When a company splits its stock, the number of stock will: Select one: a. Decrease by half b. Increase by the ratio of the split C. None of the available choices d. Stay the same


Answer 1

When a company splits its stock, the number of stock will increase by the ratio of the split. The correct option is b.

For example, in a 2-for-1 stock split, each existing share of stock is split into two new shares, effectively doubling the number of shares outstanding. Therefore, the total number of shares increases, but the overall value of the company remains the same.

Stocks are a type of security that gives stockholders a share of ownership in a company.Stocks, also known as shares or equities, represent ownership in a company.

When someone buys a share of a company's stock, they become a part-owner of that company and are entitled to a portion of its profits.

to know more about stock refer here



Related Questions

Caspian Sea Drinks is considering buying the J-Mix 2000. It will allow them to make and sell more product. The machine cost $1.07 million and create incremental cash flows of $519,442.00 each year for the next five years. The cost of capital is 11.61%. What is the net present value of the J-Mix 2000?


The Net Present Value (NPV) of the J-Mix 2000 for Caspian Sea Drinks is $844,474. This value is calculated by taking the present value of the future cash flows of the machine and subtracting the cost of the machine.

The present value of the cash flows are calculated by discounting the future cash flows by the cost of capital. In this case, the cost of capital is 11.61% and the future cash flows are $519,442 for each of the next five years. Subtracting the cost of the machine, $1.07 million, from the present value of the cash flows yields a net present value of $844,474.

This means that if Caspian Sea Drinks purchases the J-Mix 2000, they will increase the value of the company by $844,474. This value is calculated by taking the present value of the future cash flows of the machine and subtracting the cost of the machine.

In this case, the cost of capital is 11.61% and the future cash flows are $519,442 for each of the next five years. Subtracting the cost of the machine, $1.07 million, from the present value of the cash flows yields a net present value of $844,474.

Know more about Net Present Value here



The Oceanian Peso (OCP) is pegged to the dollar at the rate of 8 pesos per dollar. The US 1-month interest rate is currently 1%, whilst the equivalent Oceanian rate is 4%. If the expected change in the exchange rate, should the peso break its peg, is 5%, Calculate the closest to the implied probability of the peg breaking over the next month?


The closest implied probability of the Oceanian Peso's peg breaking over the next month is approximately 59.4%.

The terms involved are the Oceanian Peso (OCP), the pegged exchange rate, the US 1-month interest rate, the Oceanian interest rate, and the implied probability of the peg breaking.
To calculate the implied probability of the peg breaking over the next month, we will use the concept of interest rate parity. Here's a step-by-step explanation:
1. Determine the forward premium (or discount) using the interest rate parity formula:
Forward premium = [(1 + Foreign interest rate) / (1 + Domestic interest rate)] - 1
2. Plug in the given interest rates:
Forward premium = [(1 + 0.04) / (1 + 0.01)] - 1 = 0.0297 or 2.97%

3. Calculate the expected devaluation if the peg breaks:
Expected devaluation = 5%
4. Determine the implied probability of the peg breaking:
Implied probability = Forward premium / Expected devaluation
5. Plug in the values obtained in steps 2 and 3:
Implied probability = 0.0297 / 0.05 = 0.594 or 59.4%

To know more about implied probability click here



The following is a guideline that a speaker should use for understanding differences to build bridges and confidence
A. Formulate expectations based solely on your own culture
B. Avoid formulating expectations based solely on your own culture
C. Formulate expectations based solely on other people's culture
D. Do not formulate any expectations regarding the audience


The guideline that a speaker should use for understanding differences to build bridges and confidence is B. Avoid formulating expectations based solely on your own culture.

When speaking to an audience from a different culture or background, it is important to avoid making assumptions or relying solely on your own cultural perspectives. Instead, try to understand the cultural context and values of the audience, and tailor your communication and message accordingly. This can help to build bridges of understanding and create a more positive and productive dialogue. It is also important to be open-minded and respectful of cultural differences, and to avoid stereotyping or generalizing about a particular group of people. By following these guidelines, a speaker can help to promote cross-cultural understanding and build confidence and trust with their audience.

Learn more about dialogue here:https://brainly.com/question/1361071


The guideline that a speaker should use for understanding differences to build bridges and confidence is to avoid formulating expectations based solely on their own culture (option B). It is essential to be aware of cultural differences and to approach each audience with an open mind and without preconceived notions.

When a speaker formulates expectations based solely on their own culture, it can lead to misunderstandings and miscommunications, which can ultimately hinder the effectiveness of the speech.
Instead, a speaker should strive to understand and appreciate the differences of their audience. This includes learning about their cultural background, beliefs, and values. By doing so, a speaker can tailor their message to resonate with their audience and build rapport, ultimately leading to greater confidence and trust.
It is also important for a speaker to avoid formulating expectations based solely on other people's culture, as this can lead to stereotyping and generalizations. Instead, a speaker should aim to understand the unique individual differences within each culture and approach their audience with an open mind.
In summary, a speaker should avoid formulating expectations based solely on their own culture and instead strive to understand and appreciate the differences of their audience. By doing so, a speaker can build bridges and confidence, ultimately leading to a successful and effective speech. The correct option is B.

To know more about culture, visit https://brainly.com/question/26686552


You are considering an investment in Justus Corporation's stock, which is expected to pay a dividend of $2.50 a share at the end of the year (D1 = $2.50) and has a beta of 0.9. The risk-free rate is 4.5%, and the market risk premium is 4%. Justus currently sells for $39.00 a share, and its dividend is expected to grow at some constant rate, g. Assuming the market is in equilibrium, what does the market believe will be the stock price at the end of 3 years? (That is, what is Ps?) Do not round intermediate calculations. Round your answer to the nearest cent.


The market believes that Justus Corporation's stock price will be $30.86 at the end of 3 years. To determine the market's expected stock price for Justus Corporation at the end of 3 years, we need to use the constant growth model, also known as the Gordon model.

This model assumes that the stock price is equal to the present value of all future dividends discounted at the required rate of return.

In this case, we know that the current dividend is $2.50, and the stock price is $39.00. We also know that the beta is 0.9, the risk-free rate is 4.5%, and the market risk premium is 4%. To find the constant growth rate (g), we can use the dividend growth model:

D1 = D0 x (1 + g)

$2.50 = $2.50 x (1 + g)

g = 0

Since the growth rate is 0, we can use the simplified formula for the constant growth model:

Ps = D1 / (r - g)

where Ps is the stock price at the end of 3 years, r is the required rate of return, and g is the growth rate.

Using the given information, we can calculate the required rate of return:

r = Rf + β x (Rm - Rf)

r = 4.5% + 0.9 x 4%

r = 8.1%

Plugging in the values, we get:

Ps = $2.50 / (0.081 - 0)

Ps = $30.86

To know more about stock price refer here:



Real estate prices in the UK have been rising Use your understanding of the bond market and money market to explain the effect on bond prices and interest rates. As a student of money, banking and financial markets, would you advise your friend to apply for a mortgage to buy a house now?


As real estate prices increase, the interest rates increase and demand and prices of existing bond decreases.

I would advise my friend to consider the current economic conditions and the potential for future changes in the market before applying for a mortgage.

The effect of rising real estate prices in the UK on bond prices and interest rates are:

1. As real estate prices in the UK rise, it indicates increased demand for housing and potentially higher inflation in the economy.

2. Central banks, such as the Bank of England, may respond to higher inflation by increasing interest rates to control inflation and maintain price stability.

3. When interest rates rise, bond prices typically fall. This is because existing bonds with lower fixed interest rates become less attractive compared to newly issued bonds with higher interest rates, leading to a decrease in demand and lower prices for the existing bonds.

Advice on applying for a mortgage are:

As a student of money, banking, and financial markets, considering the current situation of rising real estate prices and the potential for interest rates to rise, I would advise your friend to carefully evaluate their financial situation and long-term goals before deciding to apply for a mortgage. If they believe they can comfortably afford the mortgage payments and are committed to staying in the house for an extended period, it may be a good time to buy a house.

However, if interest rates are expected to rise significantly in the near future, it may be better to wait and reassess the situation later, as higher interest rates could make the mortgage more expensive and potentially lower real estate prices.  Also, low interest rates may make borrowing more attractive, they may also be a sign of an overheated housing market or a weak economy. It is important to assess the risks and benefits of borrowing before making a decision.

Learn more about Inflation:



your team member asks you how you will respond if someone from gaea questions your data-cleaning process. how do you prepare for this objection? select all that apply. 1 point


If someone from Gaea questions data-cleaning process, then we can prepare for this objection by following these steps.By following these steps, you can effectively address any objections regarding your data-cleaning process raised by someone from Gaea.
1. Clearly explain your data-cleaning process: provide a detailed description of the steps you have taken during the data-cleaning process, making sure to highlight the rationale behind each step.
2. Provide documentation: Offer any relevant documentation, such as data dictionaries, metadata, and code, to support your data-cleaning process.
3. Demonstrate the benefits of your approach: Showcase the improvements in data quality, accuracy, and consistency as a result of your data-cleaning process.
4. Be open to feedback: Listen carefully to the concerns raised by the Gaea team member and be prepared to address any issues they may have with your process.
5. Collaborate and revise as necessary: If the Gaea team member has valid concerns or suggestions, be open to collaborating with them to refine and improve your data-cleaning process.

Read more about the cleaning process on- brainly.com/question/29789457


Be transparent: Explain your data-cleaning process and the steps you took to ensure the quality and accuracy of the data. Be open about any assumptions or limitations in your approach.

1.Provide evidence: Show the results of your data-cleaning process, including any charts or graphs that demonstrate the impact of your decisions. This can help build trust in your data and your process.

2.Discuss alternative approaches: Be prepared to discuss alternative data-cleaning methods and the pros and cons of each approach. This can show that you have considered multiple options and selected the most appropriate one for your specific needs.

3.Highlight the importance of data cleaning: Emphasize that data cleaning is a crucial step in the data analysis process, and that it can have a significant impact on the accuracy and reliability of your findings.

4.Acknowledge the possibility of errors: Be honest about the fact that errors can occur in data cleaning and analysis, and explain how you have taken steps to minimize the risk of errors and ensure the integrity of your data.

5.Offer to review your process: Offer to review your data-cleaning process with the person questioning it to address any concerns they may have and demonstrate your commitment to quality and accuracy.

Learn more about data cleaning here:



This type of evacuation is used in case of tornados and other severe storms. a. Shelter-in-place evacuation b. Building evacuation c. Vertical evacuation d. Horizontal evacuation e. Local evacuation


This type of evacuation is used in case of tornados and other severe storms. a. Shelter-in-place evacuation.

Shelter in place approach locating a secure region interior and staying there till you're given an “all clear” or instructed to evacuate. You can be requested to safe haven in region due to an lively shooter; tornado; or chemical, radiological, or different hazard. To lessen the fitness influences following herbal disasters, terrific evacuations shelters are vital to offer brief settlements to internally displaced people. Ultimately, evacuation shelters are supposed to lessen damage and make sure the fitness of the population.

Thus, the correct option is a.

To learn more about disaster check the link below-



The type of evacuation used in case of tornados and other severe storms is typically a local evacuation. Option E

Local evacuation involves moving people to a safe location nearby, such as a designated shelter or community center. The goal of a local evacuation is to get people out of harm's way quickly and efficiently.
This type of evacuation may be necessary when severe weather is approaching or when a tornado warning has been issued. In some cases, local officials may issue a mandatory evacuation order, requiring residents to leave their homes and seek shelter in a safe location.
During a local evacuation, it's important for residents to follow all instructions from emergency officials and to take any necessary precautions to protect themselves and their families. This may include gathering emergency supplies, securing their homes, and evacuating quickly and safely.
While local evacuation may not always be required during severe storms, it's important for residents to be prepared and to have a plan in place in case an evacuation order is issued. By staying informed and taking proactive steps to stay safe, residents can help ensure that they and their loved ones are protected during severe weather events. Option E is the correct answer.

For more such questions evacuation



need answer with explanation. Thanks
Assume an H&R Block Canada location had a fixed cost of $12,000 to cover
during tax filing season, and variable costs for each service of $29. What would
the break-even point be for professional services of (a) $109, (b) $69, and (c) $39?


The break-even point be for professional services of $109, $69 and $39 are 148, 240 and 1200 clients respectively.

To calculate the break-even point for each professional service price, we need to use the formula:

Break-even point = Fixed costs ÷ (Price per unit - Variable costs per unit)

(a) For a professional service price of $109:

Break-even point = $12,000 ÷ ($109 - $29)

                            = 147.54

Therefore, the H&R Block Canada location would need to provide professional services to 148 clients at $109 per client to break even during tax filing season.

(b) For a professional service price of $69:

Break-even point = $12,000 ÷ ($69 - $29)

                             = 240

Therefore, the H&R Block Canada location would need to provide professional services to 240 clients at $69 per client to break even during tax filing season.

(c) For a professional service price of $39:

Break-even point = $12,000 ÷ ($39 - $29)

                             = 1200

Therefore, the H&R Block Canada location would need to provide professional services to 1,200 clients at $39 per client to break even during tax filing season.

To know more about break-even point refer here



which strategy focuses on increasing profitability by customizing the firm's goods or services so they provide a good match to tastes and preferences in different national markets?


The strategy that focuses on increasing profitability by customizing the firm's goods or services to provide a good match to tastes and preferences in different national markets is called a "Localization Strategy".

1. Market Research: The first step in implementing a localization strategy is to conduct thorough market research to understand the unique needs, preferences, and behaviors of customers in the target markets. This may include analyzing market trends, consumer behavior, and the competitive landscape.

2. Customization: Once the market research is complete, the company can start customizing its products or services to meet the specific needs and preferences of customers in each target market. This may involve modifying the product features, packaging, labeling, pricing, and marketing to better align with local customs, culture, and preferences.

3. Localization of Operations: In addition to customizing the product or service offering, companies may need to adapt their business operations to suit local market conditions. This may include hiring local staff, partnering with local distributors, and complying with local regulations and laws.

4. Language and Communication: Language plays a critical role in localization strategy. Companies must ensure that all marketing materials, packaging, and product information are translated into the local language accurately. They may also need to adjust their marketing messages and communication strategies to better resonate with local consumers.

5. Testing and Feedback: Finally, companies must test their localized products or services in the target market and gather feedback from customers to refine their offerings further continually. This feedback loop helps companies identify areas for improvement and ensure that their offerings remain relevant to the target market.

In summary, implementing a localization strategy involves market research, customization, localization of operations, language and communication, and testing and feedback.

By following these steps, companies can better meet the unique needs and preferences of customers in different national markets, thereby increasing their profitability.

To know more about Localization Strategy refer here



​Age, race,​ gender, and other statistics are part of a​ company's _____ environment. A. demographic. B. political. C. micro. D. cultural. E. economic


Age, race, gender, and other statistics are part of a company's demographic environment.

Demographics refer to quantifiable characteristics of a population or a group of people, such as age, gender, race, ethnicity, education, income, and occupation. In a business context, a company's demographic environment can influence its marketing strategies, product design, customer service, workforce diversity, and other aspects of its operations. For example, if a company sells products that appeal primarily to young adults, it may need to target its advertising and social media campaigns to that demographic group. If a company operates in a region with a diverse population, it may need to consider cultural differences and language preferences in its communication and branding. If a company aims to improve its gender or racial diversity, it may need to adopt recruitment and retention practices that appeal to underrepresented groups.

learn more about demographic here:



which of the following is an example of the relationship between technology and positive externalities? responses the invention of electricity allowed many other industries to develop. the invention of electricity allowed many other industries to develop. new engineering technologies allowed for better public goods. new engineering technologies allowed for better public goods. government investments in technology do not produce significant results. government investments in technology do not produce significant results.


An example of the relationship between technology and positive externalities is "the invention of electricity allowed many other industries to develop. The correct option is B.

This is an example of a positive externality because the invention of electricity had benefits beyond those enjoyed by the inventor or producer of the technology. The development of the electricity industry made possible many other industries that rely on electricity, such as manufacturing, transportation, and communications.

These industries were able to grow and develop because of the availability of electricity, and this had positive effects on the wider economy. The positive externalities associated with technological progress can lead to higher economic growth and improved standards of living for society as a whole.

Therefore, the correct option is B.

Learn more about positive externality https://brainly.com/question/28238938


is not a characteristic used by bank regulators to rate banks. group of answer choices management capital adequacy asset quality current stock price all of these are used to rate banks.


Bank regulators use multiple characteristics to rate banks and ensure they are operating in a safe and sound manner. Management, capital adequacy, asset quality, and current stock price are all factors that are taken into consideration when rating banks.

Each of these factors provides valuable insight into the overall health of a bank and its ability to withstand economic shocks. For example, strong management is essential to ensure that a bank's operations are well-managed and comply with relevant regulations. Adequate capital is necessary to absorb potential losses and protect depositors' funds. Asset quality reflects the quality of a bank's loans and investments. Finally, the current stock price reflects the market's perception of a bank's future prospects. Overall, all of these factors are important and are used by bank regulators to rate banks.

For more such questions on rate, click on:



(Cost of equity) The common stock for the Bestsold Corporation sells for $56. If a new issue is sold, the flotation costs are estimated to be 8 percent. The company pays 80 percent of its earnings in dividends, and a $7.20 dividend was recently paid. Earnings per share 6 years ago were $7.00. Earnings are expected to continue to grow at the same annual rate in the future as during the past 6 years. The firm's marginal tax rate is 32 percent. Calculate the cost of (a) internal common equity and (b) external common equity. a. What is the firm's cost of internal common equity?
a. What is the​ firm's cost of internal common​equity?
____% ​(Round to two decimal​ places.)
b. What is the​ firm's cost of external common​equity?
____% ​(Round to two decimal​ places.)


Cost of internal common equity = 19.52%

Cost of external common equity = 11.94%

The sum that all common shareholders have contributed to a corporation is known as common equity. The value of the common shares itself is among the most significant aspects of this. However, it also contains additional paid-in capital as well as retained earnings.

To calculate growth rates, divide the difference between the starting and ending values for the period under study by the starting value. The most frequent time intervals for growth rates are annually, quarterly, monthly, and weekly.

N= 6          PV  =  6        PMT  = 0      FV = -11        

CMT I/Y = 10.630%

Growth rate = 10.63%

5.6/63 + (0.1063) = 0.1952

Cost of internal common equity = 19.52%

b)  external common equity: cost of internal common equity/(1-floatation costs)

0.1063/(1-0.11) = 0.1063/0.89 = 0.1194

Cost of external common equity = 11.94%

To know more about common equity here:



the factor market and the product market are essentially the same thing.group startstrue or false


False. The factor market and the product market are not essentially the same thing. The factor market refers to the market where the factors of production (such as labor, capital, and land) are bought and sold, while the product market refers to the market where finished goods and services are bought and sold.

They are two distinct markets that serve different purposes in the economy. The factor market and the product market are not essentially the same thing. The factor market involves the buying and selling of resources needed for production, such as labor, capital, and land. The product market, on the other hand, involves the buying and selling of finished goods and services. Both markets are essential components of an economy, but they serve different purposes.

Learn more about production here:



The given statement is false because these two markets are distinct from each other and serve different purposes within the economy.

The factor market refers to the market where factors of production (such as land, labor, and capital) are bought and sold. Businesses purchase various production factors or resources required to produce goods and services in a factor market.

In contrast, the product market refers to the market where finished goods and services are bought and sold. In order to deliver goods and services to customers that are sold at the product market, producers purchase factors of production from the factor market.

Therefore, the factor market and the product market are not essentially the same thing.

To learn more about market: https://brainly.com/question/25369230


the problem with the truman administration’s policy toward controlling the aggression of the soviet union was that it took a __________ approach instead of a _____________ approach.


The problem with the Truman administration's policy toward controlling the aggression of the Soviet Union was that it took a containment approach instead of a rollback approach.

The policy of containment aimed to prevent the expansion of communism beyond its current borders, rather than actively seeking to roll it back. Critics argued that this approach allowed the Soviet Union to continue expanding its influence, leading to the Korean War and other conflicts. Rollback, on the other hand, would have involved more aggressive actions aimed at pushing back Soviet influence and overthrowing communist governments.

Truman's containment policy reflected a more cautious approach to foreign policy, one that focused on preventing a larger war rather than taking risks to win smaller ones.

Learn more about Truman administration's policy



The problem with the Truman administration's policy toward controlling the aggression of the Soviet Union was that it took a confrontational approach instead of a cooperative approach.

The Truman Doctrine and the containment policy were designed to limit the expansion of Soviet influence by containing it within its current borders. This approach was rooted in the belief that the Soviet Union was an aggressive and expansionist power that needed to be stopped at all costs.
However, this approach had several drawbacks. First, it led to a costly arms race that drained resources from the American economy. Second, it heightened tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union, leading to a dangerous nuclear standoff. Third, it failed to address the underlying economic and political factors that were driving Soviet expansionism.
A more cooperative approach, on the other hand, would have focused on addressing the underlying causes of Soviet aggression, such as economic inequality and political instability. It would have involved working with the Soviet Union to promote economic development and political stability, rather than simply trying to contain it.
In conclusion, while the Truman administration's policy toward controlling the aggression of the Soviet Union was well-intentioned, it ultimately failed to achieve its objectives. A more cooperative approach would have been a more effective way of addressing the underlying causes of Soviet expansionism and promoting peace and stability in the world.

For more such questions on policy  visit:



Better Mousetraps has developed a new trap. It can go into production for an initial investment in equipment of $6.0 million. The equipment will be depreciated straight line over 6 years to a value of zero, but in fact it can be sold after 6 years for $511,000.


The project's NPV is calculated to be $1.6771 million.

a. The project NPV can be calculated by finding the present value of all the cash inflows and outflows of the project using the required rate of return of 8%. The initial investment of $6 million and the working capital requirements for each year must also be considered. Using the given sales forecasts and cost estimates, the project's NPV is calculated to be $1.6771 million.

b. If the firm depreciated its investment using the 5-year MACRS schedule instead of the straight-line depreciation, the annual depreciation amount would be higher. This would result in a larger tax shield and a lower tax payment, increasing the cash inflows of the project. The NPV would increase by $209,696 if the 5-year MACRS schedule was used instead of the straight-line depreciation. However, it is important to note that using the MACRS schedule may result in a higher tax payment in later years when the traps are sold, as the depreciation amount will be lower. Overall, the decision to use a particular depreciation schedule should be based on a thorough analysis of the project's cash flows and tax implications.

The complete question is:

Better Mousetraps has developed a new trap. It can go into production for an initial investment in equipment of $6.0 million. The equipment will be depreciated straight line over 6 years to a value of zero, but in fact it can be sold after 6 years for $511,000. The firm believes that working capital at each date must be maintained at a level of 10% of next year’s forecast sales. The firm estimates production costs equal to $1.80 per trap and believes that the traps can be sold for $7 each. Sales forecasts are given in the following table. The project will come to an end in 6 years., when the trap becomes technologically obsolete. The firm’s tax bracket is 35%, and the required rate of return on the project is 8%. Use the MACRS depreciation schedule. Year: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Thereafter Sales (millions of traps) 0 .4 .5 .6 .6 .5 .4 0 a. What is project NPV? (Do not round intermediate calculations. Enter your answer in millions rounded to 4 decimal places.) NPV $ million b. By how much would NPV increase if the firm depreciated its investment using the 5-year MACRS schedule? (Do not round intermediate calculations. Enter your answer in whole dollars not in millions.) The NPV increases by $ .

For more about NPV:



Harrods In.c is expected to pay a dividend of $3.25 per share, one year from now. After that, investors believe that the dividends will grow at a constant rate 4% per year. The required rate of return on this stock is 15%.
a) What is the stock’s current price?
b) What is the stock’s expected price 5 years from now?


The expected price of the stock 5 years from now is $53.19.

a) To calculate the current price of the stock, we can use the Gordon Growth Model:

P = D / (r - g)

where P is the current price, D is the expected dividend one year from now, r is the required rate of return, and g is the expected growth rate of dividends.

Using the given values:

D = $3.25

r = 15%

g = 4%

P = 3.25 / (0.15 - 0.04) = $28.75

Therefore, the current price of the stock is $28.75.

b) To calculate the expected price of the stock 5 years from now, we can use the formula:

P = D1 * (1 + g)^n / (r - g)

where D1 is the expected dividend 5 years from now, n is the number of years, and all other variables are the same as before.

To find D1, we need to calculate the dividend at the end of each year for the next five years:

Year 1: D1 = $3.25 * 1.04 = $3.38

Year 2: D2 = $3.38 * 1.04 = $3.52

Year 3: D3 = $3.52 * 1.04 = $3.66

Year 4: D4 = $3.66 * 1.04 = $3.80

Year 5: D5 = $3.80 * 1.04 = $3.95

Now we can use the formula:

P = $3.95 * (1 + 0.04)^5 / (0.15 - 0.04) = $53.19

Therefore, the expected price of the stock 5 years from now is $53.19.

to know more stock  about refer here



lowe's maintains extra inventory of roofing nails in case the weekly delivery from its regional distribution center is delayed. this type of inventory is called .


Lowe's keeps additional roofing nails in stock to ensure they have enough in case their weekly shipment from the regional distribution center is delayed. This additional inventory is referred to as safety stock inventory.

Safety stock inventory is the extra inventory that a company maintains to mitigate the risk of stockouts or shortages caused by delays in the supply chain or unexpected increases in demand. It acts as a buffer to ensure that the company has sufficient inventory to meet customer demand even when the regular supply chain is disrupted. Safety stock inventory helps to prevent lost sales and maintain customer satisfaction.

However, maintaining too much safety stock can increase inventory holding costs, which can be costly for the company. Finding the right balance between safety stock and holding costs is critical for effective inventory management.

You can learn more about safety stock inventory at



what is the average defection rate for grocery store shoppers in a local area of a large city if customers spend $100 per visit, customers shop 60 weeks per year, the grocery store has a 4 percent gross margin, and the value of a loyal customer is estimated at $3,000 per year? a. 8% b. 9% c. 10% d. 11% e. 12%


The average defection rate for grocery store shoppers is 8%. The correct option is "A".

To calculate the average defection rate for grocery store shoppers, we can use the customer lifetime value (CLV) formula:

CLV = (Customer spending per visit x Number of visits per year x Gross margin) / Defection rate

We can rearrange the formula to solve for the defection rate:

Defection rate = (Customer spending per visit x Number of visits per year x Gross margin) / CLV

Substituting the given values, we get:

Defection rate = ($100 x 60 x 0.04) / $3,000 = 0.08 or 8%

The correct option is "A".

To know more about defection rate, click here.



I bought Tezos Crypto on June 2, 2021 for $3.85 per coin and paid $0.06 in transaction fees. On July 15th, I received $0.0009 reward per each Tezos. By August 14th, I received $0.0075 more per coin. By Sep. 16th extra $0.0185. By Oct. 15 - $0.0193. If prices on those 4 dates were correspondingly $2.57, $3.70, $6.94 & $6.84, what is my Realized Return over the period?


Your realized return on Tezos Crypto over the period is 77.27%. To calculate your realized return on Tezos Crypto, first, find the total rewards and transaction fees.

From June 2nd to Oct. 15th, you received rewards of $0.0009, $0.0075, $0.0185, and $0.0193 per coin, totaling $0.0462 per coin. Subtract the transaction fee of $0.06 to get the net reward of $0.0462 - $0.06 = -$0.0138 per coin.

Then, calculate the difference in price from buying to selling: $6.84 - $3.85 = $2.99 per coin. Add the net reward: $2.99 - $0.0138 = $2.9762 per coin.

Finally, divide the net gain by the initial price and multiply by 100 to find the realized return percentage: ($2.9762 / $3.85) x 100 = 77.27%.

To know more about Tezos Crypto refer here:



a firm that uses short-term financing methods for a portion of permanent current assets is assuming more risk but expects higher returns than a firm with a normal financing plan. explain.


A firm that utilizes short-term financing methods for a portion of permanent current assets is indeed assuming more risk but expects higher returns compared to a firm with a normal financing plan. This approach is known as aggressive financing.

Short-term financing methods typically include bank loans, commercial paper, and lines of credit, which have lower interest rates and shorter maturity periods compared to long-term financing options like bonds and long-term loans. By using short-term financing to cover permanent current assets (e.g., inventory, accounts receivable), the firm aims to reduce overall financing costs.

However, this approach carries increased risk. Since short-term financing must be repaid or refinanced within a short period, the firm may face cash flow challenges if it cannot generate sufficient funds to repay the debt on time. Additionally, interest rates for short-term financing can be more volatile, exposing the firm to potential rate fluctuations that could increase financing costs.

In summary, using short-term financing for a portion of permanent current assets is a more aggressive and risky approach, but it can potentially result in higher returns for the firm. It's essential for firms adopting this strategy to carefully manage cash flows and monitor market conditions to mitigate associated risks.

Know more about Aggressive financing here:



president david rose refuses to spend the money congress appropriated for the environmental protection agency. in response, congress has rejected the of funds. this scenario illustrates:


The scenario described above illustrates a power struggle between the executive and legislative branches of the government. President David Rose's refusal to spend the money that Congress appropriated for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is an example of executive overreach, as it undermines the constitutional authority of the legislative branch to control the purse strings.

Congress, in response, has rejected the offer of funds, which is a clear indication of their dissatisfaction with the president's actions. This scenario is not uncommon in politics, as it is often the case that the two branches of government disagree on how to allocate resources.

In such situations, the constitution provides for a system of checks and balances that ensures no branch of government becomes too powerful. In this case, Congress is exercising its power of the purse, which is a critical tool for maintaining a balance of power between the executive and legislative branches.

Ultimately, this scenario underscores the importance of respecting the constitutional authority of each branch of government and the need for cooperation and compromise to ensure the effective functioning of the government.

For more questions on: legislative



You are considering the following two projects and can take only one. Your cost of capital is 10.9% . The cash flows for the two projects are as follows​ ($ million)
: a. What is the IRR of each​ project?
b. What is the NPV of each project at your cost of​ capital?
c. At what cost of capital are you indifferent between the two​ projects?
d. What should you​ do?
data table
project year 0 year 1 year 2 year 3 year 4 A -$102 $26 $28 $38 $48
B -$102 $48 $38 $28 $20


The problem presented two investment projects and asked to calculate their internal rate of return (IRR), net present value (NPV) at a cost of capital of 10.9%, and the cost of capital at which the two projects are indifferent. The calculations showed that project A has a higher NPV and a higher IRR than project B, even at the cost of capital where the two projects have the same NPV. Therefore, the decision should be to choose project A.

a. To calculate the IRR of each project, we need to find the discount rate that makes the NPV of the project equal to zero. Using Excel or a financial calculator, we get:IRR of project A = 17.47%IRR of project B = 15.79%b. To calculate the NPV of each project at a cost of capital of 10.9%, we use the formula:[tex]NPV = CF0 + CF1/(1+r) + CF2/(1+r)^2 + CF3/(1+r)^3 + CF4/(1+r)^4[/tex]where CF is the cash flow for each year, r is the discount rate, and the subscript denotes the year. Thus, we have:[tex]NPV of project A = -$102 + $26/(1+0.109) + $28/(1+0.109)^2 + $38/(1+0.109)^3 + $48/(1+0.109)^4\\ = $15.61 million[/tex][tex]NPV of project B = -$102 + $48/(1+0.109) + $38/(1+0.109)^2 + $28/(1+0.109)^3 + $20/(1+0.109)^4 \\= $9.75 million[/tex]c. To find the cost of capital at which we are indifferent between the two projects, we need to find the discount rate that makes the NPV of each project equal to zero. We can do this by trial and error or by using Excel's Goal Seek function. Using the latter, we find that the discount rate is approximately 12.26%.d. Based on the calculations above, project A has a higher NPV and a higher IRR than project B, even at the cost of capital where the two projects have the same NPV. Therefore, we should choose project A.

For more such question on NPV



how do you stop your azure account from incurring costs above a certain level without your knowledge?


To stop your Azure account from incurring costs above a certain level without your knowledge, you can set up spending limits and alerts.

Here are the steps to follow:

1. Sign in to the Azure portal.

2. In the left-hand menu, click on ""Cost Management + Billing"".

3. Click on ""Cost Management"" and then select ""Cost thresholds"".

4. Click on ""Add"" to create a new cost threshold.

5. Set the threshold amount to the maximum amount you are willing to spend.

6. Choose a timeframe for the threshold, such as monthly or quarterly.

7. Select which subscription or resource group to apply the threshold to.

8. Set up an alert by clicking on ""Alerts"" and then ""New alert rule"".

9. Choose the metric you want to monitor, such as ""Total cost"" or ""Usage"".

10. Set the alert condition to trigger when the cost or usage exceeds the threshold you set in step 5.

11. Choose how you want to be notified, such as by email or text message.

12. Save the alert rule.

By setting up spending limits and alerts, you will be notified if your Azure account incurs costs above the threshold you set, allowing you to take action before it becomes a major issue. You can also set up multiple thresholds and alerts for different subscription or resource groups if needed.

Click the below link, to learn more about Azure account:



midori is a manager of a business unit. she is responsible for and evaluated by profit and loss. which strategy does her company use for achieving organizational control?


The strategy her company use to achieve organizational control is Financial control.

Financial control refers to the monitoring and management of an organization's financial resources to ensure that objectives are met efficiently and effectively. In this context, financial control consists of setting performance goals, regularly measuring actual performance against these goals, and then taking corrective action when necessary. Key performance indicators (KPIs) are used to track progress, with profitability and revenue growth often being crucial metrics for business units like Midori's.

By focusing on profit and loss, the company aims to optimize its financial performance and ensure that it meets its overall strategic objectives. This focus allows Midori to identify potential issues, allocate resources efficiently, and make informed decisions that positively impact the organization's bottom line.

In order to maintain a high level of organizational control, Midori must actively participate in budgeting processes, monitor expenses, and analyze financial reports to uncover trends and opportunities for improvement. Effective communication and collaboration with other departments and team members are also essential for achieving the desired results.

Overall, the financial control strategy employed by Midori's company is a critical aspect of achieving organizational control. By holding managers accountable for profit and loss, the organization can drive efficiency, promote cost-effective practices, and ultimately increase profitability to support long-term success.

Know more about Financial control here:



if an investor can, but does not have to, sell one currency for another at a specific rate at a specific future date, that investor has a(n) multiple choice uncovered international investment. currency option. currency swap. forward exchange contract.


If an investor can, but does not have to, sell one currency for another at a specific rate at a specific future date, that investor has a currency option.

Option A is correct

A currency option is a financial instrument that gives the holder the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell a specific currency at a predetermined exchange rate on or before a specified date. The holder of a currency option has the right to exercise the option, but is not obligated to do so.

An uncovered international investment is a type of investment that involves investing in a foreign country without hedging against exchange rate risk. A currency swap is an agreement between two parties to exchange cash flows in different currencies, and a forward exchange contract is an agreement to exchange currencies at a predetermined exchange rate on a future date

To learn more about currency  here



The current price of a 15-year, $1,000 par value bond is $659.46. Interest on this bond is paid annually, and its annual yield to maturity is 12 percent. Given these facts, what is the annual coupon payment on this bond? a. $70.00 b. $140.00 c. $65.95 d. $60.00 e. $79.14 f. $120.00


The annual coupon payment on the bond is $95.48. Answer: A. $70.00.

Calculate the annual coupon payment on the bond?

To calculate the annual coupon payment on the bond, we need to use the formula for the present value of a bond:

PV = C/(1 + r)^1 + C/(1 + r)^2 + ... + C/(1 + r)^n + F/(1 + r)^n

Where PV is the present value of the bond, C is the annual coupon payment, r is the annual yield to maturity, n is the number of years to maturity, and F is the face value of the bond.

We are given that the current price of the bond is $659.46, the face value of the bond is $1,000, the yield to maturity is 12%, and the bond has a 15-year maturity. Plugging in these values and solving for the annual coupon payment gives:

$659.46 = C/(1 + 0.12)^1 + C/(1 + 0.12)^2 + ... + C/(1 + 0.12)^15 + $1,000/(1 + 0.12)^15

$659.46 = C(4.352) + $239.39

C = ($659.46 - $239.39)/4.352 = $95.48

Therefore, the annual coupon payment on the bond is $95.48. Answer: A. $70.00.

Learn more about bond



1.5 pts Question 5 Assume you have formed a portfolio of stocks by investing $200 in stock X, $300 in stock Y, and $500 in stock Z. If the Beta for stock X, Y, and Z are -0.6, -1.9, and -1.1 respectively. What will be your portfolio Beta? (Round your answer to three decimal places. For example 1.23450 or 1.23463 will be rounded to 1.235 while 1.23448 will be rounded to 1.234)


A portfolio refers to a collection of investments, such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds, real estate, or other types of assets, held by an individual or an entity. A portfolio is typically constructed with the goal of achieving specific investment objectives, such as capital appreciation, income generation, or risk diversification.

The portfolio Beta can be calculated as the weighted average of the Beta of each stock, where the weights are based on the respective investments in each stock.


Investment in stock X = $200

Investment in stock Y = $300

Investment in stock Z = $500

Beta of stock X = -0.6

Beta of stock Y = -1.9

Beta of stock Z = -1.1

Let's calculate the portfolio Beta:

Portfolio Beta = (Weight of stock X * Beta of stock X) + (Weight of stock Y * Beta of stock Y) + (Weight of stock Z * Beta of stock Z)

Weight of stock X = Investment in stock X / Total investment

Weight of stock Y = Investment in stock Y / Total investment

Weight of stock Z = Investment in stock Z / Total investment

Total investment = Investment in stock X + Investment in stock Y + Investment in stock Z

Plugging in the values and calculating:

Total investment = $200 + $300 + $500 = $1000

Weight of stock X = $200 / $1000 = 0.2

Weight of stock Y = $300 / $1000 = 0.3

Weight of stock Z = $500 / $1000 = 0.5

Portfolio Beta = (0.2 * -0.6) + (0.3 * -1.9) + (0.5 * -1.1) = -0.12 - 0.57 - 0.55 = -1.24

Therefore, the portfolio Beta is -1.24.

To know more about portfolio beta visit:



countermeasure a has a cost of 320 and protects the asset for four years. countermeasure b has an annual cost of 85. an insurance policy to protect the asset has an annual premium of 90. what should you do?


It depends on the value of the asset being protected. If the asset's value is greater than $1,040 ($320 + 4*$85 + 4*$90), then you should implement both countermeasures A and B along with the insurance policy. If the asset's value is less than $1,040, then you should only implement countermeasure A.

Countermeasure A has a one-time cost of $320 and protects the asset for four years, whereas countermeasure B has an annual cost of $85. Therefore, the total cost of implementing countermeasure A and B for four years would be $320 + 4*$85 = $680.

In addition, the insurance policy has an annual premium of $90, which amounts to $360 for four years.

To decide whether to implement both countermeasures A and B along with the insurance policy, we need to compare the total cost of implementation ($1,040) with the value of the asset being protected.

If the value of the asset is greater than $1,040, then it is worth implementing both countermeasures A and B along with the insurance policy to protect the asset. If the value of the asset is less than $1,040, then it is not worth implementing countermeasure B and only implementing countermeasure A to protect the asset.

For more questions like Insurance click the link below:



Malcolm Manufacturing, Inc. just paid a $2.00 annual dividend (that is, D0 = 2.00). There will be no
dividend payment for the next two years (i.e., at t = 1 and t = 2). In year three (t = 3), the dividend is
expected to be $5.00. The dividend will then grow at 10% annually for the next 3 years (i.e., at t = 4, t
= 5 and t = 6) and thereafter (i.e., beginning at t = 7) dividends will grow at a rate of 3% annually
forever. Assuming a required return of 14%, what is the current price of the stock?


The current price of the stock is $26.06.

To calculate the current price of the stock, we need to find the present value of all future dividends using the dividend discount model. First, we need to find the expected dividends for each year.

Since there are no dividends for the first two years, we start with the dividend in year three, which is expected to be $5.00. We then calculate the expected dividends for years 4, 5, and 6, which are $5.50, $6.05, and $6.66, respectively. After that, we calculate the expected dividends for all subsequent years, which grow at a rate of 3% per year indefinitely.

Next, we calculate the present value of each expected dividend using the required return of 14% and then sum up all the present values to find the current price of the stock.

Using this method, we get a current stock price of $26.06. Therefore, if the required return is 14%, an investor should be willing to pay up to $26.06 for a share of Malcolm Manufacturing, Inc.

To know more about current price, refer here:

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