When did former slaves get the right to vote


Answer 1




However, even though the 13th amendment passed, it was usually still really hard to vote as a black man back then, and black women did not have the right to vote in most, if not all places.

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What were the conditions that gave Philip the second more power



How did Philip II ensure absolute power? He ruled by divine right, which gave him religious power, and he also centralized the government so he could control all.  Philip II was a patron of both and founded schools.


How did Charlemagne help spread the Catholic faith across Europe?

by writing Catholic prayers
by building Catholic churches
by destroying non-Catholic places of worship
by forcing people to become Catholic





: 0




before the ice age for land bridge: The Bering land bridge, also called Beringia, connected Siberia and Alaska during the late Ice Age.

during the ice age for land bridge: The Bering Land Bridge formed during the glacial periods of the last 2.5 million years

home before the ice age  may have used caves as shelters.

homes during the ice age:. They had stocky builds, heavy jaws, thick eyebrow ridges, and large noses.

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i dont know if i did it right but hope this helps<3

fill in the blanks with the words in parenthesis

Today, (no nations, few nations) _________________ have a government that is a direct democracy because it is impractical to bring all citizens together for a meeting due to large populations.


Answer:pluralist democracy I think


1. The ___ guaranteed that not even the king was above the law.

a. Constitution. C. House of Burgesses

b. Magna Carta. D. Mayflower Compact



I'm to dumb for this lol




constitution is collectively referred to tge set of laws which are supreme in any country and is followed by the country's citizens including the king and his family as they are also the citizens of the country and they're not above the laws.

Analyze the causes and effects in the rise of a national American identity from 1754 to 1800. plz help


Answer: New movements fueled the American national identity, as well as the rise of individualism, and Enlightenment ideas.


Some examples are acts that occurred, such as the Stamp Act, the Boston Massacre, and the Boston Tea Party. They were causes that led to the rise of individualism and Enlightenment ideas, which then soon led to The Declaration of Independence.

Hope this helps. :3

How did Charlemagne become a rival to the Byzatine
emperors and the Abbasid caliphs?



He proclaimed himself as the Holy Roman Emperor and spread his territory in all directions. While doing that he enter into quarrel with these two countries.


Charlemagne proclaimed himself as an emperor in 800. Until then only rulers of Byzantine Empire had that title in Europe. They didn't accept this, especially as Charlemagne proclaimed himself as the successor of  Roman emperors.

Abbasid caliphs fought with Charlemagne as he tried to take their territory in Spain.

How did the location of Alexandria affect Hellenistic culture?

Its location on the sea made it a cultural crossroads.
Its location close to Greece made it an influential city.
Its location introduced Asian culture to the rest of Europe.
Its location isolated it from other cultures in the empire.



The answer is A Its location on the sea made it a cultural crossroads.



The answer is A. Its location on the sea made it an cultural crossroads.


How did the UN and various countries respond to the genocide in Rwanda?
by sending aid to help the refugees
by sending ambassadors to observe events
O by encouraging the groups to share power
O by supporting the installation of a new president



by sending aid to help the refugees


in order to help those people, UN security councils established The United Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda (UNAMIR) in 1993 which is aimed to provide humanitarian assistance and helped defuse the situation In Rwanda.

But, UNAMIR was considered as a failure.

They failed to defuse the situation and provide the help that they intended to give to the refugees. On top of that, around 27 members of UNAMIR lost their lives during the mission.

The UN and various countries responded to the genocide in Rwanda by sending aid to help the refugees. Thus, Option A is the correct statement.

What do you know about the genocide in Rwanda?

During this period the Rwandan genocide, also known as the genocide against the Tutsi, occurred between 7 April and 15 July 1994.

It was a War of around 100 days, members of the Tutsi minority ethnic group, as well as some moderate Hutu and Twa, were killed by armed militias.

Thus, Option A is the correct statement.

Learn more about in Rwanda genocide here:



The text states "There was very little social mobility during the Middle Ages." What does this phrase mean


Answer: It means there was little chance to move upward in status.

Which of the following best explains some of the powers granted the Congress by the Articles of Confederation?

OCongress could build schools, collect taxes, create a banking system, and create prisons.

O Congress could declare war, make treaties, create a mail delivery system, and print money.

O Congress could build libraries, oversee immigration, enforce religious practices, and require citizens to vote.

OCongress could raise taxes, hire a police force, kill prisoners, and hire spies to learn about America's enemies.



B.) Congress could declare war, make treaties, create a mail delivery system, and print that dolla dolla bill yall





Which social/economic system is pictured above?


where is the picture?

In what 2 ways does the American electoral system tend to promote a two-party system?



How does the electoral system encourage a two-party system? ... voters elect the state party's delegates that will go to their political party's national convention to select the party's candidate.


Why did the Estates General fail to solve France's problems?

Plz help



It's hard to say for sure, but a very likely reason the Estates General failed to restore order to France and prevent the Revolution from continuing is that the Estates General was not very representative of popular opinion, being heavily slanted in favor of the interests of the rich.


When was the Washington State Grange founded and where? Who were some of the original members or founders? PLS PLS PLS ANSWER DUE SOON





5. How did Solon change how Athens was governed?



Solon also released those in debt slavery and banned offering one’s own body or those of family members as security for a loan or rent. In addition, Solon granted amnesty to those who had fled into exile because of their indebtedness. He rejected, however, seizing the great estates of the aristocrats and redistributing their land to the poor.

Next, Solon turned to reforming the government of Athens. He believed there was a "right order" for governing the city. First, he reorganized Athenians into four new classes based on their wealth. Noble birth alone had been the basis of the old aristocracy.

Under Solon’s plan, only members of the two wealthiest classes could become archons or magistrates. For the first time, however, he opened up membership in the assembly to all Athenian citizens, even the poor.

Under Solon’s plan, the assembly chose nine archons and the magistrates by lot each year from the wealthy classes. The assembly also passed laws proposed by the archons.

Thus Solon’s new government was not a democracy controlled by the demos, the majority of the people. Rather, it was an attempt to balance political power among the economic classes.

Solon replaced most of Draco’s code of laws with one less severe and fairer for all. "Laws I wrote, alike for noblemen and commoners, awarding straight justice to everybody," he said in a poem.

Many of Solon’s laws concerned family matters. One prohibited dowries to stop marriages based on economic gain. Marriage, he wrote, should be for "pure love, kind affection, and birth of children." He introduced wills that allowed a person to leave property to anyone instead of only to relatives.

He banned the export of all farm produce except olive oil.

Solon reduced the number of crimes punished by the death penalty. He permitted, however, a husband to kill an adulterer caught in the act. He made penalties for theft heavier if committed at night or in a public place. In addition, he forbade publicly speaking evil of either the living or the dead.

Solon also attempted to make the court system fairer to the lower classes. He made it possible for any citizen to step forward and seek justice for someone legally wronged. Before only the actual victim of wrongdoing could make a complaint. Under the old system, the powerful could easily threaten weak and poor victims to discourage them from complaining.

Most important, Solon gave the assembly, made up of all the classes, the authority to act as an appeals court. This was a check on the power of judges elected by the wealthy classes.

(Sorry for the LOOOONG answer!)


he created new social classes based on wealth instead of birth


he also canceled all debt for enslaved persons

created a new set of laws

gave citizens more rights and powers


Which sentence reflects the theme of "Invictus" by William Ernest Henley?

One must face hardship and pain with resolve and strength.

Sometimes giving up is the smartest choice.

Freedom from suffering makes life more meaningful.

A sense of humor can make even the worst times bearable.



One must face hardship and pain with resolve and strength.


In William Ernest Henley's poem "Invictus", the use of strong and descriptive language and extravagant metaphors help clearly convey the theme of the poem which is to never lose hope no matter the circumstance, and how you control your fate and decide your future.


Freedom from suffering makes life more meaningful.


i do not rember all i remeber is this

one effect European expansion had on the 16th and 17th centuries?



One of the effects the Europeans exceptions had on the 16th and 17th centuries was that they discovered all of the new sea route to India, spices and pepper where broth to Europe by the sea route to India

Which was NOT a reason immigrants came to the U.S.?
Select one:
a. Better Farmland
b. More Factory Jobs
c. Religious Freedom
d. Escape War


B - more factory jobs

The President of the United States during the Desert Storm conflict was which of the following?

A. Ronald Reagaan
B. Bill Clinton
C. Jimmy Carter
D. George H.W. Bush​



D. President George H.W. Bush


The President of the United States during the Desert Storm conflict was

D. George H.W. Bush​

What were Thomas Jefferson's important contributions to America?


Answer: Thomas made an impact in American history due to his contributions he made, some examples of these contributions would be: He made the Declaration of Independence. This was one of his well-known contributions. He was also known to have been in charge and related to the Louisiana Purchase which was from France. He also taught people of his religion which I believe he was a Christian. Jefferson was also the foundation of the University of Virginia due to being a big part of America. I hope this helped you! :3 have a terrific day! Also happy early halloween


Which advanced technology did Europeans not use to travel west to get across the oceans



GPS buddy given if this is about ancient Europeans.


How did the Native weapons change?


Answer: Native weapons changed dramatically as well, creating an arms race among the peoples living in European colonization zones. Indians refashioned European brassware into arrow points and turned axes used for chopping wood into weapons.



Hello Kiri is here!! ^^


Native weapons changed dramatically as well, creating an arms race among the peoples living in European colonization zones. Indians refashioned European brassware into arrow points and turned axes used for chopping wood into weapons. The most prized piece of European weaponry to obtain was a musket, or light, long-barreled European gun.

Hope this helps!

qwq let me know if wrong PLEASE ^^

It’s music someone please help



C) The overall plan.

Explanation: In music, form refers to the structure of a musical composition or performance.


C. Overall Plan

Next time, please put music under the arts section, since it's a form of art.

How do you think people learn stereotypes



we learn stereotypes from parents. People like to, want to, need to categorize the world, both the social and it's a way to feel better about yourself.


People learn stereotypes through society and their beliefs. One main way is through social media. People will force an objective or an intention on someone and then those beliefs will pass on. (For example, body weight, race supremacy, etc.) In order to solve problems like these, we should include everybody in everything, and stop normalizing these ideologies.

Which British Act was most responsible for inciting (encouraging) the colonists' protests? Why?​


The Boston Tea Party was a political protest that occurred on December 16, 1773, at Griffin’s Wharf in Boston, Massachusetts. American colonists, frustrated and angry at Britain for imposing “taxation without representation,” dumped 342 chests of tea, imported by the British East India Company into the harbor. The event was the first major act of defiance to British rule over the colonists. It showed Great Britain that Americans wouldn’t take taxation and tyranny sitting down, and rallied American patriots across the 13 colonies to fight for independence.

Which options demonstrate the idea of federalism?

Select all that apply.


It’s the last one D, hopes this helps

Which Spanish mission was established as a reaction to French explorer La Salle having established Fort Stivate


Yes it it most likely fort saint louis being established

What is one reason the Inca empire was defeated by the Spanish conquistadors? The Inca were fighting a civil war among themselves. The Inca were let down by allies who had promised to help them. The major Incan cities had been destroyed by natural disasters. The Incan armies were smaller than those of the invaders.



The Inca were fighting a civil war among themselves.


The reason the Inca empire was defeated by the Spanish conquistadors was as a result of the Inca fighting a civil war among themselves.

This was as a result of the struggle for leadership after the death of the previous leader. There was tension in the land and it led to them taking advantage of the whole situation.





Democrats warn against “complancy” what do you think that word means?


How and why do storytellers “explode" specific moments in
their stories?
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