Which effect does the sun's energy have on a comet?
A. It causes the comet to form a bright tail.
B. It causes the core of the comet to melt.
C. It causes the comet to turn toward earth.
D. It causes the comet to break apart.


Answer 1


The answer is B because the sun melts the core of the comet

Answer 2

The sun's energy causes the comet to form a bright tail. The correct answer is A.

When a comet approaches the Sun, the Sun's energy causes various effects on the comet.

As the Sun heats up the comet, it causes the icy nucleus of the comet to vaporize and release gas and dust into space.

This process is known as outgassing. The released gas and dust form a glowing envelope called a coma around the nucleus.

Additionally, solar radiation and solar wind push the released gas and dust away from the comet, forming a glowing tail that points away from the Sun.

So, the correct option is A.

To know more about Comet, click here:



Related Questions

the diagram shown represents a dihybrid cross between two pea plants heterozygous for both seed color and seed shape.

what is the phenotypic ratio of the offspring?
A. 1:1:1:2:2:2:2:4
B. 1:3:3:9
C. 1:4
D. 4:12





There are 12 yellow seeds, from which 9 are smooth and 3 are rough.

There are 4 green seeds, from which 3 are smooth and only 1 is rough.

Both the appearance and color of the seeds is something you need to look out for when dealing with phenotypes.

The phenotypic ratio of this dihybrid cross will be 1:3:3:9.

What is phenotype?The term phenotype simply refers to a trait that may be observed. Pheno means observe  and is derived from the same root as "phenomenon." As a result, it's a sort of organism that can be seen, and it may relate to anything from a common characteristic like height or hair color to the presence or absence of disease.What is dihybrid cross?A mating experiment between two animals that are identically hybrid for two features is referred to as a dihybrid cross. A heterozygous organism is one that possesses two distinct alleles at the same genetic location, or locus.The cross between a homozygous pea plant with round yellow seeds and wrinkled green seeds is an example of a dihybrid cross.RRYY alleles are found in round yellow seeds, while rryy alleles are found in wrinkled green seeds.

Hence the correct option is B.

To know more about Dihybrid cross here



What's the difference between inference and observation? Give examples of each.



A inference is a conclusion reached on the basis of evidence and reasoning.

A observation is an act or instance of regarding attentively or watching


Example for a inference would be - lets say you notice someone isnt acting like theirself you may infer that their not having a good day or their not in a mood

Observation example- when your doing a lab for science you may observe the different types of utensils or the effects of the object you use like oh this is blue or something

What is a carbon hydrate molecule?


Answer: A carbohydrate is an organic compound such as sugar or starch, and is used to store energy



A carbohydrate is an organic compound such as sugar or starch, and is used to store energy. Like most organic compounds, carbohydrates are built of small, repeating units that form bonds with each other to make a larger molecule. ... Carbohydrates contain only carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.A


When two species are forced to interact in a particular environment, how would
relationships of competition, predation, and mutualism affect the two populations?



Find the explanation below.


When two species find themselves in the same environment, the quest for survival would lead to interactions among themselves.

Competition would result when there are limited resources. For example, when Tigers and Lions who feed on the same prey exist together in an environment, a competitive relationship can result.

Predation is a sort of interaction where an organism feeds on a prey to survive. Here, the weaker animal/species stands the risk of being defeated in the battle for survival. For example, in some homes where cats and rats exist, the cats tend to prey on the rats.

Mutualism is a form of symbiotic relationship where the animals exist together in a cooperative manner. Most fungal species have been found to have a mutualistic relationship with the roots of plants. Each of these two is important to each other's survival.

What are the levels of organization within the earth system



Organelles -> Cells -> Tissues -> Organs and Organ Systems -> Organisims, Poupulation and Communties -> Ecosystems -> The Biosphere


The level of organization from lower to higher are atoms, molecules, organelles, cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, organisms, populations, communities, ecosystems, biomes and biosphere.

What is ecosystem ?

An ecosystem is the unit of ecology, a structural and functional unit of where the living organisms dwell with each other and with their surrounding environment and the term was  coined by A.G.Tansley, an English botanist, in 1935.

The structure of an ecosystem can be up two types such as Biotic Components and Abiotic Components, both the components are interrelated  where the flow energy and components occur throughout the boundaries.

Biotic components belongs to all living components which can be classified into autotrophs, heterotrophs and saprotrophs. Autotrophs are the producers like plants which make food independently by photosynthesis.

The organisms that depend on other organisms for their food called as consumers or heterotrophs, it can be classified into primary consumers, secondary consumers and tertiary consumers.

Primary consumers are herbivores, Secondary consumers get energy from primary consumers can be either carnivores or omnivores. Tertiary consumers get energy from on secondary consumers.

Quaternary consumers prey on tertiary consumers, Decomposers include saprophytes such as fungi and bacteria depend on dead and decaying matter.

For more details regarding ecosystem , visit:



The protein, lipid, and carbohydrate compositions of the cytoplasmic and extracellular sides of membranes are different from one another. Why is this the case? (3 points)

a) Some membrane components are synthesized outside of the cell, while others are synthesized in the cytosol.

b) The two sides of a cell membrane face different environments and carry out different functions.

c) The molecular composition of the inner and outer layers of the cell membrane is determined by genes.

d) Proteins only function on the cytoplasmic side of the cell membrane, which results in asymmetry across the membrane.



The protein, lipid, and carbohydrate compositions of the cytoplasmic and extracellular sides of membranes are different from one another , this happens because the two sides of a cell membrane face different environments and carry out different functions.


PROTEINS , LIPID AND CARBOHYDRATES , all are the components of the plasma membrane , located at different sites .

PROTEINS -: The main component of plasma membranes is proteins. Two key categories of membrane proteins are available: integral and peripheral. As their name implies, integral membrane proteins are incorporated into the membrane: they have at least one hydrophobic region that anchors them to the phospholipid bilayer's hydrophobic center. Others just stick partway through the membrane, while others extend from one side of the membrane to the other and on either side are exposed.

On the outside and inside surfaces of membranes, peripheral membrane proteins are found which are bound either to integral proteins or to phospholipids. Peripheral membrane proteins do not stick into the hydrophobic center of the membrane as opposed to integral membrane proteins, and appear to be more loosely bound.

LIPID -: Phospholipids, arranged in a bilayer, make up the plasma membrane 's essential cloth. Since they are amphipathic, they are well-suited for this function, meaning they have both hydrophilic and hydrophobic regions.

The hydrophilic or "water-loving" component of a phospholipid is its head, which includes a phosphate group that is negatively charged, as well as an additional small group that can also be charged or polar.

Its long, nonpolar fatty acid tails make up the hydrophobic, or "water-fearing," portion of a phospholipid. The tails of fatty acids can interact easily with other non-polar molecules, but interact poorly with water.

CARBOHYDRATES -: The main component of plasma membranes is carbohydrates. In general, they are located on the outer surface of the cells and are either bound to proteins (glycoproteins forming) or to lipids (glycolipids forming). These chains of carbohydrates can consist of 2-60 units of monosaccharide and can either be straight or branched.

Hence , the correct option is B.

which product does the Krebs cycle require from the electron transport chain

pyruvate ​


NAD +molecule


Krebs cycle and electron transport chain are important steps in cellular respiration.

In the Krebs cycle, there is a need of NAD+ molecule which is then in Krebs cycle reduced to form a NADH2 molecule.

NADH2 is also an energy currency. It , giving electron in electron transport chain and return to Krebs cycle as NAD+.

Now in the Krebs cycle, it is ready to take electrons again.




Which statements describe the Sun? Check all that apply.



the sun is big and there is many layer and the surface of the sun is 5.500 hot


i already did the assignment and those are the answsers

PLEASE HELP BRAINLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1








what transport moves ions?
- diffusion
- facilitated diffusion
- osmosis
- molecular pumps
- endocytosis
- exocytosis



a facilitated diffusion

Sorry If I'm wrong

Facilitated diffusion

what happens to cells formed by meristematic tissue​



The cells formed by meristematic tissue take up a specific role and lose their ability to divide. As a result, they form a permanent tissue. This process of taking up a permanent shape, size and function is called differentiation.

Please mark me as brainlist.

how do organisms generate energy when oxygen is ot available​



Fermentation releases energy from food molecules by producing ATP.

Organisms can generate ATP when oxygen is not available after glycolysis. The most common processes are alcoholic and lactic acid fermentation.

How does the Gulf Stream affect weather in the United States? A. It brings cooler temperatures from the poles. B. It brings cooler temperatures from the tropics. C. The warm surface currents help create storms and fog. D. The cool surface currents produce cooler weather and fog.


Answer: C. The warm surface currents help create storms and fog.


The gulf stream can be defined as strong ocean currents that brings about the warm wind currents from the oceanic water of the gulf of Mexico to the eastern coastal areas of the United States. These wind currents bring warm weather conditions in the United States. The strong wind currents can also cause storms and fog in the coastal areas of the United States.


After a forest fire what would be the first change in a forest?

Pioneer species are established

A climax community is established

Wind carries seeds to the area and plants grow from these seeds

New soil forms from rock


c because

The first plants to move into the new bare ground after a wildfire are wildflowers or “weeds.” These fast-germinating, leafy herbaceous plants are also known as “forbs” or “ephemerals.” They quickly germinate, grow and produce a new crop of seeds.


Pioneer species are established


A forest fire would represent the process of secondary succession.

In secondary succession, the first stage is the growth of pioneer species. The soil still remains, so no new soil needs to be made.

This rich soil allows for pioneer species to grow in the forest.

Help please I will give brainliest





Hi! How are u? :) :) :) I recommend posting this again and asking a tutor! :)

Why is there limited vegetation in the tundra?



Frigid temperatures, etc.


The tundra has very low temperatures and a layer of permafrost over the soil. It has characteristics similar to the desert and it also has a short summer and a long, freezing winter. Therefore, there are not many flora variations that can thrive in that biome.


The tundra experiences little rainfall, which makes the soil devoid of nutrients. The soil is permafrost, or permanently frozen. Both of these factors make it difficult for plants to grow in the tundra.


edge 2020

The last part for my project it's early and I'm being lazy please look it up? giving lots of points cuz that only fare don't take advantage of this.

Describe how community residents and authorities can prepare for an earthquake and its aftermath. Review earthquake advice from the USGS, the American Red Cross, and other agencies.



here is what I know about earthquakes..


Learn how to prepare for an earthquake with the following safety tips. Please review our guidance on preparing for an earthquake while still protecting. Doorways are no stronger than any other part of a structure so don't rely on them for protection! Staying informed about your community's risk and response plans.

A cotransporter is something that moves two substances across a membrane, one passively and the other actively. The Na+/ K+ ATPase transports sodium and potassium ions across the plasma membrane against their concentration gradients. This pump is not considered a cotransporter because



both ions are transported actively


If both ions are being transported against their concentration gradients, then they are both being transported by active transport, as it requires energy.

A co-transporter moves two substances across the membrane, one passively and one actively. But in this case neither ion is moved passively, so it cannot be considered a cotransporter

What are the similarities between food webs and food chains?



food webs are what the animals eat in order while food chain is what animal eats what animal

what countries are developing destructive or defensive weapons in space?



Anti-satellite weapons, which are primarily surface-to-space and air-to-space missiles, have been developed by the United States, the USSR/Russia, India and the People's Republic of China. Multiple test firings have been done with recent Chinese and U.S test program that destroy an orbiting satellite.

Who wants brainliest? Answer those 2 questions



This type of natural selection occurs when there are selective pressures working against two extremes of a trait and therefore the intermediate or “middle” trait is selected for. If we look at a distribution of traits in the population, it is noticeable that a standard distribution is followed: Example:  For a plant, the plants that are very tall are exposed to more wind and are at risk of being blown over. The plants that are very short fail to get enough sunlight to prosper. Therefore, the plants that are a middle height between the two get both enough sunlight and protection from the wind.

This type of natural selection occurs when selective pressures are working in favour of one extreme of a trait. Therefore when looking at a distribution of traits in a population, a graph tends to lean more to one side: Example: Giraffes with the longest necks are able to reach more leaves to each. Selective pressures will work in the advantage of the longer neck giraffes and therefore the distribution of the trait within the population will shift towards the longer neck trait.

This type of natural selection occurs when selective pressures are working in favour of the two extremes and against the intermediate trait. This type of selection is not as common. When looking at a trait distribution, there are two higher peaks on both ends with a minimum in the middle as such: Example: An area that has black, white and grey bunnies contains both black and white rocks. Both the traits for white and black will be favored by natural selection since they both prove useful for camouflage. The intermediate trait of grey does not prove as useful and therefore selective pressures act against the trait.

Genes help to define who an individual is inside and out. In addition to visible traits like weight and eye color, psychological qualities such as personality traits, intelligence, risk of mental illness, and more have been linked to genetics.


This is what I could find.

1: overproduction, genetic variation, struggle to survive, and successful reproduction are 4 steps.

2: gene is a unit of heredity which is transferred from a parent to there kids(offspring). They relate to traits in people because if you’re born tall you got it from your mom/dad or their family traits.

Please answer this.. please



10.8 amu


11 * 0.80 = 8.8 (11 represents ion, 0.80 represents %)

10 * 0.20 = 2 (10 represents ion, 0.20 represents %)

8.8 + 2 = 10.8 amu

All cells have the following
a) plasma membrane, cytoplasm, and ribosomes.
b) plasma membrane, nucleus, and DNA.
c) DNA, ribosomes, and cell wall.
d) plasma membrane, cytoplasm, and nucler




its just the letter A......

Please help me...what is the function of an animal cell?



the blood and the senses


What is the impact of genetically modified corn on society and environment?


Biodiversity Loss: The use of some GM crops can have negative impacts on non-target organisms and on soil and water ecosystems. For example, the expansion of GM herbicide-tolerant corn and soy, which are twinned with herbicides, has destroyed much of the habitat of the monarch butterfly in North America.

A species is a particular type of living thing that can reproduce by interbreeding among themselves.

True False


I believe the answer is True. I could be wrong but let me know!!


What substances are used up as the reactants in cellular respiration?

O2 and C6H12O6
O2 and H2O
CO2 and H20
CO2 and C6H12O6



Cellular Respiration reactants are glucose and oxygen.


Neptune's blue color is caused by _____.
1.water on the surface
2.highly reflective clouds
3.methane in the atmosphere
4.ice covering the planet


It could be number 2
The answer is 3, I did research lol hope that helps :)

Of the following organelles, which
group is involved in manufacturing
substances needed by the cell?
O a) ribosome, rough ER, nucleolus
b) vacuole, rough ER, nucleolus
O c) nucleolus, ribosome, vacuole
d) rough ER, lysosome, vacuole​


b! rough ER moves it around, nucleous monitors it, and vacuole produces it.

What supports, protects and maintains the shape of the cell? *Very rigid. *
A .golgi apparatus
B. cytoplasm
C. endoplasmic reticulum
D. cell wall


Answer: D. the Cell wall

Explanation: The cell wall provides structural support and protection. Pores in the cell wall allow water and nutrients to move into and out of the cell. The cell wall also prevents the plant cell from bursting when water enters the cell.

Also it is also a ridged layer found outside of the cell membrane

I believe the answer is D
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