When living organisms die, they are broken apart by worms, bacteria, and other organisms to make compost. This process is called decomposition, and it involves some chemical reactions that can take long periods of time to complete. Because gardeners can use compost to fertilize their plants, they often look for ways to increase the rate of decomposition. Which of the following statements is most likely to be accurate?


Answer 1

Answer:The process of decomposition — the breakdown of raw organic materials to a finished compost — is a gradual complex process, one in which both chemical and biological processes must occur in order for organic matter to change into compost.

The decomposition (stabilization) of organic matter by biological action has been taking place in nature since life first appeared on our planet. In recent times, man has attempted to control and directly utilize the process for sanitary recycling and reclamation of organic waste material. Such organic materials as vegetable matter, animal manure and other organic refuse can be converted from otherwise wasted materials to a more stable form for use as a soil amendment by this process. This process is called “composting” and the final product of composting is called “compost”. Generally speaking there are two processes that yield compost:

ANAEROBIC (without oxygen) decomposition.

AEROBIC (with oxygen) decomposition and stabilization.

In these processes, bacteria, fungi, molds, protozoa, actinomycetes, and other saprophytic organisms feed upon decaying organic materials initially, while in the later stages of decomposition mites, millipedes, centipedes, springtails, beetles and earthworms further breakdown and enrich the composting materials. The organisms will vary in the pile due to temperature conditions, but the goal in composting is to create the most favorable environment possible for the desired organisms. Differences between aerobic and anaerobic composting are discussed below.

Explanation:hope i helped you

Related Questions

I’m in my feels and I don’t know how to get outta them, any suggestions?

I’ve tried vibing to my favorite songs ;~;



Try the Jaymes young song


imo lil peep is mid try listening to "17" by X or Old drake songs


R&B is also another

Read each question carefully. Determine the best answer to the question from the four answer choices provided.

The birth of the Prophet Muhammad in A.D. 570 forever shaped Saudi Arabia. Today, many Arabs refer to the era before the introduction and

spread of Islam as "the time of ignorance." Muhammad was born in the city of Mecca into the prominent Quraysh tribe. His life and ministry did

much to unify Arabia. Until the seventh century, the peninsula's tribes fought a destructive series of wars for control of the region. The situation

had changed dramatically by the time of Muhammad's death in A.D. 632. Muhammad, as well as his political successor Abu Bakr, enjoyed the

loyalty of almost all of Arabia. Although the Prophet did not appoint a spiritual successor, the institution of the caliphate emerged and expanded

the Islamic empire.

-Library of Congress

Based on the excerpt, in what way did Islam help unify Arabia?



The answer is below


Based on the excerpt, Islam help unifies Arabia through Muhammed's life and Islamic ministry. His Islamic ministry centers on the teachings from the Quran and his ways of life were recorded in Hadith. In the book of the Quran was the five pillars of Islam, which specifies the foundational rules on how Muslims should live. These five pillars of Islam are Faith (Shahadah), Prayer (Salat), Alms (Zakat),  Fasting (Sawm), and Pilgrimage (Hajj). While the Hadith specifies his words and explanations of his viewpoints of the world.

Hence, the aforementioned Prophet Muhammad's life and ministry serve as a bound that unified the Arabians during and after the death of Prophet Muhammad.

The French interest in the New World centered on:



The French interest in the New World centered on: - Fur trade.


hope it helped

What year was the Hammurabi’s Code Made In



According to the sources we have it was created somewhere around 1754 BC.


Hammurabi was a famous Babylonian ruler from the 18th Century BC. His code is the first known written law in the human history that we know of.

Certain obligation, punishments and codes incorporated in it are pretty harsh, but it was the first try to codify the laws in certain country.


1754 BC


hope this helps

What was one aspect of entertainment during the Gupta Empire?



People were performing music and drama plays.


Gupta was a developed Empire, also when it comes to culture. Rulers such as Chandragupta were allowing culture to develop. Even some of the most famous literature works were created in that period.

They built temples, spread Buddhism, and were regarded even as protectors of culture.




People made music with drums and sttringed instruments! I got it right on my Edge quiz.

how did the magnetic compass help the age of discovery ?

a ) it assisted sailors in finding direction

b ) it helped sailors measure wind speed in the ocean

c ) it helped sailors find the sun, moon, and stars to negative

d ) it made finding ocean currents more efficient


The answer is a. it assisted sailors in finding direction.




hope thise helps

3. What was not true of Native Americans in Louisiana?
A. There were many different distinctive tribes in the region.
B. They were all aggressive towards European explorers.
C. They were good at adapting to their environment.
D. They were strongly tied to the land and nature.
can you help me in this​





I should know my mom told me and she finished with a degree in native american history

Think about cultural or family traditions you would want to take with you if you had to move to another country.
Write a 1 page reflection about these traditions. What if you moved to a place where these traditions were unacceptable or even illegal? How might you feel? Might you try to keep doing them, but secretly?



I would weigh the importance of the traditions against the repercussions of doing them against the law or the consequences of being caught practicing an unacceptable tradition in that country.


A. What if you moved to a place where these traditions were unacceptable or even illegal?

I already live in a country where my religion is wrongly considered unacceptable. I am Wiccan and a lot of people believe that it is the religion of satan just because they:

1. Don't take the time to actually learn about my religion and a lot of people (or a lot of christians) believe that any religion besides there own is wrong and that pagans, especially Wiccans like myself, must be worshipping the devil. I still practice my religion in a discreet and private manner.

2. They believe that their own religion is the only one that could possibly be right, and force their beliefs on other people.

I live in a country where my religion is not all that visible but to those that know about it or think they know (because they read articles about it that basically say what they want to hear about Wicca) disriminate against us.

I believe that my religion is very importent to me so I still practice it even if it is socially unacceptable because of the misconsceptions about it. In the US the reprecussions aren't all that bad, mainly just annoying right now. As I get older (Im in highschool right now) I could be discriminated against if I openly admit my religion. For example I could be refused a job or other such injustices because of my religion. I don't usually talk about my religion in public for such reasons.

B. How might you feel?

In the United States of America we have Religious Freedom but we also have the Freedom of speech which makes it so that we can practice whatever religion we want as long as we don't hurt anybody or break any laws and adamant christians can still ruin a special celebratory ritual that we are holding in a park (we just need to be closer to nature for some of them and we aren't hurting anybody) by loudly protesting "the religion of demons" and "unholy practices".

We don't barge into your churches and protest during your mass, do we? So just leave us be. I feel attacked for abiding the law and making use of my rights as a US citizen.

C. Might you try to keep doing them, but secretly?

Most Wiccans, like myself, try to keep our rituals private and out of the public eye or view because:

1. Some of the rituals are rather personal and private so we keep them to ourselves.

2. Rude people interrupt our practices sometimes when we do them where people of other religions can view them.

Claim 1: The sun (solar cells) is the best energy source for the rescue team.
Claim 2: Human-powered generators are the best energy source for the rescue team.
and why



Claim 2: Human-powered generators are the best energy source for the rescue team.


Given the following evidence:

1. Rescue mission take place in day and night and as well in a different environment, which could be rainy or cloudy

2. Solar cells that transfer energy from the sun to a battery only capable when the sun is shining.

Hence, solar cells or the sun are not reliable in all situations.

However, given that Human-powered generators can be used to transfer energy into a battery at any time (rainy or sunny, night or day) someone is there to turn the crank.

Hence, it can be concluded that Human-Powered generators are the most reliable and the best for rescue missions or teams.

who was at the Congress of Vienna and what did they do?​



Vienna, Congress of. Vienna, Congress of an international conference held 1814–15 to agree on the settlement of Europe after the Napoleonic Wars. Attended by all the major European powers, it was dominated by Prussia, Russia, Britain, Austria, and France.

Explanation: have a good day

What landforms are created by wave erosion and deposition?



Wave erosion and depositionn can create unique landforms, such as wave-cut cliffs, sea arches, and sea stacks.


Hope this helps.


platforms, arches, and sea stacks

1. As the story begins, the author says that more than a billion pencils

are made each year. How many people does the author say actually

know how to make a pencil?



Not a single person.


In the essay "I, Pencil" by Leonard E. Read, the author says that though about one and one-half billion pencils are produced in US alone each year, he says that not a single person in the whole earth knows how to actually make a pencil.

The author says that the economy of the country could never be systematically planned when not even a single person possesses the skills to even make a pencil. The writer uses the word 'pencil' to represent the most simplest tool yet how no one actually has the skills to make one in the country.

how many people today have access to the internet?​



millions/billions/AND more

of people


An estimated 3.2 billion people are now online


What was the main reason that the Aztecs became very powerful in the fifteenth century?

A. They controlled the commercial trade in a vast area.

B. They created new products to trade with other groups.

C. They controlled the routes used to trade with the Spanish.

D. They imported new trade goods from the Europeans.





Because after doing the lesson I think that that A. makes the most sense. Hope I helped :)

In international trade, an exchange rate is __________.
a way to record a nation’s imports and exports
an agreement between nations to reduce trade barriers
a chart for keeping track of prices on a stock exchange
a number that is used to show the value of one currency compared to anothe



Well l think the answer is C


im pretty sure its b Hope this helps:)


A term used to describe the continents of Africa and Europe and Asia in the eastern hemisphere???
A:Old world
B:Middle world
C:New world
D:North world​



Im pretty sure its b because if you look at a map, that is the middle.

hope this helps

Which of the following is the easiest way to provide a constant reminder of safety information to workers?

showing workers a video immediately after hire

telling workers regularly about ways to handle emergencies

displaying posters and flyers for workers to read

giving workers a detailed handbook to read



displaying posters and flyers for workers to read


i got it right on the test

Answer:  The correct answer is displaying posters and flyers for workers to read

Explanation:  This answer has been confirmed correct.

Which of the following choices has the most political power in Canada?


send the rest my way and i can help!!

Select the correct location on the map. Identify the island that Rome won in the First Punic war​



Sicily (center)


Answer: Sicily

Explanation: I took the test

How was the Yellow River important to the development of early Chinese settlements?

The Yellow River provided fertile farmland.
The Yellow River provided protection against invaders.
The Yellow River allowed settlements to have room to grow.
The Yellow River allowed settlers to use the river to conquer nearby areas.



I am quite sure it is B


Fertile farmland I think was wrong for me so the only other one that made sense was B sorry if  im


The Yellow River was important to the development of early Chinese settlements because the Yellow River provided fertile farmland.

What was the importance of Yellow River in Chinese civilization?

The Yellow River, which is normally a source of rich agricultural soil and irrigation water, has turned into a raging flood more than 1,500 times in recorded history, sweeping entire villages away.

The Xia Kingdom governed central China for centuries, united behind strong kings and able to produce plentiful harvests since Yellow River floods no longer ruined their fields as frequently.

Thus, option A, the Yellow River provided fertile farmland is the correct option for the chines settlement.

Learn more about the yellow river here:


why did slavery develop in the colonies?

90% summative
must be essay format




As British colonists became convinced that Africans best served their demand for labor, importation increased. By the turn of the eighteenth century AFRICAN SLAVES numbered in the tens of thousands in the British colonies. Before the first shots are fired at Lexington and Concord, they totaled in the hundreds of thousands. The cries for liberty by the colonial leaders that were to follow turned out to be merely white cries. In the first decades of European settlement in America, the physical labor of establishing homes, agriculture, and commerce was carried out by "bound" laborers—that is unpaid workers who were owned by ("bound" to) a "master" who controlled not only their labor, but also all other aspects of their lives. These workers were "indentured servants" from Europe, who were freed after some years of service, or indigenous native Americans (who often knew how to escape into areas where European "masters" could not find them), or by laborers bought in Africa and stranded in America, unable to return to their homes, and easily identifiable by their dark skins. Sometimes African workers were treated like indentured servants, and freed after some years of service. But after 1690, the status of slavery hardened: bound labor, based on race, became a lifetime sentence, inherited from generation to generation.

True or False: In a parliamentary democracy all three brances of
government answer to the same body.




in a parliametry type of government all the three bodies of the governemnet are answerable to the judiciary but the judiciary also can be questioned by the public and by others if malpracticed.

what is the first permanent English settlement in North america was called..:

A. New York

B. Quebec

C. Jamestown

D. Washington



Jamestown Virginia !!!!!!!




Jamestown was the first permanent English settlement. Learned about that a little bit ago

examples of rational truths


the statement: ''Slavery is wrong'' is an example of an ethical truth, which makes it a rational belief.
I like to say that it’s a truth that makes a lot of sense for it to be that.

What was the relationship between African-Americans gaining freedom and their involvement in military service?


Black soldiers hoped that their military service would serve as a powerful claim to equal citizenship for African Americans. When they came home, however, they encountered fierce resistance from white supremacists determined to reassert the prewar racial order.

What lesson does the story of Naomi and Ruth teach in the Jewish faith?
A) It explains the importance of becoming a prophet.
B) It demonstrates the need for men to become rabbis.
C) It shows the importance of passing on Jewish practices.
D) It provides the reasons for building temples for worship.


C)it shows the importance of passing on Jewish practices


C I'm taking the test right now and need answers!


anyone pls do answer these asap!!!!​will mark brainliest
1. You want to buy a car. You could take the bus (it’s cheaper) but you really want a car. You take out a loan to buy it. Is this good debt, bad debt or ugly debt? Why?

2. You want to buy a car so you can get a job as a delivery person. You take out a loan to buy it. Is this good debt, bad debt or ugly debt? Why?

3. You love shoes. You open a store credit card and buy $700 worth of new shoes. Then you realise you can’t make the minimum payments, they’re higher than you expected. Is this good debt, bad debt or ugly debt? Why?

4. You want a pony. You have always wanted a pony. You can buy a pony for $1000. You don’t have $1000 right now, but you can get a credit card to buy the pony with. Is this good debt, bad debt, or ugly debt? Why?

5. Ok, you want a pony, and it will cost you $1000. You don’t have $1000 right now, but you do have a business plan to giving pony rides to the kids in the neighbourhood, and your bank might lend you $1000 to start a business if you have a good plan. Is this a good debt, bad debt or ugly debt? Why?



1.) Ugly debt, taking out a loan to buy something that's deprecating to your funds, responsibilities of being a car owner it can snowball you into a financial hole.

2.)Good debt, taking out a loan as an investment in the hopes of creating wealth with the job.

3.) Ugly debt, already in debt, you have to deprecate yourself financially by making shoe, lol, payments over time which reaps you nothing but more debt.

4.)Bad debt, something you buy that does nothing but hurt your funds. The pony alone is a horrible purchase.

5.) Good debt, investing in something that will create wealth in the future. Think student loan debt.


These "official" defintions will help you in the future recognizing these financial burdens.  In my opinion, all debt is bad debt.  

Debt is tricky. Though it’s an extremely useful financial tool many people depend on, it can be very dangerous when used improperly or carelessly. Here’s a quick rundown of the different roles debt can take on:

The (Sort Of) Good

Many responsible people use debt to acquire big-ticket items they need today, but that cost too much to pay for all at once. The vast majority of the population couldn’t afford a college education, vehicle, or home without financing them.

The Bad

Credit cards or other forms of borrowing can make it easy to forget that you’re playing with real money. It can cause people to buy things they don’t really need or make purchases they can’t really afford. Don’t take on debt without giving it some serious thought first.

The Ugly

Debt has a way of spiraling out of control—fast. Before you know it, your payments can total more than you can comfortably pay and there’s no end in sight. Think a payday loan might fix the problem? Think again. These “short-term,” high-rate loans are the very definition of ugly. Avoid them at all costs.

Which reason for European colonization did John Cotton identify in this sermon?



To abolish the practice of slavery


2. The first attempt to establish a successful fur trade did not go well. True False



true because there wasn't enough capital back then if i fail i am sorry

I think it’s true, hope this helps

Who was the first communist leader of Russia?

plz help me plz



it Lenin =)


Other Questions
A journalist interviews 123 people after they leave a restaurant and asks them how confident they are that the food is safe. Even through the United States is traditionally viewed as a market economy, what role does the government have in the economy?A. The government is in charge of setting the prices within the economy. B. The government is in charge of the taxing and spending of the government. C. The government has no role within the market economy of the United States. D. The government is to make sure that there is fairness and equity within all markets of the economy. LITERAL EQUATIONS: A literal equation is one consisting of all letters (or at least mostly letters). The Latin word literalis means "of or belonging to letters or writing," giving the term literal equations its meaning. We can solve literal equations the same way we solve any other equation. We just need to be told which variable (letter) we are solving for. To solve a - 2 = 5 for a, we would add two to each side of the equation. To solve b - r = z for b, we would add r to each side of the equation. What would the resulting solution be ? b = z - r z = b - r r = b - z b = r + z is this a relation or a function explain your answer Was the united states justified in sending troops to the ro grande? Why or why not I NEED HELP ASAP IM ON TIMER In a totalitarian state, what is the main function of the secret police?to protect compliant citizens from those who arent compliantto instill terror and fear so citizens will follow government policiesto investigate countries that would work to overthrow the governmentto torture, imprison, or execute people after criminal charges or trial Delia organised the same event last year . this year conference had a 12% increase in attendance compared to last year. 1071 people attended this year . how many attended last year? 4.If someone tells you that you should never drink and drive, and then you hear the next day that they got charged for Driving While Intoxicated, then you know that person is an example of ___________________. a. Hypocrisy b. Satire c. Sarcasm d. Irony Many people visit Chicago. They want to see the buildings. Some buildings are very old. Some are new. There is one building that everyone wants to see. It is the Willis Tower. This is the biggest building in the United States. It has 110 stories! Many people visit it each year.Do It!The building is _________.Press enter to interact with the item, and press tab button or down arrow until reaching the Submit button once the item is selectedA darkB coldC redD tall Julie earned $130 one week and $125.50 the next week. After depositing these amounts in her account, she had a total of $335. How much was already in her account before she deposited the $130 and $125.50? what is a love in first time Aney one tell me Which of the following describes thecytoskeleton?A. a web of proteins that gives shape andsupport to the cellB. a membrane-bound organelle that containsgenetic materialC. the outer covering of a cell that separates itfrom the environmentD. the structure that contains the informationabout how to make a cell's proteins Can you please simplify c5 x c 1. How does the author's physical description of Zaroff reflect his role as theantagonist of the story? PLEASE HELP For spirit week at a local high school, students were encouraged to wear their school colors of green and white. 1,200 students wore their school colors while 300 students did not wear green and white. What percent of the school population did NOT wear their school colors?Here are the answer choices A. 15% B. 20% C. 25% D. 33% How long will it take for 500.0g of radium decay to 2.0g what happens to a ballot once you cast your vote? nWhat is the narrator's father's first and only Christmas present to his family?A a bookB. a turkeyC. a half-eaten box of chocolatesD. used boots and coatsE. new bedsPlease select the best answer from the choices provided A baker makes 51 loaves of bread in 8 1/2 hours. What is the unit rate for the number of loaves in one hour. I need a answer pleaseee try to steal points and i ll report you and get you banned but if you tried your ok