which best explains the mechanism that allows for cell differentiation ?


Answer 1


Cellular differentiation


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What is the term for an organism that makes its own source of chemical energy?
B chloroplast
D producer



D thxs good luck on your test


It can be more than one



Only the matter stored in body tissues


Cuz the seal took some of the matter for itself :)

Taxonomists try to group organisms based on?
A. Size
B. Evolutionary relationships
C. Physical appearance
D. Ecological niche



B) Evolutionary relationships


While I don't believe in Evolutionary relationships, taxonomists group organisms based on Evolutionary relationships

Which of the following are found in DNA,but not RNA?


Answer:Uracil. Uracil is present in RNA and binds to adenine where as thymine is present in DNA and binds to adenine.

The warming of the atmosphere by the trapping of heat being radiated to space is called
c)the greenhouse effect



The greenhouse effect is a process that occurs when gases in Earth's atmosphere trap the Sun's heat. This process makes Earth much warmer than it would be without an atmosphere. Solar energy absorbed at Earth's surface is radiated back into the atmosphere as heat. As the heat makes its way through the atmosphere and back out to space, greenhouse gases absorb much of it.

The answer is c

Good luck

What's the difference between inference and observation? Give examples of each.



A inference is a conclusion reached on the basis of evidence and reasoning.

A observation is an act or instance of regarding attentively or watching


Example for a inference would be - lets say you notice someone isnt acting like theirself you may infer that their not having a good day or their not in a mood

Observation example- when your doing a lab for science you may observe the different types of utensils or the effects of the object you use like oh this is blue or something

What are the similarities between food webs and food chains?



food webs are what the animals eat in order while food chain is what animal eats what animal

I really need these answers



Down There


1) The Bushmaster has the highest mortality rate.

2) The Southern United States Copperhead has the least mortality rate.

3) I can determine that the Bushmaster's venom works the fastest due to it being the one with most deaths produced. While the U.S. Copperhead's venom might work the least since most people survived its venom.

4) The Black-necked Cobra and the Puff Adder

5) 10 types of snakes.

Hope it helps!! :D

2. The Southern US Copperhead has the lowest mortality rate

how are proteins made in animals and humans



Through protein synthesis of course...


DNA and RNA do many steps such as translation, transcription, and more to form protein codons and code them into amino acids. Then, thousands of amino acids are oined together to make proteins, which regulate body function and catalyze chemical reactions (enzymes). Ribosomes are also involved in this action. To make proteins, nitrogen is needed for the plant to use, and that comes mainly from nitrate ions in the soil, and gets into the plant by active transport.

the image down below.​



4 nethier organic


Which of the following shows an unsaturated fatty acid?



I belive the answer is B or C


Answer: its D

Explanation: i got it wrong cause of these guys

what must animals do for celluar respiraton to begin



the animal will consume food and inhale oxygen and drink water. the cell will use the oxygen and water to break down the glucose to form energy or ATP

When two species are forced to interact in a particular environment, how would
relationships of competition, predation, and mutualism affect the two populations?



Find the explanation below.


When two species find themselves in the same environment, the quest for survival would lead to interactions among themselves.

Competition would result when there are limited resources. For example, when Tigers and Lions who feed on the same prey exist together in an environment, a competitive relationship can result.

Predation is a sort of interaction where an organism feeds on a prey to survive. Here, the weaker animal/species stands the risk of being defeated in the battle for survival. For example, in some homes where cats and rats exist, the cats tend to prey on the rats.

Mutualism is a form of symbiotic relationship where the animals exist together in a cooperative manner. Most fungal species have been found to have a mutualistic relationship with the roots of plants. Each of these two is important to each other's survival.

the difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic gene regulation





To understand how gene expression is regulated, we must first understand how a gene codes for a functional protein in a cell. The process occurs in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, just in slightly different manners.

Prokaryotic organisms are single-celled organisms that lack a cell nucleus, and their DNA therefore floats freely in the cell cytoplasm. To synthesize a protein, the processes of transcription and translation occur almost simultaneously. When the resulting protein is no longer needed, transcription stops. As a result, the primary method to control what type of protein and how much of each protein is expressed in a prokaryotic cell is the regulation of DNA transcription. All of the subsequent steps occur automatically. When more protein is required, more transcription occurs. Therefore, in prokaryotic cells, the control of gene expression is mostly at the transcriptional level.

Eukaryotic cells, in contrast, have intracellular organelles that add to their complexity. In eukaryotic cells, the DNA is contained inside the cell’s nucleus and there it is transcribed into RNA. The newly synthesized RNA is then transported out of the nucleus into the cytoplasm, where ribosomes translate the RNA into protein. The processes of transcription and translation are physically separated by the nuclear membrane; transcription occurs only within the nucleus, and translation occurs only outside the nucleus in the cytoplasm. The regulation of gene expression can occur at all stages of the process (Figure 1). Regulation may occur when the DNA is uncoiled and loosened from nucleosomes to bind transcription factors (epigenetic level), when the RNA is transcribed (transcriptional level), when the RNA is processed and exported to the cytoplasm after it is transcribed (post-transcriptional level), when the RNA is translated into protein (translational level), or after the protein has been made (post-translational level).


Prokaryotic gene expression is primarily controlled at the level of transcription. Eukaryotic gene expression is controlled at the levels of epigenetics, transcription, post-transcription, translation, and post-translation.

how do organisms generate energy when oxygen is ot available​



Fermentation releases energy from food molecules by producing ATP.

Organisms can generate ATP when oxygen is not available after glycolysis. The most common processes are alcoholic and lactic acid fermentation.

what happens to cells formed by meristematic tissue​



The cells formed by meristematic tissue take up a specific role and lose their ability to divide. As a result, they form a permanent tissue. This process of taking up a permanent shape, size and function is called differentiation.

Please mark me as brainlist.

write one sentence using both words in the pair.
Taiga, swamp



I went to visit a Taiga, which can sometimes be like a swamp.

it is very cold in taiga biomes unlike in hot and humid swamps

What supports, protects and maintains the shape of the cell? *Very rigid. *
A .golgi apparatus
B. cytoplasm
C. endoplasmic reticulum
D. cell wall


Answer: D. the Cell wall

Explanation: The cell wall provides structural support and protection. Pores in the cell wall allow water and nutrients to move into and out of the cell. The cell wall also prevents the plant cell from bursting when water enters the cell.

Also it is also a ridged layer found outside of the cell membrane

I believe the answer is D

Name and describe the five types of active transport systems.



Please Mark as Brainliest. Please!!!!!!!!!!



Active transport is the process of transferring substances into, out of, and between cells, using energy. In some cases, the movement of substances can be accomplished by passive transport, which uses no energy. However, the cell often needs to transport materials against their concentration gradient. In these cases, active transport is required.

Active transport requires energy to move substances from a low concentration of that substance to a high concentration of that substance, in contrast with the process of osmosis. Active transport is most commonly accomplished by a transport protein that undergoes a change in shape when it binds with the cell’s “fuel,” a molecule called adenosine triphosphate (ATP).

For example, one type of active transport channel in the cell membrane will bind to the molecule it is supposed to transport – such as a sodium ion – and hold onto it until a molecule of ATP comes along and binds to the protein. The energy stored in ATP then allows the channel to change shape, spitting the sodium ion out on the opposite side of the cell membrane. This type of active transport directly uses ATP and is called “primary” active transport.

Another type of active transport is “secondary” active transport. In this type of active transport, the protein pump does not use ATP itself, but the cell must utilize ATP in order to keep it functioning. This will be explained in more depth in the section on Symport Pumps below.

Lastly, active transport can be accomplished through processes called endocytosis and exocytosis. In exocytosis, a cell moves something outside of itself in large quantities by wrapping it in a membrane called a vesicle and “spitting out” the vesicle. In endocytosis, a cell “eats” something by wrapping and re-forming its membrane around the substance or item.

Each type of active transport is explained in more detail below.

Types of Active Transport

Antiport Pumps

Antiport pumps as an example of active transport

Active transport by antiport pumps

Antiport pumps are a type of transmembrane co-transporter protein. They pump one substance in one direction, while transporting another substance in the opposite direction. These pumps are extremely efficient because many of them can use one ATP molecule to fuel these two different tasks.

One important type of antiport pump is the sodium-potassium pump, which is discussed in more detail under “Examples of Active Transport.”

Symport Pumps

Symport pumps take advantage of diffusion gradients to move substances. Diffusion gradients are differences in concentration that cause substances to naturally move from areas of high to low concentration.

In the case of a symport pump, a substance that “wants” to move from an area of high concentration to low concentration down its concentration gradient is used to “carry” another substance against its concentration gradient.

One example of a symport pump – that of the sodium-glucose transport protein – is discussed below under “Examples of Active Transport.”

Sympoter pump as an example of active transport

Active transport by symporter pumps


In the third type of active transport, large items, or large amounts of extracellular fluid, may be taken into a cell through the process of endocytosis.

A famous celebrity has an extreme security system for their estate. The security system includes sensors in the ground as well as on the sides of the buildings. A loud truck drives down the road entering the estate. There is a sensor in the ground and another on the side of the security guard’s shed. If both sensors are 100m from the truck, which sensor will pick up the noise of the truck first and why?

Guard Shed - The sensor on the security guard’s shed will detect the sound first because the sound is traveling through the air and sound will travel fastest through a gas.

Ground - The sensor in the ground will detect the sound first because the sound is traveling through the dirt and sound will travel fastest through a solid.

Same time - Because the sound is traveling through both the ground and the air at the same time, it will reach both the shed and the ground sensor at the same time.

Neither sensor - 100m is too far for the sound to travel. Neither sensor will pick up the sound of the truck until it is closer to them.



B. Ground - The sensor in the ground will detect the sound first because the sound is traveling through the dirt and sound will travel fastest through a solid.


Sound wave is an example of mechanical wave, which means sound waves require a medium to travel through. However, how fast a sound travels is dependent on the kind of medium it travels through. Sound travels fastest via a SOLID medium, then liquid and slowest through gases.

According to this question, sensor in the ground and side of the security guard’s shed were placed in an estate owned by a famous celebrity. A loud truck, then, drives down the road entering the estate.

Based on the principles of sound eaves movement, the sound from the truck will be picked by the sensors in the GROUND first because the sound is traveling through the dirt and sound will travel fastest through a solid.

Every single cell organism is able to survive because it carries out


Every single celled organism is able to survive because it carries out metabolic activities. Metabolic activity is a set of chemical reactions which are needed for an organism to maintain it's life.

Every single cell of an organism is able to survive independently because it carries out metabolic processes at its own.

What is Metabolism?

Metabolism can be defined as the chemical changes or reactions which take place in a cell or an organism. These changes make energy and the compounds which cells and organisms need to grow, reproduce, and stay healthy.

Metabolism is divided into two classes: anabolism and catabolism.  Anabolism involves the synthesis of a complex compound from simpler or smaller molecules or atoms. Catabolism involves the breakdown of a complex molecule into smaller and simpler ones.

Living organisms are able to perform the metabolic processes such as respiration, excretion, reproduction, and digestion which is a distinguishing factor from that of non-living organisms.

Learn more about Metabolism here:



does breast cancer occur in men? what are the signs and symptoms?

actually anatomy & physiology





Breast cancer can occur in men. Symptoms can include a hard lump in the breast area, nipple discharge, the nipple turning inwards, and/or a rash around the nipple.

I have never heard dog and Brest in the same sentence till now

What is the impact of genetically modified corn on society and environment?


Biodiversity Loss: The use of some GM crops can have negative impacts on non-target organisms and on soil and water ecosystems. For example, the expansion of GM herbicide-tolerant corn and soy, which are twinned with herbicides, has destroyed much of the habitat of the monarch butterfly in North America.

How do changes in the environment influence ecosystem stability?


Depending on the change in the environment for example the global warming is melting the poles which affect marine life because of the chance of temperatures

why is deforestation a threat to Yellowstone National Park?​



Deforestation causes loss of animal and plant species due to their lack of habitat. A huge portion of animals and plant species live in forests so if we take that away from them how are they supposed to survive? Not only does deforestation threaten species known to us, but also threatens species we haven't even discovered yet.


This isn't necessarily for Yellowstone but for all national parks ^

the prefix ad placed in front of a word means what



a prefix occurring in loanwords from Latin, where it meant “toward” and indicated direction, tendency, or addition: adjoin.

How long does it take for a jellyfish to reproduce



A jellyfish might spend one year as a medusa, but it can spend several years in the polyp stage. Polyps are stationary and reproduce asexually. The method of reproduction used by jellyfish polyps is known as budding, and it does look like a plant growing a new bud for a flower.

Summarize how a single change at cellular level can impact the entire body


Answer: A single change at a cellular level can change the way our entire body reacts, functions, and develops. Maintaining homeostasis is vital for our bodies to preform its necessary functions, without constant balance our bodies are unable to properly preform consequently, resulting in sickness and even death.


I used my biology book.

The body has different levels of organization based on structures and functions. The cellular level is the smallest and the basic level of the organization that consists of cells that are capable of division.

A single change at a cellular level can impact the entire body as:

Cellular levels consist of cells of different shapes, sizes and functions. Similar cells make up the tissue to perform functions.

A single change can alter the homeostasis of the cell and can bring about a larger impact on the body organization as maintenance of temperature is very important for the living process.

The whole body depends upon the cells for instructions of the growth, functioning, signalling and transportation.

Therefore, a single change at the cellular level can alter the entire body.

To learn more about the level of body organization follow the link:


Please answer this.. please



10.8 amu


11 * 0.80 = 8.8 (11 represents ion, 0.80 represents %)

10 * 0.20 = 2 (10 represents ion, 0.20 represents %)

8.8 + 2 = 10.8 amu

What is a carbon hydrate molecule?


Answer: A carbohydrate is an organic compound such as sugar or starch, and is used to store energy



A carbohydrate is an organic compound such as sugar or starch, and is used to store energy. Like most organic compounds, carbohydrates are built of small, repeating units that form bonds with each other to make a larger molecule. ... Carbohydrates contain only carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.A


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