When we opened the door, a shrunk ran into the house what kind of sentence is this?


Answer 1


The sentence "When we opened the door, a skunk ran into the house" is a complex sentence.


The sentence is composed of two clauses.

"When we opened the door" is a dependent clause (also called a subordinate clause) that starts with a subordinating conjunction "when" and provides the time or condition for the action in the independent clause.

"a skunk ran into the house" is an independent clause that can stand alone as a sentence. It contains a subject ("a skunk") and a verb ("ran") and expresses a complete thought.

The two clauses are connected by the subordinating conjunction "when". This type of sentence structure when two clauses are combined is called a complex sentence.

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One pager on the butler main character Cecil


The Eugene Allen genuine narrative demonstrates that he was indeed born in Virginia on a plantation (not Georgia). He performed housekeeping duties for the family, such as washing dishes.

What kind of connection do Cecil and Louis have?

The main relationship in the movie is that between Cecil and his son Louis, who accuses his father of being too tolerant of racial discrimination in the 1960s. Louis departs from his family's residence in the capital of the country to oppose Jim Crow in the American South.

Who is the wife of Cecil in The Butler?

Cecil meets Gloria while working there, they get married, and have two boys, Louis and Charlie. Cecil is employed by the White House in 1957, which is Dwight D. Eisenhower's presidency. He is introduced to head butler Carter Wilson and coworker James Holloway by White House maître d'hôtel Freddie Fallows.

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Someone do this for me



Metaphor:The sun was a golden ball, slowly sinking into the horizon.His heart was a ticking time bomb, ready to explode at any moment.

Personification:The waves whispered secrets to the shore.The old house groaned and creaked in the wind.

Symbolism:The dove is a symbol of peace and love.The color red is often used as a symbol of passion and desire.


Read the excerpt from Cicero's De Officis and respond to the question that follows

“... men seek riches partly to supply the needs of life, partly to secure the enjoyment of pleasure. The dangers of ambition. With those who cherish higher ambitions, the desire for wealth is entertained with a view to power and influence and the means of bestowing favours; Marcus Crassus, for example, not long since declared that no amount of wealth was enough for the man who aspired to be the foremost citizen of the state, unless with the income from it he could maintain an army. Fine establishments and the comforts of life in elegance and abundance also afford pleasure, and the desire to secure it gives rise to the insatiable thirst for wealth. Still, I do not mean to find fault with the accumulation of property, provided it hurts nobody, but unjust acquisition of it is always to be avoided. The great majority of people, however, when they fall a prey to ambition for either military or civil authority, are carried away by it so completely that they quite lose sight of the claims of justice."

In a response of 3-5 sentences, use the TIE method to identify the central idea of this passage. Your response should address the topic, the supporting information, and a statement of the central idea.


Marcus Tullius Cicero, a Roman orator, philosopher, and statesman, wrote the political and ethical book De Officiis in 44 BC.

What is the Treatise de Officiis by Cicero's main subject?

De Officiis has been described as an effort to outline standards of appropriate public conduct. It makes several pointed criticisms of Julius Caesar's dictatorship as a whole and of his recent overthrow.

What are the 4 virtues in De Officiis?

I assumed it was a book in which Cicero insisted upon those four qualities later medieval thinkers termed Cardinal: wisdom (sapientia), justice (iustitia), courage (fortitudo) and temperance (moderatio) (moderatio)

To know more about De Officiis visit:



Which version best uses a variety of sentence structures to
enhance the flow and writing style of a story?
A. When he remembered his first summer at camp, Taiyo
smiled, because he had first met Marco, who was the
best friend a person could ask for, at camp. Taiyo felt
B. When he remembered his first summer at camp, Taiyo
smiled. He had first met his friend Marco there. Marco
was the best friend a person could ever ask for, and
Taiyo felt lucky.
c. Taiyo remembered his first summer at camp. He
smiled. He had first met his friend Marco there. Marco
was the best friend a person could ever ask for. Taiyo
felt lucky.
D. Taiyo remembered his first summer at camp and
smiled. He had first met his friend Marco there, and
Marco was the best friend a person could ask for, and
Taiyo felt lucky.



B. When he remembered his first summer at camp, Taiyo

smiled. He had first met his friend Marco there. Marco

was the best friend a person could ever ask for, and

Taiyo felt lucky.


This is about the use of commas. It's kind of complicated, but if you read enough you'll just be able to tell if a sentence looks right or wrong.

A has way too many commas.

There is nothing glaringly wrong with B.

C is way too choppy. Remember we're trying to find the answer that enhances the flow and writing style of the story. All the sentences are so short and none of them lead to the next one. Where's the flow?

D also has too many commas. It makes the second sentence too long.

I hope this helps :)

Symbolism is when an author uses a concrete object to represent a(n)
A. idea or emotion.
B. plot or storyline.
C. conflict or disagreement.
D. protagonist or antagonist.




Correct Answer is A


Analyze the text: Dark they were, and golden eyed
Why does the author have the settlers change their names using the old Martian names for landmarks? How does this affect the plot?


There is no longer any difference between the place where the Martian dwell and the titles for objects they currently use, which reflects their assimilation to Mars.

Why may Cora be more tolerant of Mars than Harry, her husband?

Harry wants to return to Earth because he is anxious and afraid about being on Mars, but Cora feels safe there because the Bitterings fled to Mars to avoid the atomic bomb.

The Bitterings' choice to settle in the Martian Villa has a purpose.

The Bitterings, an American family, relocate to Mars and end up there after a nuclear war prevents all rockets from Earth from taking off. Despite Mr. Bittering's valiant attempts to maintain his identity, his family

To know more about Martian visit:-



3. The zebra is easy prey, having no place to go. Even so, Richard Parker, in three days
of hunger and thirst, makes no effort to kill it. In fact, the tiger is so quiet that Pi
does not even realize he is there. Why does Richard Parker sit by quietly while the
hyena kills the zebra?




In the novel Life of Pi, it is implied that Richard Parker, the Bengal tiger, sits quietly while the hyena kills the zebra because he is not hungry at the moment. Pi suggests that tigers are intelligent hunters and don't waste their energy on prey they don't need. Richard Parker is probably waiting for a better opportunity to hunt or is conserving energy for future use. Additionally, the tiger might be wary of the hyena and is waiting for the right moment to attack it. Overall, Richard Parker's behavior in this situation could be attributed to his natural instincts and survival tactics.

'Well, if I cannot keep Heathcliff for my friend—if Edgar will be mean and jealous, I'll try to break their hearts by breaking my own. That will be a prompt way of finishing all, when I am pushed to extremity! But it's a deed to be reserved for a forlorn hope; I'd not take Linton by surprise with it. To this point he has been discreet in dreading to provoke me; you must represent the peril of quitting that policy, and remind him of my passionate temper, verging, when kindled, on frenzy. I wish you could dismiss that apathy out of that countenance, and look rather more anxious about me.'

The stolidity with which I received these instructions was, no doubt, rather exasperating: for they were delivered in perfect sincerity; but I believed a person who could plan the turning of her fits of passion to account, beforehand, might, by exerting her will, manage to control herself tolerably, even while under their influence; and I did not wish to 'frighten' her husband, as she said, and multiply his annoyances for the purpose of serving her selfishness. Therefore I said nothing when I met the master coming towards the parlour; but I took the liberty of turning back to listen whether they would resume their quarrel together. He began to speak first.

'Remain where you are, Catherine,' he said; without any anger in his voice, but with much sorrowful despondency. 'I shall not stay. I am neither come to wrangle nor be reconciled; but I wish just to learn whether, after this evening's events, you intend to continue your intimacy with—'

'Oh, for mercy's sake,' interrupted the mistress, stamping her foot, 'for mercy's sake, let us hear no more of it now! Your cold blood cannot be worked into a fever: your veins are full of ice-water; but mine are boiling, and the sight of such chillness makes them dance.'

'To get rid of me, answer my question,' persevered Mr. Linton. 'You must answer it; and that violence does not alarm me. I have found that you can be as stoical as anyone, when you please. Will you give up Heathcliff hereafter, or will you give up me? It is impossible for you to be my friend and his at the same time; and I absolutely require to know which you choose.'

'I require to be let alone!' exclaimed Catherine, furiously. 'I demand it! Don't you see I can scarcely stand? Edgar, you—you leave me!'

She rang the bell till it broke with a twang; I entered leisurely. It was enough to try the temper of a saint, such senseless, wicked rages! There she lay dashing her head against the arm of the sofa, and grinding her teeth, so that you might fancy she would crash them to splinters! Mr. Linton stood looking at her in sudden compunction and fear. He told me to fetch some water. She had no breath for speaking. I brought a glass full; and as she would not drink, I sprinkled it on her face. In a few seconds she stretched herself out stiff, and turned up her eyes, while her cheeks, at once blanched and livid, assumed the aspect of death. Linton looked terrified.

'There is nothing in the world the matter,' I whispered. I did not want him to yield, though I could not help being afraid in my heart.

'She has blood on her lips!' he said, shuddering.

'Never mind!' I answered, tartly. And I told him how she had resolved, previous to his coming, on exhibiting a fit of frenzy. I incautiously gave the account aloud, and she heard me; for she started up—her hair flying over her shoulders, her eyes flashing, the muscles of her neck and arms standing out preternaturally. I made up my mind for broken bones, at least; but she only glared about her for an instant, and then rushed from the room. The master directed me to follow; I did, to her chamber-door: she hindered me from going further by securing it against me.

Based on the use of quotation marks around the word "frighten" in the second paragraph, how does the narrator feel toward Catherine?

Group of answer choices








option is to a concerned assumed resigned

In Esperanza rising the theme is Family. Give a big evidence or quote with Pg no.


Nothing major. Hortensia tells Esperanza the tale of how they had to hide when she was a young child from some robbers who broke into the house in order to divert her attention.

What is the Esperanza Rising with Evidence's central theme?

Esperanza Rising explores issues of race, class, the American ideal, family, tenacity, and optimism. Immigration concerns are also significant but take a second seat because Esperanza and many of the other characters are assumed to be undocumented immigrants.

What does Esperanza Rising's central subject entail?

Esperanza Rising is a touching tale of a little girl who discovers the value of love and sacrifice for her family and friends on one crucial level, but on another level it is a story of political subversion.

To know more about Esperanza rising visit:-



What do you believe to be the cause of residential discrimination, is it caused by racial or ethnic bias or would you contribute it to social and economic conditions, why are there different social and economic conditions?



Residential discrimination is a complex issue that can be caused by a variety of factors, including racial or ethnic bias, social and economic conditions, and historical factors.

Racial or ethnic bias can be a significant cause of residential discrimination, as people may choose to live in certain areas or exclude others based on their race or ethnicity. This can lead to segregated neighborhoods, which can have negative effects on the residents of those areas, such as limited access to quality education, healthcare, and job opportunities.

However, social and economic conditions also play a significant role in residential discrimination. For example, areas with high poverty rates may be less desirable to live in due to a lack of resources and opportunities, which can lead to a concentration of low-income residents in certain areas. This can lead to further economic and social disparities, as residents in these areas may face greater challenges in accessing quality education, healthcare, and employment opportunities.

Historical factors can also contribute to residential discrimination, such as redlining and other discriminatory housing policies that were implemented in the past. These policies effectively excluded certain groups of people from accessing housing in certain areas, which has had long-term effects on residential patterns and social and economic conditions.

In summary, residential discrimination is a complex issue with multiple contributing factors. Addressing it requires a multifaceted approach that addresses both the underlying biases and social and economic conditions that contribute to it.

'Well, if I cannot keep Heathcliff for my friend—if Edgar will be mean and jealous, I'll try to break their hearts by breaking my own. That will be a prompt way of finishing all, when I am pushed to extremity! But it's a deed to be reserved for a forlorn hope; I'd not take Linton by surprise with it. To this point he has been discreet in dreading to provoke me; you must represent the peril of quitting that policy, and remind him of my passionate temper, verging, when kindled, on frenzy. I wish you could dismiss that apathy out of that countenance, and look rather more anxious about me.'

The stolidity with which I received these instructions was, no doubt, rather exasperating: for they were delivered in perfect sincerity; but I believed a person who could plan the turning of her fits of passion to account, beforehand, might, by exerting her will, manage to control herself tolerably, even while under their influence; and I did not wish to 'frighten' her husband, as she said, and multiply his annoyances for the purpose of serving her selfishness. Therefore I said nothing when I met the master coming towards the parlour; but I took the liberty of turning back to listen whether they would resume their quarrel together. He began to speak first.

'Remain where you are, Catherine,' he said; without any anger in his voice, but with much sorrowful despondency. 'I shall not stay. I am neither come to wrangle nor be reconciled; but I wish just to learn whether, after this evening's events, you intend to continue your intimacy with—'

'Oh, for mercy's sake,' interrupted the mistress, stamping her foot, 'for mercy's sake, let us hear no more of it now! Your cold blood cannot be worked into a fever: your veins are full of ice-water; but mine are boiling, and the sight of such chillness makes them dance.'

'To get rid of me, answer my question,' persevered Mr. Linton. 'You must answer it; and that violence does not alarm me. I have found that you can be as stoical as anyone, when you please. Will you give up Heathcliff hereafter, or will you give up me? It is impossible for you to be my friend and his at the same time; and I absolutely require to know which you choose.'

'I require to be let alone!' exclaimed Catherine, furiously. 'I demand it! Don't you see I can scarcely stand? Edgar, you—you leave me!'

She rang the bell till it broke with a twang; I entered leisurely. It was enough to try the temper of a saint, such senseless, wicked rages! There she lay dashing her head against the arm of the sofa, and grinding her teeth, so that you might fancy she would crash them to splinters! Mr. Linton stood looking at her in sudden compunction and fear. He told me to fetch some water. She had no breath for speaking. I brought a glass full; and as she would not drink, I sprinkled it on her face. In a few seconds she stretched herself out stiff, and turned up her eyes, while her cheeks, at once blanched and livid, assumed the aspect of death. Linton looked terrified.

'There is nothing in the world the matter,' I whispered. I did not want him to yield, though I could not help being afraid in my heart.

'She has blood on her lips!' he said, shuddering.

'Never mind!' I answered, tartly. And I told him how she had resolved, previous to his coming, on exhibiting a fit of frenzy. I incautiously gave the account aloud, and she heard me; for she started up—her hair flying over her shoulders, her eyes flashing, the muscles of her neck and arms standing out preternaturally. I made up my mind for broken bones, at least; but she only glared about her for an instant, and then rushed from the room. The master directed me to follow; I did, to her chamber-door: she hindered me from going further by securing it against me.

Unlike the rest of the passage, paragraph 8 ("There is nothing...my heart") does which of the following?

Group of answer choices

Conveys positive attributes in Edgar and the narrator

Expresses some concern over Catherine's state

Focuses on the narrator's detached irritation with Catherine

Portrays the narrator's difficulties in the household

Provides insight into the source of Catherine's flaws


we should go to fight the narrator feduydjfyaux

An effective conclusion should do which of the following?
• clarify the theme of the story
• leave conflicts unresolved
• leave the reader questioning
• show that all of the characters are happy


A story's plot comes to an end in its resolution. The resolve, also referred to as the denouement, is a literary phrase for the final narrative. developments that take place following a story's peak and declining action.

A scene or sequence of scenes that bring a narrative arc to a close towards the end of the story might serve as a resolution. Though there are many other ways that stories might end, take a look at some of the classic components of a great story finale.

1. The story's primary conflicts are resolved. A core conflict is usually resolved at the end of a story. The protagonist and antagonist's primary conflict typically intensifies during the story's peak and is resolved at the conclusion.

Learn more about story here:



The author of "The Role of the Media in a Democracy" (pages 197-200) believes that the press must remain committed to responsible reporting. Which evidence from the passage BEST supports this analysis?


To answer this question, we need to look for evidence in the passage that supports the idea that the press must remain committed to responsible reporting. Here are two possible examples:

1."In a democracy, the press has a vital role to play in keeping citizens informed and holding those in power accountable. But to do this effectively, the press must be committed to responsible reporting." (p. 197)

This statement explicitly states that the press must be committed to responsible reporting in order to fulfill its vital role in a democracy. It suggests that without responsible reporting, the press cannot effectively keep citizens informed and hold those in power accountable.

2."The media's role in a democracy is not to promote a particular ideology or agenda, but to provide citizens with the information they need to make informed decisions and participate meaningfully in the political process." (p. 198)

This statement implies that responsible reporting is necessary for the media to fulfill its role in a democracy. It suggests that if the media were to promote a particular ideology or agenda, it would not be providing citizens with the information they need to make informed decisions and participate meaningfully in the political process.

Overall, both of these examples support the idea that the press must remain committed to responsible reporting in order to fulfill its role in a democracy.

why might paul laurence dunbar mean in the following poem


Paul Laurence Dunbar, an American poet, describes in his poem "We Wear the Mask" the reasons why black males frequently decide to put on a "happy mask" while deprived of freedom.

The poem's message, what is it?

Poets are inspired to write poetry by a particular message. Knowing the meaning of poetry will help you find the message. Readers who have read the poem have an impression that contains a message or piece of advice.

What does the phrase "we grin with ripped and bleeding hearts" mean?

Line 3 tells us that the people hiding behind these masks owe everything to "human guile." We pay this obligation to them while grinning through ripped and bleeding hearts. Guilty word check.

To know more about Paul Laurence visit:-



Internet search engines compile lists of only those websites that will be most helpful to researchers
true or false


Just the websites that will be most beneficial to researchers. Flase are included in the listings created by internet search engines.

Don't worry if you don't immediately locate what you're looking for. Despite their shortcomings, search engines are effective in finding content online. To get the information you seek, you'll frequently need to attempt various search keywords. Use search suggestions rather than coming up with your own terms if you're having problems. They typically pop up as you type and are a terrific way to discover new terms you would not have otherwise attempted. Use the arrow keys on your keyboard to pick a search suggestion, or click it with your mouse to utilise it. Having difficulties locating what you're looking .

Learn more about websites here:



negqtive form of the following sentence "The work they do is thankless"​


The offered statement can also be expressed negatively as "The work they do is not thankful."

What is a sentence's negative form?

An assertion that something is false is expressed by a negative phrase. The word "not" is inserted after the auxiliary, or aiding, verb to form negative sentences in English.

What are the two forms of the negative?

By including a negation in both the verb and the noun's modifier (such as an adjective or an adverb) or the verb's object, double negatives are produced. I'm not going to bake any cakes. I am unable to do anything tonight.

To know more about negative form visit:



Transcribe the following words correctly

(i) terrific

(ii) Mountaineer

(ii) amateur​









poem "The Planting of the Apple-Tree'! begins with the planting of the apple tree and ends with children in the future wondering who planted it. Write one to two paragraphs that analyze how each stanza-in this poem builds on the previous one, fits into the overall structure, and contributes to the development of the theme.



In the poem "The Planting of the Apple-Tree," each stanza builds on the previous one to develop the theme of the passage of time and the legacy left behind by those who plant trees. The first stanza sets the scene for the poem, describing the planting of the apple tree and the care taken to ensure its growth. The second stanza speaks of the tree as a symbol of love and the hope that it will continue to bring joy to future generations. This stanza introduces the idea of the tree as a legacy and the importance of planting trees not just for oneself, but for future generations.

The third stanza speaks to the cyclical nature of life and how the tree will continue to bloom and bear fruit long after the original planter has passed away. The fourth stanza, which speaks of the tree's future as a source of shade and shelter for generations to come, further emphasizes the theme of the lasting impact of a single act of planting a tree. Finally, the fifth stanza ends the poem with the image of children in the future wondering who planted the tree and marveling at its beauty and bounty. This final stanza ties together the theme of the poem, emphasizing the importance of planting trees not just for ourselves, but for the legacy that we leave behind for future generations. The overall structure of the poem builds towards this final image, emphasizing the importance of planting trees as a lasting legacy.

true or false the king believed that questions of right and wrong should be drcided by chance.


Answer: False, a great king would never make the decision of his peoples fate on a whim

How are Stalin and Churchill’s motives similar in giving their speeches? (/5)


Although Stalin and Churchill had different political ideologies and represented different countries, their motives for giving their speeches were similar in some ways.

How were Stalin and Churchill’s motives similar in giving their speeches?

One similarity is that both leaders wanted to motivate their people and boost morale. Stalin's speeches were aimed at rallying the Soviet people to fight against the invading German forces, who were advancing on Soviet territory. Churchill's speeches were directed towards the British people, urging them to remain steadfast in the face of Nazi aggression and to continue fighting until the ultimate victory.

Another similarity is that both leaders wanted to convey a message of strength and determination. Stalin emphasized the bravery and sacrifice of Soviet soldiers and civilians, portraying the Soviet Union as a resilient and indomitable nation that could withstand any challenge. Churchill similarly emphasized the courage and determination of the British people, highlighting their resolve to fight for their freedom and for the principles of democracy and justice.

To know more about Stalin and Churchill, visit:



question about the great Gatsby chapter 2:

What would the reader think is so difficult for Nick (our narrator) to leave Tom Buchanan and company, considering he mentions leaving multiple times?



In Chapter 2 of "The Great Gatsby," Nick finds himself in the company of Tom Buchanan, his wife Daisy, and some of their acquaintances. Throughout the chapter, Nick expresses his discomfort with the group's behavior and conversations. He mentions leaving several times, but he ultimately stays until the end of the evening.

The reader might think that Nick finds it difficult to leave because he is torn between his desire to be polite and his growing sense of unease with the group's behavior. As a newcomer to New York and to this particular social circle, Nick may feel obligated to stay and make a good impression. He may also be hesitant to offend Tom, who is his cousin and someone he has known for a long time.

Furthermore, Nick's character is portrayed as someone who is generally reserved and cautious, so he may be hesitant to take action or make a scene by abruptly leaving. He may also be curious about the group's behavior and motivations, which could explain why he stays despite his discomfort.

Overall, Nick's reluctance to leave Tom Buchanan and company in Chapter 2 can be seen as a reflection of his conflicted feelings and his desire to fit in with this new social circle while also maintaining his own sense of morality and ethics.

In History of wakandans why did the wakandans choose to hide from the world rather than conquer it


Wakandans chose to hide from the world rather than conquer it because they wanted to protect their advanced technology and resources from outsiders who might seek to exploit or misuse them.

Wakanda is portrayed as a highly advanced and prosperous African nation, thanks to the presence of Vibranium, a rare and powerful metal that is unique to the Wakandan region. The Wakandans are able to use Vibranium to create highly advanced technology, such as advanced weapons and medical devices, that far surpasses anything else in the world.

However, the Wakandans recognize that their wealth and power would make them a target for outside forces, who might seek to invade or exploit their resources. They also recognize that their society is unique and precious, and they do not want it to be contaminated or corrupted by outside influences.

Therefore, the Wakandans choose to remain hidden from the world, and to carefully control the access that outsiders have to their resources and technology. They use advanced cloaking technology to conceal their country from outsiders, and they carefully monitor all interactions with the outside world to prevent any breaches of their security.

While some Wakandans, such as T'Challa (the Black Panther), eventually come to recognize the importance of engaging with the outside world and sharing their resources with others, the initial decision to hide was made in order to protect their people and their way of life from outside threats.

Which of the following statements about Emma's mother is most likely true?
A. She is unsure how best to help her daughter.
B. She and Emma have a volatile relationship.
C. She blames herself for Emma's condition.
D. She is not Emma's biological mother.
from the story “Blind”


She is unclear about the best way to support her daughter. If Emma has a condition that impairs her vision, her mother might not know how to support her daughter the best and might turn to others for help or advice.

How would you characterise Emma in the passage from abandoning Emma?

Emma is revealed to be a helpful and compassionate person in "Excerpt from Leaving Emma," which is written for young readers. She demonstrates this throughout the narrative by her actions. Emma helps her mom well when her dad is away, which makes me believe she is a helpful person.

What connection can you make between the concept of this chapter and Miss Taylor's approach to her job as Emma's governess?

Emma is ill-equipped to endure Miss Taylor's departure due to her permissive personality. Emma's developing maturity is reflected in Miss Taylor and Emma's evolving relationship.

To know more about readers visit:-



How does paragraph 2 and its three key points relate to the introduction?


They describe the structure of colonial government under England's rule.
They describe the structure of colonial government under England's rule.

They state ideas that support the colonists' desire to break away from England.
They state ideas that support the colonists' desire to break away from England.

They itemize a series of requests that the colonists wish to make of England.
They itemize a series of requests that the colonists wish to make of England.

They list the specific grievances that the colonists hold against their English rulers.


They outlined the ideas supporting the American colonies' uprising against England. Royal, Charter, and Proprietary were the three types or systems of government employed within Colonial government.

What is the colonial government's organisational structure?

A governor served as the head of the executive branch, and the legislature was made up of two houses: the governor's council and the representative assembly. The British government appointed the governor and the council in royal colonies.

What does the introduction's third paragraph say?

A strong research paper opening might be composed of only three paragraphs. In order to do this, you must first persuade readers that your topic is essential (paragraph 1), then you must explain any knowledge gaps that still exist (paragraph 2), and finally you must show that your article will at least partially fill one or more of those gaps (paragraph 3).

To know more about structure visit:-



Read the extract and find to examples each of person, spatial and temporal deictic expression,one anaphoric and one cataphoric reference.

There is still Soraya.He ought to close that chapter.Intead,he pays a detective agency to track her down.Within days he has her real name,her address,her telephone number.He telephones at nine in the morning, when the husband and children will be out.Soraya?he says."This is David.How are you?​



Person Deictic Expressions:

First Person: "He ought to close that chapter."

Second Person: "How are you?" (direct address to Soraya)

Third Person: There are no examples of third person deictic expressions in this extract.

Spatial Deictic Expressions:

Demonstrative: There are no examples of demonstrative spatial deictic expressions in this extract.

Deictic Adverb: There are no examples of deictic adverb spatial deictic expressions in this extract.

Temporal Deictic Expressions:

Past Time: There are no examples of past time deictic expressions in this extract.

Present Time: "There is still Soraya." "He pays a detective agency to track her down."

Future Time: There are no examples of future time deictic expressions in this extract.

Anaphoric Reference:

"He" is an anaphoric reference to the protagonist mentioned earlier in the extract.

"This" is an anaphoric reference to the fact that the person on the other end of the phone knows who is calling.

Cataphoric Reference:

There are no examples of cataphoric reference in this extract.

What cultural experiments are reflected in the expert from "Living or Dead?"? How does the culture and the history of that time period affect the passage? Use evidence from the text to support your response. Your response should be at least one paragraph.



The dead carry living and spirit not physically so therefore we are all alive and the dead have strong power than the living



The statement is correct. The goblin shark is a deep-sea creature that is rarely seen in U.S. waters. It is typically found in waters deeper than 330 feet (100 meters), but has been known to venture into shallower waters in search of prey.

What is the Goblin sharks  about?

Goblin sharks are known for their unique protruding snout, which they use to detect prey in the dark, deep-sea environment. Their long, flat snouts are covered in tiny electroreceptors, which can detect the electrical signals given off by other creatures.

Therefore, While sightings of goblin sharks in U.S. waters are rare, they have occasionally been spotted off the coasts of California and Florida. These sightings are usually of individuals that have strayed from their deep-sea habitats and ventured into shallower waters.

Learn more about Goblin on:



see full text below

The goblin shark, a deep-sea creature whose strange protruding snout distinguishes it from other sharks, isn't a common sight in U.S waters. However, some goblin sharks have occasionally been spotted off the coasts of California and Florida. True or false.

Make questions using the words in brackets and verbs from the list. do earn like live play speak wear werk
1 Do you like your job? (you)
2 Does he work long hours? (he)
3____tennis after work? (he)
4____in a flat? (your parents)
5_____housework at weekends? (you)
6_____a uniform? (Miriam)
7______good English in your country? (people)
8______ a lot of money? (they)​


Do you like to work? (you)
Does he earn a lot of money? (he)
Does he play tennis after work? (he)
Do your parents live in a flat? (your parents)
Do you do housework at weekends? (you)
Does Miriam wear a uniform? (Miriam)
Do people speak good English in your country? (people)
Do they work a lot of hours? (they)

Can anyone please help



I think that it is C

Explanation: (My thought process)

After reading the excerpt,  I know that t is definitely not answer B, because the excerpt does not say anything related to time. That leaves answer A and answer C. The answers are the same except for the 5th word.

So what is the difference between comparing and contrasting?

Comparing involves identifying similarities and/or differences (e.g., apples and oranges are both fruit) whereas contrasting involves comparing two or more objects or events in order to show their differences (e.g., an apple has a thin skin that we can eat; an orange has a thick skin that we cannot eat).

So, that means that the answer is C, because the excerpt only talks about differences between men and women, not their similarities.

Hope this helps! :)

why do students hate studying?​


Every day is stressful, but it's not being hated for everyone.

Studying can be a scene as a stressful or An inherently time wasting activity. Studying compared to most things can seem futile or like it’s going to be a waste. And while studying can help most people, it can be the last thing on a priority list of 1 billion things a child could be doing in the day.
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