Which of Mendel's laws BEST explains why

genetic variations occur in offspring resulting

from sexual reproduction?

A law of segregation

B law of dominance

C law of independent assortment

D law of crossing-over


Answer 1

Due to the law of independent assortment, genetic variations occur in offspring resulting from sexual reproduction. So, option C is correct.

One of Mendel's rules of inheritance, the Law of Independent Assortment, explains how various genes segregate independently of one another throughout the development of gametes (eggs and sperm).

This law states that genes situated on distinct chromosomes are randomly arranged and passed down to offspring independently of one another. The inheritance of one gene does not affect the inheritance of another gene.

This indicates that during meiosis, the homologous chromosomes' haphazard alignment in metaphase I causes a random separation of various gene alleles into the gametes. As a result, many allele combinations might be produced in the progeny, increasing genetic diversity.

To know more about the Law of Independent Assortment



Answer 2

The correct solution to this question here is option C. Law of independent assortment by Joseph Mendel.

The Law of Independent Assortment BEST explains why genetic variations occur in offspring resulting from sexual reproduction. The Law of Independent Assortment states that during meiosis, the alleles of different genes are randomly distributed into gametes. This means that different combinations of alleles can end up in different gametes, which can lead to a wide variety of genetic combinations in the offspring. This can result in a diverse set of traits and characteristics in the offspring, even among siblings.

Learn more about law of independent assortment here brainly.com/question/29556097


Related Questions

What is true of the population shown in this graph?


There are no limiting factors to control population growth.

It shows the effect of overpopulation on a species.

The number of individuals will eventually drop to zero.

The population has increased until it has reached its carrying capacity.


The population has increased until it has reached its carrying capacity is true of the population.

Option D is correct.

Does a population's expansion be controlled by a limiting factor?

Anything that slows or prevents a population from expanding is a limiting factor. Bites, such as food, partners, and competition with other organisms for resources, are examples of limiting factors.

What causes limiting factors?

Limiting factors include food, water, light, space, shelter, and access to companions. Individuals will die of starvation, desiccation, and stress in an organism, group, or population that lacks sufficient resources to sustain it, or they will not bear children.

Incomplete question :

What is true of the population shown in this graph? Responses

A.There are no limiting factors to control population growth.

B.It shows the effect of overpopulation on a species.

C.The number of individuals will eventually drop to zero.

D.The population has increased until it has reached its carrying capacity.

Learn more about limiting factor :



D: The population has increased until it has reached its carrying capacity.

Explanation: k12 1.05

TRUE OR FALSE if you were examining a plasmodesma under a microscope, you would expect to find a plant cell at each end





Which of the following statements correctly describes the problems caused by invasive species like the Burmese python and European rabbit?

They create more habitats for native species.

They create a new food source for native species.

They bring diseases to the area.

They overpopulate and compete with native species for both space and food


They overpopulate and compete with native species for both space and food is the problems caused by invasive species like the Burmese python and European rabbit.

Option D is correct.

What is the most significant problem that invasive species cause?

Industries, communities, and native cultures that depend on the country's natural resources are devastated when invasive species outcompete native plants and animals. Additionally, they degrade waterways, reducing recreational opportunities and affecting the quality of the water.

What is the primary driver of invasive species?

Most of the time unintentionally, human activities spread invasive species. People and the things we use move quickly around the world, often bringing with them unwelcome species. Boats can convey amphibian organic entities in their stabilizer water, while more modest boats might convey them on their propellers.

Learn more about invasive species :



What phenotype will an individual with a heterozygous genotype display?



The dominant trait would be expressed physically (phenotype)


An individual with a heterozygous genotype will display the phenotype associated with the dominant allele. The dominant allele will mask the expression of the recessive allele, which means that the trait determined by the recessive allele will not be visible in the individual's phenotype. The heterozygous individual will carry both the dominant and recessive alleles for the trait, but the dominant allele will be the one that determines the observable characteristic.
However, the heterozygous individual can still pass on the recessive allele to their offspring, which may result in the expression of the recessive phenotype in future generations

why has natural selection favored the evolution of double circulation in birds and mammals? group of answer choices because they cannot obtain as much oxygen from the air as reptiles and amphibians because they live in terrestrial environments because they use more energy than equivalent-sized reptiles and amphibians because they are less active than reptiles and amphibians because they are always larger than reptiles and amphibians


Natural selection has favored the evolution of double circulation in birds and mammals because they use more energy than equivalent-sized reptiles and amphibians.

What is natural selection? Natural selection is a process that occurs in nature whereby individuals that have traits that are well adapted to their environment survive and reproduce better than those that do not. The individuals who are better adapted are more likely to survive and reproduce, and their genes are passed down to their offspring.

Therefore, the process continues as the best-adapted individuals continue to survive and reproduce.

What is double circulation? Double circulation refers to the system of circulation that consists of two circuits that are both driven by the heart. One circuit is the pulmonary circulation, and the other is the systemic circulation. The pulmonary circuit carries deoxygenated blood to the lungs, where it is oxygenated, and then back to the heart.

The systemic circuit carries oxygenated blood to the body and then back to the heart.

Why has natural selection favored the evolution of double circulation in birds and mammals? Natural selection has favored the evolution of double circulation in birds and mammals because they use more energy than equivalent-sized reptiles and amphibians.

Double circulation, which delivers oxygenated blood directly to the body tissues, is more efficient than single circulation, which does not deliver oxygenated blood directly to the body tissues, and as a result, it allows birds and mammals to use more energy than reptiles and amphibians.

This is why natural selection has favored the evolution of double circulation in birds and mammals.

To know more about Natural selection, refer here:



Multiple alleles control the ABO blood groups. Different combinations of the three alleles result in four different blood type phenotypes. The IA allele and the IB allele exhibit codominance and the i allele is recessive to both. This chart lists some of the possible genotypes and phenotypes for human blood type.
Genotype Phenotype
IAIA or IAi ?
? Type B
ii Type O
What is the phenotype for the genotype IAIB?
_Type AB
_Type A
_Type B
_Type O


The phenotype for the genotype IAIB is Type AB.

This is because the IA allele and the IB allele exhibit codominance, meaning that both alleles are expressed equally in the phenotype. Therefore, an individual with the genotype IAIB will have both the A and B antigens on the surface of their red blood cells, resulting in the Type AB blood phenotype.

O, A, B, and AB are the four fundamental ABO phenotypes. The blood group A was split into two phenotypes, A1 and A2, after it was discovered that blood group A RBCs responded differentially to a specific antibody (later known as anti-A1).

About 80% of RBCs have the A1 phenotype, which reacts with anti-A1 and makes up blood type A.

About 20% of blood type A is made up of RBCs with the A2 phenotype, which do not respond with anti-A1. A1 and A2 blood groups can be used interchangeably for transfusions despite A1 red cells expressing around five times as much A antigen as A2 red cells do. Both types of red cells also respond with anti-A.

TO know more about ABO phenotypes here:


The eye of a squid and the eye of a mammal look very similar- are they? Describe the origin of both of these eyes and discuss how they function and any evolutionary significance.


The appearance of a squid's eye and a mammal's eye is remarkably similar. They represent convergence in evolution.

How do squid eyes and human eyes compare?

A squid actually has more in common with a clam than it does with humans. Yet, the two lineages separately developed eyes with a single lens in the front and a cup-shaped, image-sensing retina in the back that are remarkably similar to camera-lens eyes.

Do squid eyes and human eyes resemble one another?

Eyes have undergone many evolutionary stages in various animal lineages, much like wings. A recent study found that cephalopods and humans both developed the same eyes through small changes to the same gene, despite the fact that their eyes originated independently of ours.

To learn more about convergent evolution visit:



Explain the steps of the carbon cycle being sure to explain how CO2 and glucose are exchanged within the cycle. Be sure to include all of the spheres within your answer.


Energy moves in a directional fashion through Earth's ecosystems, usually arriving as sunshine and leaving as heat. The chemical components that make up biological creatures, on the other hand, are renewed.

What does this imply? For one thing, your body's elements are not brand new. Instead, they've been moving through the biosphere for eons, becoming a component of numerous organisms and nonliving substances along the way. As a spiritual being, you may or may not believe in rebirth.concept, but there's no denying that the atoms in your body have been a part of an enormous number of living and nonliving objects throughout history!Carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, and sulfur are the six most prevalent components found in organic molecules. They can be stored in the atmosphere, on land, in water, beneath the Earth's surface, and in the bodies of living creatures for long or brief periods of time. Weathering of rocks, erosion, water draining, and tectonic plate subduction all play a part in this recycling of materials, as do relationships between species.

The processes by which an element (or, in some instances, a compound such as water) transitions between its different living and nonliving forms.A biological cycle describes the interaction of various places. This name represents the significance of chemistry, geology, and biology in understanding these cycles.

Water, which includes both hydrogen and oxygen, is required by all living creatures. That puts the water cycle near the top of our inventory of important processes!

The hydrosphere is a vast and diverse collection of locations where water can be located as it cycles on Earth. Water exists on the Earth's surface and beneath the earth as a liquid, as ice in the northern ice caps and glaciers, and as water vapor in the atmosphere. Check out the water cycle page for more information on how water cycles between these types.

Our bodies are made up of more than half water, butHowever, people cannot survive solely on water. Instead, there are several other important components that keep our bodies functioning and are part of biogeochemical cycles:

Carbon can be found in all biological structures and is an important component of fossil fuels. For more information, see the page on the carbon cycle.

Nitrogen is essential to human cultivation because it is required for our DNA DNAstart text, D, N, A, end text, RNA RNAstart text, R, N, A, end text, and proteins. For more information, see the nitrogen cycle page.

Phosphorus is a crucial component of DNA DNAstart text, D, N, A, end text and RNA RNAstart text, R, N, A, end text and is one of the primary components in agricultural fertilizers, along with nitrogen. See also phosphorousFor more information, see the DN cycle page.

Sulfur is essential for protein construction and is emitted into the environment by the combustion of fossil fuels.

These cycles do not occur in isolation, and the water cycle is a major cause of other biogeochemical processes. The flow of water, for example, is essential for the leaching of nitrogen and phosphate into waterways, lakes, and seas. The water is also a significant carbon reservoir (holding tank).

Despite the fact that each element or compound follows its own path, all of these essential chemical nutrients circulate through the biosphere, traveling between the biotic—living—and abiotic—nonliving—worlds, as well as from one living creature to another.

Kevin says that all components of the natural environment would be protected if all nations had strict laws in place. If this was the case, what is the main reason that international treaties or agreements would still be necessary?

It would make sharing scientific information easier.

Most polluters are large, multinational corporations.

Pollution and wildlife do not respect national borders.

Invasive species originate from around the world.


C. Pollution and wildlife do not respect national borders. Even with strict laws in place in individual nations, international treaties or agreements are necessary because environmental issues are often transboundary, affecting multiple countries and regions

Some of the micro-organism are not single cells how are they arranged?



Some microorganisms are not single cells, and they can be arranged in different ways. For example, some microorganisms form clusters or colonies, while others form long filaments or chains. Some microorganisms, such as certain types of algae, form multicellular structures that resemble higher plants. Additionally, some bacteria can form structures called biofilms, which are communities of cells that are attached to a surface and encased in a protective matrix. The arrangement of microorganisms can vary depending on their species, environment, and other factors.


The process by which cells replicate is very different than the process by which gametes are produced. Which of the following do both processes have in common?
haploid cells forms
crossing over occurs
homologous chromosomes pair up


Cytokinesis. Following chromosomal segregation, a single cell contents really split into two cells. When a ring of fibres on the inside surface of the membrane contracts, it causes the cell membrane to pinch in at first.

The main component of these fibres in this scenario shares structural similarities with eukaryotic tubulin (which makes up microtubules), but performs a comparable role to actin in an animal cell's contractile ring. The two cells are eventually separated as the membrane closes in and deposits new cell wall components. The final stage of cell division, known as cytokinesis, is when the two daughter cells physically separate from one another.

Learn more about cytokinesis here:



Create a story to highlight how the circulatory and respiratory work interdependently



Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily who loved to run and play outside. She enjoyed spending her days in the park, playing with her friends, and breathing in the fresh air. However, one day, while she was playing, Lily suddenly felt her chest tighten, and she struggled to breathe.

Lily's mother noticed that she was having difficulty breathing and immediately took her to the hospital. There, the doctors discovered that Lily had an asthma attack, which made it difficult for her to breathe. They explained to Lily and her mother that asthma is a condition that affects the respiratory system and can make it harder to breathe.

The doctors also explained that the respiratory system and the circulatory system work together to keep the body functioning properly. They told Lily and her mother that the respiratory system is responsible for taking in oxygen and expelling carbon dioxide, while the circulatory system is responsible for transporting oxygen and nutrients throughout the body.

In Lily's case, the asthma attack caused her airways to become inflamed, making it harder for her to breathe. As a result, her body was not getting enough oxygen, which meant that her heart had to work harder to pump blood throughout her body.

To help Lily breathe more easily, the doctors gave her medication that opened up her airways, allowing her to take in more oxygen. They also monitored her heart rate and oxygen levels to ensure that her body was getting the oxygen it needed.

Over time, Lily learned how to manage her asthma by taking her medication and avoiding triggers that could cause her to have an asthma attack. She also learned about the importance of the respiratory and circulatory systems and how they work together to keep the body healthy.

From that day on, Lily never took the fresh air for granted. She appreciated every breath she took and knew that her respiratory and circulatory systems were working together to keep her healthy and strong.

Why is Saturn considered to be an outer planet?

It is located after the main asteroid belt.
It is located between the sun and the main asteroid belt.
It is the closest planet to the main asteroid belt.
It is the farthest planet away from the sun.


Answer: It is the farthest planet away from the sun.


Saturn is the sixth planet away from the sun so it's consider a outer planet.

Las teorias de evolucion planteada por darwin y wallace se valio de estudios en genetica para ser aceptada


The given statement "The theories of evolution raised by Darwin and Wallace used studies in genetics to be accepted" is not entirely true because the theories of evolution proposed by Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace in the 19th century were based on observations of natural variation, adaptations, and the process of natural selection .

It wasn't until the early 20th century that the modern understanding of genetics and inheritance began to develop with the work of scientists such as Gregor Mendel, Thomas Hunt Morgan, and others.

That said, modern studies in genetics have provided a great deal of evidence that supports the theory of evolution. For example, genetic sequencing and comparative genomics have allowed scientists to study the genetic relatedness of different species and trace their evolutionary histories.

To know more about evolution here



-- The given question is incomplete, the complete question is

"State whether the given statement "The theories of evolution raised by Darwin and Wallace used studies in genetics to be accepted" is true or false. --

two major classifications of transposable elements in the human genome are a. copia and p elements. b. sines and satellites. c. dna elements and retrotransposons. d. vntrs and strs.


The two major classifications of transposable elements in the human genome are: DNA elements and retrotransposons. The correct option is (c).

Transposable elements, also known as jumping genes or mobile genetic elements, are DNA sequences that can change their position within a genome. These sequences play a significant role in the evolution of genomes.

The two major classifications of transposable elements are DNA elements and retrotransposons. They are both capable of moving within the genome, but they use different mechanisms.

DNA elements: These elements use a "cut and paste" mechanism to move within the genome. They have an enzyme called transposase, which is responsible for the movement of the transposable element. There are two main classes of DNA elements: DNA transposons and Helitrons.

Retrotransposons: These elements use a "copy and paste" mechanism to move within the genome. They have an RNA intermediate, which is used to create a DNA copy of the retrotransposon that is then inserted back into the genome.
Retrotransposons have two subclasses: Long Terminal Repeat (LTR) retrotransposons and Non-LTR retrotransposons (also called LINEs and SINEs).

To know more about "human genome" refer here:



a method used to determine whether infants can distinguish one stimulus from another by measuring the length of time they attend to different stimuli


The method used to determine whether infants can distinguish one stimulus from another by measuring the length of time they attend to different stimuli is known as the Habituation Method. This method is based on the fact that infants will look longer at new or different stimuli than they will at familiar or similar stimuli.

The Habituation Method involves presenting an infant with a particular stimulus, such as a picture or a sound, repeatedly until the infant's attention to that stimulus decreases. This decrease in attention is known as habituation. Once the infant has habituated to the stimulus, a new stimulus is presented.

If the infant looks longer at the new stimulus than they did at the familiar stimulus, it is assumed that the infant can distinguish between the two stimuli.

This method is useful for studying infant perception and cognition because it allows researchers to determine what infants can see, hear, and understand at different stages of development. By measuring the length of time infants attend to different stimuli, researchers can gain insight into the development of perceptual and cognitive abilities in infants.

To know more about  Habituation Method here:



In a study, 82% of head lice were found to be resistant to substances used to treat head lice infestations. Use your knowledge of natural selection to explain how this has happened??????​



The phenomenon of head lice becoming resistant to the substances used to treat them is an example of natural selection in action.

Initially, when a new substance is used to treat head lice infestations, the majority of the lice population may be susceptible to it. However, some individual lice may have a genetic variation that makes them resistant to the substance. These lice survive and reproduce, passing on their resistant genes to their offspring.

Over time, as the susceptible lice die off and the resistant lice continue to reproduce, the overall lice population becomes more resistant to the substance. This is because the resistant genes are now more common in the population.

This process is known as natural selection. In this case, the substance used to treat head lice infestations is acting as a selective pressure, favoring the survival and reproduction of lice with the resistant genes. As a result, the resistant genes become more common in the population over time.

This is why, in the study mentioned, 82% of head lice were found to be resistant to the substances used to treat them. The resistant genes have become prevalent in the head lice population due to the selective pressure of the treatments used.

Fill In the Blank Question
The enzyme to which cyclin binds during interphase and mitosis, triggering and controlling activities during the cell cycle is called _____ ______


The activities of the s phase are maintained by signaling pathways functioning with the cyclase kinases isoenzyme (Cdks)

Throughout the cell election's metaphase and mitosis-initiating events, whichever having valid to cyclin?

The main protein kinase that triggers regular mitosis in cells is cyclin-dependent cdk 1 (CDK1). When CDK1 binds to B-type cyclins, primarily cyclin B1, it becomes activated and phosphorylates substrates necessary for mitotic entry.

What regulates the Cyclin-Dependent Kinases' ability to function as enzymes?

Without the appropriate cyclin subunit, the CDK enzyme is 40,000 times less active than it is in the quel heterodimer complex, making it crucial for functional response. The CDK activity is controlled by their connection with partner components known as cyclins.

To know more about isoenzyme visit:



arrange the different phases in the correct order. write down only the correct letter and no phase can be repeated​:based on meiosis.


The different phases in the correct order:

Correct order: A B C D E F G H I

What is meiosis?

Meiosis is a type of cell division that occurs in sexually reproducing organisms to produce gametes (eggs and sperm). It involves two rounds of cell division, resulting in four daughter cells with half the number of chromosomes as the parent cell. Meiosis is important for maintaining the correct number of chromosomes in a species, as well as creating genetic diversity by mixing up the genetic information from the parents. It is a complex process that involves a series of phases including prophase I, metaphase I, anaphase I, telophase I, and then prophase II, metaphase II, anaphase II, and telophase II. During meiosis, homologous chromosomes pair up and exchange genetic information through a process called recombination, and then separate during the first division. The second division separates the sister chromatids, resulting in four haploid cells that are genetically distinct from each other and from the parent cell.


A. Interphase

B. Prophase I

C. Metaphase I

D. Anaphase I

E. Telophase I

F. Prophase II

G. Metaphase II

H. Anaphase II

I. Telophase II

To know more about meiosis,



Are anole lizards and salamanders co-evolution


First Answer:

Yes, anole lizards are co-evolution!


I couldn't find any explanation for this one! (I hope you can trust me) This is a link. But this will help you get details yourself. Don't report this please, it is actually a real reliable website about wild life. wildlife.org

Second Answer:

Yes, salamanders are co-evolution!


By the time the salamanders reached the southernmost part of California, the separation had caused the two groups to evolve enough differences that they had become reproductively isolated. In some areas the two populations coexist, closing the "ring," but do not interbreed. They are as distinct as though they were two separate species.

The loss of flying ability by the beetle is most probably the result of


The loss of flying ability by the beetle is most probably the result of genetic changes in the beetles.

Flying requires the coordinated action of many genes involved in the development of wings, muscles, and other structures involved in flight. If one or more of these genes undergoes mutations or changes, it can affect the ability of the beetle to fly. The loss of flying ability in beetles can have both positive and negative effects on their survival and reproductive success, depending on the specific environmental conditions they face.

Genetic changes can occur through a variety of mechanisms, including mutations, deletions, duplications, and chromosomal rearrangements. These changes can be caused by environmental factors, such as exposure to radiation or toxins, or can arise spontaneously during DNA replication or cell division. Over time, natural selection may favor beetles with reduced wings or flight muscles if these traits confer a fitness advantage in a particular environment.

To learn more about Genetic changes, here



When is a place considered to be
when biodiversity is high
O when biodiversity is very low
O when there is no life
O when bacteria are gone



A, When biodiversity is high.


High biodiversity indicates a wide range of species with diverse ecological roles, which promotes ecosystem stability and resilience to environmental disturbances. Greater biodiversity also ensures a more complex food web, increasing the availability of resources, and supporting more complex ecological interactions. Furthermore, diverse species provide critical ecosystem services such as nutrient cycling, water purification, and soil formation, enhancing the health of the environment and benefiting human well-being.

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A swamp is more productive than a stream. Select the reasons (3) why.


Streams have too much salt water in them to be productive.


The water and oxygen in swamps is cycled, but not too quickly.


Swamps are not productive.


Rivers have water that flows too quickly.


Swamps have a moderate flow of water.


Streams don't get enough sunlight


A swamp is more productive than a stream. because b, e, and f reasons Swamps and streams are just two examples of aquatic ecosystems with distinct characteristics and productivity levels.

Swamps are often more productive than streams because of their unique characteristics. Swamps have a slower flow of water, which allows for the cycling of nutrients and oxygen to support a diverse range of plant and animal life. They also have a moderate flow of water, which allows for sediments and nutrients to settle and accumulate, creating a rich and productive ecosystem.

In contrast, streams can have a faster flow of water, which prevents nutrients and sediments from settling and accumulating. Additionally, the flow of water can prevent sunlight from penetrating to the bottom, limiting the amount of plant growth and productivity.

Know more about streams here: https://brainly.com/question/3477759


Charles Lyell proposed that the same processes occurring in nature today also occurred in the past. How did this idea influence Charles Darwin's research and development of the theory of natural selection?

It caused him to disregard fossils as potential evidence for change in populations.
It led him to compare populations in different parts of the world.
It led him to conclude that natural selection was a modern phenomenon.
It inspired him to breed populations to study how traits are inherited.


The idea proposed by Charles Lyell that the same natural processes occurring today also occurred in the past is known as uniformitarianism. This idea had a significant influence on Charles Darwin's thinking and research.

Explain Darwin Idea of uniformitarianism?

Darwin was fascinated by the geological work of Lyell and his idea of uniformitarianism. He applied this concept to biology, arguing that the natural world is in a constant state of flux and change. Darwin realized that if the processes of natural selection that he observed in nature were responsible for the diversity of life today, then they must have also been responsible for the diversity of life in the past.

Therefore, Darwin used the idea of uniformitarianism to support his theory of evolution by natural selection. He recognized that the same processes of variation, selection, and adaptation that occur in nature today also occurred in the past, leading to the evolution of species over time.

In conclusion, Lyell's idea of uniformitarianism was influential in shaping Darwin's thinking about the natural world, and it played a crucial role in the development of his theory of evolution by natural selection.

To learn more about uniformitarianism, visit: https://brainly.com/question/14538827


Answer: Hey there! I got the answer just for that the answer is

“It inspired him to breed populations to study how traits are inherited.”

Explanation: Took the quiz :>

curly hair in horses is recessive to normal hair. if 15% of a population of horses has curly hair, calculate the frequency of individuals homozygous dominant


The proportion of those who have normal hair is homozygous dominant in p2 = (0.106)2 = 0.0112, or around 1.12%.

What is the formula to determine whether a population is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium?

Scientists must watch a population for at least two generations in order to determine if it is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Hardy-Weinberg When the allele frequencies in the population's two generations are equal, equilibrium is present.

What is calculable using the Hardy-Weinberg method?

A population's genetic diversity may be calculated using the Hardy-Weinberg equation when it is in an equilibrium state. The Hardy-Weinberg equation is a key concept in population genetics that G. H. Hardy and Wilhelm Weinberg independently introduced in 1908.

To know more about homozygous dominant visit:-




In a population of horses, curly hair is a recessive trait compared to normal hair. If 15% of the horses in the population have curly hair, what is the frequency of individuals that are homozygous dominant for normal hair?

three ways that CRISPR is making genetic engineering more accessible



Precision and accuracy: CRISPR (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats) technology allows for precise and accurate editing of specific genes within a genome. This technology is much more efficient and effective than previous methods of genetic engineering, such as zinc-finger nucleases and TALENs, which were much more difficult and expensive to use.

Cost and accessibility: The cost of CRISPR technology has dropped dramatically since its discovery, making it more accessible to researchers and scientists. This has led to a proliferation of research in the field of genetic engineering, with more and more labs and institutions adopting CRISPR technology.

Flexibility: CRISPR technology can be used in a wide range of organisms, including bacteria, plants, animals, and even humans. This versatility has made it possible to study and edit genes in a variety of organisms, leading to new insights and discoveries in the field of genetics.


Rock pocket mice can either express the dominant phenotype dark fur or the recessive phenotype light fur. Which trait would be the best for those mice living in a habitat with light colored rocks?

Light fur
Dark fur
Light and Dark fur mixed
Not enough information is present​





because light against light

Light fur

Explanation: so it can camouflage with its surroundings(the light colored rocks) and hide from predators.

Which of the following organisms in the arctic tundra ecosystem retains the least chemical energy fixed by photosynthesis?
a. arctic fox
b. caribou
c. snow goose
d. lichen


The lichen is the creature in the polar tundra ecosystem that fixes the least amount of chemical energy.

The symbiotic relationship between a fungus and an alga or cyanobacterium results in lichen. Lichen can endure harsh environments, but they grow slowly and are not very good at storing the energy produced by photosynthesis. In the polar tundra ecosystem, lichen makes up the base of the food chain and is a source of nutrition for herbivores like caribou and snow geese.

However, they have the lowest trophic level in the food chain since they retain the least energy. The arctic fox has a higher trophic level and maintains more chemical energy since it eats herbivores like caribou and snow geese.

To learn more about Lichen:


Un auto necesita cierta cantidad de caballos de fuerza para poder circular en la carretera, es decir, necesita cierta fuerza para acelerar su masa


A car requires a certain amount of horsepower to be able to move on the road. The amount of force needed to accelerate the car's mass depends on various factors, such as the weight of the car, the friction between the car's tires and the road, and the desired speed.

The car's engine generates power, which is transmitted to the wheels through the transmission system. The power produced by the engine is directly proportional to the amount of fuel burned, and hence the horsepower of the engine. A car with a more powerful engine can generate more horsepower and accelerate faster than a car with a less powerful engine.

The car's weight also affects the amount of force needed to move the car. A heavier car requires more force to accelerate than a lighter car. The friction between the car's tires and the road also plays a role, as it affects the amount of force required to overcome the resistance between the car and the road.

Overall, the amount of horsepower required for a car to move on the road depends on multiple factors, including the car's weight, the engine's horsepower, and the friction between the car's tires and the road.

To learn more about horsepower



Complete question:

A car needs a certain amount of horsepower to be able to drive on the road, that is, it needs a certain force to accelerate its mass.

The diagram represents a segment of the E. coli chromosome that contains
the lacl gene and part of the lac operon, a coordinately regulated set of
genes that are required for the metabolism of lactose. The presence of
lactose, which causes the repressor to be released from the operator,
results in increased transcription of the lac operon.
6. Which of the answer choices below is the most likely consequence of a
mutation at the operator locus that prevents binding of the repressor


The most likely consequence of a mutation at the operator locus that prevents binding of the repressor protein would be the continuous transcription of the lac operon genes. The repressor protein binds to the operator and prevents the RNA polymerase from transcribing the lac operon genes. If the repressor protein is not bound to the operator, the RNA polymerase will continuously transcribe the lac operon genes even in the absence of lactose. Therefore, the correct answer is:

Continuous transcription of the lac operon genes
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A parallelogram of base 12cm has an area 108sq. Cm. Find the height exponential law of heating and cooling What is 24 and 816,000 equals blank divided by 10 to the fifth power For each of the following scenarios involving the U. S. Government, determine the primary function of government that is being served. The government levies a tax on consumers and businesses to pay for the provision of a public good (such as national defence). 1 Productive function whereby the government produces goods that are difficult for private markets to supply 2 Productive function whereby the government redistributes income from rich to poor 3 Productive function whereby the government maintains market competition 4 Protective function whereby the government enforces property rights Members of the Federal Reserve Bank, the central bank of the United States, meet every six weeks to adjust interest rates based on economic conditions. 1 Reallocating resources 2 Redistributing income 3 Maintaining competition 4 Promoting stability The net of a right circular cylinder is shown.net of a cylinder where the radius of each circle is labeled 4 meters and the height of the rectangle is labeled 8 metersWhat is the surface area of the cylinder? Use = 3.14 and round to the nearest whole number. 251 m2 301 m2 502 m2 804 m2 the pH for a 0.185 M solution of an unknown weak base, B, is 12.95. Fill in the ICE table with the appropriate value for each involved species to determine the unknown concentrations of all reactants and products 34238 without using a calculator It can be argued that the single most important political eventin the history of Christianity was the conversion of anHow was Malaka's father finally able to move to theUnited States?O He saved enough money to afford the cost of moving.He was accepted to UCLA's School of Management.He studied and was able to pass the TOEFL.He received a teaching job at UCLA. A sealed flask contains3.6 atm H2 gas and1.8 atm 02 gas.What is the total pressure in theflask in atm? How do people get more sovereignty in democracy? the measure of three interior angle of a triangle are in the ratio 234. what is the measure of the smallest and largest interior angles of triangle? 28 students are divided into7 groups for a party game.32 students would createhow many groups of thesame size? Solve fasttt pleasee Characteristics of academic writings In English Discuss how the media influence your values and the way you are supposed to behave in relationships. According to eq. 6. 134, the x-velocity in fully developed laminar flow between parallel plates is given by u = 1 2 ( p x) (y2 h2) the y-velocity is = 0. Determine the volumetric strain rate, the vorticity, and the rate of angular deformation. What is the shear stress at the plate surface? Help with work shown all of them Explain in detail the five options for businesses to satisfy newdomestic and global markets, with at least one example for eachoption. at a local book store, fiction books were on sale. Some were priced at $6 and some at $8. Marci bought 10 books and spent a total of $68.00. How many $6 books did she buy?