which answer correctly compares the first medieval merchants to merchants of the high middle ages? (5 points)


Answer 1

The first medieval merchants were typically more focused on domestic trading, while merchants of the high middle ages were more involved in international trading.  

1. The first medieval merchants mainly traded goods in the same kingdom or region, while merchants of the high middle ages traded goods from multiple kingdoms or regions.

2. The first medieval merchants were less concerned with making profit, while merchants of the high middle ages were more focused on making profit.

3. The first medieval merchants traded mainly in simple goods, while merchants of the high middle ages traded in a variety of more complex goods.

The first medieval merchants were generally less ambitious than the merchants of the high middle ages. The merchants of the high middle ages were more involved in international trade and they were more focused on making a profit than the first medieval merchants.

To know more about first medieval merchants refer to-


Related Questions

The Executive Branch can "check" the Legislative Branch by:

A.) Declare laws unconstitutional
B.) Nominate judges
C.) Confirm the president's nominations
D.) President can veto (say no) to congressional legislation


The President is the head of the Executive Branch, so the answer to this question is D

Hope this helps!

Madagascar plan was ultimately abandoned by the Nazi party when it became apparent that Britain would not easily be conquered. how was the plan triumphed over Britain related to resettling Jews on an island off the coast of Africa?

A) the Britain where allies of the malagasy people and promised fight against resettlement.

B) Brian had colonized madagascar, so Germany hoped to take control of it.

C) the Nazis plan to use British warships to transport Jewish prisoners.

D) if Britain were conquered, the United States would be too powerless to object the Madagascar plan​


Option (c), The Nazis intend to transport Jewish detainees using British warships.

The Madagascar Plan was what?

The Nazi German government suggested the "Madagascar Plan," which advocated for expelling Jews from Europe and forced them to relocate on the island of Madagascar. In June 1940, just before France was toppled, Franz Rademacher, the head of the German Foreign Office's Jewish Division, put up the notion. The plan proposed giving Germany dominion over Madagascar, which at the time was a French colony, in exchange for final peace conditions.

The possibility of resettling Polish Jews in Madagascar was investigated by the Polish government in 1937, but the task team that was sent to evaluate the potential of the island discovered that only 5,000 to 7,000 households, or possibly as few as 500 families, according to some estimates, could be accommodated.

Due to the Nazis' unsuccessful attempts to encourage the emigration of Germany's Jewish population before to World War Two, the idea of sending Jews to Madagascar was revived by the Nazi leadership in 1940.

The Madagascar Plan, a Nazi German plot that called for moving European Jews to the island of Madagascar, was conceived during World War II. This was meant to occur following the invasion of Madagascar, which was then a part of France.

The plan was never put into action for two main reasons. The strategy needed Germany to be able to control Great Britain's naval forces, but this never happened. The scheme was also replaced with the "Final Solution," which called for the extermination of all Jews in Europe.

Learn more about "Madagascar Plan,": https://brainly.com/question/3067634


Why was the Ottoman Empire a desirable territory for European nations during the nineteenth century?



Europe needed the Ottoman Empire as a trading partner because they controlled the access to Eastern goods. Since Europe required the Eastern goods, they had to become partners with the Ottoman Empire.

What was Oppenheimer saying about the atomic bomb in this passage?


The story of Oppenheimer's infamous quote. As he witnessed the first detonation of a nuclear weapon on July 16, 1945, a piece of Hindu scripture ran through the mind of Robert Oppenheimer: “Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds “

I’ll put the pictures in can y’all do the paragraph ?


Answer: Here's a CER paragraph with 4 claims about Andrew Jackson as a villain, with supporting evidence and explanations:

Andrew Jackson is often seen as a villain in American history due to his controversial policies and actions. Firstly, his treatment of Native Americans is a clear indication of his villainous nature. Jackson signed the Indian Removal Act of 1830, which forcibly relocated tens of thousands of Native Americans from their ancestral lands, resulting in the infamous Trail of Tears. This caused immense suffering and loss of life for Native American communities, as documented by the National Park Service.

Secondly, Jackson's disregard for the Constitution is another indication of his villainous nature. He vetoed the re-chartering of the Second Bank of the United States in 1832, despite the fact that it was a lawful institution established by Congress. This act of executive overreach undermined the separation of powers, according to the National Constitution Center, and set a dangerous precedent for future presidents.

Thirdly, Jackson's expansion of executive power is another clear indication of his villainous nature. He famously declared, "I am the government," according to the Miller Center, and made it clear that he would use his presidential powers to push through his agenda. This disregard for checks and balances contributed to a concentration of power in the executive branch that many see as undemocratic.

Finally, Jackson's violent temperament and tendency to engage in duels are also evidence of his villainous nature. According to History.com, he engaged in several duels throughout his life, including one in which he killed a man. This shows a willingness to use violence to settle disputes, which is certainly not a trait of a hero.

In conclusion, Jackson's treatment of Native Americans, disregard for the Constitution, expansion of executive power, and violent tendencies are all clear indications of his villainous nature. While he is celebrated by some for his military leadership and populist rhetoric, a closer examination of his actions reveals a darker side to his legacy.


State level governments are based on the organization of:
The Federalist Papers
The Declaration of Independence
the national government outlined in the Constitution
O monarchies in Europe
ext incorrect question


State level governments are based on the organization of C . the national government outlined in the Constitution .

How are state level governments organized in the United States ?

The Constitution outlines the powers and responsibilities of both the federal government and the state governments, and establishes a system of checks and balances to ensure that no one branch of government becomes too powerful.

State level governments have their own constitutions, which outline the structure and powers of their respective state governments within the framework of the federal system .

Find out more on state level governments at https://brainly.com/question/25192887


In a couple of sentences, use the graph and your knowledge of World War Il at home to compare the status of women before and after World War II.
Type your response in the box below.


Before World War II, women's participation in workforce was limited and their roles were often restricted to traditional domestic duties.

What is workforce?

The workforce refers to the group of people who are available for employment and who are either currently working or seeking employment. This includes both full-time and part-time employees, as well as those who are self-employed or working on a freelance basis. The workforce is often classified into different categories, such as skilled and unskilled labor, manual and white-collar workers, and temporary and permanent employees. Workforce demographics may also be analyzed, including age, gender, ethnicity, and education level. The size and composition of the workforce can have a significant impact on the economy and businesses, as well as on social issues such as income inequality and access to employment opportunities.

To learn more about workforce, visit:



what nationality was the first scientist who used the pi symbol?


Leonhard Euler was the first mathematician, physicist, and astronomer in 1737 who adopted the pi symbol ( [tex]\pi[/tex] ). He was born in Basel, Switzerland on 15 April 1707. He studied with diligence and showed an affinity for cognitive thinking and higher senses of logical reasoning.

He was  bright in the field of mathematics and engineering hence he enrolled in the University of Basel, in 1720. Furthermore, his drive and curiosity to learn led to many epitomes of success such as his model for topology while viewing a map changed the common views of people across the globe.

Hence, Leonhard Euler opened the gates to the future of cognitive thinking and formed the stepping stone for future generation.

To learn more about Leonhard Euler,


do you think world war 1 was avoidable why or why not


You would have to go back pretty far to avoid World War l. Stopping the assassination of Ferdinand simply delays it. Let's look at the geopolitical situation.

France is spoiling for a fight; they want revenge for their humiliating defeat and to take back Alsace and Lorraine. After 1871, a second French/German war is only a matter of time.Russia is trying to protest its smaller Slavic brother in the Balkans against Austria. Austria is trying to protect itself from internal unrest in its Slavic provinces. Serbia is trying to exist, while playing Russian roulette (pun intended) with half-hearted attempts at freeing other Austrian-ruled Slavs. So from about 1878 onwards, avoiding war between Austria/Russia is a delicate dance. Neither wants war, but their goals are completely at odds.        Germany is facing three simultaneous issues.

- It knows that a war with France is inevitable and, as of the 1891 alliance between France and Russia, war with Russia is therefore inevitable as well. German military planners believe that beyond 1920, Russia will have industrialized to the point where there is no way Germany could win. Hindsight leads us to believe they were largely correct. Hence, Germany needs that war with Franc and Russia to happen before 1920 if it has any hope of winning.

- Austria is collapsing, thanks in no small part to Slavic "mischief". Austria-Hungary shares a massive land border with Germany and, should it collapse, will cause Germany to be surrounded on most dies by unfriendly/hostile neighbors.

- As a major industrial nation (beyond France and rivaling Britain/USA at this point) it needs foreign trade. But because of their navies and massive colonial empires, France and especially Britain have a huge chokehold on that trade. Germany often gets the short end of the stick.

Britain has two very specific goals that is sees as essential for its survival:

-  There must always be at least two equal and opposing factions on the European continent. If Europe is fighting itself, it can't invade the British Empire. Britain can not compete with France or Germany should either become dominant on the continent.

- The British Navy must be at least as big as the next two competing navies combined. In this period, that's some combination of France, the USA, and Germany.

So look at all those conflicting needs and ask yourself how you avoid a war.


Stopping the killing of Archduke Ferdinand simply delays the war and probably not that much

You can keep Italy out of the war, and maybe Britain.  Just keep Germany from invading Belgium and convince the British that whoever wins the war, everyone fighting it will be hammered As long as everyone gets knocked down, the British are fine.

You won't stop a war between France and Germany. You'd have to stop the France-Prussian War for that and the only way that happens is Germany not unifying.

Russia doesn't want war, but if France gets curb-stomped by Germany, it has no friends left. You won't keep Russia out of the war.

how could spaniards obtain encomiendas?group of answer choicesby inheriting themby buying them from native chiefsby serving the spanish crownby buying them from other spaniards


Encomiendas were a type of labor and tribute system in the Spanish colonies. The Spaniards could obtain encomiendas by serving the Spanish Crown. The correct option is C.

Spaniards could obtain encomienda by serving the Spanish Crown.

Encomienda was a system of rewarding conquistadors with land grants and the labor of the conquered peoples. In exchange, the encomenderos, or recipients of the encomienda, were responsible for the well-being and religious instruction of the natives under their control.

The Spanish monarchy was responsible for granting encomiendas to conquistadors who assisted in the colonization and subjugation of new territories, as well as for managing the encomienda system in the colonies. To gain encomiendas, individuals had to serve the Spanish crown, either through military service or other means.

The Spanish crown would then reward these individuals with encomiendas, giving them the authority to collect tributes and labor from the natives of the area. The idea of buying or inheriting encomiendas was unlikely since they were granted by the Spanish crown and were based on loyalty and service to the crown rather than personal wealth or inheritance.

Thus, the correct answer is C. Spaniards could obtain encomiendas by serving the Spanish Crown.

To know more about Encomiendas here:


Which if the following did not Contribute to American hysteria during the
Cold War?
A. The Rosenberg espionage case and their execution.
B. Joseph McCarthy and his speeches about communists in America.
C. Americans being encouraged to build fallout shelters.
D. The excessive growth of sub


The last option D is fully correct that is excessive growth of sub.

What is American Hysteria in cold war?

Due to rising communist tensions between the US and the Soviet Union after World War II, the Cold War eventually broke out. There was growing hysteria across the country as Americans started to fear the spread of communism. Through legislation, the Eisenhower administration tried to calm American hysteria. However, American hysteria remained constant due to both their fear of communism and their failing economy.

Nash's schizophrenia would have a strangely parallel context in a world of genuine danger and occasionally paranoia. Nash referred to himself as "the communist" in a world that was divided into communist and capitalist camps.

To know about cold war visit:



what was the lasting impact of preventing the large hearst and pulitzer syndicates from gaining a lasting foothold in texas journalism?


The lasting impact of preventing the large Hearst and Pulitzer syndicates from gaining a lasting foothold in Texas journalism was the promotion of diversity in the state's media landscape.

How did preventing Hearst and Pulitzer allow for Texan diversity ?

In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer were two of the most powerful newspaper publishers in the United States, and their media empires dominated many local and regional markets. However, in Texas, smaller, independent newspapers were able to resist their attempts to gain a foothold, and a more diverse media landscape emerged as a result.

This diversity had several lasting impacts. First, it allowed for a greater range of perspectives and viewpoints to be represented in Texas journalism, which promoted greater civic engagement and informed public debate.

Find out more on Hearst and Pulitzer at https://brainly.com/question/944878


true or false: today there are more young children in child care in the united states than at any other time in history.


True. According to the United States Census Bureau, in 2018 there were 8.3 million young children in the United States receiving care in center-based and non-center-based settings, the highest number ever recorded. This is a 6% increase from the 2017 total.

In recent decades, there has been a significant increase in the number of children in childcare in the United States, particularly as more parents have entered the workforce. According to data from the U.S. Census Bureau, in 2011, approximately 32% of children under age 5 were regularly cared for by someone other than a parent, such as a child care center or family child care provider. This represents a significant increase from previous decades.

Learn more about child care:



briefly describe the differences between native american cultures in different regions of north america. explain how native americans were affected by the different phases of us policy in the east between the 1780s and the 1840s, with examples mentioning specific nations or tribes. then describe something about the historical experience of native americans in the west at this time, both those living independently and those living under spanish and mexican rule.


Native American cultures varied greatly across the different regions of North America. In the east, the Iroquois Confederacy and Algonquian-speaking tribes were the most prominent. In the southeast,

there were a number of Muskogean-speaking tribes, such as the Cherokee, Creek, and Choctaw.

In the Great Plains, many tribes followed a nomadic lifestyle, including the Sioux, Cheyenne, Arapaho, and Comanche. In the southwest, the Puebloan tribes were the most prominent.

U.S. policy towards Native Americans changed drastically over time. In the 1780s, treaties were negotiated between the federal government and Indian tribes, recognizing their sovereignty over their lands. In the 1820s,

the federal government shifted its stance, attempting to assimilate Native Americans into mainstream American culture. In the 1830s, President Andrew Jackson issued the Indian Removal Act,

forcing many tribes to relocate west of the Mississippi River. This caused immense disruption and suffering, particularly among the Five Civilized Tribes in the southeast, such as the Cherokee, Seminole, and Choctaw.

Native Americans in the West experienced a complex set of historical conditions at this time. Some, such as the Apache and Ute, remained independent, while others,

such as the Navajo, Hopi, and Puebloan tribes, lived under Spanish and Mexican rule. In the late 1840s, the U.S. government established a policy of Indian reservations,

with Native Americans living on federally-designated land. This caused considerable disruption and led to the relocation of many tribes from their traditional homelands.

To know more about Native American Cultures refer this :



what do etruscan tombs tell us about the etruscan's' lives? be sure to cite specific examples to illustrate your discussion. how does it demonstrate contact with other cultures?


Etruscan tombs tell us about Etruscan art and crafts, their wealth, religion, society, and their everyday life. The tombs offer much insight into the Etruscan people’s rituals, society, and everyday life, including their religious beliefs and their perspective on death.

The decorations on the walls and ceilings of the tombs show several scenes and figures from the Etruscan lifestyle that represented how the Etruscan people lived. The Etruscan tombs’ walls and ceilings are decorated with images of humans, animals, and mythical creatures.

The Etruscan people believed in the afterlife, and, to this end, they preserved the dead in decorated tombs along with their most valuable belongings. These tombs were sealed after the burial, so that the items inside the tomb could never be taken out. It was believed that the deceased could utilize their possessions and continue their life in the afterlife.

The Etruscans had long-established trade routes with Greece and other nations in the Mediterranean area, as revealed by the objects found in the tombs. These objects were likely acquired through trade or given as gifts to Etruscan aristocrats.

Know more about Etruscan here:



the third intermediate period in egypt was part of what larger mediterranean and near eastern phenomen? question 1 options:


The third intermediate period in Egypt was part of the larger Near Eastern Late Bronze Age (ca. 1550–1175 BCE).

This period saw the emergence of powerful regional states and empires throughout the Near East, including the Neo-Assyrian Empire and the Neo-Babylonian Empire.

1. The third intermediate period in Egypt was part of the larger Near Eastern Late Bronze Age.

2. This period was in the timeframe of 1550–1175 BCE.

3. During this period, powerful regional states and empires emerged in the Near East, such as the Neo-Assyrian Empire and the Neo-Babylonian Empire.

To know more about Egypt refer to-


Complete question

The third intermediate period in egypt was part of what larger mediterranean and near eastern phenomen?

in what ways did the columbian exchange affect the lives of the inhabitants of both the old and the new worlds?


The Columbian Exchange resulted in the exchange of crops, animals, diseases, culture, and ideas between the Old World and the New World.

Significant impacts of the Columbian Exchange.

Exchange of crops and livestock: Crops like corn, potatoes, and tomatoes were introduced to the Old World, while crops like wheat, rice, and sugar were introduced to the New World. Spread of diseases: The Old World diseases such as smallpox, influenza, and measles were introduced to the New World, which had a devastating impact on the native populations who had no immunity to these diseases.Cultural exchange: The introduction of horses to the New World revolutionized transportation and warfare for many indigenous groups, while the introduction of gunpowder from the Old World had a significant impact on the way wars were fought in the New World.Environmental changes: The introduction of new crops and livestock had an impact on the ecosystems of both worlds, while the introduction of new plants like tobacco led to changes in the landscape and the way people used the land.

Learn more about Columbian Exchange here:



1. How has geography affected Japan? Provide
specific examples of an event that may cause
multiple reactions throughout a country (e.g.,
geographical, economical, and/or social


The example of geography affecting Japan is that the terrain is mountainous. This means there is not a lot of good land for farming.

Because of the geography, the Japanese relied on the sea for many aspects of daily life. Trade with China and Korea became important to get the resources they needed.

Japan most known for?

Japan is for a wide range of things, that has onsen hot springs and kabuki baths, which date back to the sixth and sixteenth centuries, respectively, as well as all-night neon-lit dance parties, anime, and sushi boat restaurants, all of which are certainly more contemporary.

How old is Japan?

Japan has been inhabited since the Upper Paleolithic (30,000 BC), but the first documented reference of the archipelago is there in a Chinese chronicle (the Book of Han), which was done in the second century AD.

To know more about Japan visit:



what was not a reason that the industrial revolution began in england? responses many available laborers many available laborers strong banking system strong banking system large population of landowners large population of landowners numerous rivers


None of the options provided is a valid response as they all were contributing factors to the Industrial Revolution in England.

The Industrial Revolution in England was a complex and multifaceted event that was caused by a combination of economic, social, and technological factors. The availability of many laborers, a strong banking system, a large population of landowners, and numerous rivers were all key factors that contributed to the growth of the industry in England. Other factors that also played a role in the Industrial Revolution include technological innovations, the availability of natural resources, and the growth of trade and commerce.

For more information on The Industrial Revolution in England:


what italian word is the name of a sort of outdoor pulpit, one of which can be found in the city of brescia?


The Italian word for the sort of outdoor pulpit you are referring to is "ambone". In Brescia, there is a famous outdoor ambone located in the Piazza del Duomo.

An ambone is a type of outdoor pulpit that was commonly used in early Christian churches for preaching and public speaking. The word "ambone" comes from the Greek word "ambon," which means "step" or "elevated platform." Ambones were often made of stone or wood and were situated in a prominent location in the church or public square. The Brescia ambone is a particularly fine example of this type of architecture, with its detailed carvings and intricate decorations. The ambone played an important role in the early Christian church as a place for delivering sermons and other important messages to the congregation. Today, ambones are still used in some religious ceremonies and celebrations, particularly in Italy and other parts of Europe.

learn more about Greek here



over the course of the nineteenth century, differences in what things were evidence of divisions in the united states? luoa


In the nineteenth century, differences in economics, politics, and culture were evidence of divisions in the United States. For example, many regions of the country had very different economic conditions and political ideologies, while also exhibiting distinct cultural norms and customs. Additionally, racial divisions were very prominent in the nineteenth century, with African Americans facing various forms of discrimination in much of the country.

The 19th century is a period in history that occurred between 1801 and 1900, as well as the last century of the modern period. The 19th century was a century of innovation and revolution, with new political and social ideologies and industrial technology giving rise to capitalism, communism, and the creation of factories.

The United States was no exception, and throughout the century, there were several divisions that resulted from disagreements on issues such as slavery, sectionalism, politics, and economics. The divisions in the United States over the course of the nineteenth century were evidenced by:

1. Slavery: Slavery was one of the most divisive topics in America in the 19th century, leading to the Civil War. Abolitionists advocated for the abolition of slavery, while others were in favor of it.

2. Sectionalism: Sectionalism refers to the political, social, and economic differences between the North and South. The South was agricultural and supported slavery, while the North was industrial and opposed it.

3. Politics: Politics was a major point of division in the 19th century. Political divisions were seen between the two major parties, the Democrats and the Whigs, as well as the Republican party, which was formed in 1854.

4. Economics: Economic differences also led to divisions in America. The North's economy was based on manufacturing, while the South's economy was based on agriculture. In conclusion, over the course of the nineteenth century, differences in slavery, sectionalism, politics, and economics were evidence of divisions in the United States.

To know more about nineteenth century, refer here:



write a well-developed essay identifying an american who to united states history from the period 1900 to


The American who made the most significant contribution to United States history from 1900 to the present is Franklin D. Roosevelt.

He led the United States through the Great Depression and World War II, implementing the New Deal and helping the country to recover from economic disaster. He also negotiated the post-war peace treaty, greatly improving the nation's standing in the world. His legacy is one of resilience, perseverance, and hope.

In 1933, FDR proposed the New Deal, a plan of relief, recovery, and reform, which put millions of Americans back to work and helped to build infrastructure.

He then led the country through World War II, boosting morale and launching multiple successful campaigns in the Pacific and Europe. FDR also successfully negotiated the post-war peace treaty, securing a lasting peace for the United States and its allies.

Franklin D. Roosevelt's legacy has been felt in the United States for decades, and his influence is still felt today. His policies of relief, recovery, and reform helped the nation to survive the Great Depression and build a more secure and prosperous future.

He also successfully led the country through World War II and the post-war peace treaty, establishing a lasting peace and security for the United States.

To know more about Great Depression click on below link:



briefly explain one important similarity between teh british colonies in the ceaspeake region and the british colonies in new england in the period from 1607 to 1754


One important similarity between the British colonies in the Chesapeake region and the British colonies in New England in the period from 1607 to 1754 was that both had economies that were based on agriculture.

The British colonies in the Chesapeake region and New England had significant differences in their geography, economy, and demography. These differences resulted in two distinct colonial systems emerging in America that eventually led to different views and ideals of what America should become.

The British colonies in the Chesapeake region, located along the Chesapeake Bay in Virginia and Maryland, were established for economic reasons. The region's fertile land and warm climate were ideal for agriculture, and colonists quickly started growing tobacco, which became their cash crop.

They relied heavily on slave labor to work on plantations, and this became the backbone of the region's economy.

The British colonies in New England, located in present-day Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and New Hampshire, were established for religious reasons. Puritans, who were seeking religious freedom, founded the region's first settlement in 1620.

The region's harsh climate and rocky soil were not ideal for farming, and the colonists had to rely on fishing, shipbuilding, and trade for their livelihood.

Despite these differences, both the British colonies in the Chesapeake region and New England had economies that were based on agriculture. They both relied on exporting their crops and goods to England to make a profit. This led to the growth of a mercantile economy in America and eventually helped pave the way for the American Revolution.

To know more about British colonies, click on the link below:



working closely with members of the tejano elite in texas, how did anglo settlers in texas undermine the anti-slavery provisions of the mexican constitution?


Anglo settlers in Texas undermined the anti-slavery provisions of the Mexican Constitution by working closely with members of the Tejano elite.

As the Anglo settlers began to flood into Texas, they found themselves at odds with the Tejano elite. The Tejano elite, who had been in Texas for generations, saw the Anglo settlers as a threat to their way of life. They were afraid that the Anglo settlers would take over their land, their businesses, and their culture.

However, the Anglo settlers were able to work their way into the Tejano elite's good graces by offering them money and political power. In exchange for their support, the Anglo settlers were able to undermine the anti-slavery provisions of the Mexican Constitution.

They did this by bringing in more and more slaves from the United States. The Tejano elite, who had originally been opposed to slavery, soon saw the financial benefits of owning slaves. They began to buy slaves themselves, and they also used their political power to protect the Anglo settlers' right to own slaves.

To know more about Anglo settlers, click on the link below:



the emancipation of russian serfs in 1861 [check all that apply] group of answer choices was achieved at the tsar's insistence. brought freedom but few political rights for the peasants. did not significantly increase agricultural production. was intended to avert a revolution.


The emancipation of Russian serfs in 1861 was achieved for all the given reasons.

Serf emancipation in Russia was an important reform meant to solve the nation's socioeconomic and political issues. Tsar Alexander II, who recognised the need to modernise Russia and thought that the elimination of serfdom would assist achieve this aim, instituted the reform. The reform gave the serfs independence, enabling them to roam about freely, own property, and get married however they liked. The peasants were still subject to high taxes and had duties to their previous rulers, and they still had no political rights.

Additionally, because the peasants were allocated small, sometimes subpar pieces of land, the reform did not considerably enhance agricultural output. As there was rising unrest among the serfs and other groups in Russia, the reform was meant to prevent a revolution. But because the reform did not adequately address the underlying reasons for this unhappiness, unrest persisted in Russia. Serf emancipation was ultimately a big step forward, but it didn't totally solve all the problems Russia was suffering in the 19th century.

Read more about Russian serfs on:



Benito Mussolini made himself dictator of ______ by promoting an aggressive brand of nationalism called fascism.


Benito Mussolini established fascism as the dominant nationalist ideology in Italy and used it to his advantage.

Fascism is a far-right political philosophy that supports militarization, radical nationalism, and a powerful centralised government run by a dictator. It fosters the concept that some people and groups are better than others and emphasises the state's priority over the individual. Fascist governments frequently repress dissent and resistance, and they may resort to violence and intimidation to further their objectives. Early in the 20th century, fascism developed in Europe, especially in Italy, and was characterised by totalitarianism, racism, and authoritarianism. The history of the world has been significantly impacted by fascism's legacy, especially during World War II.

Learn more about fascism here:



HELPP! Why was this case important?
After the War of 1812, the U.S. government needed to borrow money to pay off war debts. At this time in history, each state had its own bank. This meant that the U.S. government had to work with multiple state banks to borrow money. To solve this problem, in 1816 Congress decided to set up the Second Bank of the United States with branches in multiple states. Many of the states opposed the national bank because it meant that their state banks had to compete with the national bank for business.

Many states were unhappy with the Second Bank of the United States. One of those states was Maryland. To show its unhappiness, Maryland passed a law that required the national bank to pay a heavy tax to the state of Maryland. This was a move to destroy the Baltimore branch of the Second Bank of the United States. James McCulloch, cashier of the Baltimore branch, had to pay a $15,000 annual tax. When McCulloch refused to pay the tax, a Maryland court convicted him and fined him $2,500. He appealed the decision to the Maryland Court of Appeals and lost again. The dispute then ended up in the Supreme Court of the United States, with Chief Justice John Marshall presiding.

Did Congress have the power to establish a national bank?

McCulloch Argument:

Congress debated the creation of the national bank a few years ago. Members of Congress believed they had the right to create the Second Bank of the United States, citing the Necessary and Proper Clause (Article I, Section 8, Clause 18). The members believed that the bank was a "necessary and proper" way for Congress to conduct the financial operations of the nation. Congress referred to these as "implied powers," stating that the Constitution only provides a framework and cannot specifically outline every detail of national operations.

Maryland Argument:

The Constitution does not directly grant the power to charter a national bank. It is also not an implied power. Therefore, Congress did not have the right to establish a national bank. The states should determine the right to establish a bank.

Was the Maryland law that taxed nationally chartered banks unconstitutional, interfering with federal powers?

McCulloch Argument:

The Supremacy Clause (Article VI, Clause 2) states that federal law takes priority over state law. The bank is a federal function which no state may interfere. If Maryland can tax the national bank, it could interfere enough to cause the bank to close.


Maryland is a sovereign state; it has the right to tax individuals and businesses in its state borders.

The Judgement
The Supreme Court unanimously (7–0) ruled in favor of McCulloch and the federal government. The case was important because it established a precedent for the relationships between the federal government and the state governments. It stated that the federal government had powers the Constitution did not list, known as implied powers. These implied powers granted Congress the constitutional right to establish a national bank. They said that states had the power to tax within their borders. However, the state of Maryland did not have the power to tax a federal establishment. Maryland's decision to tax the national bank was an attempt to destroy the bank. The state challenged the supremacy of federal power.


The case of McCulloch v. Maryland (1819) was critical because it established the precedent for the relationship between the federal government and the state governments, specifically regarding the federal government's implied powers. The Supreme Court unanimously ruled that the federal government had the constitutional right to establish a national bank and that states could not interfere with its functioning by taxing it. This decision strengthened the power of the federal government and limited the ability of the states in matters concerning national institutions. Additionally, the ruling established the principle of federal supremacy over state laws, which became a cornerstone of American constitutional law

which development in the 1950s made the ideal of the nuclear family attainable for a large fraction of the u.s. population?


Answer: a sharp rise in inflation-adjusted wages

why was american expansion of the 1890s different from earlier expansionist moves? * 1 point it was primarily for agricultural objectives. it was intended for settlement. it was the result of war. it would create economic and military colonies overseas. it would venture into uninhabited areas.


American expansion of the 1890s was different from earlier expansionist moves because it was primarily for agricultural objectives, intended for settlement, and was the result of war.

This expansion sought to create economic and military colonies overseas and venture into uninhabited areas.

The idea of expansion for agricultural objectives stemmed from the idea of "Manifest Destiny" and was the main goal of the American expansion in the 1890s. This idea was to expand American boundaries and claim new land in order to increase the economic stability of the nation.

The idea of settlement was also important, as many Americans moved west in order to create their own settlements on the newly claimed land. The idea of war was also important, as some of the expansion in the 1890s was a result of the Mexican-American War, where the United States won new territories in the southwest.

The creation of economic and military colonies overseas was also an important part of the expansion in the 1890s, as it allowed the United States to increase its influence and power in foreign markets and regions.

Finally, the idea of venturing into uninhabited areas was important, as this allowed the United States to explore and expand its territory even further.

To know more about Manifest Destiny click on below link:



passage of the nineteenth amendment allowed women to continue their quest for equality in what way?


The passage of the Nineteenth Amendment allowed women to continue their quest for equality in the following ways: Women's Voting Rights, Gender Equality, Empowerment, Education, Career Advancement

1. Women's Voting Rights: The passage of the Nineteenth Amendment granted women the right to vote. This was a major turning point in women's history and allowed them to become more politically active.

2. Gender Equality: The Nineteenth Amendment helped women to achieve greater gender equality. It gave them the right to vote and helped to reduce the gender gap in society. Women could now pursue their aspirations, careers, and other endeavors with much more freedom.

3. Empowerment: The passage of the Nineteenth Amendment empowered women to fight for their rights and freedoms. It gave them a voice and allowed them to participate in the political process. Women could now speak up and demand equality and justice.

4. Education: The Nineteenth Amendment encouraged women to pursue education and achieve greater levels of success. It allowed them to pursue their dreams and make their voices heard. With the passage of the Nineteenth Amendment, women were finally given the tools they needed to succeed in society.

5. Career Advancement: The Nineteenth Amendment opened up new career opportunities for women. It allowed them to break into previously male-dominated fields and industries. Women could now work and earn a living without being discriminated against.

To know more about Nineteenth Amendment here:


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I intended,certainly, to have made a clean thing of that matter, as I did lastwinter when I went into Missouri, and there took Slaves withoutthe snapping of a gun on either side, moving them through thecountry, and finally leaving them in Canada. I designed to havedone the same thing again on a larger scale. That was all Iintended. I never did intend murder, or treason, or thedestruction of property, or to excite or incite Slaves to rebellion,or to make insurrection.I have another objection, and that is that it is unjust that Ishould suffer such a penalty. 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I say I am yet tooyoung to understand that GOD is any respecter of persons. Ibelieve that to have interfered as I have done, as I have alwaysfreely admitted I have done in behalf of this despised poor, isno wrong, but RIGHT.Now, if it is deemed necessary that I should forfeit my life forthe furtherance of the ends of justice, and MINGLE MY BLOODFURTHER WITH THE BLOOD OF MY CHILDREN, and with theblood of millions in this Slave country whose rights aredisregarded by wicked, cruel, and unjust enactments, -- I sayLET IT BE DONE.Let me say one word further: I feel entirely satisfied with thetreatment I have received on my trial. Considering all thecircumstances, it has been more generous than I expected; but Ifeel no consciousness of guilt. I have stated from the first whatwas my intention and what was not. I never had any designagainst the liberty of any person, nor any disposition to committreason or excite Slaves to rebel or make any generalinsurrection. 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