When the United States refused to give the Philippines their independence, who led the Filipino forces in opposition to the U.S.


Answer 1
I believe it was Emilio Aguinaldo.

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pls help me out , ez question. What are 3 mvoies that represent the 1980's (this is a school project , dont give me inappropiate movies) horror movies is ok





The Shining (1980) Amazon iTunes.

The Fog (1980)

Umm i don't know if these are good or have bad things in them I never watched them soo I hoped this helped and good luck on you project

What did Trump ask during his phone call with Volodymyr Zelensky on July 25th, 2019?


President Trump asked Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky to “look into” former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter, during a phone call in July.

The call lasted about 30 minutes, according to a White House memorandum released Wednesday.

The conversation is reportedly a central part of the whistleblower complaint that spurred House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to support an impeachment inquiry against Trump.

What were the key programs of the Great Society?



Johnson at the University of Michigan and came to represent his domestic agenda. The main goal was the total elimination of poverty and racial injustice. New major spending programs that addressed education, medical care, urban problems, rural poverty, and transportation were launched during this period.


What economic practices introduced by the Chinese facilitated trade and economic growth?



The Chinese introduced several economic reforms shortly after the death of Mao-Zedong, thanks to the leadership of the Chinese new chairman: Deng-Xiapong.


First, they designed specific areas of the country as special economic zones. In these zones, companies, both foreign and local, had special tax and tariff incentives.

After, they opened up many economic sectors in the rest of the country, and this led to a very high increase in economic growth.

Finally, China entered the world trade organization, linking its economic with the rest of the world, and attracting even more investment and trade.

Study this timeline. Which event belongs on the blank line? 200 C.E. Height of the Roman Empire 330 C.E. __________________________ 410 C.E. Germanic tribe attacks city of Rome 476 C.E. Fall of Rome in the west Select one: a. The Praetorian Guard is dissolved. b. The Romans conquer Gaul. c. The Romans developed the alphabet. d. The Roman capital moves to Byzantium.



d. The Roman capital moves to Byzantium.


In the year 330 C.E., empreror Constantine moved the Empire capital from Rome to Byzantium, located in the strait of bosphorus, between Anatolia and Greece.

The emperor also changed the name of the city, after him: Constantinople. From this moment on, Constantinople would continue to be a larger and more important city than Rome, which would continue to decline.

Describe the Arabian Peninsula before Muhammad.


Answer: Religion in pre-Islamic Arabia was a mix of polytheism, Christianity, Judaism, and Iranian religions. Arab polytheism, the dominant belief system, was based on the belief in deities and other supernatural beings such as djinn. Gods and goddesses were worshipped at local shrines, such as the Kaaba in Mecca


The highest wind speed recorded in the contiguous United States was on Mount _____.


Mt. Washington........




To what extent does civil war represent a clash of cultures?



To the extent that the concepts, values and beliefs between southerners and northerners intensified the conflict between them.


As you may already know, the American civil war had political and commercial divergences as main reasons, however, cultural values and all the elements related to this intensified the conflict between northerners and southerners, who, for cultural reasons, had different beliefs, values and concepts and built a great intolerance with these elements between them.

Spanish settlers tended to build towns



Yes Very Ture



100% true no question

What is main theory of how Native American Tribes came to North America and why?



The main theory is that Native Americans reached North America from East Asia, more specifically Siberia, around 14,000 years ago.

The reason why this is the most accepted theory is because it has been proven by genetic studes that Native Americans and East Asians share a great degree of genetic similarity.

According to this theory, at that time, the Bering strait was frozen, and formed a land bridge between Siberia and Alaska. East Asians crossed this bridge, probably following wild game, and entered the American Continent.

Why did the Spanish want to protect Teras from foreign settlemento
a. The Spanish didn't want the Native Americans to daim the land,
b. The Spanish knew the region was rich in mineral resources, which they wanted for
e, The Spanish wanted to create a buller zone to their tentory
d. The Spanish didn't want the French or English expanding their lands in the Americas





Spain had claimed ownership of the territory in 1519, which comprised part of the present-day U.S. state of Texas, including the land north of the Medina and Nueces Rivers, but did not attempt to colonize the area until after locating evidence of the failed French colony of Fort Saint Louis in 1689. In 1690 Alonso de León escorted several Catholic missionaries to east Texas, where they established the first mission in Texas. When native tribes resisted the Spanish invasion of their homeland, the missionaries returned to Mexico, abandoning Texas for the next two decades.

Persian myths and legends



The term 'mythology' comes from the Greek mythos (story-of-the-people) and logos (word or speech), meaning the spoken story of a people. Every civilization of the ancient world developed a belief system, which is characterized as 'mythology' in the present day but which, for them, was religious belief, and this was as true for ancient Persia as for any other. These systems only became designated as “mythological” after they had been replaced by others which, even so, continued to express the same values emphasizing the forces of good and order over those of evil and chaos.

Oral tradition was especially important and storytelling a central value in ancient Persian culture, and so the stories of the old continued to be told, and many of the deities, now reimagined, appear in the works of the oldest monotheistic religion, Zoroastrianism, which developed between c. 1500-1000 BCE. This faith developed from an earlier polytheistic system featuring a pantheon of gods, led by their king Ahura Mazda, who stood against the forces of the evil spirit Angra Mainyu. The prophet Zoroaster revised this earlier vision so that Ahura Mazda became the one true god while the most significant of the other deities became emanations and manifestations of his eternal goodness.

The stories which had once made up the religious understanding of the people now became fables – myths – which entertained while also encouraging the same cultural values they always had, only now in a monotheistic context. The god Mithra might still be invoked and his battle with the dragon Azhi Dahaka still be told, but it was understood that Mithra was now simply Ahura Mazda fighting the forces of evil.

Many of the other gods of the original Early Iranian Religion were forgotten, however, and are only known through brief reference in Zoroastrian scripture, religious literature, and the tales collected and written down in works such as the Shahnameh and One Thousand Nights and a Night. Since ancient Iran/Persia maintained an oral tradition until the Sassanian Period (224-651 CE), there is no ancient text along the lines of Hesiod’s Theogony or Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey (both c. 8th century BCE) describing and defining the old gods at the time they were being worshipped. Inscriptions found in the ruins of cities like Susa or at the great temple of Chogha Zanbil (also known as Dur Untush) provide only the most basic allusions to deities predating the development of Zoroastrianism.

The gods, creatures, and heroes who made up these early stories of ancient Persian mythology are therefore scattered amongst the various works of Zoroastrianism and later collections of myth and fable. A comprehensive list, or at least an attempt at one, should therefore prove useful to anyone interested in the subject of Persian mythology and religion specifically or the study of myth, folklore, and religion generally.

The following is a list of the various entities of pre-Zoroastrian Persia who appear in some of the most famous myths and legends. The list attempts to be complete but will omit some minor deities and even some heroes whose qualities are represented by others more famous. The list will also include religious concepts and places considered important in ancient Persian religion, such as the Chinvat Bridge which souls crossed from life to death or the House of Song, the Persian vision of paradise. The following are all drawn from the sources listed below in the bibliography.


The concept of “cultural diffusion"can best be described as a. the separation of many cultural values and traditions b. the sharing of many cultural values and traditions C. the denial of cultural values and traditions d. the absence of cultural values and traditions Please select the best answer from the choices provided Ο Α OB ОС O D​



B with a side of french fries and a large coke a cola


I am always right my mommy told me so :>

Why did the Supreme Court take the case Bush v Gore?



Bush v. Gore, (2000), was a decision of the United States Supreme Court that settled a recount dispute in Florida's 2000 presidential election.

How does the Declaration of Independence express the Enlightenment idea of popular sovereignty?​



A tehehhe

Your welcome


the answer is A


make sure you pick the right one because it is different on everyones!!

I got a 72% on my Topic test without using my notes everyone cheer!




good job and srry for being late

Although Hamlet indicates to the reader that he is not mad, the characters in the play believe that he is. Match the

reason given for Hamlet's "madness" to the character who suggests it.

1. the death of Hamlet's father


2. the death of Hamlet's father and the ensuing hasty marriage



3. Ophelia's rejection of Hamlet's love

disappointment at not being

named king after his father's



Rosencrantz and Guildenstern




1. the death of Hamlet's father - Claudius

2. the death of Hamlet's father and the ensuing hasty marriage - Gertrude

3. Ophelia's rejection of Hamlet's love - Polonius

4. disappointment at not being named king after his father's death - Rosencrantz and Guildenstern.


Hamlet is a character who goes through many difficult situations, such as the murder of his father, the usurpation of the throne that belonged to his father, the marriage of his mother to the murderer, the rule and death of the woman he loves, the specter of father walking through the fantas and a highly shaken psychologist. All of these things make Hamlet have attitudes that are considered abnormal for the other characters who faithfully believe that Hamlet is crazy.

Hamlet is not crazy, but Claudius (the killer of Hamlet's father) believes that he went crazy because of his father's death. Gertrudes believes he is dead because of her marriage shortly after the death of Hamlet's father and her husband. Polonius believes that he is crazy for not having achieved the love of Ophelia and Rosencrantz and Guildenstern believe that he is crazy for not being his father's successor.


1. the death of Hamlet's father - Claudius

2. the death of Hamlet's father and the ensuing hasty marriage - Gertrude

3. Ophelia's rejection of Hamlet's love - Polonius

4. disappointment at not being named king after his father's death - Rosencrantz and Guildenstern.


what was an effect of Liu Bang's governmental policy​



China was divided into areas governed by local officials. Citizens were forced to perform hard labor for the government

What happened when the Aswan Dam was built?
Pyramids were built.
Tombs were moved.
Monuments were built.
Palaces were moved.



The Aswan High Dam brought the Nile's devastating floods to an end, reclaimed more than 100,000 acres of desert land for cultivation, and made additional crops possible on some 800,000 other acres...


Didn't understood the options but here is what I got..

Hi there!!

The answer is B. Tombs were moved.

I'm doing the lesson right now and that's the only thing that works :)

Hope this helps!! <3

"Inaugural Address", John F. Kennedy describes how
human beings still fight for the same goals as their ancestors
did. Which goal does he present as MOST important?
o education
o conquest
o freedom
o change



It would be freedom


In the previous wars for America, most wars were fought for freedom for their people.

Topic Test
1:plants absorb water more easily
2air quality decreases
3surfaces of buildings,statues,rocks,and leaves are damaged
4 heat from the sun is absorbed more quickly by the atmosphere

Which of the following an effect of acid rain?
A. Plants absorb water more easily.
B. Air quality decreases.
C. Surfaces of buildings, statues, rocks, and leaves are damaged.
D. Heat from the Sun is absorbed more quickly by the atmosphere.
Please select the best answer from the choices provided


2-B    Jamestown was the first settlement of the Virginia Colony, founded in 1607, and served as the capital of Virginia until 1699, when the seat of government was moved to Williamsburg. Wikipedia


What BEST explains President Lincoln's purpose in using emergency powers to suspend the right of habeas corpus?
A He wished to discourage any more border states from leaving the Union and joining the Confederacy.
B He wished to frighten potential spies in the North as well as limit their numbers.
OC He wished to prevent Confederate sympathizers from leaving the Union or sabotaging the war effort.
D He wished to silence any opposition to the Civil War in the North by imprisoning the opponents.​



D He wished to silence any opposition to the Civil War in the North by imprisoning the opponents.​


Given that Habeas corpus is related to the right of individuals against unlawful detention or imprisonment. Then it can be concluded that the best explanation of President Lincoln's purpose in using emergency powers to suspend the right of habeas corpus is that "He wished to silence any opposition to the Civil War in the North by imprisoning the opponents.​"

This is evident in the fact that at the time of the American civil war, Washington, D.C., was around slave territories thereby having more Confederates sympathizers. These Confederates sympathizers were in the habit of frustrating the plans the Union military actions and discouraging the enlistment into the Union army.

Hence, to curb this, Abraham Lincoln, used emergency powers to suspend the right of habeas corpus, which means, the military authorities could detain any opposition to the Civil War in the North by imprisoning the opponents without due or legal process.

1. Who did John Adams suggest should be the Commander of the Continental Army?


Answer:George Washington


elections determine
elections serve to nominate candidates while
who has won the office.
A. petition, polling
B. primary, general
C. general, primary
D. caucus, primary





because in petition polling the candidate nominated have the right to pull crowd to their political party





Three Answers that show What immigrants experienced
A( Experienced nativism.
B( Moved to Cities to find Jobs and cheap housing.
C( Required Physical examinations and tests for mental competence at immigration.station
D( Moved to rural areas to farm.
E( Welcomed by Native born Americans.



A. Experienced nativism.

B. Moved to Cities to find Jobs and cheap housing.

C Required Physical examinations and tests for mental competence at immigration station


A. Experienced nativism.

Nativism refers to a tendency to protect the interest of the people who are born locally compared to outsider's. Immigrants who come to united states have to face a lot of hostilities from the locals because many of the locals believed that they're taking the job availability in their area.

B. Moved to Cities to find Jobs and cheap housing.

Even though the average living conditions in City's poor neighborhood is worse than the suburbs, the cities tend to have the highest amount of job opportunities. This is why many of the Immigrants tend to find jobs and housing in the city

C Required Physical examinations and tests for mental competence at immigration station

Station such as Ellis island were created to examine the immigrants that entered United Sates. The staffs on this station were instruction to find out whether the immigrants that come in were carriers of a certain disease and were made to showed all the necessary documents to ensure that they come in legally.

Why did Lewis and Clark temporarily separate on their return trip? these are my answer choices:

A. They were preparing to attack a hostile tribe

B. They were avoiding hostile tribes

C. They were trying to locate the source of the Missouri River

D. They were trying to determine the quickest route to reach the Yellowstone River

E. They had disagreed over the method to be used for mapping

pleaseee help meee !!



On July 3, before crossing the Continental Divide, the Corps split into two teams so Lewis could explore the Marias River. ... Lewis and Clark stayed separated until they reached the Yellowstone and Missouri Rivers on August 11.

I forgot wich one it was sorry


(I cant spell ok)


As a result of the Great Migration, bold, exciting forms of black music evolved, along
with venues to listen and dance to this music. Blues and Jazz clubs became a central
part of life in Harlem. Which of the following artists are known for their influential
musical work during this time period?
Duke Ellington
Louis Armstrong
Bessie Smith
Mamie Smith
Elvis Presley


Answer: I'm gonna say duke Ellington


Which of the following was a major trade route built by Native Americans in Mississippi?
A. the Trail of Tears
B. the Oregon Trail
C. the Natchez Trace
D. the Wilderness Road



C The Natchez Trace





How did Mansa Musa's pilgrimage impact the settlement and/or exploration of the Americas?



The journey to Mecca had a number of effects on the history of Western Sudan. Most significantly, the pilgrimage journey exposed Mali to Europe and the Middle East. The king had carried 30,000 pounds of gold, which signified the immense wealth in his empire. This created an impression on his acquaintances.



The journey to Mecca had a number of effects on the history of Western Sudan. Most significantly, the pilgrimage journey exposed Mali to Europe and the Middle East. The king had carried 30,000 pounds of gold, which signified the immense wealth in his empire. This created an impression on his acquaintances.


Which of the following is true of sap collection? You may choose more than one answer.
A. Sap is collected for 4-6 weeks in the spring
B. The sap is good to use for syrup straight from the tree
C. A hole is drilled in the tree and a spout or drain inserted
D. Sap drains into buckets



B. The sap is good to use for syrup straight from the tree

C. A hole is drilled in the tree and a spout or drain inserted

D. Sap drains into buckets


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