When he so chooses, O'Brien can turn it off. from his dream, the tranquil setting.
Upon arriving at O'Brien's home, Winston and Julia tell him they are Party foes. O'Brien introduces Julia and Winston as new members of the hidden Brotherhood, a loosely organized gang that seeks to destroy the Party.
Over a table, O'Brien is also carrying a green-hued lamp, and a telescreen is softly conversing. Unexpectedly, unlike in his apartment, Winston can switch off the telescreen.
Even the church, which is a representation of sanctity and a place of refuge, is profane because it served as a means of monitoring and capture. The telescreen was concealed behind the drawing of the church.
To know more about O'Brien refer here:
Claudius pretends to be a benevolent king. As the play progresses, his greed and lust for power become apparent.
Which transitional word or phrase would help connect the two sentences above?
O A.
O C.
as such
for example
Claudius pretends to be a benevolent king. As the play progresses, his greed, and lust for power become apparent. "However", a transitional word or phrase would help connect the two sentences above. Thus, option (b) is correct.
The phrase might be changed to read, "Claudius pretends to be a benevolent king; however, as the play progresses, his greed, and lust for power become apparent." When there is a contrast or contradiction between two phrases, the word "however" is employed to denote that.
Claudius is portrayed as a kind and generous king in the first sentence, but his actual nature is selfish and power-hungry in the second. although, the word "however" helps to highlight this difference and to let the reader know that the second phrase differs from the first.
Learn more about on Claudius, here:
On what evidence did you base your prediction?
Choose four correct answers.
a.Not a man has moved.
b. They are at the center of the bridge.
c. The company is staring stonily.
d. The captain makes no sign.
e. They are facing the stream.
f. The code of military etiquette requires silence
when observing death.
Based on the given options, the four correct answers that provide evidence for the prediction are:
a. Not a man has moved.
c. The company is staring stonily.
d. The captain makes no sign.
f. The code of military etiquette requires silence when observing death.
A prediction is a declaration or prognosis of what is anticipated to occur in the future based on available data, evidence, or trends.
Making an educated prediction or estimation about a potential outcome or event entails utilising the information or data that is now accessible. There are several fields where predictions can be made.
Learn more about prediction here:
what policy mandates teaching non-english speakers in english?
In the United States, the policy that mandates teaching non-English speakers in English is commonly known as the English-only or English immersion policy.
This policy is designed to immerse non-English speaking students in an English-speaking environment, with the goal of helping them learn English quickly and effectively.
In most cases, this involves teaching students in English-only classrooms, using English-language materials and curricula, and providing language assistance as needed. The English-only policy has been the subject of much debate and criticism, with some arguing that it can lead to social and academic isolation for non-English speaking students, while others believe it is necessary to promote assimilation and success in English-speaking communities.
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English-only or English immersion policy : brainly.com/question/16749234
in galatians, paul’s conclusion was that "we are not children of the slave but of the free." he makes this conclusion by allegorically linking christians to sarah rather than ___________.
In Galatians, Paul's conclusion was that "we are not children of the slave but of the free." he makes this conclusion by allegorically linking christians to sarah rather than Hagar.
In Galatians, Paul draws an allegory between Christians and the two wives of Abraham, Sarah and Hagar. He concludes that Christians are not children of the slave (Hagar) but of the free (Sarah). This conclusion is based on the fact that Sarah represents the promise of God and the freedom that comes with it, while Hagar represents the law and slavery.
By linking Christians to Sarah, Paul emphasizes that Christians are free from the burden of the law and are instead children of the promise. This allegory serves as a reminder that salvation is not attained through adherence to the law, but rather through faith in Christ and the freedom that comes with it.
More on Galatians: https://brainly.com/question/31477362
What is one perpose of the perconification in this excerpt?
The purpose of personification in this excerpt is to attribute human qualities or characteristics to something non-human.
By giving non-human entities human-like attributes, personification creates a vivid and engaging description that helps readers connect with and understand the subject on a deeper level.
It adds a sense of life, emotion, and relatability to the object or concept being personified.
In this particular excerpt, the purpose of personification may be to evoke a sense of wonder and awe, to emphasize the power and beauty of nature, or to create a more vivid and memorable description.
Learn more about personification here:
Betrothal is a preliminary promise on the part of the parents of the boy and the girl to join them in marriage,
and it is not inviolable.
What does Inviolable mean in this sentence?
O required by law
easy to build
ready for a change
In this context, "inviolable" means that the betrothal promise is not absolute or unbreakable. It suggests that the promise can be changed or broken, indicating that it is not binding or required by law.
Who do you think is the opposing force or the antagonist in the story "He-y Come On Ou-t! " by Shinichi Hoshi
The opposing force or the antagonist in the story is the voice that keeps calling out to the protagonist to come out of the hole.
Who is antagonist in "He-y Come On Ou-t!"?The antagonist in the story is the persistent voice that disrupts the protagonist's peaceful existence in the hole. Throughout the story, the voice serves as an opposing force to the protagonist's desire to remain hidden and undisturbed.
The voice was increasingly insistent and threatening, forcing the protagonist to eventually confront their fear and leave the safety of the hole. The antagonist is not a physical character but rather a symbolic representation of the protagonist's internal struggle to confront their fears and face the outside world.
Read more about opposing force
How do you think these biases may impact your thoughts and actions towards certain groups of people?
Unconscious bias also known as cognitive bias refers to how our mind can take shortcuts when processing information.
Maybe Brainlist Answer:-)HappyEveryonePHThe leap frog by hans christian Andersen rewrite
In this rewritten version, "The Leap Frog" emphasizes the importance of perseverance, innovation, and seizing opportunities in the pursuit of success.
In Hans Christian Andersen's original story "The Leap Frog," a frog wishes to marry a princess and seeks help from a wise woman. She grants the frog the ability to leap higher and higher until he eventually reaches the princess.
However, she warns him that he must not speak until the princess speaks to him first. In the end, the princess becomes curious and asks the frog why he is silent, and he responds by proposing to her. They get married, and the frog transforms into a prince.
In a rewritten version of "The Leap Frog," the story takes a modern twist. The frog, named Fredrick, is an ambitious young amphibian who dreams of becoming a successful entrepreneur.
Instead of seeking the help of a wise woman, he seeks the guidance of a tech-savvy wizard who gives him a pair of virtual reality glasses. These glasses enable Fredrick to visualize and achieve his goals.
Using his newfound abilities, Fredrick leaps from one entrepreneurial endeavor to another, learning valuable lessons along the way. He overcomes challenges and setbacks with determination and resilience, never losing sight of his dream.
Eventually, his hard work and innovative thinking catch the attention of a successful businesswoman, who becomes impressed by his achievements.
In a surprising twist, the businesswoman invites Fredrick to a high-profile event, where he finds himself face-to-face with the princess of the business world.
Fredrick remains silent, waiting for an opportunity to speak. When the princess finally approaches him, she expresses her curiosity about his success.
Fredrick confidently reveals his journey, proposing a collaboration that would benefit both of their businesses. Impressed by his vision and drive, the princess agrees, and they form a powerful partnership.
For more such questions on The Leap Frog,click on
translate the statement given below into propositional logic. if you have a life jacket, then you can swim.
Let p be "you have a life jacket" and q be "you can swim".
The statement "if you have a life jacket, then you can swim" can be translated into propositional logic as p → q.
Thus far, Westley has been an almost perfect hero, without any discernible faults. This is especially evident when he is undergoing the torture in chapter 6. It seems like he can do no wrong.
Do you think Westley is a more compelling character because he doesn’t have any faults?
Does not having any faults make him more difficult to relate to?
The character of Westley, as portrayed in the story you mentioned, seems to possess qualities of a near-perfect hero without any discernible faults.
How to explain the informationEvaluating whether this makes him a more compelling or relatable character is subjective and can vary depending on individual preferences and storytelling goals.
Having a flawless protagonist can make a character seem larger than life and can serve as an idealized representation of courage, strength, and unwavering resolve. Such characters often inspire awe and admiration, captivating readers with their remarkable abilities and seemingly effortless triumphs. They can embody the epitome of heroism, leaving a lasting impression on the audience.
Learn more about character on
2. List some of the qualities you think make for a great personality and also mention how have you been demonstrating them in life.
There are various characteristics that contribute to a great personality, and the following are a few that I believe are important:
Empathy: Empathy entails understanding and sharing the sentiments of others. In my contacts with users, I try to listen carefully and reply compassionately and understandingly.
Adaptability: Being adaptable involves being open to different experiences and situations. As an AI, I am continually learning and improving in order to provide the greatest support possible based on the needs and preferences of the users.
Positivity: Keeping a positive attitude can help to inspire and motivate others around us. I hope to add positivity to dialogues by encouraging and supporting users and promoting a productive and happy environment.
Integrity entails being truthful, trustworthy, and adhering to ethical standards. I uphold these principles as an AI by giving accurate information, preserving user privacy, and following ethical norms.
Continuous learning is essential for personal growth and knowledge improvement. I work hard to improve my abilities by always learning and absorbing new material, ensuring that I provide current and relevant support.
By embracing these values, I hope to improve user experiences and deliver useful and meaningful connections.
For more questions on Empathy
which of the following would be true for a turkish owned oil tanker sailing into greek territorial waters
If a Turkish-owned oil tanker sails into Greek territorial waters, it would be subject to the laws and regulations of Greece.
The ship's crew would need to follow Greek maritime laws, and the tanker would have to obtain the necessary permits and pay any applicable fees to operate within Greek waters. Any violations of these laws could result in penalties or legal consequences for the tanker and its crew. Additionally, there may be political tensions between Turkey and Greece that could affect the ship's journey and safety. Therefore, the captain and crew of the tanker should take care to ensure compliance with all relevant laws and to maintain safe navigation practices while sailing through Greek waters.
More on oil tankers: https://brainly.com/question/3396868
As you saw in Frida Kahlo’s artwork, juxtaposition is the
arrangement of two or more things for the purpose of comparison. Identify
places where Mora juxtaposes two contrasting views, situations, or actions.
How does she use this technique throughout the poem to create a sense of the
speaker’s conflict with others—or her conflicted sense of self?
Poem: Bi-lingual, Bi-cultural,
able to slip from "How’s life?"
to "Me’stan volviendo loca,"
able to sit in a paneled office
drafting memos in smooth English,
able to order in fluent Spanish
at a Mexican restaurant,
American but hyphenated,
viewed by Anglos as perhaps exotic,
perhaps inferior, definitely different,
viewed by Mexicans as alien,
(their eyes say, "You may speak
Spanish but y
In her poem "Legal Alien," Pat Mora utilises them hyphenated term "bi-lingual, bi-cultural" to highlight the dual identity and experience of those who are fluent in two languages and have grown up in two cultural environments.
The hyphen in "bi-lingual, bi-cultural" connects the two descriptors and creates a composite phrase that emphasises how closely linked language and culture are to a person's identity. By hyphenating the words, Mora highlights the dynamic and complicated character of cultural identity as well as the connections between language and culture. As they manage both American and Mexican law, Mexican Americans may feel a feeling of duality or even conflict, which is what Mora is examining in "Legal Alien."
To know more about Poem visit:
Select all of the following that are characteristics of a ballad:
- Internal Rhyme
- Plot
- Composed of quatrains
- ABBA ABBA CDE CDE rhyme scheme
- Simple tune/rhyme
- Repetition/Refrain
The characteristics of a ballad include:
Plot,Composed of quatrains,Simple tune/rhyme,Repetition/Refrain.What are the common characteristics of a ballad?Ballads are narrative poems that tell a story through verse. They typically contain a plot which often with a clear beginning, middle, and end, and are composed of quatrains or stanzas with four lines each.
Ballads often have a simple tune or rhyme scheme and frequently employ repetition or a refrain which helps to reinforce the emotional impact of the story being told. While internal rhyme may be used in ballads, it is not a defining characteristic.
Read more about ballad
Many people can recite that E=mc² and some may even know the value of "c" the constant speed of light in a vacuum (299,792,458 m/s); but was does it really mean? The equation E=mc² is also known as the mass-equivalence. Simply stated it is the concept that the mass of an object is a measure of its energy content. The mass-energy equivalence aro originally from special relativity as a paradox described by Henri Poincaré. Therefore, Albert Einstein was not the first to propose a mass-energy relationship. However, Einstein was the first scientist to propose the E = mc² formula and the fin to interpret mass-energy equivalence as a fundamental principle that follows from the relativistic symmetries of space a time. According to the paragraph "c" is: A: dangerous from a nuclear standpoint. B: the constant speed of light in a vacuum. C: a discovery of Henri Poincaré D: the mass-energy equivalence.
Einstein's energy mass equivalence relation say that if the whole given mass is converted to energy then it would be
the represents
m = mass in kg
c = speed of light in m/s
This is known as the origination of the quantum physics and by this formula we can relate the dual nature of light and particle.
If we solve for m, we want to get m by itself. The way to do this is divide both sides by c^2.
E/c^2 = m*c^2 / c^2
c^2 cancels out on the right side, and we are left with the following:
E/c^2 = m
Simply stated it has the concept that the mass of an object is a measure of its energy content. The mass-energy equivalence aro originally from special relativity as a paradox described by Henri Poincaré. Therefore, Albert Einstein was not the first to propose a mass-energy relationship.
Learn more mass-energy on:
Easy about substance abuse is a major problem among the young generation of today. What is the way forward
Substance abuse indeed poses a significant challenge among the young generation today. Addressing this issue requires a multifaceted approach that combines prevention, education, support, and treatment. Here are some key strategies that can help pave the way forward:
Education and Awareness: Promote comprehensive drug education programs in schools, colleges, and communities to increase awareness about the risks and consequences of substance abuse. Provide accurate information about different substances, their effects on physical and mental health, and the potential for addiction.
Early Intervention: Focus on early identification and intervention to prevent experimentation from turning into addiction. Encourage parents, teachers, and healthcare professionals to be vigilant for signs of substance abuse and provide appropriate guidance and support.
Peer Support and Mentoring: Foster supportive environments where young people can find positive role models and peers who promote healthy choices. Encourage mentorship programs that connect young individuals with mentors who have overcome substance abuse or have knowledge in the field.
Accessible Treatment and Support: Improve access to substance abuse treatment and support services for young individuals. This includes expanding the availability of counseling, therapy, and rehabilitation programs tailored to their specific needs. Ensure that these services are affordable and widely accessible.
Emotional Well-being and Coping Skills: Promote mental health awareness and teach young individuals healthy coping mechanisms to deal with stress, anxiety, and peer pressure. Encourage the development of emotional resilience, self-esteem, and effective communication skills.
Community Engagement: Engage communities, schools, families, and local organizations in collaborative efforts to prevent substance abuse. Create community-based initiatives that provide recreational activities, sports, and arts programs to keep young individuals engaged and motivated.
Strict Regulations and Law Enforcement: Implement and enforce stringent regulations and policies to control the availability and distribution of drugs. Enhance law enforcement efforts to target drug trafficking networks and reduce the supply of illicit substances.
Technological Solutions: Leverage technology to raise awareness, provide online counseling and support, and disseminate information about substance abuse prevention. Develop smartphone apps, websites, and helplines that offer resources, educational materials, and access to professional assistance.
Learn more about Substance abuse
which of the following statements is true regarding narrative literature reviews and meta-analyses?
The true statements regarding narrative literature reviews and meta-analyses is both narrative literature reviews and meta-analyses provide valuable information and in fact are often complementary. Hence, the option is B.
Narrative literature reviews and meta-analyses serve different purposes in research. Narrative literature reviews provide a comprehensive summary and interpretation of existing literature on a topic, while meta-analyses involve statistically combining the results of these studies to draw more robust conclusions.
Both approaches provide valuable information and insight, and they can complement each other by providing both qualitative and quantitative perspectives on a research topic for future study.
Therefore, statement B is true.
Complete Question
Which of the following statements is true regarding narrative literature reviews and meta-analyses?
A. Without conducting a meta-analysis, a background in meta-analysis alone is not beneficial when reviewing research findings.
B. Both narrative literature reviews and meta-analyses provide valuable information and in fact are often complementary.
C. A narrative literature review allows statistical, quantitative conclusions, whereas a meta-analysis provides directions for future study.
D. Unlike a traditional literature review, a meta-analysis begins with a body of previous research on a topic.
To know more about Meta-Analysis visit:
Conduct an online search to find at least two science features. Jot down the tittles
Exploring the Mysteries of Dark Matter: Unveiling the Invisible Universe"
This feature delves into the enigmatic realm of dark matter, a mysterious substance that constitutes a significant portion of the universe. Scientists and researchers are engaged in a relentless quest to comprehend its nature and unravel its secrets. The article discusses the various techniques employed to study dark matter, such as gravitational lensing and particle physics experiments. It highlights recent breakthroughs, ongoing research initiatives, and the potential implications for our understanding of the cosmos.
"CRISPR Gene Editing: Revolutionizing Biotechnology and Medicine"
This captivating feature explores the revolutionary gene-editing tool known as CRISPR (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats). It sheds light on the immense potential of CRISPR technology to transform various fields, including biotechnology and medicine. The article delves into the underlying principles of CRISPR, its applications in genetic engineering, disease treatment, and agricultural advancements. It showcases recent milestones achieved using CRISPR, such as precise gene modifications and the development of potential therapies for genetic disorders. The feature also discusses the ethical considerations and future prospects of this groundbreaking technology.
Learn more about Dark Matter
Help me please its due tmr
Ms. Cook says the school will only spend the grant money on a project. Lannis and Isa are not excited about Ms. Cook's idea for new bleachers. So Lannis suggests a new idea that would help both the volleyball and basketball teams. Isa likes Lannis's plan to work together on the new idea.
Ms. Cook's announcement results in Lannis and Isa's discontent with her concept, prompting Lannis to propose a fresh idea that Isa agrees of.
This causes Lannis to suggest a fresh concept that would benefit both the volleyball and basketball organizations, which Isa approves of and offers to collaborate on.
As a result, the significance of the events in this part of the story connect to each other are the aforementioned.
Learn more about on Ms. Cook, here;
south african youth problems
here is answer buddy
The South African youth face various challenges and problems that affect their well-being and hinder their development. Here are some of the prominent issues faced by South African youth:
1. High Unemployment: Unemployment rates among South African youth are significantly high, which limits their access to decent employment opportunities. Lack of jobs leads to financial instability, limited prospects for personal growth, and a higher risk of engaging in criminal activities.
2. Poverty and Inequality: Many young people in South Africa come from disadvantaged backgrounds and live in poverty. Economic inequality persists, leading to unequal access to education, healthcare, housing, and basic services. This situation perpetuates a cycle of poverty and limits the opportunities available to the youth.
3. Education Disparities: While South Africa has made progress in improving access to education, significant disparities remain. Many young people lack access to quality education due to resource shortages, inadequate infrastructure, and overcrowded classrooms. Limited educational opportunities hinder their ability to acquire the skills needed for future employment.
4. Substance Abuse: Substance abuse, including alcohol and drug addiction, is a prevalent problem among South African youth. Factors such as peer pressure, stress, and limited recreational opportunities contribute to substance abuse, which can lead to long-term physical and mental health issues.
5. Crime and Violence: High levels of crime and violence affect many South African communities, with the youth often being both victims and perpetrators. Factors such as poverty, unemployment, and limited opportunities contribute to the involvement of young people in criminal activities, gangs, and violence.
What is Macbeths plan for killing Banquo and Fleance ? Does it work , why ?
In William Shakespeare's play "Macbeth," Macbeth's plan to kill Banquo and Fleance involves hiring murderers to carry out the deed.
What was the reason for the plan?His main motivation behind this plan is to secure his position as the king and to prevent any potential threat to his throne.
Macbeth becomes increasingly paranoid and fearful of Banquo, as he suspects that Banquo's descendants may eventually become kings. In Act 3, Scene 1, Macbeth hires two murderers and convinces them that Banquo is their enemy, blaming him for their past misfortunes. Macbeth also emphasizes Banquo's supposed ambition and portrays him as a threat to their individual prosperity.
Learn more about Macbeth on
He smiled understandingly — much more than understandingly.
2) It was one of those rare smiles with a quality of eternal reassurance in it, that you
may come across four or five times in life.
3) It faced — or seemed to face — the whole external world for an instant, and then
concentrated on you with an irresistible prejudice in your favor.
4) It understood you just so far as you wanted to be understood, believed in you as
you would like to believe in yourself, and assured you that it had precisely the impression of you that, at your best, you hoped to convey.
A) InATLEASTFOURsentences,pleaseEXPLAINtheaboveparagraph–sentenceby sentence. What is it saying – and what is its meaning?
* Sentence 1: The man smiled in a way that showed he understood Nick's feelings.
* Sentence 2: This smile was not just understanding, it was also reassuring. It made Nick feel like he was not alone in the world.
* Sentence 3: The smile seemed to face the whole world, but it also concentrated on Nick. This made Nick feel special and important.
* Sentence 4: The smile understood Nick just as much as Nick wanted to be understood. It believed in Nick as much as Nick wanted to believe in himself. It made Nick feel like he could be himself around this man.
The paragraph is saying that this man's smile was something special. It was a smile that made Nick feel understood, reassured, special, and important. This smile made Nick feel like he could be himself around this man.
The paragraph is also saying that these kinds of smiles are rare. Most people don't have smiles that make you feel this way. But when you find someone who does, it's a special thing.
Read the excerpt from Iqbal.
The mistress sobbed and collected the pieces of rug from the floor, wiping off the red dust as if a miracle might put them back together.
Karim held his head in his hands. He was desperate, even though it wasn't his property.
"H*ll child!" hissed Hussain. "H*ll child! They said you were a rebel, a traitor. They said, 'Hussain, don't trust him! He's a viper. A poisonous snake. An ingrate.' But I, blind and st*pid, I thought . . . you'll pay for this, oh, you'll pay."
"Into the Tomb," howled the mistress, "throw him into the Tomb and never let him out again!"
They grabbed him by the arms and dragged him into the courtyard. We followed, but stopped at the door like a group of frightened baby chicks. We saw Iqbal's knees scrape on the stones on the ground, his arm bang against the edge of the well.
The descriptive details in this excerpt suggest that the story takes place somewhere that has
a rustic, rural setting.
a busy, suburban setting.
a futuristic, urban setting.
a magical, forest setting.
The setting can be a textile factory where children are forced to work.
In the excerpt there are some key words such as loom, that may imply that this is a textile factory. Also the image of a boy in shackles, locked to a loom, may imply that this boy is being held there against his will.
Based on the excerpt from the story of Iqbal, we can easily know that the master was a cruel man just by the way he held the young boy's arm. The very word "an iron grip" gives a strong indication of someone holding onto something that wouldn't be let go easily.
In his left hand he held a sack, and his right hand held the arm of a boy in an iron grip. gives the character of Hussain, the master as someone who is cruel and representation of someone who was to be obeyed by the children.
Learn more about textile factory on:
Answer: B: a rustic, rural setting.
100% on test
George Bernard Shaw
"You see things; and you say, 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say, 'Why not?'" This inspiring statement was made by the dramatic genius George Bernard Shaw.
If English drama today is both worth seeing on the stage and reading as literature, it is mainly due to the work of George Bernard Shaw in drama and dramatic criticism. Shaw was a drama critic for The Saturday Review from 1859–98. He gained considerable prominence by writing witty critical reviews while working there. He believed the plays that English audiences appreciated at the time were pretentious farces and highly melodramatic. He once said, "Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything." This clearly reveals his attitude toward the English audiences who he believed were stuck in primitive English customs. His freethinking spirit and views on equality for men and women were greatly appreciated in society.
A number of Shaw's early plays described the problems of capitalism. A brilliant example of this genre is his Widower's Houses. The Apple Cart is another of his plays that examines the theme of corruption in democracy with splendid wit and humor. His most famous play is Pygmalion, which wonderfully portrays the theme of equality for women. His quote "We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing" is one which we all understand and appreciate even today. However, during his time, despite his earnest purpose to be taken seriously by society, Shaw remained essentially an entertainer and a master of all the tricks of the entertainment trade.
Shaw's style of writing became so popular that his plays actually came to be termed as "Shavian comedies." Shaw was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1925. Per Hallström, Chairman of the Nobel Committee of the Swedish Academy, states that, "His ideas were those of a somewhat abstract logical radicalism; hence they were far from new, but they received from him a new definiteness and brilliance. In him these ideas combined with a ready wit, a complete absence of respect for any kind of convention, and the merriest humor—all gathered together in an extravagance which has scarcely ever before appeared in literature."
Select ALL the correct answers.
Which two statements would the author of the passage most likely agree with?
Shaw tempered his early extreme criticism of English society later in his life.
Shaw sought to convey progressive political and social ideas through comedic drama.
Shaw had a major formative influence on generations of playwrights.
Shaw played a major role in the political revolutions of his time.
Shaw was underappreciated in his lifetime because his ideas were highly controversial.
The two statements that the author of the passage would agree with would be "Shaw sought to convey progressive political and social ideas through comedic drama" and "Shaw was underappreciated in his lifetime because his ideas were highly controversial."
What can we say about Shaw's text?He sought to transmit educational ideas.He sought to format comic, sarcastic, but politically enlightening texts.The text presented above shows how much Shaw saw English works as melodramatic and exaggerated works. He used it to criticize English act and satirize the way English society shaped itself in thought and action. He did this with "Shavian comedies" that were heavily inspired by the works of other playwrights, whom he believed had quality work similar to his own.
Learn more about George Bernard Shaw:
5. Notice & Note The writer mentions time throughout the
essay. What is significant about this repetition? Support
your response with evidence from the text.
(Joyas voldadoras)
In the essay "Joyas voldadoras" (The Pearls of Wisdom), the writer repeatedly mentions time throughout the essay. This repetition is significant because it helps to create a sense of urgency and importance around the topic of time management.
The writer begins the essay by mentioning that time is a limited resource, and that we must use it wisely. This sets the tone for the rest of the essay, as the writer goes on to discuss the importance of prioritizing tasks and managing our time effectively. The repetition of the idea that time is limited helps to emphasize the need to use it wisely, and it creates a sense of urgency around the topic.
The repetition of the idea of time throughout the essay helps to create a sense of urgency and importance around the topic of time management. It emphasizes the need to use our time wisely and to make the most of every moment, and it reinforces the idea that time is a valuable resource that we must use wisely.
Learn more about essay visit: brainly.com/question/25607827
Write an introduction to the essay that establishes and introduce a clear claim that supports keeping art and music classes in public schools.
T/F giving a speech can be a satisfying and empowering experience.
Giving a speech can be a satisfying and empowering experience for many individuals. When a person delivers a speech, they have the opportunity to express their thoughts and ideas to an audience, which can be very fulfilling.
Additionally, a well-received speech can boost a person's self-confidence and self-esteem. Preparing for a speech can also be a valuable learning experience, as it involves researching, organizing, and refining one's thoughts.
Finally, giving a speech can be empowering because it allows a person to have a voice and influence others through their words. However, it is important to note that not everyone may feel comfortable giving speeches and may experience anxiety or nervousness. In these cases, it is important to practice and prepare to feel more confident and comfortable.
Learn more about :
speech : brainly.com/question/32037809
What biases does the documentary 13th have
13th touches on housing's role in perpetuating racism through redlining that segregated Black and white communities. These policies led to the economic prosperity of white neighborhoods and impoverishment of Black neighborhoods
Explanation: Hope this helps :)
13th touches on housing's role in perpetuating racism through redlining that segregated Black and white communities. These policies led to the economic prosperity of white neighborhoods and impoverishment of Black neighborhoods.
2. Why does Mrs. Baker say Holling is a soothsayer in the book the Wednesday wars?
The expression "diviner" alludes to somebody who can anticipate or predict what was in store, frequently connected with fortune-telling or prescience. Notwithstanding, Mrs. Cook is utilizing it mockingly in light of the fact that Holling has been portraying forecasts or presumptions that turn as mistaken or misinformed. It's a lively poke at Holling's inclination to rush to make judgment calls or offer misrepresented expressions.
There is a contrast between the normal utilization of the term expression and its specialized use in phonetics. In like manner use, an expression is normally a gathering of words with some unique colloquial importance or other importance, for example, "protected by prescience copyright law", "conservative with reality", "die", and such.
It very well might be a doublespeak, a colloquialism or maxim, a decent articulation, an interesting expression, and so on.. In phonetics, these are known as phrasemes.
Learn more about expression , from :