when the principal entered the class with a frightening scowl


Answer 1

When the top entered the classroom with an alarmed mow, the room was filled with blaring silence. In this judgment, blaring silence is an oxymoron.

An oxymoron expression is a gathering of words that contains words that are tone- going against veritably much like in the judgment above" stunning quiet" which then implies that the quietness is such a lot of strength as the sound that's stunning. These jotting biases are employed to expand the effect of the words portrayed to ameliorate the consideration of the genuine subject.

For case, the pie you shoot history was'' terribly astonishing'' then outrageously astounding means it was dreadful until it might have been astounding.

Learn more about frightening scowl:



This question is not complete , here I am attaching the complete question:

When the principal entered the classroom with a frightened scowl, the room was filled with deafening silence?

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Who led the first journey to sail all the way around the world but died before his crew went on to complete it?


Ferdinand Magellan set sail with five ships from Spain in 1519 to discover a western route to the Moluccas. Magellan died before he could get to his destination, despite battling storms, mutinies, and the unknown. After circumnavigating the globe, one ship ultimately returned to Spain.

Ferdinand Magellan started a historic journey to circumnavigate the globe five hundred years ago. Isn't it easy? Actually, there is a contradiction between the explorer and his journey. Despite being Portuguese, Magellan sailed for Spain. Despite being a formidable captain, he was despised by his crew. Although his expedition was the first to sail around the world, he did not complete the task on his own. Even Magellan was not his name. a beaded man with a dark red hat. Like Christopher Columbus before him, the Portuguese navigator Ferdinand Magellan proposed reaching Asia and the Moluccas. Despite this, it is clear that the 1519 expedition led by Ferdinand Magellan changed the course of history. In his book Over the Edge of the World, historian Laurence Bergreen describes his journey as "the greatest sea voyage ever undertaken, and the most significant." Magellan's terrifying global circumnavigation. That is not exaggeration. Magellan, brutal, belligerent, and brave, transformed a business trip into a nerve-wracking showdown with a vast world that few Europeans could have imagined. His fellow travelers had the hunch at the outset of his journey that it was

To know more about Ferdinand Magellan visit



Martin Luther King earned his Ph.d. in systematic theology from what university?


Boston University, Martin Luther King, Jr. went on to complete his doctoral studies in systematic theology at the graduate school of Boston University after graduating from Crozer Theological Seminary in 1951.

Martin Luther King, Jr. went on to complete his doctoral studies in systematic theology at Boston University's graduate school after graduating from Crozer Theological Seminary in 1951. King's growing interest in personalism, a philosophy that emphasizes the necessity of personal religious experience in understanding God, influenced his desire to attend Boston University. Edgar S. Brightman and L. Harold DeWolf, two of the nation's leading personalist theologians, taught at Boston University and contributed to the development of King's theory. In his graduate application, King mentioned that Crozer professor and Boston University alum Raymond Bean's "great influence over me has turned my eyes toward his former school" (Papers 1:390). King was primarily guided by Brightman and DeWolf at Boston University. King also took classes on the history of philosophy, studying the writings of Reinhold Niebuhr, Alfred North Whitehead, Plato, and Hegel, to broaden his knowledge. King's dissertation, titled "A Comparison of the Conceptions of God in the Thinking of Paul Tillich and Henry Nelson Wieman," was the culmination of his time at Boston University. King was interested in Tillich and Wieman's denial of both the personality of God and the possibility of personal knowledge of God, despite the fact that he had not studied them before. This was very different from his earlier studies of personalism.

To know more about Boston University visit



who created the phase “no taxation without representation”



Patrick Henry wrote the Virginia Resolves, which clearly laid out the “taxation without representation” argument


according to armstrong, what was one of the major innovations of islam within the context of 7th-century arabian society?


One of the major innovations of Islam within the 7th-century Arabian society was the introduction of a new social order based on equality and justice. Islam brought a new emphasis on individual responsibility and accountability.

It also brought  an emphasis on communal solidarity and cohesion. It also provided a system of laws and regulations that protected the rights of individuals and provided them with legal recourse if their rights were violated.

Additionally, Islam provided a strong sense of identity, belonging, and purpose to its adherents, which gave them a sense of security and stability in their lives. Islam also introduced a new concept of divine justice and mercy, which put an end to the cruel and arbitrary punishments meted out by the pre-Islamic tribal system.

Finally, Islam provided a system of ethics and morality that guided the behavior of its followers and created a foundation for a just and equitable society.

To know more about Islam  refer to the link brainly.com/question/29724916


which european country relied on powerful corporations for colonization? england spain france holland


They are all connected by oceanic ridges where fresh ocean bottom is produced and stretches apart holland.

Not all of them are near the tectonic plate boundaries. The Mid Indian Ocean Ridge and the Atlantic Mod Ocean Ridge are not near the edges of tectonic plates. Oceanic or ridges might not be precisely at the center of a tectonic plate. They CREATE the tectonic forces to which even some or a portion of the ocean is subject.

A global network of low mountains with lines of volcanic activity running along their crests is almost fully submerged under the water. The mid-ocean ridges were given a prominent place in the new theory of plate tectonics immediately after colonization their global extent was realized in the middle of the 20th century.

To know more about european on



I need an answer as soon as possible, please ^^"
Describe the historical context surrounding documents 1 and 2

Analyze Document 2 and explain how audience, purpose, bias, or point of view affects this document’s use as a reliable source of evidence


The historical context surrounding documents 1 and 2 is the forced relocation of Native American tribes in the United States in the 19th century, also known as the Indian Removal Era. Document 1, the Indian Removal Act of 1830, was passed by Congress and signed into law by President Andrew Jackson.

This law authorized the president to negotiate treaties with Native American tribes in the southeastern United States to exchange their lands for territory west of the Mississippi River. Document 2 is an excerpt from a speech by Major Ridge, a Cherokee leader, given to his fellow Cherokees in support of the 1835 Treaty of New Echota. This treaty, which was negotiated by Major Ridge and his son John, would have ceded traditional Cherokee lands in the Southeast to the U.S. Government and resulted in the forced removal of the Cherokee people.

Document 2 is a primary source and is valuable in understanding the perspective of the Cherokees during this period of history. However, the document is also subject to bias and point of view. Major Ridge was a leader among the Cherokees, but his perspective and opinions did not necessarily reflect those of the entire tribe. He and his son John negotiated the Treaty of New Echota without the support of most of the Cherokee people, so the document can be seen as representing a minority point of view.

What is the Document 2 about?

The document reflects the pressure and coercion that the Cherokee people were facing from the U.S. Government at the time. The document also reveals that Major Ridge was aware of the difficult situation that the Cherokees were in, and the audience of the speech were his fellow Cherokees, and the purpose of the speech was to convince them to sign the treaty.

In conclusion, Document 2 is a valuable primary source for understanding the perspective of a minority of the Cherokee people during the Indian Removal Era. However, it is important to consider the bias and point of view of the author and the context in which it was written when evaluating its reliability as a source of evidence.

Learn more about  exchange of lands from


See transcribed text below

Document 1

An Act to provide for an exchange of lands with the Indians residing in any of the states or territories, and for their removal west of the river Mississippi.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That it shall and may be lawful for the President of the United States to cause so much of any territory belonging to the United States, west of the river Mississippi, not included in any state or organized territory, and to which the Indian title has been extinguished [ended], as he may judge necessary, to be divided into a suitable number of districts, for the reception of such tribes or nations of Indians as may choose to exchange the lands where they now reside, and remove there; and to cause each of said districts to be so described by natural or artificial marks, as to be easily distinguished from every other....

Source: Excerpt from the Indian Removal Act of 1830, passed by

Congress and signed into law by Andrew Jackson on May 28.


Document 2

This excerpt is from a speech by Major Ridge to his fellow Cherokees in support of the 1835 Treaty of New Echota. Major Ridge and his son John were Cherokee leaders who negotiated the Treaty of New Echota with the U.S. Government to leave traditional Cherokee lands in the Southeast without the support of most Cherokee people.

I am one of the native sons of these wild woods. I have hunted the deer and turkey here, more than fifty years. I have fought your battles, have defended your truth and honesty, and fair trading. The Georgians have shown a grasping spirit lately; they have extended their laws, to which we are unaccustomed, which harass our braves and make the children suffer and cry. I know the Indians have an older title than theirs. We obtained the land from the living God above. They got their title from the British. Yet they are strong and we are weak. We are few, they are many. We cannot remain here in safety and comfort. I know we love the graves of our fathers. We can never forget these homes, but an unbending, iron necessity tells us we must leave them. I would willingly die to preserve them, but any forcible effort to keep them will cost us our lands, our lives and the lives of our children. There is but one path of safety, one road to future existence as a

Nation. That path is open before you. Make a treaty of cession. Give up these lands and go over beyond the great Father of Waters.

Source: Quoted in John Ehle, Trail of Tears: The Rise and Fall of the Cherokee Nation, (New York: Doubleday, 1988).

Describe the historical context surrounding documents 1 and 2

Analyze Document 2 and explain how audience, purpose, bias, or point of view affects this document’s use as a reliable source of evidence

how did mcculloch v. maryland help define state and federal powers?


This decision established that the Constitution's intended goal of creating a powerful national government was achieved and that states cannot interfere with the authority granted to the federal government.

The court ruled that states lacked the authority to tax the federal government and that the federal government had the right and authority to establish a federal bank. The Federal Government won the case, and Marshall came to the conclusion that "the power to tax implies the right to destroy."

In the McCulloch v. Maryland decision, the Supreme Court ruled that Congress had the authority to create a national bank and that a state (in this case, Maryland) did not have the authority to impose taxes on parts of the federal government that are using constitutionally authorised authorities.

For more questions on McCulloch v. Maryland decision



McCulloch v. Maryland helped define state and federal powers by establishing the principle of federal supremacy.

In this case, the Supreme Court ruled that states could not tax federal institutions such as the Second Bank of the United States, which was chartered by Congress.

The Court held that Congress had the power to create the bank under the "Necessary and Proper Clause" of the Constitution, which gives Congress the authority to pass laws "necessary and proper" to carry out its other constitutional powers.

This ruling established that the federal government's powers were not limited to those explicitly enumerated in the Constitution, but also included implied powers necessary to carry out its responsibilities.

To learn more about McCulloch v. Maryland



what role did town meetings play in the new england colonies during the period of salutary neglect?


These neighborhood gatherings and town meetings played a bigger significance during the Salutary Neglect era. During the Glorious Revolution, the English government began to reduce its political control over the colonies during this time, as long as England continued to get the economic benefits.

By negotiating with non-British entities, the American colonies were able to prosper and spend their money on British-made goods while also giving Britain access to raw materials for manufacturing. The British government played a smaller role in overseeing the American colonies during this time. Inadvertently fueling the American Revolution was the British government's policy of benevolent neglect of the American colonies.

To know more about Salutary Neglect:




A. They allowed colonists to vote directly on important issues.


A. They allowed colonists to vote directly on important issues.

B. Colonists accused of crimes were tried before British representatives.

C. Royal governors issued new decrees and laws at the meetings.

D. The Sons of Liberty used them to plan the American Revolution.

Using the drop-down menus, choose the right government service to complete each sentence.

Providing a free public education for all children is an example of supporting

Fighting fires is one way in which the government ensures
for citizens.

Building roads and power systems are ways the government provides


Choose the right government service to complete each sentence.

Providing free public education for all children is an example of support is Public Welfare

Fighting fires is one way in which the government ensures citizens are Public Safety

Building roads and power systems are ways the government provides is Public Works

What is a government?

A government, the political system by which a country or community is administered and regulated. The most of the key words commonly used to describe governments are monarchy, oligarchy, and democracy.

A government is a system of order for a nation, state, or another political unit. A government is responsible for creating and enforcing the rules of a society, defense, foreign affairs, the economy, and public services.

The government providing, free public education for all children is an example of support is Public Welfare

Learn more about government here:



What was the relationship of the shogun to the emperor throughout the Tokugawa period?

1. He was prime minister and second in command.
2. The shogun was the real leader and the emperor was ceremonial
3. The shogun remained isolated in a palace while the emperor ruled.
4. The shogunate was dissolved by the emperor during this period.


Answer: Its numbah 2

Explanation:During the Tokugawa period (1603-1867), the shogun held the highest military and political power in Japan, while the emperor's role was mainly ceremonial. The shogunate, or the military government headed by the shogun, controlled the country, while the emperor was a figurehead with limited power. The shogunate maintained strict control over the daimyos, powerful regional lords, and used a complex system of social classes and government bureaucracy to govern the country. The emperor remained in the imperial capital of Kyoto and had little practical power or influence over the shogunate's decisions.

This is just an answer to a question I couldnt find here. You can claim the points any answer works for me :)

What was the state of the war in Europe in 1943?

A. The Axis powers had turned the tide of the war in their favor.

B. The Allies had turned the tide of the war in their favor.

C. The Allies had forced a German surrender and were moving against Italy.

D. The Axis powers had forced a Soviet surrender and were moving against France.



The United States stayed out of the war when it first started in 1914. The fall of Germany, Austria-Hungary, Russia, and Turkey was influenced by World War I.

History records that the World War I (WWI), which lasted from 1914 through 1918, was sparked by the murder of Archduke Franz Ferdinand at the Saravejo on June 28, 1914. Some historians, however, contend that his passing was only one of the causes of the war. They said that tension had been building in Europe for years due to alliances between European countries, including the Ottoman Empire, Russia, and other parties, as well as the instability in the Balkans, which threatened to undermine the existing agreements. Only the murder of Franz Ferdinand began a swiftly spiraling series of events that began with Austria-Hungary preparing for war. The fall of Germany, Austria-Hungary, Russia, and Turkey was influenced by World War I.

Learn more about World War I here:



1. How did aspects of compliance relate to Zimbardo's experiment?


Aspects of compliance relate to Zimbardo's experiment because even if the social role goes against their moral values, people readily submit to it.

How does Zimbardo's experiment relate to various facets of conformity?

Zimbardo came to the conclusion that despite the social roles conflicting with their moral principles, people readily comply to them. Furthermore, given that none of the subjects had ever previously displayed these behaviours, he came to the conclusion that situational conditions were mostly to blame for the behaviour observed.

What kind of conformance did Zimbardo's experiment employ?

According to Zimbardo, the Stanford Prison Experiment heavily relied on both informational and normative conformity. High levels of ambiguity and uncertainty frequently result in informative conformity.

Know more about Zimbardo's experiment- brainly.com/question/29344514


is that 90s show filmed in front of a live audience


Between February 7 and July 21, 2022, a live studio audience was used to record the show at Sunset Bronson Studios in Los Angeles.

In February 2022, the cast was expanded to include Callie Haverda, Ashley Aufderheide, Mace Coronel, Maxwell Acee Donovan, Reyn Doi, and Sam Morelos as series regulars. Shows like Saturday Night Live and dialogue programs like The Talk and The View can be seen live. In addition to including a few Packers references, the 10-episode Netflix prequel to the popular sitcom "That 70s Show," "That '90s Show," also accurately pinpointed the location of the fictional Wisconsin town of Point Place, where the show's events take place in the summer of 1995. A writer should always be conscious of his audience, or the types of people who will read his writings and how they will be received by the general public, whether the writer hopes to influence his time and society or simply gain celebrity.

Learn more about Live studio audience here:



felt their grievances were not
addressed. As a result, their desire to
become independent from Great Britain
was growing stronger.
A. People in the American colonies
B. Many of the British citizens
C. Many of the Red Coats


A. People in the American colonies felt their grievances were not addressed. As a result, their desire to become independent from Great Britain was growing stronger.

Why did the American colonies want independence ?

Many of the colonists were angry because they had no kind of self-government. The implication was that they were powerless to rule themselves and make their own rules. They were have to pay hefty taxes, the king said. They felt their taxes were being paid to an unrepresentative government.

The American colonists thought their protests had gone unheard. As a result, they were growing more eager to leave Great Britain and this was what led to the American Revolution which would engulf the colonies.

Find out more on American colonies at https://brainly.com/question/14710101


Which type of rhetorical appeal does Garrison use in this excerpt?



Answer: Pathos


How were the transportation of goods, resources, and ideas improved by the creations of James Watt, Robert Fulton, and Robert Stephenson?



Watt introduced a design enhancement, the separate condenser, which avoided this waste of energy and radically improved the power, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness of steam engines.


Eventually, he adapted his engine to produce rotary motion, greatly broadening its use beyond pumping water.

Some dismiss the story as a myth, but James Watt went on to carry out many laboratory experiments using a kettle as a boiler to generate steam. His improvements to the steam engine sparked the Industrial Revolution, altered economies and laid the tracks for seismic social change.

Robert Fulton designed and operated the world's first commercially successful steamboat. Fulton's Clermont made its historic first run in August 1807 on the Hudson River.However, Fulton did invent the first commercially successful steamboat and brought the technology of steam power to the rivers of the United States. Fulton's steam boats helped to power the Industrial Revolution by moving goods and people throughout the United States during the 1800s.

When he returned his father was building the Liverpool and Manchester Railway, and Robert developed the steam locomotive Rocket that won the Rainhill Trials in 1829.His expertise in both civil and mechanical engineering established the concept of the railway which developed in this country, and was then exported to the world. Robert Stephenson, the only son of George Stephenson was born on 16 October 1803.


Harburg was relieved when the crash occurred because:____.a. it allowed him to become a man of leisure who did not have to work anymore. b. it forced him out of his comfort zone and into a brand new environment. c. it was easier to write songs about the depression than about prosperity. d. it gave him the opportunity to develop and profit from his creativity.


Harburg was relieved when the accident happened because it freed him from having to work and made him a man of leisure. It also forced him out of his comfort zone and into a new environment, making it easier to write songs about the Depression than about prosperity.

E.Y. Harburg, full name Edgar Yipsel Harburg, was a U.S. lyricist, producer, and director. He was born on April 8, 1896/98, in New York, New York, and died on March 5, 1981, in Hollywood, California. Together with Ira Gershwin, Yip" Harburg attended the City College of New York. He devoted himself to Broadway songwriting after his electrical appliance business went bankrupt in 1929, composing songs like "Brother, Can You Spare a Dime?" ( alongside Jay Gorney). From 1935 on, Harburg and Harold Arlen wrote songs for a lot of movies, including "The Wizard of Oz." Harburg returned to Broadway to write musicals, most notably Finian's Rainbow (1947;) after being banned from films for his political views. with Lane Burton). Over the Rainbow, "April in Paris," and "It's Only a Paper Moon" are among his most well-known songs.

To know more Harburg visit



1. Which of the following best describes the causes of World War I?
A. Germany controlled most the of economic trade in Europe and would not allow
countries like France and Great Britain to expand their economies.
B. Intense national rivalries between powers exploded after the assassination of a
key political figure.
C. The European powers had openly fought with their militaries over control of a
number of overseas colonies, including China.

D. The interests of the United States as a growing imperial power were threatened,
so the U.S. signed a treaty of alliance with Great Britain.





I think it's A because of the other world wars. Most world wars started because of Germany

why did the revolutionary state constitutions place a heavy emphasis on separation of powers? (select all answer choices that apply)


The founders of the Revolutionary States placed such an emphasis on the separation of powers in their constitutions because they had learned from:

British rule to distrust governments that were dominated by either the executive or the judiciary. It was also seen as essential to ensure the preservation of liberty.

In order to protect and promote individual freedom, the founders of the Revolutionary States believed it was necessary to limit the power of government and to ensure that no one branch of government could gain too much control.

The separation of powers was seen as a key way to ensure that different branches of the government could check and balance each other, preventing any one branch from becoming too powerful. This would help to ensure that the government was more accountable and responsive to the people it was meant to serve.

Learn more about the revolutionary state constitutions:



Complete question:

Why did the revolutionary state constitutions place a heavy emphasis on separation of powers?

-British rule had taught them to disdain government that is dominated by the executive and/or judicial branches-It was viewed as necessary for preserving liberty.

The Tang Dynasty implemented a system where promotion in government was
determined by one's ability and efforts. This is an example of ...
a. nationalism
b. meritocracy
c. absolutism
d. democracy


The Tang Dynasty implemented a system where promotion in government was determined by one's ability and efforts. This is an example of meritocracy. Option B

What is meritocracy?

Generally, The term "meritocracy" refers to a social system in which employment and salaries are determined not by an individual's social standing but rather by their abilities and accomplishments.

A "meritocracy" is a system that is used in governmental and other administrative systems in which development within the system is contingent on "merits," such as performance, intellect, credentials, and education. The term "meritocracy" was used in the 19th century. Evaluations and exams are often used as methods for determining this.

Read more about meritocracy



According to declaration , whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to do what? ( Own words)


The right of the people to alter or abolish it and institute new government.

What does the Declaration of Independence say about abolishing government?

The Declaration of Independence does not explicitly address abolishing government; however, it does state that governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed and that it is the right of the people to alter or abolish them if they become destructive of the ends for which they were established.

People to alter or abolish it and institute new government laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. This is justified by the fact that the people have the right to self-determination and to choose a form of government that best meets their needs and suits their values. A government should serve the interests of the people, not just those of a few. If the government does not adequately serve the interests of the people, then it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it and create a new government that will better serve them.

Therefore, alter or abolish it and institute new government is the right of the people

To learn more about Declaration of Independence from the link



which level of government has the greatest level of responsibility for providing trash, police, and fire protection services for its residents?


The Municipal Government  has the greatest level of responsibility for providing trash, police, and fire protection services for its residents. Thus, option C is correct.

Municipal government is described as the administration of organised population centres such as cities, and in most cases, this correlates to the census's geographic location.

A municipal government is the name for the administration of a city, town, or hamlet. Local services, such as fire protection, city streets, and recreational facilities, are under the control of this level of government (parks and community centres).

Along with the fire, they are in charge of providing the trash service, the police, and the upkeep of the house.

The complete question is-

Which level of government has the greatest level of responsibility for providing trash, police, and fire protection services for its residents?

Question options:

A) state B) federal C) municipal D) district

To know more about Government, click here:



initially set up as a spanish military post in 1776, what army base was the oldest continuously operating base in the u.s. before being closed in 1994?


The Presidio of San Francisco, California, has been a military reservation since its founding in 1776 as Spain's northernmost colonial stronghold in the New World.

The Presidio of San Francisco, also known as El Presidio Real de San Francisco or The Royal Fortress of Saint Francis, is a park and former United States Army post in San Francisco, California.

The Golden Gate National Recreation Area includes it. Since September 17, 1776, when New Spain erected the presidio to seek a footing in Alta California and the San Francisco Bay, it had been a fortified location.

It was transferred to Mexico in 1820, which later gave it to the United States in 1848. Congress voted in 1989 to discontinue the Presidio's status as an active U.S. Army military facility, in accordance with the Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) process.

On October 1, 1994, it was turned over to the National Park Service, completing its 219-year military career and ushering in its next era of mixed commercial and public use.

To know more about Presidio, Click here:



A the creation of a federal commission to insure fair employment practices.
B an investigation into federal spending on civil rights cases.
C a nationwide study comparing education in different states.
D the repeal of portions of the Fifteenth Amendment on voting rights.


The VII of the Civil Rights Act help A the creation of a federal commission to insure fair employment practices.

How has the federal government promoted ethical hiring procedures?

On June 25, 1941, Roosevelt issued Executive Order 8802, often known as the Fair Employment Act. The directive outlawed racial discrimination in all government organizations, unions, and businesses that performed work for the war. In order to verify that the decree was followed, the Fair Employment Practices Commission was also founded.

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 established the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) on July 2, 1965, with the mission to "ensure equality of opportunity by vigorously enforcing federal legislation prohibiting discrimination in employment," particularly discrimination based on religion.

Learn more about Civil Rights Act at:



complete question :

What was VII of the Civil Rights Act?

In what way did China influence Japanese culture provide specific examples


China, the much older state and the more developed, passed on to Japan (sometimes indirectly via Korea) a long list of ideas including rice cultivation, writing, Buddhism, centralised government models, civil service examinations, temple architecture, clothing, art, literature, music, and eating habits.

How did the women's march to Versailles contribute to the revolution?


The Women's March on Versailles was a pivotal moment in the French Revolution. It instilled confidence in the revolutionaries in the power of the people over the king.

A big gathering of women in a Paris marketplace revolted on the morning of October 5, 1789. They needed bread for their family. They began marching across Paris, demanding fair prices for bread. As the march progressed, more people joined the group, and there were soon thousands of marchers.

The crowd first took over the Hotel de Ville in Paris (similar to a city hall), where they obtained bread as well as firearms. Revolutionaries in the crowd proposed going to Versailles and confronting King Louis XVI. They referred to the king as "Baker," and the queen as "Baker's wife."

To learn more about Versailles, Click here:



which right-wing pressure group was founded by robert welch junior in 1958?


American businessman, political activist, and conspiracist Robert Henry Winborne Welch Jr. After retiring from the confectionery industry, he amassed riches and utilized them to support anti-communist organizations. In 1958, he co-founded the John Birch Society (JBS), an extreme right-wing political advocacy organization in the United States, and he maintained tight control over it up until his passing.

The John Birch Society (JBS) is a right-wing political advocacy organization in the United States. It was established in 1958, is anti-communist, advocates social conservatism, and is linked to libertarian, far-right, or radical right ideologies.
Businessman Robert W. Welch Jr. (1899-1985), the founder of the society, created a network of national chapters in December 1958. As its membership and influence grew swiftly, the group generated controversy because it supported conspiracies.
The John Birch Society, which had its first headquarters in Belmont, Massachusetts, currently has regional chapters all across the country and is situated in Grand Chute, Wisconsin, an enclave of Appleton, Wisconsin. It is the owner of American Opinion Publishing, the company that puts out The New American.

To learn more about right-wing political advocacy organization, click below:



What is the process of exaggerating news stories in order to appeal to the emotions of readers?A) yellow journalism B) photojournalism C) investigative journalism D) liable reporting


yellow journalism
Yellow journalism
is a kind of reporting that focuses on stirring readers' emotions by using sensational headlines, hyperbole, and fact-checking errors. The "Yellow Kid" comic strip, which was used to advertise the newspaper in the late 1800s, is where the phrase "yellow journalism" originates.

Instead of offering factual and trustworthy information, this sort of journalism was created to appeal to readers' emotions and boost circulation. Because it may mislead the public and incite unwarranted panic, fear, or bias, this kind of journalism is typically seen as unethical.

To learn more about yellow journalism, click here: -https://brainly.com/question/29447183


What did the Supreme Court determine in Cherokee Nation v. Georgia?
A. The Supreme Court determined that it was a matter best decided
in state courts.
B. The Supreme Court determined that the Cherokee peoples were
not subject to the Indian Removal Act of 1830.
C. The Supreme Court determined that the federal government had
no authority to negotiate trades and cash deals with Indigenous
OD. The Supreme Court determined that the Indian Removal Act of
1830 was unconstitutional.


In Cherokee Nation v. Georgia, the Supreme Court determined that that the Cherokee peoples were not subject to the Indian Removal Act of 1830. The Option B is correct.

What is significance of Cherokee Nation v. Georgia?

The United States Supreme Court considered its powers to enforce the rights of Native American "nations" against the states in the cases Cherokee Nation v. Georgia (1831) and Worcester v. Georgia (1832).

The Cherokee Nation was declared sovereign by the United States Supreme Court in Georgia. According to the decision of Chief Justice John Marshall, Georgia had no right to enforce state laws on its territory.

Read more about Cherokee



how does a military court differ from a normal court


I am glad you asked!

First, we have to identify the purpose of military court.

Military tribunals in the United States are military courts designed to judicially try members of enemy forces during wartime, operating outside the scope of conventional criminal and civil proceedings. The judges are military officers and fulfill the role of jurors. Military tribunals are distinct from a court-martial.

What Cases Are Heard In MIlitary Court?

The Uniform Code of Military Justice deals with criminal charges and violations. It lists the court procedures and maximum punishments for each offense. Crimes include DUI, desertion, fraud, insubordination, property destruction, mutiny, etc. in addition to trying members of the military, military courts can also try civilians who are accused of serious offenses, such as terrorism or espionage. These civilians are tried in military courts because their crimes are a threat to national security.

How Does Military Court Differ?

General courts-martial are for more serious, felony-level crimes. A military judge presides, and five or more enlisted members determine the final verdict. Punishments may include confinement, forfeiture of pay, and a dishonorable discharge.

I hope this helps!

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