Which of the following are connected to the theme of rules and laws? Select all that apply.

Spitz's antagonism
the dog fight with Curly
the fight with the wild dogs
Buck's education as a sled dog


Answer 1
The answer is A ............
Answer 2


It's A: Spitz's antagonism and D: Buck's education as a sled dog


Because I know it

Related Questions

Story: Sally Ride: First American Woman in Space
What is the correct way to rewrite sentence 9? Answer choices for the above question

A. NASA announced that the organization was looking for scientists to join the ranks of astronauts while working on her PhD.

B. While working on her PhD, Ride learned about NASA’s announcement that the organization was looking for scientists to join the ranks of astronauts.

C. While working on her PhD, Ride announced that NASA was looking for scientists to join the ranks of astronauts.

D. The sentence is correct as it is written in the paper.



I think option D

I hope my answer is helpful to you

please give me five star rating

Growth Mindset Math by Jo Boaler

Video 1: Jo Boaler discusses the brain and its ability to learn new information and how mistakes are a

huge part of that process. Her claim, through scientific research and data, is that the brain's synapses

grow when mistakes are made as opposed to the lack of growth that is made when a correct answer is

given. Based on this information, does this change the way that you might approach new tasks including

school? Explain your reasoning in a few sentences.



Yes. It will definitely affect the way I approach new tasks. Based on this information, my approach to new tasks will definitely change. I will approach such tasks not with the fear of making mistakes but rather doing it to the best of my ability knowing that I will be corrected when I make a mistake. Also, it makes me attempt new topics in school and stand up to answer questions in class with the knowledge of being corrected when I'm wrong.

I strongly believe that such will enable me to learn and get better both in class and in life.

"Remarks to the Senate in Support of a Declaration of Conscience:" What is most likely the speaker’s reason for including the fifth paragraph in her speech?



a)  The speaker praises the Senate for being such a fine deliberative body.

b)  The speaker is too critical of the Senators.

c)  The speaker thinks the Senators should be exempt from punishment.  

d)  The speaker appeals to a sense of honor before criticizing the Senators for destroying people’s reputation.


d) The speaker appeals to a sense of honor before criticizing the Senators for destroying people's reputation.


Indeed, we can make this conclusion because we note the sense of honor expressed in her words,

"I speak as a Republican. I speak as a woman. I speak as a United States Senator. I speak as an American.

The United States Senate has long enjoyed worldwide respect as the greatest deliberative body in the world."

Then she started making criticisms of the Senators for destroying people's reputation,

"But recently that deliberative character has too often been debased to the level of a forum of hate and character assassination sheltered by the shield of congressional immunity..."

What is most likely the author's intent for including the entirety of the treaty the

Pilgrims made with Squanto?

A. To emphasize the importance of finding peace with the Indians and take pride in how

long the agreement lasted

B. To insist that it is a better treaty than the one that came before it

O C. To protect the Pilgrims in case they lose the original document

D. To lay out all of the details of the treaty in order to demonstrate how disappointed he

was when Squanto did not uphold them



A. To emphasize the importance of finding peace with the Indians and take pride in how long the agreement lasted


The most likely intent of the author to include the entire treaty deal the Pilgrims made with Squanto is to show how important peace was and to show how successful he was at brokering a treaty with the Indians and how long it lasted.

6. Why is it important to cite the sources of infomation that you used in your research? It is
important because it______
A. gives credit to the author
B. is required by the teacher
C. is generally a part of an essay
D. shows you made an effort in doing your assignment​



Option A: Gives credit to the author.

Read the excerpt from "Homesick" by Jean Fritz.

Edward kept busy in programs planned for children his age and the grown-ups made friends and talked

their usual boring grown-up talk.

Based on the excerpt, what is Jean's most likely view of adults?

It is easy to predict what adults will do when they have free time.

It is difficult to have an interesting conversation with adults.

Adults do not enjoy being on a ship as much as children do.

Adults are able to make friends more easily than children are.



It is difficult to have an interesting conversation with adults.


The narration created by Jean disqualifies the conversation of adults, displaying it as boring, uninteresting, without excitement and dull, through the eyes of Edward, who prefers to interact with children who are more interesting and lively.

With that, Jean says that it is difficult to have an interesting conversation with the adults. Probably because their lives are as boring and unenthusiastic as their conversation. Unlike children.


B. It is difficult to have an interesting conversation with adults.


edge2021 :)

what is Inhabited prefix suffix and root



Prefix- reinhabit

Suffix- inhabitants






Urgent If a coworker consistently questions Darias ability to do her job he is: -threatening her competence face -threatening her autonomy face -threatening her fellowship face -None of the above



A. threatening her competence


Competence refers to a person's ability to discharge his duties well because he is skilled at his job. A competent person discharges his duties well and is excellent at his job. When a person is consistently accused at work for not discharging his duties properly, the accuser is pointing fingers at his competence.

So, when a coworker questions Darias' ability to do her job, he is threatening her competence.

What is the tone of this speech? (Abraham Lincolns Second Inaugural Address
A. accusatory B. reflective C. defensive D. celebratory



D celebratory


what is burn sanderson looking for when he comes to the farm in old yeller


He is looking for one of his dogs.

Which sentence correctly uses a nonrestrictive clause?
The dog--who is black and brown jumped over the fence.

My friend watched a movie yesterday--my favorite one.

I like to eat pizza best with extra cheese) while it is hot.

Her (oldest sister) Mallory has a wonderful singing voice.


A nonrestrictive clause enriches a sentence with new information.It usually refers to a particular person, thing, or event and is a proper noun or common noun.Commas are used to indicate that the information is extra.The commas in the sentence resemble parentheses.

Which sentence correctly uses a nonrestrictive clause  ?

My friend watched a movie yesterday--my favorite one.It is nonrestrictive clause. A restricted clause introduces details that are crucial to the sentence's meaning.It is possible to eliminate a nonrestrictive clause without affecting the meaning.No punctuation is necessary for restricted clauses; commas are typically used to distinguish nonrestrictive clauses from the independent clause. That, that, whom, or whose are frequently used as relative pronouns to start restrictive clauses.An identifying purpose may be served by a limiting clause.Neil Armstrong was the spacewalker who made the first foothold on the moon.Who first set foot on the moon is the sentence's restricted clause. The relative pronoun is typically preceded by a comma to indicate that the information in the relative sentence is optional.For instance, the phrase "which was quite confusing" is a non-restrictive relative clause in the sentence "None of the documents had a date, which was very confounding." Nonrestrictive clauses should have the appropriate punctuation around them, whereas restrictive ones should not.Put commas around nonrestrictive clauses that appear in the midst of sentences.Put a comma and a period before and after any nonrestrictive clauses that appear at the end of sentences. A word or pronoun whose meaning has already been established or constrained is described by a nonrestrictive element.A nonrestrictive element is marked off with commas because it contains extraneous or parenthetical information.

       To learn more about nonrestrictive clause refer



Answer 1: Parentheses and Dashes

Answer 2: My friend watched a movie yesterday---my favorite one.

Answer 3: to add detail without changing the original meaning of the sentence.

Answer 4: when it gets cold.

Answer 5: I always play soccer---my favorite sport---on Saturday.

Hope this got you 100!

What persuasive technique is being used when a writer uses facts,Numbers,information and logic when persuading



Apeal to reason



Appeal to Reason


Appeal to reason is the technique

Part A: Which statement best describes Socrates's
view of Cephalus?
He is amused and entertained by Cephalus.
He thinks Cephalus is vain and dull.
O He is awed by Cephalus's wealth and power.
He respects and admires Cephalus.



Deputy dk





passage, response, accurate, revise


hopefully I'm correct


I apologize if this is wrong, I matched them to what best seemed fit.


Using sports as subject matter, write a sentence that has an introduction and an interruption in addition to the main part?



The practice of sports should be done to stimulate benefits in the body and therefore it should, with some exceptions, be practiced frequently and with an intensity that gradually increases.


The introduction of the sentence presents the reason why the practice of sports should be encouraged in an individual's life. Right after the introduction, an interruption is made through the "with some exceptions" part, which is separated from the main part of the sentence by commas.

The interruption is a sentence, or a word, that interrupts the flow of thought that the sentence was establishing. In the case of the question above, the interruption shows that there are exceptions to the duty to exercise frequently.

Which sentence best expresses the central idea of the passage?
Juno Reaches Jupiter
adapted from NASA
After an almost five-year journey to the solar system's largest planet
, NASA's Juno spacecraft successfully entered Jupiter's orbit during a
35-minute engine burn. Confirmation that the burn had completed was received on Earth at 8:53 p.m. PDT, Monday, July 4, 2016. Juno's
principal goal is to understand the origin and evolution of Jupiter. With its suite of nine science instruments, Juno will investigate the existence
of a solid planetary core. It will also map Jupiter's intense magnetic field, measure the amount of water and ammonia in the deep atmosphere,
and observe the planet's auroras. The mission also will let us take a giant step forward in our understanding of how giant planets form and the
role these titans played in putting together the rest of the solar system. As our primary example of a giant planet, Jupiter also can provide critical
knowledge for understanding the planetary systems being discovered around other stars.


Answer: junos principal goal is to understand the origin and evolution of Jupiter


I had it on Plato as well and like you I looked up the answer and only found this so I got it right and here you guys go :)

The sentence that most importantly expresses the central idea of the passage is " Juno's principal goal is to understand the origin and evolution of Jupiter".

What was the mission of NASA's Juno spacecraft to Jupiter?

Juno's primary objective is to discover more about Jupiter's origins and evolution.

Juno's initial mission concluded in July 2021, however, it has been given an extended mission that will expire in 2025.

Juno was dispatched to investigate a theory concerning the development of big planets as well as their role in the genesis of the solar system.

Jupiter has absorbed the most mass from the Sun. Juno studied heavy elements that are no longer in the Earth's system but were present during its genesis.

Check out the link below to know more about NASA Junos;



In order to be versatile through reflection one should


Answer: focus on past behavior to figure out how to improve in the future


Suppose you were writing an essay arguing that we should provide a better
support system for our military veterans. Which sentence would best build
pathos into your argument?
A. As the brother of a marine, I believe that our country could do
more to help support our military veterans.
B. Studies have shown that some veterans have difficulties
reintegrating into civilian life after seeing combat.
C. The president just gave a speech explaining how important it is to
support military veterans.
D. After seeing how difficult it was for my brother to return to civilian
life, I believe it's important to show veterans support.



pathos are supposed to give an emotional reaction, and D is the most emotional out of the four.

Which of the following is a networking site marketed for the purpose of professional interaction?



LinkedIn. LinkedIn, a professional business-related networking site, allows companies to create professional profiles for themselves as well as their business to network and meet others.


“In the Smithsonian Institution in Washington D.C. there hangs a quilt unlike any other in the world. In fanciful, inspired, and yet simple and identifiable figures, it portrays the story of the Crucifixion. It is considered rare, beyond price. Though it follows no known pattern of quilt-making, and thought it is made of bits and pieces of worthless rags, it is obviously the work of a person of powerful imagination and deep spiritual feeling. Below this quilt I saw a note that says it was made by “an anonymous Black woman in Alabama, a hundred years ago.” If we could locate this “anonymous” black woman from Alabama, she would turn out to be one of our grandmothers-an artist who left her mark in the only materials she could afford, and in the only medium her position in society allowed her to use.”

The quilt described in the passage above is symbolic of ____________.


i think it would be symbolic of either the bible, the crucifixion or jesus


The mark her mother left on the world


16.When used to describe Beowulf, the phrase "noble protecto of all seamen" is an
example of
a. a caesura.
c. a kenning
b. a foil.
d. an alliteration.


A kenning . I searched it up to make sure I was right and found it on quizlet

Under communism,
should control all businesses, industries, the control of money, and the
distribution of wealt!
the people
the government
the communist leaders
the poor



the government



the second one


If an author uses a lot of positive and negative words to convince you of
something, he or she is probably trying to
A. entertain you
B. explain something
C. express thoughts
D. persuade you


D. Persuade you

It's more than likely a article or document trying to swing you to their side.

The United Arab Emirates kicked off a trio of missions with the July 19 launch of its orbiter, Hope.

Extreme or Absolute Language

Quoted Words

Numbers & Statistics

Contrasts & Contradictions



C. Numbers & Statistics


When making sentences, numbers, and statistics are most times used to create a picture in the mind of the reader. It makes the sentence specific and concise. In the sentence above, figures are used for emphasis.

The mention of a trio of mission means that it is a group of three missions. The date July 19, is a reference to the specific month and the time of the month when the launch of the orbiter was made. So, numbers and statistics are the main features of this sentence.

Based on Clarisse's point of view, how are things in Bradbury's world similar AND different than today's world? You must use textual evidence to support your answer. Write in complete sentences, using proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation, • Based on Clarisse's description of her world and the comparison to today's world, what do you think Bradbury is trying to convey to his audience? You must use textual evidence to support your answer. Write in complete sentences, using proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation. ·


This question is about "Fahrenheit 451".

Answer and Explanation:

Clarisse's point of view shows that the current world as well as the world of Bradbury is full of people who allow themselves to be alienated by useless television programs, are blinded by the media and cannot see beyond what is shown to them. However, there are differences between these two worlds, since in the current world we are free to refuse this type of alienation and to improve ourselves in studies, readings, family interaction and our aggrandizement.

Based on this, I believe that Bradbury wants to show how important it is that we consume television media in a controlled manner, without letting it take away what is most important to us, our rationality.

On the roof of Bradbury, Clarisse was raised in a family that encourages reading and reasoning, socializing and conversation, rejecting alienation from TV. This gives Clarissa the perception and the power to search for her own concepts, values and beliefs.

29. First person point of view or P.O.V. means...
A. the story happened to someone, but someone else is telling the story; does not use words like "I" or "we".
B. that it's written like a set of directions, like how to bake a cake.
C.the person telling the story is the person who experience what happened; uses words like "T" or "we".


C am pretty sure it’s (c)

How does Caesar prove that the conspirators' thoughts about his arrogance may be a reality?



by doing what he did sorry im a smart***



The director traveled in New Zealand, a country near Australia, to
find amazing countryside to imitate the setting of Tolkien's
Based on the sentence above, which statement can you infer to be
No place on Earth could be a setting for Tolkien's
The setting of Tolkien's stories was incredible and
The setting of Tolkien's stories was a rather common,
everyday place
Tolkien's stories were written specifically to take
place in New Zealand,





You can rule our A automatically, it says that they used New Zealand so it obviously could be a place on earth.

Next you can rule out C because it said they had to find "Amazing countryside" so it wasn't very common

Lastly we can also rule out D because Tolkien's stories were not written to take lace in New Zealand, they were written to take place in their own world.

Which leaves us with B, which is a rational answer




Read the excerpt from The Riddle of the Rosetta Stone.

Now Young made a leap of the imagination. It was like the inspired hunches that have led so many of the great advances in science and technology over the ages.

Which best describes this excerpt?

It is biased because it reflects an attitude about one of Thomas Young’s ideas.
It is biased because it reflects a negative attitude about technology.
It is unbiased because it discusses the great advances in technology.
It is unbiased because it discusses Thomas Young’s active imagination.



It is biased because it reflects an attitude about one of Thomas Young's ideas.


I think lol




Subject, predict, prepositional phrase in this sentence

Mr. William Herring is the jollies man I know



Mr. William Herring - subject

Is the jolliest man I know - predicate


The subject is what the sentence is about.

The predicate tells us what the subject is doing or describes the subject.

The subject of the given sentence is Mr. William Herring. The rest of the sentence, is the jolliest man I know, gives us information about him. This is why that is the predicate.

There are no prepositional phrases in the given sentence. A prepositional phrase is a group of words that consists of a preposition, its object, and words that modify the object. An example of a prepositional phrase is: He is sitting on a chair.

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