when would religious rituals and superstitious behavior (such as not stepping on cracks) be considered compulsive behaviors?


Answer 1

Religious rituals and superstitious behavior (such as not stepping on cracks) would be considered compulsive behaviors when the individuals feel the need to perform these actions in order to prevent negative consequences, even if they are not logically related to the outcome.

Such behaviors can develop into obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental disorder in which individuals have recurring, unwanted thoughts, sensations, or images that make them feel compelled to engage in certain behaviors or mental activities. OCD frequently manifests as repetitive behaviors, rituals, or routines that are intended to relieve anxiety or stop terrible events from occurring.

Religious rituals and superstitious behavior can develop into compulsive behaviors when the individual feels the need to perform them repeatedly to avoid terrible consequences, even if there is no logical connection between the action and the outcome. OCD is caused by a combination of genetic, neurological, environmental, and developmental factors, according to research. There is no single cause of OCD, and its causes are believed to be complex and multifaceted. Therapy, medication, or a combination of the two can be used to treat OCD.

To know more about obsessive-compulsive disorder refer to-



Related Questions

an effort by child-welfare authorities to find a long-term living situation that will provide stability and support for a maltreated child is called: permanency planning. foster care. kinship care. adoption.


An effort by child-welfare authorities to find a long-term living situation in an effort to offer stability and guide for a maltreated child is known as permanency planning.

Permanency planning involves assessing the needs of the kid and identifying a living state of affairs that is secure, stable, and supportive, with the aim of providing the child with a feel of belonging and safety. this can involve returning the kid to their organic family if viable, or finding an alternative everlasting residing situation, which include foster care, kinship care, or adoption.

The ultimate purpose of permanency making plans is to make certain that the child has a everlasting and solid home environment that meets their physical, emotional, and social wishes.

Learn more about permanency planning:-



no matter how hard she tried, natalie could not come up with the right words to describe her feelings for carlos. this demonstrates the concept of


Natalie was unable to express her feelings for Carlos, no matter how hard she tried. This demonstrates the concept of inexpressibility.

As a result, when someone is unable to express something in words, they are said to be experiencing inexpressibility. This is a common experience among those who have emotions but are unable to articulate them. What is inexpressibility?

When someone is unable to express something in words, they are said to be experiencing inexpressibility. This is a common experience among those who have emotions but are unable to articulate them. Furthermore, there are times when we are unable to put our thoughts and feelings into words because we lack the vocabulary to do so. This is one of the most important characteristics of human communication, as it allows us to express ourselves and convey our thoughts and emotions to others.

Hence the correct answer is inexpressibility.

To know more about  experience refer here:



what percent of children with hearing loss have other handicapping conditions that can impact speech language development


Around 40-50% of children with hearing loss have other handicapping conditions that can impact speech language development.

Hearing loss is defined as the loss of hearing. Hearing loss is a common condition that occurs when the ability to hear is reduced or lost entirely. There are different types of hearing loss, ranging from mild to severe, and they can affect people of all ages.

When we talk about handicapping, we are referring to the prevention of someone from doing something. A person with a physical, psychological, or developmental disability may be handicapped.

What is speech language development?

Language development is the process by which a person learns to communicate effectively. This includes the development of both speech and language skills. Speech language development is the process by which a child learns to communicate verbally and nonverbally, as well as understand and use language. The development of speech language skills is critical for a child's social and academic success.

To know more about speech language development refer: https://brainly.com/question/14386394


joshua, a 25-year-old auto mechanic, thinks he is napoleon. he further believes he is being imprisoned against his will in the mental hospital where his relatives have brought him for treatment. joshua is most likely suffering from


"Joshua, a 25-year-old auto mechanic, thinks he is napoleon. He further believes he is being imprisoned against his will in the mental hospital where his relatives have brought him for treatment. Joshua is most likely suffering from schizophrenia."

Schizophrenia is a serious mental dis-order in which people inter-pret reality ab-normally. Schizophrenia may result in some combi-nation of hallucinations, delusions, & extremely disorder-ed thinking and behavior that imp-airs daily functioning, and can be dis-abling. People with schizophrenia require life-long treatment. The exact causes of schizophrenia are un-known. Research suggests a combi-nation of physical, genetic, psycho-logical and environ-mental factors can make a person more likely to develop the condition.

To know more about schizophrenia click below:



6 marker for gcse PE please help brainliest


just how people

dont pay money to see a bunch of accountants working, but

do pay money to see athletes working...

there is something about sports that transcends commercialization

sports people often dont even record games but must see it live

even if games are available for free on tv, people still spend a lot of money to go to the stadium to see it in person

even if its really bad weather

commercialization does amplify the sports culture & athlete hero worship

commercialization makes the hometown sports hero look like a national one

Effects of Media on Sports

The commercialisation of sport can have both positive and negative effects on sports participation and performance. One of the key ways in which commercialisation can affect participation is through the use of different types of media, which can influence the way that people engage with sports.

The effects of different types of media on sports participation can vary depending on a number of factors, including the popularity of the sport, the level of coverage it receives, and the demographics of the audience. For example, traditional media such as newspapers and television can be powerful tools for promoting sports and encouraging participation, as they reach a broad audience and can provide in-depth coverage of games and events. However, the rise of digital media and social networking sites has also had a significant impact on the way that people engage with sports.

Social media platforms have allowed fans to connect with athletes and teams in new ways, sharing news, opinions and experiences in real time. This can help to build a sense of community around a particular sport or team, which can be a powerful motivator for participation. Additionally, social media can make it easier for people to access information about sports events and activities, and to connect with other fans and participants.

However, the use of social media can also have negative effects on sports participation, particularly among younger audiences. Studies have shown that excessive social media use can lead to a decline in physical activity, as people spend more time on their devices and less time engaging in sports and other physical activities. Additionally, social media can create unrealistic expectations and pressures around sports performance, which can be demotivating for some participants.

Regular sports participation can have numerous long-term physical benefits for individuals. These can include improved cardiovascular health, increased muscle strength and endurance, improved coordination and balance, and reduced risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and certain types of cancer. Regular sports participation can also help to improve mental health and wellbeing, reducing stress and anxiety, improving mood, and enhancing self-esteem and confidence.

In addition to the physical benefits, regular sports participation can also have social benefits, including the opportunity to build social connections, develop teamwork skills, and learn important life skills such as goal-setting, communication and problem-solving. Sports participation can also help to promote a sense of belonging and community, which can be particularly important for individuals who may feel isolated or disconnected in other areas of their lives.


name an activity or sport. what activity or game could a player practice during the off season to improve his/her performance?


Activity or game that a player could practice during the off season to improve his/her performance are basketball, baseball, football, tennis and golf

Basketball - During the off-season, basketball players may engage in individual and team drills to improve their shooting, ball-handling, and passing abilities.

Baseball - Baseball players might perform a variety of drills to improve their pitching, hitting, and fielding abilities during the off-season.

Football - To enhance their speed, agility, and strength, football players may use off-season workouts and drills.

Track and Field - During the off-season, track and field athletes may engage in various drills and exercises to enhance their speed, endurance, and overall athletic abilities.Tennis - To keep their skills sharp, tennis players may practice their serves, returns, and footwork on their own or with a partner.

Golf - Golfers might work on their swing mechanics and short-game abilities by hitting balls at a driving range or chipping and putting on a practice green.

To know more about games click on below link :



According to the Declaration of Independence, which situation justifies open rebellion against a government?
O A. high unemployment and inflation
• B. a ruler denying citizens their rights
O с.
a central government with weak powers
O D.
a long distance between a government and its people


Answer: B.

Explanation: people had the right to overthrow their government when it abused their fundamental natural rights over a long period of time.

what specific powers does article i of the us constitution give to just the house of representatives? (


The article I of the US Constitution gives a handful of powers to the House of representative.

Some of the specific powers to the House of Representatives are as follows:

To regulate commerce with foreign nations, among the several states, and with Indian tribes.To establish a uniform rule of naturalization, and uniform laws on the subject of bankruptcies throughout the United States.To borrow money on the credit of the United States.To lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States.To coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin, and fix the standard of weights and measures.To declare war, grant letters of marque and reprisal, and make rules concerning captures on land and water.To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining the militia, and for governing such part of them as may be employed in the service of the United States, reserving to the states respectively, the appointment of the officers, and the authority of training the militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress.To exercise exclusive legislation in all cases whatsoever, over such district (not exceeding ten miles square) as may, by cession of particular states, and the acceptance of Congress, become the seat of the government of the United States.To exercise like authority over all places purchased by the consent of the legislature of the state in which the same shall be, for the erection of forts, magazines, arsenals, dockyards, and other needful buildings.

To know more about US Constitution refer: https://brainly.com/question/453546


according to the authors of your text, what is the primary reason that people often rely on a variety of mental shortcuts? we're


The primary reason that people often rely on a variety of mental shortcuts, according to the authors of my text, is that it helps us to process information more efficiently.

The human brain is limited in its capacity to process all the information that it encounters, so we often use mental shortcuts or heuristics to make decisions quickly and with less effort.

These mental shortcuts can be useful in situations where we need to make decisions quickly, such as in a high-pressure situation or when there is a lot of information to process.

However, these heuristics can also lead to errors in judgment or decision-making, particularly when the situation is complex or unfamiliar.

Learn more about mental shortcuts at: https://brainly.com/question/30135324


aristotle was a philosopher in ancient greece who established a highly influential, comprehensive system of philosophy. true false


The given statement "Aristotle was a philosopher in ancient Greece who established a highly influential, comprehensive system of philosophy" is true because Aristotle's philosophy was divided into three parts: logic, metaphysics, and ethics.

His works covered physics, metaphysics, poetry, theater, music, logic, rhetoric, linguistics, politics, government, ethics, biology, and zoology, among other topics. Aristotle considered the concept of causation and the four causes (material, formal, efficient, and final), which were utilized to explain the behavior and development of both nature and people.

Aristotle was one of the most well-known and influential philosophers in ancient Greece. His philosophy was founded on logic and empirical observation. His perspective was that everything in nature had a purpose, and this purpose must be comprehended. He advocated for the concept of the golden mean, which states that the most rational and ethical course of action lies between two extremes.

In conclusion, Aristotle was a philosopher in ancient Greece who established a highly influential, comprehensive system of philosophy. He is considered one of the most important philosophers in history, and his works have had a significant impact on Western philosophy and culture.

For more about philosophy:



how did the overcharge computed? how did the concept of beyond reasonable doubt affect the computation of overcharge?


The concept of overcharge is computed by calculating the difference between the price charged by the seller and the price at which the same item would normally be sold. Beyond reasonable doubt affects the computation of overcharge by establishing a higher standard of proof.

Selling price is the final price set by the seller or the amount to be paid by the customer for a product. When you want to sell something, this final price is what you will offer potential buyers.

Determining product prices is one of the important things in doing business, because prices determine the future of products and affect how customers accept the product itself. meaning that the seller must be proven to have charged an excessive amount before an overcharge is officially applied.

Learn more about selling price: brainly.com/question/1445853


Laurence is working on a letter to send to his landlord disputing some charges. he creates a rough draft to share with his dad. once he gets his dad's input, what is laurence's next step?


Option C is Correct. While he writes, Laurence is challenging some charges in a letter to his landlord. He draughts a preliminary version to show his father.

Laurence's next move is to edit and proofread the letter after getting his dad's feedback. Although Laurence Leigh Residential is required to abide by all money laundering laws, they reserve the right to withhold payment of any cash amounts, including rent, deposits, and subsequent payments.

Investigations may also be conducted into Landlord-issued checks drawn on overseas banks. If a Tenancy does not move forward due to these conditions, Laurence Leigh Residential disclaims all liability. between tenancies, before tenancies, and following the conclusion of a tenancy.

Learn more about Laurence Visit: brainly.com/question/29443857


Correct Question:

Laurence is working on a letter to send to his landlord disputing some charges. He creates a rough draft to share with his dad. Once he gets his dad's input, what is Laurence's next step?

A: create an outline

B: send the letter

C: make changes and proofread the letter

D: brainstorm his thoughts

after throwing a bad shot a bowler intentionally steps on the foul line to remove the difficult spare set-up they were left with. how is this situation handled?


When a bowler intentionally steps on the foul line to remove the difficult spare set-up they were left with after throwing a bad shot, this situation is considered a foul.

Foul is a term used in the game of bowling that refers to any kind of shot that doesn't score points. It also refers to any rule violation that may result in a penalty.

When a player commits a foul, they may lose their chance to earn points for that shot. If a player steps on the foul line while rolling the ball, the shot is considered a foul. If a player fouls on a strike, they will not receive any bonus for that shot, which can impact their total score. In addition, if a player commits multiple fouls, they may be disqualified from the game.

In conclusion, if a bowler intentionally steps on the foul line to remove the difficult spare set-up they were left with after throwing a bad shot, this action is considered a foul. The shot is invalid, and the bowler will not receive any points for that shot. If the bowler commits multiple fouls, they may face disqualification.

For more about intentionally steps;



to ensure the effectiveness of a diagnostic approach to assessing and teaching reading, it is necessary to


In order to ensure the effectiveness of a diagnostic approach to assessing and teaching reading, it is necessary to use multiple assessment methods and strategies, tailor instruction to meet the needs of individual learners, and regularly monitor progress and adjust instruction accordingly.

A diagnostic approach to assessing and teaching reading is essential in identifying areas of difficulty that a learner may have and taking appropriate measures to address the difficulties.

These steps are crucial for an effective diagnostic approach to assessing and teaching reading:

Using multiple assessment methods and strategies: Different learners have different strengths and weaknesses. Using multiple assessment methods and strategies to evaluate learners’ abilities will help to identify individual strengths and areas for improvement.

Tailor instruction to meet the needs of individual learners: Instruction should be tailored to meet the needs of individual learners.

Regularly monitor progress and adjust instruction accordingly: Monitoring learners’ progress and adjusting instruction according to their progress is essential to ensuring they learn effectively.

Learn more about the diagnostic approach here:



jake noticed water droplets forming on the outside of a cold glass of water on a hot, summer day. this is an example of which part of the water cycle?


Water droplets forming on the outside of a cold glass of water on a hot, summer day is an example of the process of condensation in the water cycle.

What is the water cycle?

The water cycle refers to the circulation of water in the atmosphere, land, and oceans. It is also known as the hydrologic cycle, and it is the mechanism that maintains the distribution and quantity of the Earth's water supply.

Condensation is the process of changing water from its gaseous form (water vapor) to liquid form. The process involves the cooling of the water vapor below its dew point, resulting in the formation of tiny water droplets or ice crystals.

Condensation is an essential part of the water cycle because it helps to convert water vapor into water droplets, which is then returned to the Earth's surface as precipitation.

See more about condensation at https://brainly.com/question/28024217.


what is term god r[and its incarnations] mean in different religions of world, like crhristianity, islam. hinduism. buddhism. judaism. bahavis


The term "God" and its incarnations refer to a higher power or divine being in different religions around the world, such as Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, and Bahavis

In Christianity, God is seen as the all-powerful Creator of the Universe and source of love and mercy.

In Islam, God is known as Allah and is seen as the one, all-powerful creator.

In Hinduism, God can take on various forms and is seen as the source of all creation and the ultimate reality.

In Buddhism, there is no single God, but the concept of an all-encompassing divine energy is recognized.

In Judaism, God is seen as the ultimate authority and source of moral guidance.

In Bahavis, God is seen as one, omniscient, and almighty.

To know more about incarnations , refer here



what problem-solving strategy is guaranteed to produce a solution: insight algorithm dialectical thinking heuristic


No problem-solving strategy is guaranteed to produce a solution. Different strategies work better for different types of problems. Insight, algorithms, dialectical thinking, and heuristics can all be valuable problem-solving strategies and should be considered depending on the type of problem being addressed.

The most effective problem-solving strategy depends on the type of problem being addressed. Insight is the sudden realization of a solution to a problem and may be the most efficient solution. An algorithm is a set of well-defined steps used to solve a problem in a finite number of steps.

Dialectical thinking involves considering multiple viewpoints, allowing for creative problem solving and is best used when looking for a holistic solution. Lastly, a heuristic is a mental shortcut or rule of thumb strategy used to come to a solution.

Know more about strategy here:



what are at least three significant factors to consider in evaluating a condition as abnormal/atypical?


"Three significant factors to consider in evaluating a condition as abnormal/atypical are - Violation of social norms, Statistical rarity, and Personal distress." There is one more factor to consider, that is Maladaptive behaviors.

What is considered as abnormal behavior?

Abnormal behavior can be difficult to define, but it is often easy to notice when it hap-pens. Abnormal behavior is a psycho-logical term for actions that fall out-side of the realm of what is considered normative in a particular society or culture.

There are 4 major criteria for identifying abnormal behavior in a person, which are mentioned above. None of these criteria is enough on its own; abnormal behavior is generally identified when it falls into some of these categories.

To know more about abnormal behavior click below:



what are signs that your date might be uncomfortable with sexual activity with you? (check all that apply)


It's important to pay attention to your date's nonverbal cues to assess if they're uncomfortable with sexual activity. Here are some signs to look out for:

Avoiding physical contactCrossing arms or legs in an effort to create physical distanceDecreased eye contactFlat, unemotional facial expressionTurning away from you

The above signs suggest that your date might be uncomfortable with sexual activity with you.
There are various other signs that indicate that your date might be uncomfortable with sexual activity with you.

They don't seem enthusiastic or engaged.

They don't seem to be enjoying the experience as much as you are.

They avoid eye contact or physical touch.

They are hesitant or withdrawn.

They don't communicate their needs or desires well.

They don't seem comfortable in their own skin.

They don't seem to be relaxed.

They are quick to end the activity or change the subject.

They seem to be preoccupied or distracted.

They are fidgety or restless.

It is essential to respect your partner's boundaries and communicate with them openly to ensure a comfortable and healthy sexual relationship.

Learn more about nonverbal cues here:



protecting historic properties and restoring them consistent with post-disaster community priorities and best practices describes which core capability?


The core capability being described is "Historic Preservation" where post-disaster community priorities and best practices describe which core capability.

Historic Preservation involves identifying, protecting, and restoring buildings, sites, and other structures that have significant cultural, historical, or architectural value.

This can include buildings that have been damaged in a disaster, and the restoration process should be consistent with the post-disaster community priorities and best practices.

The goal of historic preservation is to maintain the integrity and authenticity of historic properties while ensuring their continued use and relevance for future generations.

To know more about disasters here



when democratic members of congress were considering the affordable care act, many were divided on the bill. some favored it and others opposed it. what would be the role of the whip in this situation?


The role of the whip in this situation would be to use their influence to encourage members of their party to support or oppose the bill, depending on the party's overall stance.

The role of the whip is to serve as a liaison between party leadership and the rank and file members of Congress. The whip's role is to promote party unity and maintain discipline. During the debate on the Affordable Care Act, the whip would be responsible for ensuring that members of the party remain unified in their stance on the bill.

1. The whip would assess the sentiment of the party's members and determine their stance on the bill.
2. The whip would communicate the party's stance to all members of the party and encourage them to follow it.
3. The whip would use its influence to motivate members to support or oppose the bill in line with the party's stance.

To know more about the Affordable Care Act click here:



what refers to the degree of dissimilarity that must exist between two stimuli before the dissimilarity is detected?


The degree of dissimilarity that must exist between two stimuli before the dissimilarity is detected refers to the just noticeable difference (JND).

What is the just noticeable difference (JND)?

The just noticeable difference (JND) refers to the degree of dissimilarity that must exist between two stimuli before the dissimilarity is detected. JND is also referred to as the difference threshold because it is the minimum difference that must exist between two stimuli before a difference in them can be detected.

According to Weber's law, the difference threshold is proportional to the magnitude of the stimulus with which it is compared. It suggests that the more significant the stimulus is, the more massive the change must be to be noticed.

To know more about just noticeable difference (JND), click on the link below:



the manner by which officers forcibly enter the premises if the door is locked or barricaded is associated with which rule?


The manner by which officers forcibly enter the premises if the door is locked or barricaded is associated with the Exigent Circumstances Rule.

What is the Exigent Circumstances Rule?

The Exigent Circumstances Rule is a legal doctrine that applies when police officers are compelled to enter a home, vehicle, or other location without a warrant. This rule allows the officers to enter without a warrant if they have a reasonable belief that evidence is being destroyed, an individual is in immediate danger of injury, or a suspect is attempting to escape.

When it comes to the manner by which officers forcibly enter the premises if the door is locked or barricaded, the Exigent Circumstances Rule requires that they use the minimum amount of force necessary. They can't use excessive force that could put the suspects, officers, or others in danger. They must also notify the occupants of their presence and identify themselves as police officers.

For more about barricaded:



a south american nation recently removed all legal restrictions on the establishment of private enterprises. this action represents the process of


Economic liberalization can be defined as the process of removing or reducing government intervention in economic activities. One of the main objectives of economic liberalization is to allow for greater market forces to determine economic outcomes. In recent times, many South American countries have implemented policies that promote economic liberalization in order to encourage private enterprise and foreign investment.

In particular, one South American nation has recently removed all legal restrictions on the establishment of private enterprises. This action represents a significant step towards economic liberalization in the country. By removing legal restrictions on private enterprise, the government has opened up the market to new players, which could lead to increased competition and innovation in various industries. Additionally, the removal of legal restrictions on private enterprise could lead to an increase in foreign investment, as international businesses may now view the country as a more attractive destination for investment.

There are several benefits to economic liberalization. For one, it can lead to increased economic growth and development. By promoting private enterprise and foreign investment, economic liberalization can help to create jobs, increase incomes, and raise living standards. Additionally, economic liberalization can lead to greater efficiency in the economy, as market forces are allowed to operate more freely. This can lead to greater competition, which can drive down prices and improve product quality.

Furthermore, economic liberalization can help to reduce corruption and bureaucratic inefficiencies, as government intervention is reduced.

The process of economic liberalization is not without its challenges, however. For one, it can lead to increased inequality, as those who are able to take advantage of new opportunities may be able to accumulate wealth at the expense of others. Additionally , economic liberalization can lead to increased volatility in the economy, as market forces can be unpredictable and subject to sudden changes. Furthermore, economic liberalization can lead to environmental degradation, as businesses may prioritize profits over environmental sustainability. In conclusion, the recent removal of legal restrictions on the establishment of private enterprises in a South American nation represents a significant step towards economic liberalization in the country.

While there are several benefits to economic liberalization , there are also several challenges that must be addressed in order to ensure that the process benefits all members of society .

To learn more about liberalization here:



according to albert mehrabian, we process and interpret nonverbal cues along three primary dimensions. what are these three dimensions and which nonverbal cues are associated with each of them?


According to Albert Mehrabian, we process and interpret nonverbal cues along three primary dimensions: facial expression, body language, and tone of voice.

Facial expressions involve cues such as smiling, frowning, or looking away. These are the most common and intuitive way to interpret nonverbal cues. Body language includes gestures, posture, and other physical cues. The tone of voice involves the way we say things, including volume, pitch, and rhythm.

These three primary dimensions are all essential in interpreting nonverbal cues.

To know more about nonverbal cues click here:



in ______ you pay attention to a signal. what you pay attention to depends on your needs, wants, desires, and interests. group of answer choices understanding subscribing attending remembering


In attending, you pay attention to a signal. What you pay attention to depends on your needs, wants, desires, and interests. The correct option is option C. Attending.

Attending is the process of actively focusing on and processing information. What you pay attention to depends on your needs, wants, desires, and interests. Attending can be an effortful process, which necessitates the suppression of other potentially interfering stimuli or "noise" and the maintenance of a degree of concentration, which involves avoiding distractions and staying focused.

While attending, you're also choosing what information to retain in your memory, what information to forget, and what information to suppress or ignore. Thus, the correct option is option C. Attending.

You can learn more about stimulus at



amy and david just had an awesome date. they went to a great restaurant and movie. they are feeling close and committed to their relationship. based on your reading, what physiological change are amy and david likely experiencing?


Amy and David are likely experiencing an increase in Amy and David are likely experiencing an increase in the release of oxytocin, a hormone that is often referred to as the "love hormone." Oxytocin is released during physical touch, social bonding, and sexual activity, and it is associated with feelings of trust, closeness, and commitment in relationships.

It is possible that their shared experiences during the date, such as holding hands, hugging, and engaging in conversation, may have led to an increase in oxytocin release, which would contribute to their feelings of closeness and commitment. levels. Oxytocin is a hormone associated with feelings of trust and connection. After an awesome date, it's likely that their oxytocin levels have increased, leading to a feeling of closeness and commitment in their relationship. Amy and David are likely experiencing an increase in the release of oxytocin, a hormone that is often referred to as the "love hormone." Oxytocin is released during physical touch, social bonding, and sexual activity, and it is associated with feelings of trust, closeness, and commitment in relationships.

Read more about physiological here:https://brainly.com/question/3951300


how does jocasta respond to oedipus's fear? what does jocasta say that relates to freud';s ideas of the oedipus complex?


Jocasta responds to Oedipus's fear by trying to convince him that it is unfounded. Jocasta says that Freud's ideas of the Oedipus complex are based on a misunderstanding of the Greek tragedy.

The Oedipus complex is a psychological concept coined by Sigmund Freud in his work, The Interpretation of Dreams. This complex is thought to be a natural psychological stage in which a child develops a sexual attraction to the parent of the opposite gender and hostility toward the parent of the same gender.

When Oedipus expresses his fear of fulfilling the prophecy and marrying his mother, Jocasta reacts by attempting to dismiss his concerns and reassure him that there is no cause for alarm. However, Jocasta's assurances are unconvincing, and it is evident that Oedipus is troubled by the prospect of fulfilling the prophecy.

Jocasta's words reflect a common criticism of Freud's theory, which is based on a mistaken interpretation of the original Oedipus myth. Jocasta implies that Freud's theory is irrelevant to the Greek tragedy and that it has no bearing on the character's actions.

Learn more about the Oedipus complex:



people behave positively or negatively according to their thought. as they can't understand their own internal capacity people behave negatively .there should be positive behaviour to be good from individuals to nation. justify in ten sentences​


People act positively or negatively based on their thoughts. People behave negatively because they do not understand their internal capacity.  A person's attitude can influence his or her behaviour in either a positive or negative way. A person may not always be able to

What kinds of attitudes are there?

Cognitive, emotional, and behavioural components all contribute to attitudes. Jane, for example, believes that smoking is harmful, is disgusted when others smoke around her, and avoids situations in which people smoke. Your attitude affects how you communicate and collaborate with others, contribute to workplace culture, and carry out your daily tasks and responsibilities.

Finally, your attitude will determine your level of success and happiness.

Know more about  behaviour Visit:



ou are driving on a freeway posted for 65 mph. the traffic is traveling at 70 mph. you may legally drive:


You are driving on a freeway posted for 65 mph, but the traffic is traveling at 70 mph. You may legally drive 65 mph, as that is the posted speed limit. HTML:

You are driving on a freeway posted for 65 mph, but the traffic is traveling at 70 mph. You may legally drive 65 mph, as that is the posted speed limit.

Speed limits are legal restrictions on the maximum speed at which vehicles can travel on public roads. They are designed to promote safety and reduce the risk of accidents and fatalities. Speed limits are typically set by local or national authorities and can vary depending on the type of road, traffic conditions, and other factors. Violating speed limits can result in fines, points on a driver's license, or even criminal charges in severe cases.

Know more about speed limits



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