which buffered solution, buffer a or buffer b, would be more resistant to ph change when a strong acid or a strong base is added? justify your answer.


Answer 1

The buffered solution that would be more resistant to pH change when the strong acid or the strong base is added is the buffer b - acidic buffer.

The acidic buffer will be the most resistant to the pH change when the both of the concentrations of the acid and the base are equal. The Acid buffer contains the acidic pH and which is prepared by the mixing of the weak acid and its salt with the strong base.

The basic buffer has the basic pH and which is prepared by the mixing of the weak base and its salt with the strong acid. Therefore, the buffer will be more resistant to the change in the pH.

To learn more about buffer here



This question is incomplete, the complete question is :

which buffered solution, buffer a or buffer b, would be more resistant to ph change when a strong acid or a strong base is added? justify your answer.

buffer a - basic buffer

buffer b - acidic buffer

Related Questions

(c) Iron is more reactive than lead. Iron reacts with lead nitrate solution to form solid lead. Two possible balanced equations for the reaction are Equation 1 Fe + Pb(NO3)2 → Fe(NO3)2 + Pb Equation 2 2Fe + 3Pb(NO3)2 → 2Fe(NO3)3 + 3Pb In one experiment, it was found that 4.48 g of iron reacted with excess lead nitrate solution to form 24.84 g of lead. Carry out a calculation, using the information above, to show which equation represents the reaction taking place. (relative atomic masses: Fe = 56.0, Pb = 207)​


The percent yield of Pb using Equation 1 is:

(24.84 g / 33.36 g) x 100% = 74.4%

The percent yield of Pb using Equation 2 is:

(24.84 g / 69.06 g) x 100% = 36.0%

What is atomic masses?

An atom's atomic number is determined by the number of protons present in it, and isotopes have the same atomic number but differing numbers of neutrons.

What is atomic number?

The number of protons in an atom determines its atomic number, and isotopes have the same atomic number but different numbers of neutrons.

Using Equation 1:

1 mol of Fe reacts with 1 mol of [tex]Pb(NO_3)_{2}[/tex] to form 1 mol of Pb.

The molar mass of Pb is 207 g/mol.

So, the theoretical yield of Pb from 4.48 g of Fe using Equation 1 is:

(4.48 g Fe) / (56.0 g/mol Fe) x (1 mol Pb / 1 mol Fe) x (207 g/mol Pb) = 33.36 g Pb

Using Equation 2:

2 mol of Fe reacts with 3 mol of[tex]Pb(NO_3)_{2}[/tex] to form 3 mol of Pb.

So, the theoretical yield of Pb from 4.48 g of Fe using Equation 2 is:

(4.48 g Fe) / (56.0 g/mol Fe) x (3 mol Pb / 2 mol Fe) x (207 g/mol Pb) = 69.06 g Pb

Next, we compare the theoretical yield of Pb from each equation to the actual yield of Pb produced in the experiment, which is 24.84 g.

The percent yield of Pb using Equation 1 is:

(24.84 g / 33.36 g) x 100% = 74.4%

The percent yield of Pb using Equation 2 is:

(24.84 g / 69.06 g) x 100% = 36.0%

Since the percent yield of Pb using Equation 1 is closer to 100%, we can conclude that Equation 1 represents the reaction taking place:

Fe + [tex]Pb(NO_3)_{2}[/tex] →  + Pb + [tex]Fe(NO_3)_2[/tex]

(Note: It's possible that some of the Pb produced in the reaction could have been lost during the experiment, resulting in a lower percent yield. However, based on the calculations, Equation 1 is still the better representation of the reaction.)

To know more about atoms visit:



can you guys help me with this question


flowing water erodes the best

Answer: flowing water


Help what's the answer?


The volume of the gas, given that the gas was compressed at a constant temperature until the pressure becomes 1.43 atm is 514.69 mL

How do I determine the volume of the gas?

We'll begin by listing out the various parameters given from the question. This is given below:

Initial pressure of gas (P₁) = 1.15 atmInitial volume of gas (V₁) = 640 mLTemperature = ConstantFinal pressure of gas (P₂) = 1.43 atmFinal volume of gas (V₂) = ?

The final volume of the gas can be obtained by using the Boyle's law equation as shown below:

P₁V₁ = P₂V₂

1.15 × 640  = 1.43 × V₂

736  = 1.43 × V₂

Divide both side by 1.43

V₂ = 736 / 1.43

V₂ = 514.69 mL

Thus, we can conclude from the above calculation that the volume of the gas is 514.69 mL

Learn more about volume:



a sample of br2(g) takes 14.0 min to effuse through a membrane. how long would it take the same number of moles of ar(g) to effuse through the same membrane?


A sample of [tex]Br_2[/tex](g) takes 14.0 min to diffuse out through a membrane. It would take 7 min for the same number of moles of Ar(g) to effuse through the same membrane.

According to Graham's Law of Diffusion, it is known that the rate of diffusion of a gas is proportional to the reciprocal of the square root of the molar mass of the gas. The rate of diffusion is recorded under the same pressure and temperature conditions.

It can be written as [tex]\frac{r_1}{r_2}[/tex] ∝ [tex]\sqrt\frac{m_2}{m_1}[/tex]

where [tex]r_1[/tex] is the rate of diffusion of one of the gas

[tex]r_2[/tex]  is the rate of diffusion of the second gas

[tex]r_1[/tex] is the molar mass of one of the gas

[tex]m_2[/tex]  is the molar mass of the second gas

According to the question,

[tex]\frac{14}{r_2}=\sqrt\frac{160}{40}\\\frac{14}{r_2}=\sqrt\frac{4}{1} \\\\r_2 = 14\sqrt{\frac{1}{4} } = 7[/tex]

Therefore the time taken for the diffusion of Ar (g) is 7 min

Learn more about Diffusion:



It would take approximately 7.0 minutes for the same number of moles of Ar(g) to effuse through the same membrane.

Using Graham's law of effusion, we can compare the rates of effusion for Br2(g) and Ar(g). The formula for Graham's law is:

Rate₁ / Rate₂ = √(M₂ / M₁)

Here, Rate₁ and Rate₂ are the effusion rates of the two gases, and M₁ and M₂ are their molar masses. In this case, Br2(g) is gas 1 and Ar(g) is gas 2. The molar mass of Br2 is 159.8 g/mol, and the molar mass of Ar is 39.95 g/mol.

Since we know the time it takes for Br2 to effuse, we can write:

Time₁ / Time₂ = Rate₂ / Rate₁ = √(M₁ / M₂)

Plugging in the given time and molar masses:

14.0 min / Time₂ = √(159.8 g/mol / 39.95 g/mol)

Solving for Time₂:

Time₂ = 14.0 min * √(39.95 g/mol / 159.8 g/mol) ≈ 7.0 min

Learn more about Graham's law of effusion here: brainly.com/question/22359712


How many L in 1. 98m solution using 4. 2mol


The volume of the solution is 2.12 L.

Molarity (M) is defined as the number of moles of solute per liter of solution. So, if we know the molarity of a solution and the amount of solute present, we can calculate the volume of the solution.

To find the volume (in L) of a 1.98 M solution containing 4.2 moles of solute, we can use the following formula:

moles of solute = molarity x volume (in L)

We can rearrange this formula to solve for volume:

volume (in L) = moles of solute / molarity

Substituting the given values, we get:

volume (in L) = 4.2 moles / 1.98 M

volume (in L) = 2.12 L

To know more about solution, here



--The complete question is, What is the volume (in L) of a 1.98 M solution containing 4.2 moles of solute?--

A reaction is spontaneous under a certain set of conditions. Select all equations that must be true for this reaction under these conditions:

1) ΔGrxn < 0

2) ΔGrxn > 0

3) ΔGrxn = 0

4) ΔGrxn∘ < 0

5) ΔGrxn > 0

6) ΔGrxn∘ = 0

7) ΔHrxn < 0

8) ΔHrxn > 0

9) ΔHrxn = 0

10) ΔSrxn < 0

11) ΔSrxn > 0

12) ΔSrxn = 0

13) Q = K

14) Q < K

15) Q > K


A reaction is spontaneous under a certain set of conditions are Q < K , ΔGrxn < 0. The correct options are 1) and 14).

The spontaneous reaction is the reaction which will favors the formation of the products under the conditions and under that the reaction is occurring. The spontaneous process is defines as that it occurs by its own, without the external energy input from the outside.

If ΔG°rxn < 0, the reaction will be the spontaneous in the forward direction. The Q < K is when the reaction is the spontaneous reaction or  the reaction is spontaneous for the forward.

To learn more about spontaneous here



glyphosate is a common compound found in many herbicides. why was it thought to have no effect on human health before recent scientific studies?


Glyphosate was initially thought to have no effect on human health because it primarily targets enzymes found only in plants and bacteria, not humans.

Additionally, the compound was believed to have a low toxicity level and was considered to be safe when used according to the labeled instructions.

However, recent scientific studies have suggested potential health risks associated with glyphosate exposure, including links to cancer and other health issues.

These studies have prompted further investigation and controversy surrounding the safety of glyphosate in herbicides.

To know more about Glyphosate, refer here:



the half-life for the first order conversion of cyclobutane to ethylene is 22.7 s at a particular temperature. how many seconds are needed for the partial pressure of cyclobutane to decrease from 100 mmhg to 10 mmhg?


It takes approximately 75.3 seconds for the partial pressure of cyclobutane to decrease from 100 mmHg to 10 mmHg at this particular temperature.

To find the time needed for the partial pressure of cyclobutane to decrease from 100 mmHg to 10 mmHg, we can use the first-order reaction formula:

[tex]ln([A]₀ / [A]) = kt[/tex]

- ln is the natural logarithm
- [A]₀ is the initial concentration (or partial pressure) of cyclobutane
- [A] is the final concentration (or partial pressure) of cyclobutane
- k is the rate constant
- t is the time needed

First, we need to find the rate constant (k) using the half-life formula for first-order reactions:

t₁/₂ = 0.693 / k

Given that the half-life (t₁/₂) is 22.7 s, we can calculate k:

22.7 s = 0.693 / k
k = 0.693 / 22.7 s
[tex]k = 0.0305 s^(-1)[/tex]
Now we can use the first-order reaction formula to find the time needed:

ln(100 mmHg / 10 mmHg) = [tex](0.0305 s^(-1)) * t[/tex]
ln(10) = [tex]0.0305 s^(-1)[/tex] × t

Next, we solve for t:

[tex]t = ln(10) / 0.0305 s^(-1)[/tex]
t ≈ 75.3 s

Learn more about cyclobutane here:



hydroboration of terminal alkynes yieldgroup of answer choicesa. methyl ketoneb.ketonec.aldehyded.carboxylic acid


Hydroboration of terminal alkynes yields aldehydes.

Here's a step-by-step explanation:

1. Terminal alkynes are reacted with a borane reagent (such as BH₃) in a process called hydroboration.
2. During hydroboration, the borane adds across the triple bond of the terminal alkyne in a syn addition, resulting in the formation of an organoborane intermediate.
3. The organoborane intermediate is then oxidized with hydrogen peroxide (H₂O₂) and a hydroxide ion (OH⁻) in a process called oxidation.
4. This oxidation step converts the organoborane intermediate into an aldehyde functional group.

So, the correct answer is (c) aldehyde.

Learn more about hydroboration at https://brainly.com/question/11655454


The hydroboration of terminal alkynes yields an aldehyde. During the hydroboration process

boron and hydrogen are added across the carbon-carbon triple bond of the alkyne, which yields an unstable intermediate. This intermediate quickly reacts with water to form an aldehyde.

It is important to note that the product of the hydroboration of an alkyne can be influenced by the reaction conditions and the substituents present on the alkyne. However, for a terminal alkyne, the product is typically an aldehyde.

Learn more about hydroboration here:



What is the equilibrium equation for the reaction: nh4no3(s) ⇌ n2o(g) + 2 h2o(g)?


The equilibrium equation for the reaction:

NH₄NO₃(s) ⇌  N₂O(g) + 2H₂O(g) is Kp =  [ N₂O][H₂O]².

In the equilibrium expressions we only considered the gases and the aqueous compounds.  When the one or the more of the substances in the system that will exists in the gaseous phase, and the partial pressure of the species which can be used for the equilibrium expression.

The chemical reaction is as :

NH₄NO₃(s) ⇌  N₂O(g) + 2H₂O(g)

The equilibrium expression is as :

Kp =  [ N₂O][H₂O]².

The ratio of the concentrations for the reactants and the products is called as the equilibrium constant expression.

To learn more about equilibrium here



how many electrons are removed from c6h12o6 during cellular respiration when its broken down into 6co2 and water


The total of 12 electrons are removed from glucose during cellular respiration to produce 6CO2 and water.

During cellular respiration, glucose (C6H12O6) is broken down into carbon dioxide (6CO2) and water. This process involves the removal of electrons from glucose molecules, which are then used to create ATP, the energy currency of cells.

Specifically, in glycolysis, two electrons are removed from glucose to form NADH, which carries these electrons to the electron transport chain (ETC) for further energy production. In the ETC, the electrons are transferred between different electron carriers and ultimately used to produce ATP.  

It is important to note that cellular respiration is a complex process that involves multiple steps and different electron carriers, and the removal of electrons from glucose is not a single event but a continuous process that generates energy for cells.

To learn more about : glucose



in the reaction of thiosulfate ion with chlorine gas in an acidic solution, what is the reducing agent?


S2032- is a reducing agent because it is oxidized in a redox reaction.

Five milliliters (mL) of alcohol is poured into a beaker that contains 65 mL of 2% saltwater. Which are the solutes in the new solution?

salt only

alcohol only

salt and water

alcohol and salt


The solutes in the new solution are salt and alcohol.

The solutes in the new solution are alcohol and salt. Therefore, option D is correct.

What is a solution?

A solution is a homogeneous mixture composed of two or more substances. A solution consists of a solute and a solvent. The solute is the substance that is dissolved in the solvent, and the solvent is the substance that dissolves the solute.

A solution is considered homogeneous because the solute particles are evenly distributed throughout the solvent. This means that the composition of the solution is the same throughout, and there are no visible differences or separations of the components.

Solutions can be in different states of matter, such as a gas in a gas, a gas in a liquid, a liquid in a liquid, or a solid in a liquid. Therefore, option D is correct.

Learn more about the solution, here:



Each student will write up their own lab report and turn it in


Here are some general steps you can follow to write a lab report:

The Steps

Understand the purpose of the lab report: Before you begin writing, make sure you understand the purpose of the lab report. What are the objectives of the experiment? What are the research questions being investigated? What hypothesis is being tested?

Gather your data: Make sure you have all the data you need to write your report. This includes raw data, observations, and any notes you took during the experiment. Organize your data in a clear and logical manner so that you can easily refer to it when writing your report.

Write an outline: Create an outline for your report that includes the main sections you need to cover. These typically include an introduction, methods, results, discussion, and conclusion.

Write the introduction: The introduction should provide an overview of the experiment and explain its significance. You should also provide some background information to help the reader understand the context of the experiment.

Write the methods: In the methods section, describe the experimental design, materials used, and procedures followed. Be sure to include enough detail so that someone else could repeat the experiment.

Write the results: In the results section, present your data in a clear and organized manner. Use tables, graphs, and figures to help illustrate your findings. Make sure to include any statistical analyses you performed.

Write the discussion: In the discussion section, interpret your results and explain what they mean. Discuss any patterns or trends you observed and explain how they relate to the research question. Compare your results to previous research in the field, and discuss any limitations or potential sources of error.

Write the conclusion: The conclusion should summarize the main findings of the experiment and explain their significance. You should also discuss any future directions for research in the field.

Proofread and revise: Once you have completed your first draft, proofread your report carefully to check for errors and inconsistencies. Revise your report as necessary to make sure it is clear, concise, and well-organized.

Read more about lab report here:



Which techniques would be best for separating the solute from the solvent in a solution? Check all that apply.






long standing



Centrifugation, chromatography, and long standing are the procedures that would work well for separating a colloid mixture but would not be effective with solutions.

Can evaporation be used to separate colloids?

Stratification that is "inverted" is created when the larger colloids are forced to the bottom. The reason for this qualitative segregation is that evaporation causes a local rise in colloid concentration close to the film-air contact, which results in a chemical potential gradient for both colloid species.

Which technique is better for purifying colloidal solution?

Dialysis: The removal of ions from a solution through the diffusion process through a permeable membrane is known as dialysis. This procedure involves filling a permeable membrane bag with a sol made up of ions or molecules and submerging it in water.

To know more about chromatography visit:-



4. Which of the following is NOT true? Select all that apply
a. Gases are made of individual particles; either atoms or molecules
b. Particles are close together even when they do not collide
c. Energy is not transferred to the walls of the container when particles collide with the container walls
d. Gas in is constant motion


The statement that is not true is that energy is not transferred to the walls of the container when particles collide with the container walls. That is option C.

What is kinetic theory of gases?

The kinetic theory of gases states that gases are made up of large number of atoms or molecules which are in constant motion.

It also states that the molecules constantly collide with each other and with the walls of their container.

The collision between gas particles or collisions with the walls of the container are perfectly elastic.

None of the energy of a gas particle is lost when it collides with another particle or with the walls of the container. This means that the energy should be transferred to the walls of the container when they collide with it.

Learn more about energy here:



A hammer and a feather are dropped from the same height by an astronaut on a planet without air. How will their falls compare?


The hammer and the feather are dropped from  same height by the astronaut on the planet without the air. The feather will fell at the same rate as the the hammer.

The hammer and the feather are dropped from equal  height by the astronaut on the planet without the air. They were the essentially in the vacuum, and there was the no air resistance and because of the feather will fell at the same rate as compared to the hammer, the Galileo had to concluded that the hundreds of the years before.

All the objects that released together will fall at the same rate excluding the factor of the mass.

To learn more about astronaut here



if you are performing the following reaction using 81.3 g of the starting alcohol and 48.5 g of hydrobromic acid, what is your limiting reagent?


We can see that the hydrobromic acid is the limiting reagent because it is completely consumed when 0.599 mol of it reacts with 0.599 mol of ethanol. After the reaction is complete, there will be some excess ethanol left over.

To determine the limiting reagent, we need to compare the amount of moles of each reactant used in the reaction. We can calculate the number of moles of each reactant by dividing their mass by their molar mass. Let's assume the starting alcohol is ethanol and has a molar mass of 46.07 g/mol, and hydrobromic acid has a molar mass of 80.91 g/mol. Then we have:

Moles of ethanol = 81.3 g / 46.07 g/mol = 1.765 mol

Moles of hydrobromic acid = 48.5 g / 80.91 g/mol = 0.599 mol

According to the balanced chemical equation, the stoichiometric ratio of ethanol to hydrobromic acid is 1:1.

For such more questions on Hydrobromic acid:



what would you expect to be the reate law of the following reaction if it were binary interaction that was dependent on both reactants?


If the reaction you're considering is a binary interaction that is dependent on both reactants, the rate law for this reaction can be expressed as:

Rate = k[A]^m[B]^n

Here, "Rate" represents the rate of the reaction, "k" is the rate constant, [A] and [B] are the concentrations of the reactants A and B, respectively, and "m" and "n" are the orders of the reaction with respect to each reactant. Since the reaction is dependent on both reactants, both "m" and "n" would be positive integers (e.g., 1, 2, etc.).

If the reaction is a binary interaction that is dependent on both reactants, then the rate law is expected to be a second-order reaction. This means that the rate of the reaction would be proportional to the product of the concentrations of both reactants raised to the power of two. The rate law equation for this reaction would be rate = k[A]^2[B]^2, where k is the rate constant, [A] and [B] are the concentrations of the reactants.

Learn more about rate law at https://brainly.com/question/16981791


If the rate of a chemical reaction is dependent on both reactants and the reaction is a binary interaction, we can expect the rate law to be second-order.

This means that the rate of the reaction would be proportional to the square of the concentration of each of the reactants.

In mathematical terms, the rate law can be expressed as:

Rate =[tex]k[A]^2[B]^2[/tex]

where k is the rate constant, [A] and [B] are the concentrations of the reactants.

The second-order rate law is often observed in reactions where two reactant molecules must come into close proximity and collide with a certain orientation for the reaction to occur. The probability of this happening is proportional to the square of the concentration of each of the reactants, hence the second-order rate law.

It is important to note that the rate law for a given reaction can only be determined experimentally and cannot be predicted based on the stoichiometry of the reaction alone.

Learn more about concentration  here:



Calculate the amount of copper obtained by the reaction. Was it the amount you expected? Explain. ​


The amount of copper obtained by the reaction depends on the amount of copper chloride reacted and the limiting reagent in the reaction.

Without information on the amounts of reactants used, it is not possible to calculate the amount of copper obtained by the reaction or compare it to the expected amount. However, if the reaction was carried out under controlled conditions and all reactants were used in the stoichiometric ratio, the amount of copper obtained should be the expected amount calculated based on the balanced chemical equation.

In order to calculate the expected amount of copper obtained, the amount of copper chloride reacted should be known, and the limiting reagent should be identified. The amount of copper obtained will be determined by the limiting reagent.

To learn more about amount of copper, here



The complete question is:

Calculate the amount of copper obtained by the reaction. Was it the amount you expected? Explain. ​

3CuCl2(aq) +2 Al (s) ----> 2AlCl3(aq) + 3Cu(s)

Lila is a track and field athlete. She must complete four laps around a circular track. The track itself measures 400 meters from start to finish and the race took her 6 minutes to complete.

Which best describes her speed and velocity?

Her speed is 4. 4 m/s, and her velocity is 0 m/s.

Her speed is 1. 1 m/s, and her velocity is 0 m/s.

Her speed is 0 m/s, and her velocity is 2400 m/s.

Her speed is 4. 4 m/s, and her velocity is 4. 4 m/s


The best describes her speed and velocity is; Her speed is 4. 4 m/s, and her velocity will be 0 m/s. Option A is correct.

Lila's speed will be calculated by dividing the total distance she covered by  time it took her to complete the race;

Speed = Total distance/Time

In this case, Lila will covered 4 laps, which is a total distance of 4 x 400 = 1600 meters. She completed the race in 6 minutes, which is 6 x 60 = 360 seconds. Therefore, her speed is;

Speed = 1600 meters / 360 seconds

Speed = 4.44 m/s (rounded to two decimal places)

Velocity, on the other hand, is a vector quantity that takes into account both speed and direction. Since Lila ran four laps around a circular track, she ended up at the same position where she started. However, her displacement (change in position) is zero, which means her velocity is also zero.

Hence, A. is the correct option.

To know more about velocity here



--The given question is incomplete, the complete question is

"Lila is a track and field athlete. She must complete four laps around a circular track. The track itself measures 400 meters from start to finish and the race took her 6 minutes to complete. Which best describes her speed and velocity? A) Her speed is 4. 4 m/s, and her velocity is 0 m/s. B) Her speed is 1. 1 m/s, and her velocity is 0 m/s. C) Her speed is 0 m/s, and her velocity is 2400 m/s. D) Her speed is 4. 4 m/s, and her velocity is 4. 4 m/s"--

what is the cell potential for a cell with a 2.472 m solution of z n 2 ( a q ) and 0.1300 m solution of c u 2 ( a q ) at 444.0 k? type answer:


Assuming normal circumstances, the cell potential for the cell containing a 2.472 M solution of Zn2+(aq) and a 0.1300 M solution of Cu2+(aq) at 444.0 K is 0.769 V.

What does a cell's potential mean?

The cell potential, or Ecell, of an electrochemical cell measures the potential difference between two half cells. The potential difference is determined by the ability of electrons to move between half cells.

With the Nernst equation, the following can be calculated:

E = E° - (RT/nF) * ln(Q)

For this cell, the balanced redox equation is:

Zn(s) + Cu2+(aq) -> Zn2+(aq) + Cu(s)

We can determine the standard cell potential using the standard reduction potentials for Zn2+/Zn and Cu2+/Cu:

E°cell = E°cathode - E°anode

E°cell = 0.34 V - (-0.76 V)

E°cell = 1.10 V

Using the specified concentrations, we can create the following expression for Q:

Q = [Zn2+]/[Cu2+]

Q = (2.472 M)/(0.1300 M)

Q = 19.02

The values can now be entered into the Nernst equation:

E = E° - (RT/nF) * ln(Q)

E = 1.10 V - (8.314 J/K*mol * 444.0 K / (2 * 96,485 C/mol)) * ln(19.02)

E = 0.769 V

To know more about cell potential visit:-



Select the step(s) that will compose a rationale for the cation Pb+2 being absent in an unknown (but Ag+ is present).
Select one or more:
No white precipitate formed when 6 M HCl was added to the unknown solution in step 1-A.
All of the white precipitate from step 1-A dissolved in hot water.
A yellow precipitate did not form when K2CrO4 was added in step 1-C.
The presence of a light blue decantate in step 1-A.
A white precipitate did not form in step 2-B.
The white precipitate from step 1-B dissolved in 6 M NH3 and then reformed when 6 M HNO3 was added.
The white solid did not turn black upon addition of NaOH and SnCl2.
A reddish brown precipitate did not form after adding K4Fe(CN)6.
A lack of dark blue colored solution after addition of 15 M NH3.


The steps that compose a rationale for the cation Pb+2 being absent in an unknown (but Ag+ is present) include:

1. No white precipitate formed when 6 M HCl was added to the unknown solution in step 1-A. This indicates that the unknown does not contain chloride ions, which could form a white precipitate with Pb+2.

2. A yellow precipitate did not form when K2CrO4 was added in step 1-C. This indicates that the unknown does not contain chromate ions, which could form a yellow precipitate with Pb+2.

3. The presence of a light blue decantate in step 1-A. This indicates the presence of Ag+ ions, which could form a light blue precipitate with NH3 in step 2-A.

4. A white precipitate did not form in step 2-B. This indicates that the unknown does not contain sulfate ions, which could form a white precipitate with Pb+2.

5. The white solid did not turn black upon addition of NaOH and SnCl2. This indicates that the unknown does not contain lead(II) sulfide, which could react with NaOH and SnCl2 to form black lead(II) oxide.

6. A reddish brown precipitate did not form after adding K4Fe(CN)6. This indicates that the unknown does not contain lead(II) ions, which could form a reddish brown precipitate with K4Fe(CN)6.

7. A lack of dark blue colored solution after addition of 15 M NH3. This indicates that the unknown does not contain copper(II) ions, which could form a dark blue solution with NH3.

Visit here to learn more about solution  : https://brainly.com/question/1416865

The step(s) that compose a rationale for the cation Pb+2 being absent in an unknown (but Ag+ is present) include:
- No white precipitate formed when 6 M HCl was added to the unknown solution in step 1-A, indicating that PbCl2 is not present.
- All of the white precipitate from step 1-A dissolved in hot water, further indicating that PbCl2 is not present.
- A yellow precipitate did not form when K2CrO4 was added in step 1-C, ruling out the presence of PbCrO4.
- The white precipitate from step 1-B dissolved in 6 M NH3 and then reformed when 6 M HNO3 was added, indicating the presence of AgCl.
- The white solid did not turn black upon addition of NaOH and SnCl2, ruling out the presence of Hg2+.
- A reddish brown precipitate did not form after adding K4Fe(CN)6, ruling out the presence of Fe2+ or Fe3+.
- A lack of dark blue colored solution after addition of 15 M NH3, ruling out the presence of Cu2+.

To know more about cation Pb+2:



if you add an acid, like acetic acid, to your slime you will disrupt the cross linking interactions between the borax and glue causing it to become a liquid with a lower viscosity. however, you can easily repair your slime. to repair your slime should you add an acid, base, or more borax to your slime. explain your reasoning.


When acid is added to the slime, the crosslinking is broken, resulting in a liquid with lesser viscosity. When alkali is added, the process is reversed, and the slime needs to be regenerated.

What happens if extra borax is added to a certain slime product?Two key components, polyvinyl alcohol and borate ion, combine chemically to create slime. You can find both of them in common home products. Simple PVA glue contains polyvinyl alcohol, while contact lens solutions including baking soda and bicarbonate of soda produce borate ions.More sodium borate is used, the more crosslinking there is. The best slime (with the right amount of crosslinking) for this can be chosen by the students by stretching or rolling the slime into long ropes. When there are drips, Additions of hydrochloric acid cause the slime to dissolve and turn into a thin, sticky liquid. The slime becomes less viscous as hydrochloric acid is applied in greater amounts.

For more information on slime kindly visit to



Calculate the pH of a solution that is composed of 175. mL of 0.5 M ammonia,
NH3, with 0.125 mL of 0.5 M HCl. The pKb, of ammonia is 4.75.


pH of the solution hat is composed of 175 mL of 0.5 M ammonia, NH₃, with 0.125 mL of 0.5 M HCl is calculated as 9.52.

What is meant by molarity?

Molarity (M) is a unit of concentration that represents the number of moles of solute per liter of solution.

Kb = [NH₄⁺][OH⁻]/[NH₃]

Kb = 1.0 x 10⁻¹⁴ / Kb for ammonia, [NH₄⁺] is the concentration of ammonium ion, [OH⁻] is concentration of hydroxide ion, and [NH₃] is  concentration of ammonia.

moles of NH₃ = (175. mL) x (0.5 mol/L) = 87.5 mmol

moles of HCl = (0.125 mL) x (0.5 mol/L) = 0.0625 mmol

moles of NH₃ that react = 0.0625 mmol

moles of [NH₄⁺] produced = 0.0625 mmol

Total moles of ammonia are now: moles of NH₃ = 87.5 mmol - 0.0625 mmol = 87.4375 mmol

[NH₃] = 87.4375 mmol / 0.175 L = 0.4996 M

The concentration of ammonium ion is the same as the moles produced by the reaction and can be calculated as follows: [NH₄⁺] = 0.0625 mmol / 0.175 L = 0.357 M

Kb = [NH₄⁺][OH⁻]/[NH₃]

4.75 = (0.357 M)([OH⁻])/0.4996 M

[OH⁻] = 3.359 x 10⁻⁵M

Kw = [H⁺][OH⁻] = 1.0 x 10⁻¹⁴

pH = -㏒ [H⁺]

[H⁺] = Kw/[OH⁻] = 1.0 x 10¹⁴ / 3.359 x 10⁻⁵ = 2.98 x 10⁻¹⁰

pH = -㏒ (2.98 x 10⁻¹⁰) = 9.52

Therefore, the pH of the solution is 9.52.

To know more about molarity, refer



acetylene c2h2 gas and oxygen o2 gas react to form carbon dioxide co2 gas and water h2o vapor. suppose you have 7.0 mol of c2h2 and 1.0 mol of o2 in a reactor. could half the c2h2 react? yes no if you answered yes, calculate how many moles of co2 would be produced after half the c2h2 was used up. round your answer to the nearest 0.1 mol. mol


Yes, half the C2H2 (acetylene) can react with the given amount of O2 (oxygen) in the reactor and 7.0 mol of CO2 would be produced after half the C2H2 is used up.

To determine how many moles of CO2 (carbon dioxide) would be produced after half the C2H2 is used up, we need to first write the balanced chemical equation:

2 C2H2 + 5 O2 → 4 CO2 + 2 H2O

Given 7.0 mol of C2H2 and 1.0 mol of O2, let's find out how much C2H2 can react:

(1.0 mol O2) * (2 mol C2H2 / 5 mol O2) = 0.4 mol C2H2

Since 0.4 mol is less than half of the initial 7.0 mol of C2H2 (which is 3.5 mol), half the C2H2 can react.

Now, we'll calculate the moles of CO2 produced after half the C2H2 is used up:

(3.5 mol C2H2) * (4 mol CO2 / 2 mol C2H2) = 7.0 mol CO2

Thus, 7.0 mol of CO2 would be produced after half the C2H2 is used up, rounded to the nearest 0.1 mol.

For more such questions on Moles.



after half of the C₂H₂ is used up, 7.0 mol of CO₂ would be produced.

Yes, half of the 7.0 mol of C₂H₂ can react, leaving 3.5 mol of C₂H₂ unreacted. The balanced chemical equation for the reaction is

C₂H₂ + 2.5 O₂ -> 2 CO₂ + H₂O

From the equation, we can see that 1 mol of C₂H₂ reacts with 2.5 mol of O₂ to produce 2 mol of CO₂ So, to determine how many moles of CO₂are produced when half of the C₂H₂ is used up, we need to calculate how many moles of O2 are required to react with 3.5 mol of C₂H₂.

3.5 mol C₂H₂ × (2.5 mol O / 1 mol C₂H₂) = 8.75 mol O₂

So, to react with 3.5 mol of C2H2, we need 8.75 mol of O2. Since we only have 1.0 mol of O2, we can only react with 0.4 mol of C2H2. Therefore, half of the 7.0 mol of C₂H₂, which is 3.5 mol, can react with 1.0 mol of O₂.

When 3.5 mol of CH₂ reacts, it produces 2/1 x 3.5 = 7.0 mol of CO₂(rounded to the nearest 0.1 mol).

Learn more about chemical  here:



What is the mass percentage of C in codeine, C₁₈H₂₁NO₃? Provide an answer to two decimal places


The mass percentage of C in codeine, C₁₈H₂₁NO₃, is 63.16%.

To calculate the mass percentage of C in codeine, we need to find the molar mass of the compound first.

Molar mass of C₁₈H₂₁NO₃ = (18 x 12.011) + (21 x 1.008) + (1 x 14.007) + (3 x 15.999) = 299.37 g/mol

Next, we need to find the mass of the carbon atoms in one mole of codeine. Since there are 18 carbon atoms in one mole of codeine, we can multiply the molar mass by the number of carbon atoms and divide by the total molar mass of the compound:

Mass of carbon atoms = 18 x 12.011 g/mol = 216.198 g/mol

Mass percentage of C = (mass of carbon atoms / molar mass of codeine) x 100% = (216.198 g/mol / 299.37 g/mol) x 100% = 63.16%

As a result, codeine has a mass proportion of C of 63.16%.

To know more about the Codeine, here



calculate the standard enthalpy of reaction for the combustion of propane. note: this equation is not balanced. round to the nearest whole number. c3h8(g) o2 --> co2(g) h2o(l) kj/mol compound hf (kj/mole) c3h8(g) -105 co2(g) -394 h2o(l) -284


The standard enthalpy of reaction for the combustion of propane is approximately -2044 kJ/mol.

The balanced equation for the combustion of propane is:

C₃H₈(g) + 5O₂(g) -> 3CO₂(g) + 4H₂O(l)

To calculate the standard enthalpy of reaction (ΔH°) for this reaction, we need to use the heats of formation (ΔHf°) for the compounds involved. Using the given values:

ΔHf°(C₃H₈) = -105 kJ/molΔHf°(CO₂) = -394 kJ/molΔHf°(H₂O) = -284 kJ/mol

We can calculate the ΔH° for the reaction by subtracting the sum of the heats of formation of the reactants from the sum of the heats of formation of the products:

ΔH° = [3ΔHf°(CO₂) + 4ΔHf°(H₂O)] - [ΔHf°(C₃H₈) + 5ΔHf°(O₂)]ΔH° = [3(-394 kJ/mol) + 4(-284 kJ/mol)] - [(-105 kJ/mol) + 5(0 kJ/mol)]ΔH° = -2044 kJ/mol

To learn more about standard enthalpy of reaction, here



Arrange the following events in the proper order in which they occur during an allergic response.
1 = Individual experiences symptoms
2 = Individual is sensitized to antigen
3 = IgE attaches to mast cells
4 = Antigen binds to IgE



In order is 2, 3, 4, 1


It starts when you come into contact with a trigger that you inhale, swallow, or get on your skin. In response, your body starts to make a protein called IgE, which grabs onto the allergen. Then histamine and other chemicals get released into the blood.

The three compounds below were dissolved in a solution of diethyl ether. After an extraction with 3M HCI benzoic acid is now a salt and can be drawn as: Which compound(s) are left in solution after the extraction?benzoic acid benzil aniline


After the extraction with 3M HCl, the benzoic acid would have been converted into its salt form and removed from the solution. The compounds that would be left in the solution are benzil and aniline.

After the extraction with 3M HCl, the compounds left in the solution are as follows:

1. Benzoic acid: Benzoic acid is an acidic compound that reacts with the 3M HCl to form a salt, benzoate ion (C6H5COO-) and a protonated chloride ion (H3O+). Since it forms a salt, it will be extracted into the aqueous layer, and thus, will not be left in the diethyl ether solution.

2. Benzil: Benzil is a neutral compound that does not react with 3M HCl. Therefore, it will not form a salt and will remain in the diethyl ether solution.

3. Aniline: Aniline is a basic compound that can react with 3M HCl to form an anilinium ion (C6H5NH3+) and a chloride ion (Cl-). This reaction forms a salt, and like benzoic acid, it will be extracted into the aqueous layer, leaving it out of the diethyl ether solution.

So, after the extraction with 3M HCl, the compound left in the diethyl ether solution is benzil.

Learn more about benzoic acid here:



After the extraction with 3M HCl, benzoic acid will be in the aqueous phase as its salt, while benzil and aniline will be in the organic phase.

When benzoic acid is dissolved in a solution of diethyl ether and extracted with 3M HCl, it will be protonated to form the benzoic acid salt, which is soluble in water but not in diethyl ether.

On the other hand, benzil and aniline are not acidic and will remain in the organic phase (diethyl ether layer) and will not be affected by the acid extraction.

For more question on extraction click on



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