which characteristic of living things can be seen in both viruses and bacteria? responses reproduction reproduction cellular organization cellular organization homeostasis homeostasis


Answer 1

Reproduction characteristic of living things can be seen in both viruses and bacteria

virus and bacteria show many more similarities like, they both are microscopic and are pathogens, some bacteria are also pathogenic and may cause diseases like virus. The virus depends on bacteria for replication machinery.

Bacteria and virus reproduces by division of parent cells into many offspring's.

both virus and bacteria consist of nucleic acid and they both contain enzymes.

both virus and bacteria have immunity against some viruses and bacteria, and there are vaccines for diseases caused by both of them.

some of  viruses and bacteria are beneficial and are used in genetic engineering and  bacteria is used in the food industry.

To know more about virus,



Related Questions

How might the same environmental change affect a different species?


Answer: The same environmental change might affect a different species by causing both or more to lose food or lose their environment which lowers their survival rates.

Explanation: For example, climate change alters the abundance and distribution of predator and prey species, less food, less successful reproduction, and interfering with the environment for native wildlife.

Get 5 stars if u help me and give me the right answer sorry if it biology it’s science but it didn’t have a science one


1.a river transports sediment to the sea
2.after entering the sea the sediment settles to the sea floor
3.sediment is buried by continued sedimentation
4.after being buried grains of sediment are squeezed together by the weight of the sediment above
5.compacted grains of sediment are cemented together to form sedimentary rock

Hope this helps

Good luck


Which question would help determine whether the corn is expressing the gene that provides herbicide resistance?
A. Has the herbicide caused damage to the corn?
B. Do seeds produced by the corn produce new corn plants?
C. Are the weeds in the field killed by the herbicide?
D. Are insects eating the leaves and damaging the corn plants?


Has the herbicide caused damage to the corn would help determine whether the corn is expressing the gene that provides herbicide resistance.

Herbicides are frequently used in fields to lessen the number of undesirable plants that are vying for resources with desirable ones.

Different species are impacted by herbicides in various ways. They might destroy plants, interfere with photosynthesis and reproduction, among other things.

In the example given, we can see that the herbicide in question kills a variety of plant species in the areas where it is applied.

After utilising the product, the first thing we need assess is the condition of the corn to see if it is expressing the resistance gene.

Learn more about Herbicides:



The correct option is A ;  Has the herbicide caused damage to the corn? Is the herbicide causing damage to the corn? This will assist assess whether the crop is expressing the herbicide resistance gene.

In fields, herbicides are routinely employed to reduce the number of undesired plants competing for resources with beneficial ones.

Herbicides affect different species in different ways. They have the potential to damage plants and disrupt photosynthesis and reproduction, among other things.

We can see from the example that the herbicide in issue destroys a wide range of plant species in the locations where it is sprayed.

The first thing we need to examine after using the product is the state of the maize to determine if it is expressing the resistance gene.

Find out more about Herbicides:



Name two examples of how land can be used to support the growth of trees in your local community


Two examples of how the land can be used to support the growth of trees in your local community are the reforestation of urban areas and green corridors for wildlife.

What are green corridors for wildlife?

Green corridors are corridors of open land and natural areas that connect fragmented habitats and are designed to provide wildlife with corridors to disperse and explore.

Therefore, with this data, we can see that green corridors for wildlife and also the reforestation of different regions in a city may provide strong support for the growth of trees for a given community.

Learn more about  green corridors here:



what is the simplest explanation for this inheritance pattern?


The simplest explanation for this inheritance pattern.

When two alleles of a single gene, one of which may be entirely dominant over the other, are present, simple (or Mendelian) inheritance refers to the transmission of features that are governed by that gene. Whether simple features are governed by genes on autosomes or by genes on sex chromosomes determines the pattern of inheritance.

One of the 22 pairs of human autosomes contains the genes that regulate autosomal characteristics. Autosomal qualities are inherited in the same way regardless of the sex of the parent or offspring because autosomes are all the chromosomes other than the X and Y chromosomes.

Sex-linked qualities are those that are regulated by genes on the sex chromosomes. The majority of sex-related features are governed by genes on the X chromosome because of the tiny size of the Y chromosome. They are known as X-linked characteristics. Because males only have one X chromosome, single-gene X-linked traits inherit differently from single-gene autosomal traits. Every male receives an X chromosome from their mother, and they all pass it on to their daughters but not to their sons.

Learn more about Gene here:



a microorganism grows in the lab on medium containing mineral salts but no organic compounds. the organism is likely to be a(n)


A microorganism grows in the lab on a medium containing mineral salts but no organic compounds. the organism is likely to be an autotroph.

This makes colonies of bacteria, yeast, and other microorganisms an intriguing subject for studies of, for example, the interactions and signaling between microorganisms within multicellular communities. This is in addition to the fact that colonies of bacteria, yeast, and other microorganisms are frequently grown in laboratories. Any creature that can sustain itself by utilizing inorganic elements as a source of nutrition and employing photosynthesis or chemosynthesis as a source of energy is considered an autotroph. This includes most plants, some bacteria, and certain protists. Heterotrophs include bacteria, fungi, yeast, cows, dogs, and people. For nourishment, they are all reliant on plants and other animals.

To learn more about Heterotrophs click on the below link:



Will mark brainliest 50 points

Is the yeast we use for baking bread considered "alive"? Students in biology class made the claim that yeast is a living thing. To find evidence, they were given a beaker containing warm water (22oC). To that, they added one package of dry baker’s yeast and 0.5 grams of sugar. After waiting 20 minutes, the students made the observations recorded in the data table seen here.

1. What evidence could be used to support their initial claim? All but one could apply.
A) one yeast cell is budding or reproducing
B) yeast is made of cells.
C) the yeast responds to changes in the environment
D) the yeast contain nucleic acid.

2. One student in the group said that another characteristic of life that could be listed as evidence was that the yeast were using energy. The others disagreed. What evidence and logic could the student use to support her claim? Which answer choice does not “fit” with the supporting evidence?
A) yeast is undergoing fermentation and this is a form of cellular respiration
B) the bubbles produce represent carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is a by-product of respiration
C) cellular respiration is a sign that an organism is using energy and undergoing metabolism
D) sugar is a source of chemical energy for cellular respiration


A, C, D, and E all support the student's claim that the yeast is using energy, B does not fit with the supporting evidence.

What evidence could be used to support their initial claim?The student who proposed the evidence that the yeast were using energy could use the observations made in the data table to support her claim.The bubbles in the beaker indicate that the yeast are undergoing fermentation, which is a form of cellular respiration.This process is a sign that the organisms are using energy and undergoing metabolism. Carbon dioxide, a by-product of respiration, is being produced as well.Additionally, sugar is a source of chemical energy for cellular respiration.Therefore, these observations support the student’s claim that the yeast are using energy and are alive.This type of evidence is known as empirical evidence, which is evidence that is based on observations and measurements.Therefore, the student’s claim was supported by empirical evidence.

To learn more about empirical evidence refer to:



which are regarded as the capacitance vessels because they expand easily to accommodate an increased volume of blood?


The capacitance vessels are venous system which has the power to accommodate an increased volume of blood.

The term "venous system" describes the network of veins in your body as well as the connections those veins make with other blood arteries and organs. There are two primary circuits or sections to your venous system. The pulmonary circuit and the systemic circuit are these. Blood must flow through veins, arteries, and capillaries in order for each circuit to function.

Three layers of tissues and fibres make up each vein:

Your vein's tunica adventitia (outer layer) provides it shape and structure.

Smooth muscle cells in the tunica medium (middle layer) enable your vein to enlarge or contract as blood flows through it.

Blood can flow smoothly through your vein thanks to the smooth endothelium lining of the tunica intima (inner layer).

During respiration, the skeletal-muscle pump and the thoracic breathing pump work together to help create venous pressure and return blood to the heart. Mean arterial pressure refers to the pressure throughout the entire circulatory system (MAP). Hence veins tolerate high pressure and refer to as capacitance vessels of the body.

For more such questions on circulatory system, refer:



Capacitive vessels are the venous system with the capacity to hold an increased volume of blood.

The term venous system describes the network of veins in the body and how those veins connect to other blood vessels and organs. The venous system consists of two main circuits or sections. These are the pulmonary circulation and the systemic circulation. For circuits to function, blood must flow through veins, arteries, and capillaries. Each vein is composed of three layers of tissue and fibers.

The adventitia (outer layer) of a vein gives it shape and structure.

Smooth muscle cells in the tunica media (middle layer) allow veins to expand or contract as blood flows.

The smooth endothelial layer of the intima (lining) allows blood to flow smoothly through veins.

During breathing, the skeletal muscle pump and chest respiratory pump work together to create venous pressure to push blood back to the heart. Mean arterial pressure refers to the pressure “MAP” throughout the circulatory system. Therefore, veins withstand high pressure and are called capacitive vessels of the body.

For more information on venous system, visit :



where does glucose reabsorption occur in the nephron


The proximal tubule, which is where the majority of the glucose entering the tubular system is reabsorbed, ensures that urine is practically glucose-free.

First, sodium ions and glucose are co-transported into the proximal convoluted tubule walls of the proximal tubule. This method of transport is also used for several amino acids. Glucose and amino acids immediately diffuse into the blood capillaries after entering the tubule wall along a gradient of concentration. The gradient is maintained because this blood is flowing. Finally, sodium is removed from the tubule wall by sodium/potassium ion active transport pumps and returned to the blood. The first step continues to take place as a result of maintaining a sodium concentration gradient in the proximal tubule lining.

Reabsorption in the early proximal convoluted tubule: The majority of the filtrate's constituent parts are reabsorbed in the tubule's first half (early proximal tubule). These include glucose, amino acids, phosphate, lactate, and citrate, which "piggyback" on sodium co-transporters, which transport sodium down its electrochemical gradient into tubule epithelial cells. Membrane proteins link the flow of two or more particular solutes together. The sodium gradient must be preserved for this to continue, hence sodium cannot be allowed to accumulate inside the proximal tubule wall's epithelial cells.

For more such questions on nephron, visit:



Glucose reabsorption occurs in the nephron in the proximal tubule. Approximately 65% of the filtered load is reabsorbed by proximal tubules.

By reabsorbing around 80% of the filtered bicarbonate, proximal tubules also play a crucial role in maintaining an equilibrium between the acid and the base. In a healthy normoglycemic subject, the glomeruli of the kidneys filter 180 grams of glucose per day, which is approximately one-third of the total energy consumed by the human body each day.

Diabetes, on the other hand, causes glucosuria when the filtered glucose exceeds the tubular system's capacity to transport glucose.

Know more about proximal tubules here: https://brainly.com/question/14314040


Sonar stands for “sound navigation and ranging.” What assumption was proved wrong after the invention of sonar?



The assumption that was proven wrong after the invention of sonar is that sound does not travel well in water. Before the invention of sonar, it was believed that sound waves would be absorbed and scattered by the water, making it difficult to use sound for navigation and ranging. However, with the invention of sonar, it was discovered that sound can travel long distances underwater and be used to detect and locate objects, such as ships and submarines.

Why are stem cells so desirable?


Stem cells are so desirable because they can effectively be used for replacement of diseased cells with the healthy ones.

Stem cells generate healthy cells to replace diseased cells and therefore, are regarded as regenerative medicines. Stem cells can be directed to become specific cells that can be used in humans to regenerate and repair tissues damaged or affected by disease. This is why they are so desirable. They also help us to better understand about how diseases occur.

Stem cells are the raw materials of the body, the cells that give rise to all other cells with specialized functions. Under the right conditions, stem cells divide to form more cells known as daughter cells in the body or in a laboratory. These daughter cells either differentiate into new stem cells or become specialised cells with a more specific function, such as blood cells, brain cells, heart muscle cells, or bone cells. No other cell in the body has the ability to naturally generate new cell types.

To know more about stem cells, refer to the following link:



Stem cells are highly sought-after due to their potential to transform into various cell types.

This makes them incredibly versatile and useful to medical professionals, as they can be used to replace and regenerate damaged cells and tissues.

Additionally, stem cells can be used to study the development of diseases, test new treatments, and even provide new sources of organs and tissues for transplantation.

Furthermore, stem cells have the potential to divide and renew themselves for long periods of time, which makes them invaluable in treating a wide range of diseases and conditions, including cancer, neurological disorders, and immune system illnesses.

Finally, stem cells also provide a potential source of new organs and tissues for transplantation, as well as for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine.

Learn more about cell visit:



a eukaryotic cell can be distinguished from a prokaryotic cell because only a eukaryotic cell will have .


a eukaryotic cell can be distinguished from a prokaryotic cell because only a eukaryotic cell will have nucleus and membrane bound organelles.

True nuclei, which are membrane-bound compartments that house the cell's genetic material, are characteristics of eukaryotic cells. Instead of a proper nucleus, prokaryotic cells have a single circular DNA molecule that is not encased in a membrane.

Prokaryotic cells lack other membrane-bound organelles such lysosomes, peroxisomes, endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, and endoplasmic reticulum, which are present in eukaryotic cells.

These organelles serve distinct purposes, such as the creation of energy by the mitochondria, the transport and folding of proteins by the endoplasmic reticulum, and the breakdown and recycling of cellular components by the lysosomes.

Eukaryotic cells are not immortal unlike the prokaryotic cells.

To know more about cell, click here,



A eukaryotic cell can be distinguished from a prokaryotic cell by the presence of a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles.

Eukaryotic cells have true nuclei, which are membrane-bound compartments that house the cell's genetic material. Prokaryotic cells lack a proper nucleus in favour of a single circular DNA molecule that is not encased in a membrane.

Prokaryotic cells lack other membrane-bound organelles found in eukaryotic cells, such as lysosomes, peroxisomes, endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, and endoplasmic reticulum.

These organelles perform different functions, such as energy production by mitochondria, protein transport and folding by the endoplasmic reticulum, and cellular component breakdown and recycling by lysosomes. Eukaryotic cells, unlike prokaryotic cells, are not immortal.

To know more about cell:



Based on observational evidence, variations in the color of flamingos appears to be determined by their diet, and not their genes. Describe the steps of an investigation to provide evidence to support or refute this hypothesis.


Variations in the color of flamingos appear to be determined by their diet, and not their genes, which may be described in an investigation that provides evidence to support this hypothesis in which we see that color in offspring of flamingos changes in regard to parents while it is associated with food habits.

What is an observational study?

An observational study is a type of experimental procedure in which field observations are used to confirm or reject our working hypothesis.

Therefore, with this data, we can see that observational studies are appropriate to confirm data in the field such as the reason for the color of the flamingo in this case.

Learn more about observational studies here:



hemoglobin, when subjected to 40% acetonitrile at ph 10.0, looses its quaternary structure, which means the


When 40% acetonitrile is added to haemoglobin at pH 10, the quaternary structure is lost, causing the and polypeptides to separate. four [tex]\alpha[/tex] and [tex]\beta[/tex] polypeptides dissociate, peptide bonds between amino acids, and [tex]\alpha[/tex] and [tex]\beta[/tex].

Red blood cells include the protein haemoglobin, which transports oxygen to your body's organs and tissues and carbon dioxide from those tissues back to your lungs. You have a low red blood cell count if a haemoglobin test finds that your haemoglobin level is lower than normal (anemia)

Based on the sort of structure they possess, proteins can be divided into 4 categories. The amino acid sequence order serves as the foundation for the primary structure. The amino acids' ability to form hydrogen bonds (such as -helixes or -sheets) determines the secondary structure. Based on the three-dimensional foldings that a single protein (monomeric protein) or polypeptide chain can acquire, the Tertiary Structure is a protein's final state. A collection of monomeric proteins or a multimer protein can obtain the quaternary structure by combining two or more subunits. In this instance, it denotes the disassembly or denaturalization of the four haemoglobin subunits and heme group in 40% acetonitrile at pH 10.0.

For more much questions on hemoglobin , visit:


The correct answer is:

Hemoglobin is iron-containing oxygen-transport metalloprotein in blood that carried oxygen from the lungs or gills to the tissues of the body. It is composed of four separate proteins: two [tex]\alpha[/tex] and two [tex]\beta[/tex] subunits.  when it is subjected to  40% acetonitrile at ph 10.0, looses its quaternary structure, which means the __________

a. four [tex]\alpha[/tex] and [tex]\beta[/tex] polopeptides disssociate

b. polypeptide bonds between amino acids break

c. [tex]\alpha[/tex] and [tex]\beta[/tex] polypeptides lose their 3-D structure

d. four [tex]\alpha[/tex] and [tex]\beta[/tex] polypeptides dissociate, peptide bonds between amino acids, and [tex]\alpha[/tex] and [tex]\beta[/tex]

e. none


Addition of 40-ethonitrile to hemoglobin at pH 10 results in loss of quaternary structure and separation of the polypeptides.

Red blood cells contain a protein called hemoglobin, which carries oxygen to the organs and tissues of the body and from those tissues carbon dioxide back to the lungs. If a hemoglobin test shows that your hemoglobin levels are lower than normal (anemia), you have a low red blood cell count.

Proteins are divided into four categories he based on their structure. The order of amino acid sequences is the basis of primary structure. The ability of amino acids to form hydrogen bonds (such as helices and sheets) determines their secondary structure. Tertiary structure is the final state of a protein, based on the three-dimensional folds that a single protein (monomeric protein) or polypeptide chain can adopt. Assembly of monomeric proteins or multimeric proteins can obtain quaternary structure by combining two or more subunits. In this case, we show the degradation or denaturation of the four hemoglobin subunits and the heme group in 40-ethonitrile at pH 10.0.

For more information on hemoglobin , visit :



how many different combinations of gametes can be produced by this mosquito, assuming no homologous recombination between chromosomes?


Overall, the number of possible gamete combinations that can be produced by a mosquito with no homologous recombination between its chromosomes is equal to 2^n, where n is the number of chromosomes.

The number of combinations of gametes that can be produced by a mosquito can vary depending on the number of chromosomes it possesses.

In the case of a mosquito with no homologous recombination between its chromosomes, the number of possible gamete combinations is equal to 2^n, where n is the number of chromosomes.

These combinations are generated through a process called meiosis, which is the process of cell division that produces gametes.

During meiosis, chromosomes that have been replicated during DNA replication pair up with their homologous chromosome, and then move to opposite poles of the cell.

As a result, there is a random assortment of chromosomes that can occur, which leads to the production of different gamete combinations.

In addition to the random assortment of chromosomes, there can also be independent assortment of alleles. This is because each chromosome carries a pair of alleles, which are alternative forms of a gene, and these can be shuffled in a variety of combinations. This further increases the number of possible gamete combinations.

To learn more about gamete, click here:



blood, which is made up of multiple cell types including red and white blood cells, is an example of a(n) tissue


Blood that is made up of multiple cell types such as red and white blood cells refers to an example of a connective tissue.

Blood is considered a connective tissue because it connects and interacts with all other tissues and organs in the body, and it plays a vital role in maintaining homeostasis. Blood is a fluid connective tissue that is composed of a liquid matrix (plasma) and formed elements (red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets).

Thus, blood, which is composed of multiple cell types such as red and white blood cells, is an example of a connective tissue.

You can learn more about connective tissue at



describe one example of diffusion in the human body. in your description be sure to: (1) identify the place where diffusion takes place. (2) identify a substance that diffuses there. (3) identify where that substance diffuses from and where it diffuses to, at that place.


One example of diffusion in the human body is the diffusion of oxygen from the lungs to the body's cells through the bloodstream. The place where diffusion takes place is in the alveoli, which are small air sacs in the lungs. The substance that diffuses there is oxygen. Oxygen diffuses from the alveoli, where it is breathed in from the air, into the bloodstream.

The human body relies on diffusion to transport vital gases such as oxygen and carbon dioxide throughout the body. One key example of diffusion in the body is the transfer of oxygen from the lungs to the body's cells. The process begins in the alveoli, which are small air sacs in the lungs. Oxygen diffuses into the alveoli from the air that we breathe, and then it diffuses into the bloodstream.

The oxygen-rich blood is then pumped by the heart through the circulatory system to the body's cells. Once the oxygen reaches the cells, it diffuses into the cell's tissues and organs. Here, the oxygen is utilized by the cells in the process of cellular respiration to produce energy in the form of ATP. At the same time, carbon dioxide, a waste product of cellular respiration, diffuses out of the cells and into the bloodstream, where it is then transported back to the lungs to be exhaled. This process of diffusion ensures that the body's cells receive the oxygen they need to function properly and eliminates waste products.

To know more about lungs



Diffusion is how the lungs exchange gases. Compared to blood, the air in the alveoli has a higher oxygen content and a lower carbon dioxide content.

As a result, carbon dioxide from the circulation and oxygen from alveoli diffuse to the blood. Temperature, concentration, and molecular mass are only a few of the variables that have an impact on the rate of diffusion. Diffusion is a crucial bodily function that helps molecules move through a variety of organs, including the lungs, kidneys, stomach, and eyes.

Simple diffusion and assisted diffusion are the two forms of diffusion. Diffusion is a process that aids in the flow of gases. Diffusion aids in the exchange of gases, water, salt, and waste in the human body.

To know more about Diffusion



what is coevolution? give an example, either in a predatory relationship or a symbiotic relationship.


Coevolution is the cycle wherein species apply particular tension on one another and progressively develop new highlights or ways of behaving because of those tensions.

coevolution, the course of corresponding transformative change that happens between sets of species or among gatherings of species as they collaborate with each other.

Advantageous interaction is portrayed as a component that drives toward coevolution both in nature and in undertakings. In light of this structure, instances of undertakings are broken down to exhibit these cooperative and consequently coevolutionary connections and their consequences for an organization's presentation.

Many instances of coevolution can be found among plants and bugs. For instance, plants and their pollinators are so dependent on each other and their connections are some of the time so restrictive that researchers have a valid justification to imagine that "matches" between the two are the consequence of a coevolutionary interaction.

To learn more about coevolution here



Coevolution works by exerting reciprocal selective pressure on two or more species, similar to an arms race where competitors try to outdo one another.

Predator-prey, host-parasite, and other competitive relationships between organisms are classic examples. In On the Origin of Species, Charles Darwin mentioned evolutionary interactions between flowering plants and insects (1859). He postulated that plants and insects may evolve through reciprocal evolutionary changes, however he did not use the term "coevolution." In the late 1800s, naturalists investigated further instances of how interactions between species could lead to reciprocal evolutionary change. Plant pathologists started creating breeding programmes in the 1940s, which are illustrations of coevolution driven by humans. Rapid evolution of pathogen populations was encouraged by the development of new crop plant varieties that were disease resistant.

To know more about Coevolution



muscle contraction that permits the muscle to shorten


The muscle contraction that permits the muscles to shorten is concentric contraction while producing force and overcoming resistance. Muscle cells are made to contract. Muscles enable movements such as walking, as well as bodily processes such as respiration and digestion.

Muscle tissue is divided into three kinds in the body: skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle, and smooth muscle. Sarcomeres, the basic unit of muscle tissue, make up skeletal muscle tissue.

The sliding filament model of muscle contraction describes how muscle contraction takes place when sarcomeres shorten and thick and thin filaments slide past each other. The energy for cross-bridge formation and filament sliding is provided by ATP. Cross-bridge establishment is regulated by proteins such as troponin and tropomyosin.  

For further learning about the muscles,refer to the link below: https://brainly.com/question/14907458


Nan's suitcase is on a bench. The suitcase has a mass of 14 kilograms. Nan accidentally knocks the suitcase off the bench, and the suitcase falls at a speed of 2.7 meters per second. How much kinetic energy does the suitcase have just before it hits the floor?

102.06 J
18.9 J
51.03 J
204.12 J


The suitcase has 18.9 Joules of energy just before it hits the floor

Computation of Kinetic energy

Kinetic energy is the energy that an object has as a result of its movement. If we want to accelerate an object, we must apply force to it. Using force requires us to put in effort. After work is completed, energy is transferred to the object, and the object moves at a new constant speed.

Give Data

Mass of suitcase = 14 kilograms

Speed = 2.7 meters per second

We know that the expression for kinetic energy is given

K.E = 1/2mv^2

Substituting our given data in the expression for kinetic energy we have

K.E = 1/2*14*2.7

K.E = 1/2*37.8

K.E = 18.9 Joules

Learn more about  Kinetic energy here:



how many nucleotides comprise a single strand of dna





A single strand of DNA can contain 4 different types of nucleotides. Each type of nucleotide has a different nitrogenous base (adenine, cytosine, guanine, and thymine).

Which theoretical physicist, cosmologist, and author said, “However difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at”?

Rachel Carson

Stephen Hawking

Albert Einstein

Alan Turing



Stephen Hawking  


at the opening of the 2012 London Paralympics games

according to darwin, organisms that are best adapted to their environment are more likely to produce offspring than organisms that are less well adapted to their environment. which phrase is used to summarize this idea?


The phrase used to summarize the idea that organisms that are best adapted to their environment are more likely to produce offspring than organisms that are less well adapted to their environment, according to Darwin, is natural selection.

Natural selection is the process by which certain variations in organisms become more common in a population over time, because they confer an advantage for survival and reproduction. It is the mechanism of evolution by which certain traits or characteristics become more or less common in a population over generations, depending on their ability to help the organisms survive and reproduce. Organisms that possess advantageous traits, such as enhanced abilities to gather food or defend against predators, will have a higher chance of survival and reproduction, thus passing on these traits to their offspring. This process leads to the evolution of species over time, as the traits that are most beneficial for the environment will be passed down to the next generation.

Learn more about Natural selection here: brainly.com/question/2725702


"survival of the fittest" is the phrase used to summarize darwin's idea of natural selection. which says organisms that are best adapted to their environment are more likely to produce offspring than organisms that are less well adapted to their environment.

The term "survival of the fittest" comes from Darwinian evolutionary theory and is used to explain how natural selection works. The concept that species change over time, give rise to new species, and share a common ancestor is what Darwin referred to as "descent with modification."

Natural selection was Darwin's idea for how evolution works. Heritable traits that aid in survival and reproduction are more likely to be passed down through generations because of the limited resources found in nature. As a result, organisms with these traits are more likely to reproduce and survive.

Know more about Natural selection here: https://brainly.com/question/2725702


the trna molecules in a cell are short sequences of nucleotides (about 80 bases) that contain an anticodon and carry a specific amino acid. find the trna that is carrying the histidine (his). what sequence of nucleotides makes the anticodon on this trna molecule?


Transfer RNA (tRNA) accomplishes this by transporting an amino acid to the ribosome,  for protein synthesis. Protein synthesis based on the mRNA code occurs when a 3-nucleotide codon in a messenger RNA (mRNA) is complemented by a 3-nucleotide anticodon of the tRNA.

In comparison to mRNA, transfer RNA is a comparatively tiny molecule with only roughly 80 nucleotides. It looks like a folded cloverleaf made of nucleotides. There is always an adenylic acid at the one end of the molecule, to which the transported amino acid binds at a hydroxyl group of the ribose in the adenylic acid. The anticodon is made up of three nucleotides, which are typically found in positions 34–36 of the tRNA, which reads the mRNA codons predominantly through Watson–Crick base pairing. However, at the third position (3′ base) of the codon, which corresponds to the first position of the anticodon (5′ base), the same tRNA can base pair with other nucleotides. Both G-U and U-G base pairings are accepted in this place. This unconventional combination was Crick's suggestion for his Wobble hypothesis. The codon's third or "wobble" position additionally contains additional noncanonical base pairs. Multiple codons can be read by a single tRNA thanks to this pairing feature. Each organism has a variety of tRNA molecules because each form of tRNA molecule can only be joined to one kind of amino acid. There are numerous tRNA molecules bearing distinct anticodons that carry the same amino acid because the genetic code has multiple codons that define the same amino acid.

For more such questions on tRNA , visit:



Transfer RNA (tRNA) achieves this by delivering an amino acid to the ribosome, a component of the cellular machinery in charge of protein synthesis.

When a 3-nucleotide codon in a messenger RNA (mRNA) is supplemented by a 3-nucleotide anticodon of the tRNA, protein synthesis based on the mRNA coding happens. Thus, tRNAs are an important component in translation, which is the biological creation of new proteins in accordance with the genetic code.

Transfer ribonucleic acid (tRNA) is an RNA molecule that aids in the translation of a messenger RNA (mRNA) sequence into a protein. tRNAs act at particular places on the ribosome during translation, which is the process by which an mRNA molecule is converted into a protein.

For more information on Transfer ribonucleic acid (tRNA)  , visit :



The centromere attaches at the center of two chromosomes, called sister chromatids. Spindle fibers will attach to the centromere and help align the sister chromatids in the center of the cell. What stage of meiosis does this description represent?










Metaphase is marked by the disintegration of the nuclear membrane .During this phase the chromosomes are thickest and shortest so it is the best phase to study the morphology of the chromosomes .The spindle fibres get attached to the kinetochore and helps in aligning the chromosomes to the metaphasic plate .

Hope this helps!

is a light brown mouse on light-colored soil more likely to escape predation under a full moon or with no moon? what data support your answer?


A light brown mouse is likely to escape owl predation on a moonlit night on the light colored soil.

On a moonlit night in the light-colored soil, a light brown mouse has a good chance of escaping owl predation. Because the colors of the mice and the dirt will be nearly identical, it will be challenging for the owl to see the light-colored mouse on a light-colored background.

The likelihood of survival will be higher for light-colored mice since there will be less contrast between the colors of the mice and the dirt. Therefore, the evidence for this conclusion is as follows: "Under full moon, fewer light-colored mice were collected than on dark soil.

learn more about natural selection at https://brainly.com/question/2725702


in dna fingerprinting what do restriction enzymes do



breakdown of DNA into small pieces


We use restriction enzymes to digest the DNA and break it into smaller fragments .

Steps in DNA fingerprinting:-

Firstly we isolate the DNA .Breakdown of DNA using restriction endonucleases .Seperation of fragments by Agarose Gel electrophoresisTransferring this digested DNA into nitrocellulose membrane ( or any other synthetic membrane) Hybridisation using VNTR probeDetection of fragments by autoradiography.

which part of the nervous system contains the brain and spinal cord; processes, stores, and responds to information from the peripheral nervous system
a. The central nervous system consists of the brain and spinal cord.
b. The peripheral nervous system consists of nerves that branch off from the spinal cord and extend to all parts of the body.
c. The nervous system transmits signals between the brain and the rest of the body, including the internal organs.
d. all answers are correct


a.The central nervous system consists of the brain and spinal cord.The brain and spinal cord are the two components of the central nervous system.

The peripheral nervous system is composed of nerves that emerge from the spinal cord and cover the entire body. The majority of your senses are fed information by PNS into your brain. You can move your muscles thanks to the signals it transmits. The brain uses signals from your PNS to command essential, automatic functions like breathing and pulse. An upper motor neuron transmits motor information from a region of the brain down the spinal cord. From the brain to the brainstem, upper motor neurons can also travel.

To know more about nervous system, click here:



a baleen whale does not have teeth, but rather, baleen. baleen allows the whale to filter out tiny food particles and organisms called plankton from massive amounts of ocean water. however, the baleen whale genome also has genes which code for constructing teeth. why is this so?


The progenitors of baleen whales (Mysticeti, Cetacea, Mammalia) underwent a macro evolutionary event that resulted in the loss of their teeth.

The replacement of those teeth with baleen approximately 34 million years ago (Deméré et al. 2008; Marx, 2011).

All baleen whales possess baleen in place of teeth, which they utilize to scoop up plankton, tiny fish, and shrimp-like krill from the water.

The bristly baleen plates in the whales' mouths filter, sift, sieve, or trap their preferred prey from the ocean.

This indicates that whereas baleen whales lost both sets of teeth, toothed whales only lost one of their two sets.

However, even though baleen whales never grow teeth, tooth buds can still be seen in the embryonic stage of such animals. Hence, this is a remnant of its forebear.

To learn more about Baleen whales visit:



What do the two types of fermentation have in common?
O both require oxygen as a reactant
O both directly produce ATP for the cell to use
O both produce carbon dioxide gas
O both generate NAD+ to keep glycolysis running


Fermentation, which is used by numerous species and cell types, is another anaerobic pathway for glucose metabolism that is not oxygen-dependent.

how do cells function?

The tiniest unit of all living things—including bodily cells and tissues—capable of independent existence. A cell's three primary structural elements are the cell membrane, nucleus, and cytoplasm. Chemicals are controlled by the membrane of a cell, which encloses it and governs what enters and exits it.

The function of a cell is what?

They provide the body its structure, take in nutrients from the diet, turn those calories into energy, and carry out certain functions. The genetic makeup of the organism is also stored within cells, which can also reproduce. A cell has multiple components.

To know more about Cell visit:



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