Which country was the first to sign a treaty of alliance with the United


Answer 1




Related Questions

give two reasons why Carnegie wanted to break the union


So this is the answer good luck

What is the transcontinental railroad


Answer:A transcontinental railroad or transcontinental railway is contiguous railroad trackage that crosses a continental land mass and has terminals at different oceans or continental borders.


Hope that help :)

Answer: The transcontinental railroad is a contiguous railroad trackage that crosses a continental land mass and has terminals at different oceans or continental borders.


In American history, the Connecticut Compromise is also known as __________.
the Magna Carta
the Great Compromise
the Declaration of Independence
the Constitution of the United States



The great compromise


Because it was the biggest

The Great Compromise
Why: the Magna Carta was signed in 1215 in England
The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were not signed in Connecticut

Which of these is an example of following the rule of law? A.Citizens vote for a new amendment, B.The governor is impeached for wrongdoing, C.The general assembly approves the governors budget, D.Political parties hold a convention to nominate candidates



B. The governor is impeached for wrongdoing,


I believe this is the answer since it is an example and a rule of laws.

Hope this helps!

If i'm wrong then sorry.

An example of following the rule of law from the above is B.The governor is impeached for wrongdoing.

What does it mean to follow the rule of law?

When a society follows the rule of law, it means that no one is above the law and they are all treated equally by the law regardless of status.

The governor is a very important person in a society and if they are impeached when they do wrong, it shows that the law applies to them as well.

Find out more on the rule of law at https://brainly.com/question/820417.

What were some positive and negative effects of rapid industrial



Effects in the 18th/19th Century

   Industrialization refers to the development of machine production of goods and new energy resources. Industrialization had many positive and negative effects on the citizens of Europe in the 18th and 19th centuries.

Positive Effects

   Industrialization had many positive effects on society in Europe in the 18th and 19th centuries. The creation of power machines and factories provided many new job opportunities. The new machinery increased production speed of good and gave people the ability to transport raw materials. Industrialization also lead to urbanization. Urbanization is the movement of people into cities and city building. Citizens wanted to live closer to the factories that they worked at. The Western World went from rural and agricultural to urban industrial.

Industrialization in Europe and the United States were marked by moderate inflation and rapid development of technology, manufacturing and trade.

Industrialization in Europe is known for rapid development of manufacturing and trade.

Steam Engine:

   The newly invented steam engine provided cheap movement of goods through waterways. Canals were built so resources could be transported with ease.

This picture shows one of James Watt's running steam engines which  powered steam boats and railroad trains.

The Railroad System:

The inventions of railroads dramatically revolutionized life in Britain. The railroads gave manufacturers a cheap way to transport their products.  Fresh food could also be delivered to distant towns. The railways also gave people opportunities to travel. Traveling meant that people met people from other cities which resulted in long distance relationships and marriages. Time standards, newspapers and mail systems were also invented.

TLocomotion No.1 replica on the Stockton and Darlington line

The Railways helped Europe modernize in many significant ways.

Road Transportation:

   John McAdam, a Scottish engineer improved roads a lot. He created a new layout for roads so they are safer and more effective. The road beds consisted of large stones which helped with drainage. On the top were finely crushed rocks.  

The new design of roads let wagons travel in the rain without sinking into muddy grounds.

 Overall, industrialization helped life in Europe a lot. It raised the standards of living since new materials and products were available for public use.

Negative Effects

   Despite its many positive effects, industrialization had a negative impact on Europe too. Urban areas doubled, tripled, or quadrupled in size which led to over crowding in cities. Sometimes a large population is a good thing, but in this case the population was too big and caused many health problems. Living conditions were dirty and unhealthy. Cities were unsanitary and diseases filled the streets. There were no sanitation codes in cities. Many citizens got very sick.


Positive: opened up more jobs, made the US wealthy, and created many new products at low cost.

Negative: These new innovations being built took a toll of the environment.

Grasslands and great plains are a dominant physical feature of Argentina, Uruguay, _______, Venezuela, and Paraguay.






I think it’s Mexico
The second one, Colombia <3 hope this helps!

In what part of the speech does Lincoln say that Southerners tried to secede without violence? Cite a specific example from the text.


President Lincoln's First Inaugural Address focused on reassuring the Southern states that the president would not try to strip them of their slaves and that he would try to find a way to help them secure slavery if it would make them happy.

what did citizen representation look like under the articles of confederation???



The colonial intellectual and political leaders in the 1760s and ’70s closely read history to compare governments and their effectiveness of rule. They were especially concerned with the history of liberty in Britain, and were primarily influenced by the Country Party (which opposed the Court Party, which held power). The Country Party relied heavily on the classical republicanism of Roman heritage and celebrated the ideals of duty and virtuous citizenship in a republic. This approach produced the American political ideology of republicanism, which by 1775 had become widespread in the United States. Republicanism, based on both ancient Greek and Renaissance European thought, has been a central part of American political culture and it strongly influenced the Founding Fathers.

Republicanism and Virtue

Many leaders of the Patriot cause in the Revolution, as well as early leaders of the new United States, seemed to embody this republican ideal; these included George Washington, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson. Revolutionary republicanism was centered on the ideal of limiting corruption and greed. Virtue was of the utmost importance for citizens and representatives. Revolutionaries aimed to avoid the materialism that contributed to the Roman Empire’s downfall. A virtuous citizen was considered one who spurned monetary compensation and made a commitment to resist and eradicate corruption. The Republic was considered sacred; therefore it was necessary to serve the state in a truly representative way, setting aside self-interest and individual will.

Why did Germany offer guns and money to Mexican revolutionaries?
(New Mexico history)



this is the correct answer and not Germany gave Germany guns

so that they could protect themselves and afford things that they couldn't originally have

have a great day


Because they wanted the Mexicans to rebel against America, so the U.S was a less formidable opponent for the wars upcoming.


Umm... lmo that guy was wrong as heck, did not pay attention in class.

The Germans told the U.S to step off, or they would send the Mexicans after them (which they did anyway)

Who became president in the wake of Abraham Lincoln’s assassination?



Andrew Johnson.

Answer: Andrew Johnson

Explanation: The presidency of Andrew Johnson began on April 15, 1865. Abraham Lincoln was assassinated, April 15, 1865.

Who is the intended audience for Lincoln's address? Based on the content, how does Lincoln view these diferent groups?


First, he addresses the American public when he says, “My countrymen, one and all, think calmly and well upon this whole subject.”He also speaks to the people who are on the fence regarding secession. He says, “That there are persons in one section or another who seek to destroy the Union at all events and are glad of any pretext to do it I will neither affirm nor deny; but if there be such, I need address no word to them. To those, however, who really love the Union may I not speak?”He addresses Southerners who are threatening to secede as "fellow-countrymen": "In your hands, my dissatisfied fellow-countrymen, and not in mine, is the momentous issue of civil war.”He could also be talking to other audiences, such as the international community amid the growing tension in the United States. Lincoln would want to reassure allies abroad of his authority as the new president.


- First, he addresses the American public when he says, “My countrymen, one and all, think calmly and well upon this whole subject.”

- He also speaks to the people who are on the fence regarding secession. He says, “That there are persons in one section or another who seek to destroy the Union at all events and are glad of any pretext to do it I will neither affirm nor deny; but if there be such, I need address no word to them. To those, however, who really love the Union may I not speak?”

- He addresses Southerners who are threatening to secede as "fellow-countrymen": "In your hands, my dissatisfied fellow-countrymen, and not in mine, is the momentous issue of civil war.”

- He could also be talking to other audiences, such as the international community amid the growing tension in the United States. Lincoln would want to reassure allies abroad of his authority as the new president.


This is the answer straight from Plato. I hope that this was helpful to you, please like and rate if it was! :)

Pls help! will give brainly!!!! pls

Describe how in a democracy, the government gains its power from the people. p


In a democracy it’s all about voting. Democracy differs from the republic because democracy gets the votes from the people but the republic has representatives to represent their votes.

need help with this question please... will give brainliest to the best and most indepth answer Give a definition of a political party.



Political party, a group of persons organized to acquire and exercise political power. Political parties originated in their modern form in Europe and the United States in the 19th century, along with the electoral and parliamentary systems, whose development reflects the evolution of parties. The term party has since come to be applied to all organized groups seeking political power, whether by democratic elections or by revolution.


Which provision did the public Treaty of Velasco include?​



The public treaty provided that hostilities would cease and that Santa Anna would withdraw his forces below the Rio Grande and not take up arms again against Texas. In addition, he also pledged to restore property that had been confiscated by the Mexicans. Both sides promised to exchange prisoners on an equal basis.


Which of the following groups was often the "last hired, first hired" during the Industrial Revolution?
A) Mexican-Americans
B) African-Americans
C) Chinese Immigrants
D) Irish Immigrants



C I believe


According to the principle of ___________ all power belongs to the people.



According to the principle of Popular Sovereignty all power belongs to the people.

Gupta Empire. Question and answers below. Please help. Thanks




what is the the captial of kentucky



The capital of kentucky is Frankfort


Frankfort is the capital

Prior to the invention of agriculture the native Americans traveled from place to place in search of food. These people were known as this



the answer is the first option, nomads




Highly mobile people who moved from place to place searching for new food sources were called nomads.

When did former slaves get the right to vote





However, even though the 13th amendment passed, it was usually still really hard to vote as a black man back then, and black women did not have the right to vote in most, if not all places.

Which groups of women were left out of the 19th Amendment?



The 19th amendment left out the black women


They left out Black women

Which federal court would be the first to hear a criminal case?

a circuit court
a district court
the Supreme Court
a court of appeals



A district court because if it's federal then only the district court can hear cases only allowed by congress under the constitution.




I just took the test and got it right

i need help
100 POINTS!!!



sayy less


what do you need help with

Read the sentences below. Choose whether they are written in objective or subjective voice.

Industrialization led to increased urbanization.
✔ objective

Cities did not care about people living in the tenements and ignored their problems.
✔ subjective

Factory owners cared more about their profits than their workers.
✔ subjective

The benefits of industrialization far outweighed any negative effects.
✔ subjective

Industrialization resulted in the creation of new inventions, such as the telephone and the automobile.
✔ objective



the third one. Factory owners cared more about their profits than their workers.



verbal identity because some of them we cannot easily to make a good.

Who took part in the First Continental Congress?



John Adams, Patrick Henry, George Washington


How was feudalism in medieval Europe a hierarchy



A ruler or lord offers mounted fighters a fief (medieval beneficium), a unit of land to control in exchange for a military service. The individual who accepted this land became a vassal, and the man who granted the land become known as his liege or his lord.



D) Everyone had a different level of power in society.


Social Class



The king at the top of feudal society

The king owned all of the land

Under the king was the noble class

The king divided his land among his lords

Nobels, church officials

The second highest class included nobles and church officials

The king gave land to nobles

Nobles ran the manors

Church officials couls influence how people behaved


Knights were also important members of feudal society

Were vassals ro the lord

Protected and fought for the lords

Received land or a place to live on the manor

Peasants, serfs

The lowest classes in medieval society included the peasants and the serfs

Did much of the work on a manor

Received little benefit from work

Grew food, herded animals, and made tools and goods

Had little or no freedom

These are notes I took straight from the video and I got this question right on the quiz hope this helps :)

In what 2 ways did England punish Bostonians for the Boston Tea Party?



As a result of the Boston Tea Party, the British shut down Boston Harbor until all of the 340 chests of British East India Company tea were paid for. This was implemented under the 1774 Intolerable Acts and known as the Boston Port Act


Bustamante was responsible for all of the following except:
a. Leading a revolt against Santa Anna.
b. Executing Vicente Guerrero.
c. Ignoring the Constitution of 1824
. d. Angering Texas Anglo settlers with his conservative ideals.


Answer: b. Executing Vicente Guerrero.


Vicente Guerroro had been the first man of color to be President of Mexico having done so in 1829. He was deposed however by Bustamante and fled to Southern Mexico where he fought against the Government.

In 1831 however, he was tricked and betrayed and handed over to the Government after which he was executed by firing squad. Bustamante did not order this however and those who were linked to the execution suffered political repercussions from people as they looked down on the betrayal.


Answer A i guess Tell me if  i'm wrong


                                      Santa Anna Rises to Power

- Bustamante replaced Guerrero as president

- Didn't follow the constitution of 1824  

                        - This angered the Texans                                                                                                                                                

- Bustamante executed Guerrero

              - This led to a military revolt led by Santa Anna

                                   -  Federalist Ideals

- Santa Anna gained support from Texans

               - Believed he would uphold the constitution of 1824

                                                Major Leaders

    Guadalupe                 Vicente           Anastasio             Antonio Lopez de

       Victoria                   Guerrero         Bustamante                 Santa Anna

       1824-29                      1829               1830-32             Liberal/Conservative

    First President             Liberal          Conservative                  Dictator

Constitution of 1824                                                           Abolished Constitution    

                                                                                                        of 1824


(The President' shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint all other Officers of the
United States, whose Appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by Law, but the
Congress may by Law vest the Appointment of such inferior Officers, as they think proper, in the President alone, in the Courts of
Law, or in the Heads of Departments,
from The United States Constitution, Article II, Section II, Clause I
This portion of the U.S. Constitution is gives the President the power to
appoint U.S. Senators.
appoint U.S. House members
appoint members of his Cabinet
appoint Governors to states in the union



supreme court and treaties both require senate approval by 2/3rds vote. Although the senate can change "rules" by a majority vote (the last 2 majority leaders each changed senate rules in favor of their party.



Its definitely c) because we the people as voters appoint the other 3 options.  


What benefits did the Navigation Act passed on in 1663 provide to Britain? How did it affect the colonies?



The goods were then to be inspected and taxed. This meant that the English colonies could only receive European goods via England. The 1660 and 1663 Navigation Acts increased the cost, and shipping time, for the colonies.


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