where you have oceanic crust subducted under continental crust, basaltic magma rises through and incorporates/melts granitic rocks to become an intermediate or andesite magma. which best describes this process?


Answer 1

The process you described, where oceanic crust is subducted under continental crust and basaltic magma rises, incorporating and melting granitic rocks to become intermediate or andesite magma, is best described as the formation of volcanic arcs in subduction zones.

The process being described is known as partial melting of the continental crust by basaltic magma during subduction. As oceanic crust is subducted under continental crust, it heats up and releases water and other volatile compounds. This water causes the overlying mantle to partially melt and generate basaltic magma. As this magma rises, it incorporates and melts the granitic rocks of the continental crust, creating an intermediate or andesite magma. This process is an important factor in the formation of volcanic arcs and the creation of continental crust.

Learn more about oceanic crust here:



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Willem receives a flyer from a religious group as he walks into the subway. The flyer is explaining how this religion could benefit Willem in his life and
asking him to join the religion. What is the flyer doing?
O A.
O c. solemnizing
Reader 16613
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Explanation:which is currently the most important religion in the homeland of the man who founded it? Islam

adherents of which religion have controlled the holy land for most of the past 1500 years Islam

Lutheranism is an example of a christian denomination

how much of earth’s land surface is still covered with wilderness?


According to the World Wildlife Fund, only 22.9% of Earth's land surface is still covered with wilderness.

This has been decreasing due to human activities such as urbanization, industrialization, and agriculture. This means that more than three-quarters of the Earth's land surface has been modified by humans. While this loss of wilderness is concerning, conservation efforts are helping to protect remaining wild areas and ensuring that future generations can continue to enjoy them.

Organizations like the WWF are working to expand wilderness areas and to protect the biodiversity found in them. They are also advocating for better land management policies to keep wildlife habitats safe and healthy.

To know more about World Wildlife Fund, click here:



How can droughts be triggered by physical conditions ​


Streamflow's decrease, lake and reservoir levels drop, and the depth of water in wells rises when rainfall is below average for a period of weeks to years. The dry spell might turn into a drought if the dry weather continues and difficulties with the water supply arise.

How might physical factors cause droughts to occur?

Streamflow decrease, water levels in lakes and reservoirs drop, and the depth of well water rises when rainfall is below average for a period of weeks to years. The dry spell may turn into a drought if the dry conditions endure and concerns with the water supply emerge.

Due to the recent unusually low rainfall, Cape Town is currently experiencing a drought, which has put a tremendous amount of strain on the city's water supply. Cape Town's drinking water supply is reportedly in grave danger if it doesn't start raining right away.  Warmer temperatures accelerate evaporation, which decreases surface water and dries out the soil and vegetation. Low precipitation times become drier as a result, as opposed to when it is colder.

Learn more about droughts:



Impact of coriolis force and latent heat on development of tropical cyclones


The Coriolis force and latent heat are two important factors that influence the development of tropical cyclones.

What is Coriolis force?

The Coriolis force is a phenomenon that occurs due to the Earth's rotation, which causes objects that are moving in a straight line to appear to curve. In the context of tropical cyclones, the Coriolis force causes air to rotate around a low-pressure center, which helps to create the cyclonic circulation that is characteristic of these storms.

Latent heat is the energy that is released or absorbed when water changes from one phase to another, such as from liquid to gas during evaporation. In the context of tropical cyclones, latent heat plays a critical role in providing energy to fuel the storm's development.

Learn more about Coriolis force at https://brainly.com/question/11178074


features on the earth that are the furthest away from the equator


The North Pole: The North Pole is located at 90 degrees north latitude, which makes it the furthest point on Earth from the equator.

1.The South Pole: The South Pole is located at 90 degrees south latitude, which also makes it the furthest point on Earth from the equator.

2.Greenland: Greenland is a large island that lies between the Arctic and Atlantic Oceans. Its northernmost point, Kaffeklubben Island, is located at 83.66 degrees north latitude.

3.Siberia: Siberia is a vast region in Russia that lies mostly north of the 50th parallel. The city of Norilsk, which is located in northern Siberia, is one of the furthest human settlements from the equator.

4.Canada: Canada is the world's second-largest country by area, and much of it lies in the high latitudes. Alert, a small military outpost on the northern tip of Ellesmere Island, is the northernmost permanently inhabited place on Earth.

5.Antarctica: Antarctica is the southernmost continent on Earth, and its highest point, Vinson Massif, is located at 78 degrees south latitude.

Learn more about North Pole here:



Anoki's grandparents live on the land that his Native American tribe has traditionally inhabited, and they practice traditional religious customs there.
When Anoki's grandparents come to visit them in the city, they do not observe any of the rituals. Why might this be?
OA. The city is too dirty for religious observances of any type.
They follow an animist faith that is centered in the land of the tribe.
They are embarrassed to follow such old-fashioned practices.
They don't want to diffuse their religion.



Explanation:The Native American Church (NAC), also known as Peyotism and Peyote Religion, is a Native American religion that teaches a combination of traditional Native American beliefs and Christianity, with sacramental use of the entheogen peyote.

the city of the united states with strong links to latin america based on population, regional air and sea transportation lines, and growing banking and financial services, is


The city of the United States with strong links to Latin America is Miami.

Miami is frequently referred to as the "Capital of Latin America"; for the past 40 years, Latin Americans and their ancestors have ruled the city. The majority of people in Miami are of Latin descent. 73% of people in Miami-Dade county, the metro area that encompasses the City of Miami, identify as "Hispanic or Latino."

One of the most popular tourist destinations in the United States, it is both a tropical paradise and a cultural hub. Miami is also a major entry point into Latin America.

It is also called a Magic city because of the beautiful sunsets, cool breezes, and warm waters or perhaps because in the afternoon, traffic appears mysteriously everywhere on every highway.

To know more about United States and Latin america visit:



The city in the United States with strong links to Latin America based on population, regional air and sea transportation lines, and growing banking and financial services is Miami, Florida.

Miami has a significant Latin American population, which contributes to its strong cultural and economic ties with the region. Many immigrants from Latin American countries, such as Cuba, Colombia, and Brazil, have settled in Miami, creating a diverse and vibrant community. In terms of regional air and sea transportation lines, Miami serves as a major gateway between the United States and Latin America. Miami International Airport (MIA) is a major hub for flights to and from the region, while PortMiami is one of the busiest ports in the US, handling cargo and passenger traffic to and from Latin America. The city's growing banking and financial services industry is also closely linked to Latin America.

Miami has become a prominent international banking center, with numerous banks and financial institutions from the region establishing a presence in the city. This has led to Miami being nicknamed "the Wall Street of the South." The city's financial district, known as Brickell, hosts numerous international banks that cater to the Latin American market.

In summary, Miami is a city with strong connections to Latin America, as evidenced by its large Latin American population, its status as a major transportation hub for air and sea travel to and from the region, and its growing prominence as a center for banking and financial services catering to Latin American clients.

For more such questions on Miami



utilizing the table 10.1 depositional environments for sedimentary rocks, what type of sedimentary rock formation is associated with sand dunes?


According to Table 10.1, sand dunes are associated with the depositional environment of aeolian (wind-blown) systems. The type of sedimentary rock formation associated with sand dunes is known as eolian sandstone.

Utilizing Table 10.1 Depositional Environments for Sedimentary Rocks, the type of sedimentary rock formation associated with sand dunes is called Aeolian Sandstone. This type of rock forms in desert environments where wind-driven sand accumulates into dunes, resulting in the deposition of well-sorted and well-rounded sand grains. The aeolian sandstone is typically characterized by large-scale cross-bedding and is primarily composed of quartz grains.

Learn more about sandstone here:



which of the following is NOT a factor that influences population distribution?

a - language
b - government policy
c - economy
d - resources

________ is a good indicator whether or not a country is developed or developing

a - religion
b - currency
c - literacy rate
d - language



1. economy

2. literacy rate


a single igneous pluton has risen through the country rock and has created a rim of metamorphic rock surrounding the pluton. what term best describes this type of metamorphism?


The term that best describes this type of metamorphism is "contact metamorphism.

The term that best describes this type of metamorphism is "contact metamorphism." It occurs when an igneous pluton rises through the country rock, causing the surrounding rocks to undergo metamorphism due to the heat and chemical changes associated with the intrusion. The resulting rim of metamorphic rock surrounding the pluton is an example of this process.The metamorphic rock that forms around the pluton is known as the "contact aureole."

Learn more about pluton here https://brainly.com/question/11231978


in addition to being the second-largest moon in the solar system, saturn's moon titan is


Titan is not only the second-largest moon in the solar system, but also possesses a thick atmosphere, a hydrocarbon-based weather cycle, and a diverse landscape.

Titan, the second-largest moon in the solar system, is a remarkable celestial body orbiting Saturn. Besides its size, Titan is particularly interesting because of its thick atmosphere and the presence of stable liquid bodies on its surface. The atmosphere is primarily composed of nitrogen, with minor amounts of methane and other trace gases. This dense, nitrogen-rich atmosphere is similar to Earth's, making Titan a unique object among moons.

Furthermore, Titan's weather patterns and hydrological cycle resemble those on our planet. However, instead of water, liquid methane and ethane play key roles in shaping Titan's surface. These hydrocarbons form clouds, rain, rivers, lakes, and even seas, making Titan the only known moon with stable liquid bodies. This distinctive feature has led scientists to study the moon's potential to harbor life or to help us understand how life may have emerged in similar environments.

Additionally, Titan's surface features vast sand dunes, made of organic molecules, and icy mountains, giving it diverse and complex geography. These features are continually modified by geological processes like erosion, volcanism, and tectonics, making Titan an active and dynamic world.

In conclusion, Saturn's moon Titan is not only the second-largest moon in the solar system, but also possesses a thick atmosphere, a hydrocarbon-based weather cycle, and a diverse landscape. These characteristics make it an intriguing object of study, as it offers valuable insights into planetary formation and the potential for extraterrestrial life.

For more such questions on Titan.



In addition to being the second-largest moon in the solar system, Saturn's moon Titan is unique because it is the only moon in our solar system with a substantial atmosphere.

The atmosphere is mostly made up of nitrogen with trace amounts of methane and other gases. Titan's atmosphere is also thought to be similar to that of early Earth, which makes it a fascinating target for study and exploration. Additionally, Titan's surface is covered in lakes and rivers of liquid methane and ethane, which makes it the only other known body in our solar system, besides Earth, with stable bodies of liquid on its surface. The dense atmosphere of Titan has also led to unique surface features. The moon's surface is shrouded in a thick orange haze, which makes it difficult to see the surface in visible light. However, using radar and other instruments, scientists have been able to map the surface of Titan and identify features such as lakes, rivers, and mountains.

Learn more about mountains :



a source of precisely timed radio bursts, believed to be spinning neutron stars.


The phenomenon you're describing is known as a pulsar. Pulsars are spinning neutron stars that emit precisely timed radio bursts due to their strong magnetic fields and rapid rotation.

The source of precisely timed radio bursts that are believed to be spinning neutron stars is known as a pulsar. Pulsars are highly magnetized, rotating neutron stars that emit beams of electromagnetic radiation. As the pulsar spins, the beams sweep across space like a lighthouse, producing a regular pattern of radio emissions that can be detected on Earth. Pulsars were first discovered in 1967 and have since been studied extensively as important objects for understanding the properties of matter under extreme conditions, as well as for testing theories of gravity and astrophysics. These celestial objects were first discovered in 1967 and have since been observed across various wavelengths, including radio, X-ray, and gamma-ray emissions.

Learn more about celestial objects :



stone extraction from the earth’s surface for building purposes occurs in ________.


Stone extraction from the earth’s surface for building purposes occurs in  quarries.

Quarrying is the process of extracting stones from natural rock surfaces. Quarrying stone is not the same as mining. Quarrying is done on the exposed surface of natural rocks to the sun's light, whereas mining is only done underground. Stone quarrying is often done in hilly places where there is an abundance of stone.

The stone industry is widely defined based on the function of the stone, which includes building, paving blocks, curbstones, blackboards, and monumental usage. The requirement for a certain sort of stone, the intended application, and what we will use the majority of the time will define the site of a quarry. Granitic rocks, limestones, marbles, slates, sandstones, and other materials are among those used.

To learn more about Sand and Gravel:



identify the true statement. choose one: a. soil consists of rock or sediment that has been modified over time. b. the organic material at the top of a soil is called the b-horizon. c. a vertical sequence of various soil layers is called the soil horizon.


'Soil consists of rock or sediment that has been modified over time' is  the true statement. The right answer is a.

Rock or silt that has been altered over time by physical and chemical interactions with organic matter, rainwater, and creatures is what is referred to as soil. Soil is formed as a result of three processes that occur at or near the Earth's surface. Initially, loose debris, new minerals, and ions in solution are produced by chemical and physical weathering.

Second, rainwater seeps through the trash and carries clay flakes and dissolved ions downstream. Finally, by creating acids that weather grains, absorbing nutrient atoms, and leaving behind organic waste and remnants, bacteria, fungi, plants, and animals engage with sediment.

The correct answer is option a.

Know more about soil here



engineers refer to any loose material on the surface of the earth as soil. how does this differ from the definition earth scientists prefer?


Engineers typically define soil as any loose material on the surface of the Earth, which includes unconsolidated rocks, sediments, and organic matter. Earth scientists, on the other hand, prefer a more specific definition of soil that emphasizes its formation through weathering, its composition, and its ability to support plant life.

In contrast, earth scientists have a more specific definition of soil that takes into account its formation and characteristics. They define soil as the upper layer of the earth's surface that is composed of mineral particles, organic matter, and other living organisms. This layer has developed over thousands of years through the weathering of underlying rock and the accumulation of organic matter and nutrients.Earth scientists also consider the properties of soil, such as its texture, structure, and composition, when studying its function and role in the environment. They may analyze soil samples to determine its chemical and physical properties, and use this information to understand its impact on plant growth, erosion, and water retention.

Learn more about accumulation here:



geographic distribution explains the commuting patterns between cities and suburbs. group of answer choices true false


True. Geographic distribution can help explain the commuting patterns between cities and suburbs, as it refers to the spatial arrangement of people, places, and resources. Understanding this distribution can provide insights into the relationships between cities and suburbs, including commuting patterns.

A suburb, more broadly suburban area, is an area within a metropolitan area that is primarily a residential area, though may also include commercial and mixed-use areas. A suburb can exist either as part of a larger city/urban area or as a separate political entity. The name describes an area which is not as densely populated as an inner city, yet more densely populated than a rural area in the countryside. In many metropolitan areas, suburbs exist as separate residential communities within commuting distance of a city (cf "bedroom suburb".) Suburbs can have their own political or legal jurisdiction, especially in the United States, but this is not always the case, especially in the United Kingdom, where most suburbs are located within the administrative boundaries of cities. In most English-speaking countries, suburban areas are defined in contrast to central or inner city areas, but in Australian English and South African English, suburb has become largely synonymous with what is called a "neighborhood" in the US, and the term encompasses inner city areas.

Learn more about  suburbs here:



which of the following statements apply to the asthenosphere, but not the lithosphere? group of answer choices deforms mainly by brittle fracturing and faulting cool, rigid layer of crust and upper mantle that forms the tectonic plates zone in the upper mantle that deforms by plastic flowage


"The following statement applies to the asthenosphere, but not the lithosphere - a zone in the upper mantle that deforms by plastic flowage."

The asthenosphere is the heavy, weak-er layer be-neath the litho-spheric mantle. It lies bet-ween about 100 km (62 miles) & 410 km (255 miles) be-neath Earth's sur-face. The temper-ature & press-ure of the astheno-sphere are so high that rocks soften & partly melt, be-coming semi-molten.

The lithosphere is the rocky out-er pa-rt of Earth. It is made up of the brittle crust & the top pa-rt of the upper man-tle. The lithosphere is the cool-est & most rigid pa-rt of Earth.

To know more about asthenosphere click below:



what causes the large-scale rossby waves? check all that apply. multiple answers: multiple answers are accepted for this question select one or more answers and submit. for keyboard navigation...show more a the difference in solar radiation received by one longitude versus another in the mid-latitudes b the differential heating of land masses vs. oceans in the mid-latitudes c the large mountain ranges such as the rockies in the mid-latitudes d the absence of the coriolis force in the mid-latitudes


The large-scale rossby waves are caused by a difference in heating between land masses and oceans in the mid-latitudes, which supports Option B.

What are Rossby waves, and how do they impact our local weather?

Rossby waves aid in the transport of heat from the tropics towards the poles and cold air towards the tropics in an effort to restore the equilibrium of the atmosphere. Furthermore, they aid in locating the jet stream and delineate the path of surface low-pressure systems.

Why do Rossby waves shift from one direction to the other?

The conservation of potential vorticity leads to atmospheric Rossby waves, which are impacted by the Coriolis effect and pressure gradient. In the northern hemisphere, the rotation causes fluids to move to the right as they travel, and to the left in the southern hemisphere.

To know more about rossby waves visit :-



the _______ is an international treaty designed to eliminate use of cfcs (chlorofluorocarbons).


The Montreal Protocol is an international treaty designed to eliminate the use of CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons) which impacts climate change.

The Montreal Protocol is a multinational compact designed to save the ozone layer by phasing out the display of significant matter that is responsible for ozone depletion. The Montreal Protocol has been victorious in restricting and changing the gain of ozone-depleting gases in the air.

It was arranged by many countries in 1987 and has been amended several periods since then to contain further importance. The purpose of the Montreal Protocol is to safeguard the Earth's ozone layer, which is necessary for rescuing life on Earth from damaging ultraviolet radiation.

To learn more about Montreal Protocol



Earthquakes with longer rupture lengths produce seismic waves with lower frequencies. TRUE/FALSE


The given statement "earthquakes with longer rupture lengths produce seismic waves with lower frequencies" is True because  it tends to produce seismic waves with lower frequencies due to the more extensive and powerful movement along the fault

To elaborate, an earthquake's rupture length refers to the distance along a fault where the movement and release of energy occur. When an earthquake has a longer rupture length, it generally means that a larger area of the fault is involved in the seismic event.

Seismic waves are the vibrations generated by earthquakes that travel through the Earth's layers. These waves have varying frequencies, which determine their speed and energy. Lower-frequency seismic waves are associated with larger-scale, more powerful movements of the Earth's crust, such as those resulting from longer rupture lengths.

In summary, when an earthquake has a longer rupture length, it tends to produce seismic waves with lower frequencies due to the more extensive and powerful movement along the fault.

This relationship helps scientists understand the characteristics and potential impacts of different earthquakes based on the properties of the seismic waves they generate.

To know more about earthquakes, refer here:



True, earthquakes with longer rupture lengths do produce seismic waves with lower frequencies.

During an earthquake, energy is released in the form of seismic waves that travel through the Earth. These waves can be detected and measured by seismometers, and they provide important information about the earthquake's size and location. The frequency of seismic waves is determined by a number of factors, including the type of rock through which they are traveling, the distance from the earthquake, and the length of the fault rupture that caused the earthquake. Longer rupture lengths produce seismic waves with lower frequencies, which can be detected over longer distances. The longer wavelengths of these low-frequency waves allow them to travel much farther through the Earth's crust and mantle, which is why they can be detected over much larger distances than high-frequency waves.

Learn more about Earth's crust :



what is the term for when one lithospheric plate slides beneath another lithospheric plate? group of answer choices subduction accretion divergence isostacy


The term for when one lithospheric plate slides beneath another lithospheric plate is "subduction."

The lithosphere is the solid, outer part of Earth. The lithosphere includes the brittle upper portion of the mantle and the crust, the outermost layers of Earth’s structure. It is bounded by the atmosphere above and the asthenosphere (another part of the upper mantle) below. Although the rocks of the lithosphere are still considered elastic, they are not viscous. The asthenosphere is viscous, and the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary (LAB) is the point where geologists and rheologists—scientists who study the flow of matter—mark the difference in ductility between the two layers of the upper mantle. Ductility measures a solid material’s ability to deform or stretch under stress. The lithosphere is far less ductile than the asthenosphere.

Learn more about lithospheric plate here:



Reasons Why immigrants are in Khayelitsha areas ?


There are several reasons why there are immigrants in Khayelitsha areas such as :

economic opportunities.ocial and cultural factors.

Why are people at Khayelitsha ?

One reason why immigrants are in Khayelitsha is economic opportunities. South Africa has one of the largest economies in Africa, and Cape Town is one of the country's main economic hubs. Many immigrants are attracted to the city's job opportunities, particularly in sectors such as construction.

Another reason why immigrants are in Khayelitsha is social and cultural factors. The township has a vibrant and diverse community, with residents from many different ethnic and cultural backgrounds.

Find out more on immigrants at https://brainly.com/question/17141328


a slump or rotational landslide is often preceded by?



A earthquake?


cracks, possibly with some vertical displacement, occur upslope

what cultural and idustrial elements promote sustainable development in bhutan, maldives nepal, and sri lanka


The activities are crucial since they create jobs, supply food, and exports while not requiring highly sophisticated technology in the countries with limited resources and sustainable development economy.

What factors affect the current governments of Sri Lanka, the Maldives, Bhutan, and Nepal?

Political structures have been impacted by religion. Monks first took charge of Bhutan. Nepal has monarchs who preferred Buddhism. The activities are crucial since they create jobs, supply food, and exports while not requiring highly sophisticated technology in the countries with limited resources and a poorly developed economy.

What distinguishes Bhutan and Nepal from Sri Lanka and the Maldives?

However, they should incorporate any pertinent information from the chapter, such as: Different: North of India, in the Himalaya, the highest mountains in the world, are Bhutan and Nepal.

To know more about sustainable development visit :-



how do craters differ from calderas? how do craters differ from calderas? calderas are always composed of mafic material, whereas craters are always composed of felsic material. calderas form as a result of the summits of volcanoes collapsing, whereas craters only form in the tops of explosive volcanoes. calderas, which have diameters of 1 km or more, are much larger than craters. they result when the summit of the volcano collapses into the magma chamber. calderas are much smaller than craters, which have diameters of 1 km or more. craters form when the summit of the volcano collapses into the magma chamber. calderas are always composed of felsic material, whereas craters are always composed of mafic material.


Craters and calderas are both geological features related to volcanic activity, but they differ in several ways. Calderas are generally larger, with diameters of 1 km or more, while craters are smaller. Calderas form as a result of the summit of a volcano collapsing into the magma chamber, whereas craters typically form on the tops of explosive volcanoes

Craters and calderas are geological features that are formed by volcanic activity. Craters are bowl-shaped depressions that form at the summit of a volcano when it erupts and blasts out a vent or a crater lake. Calderas are larger and more complex features that form when the summit of a volcano collapses following a massive eruption or when magma is withdrawn from beneath the surface. Calderas can be several kilometers wide and may contain a central depression, known as a resurgent dome, surrounded by a ring of mountains. Both craters and calderas can have significant effects on the surrounding environment, including releasing volcanic gases, ash, and lava flows.

Learn more about Craters and calderas here:



true or false greater temperature fluctuations are seen in coastal areas due to the marine effect.





during crucial periods of human evolution, the pleistocene was characterized by group of answer choices aridity, then humidity. massive glaciation, then warm interglacials. high humidity. glaciation, then aridity.


The Pleistocene epoch, which lasted from about 2.6 million years ago to 11,700 years ago, was characterized by dramatic fluctuations in climate and environmental conditions.

One of the defining features of this period was the alternating cycles of glaciation and warming, known as glacial-interglacial cycles. During glacial periods, large portions of the earth's surface were covered by massive ice sheets, causing a drop in sea levels and a drying of many regions. Conversely, during interglacial periods, the earth's climate was relatively warmer and more humid, leading to the expansion of forests and grasslands. These climate fluctuations had a profound impact on human evolution, shaping the morphology, behavior, and distribution of early humans. During the glacial periods, early humans were forced to adapt to harsh and challenging conditions, such as limited food resources and extreme temperatures. In contrast, during the warmer interglacial periods, early humans were able to expand their ranges and take advantage of new resources, leading to the development of new cultural and technological innovations. Overall, the Pleistocene was characterized by a dynamic and ever-changing environment, with dramatic shifts in temperature, humidity, and glaciation playing a key role in the evolution of our species.

Learn more about glacial-interglacial cycles here:



(I couldn't find science)


Points neither toward nor away from the sun, and the days in the Northern Hemisphere are getting longer: March

Points toward the sun, so the Northern Hemisphere gets its most sunlight: June

Points neither toward nor away from the sun, and the days in the Northern Hemisphere are getting shorter: September

Points away from the sun, so the Northern Hemisphere gets the least sunlight: December

The Northern and Southern Hemispheres receive nearly similar amounts of sunshine between the months of March and September because the Earth's axis is neither tilted towards nor away from the Sun. The days and nights are also about the same length during these times.

Because of its tilt towards the Sun in June, the Northern Hemisphere receives the most sunshine and has the longest days of the year. June marks the start of summer in the Northern Hemisphere because of this.

The Northern Hemisphere has tilted away from the Sun in December, which results in the shortest days and least amount of sunlight. Dec. marks the start of winter in the Northern Hemisphere because of this.

learn more about Northern Hemisphere here



very fine mud sediments (<1/256) in size would most likely form what type of sedimentary rock? group of answer choices sandstone gypsum shale breccia


The correct answer is shale. Very fine mud sediments with a size less than 1/256 mm are classified as clay particles. When these clay particles are deposited and buried under pressure and compaction, they can form a sedimentary rock known as shale.

Shale is a fine-grained sedimentary rock composed mainly of clay minerals, such as illite, kaolinite, and smectite. The small particle size of the clay minerals allows for the formation of a dense, impermeable rock that can be found in a variety of depositional environments, including marine, lacustrine, and deltaic environments. The color of shale can vary from gray to black, and it often exhibits a fissile texture, meaning it can easily split into thin layers or sheets due to the alignment of clay minerals during compaction. Shale can also contain fossils, which can provide valuable information about the environment and conditions under which the rock was formed. In summary, very fine mud sediments with a size less than 1/256 mm are likely to form shale, a fine-grained sedimentary rock composed mainly of clay minerals that can be found in various depositional environments and can contain fossils.

Learn more about sedimentary rock here:



rhyolite lava group of answer choices has more silica than basalt lava does. indicates the tendency for explosive activity. may freeze in the vent and emerge as a spine. may form a lava dome above the vent. all the possible answers are correct.


"Rhyolite Lava : all the possible answers are correct." All of the given options are right.

What is rhyolite lava?

Rhyolitic lavas are sticky & tend to form big blocky lava flows or steep sided piles of lava known as lava do-mes. Rhyolite mag-mas tend to erupt explo-sively, commonly also producing abund-ant ash & pumice Due to their high con-tent of silica & low iron & magnesium contents, rhyolitic magmas form high-ly viscous lavas.

The options - "may freeze in the vent and emerge as a spine; has more silica than basalt lava does; indicates the tendency for explosive activity; may form a lava dome above the vent, are correct."

To know more about Rhyolite Lava click below:



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(select all that apply.) 1. increased basal metabolic rate 2. decreased erythrocyte life span 3. disturbances of the iron cycle 4. swelling in the tissues 5. failure of mechanisms of compensatory erythropoiesis Many exoenzymes from pathogens are virulence factors. 1) True 2) False Porque El Principito nunca renunciaba a una pregunta what is amazon's version of a sku (stock keeping unit) that is used to identify unique products on amazon? Exploring Finance: Short-Term versus Long-Term Cash FlowsConceptual Overview: Explore how time and the cost of capital affects the net present values of two alternative investments.The equations below show the discounted or present value of cash flows either one year or twenty years in the future. The first equation in each set of three shows the discounted value when the interest rate (or cost of capital) equals 5%. The second equation in each set of three shows the discounted value for an interest rate that is controlled by the slider. The third equation compares the two discounted values. Change the slider and observe whether the discounted value of the one-year cash flow changes more or less quickly than the discounted value of the twenty-year cash flow. Question is Complete:The 5 Principles that Form the Foundation of FinanceIn Chapter 1 we learned about the (5) principles that form the foundation of Finance. Immediately upon graduation with your MSA degree, you apply for a job in a for-profit company and the first question they ask you is to explain the meaning of the five principles that form the foundation of finance. in the context of elbow movements, the movement of the forearm to the shoulder by bending the elbow to decrease its angle is known as _____. Which sum is equivalent to 9c-12-15c-8-3c the nurse is reviewing arterial blood gas results for a patient. the pao2 is 66, and the ph is 7.22. the nurse recognizes these conditions as: If STC = 200 +2q+4q^2 and SMC = 2+8q where q is output, what is hte minimum level of average variable costa. 6b. 0c. 2d. 8 when a fan is turned off, its angular speed decreases from 10 rad/s to 4.4 rad/s in 2.50 s. what is the magnitude of the average angular acceleration of the fan? a. 0.86 rad/s2 b. 2.24 rad/s2 c. 0.37 rad/s2 d. 11.0 rad/s2 e. 1.20 rad/s2 which of the following is an example of vertical integration within a firm? u.s. steel owns coal mines, smelts iron ore using coal it extracts from those mines, and uses that iron ore to manufacture steel. ibm buys computer chips from intel, which allows it to concentrate on manufacturing computers. general motors and ford both buy tires from the same tire manufacturer. Biscuits Inc. has offered $427 million cash for all of the common stock in Gravy Corporation. Based on recent market information, Gravy is worth $376 million as an independent operation.If the merger makes economic sense for Biscuits, what is the minimum estimated value of the synergistic benefits from the merger? (Round answer to the nearest whole number) Suppose you just finished your third plateful of Thanksgiving dinner and it yielded 17 units of additional satisfaction, and the fourth plateful of Thanksgiving dinner would give 1 unit of utility. Should you go back for more? O No, because the marginal utility of the 4th plateful will be negative. Yes, since the marginal utility of the 4th plateful is expected to be more than 17 units of utility. O No, since the marginal utility of the 4th plateful is less than 17 units of utility. O Yes, since the marginal utility of the 4th plateful is greater than 0 units myshirts, a company that manufactures shirts, buys large batches of dressing material from a supplier. the supplier charges them less than what myshirts would have had to pay if it had purchased the material from different sources. as a consequence, the cost of manufacturing each shirt at myshirts is lower than at other manufacturers. this is an example of economies of the hottest stars show little evidence of hydrogen in their spectra because hydrogen is mostly ionized in the stars temperatures. true or false which of the following is considered an operating expense? group of answer choices purchase of machinery for a new project purchase of toner for the copy machine purchase of land to build a new plant