movements arise after ca. 1900 that targeted the redistribution of resources? What were the consequences of these movements? you encounter a terrestrial ectothermic protostome with an open circulatory system and an exoskeleton. you would predict that this animal transports oxygen using: group of answer choices a tracheal system pepsinogen hemolymph lungs or lung derivatives hemoglobin