Which molecule in Diagram 11 is used to transport energy to other parts of the plant?


Answer 1


The answer is Sugars, or sugar molecules!


The sugar and other organic molecules are transported through the plant by means of a special layer of tissue called phloem. Phloem is composed of living cells that transport a water solution of sugars that we commonly call sap.

Answer 2

The  molecule is Sugar ,transported principally as Sucrose, but originally as Glucose after photosynthesis  and stored as starch in plants.

The sucrose is transported in the Phloem( one of the vascular tissues, the second is the xylem. They are located adjacent o each other.)The process of transportation is called, Pressure Flow Model. The process of moving the sugar through the plants is called Translocation.

There are two regions during transport of sugar in translocation. The source where the sugar is produced, that is the  green leaves, and the sink where the sugar is metabolized.

Therefore the high concentration of the sugar at the source([plant leaves) increases the solute potential of the cell in the phloem of the leaves. This set up a gradients that draw water from the adjacent  xylem into the phloem by osmosis.

The  water influx increases the pressure potential of the phloem sap, and which makes the phloem turgid. The creates turgor pressure because of the increases of the phloem sap (containing sugar).The pressure  leads to the bulk transport of the sap contain sugar (translocation) from the source( leaves) to the Sink.

At the sink, the sugar is withdraw . Thus the solute potential rises,(with a drop in pressure potential) and  water  return by osmosis back to the xylem for the process to continue with another transport.

More https://brainly.com/question/18518187

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Cellular respiration is a key role in returning the muscles to normal after exercise, converting the excess pyruvate into ATP and regenerating the stores of ATP, phosphocreatine, and glycogen in the muscle that are required for more rapid contractions.

Hope that helps!

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(a) Air in lungs
(b) Vibration in lungs
(c) Vibration in throat
(d) none of these





for me Vibration in throat

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Dispersion of white light by a prism


When white light is passed through a prism, the white light separates into its component wavelengths which are:








Together, all of these wavelengths constitute the spectrum of white light.

Hence, the dispersion of white light shows that each color of visible light has a specific wavelength.

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I haven't really learned about cell types but I did find this information


How can epinephrine have different effects on different cells? Different cells have different receptors that bind epinephrine. Different cells activate different enzymes as a result of epinephrine binding.

epinephrine induces increased vascular smooth muscle contraction, pupillary dilator muscle contraction, and intestinal sphincter muscle contraction. Other significant effects include increased heart rate, myocardial contractility, and renin release

Hope it at least helps a little :)

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Plants get the carbon from the air that humans exhale. They breath it in and use it for photosynthesis.


Took biology last year.

During photosynthesis, what is the source of the carbon is the sugar that is created is carbon dioxide in the air.

Photosynthesis is the process by which plants use sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide to create oxygen and energy in the form of sugar.Carbon dioxide serves as the source of carbon, and it enters the photosynthetic process in a series of reactions called the carbon-fixation reactions (also known as the dark reactions).

Stages of photosynthesis:

(i) Absorption of light energy by chlorophyll.

(ii) Conversion of light energy to chemical energy and splitting of water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen.

(iii) Reduction of carbon dioxide to carbohydrates.

Learn more:


Why did people in England feel that it was reasonable that America paid more taxes?



See below


The people in England felt that it was acceptable to make to colonists pay taxes because they felt that they still owned the colonists and could push them around as they wished. They also needed the money to pay for war debt. It was also a reaction to the protests that the Americans were performing.

in which two steps of cellular respiration is the co2 produced


Answer:The only difference between a molecule of a compound and a molecule of an element is that in a molecule of an element, all the atoms are the same. For example, in a molecule of water (a compound), there is one oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms. But in a molecule of oxygen (an element), both of the atoms are oxygen.

Explanation:hope this helps

Which best describes the outcome of DNA replication?

1) The new DNA molecule is identical to the original DNA.

2) The new DNA molecule is synthesized from amino acids.

3) The new DNA molecule has a different number of codons.

4) The new DNA molecule is single-stranded.


1) the new DNA molecule is identical to the original DNA

Organelles found in an osteocytes




simply means lessen the use of unnecessary materials






Reduce: simply means lessen the use of unnecessary materials.

Waste management can be defined as the processes, schemes, activities and actions that are typically required to collect, treat and manage (handle) a waste material from its creation to its final disposal.

Basically, some importance of waste management are:

I. It makes planet Earth free from garbage or waste materials.

II. It promotes a clean, beautiful and healthful environment.

III. It helps to transform garbage or waste materials into something useful through recycling.

The 5Rs of waste management generally refers to an efficient, effective and modern way of managing garbage and waste material, these include:


Reduce is a waste management technique which involves lessening the use of unnecessary materials in the performance of a task.

For example, biodegradable materials can be burned to lessen waste.

Read more: https://brainly.com/question/18769370

Please help ! I’ll mark brainliest



the sun


An _____
is a head and throat specialist.





Whats the flow of matter in DESSERT food web?? HELP


The Sahara desert food chain begins with the plants. There are many kinds of plants in the desert. They are the Date Palms, Cacti, Thorn Acacia, Creosote Bush, Sage Brush, Desert Milkweed, Desert Willow, and Desert Tobacco. The plants are producers as they are the source of food for many herbivores.

How do scientists say the melting ice can contribute to disease occurrence? Also example



In the melting of icebergs, icebergs could potentially contain long-dormant bacteria and viruses. Those viruses trapped in ice and permafrost for centuries, can be reactivated. That means melting those ice could potentially open a Pandora's box of diseases.  Including some that have caused global epidemics in the distant past.

Example: babesiosis

As of regular ice. The freezing of bacteria in water isn't just an old practice and ice from unclean sources could also contain disease, when melted and ingested or touched this ice as well could transmit disease not so long-dormant, however still unpleasant.

Example: AIDS

summer squash purchased at your local grocery store would be biologically classified as a



considered a vegetable.


Why does the Ocean appear to be blue?

A, because all light that reach the the ocean's surface is blue light

B, As light travels through the ocean, red and orange light gets absorbed first while blue light
continues to travel deeper, make the ocean appear to be blue

C, As light travels through the ocean, blue light gets absorbed first, which makes the ocean appear to be blue

D, The surface of the seafloor is blue

Help please


I do believe the answer is B


its because the sky is blue and it reflects to the ocean

The hydrogen used to produce ATP in the light reactions of photosynthesis comes from ___.
a. Splitting water
b. Carbon fixation
c. Movement of hydrogen ions through the membrane
d. The burning of sugar molecules






1. How does a clock and its internal and intricate mechanical parts make up a system(Explain)

2. Is it a living or nonliving system? (Explain)

3. How may it support a living system? (Explain)

4. Therefore what is an good example of a definition of a system?



1. A clock with internal mechanical parts comprises a system because it is a combination of various parts that a heterogeneous in nature and function working together to achieve one end - indicating the time accurately.

Some mechanical clocks comprise of at least 10 parts namely:

Gear train: This component alone is a sub-system that comprises of at least 8 parts. These parts are broadly classified into wheels, pinions, and barrels.Main SpringPalletEscapement Escapement WheelBarrell Barrell WheelBalance Spring etc

2. A clock is a non-living system.

Living systems have certain characteristics. Some of them are:

Stimuli: Response to the environmentGrowth and development: The are able to increase in size and dimensionsHomeostasis: this is the capability of self-regulation regardless of external conditions such as temperature and pressure.   etc

3. A cannot support a living system. It can however help a human being (which is essentially a combination of various systems) to tell the time.

4. a system is a combination of heterogeneous parts that work in unison to form a whole complex entity that can perform one or more functions.


What would be the expected result if a competitive, nonhydrolyzable analog of ATP were applied to the cytoplasmic side of a plasma membrane that contained a large concentration of the Na+/K+ pump? What would be the expected result if a competitive, nonhydrolyzable analog of ATP were applied to the cytoplasmic side of a plasma membrane that contained a large concentration of the Na+/K+ pump? The cell would accumulate Na+, but there would be no effect on K+. The cell would accumulate K+, but there would be no effect on Na+. The cell interior would experience higher than normal Na+ concentrations and lower than normal K+ concentrations. Both Na+ and K+ would accumulate outside of the cell.



The cell interior would experience higher than normal Na+ concentrations and lower than normal K+ concentrations.


The Na/⁺K⁺ pump is an ATPase pump which is responsible for maintaining low Na⁺ and high K⁺ concentrations within the cytoplasm while maintaining high Na⁺ and low K⁺ concentrations in the extracellular fluid.

Since these two ions are moved against their concentration gradient, ATP hydrolysis is required to provide the energy for this process. This is done by moving in two K⁺ ions  inside while moving three Na⁺ ions outside the cell for every molecule of ATP hydrolysed to ADP and Pi.

If a competitive non-hydrolyzable analog of ATP is applied on the cytoplasmic side of a plasma membrane that contained a large concentration of the Na/⁺K⁺ pump, it will act by inhibiting the action of the Na/⁺K⁺ pump. This will result in an accumulation of Na⁺ ions inside the cell and lower than normal K⁺ ions concentration.

The diagram below shows the exchange of carbon dioxide (CO2) and oxygen (O2) between a cell and the blood flowing through a capillary.

In this diagram, the molecules of CO2 (represented by x’s) are moving from an area of--



From an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration.


The molecules of CO2 are moving from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration. Carbondioxide is produced as waste product in the cell during the process of respiration. This carbondioxide gas is loaded in blood cells because in the cell, concentration of carbondioxide gas is higher while on the other hand the concentration of carbondioxide is lower in the blood cells. This carbondioxide gas exchange in the lungs with oxygen which is required in the process of respiration for the production of energy in the form of ATP molecules. So from the conclusion we can say that CO2 moves from an area of higher concentration to lower concentration.

If I had two rocks and I wanted to see which one was bigger how would I measure it? (think before you answer)

Question 1 options:

A. length

B. temperature


D. mass





Volume makes up the entire object, so the object (rock) with the most volume would be bigger.

The lower jaw articulates with the temporal bone at the ?


It should be mandibular fossa :)

If plant cells have both chloroplast and mitochondrial, What will likely happen to the glucose and oxygen once they are produced in photosynthesis?


i would love if you give me points

three sentences about the role termites play in modifying the natural proses of water carbon or nitrogen cycle



-help to store water in the soil (by increasing infiltration) rather than evaporating (enabling the plants survive long periods of drought)

-mix inorganic and organic compounds in the soil (and thus it can better resist the process of erosion)

-termite’s feces help to prevent erosion  


Decomposers break down complex organic matter into basic compounds containing nitrogen, phosphorus, and calcium, generating water (H2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2) during this process. Termites are critical in an ecosystem because they are decomposers, i.e., they are recyclers that break down organic material into nutrient-rich soil. For example, termites digest the cellulose from dead plants (due to the presence of specific bacteria in their digestive tract), thus allowing the carbon cycle.

19. This picture represents what type of cell transport?

A. Endocytosis
B. Exocytosis
C. Osmosis
D. Passive Transport





D would be the answer

to check temperature in large or thick foods, you should:

-an infrared thermometer
-a bimetallic stemmed thermometer
-a thermocouple thermometer
-a pop up thermometer ​


Answer: A bimetallic stemmed thermometer:


When T2 phages infect bacteria and make more viruses in the presence of radioactive sulfur, what is the result?



The viral proteins will be radioactive.

Explanation: Bacteria are microorganisms that have been found to be the cause of many diseases of living organisms.

T2 phage is usually called enterobacterio phage T2 which has been known to be very virulent and infectious to a bacteria like E-coli when done in the presence of sulfur it usually leads to the formation of radioactive viral proteins due to the impact of radiation.

Light behaves in specific ways. It can be reflected, refracted, or absorbed, and under certain conditions, run into different kinds of interference. Which explanation best describes why light is refracted as it enters water?

A. The light bends when it enters water due to its reflection.

B. The speed of light remains the same as it moves from air to water, causing the light to reflect.

C. The speed of light increases when it enters a different medium, but it doesn't bend.

D. The speed of light changes as it moves from air to water, causing the light to bend.





Refraction is generally defined as the change in the direction of a wave as it travels from one medium to another. Light is a form of wave and light refraction is caused by a change in the speed of light as it moves from air to water, causing the light to bend in the process. The medium of travelling has to be transparent.

The change in the speed and direction is due to the variability in the refractive index of media. Light travels faster as it moves from a medium of higher refractive index to a medium of lower refractive index and vice versa.

The correct option is D.

which substance compose the backbone of DNA



phosphate and deoxyribose



Phosphates and sugars


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