Which of the following best describes a free morpheme?
a morpheme than can stand alone as a word
a word form than must be combined with other words


Answer 1


a morpheme that can stand alone as a word


Related Questions

How do they manage to get let off by the police



Dally grabs Ponyboy and says that they have to quickly go to the hospital because Johnny is dying. Ponyboy isn't feeling very well himself. He is still sick and has been cut and bruised. When they are stopped by the police for speeding, Dally is able to point to Pony and say that he is rushing him to the hospital. The police officer believes him and escorts them the rest of the way.


The police officer believes him and escorts them the rest of the way.


Dally lies and says Pony got injured in an motorcycle incident.


The answer is pretty self explanitory.

Does having a minimum wage lead to better lives



Most policy debates about increasing minimum wages focus on economic outcomes, such as unemployment and poverty. Although the research cited above demonstrates no consensus among investigators, numerous studies have found little or no effects on employment, while others have found reductions in poverty



Hundreds of businesses across the country have pledged to pay their workers at least $12 an hour by 2020. Raising the minimum wage increases worker productivity. ... Economists have also linked higher wages to better physical and mental health and reduced “decision fatigue,” leading to higher productivity.


Select the correct answer from each drop-down menu.

An individual drama, such as a Greek drama, consists of several parts. The are the people whose words and actions are represented by actors. The set of lines spoken in the play are called . All the written text

of the play is contained within the .


Characters are those people who are played by actors on stage

Dialogue refers to the speech spoken by two or more people

Screenplay (or script)

PLS HELP MEH ! Are a characters feelings the same as the tone of a story? Explain why or why not, and give an example.


yes, because it helps the reader have a better feel and bettering imagination for the story




The letters are uppercase which implies that the character is screaming. The punctuation at the end is an exclamation point which emphasizes the statement.

what is the theme of the story in cats save the day??



It was Saturday morning in the Da Silva household, and Bianca was daydreaming as she waited

for her family to come down for breakfast. Her mind was filled with the things she learned at

school that week and what she would do for the weekend. Her mind was so busy, and she had

so many rushing thoughts, that she didn’t see the neighbor’s cat climb through the window.

The next minute, the spotty cat was curling around Bianca’s legs. Bianca, as if falling from the

sky, snapped out of her daydream and saw the feline smiling up at her.


i found it out by the book have

Would appreciate by marking me the brainiest

Story Description:

If you were starving, what would you do for food? "Condensed Milk" tells the story of a political prisoner in a Russian gulag (a forced-labor camp) who is faced with a choice: stay in the gulag—working and starving—or escape from the prison and risk dying. What choice would you make?
Historical Context:

From 1929 to 1953, Joseph Stalin was the dictator of the Soviet Union. His goal was to transform the Soviet Union from a poor society into a world superpower. He used terror and violence to rule, and under his reign, millions of his own people died in work camps, from starvation due to famine, or by execution.

What inference can you make about a Russian prisoner described as a "political prisoner"?

The prisoner opposed Joseph Stalin.
The prisoner supported Joseph Stalin.
The prisoner voted for Joseph Stalin.
The prisoner worked for Joseph Stalin.



a ) the prisoner opposed Joseph Stalin


The greatest risk for a political prisoner is death, in addition to forced labor and deprivation of food and water. If the greatest risk for a political prisoner who tries to escape is also death, he has nothing to lose, then it would be better to try to escape than to continue being exploited.

Furthermore, we have seen in the historical context that Stalin used terror and violence to establish himself as a political leader. In this case, the people who opposed him were arrested and tortured, becoming political prisoners.

Therefore, we can say that option A is the correct option.

Stalin was indeed a dictator and as such abused power and exploited the population ardently. As a dictator he:

Limited political freedom.Took control of all social, political and economic branches.Oppressed and caused fear in the population.Chased opponents.Turned opponents into political prisoners.Banned free speech and censored the press.

With this, we can conclude that "Condensed Milk" by approaching the life of political prisoners, used the moment of social oppression caused by dictatorship as a basis to show the abuses that the authoritarian government presented.

You can get more information about what a dictatorship is at the link below:


In Harriet Tubman: Conductor on the Underground Railroad, why is Tubman turned away from the first farmhouse?

The owner does not believe in helping enslaved people escape.
The owner is scared that he and the group will be caught breaking the law.
The owner is surprised that Tubman is asking for a place to stay.
The owner does not understand Tubman’s code words when she knocks.



The owner is scared that he and the group will be caught breaking the law.


The answer is actually B i took the quiz and put A and it was wrong and showed me the answer


i took the edge2020 quiz

What name is given to a type of story that involves real people and events from history but focuses on made-up characters?



realistic fiction


uses real people and events but also adds made up characters

1. What do you see in the picture?
2. Describe the scenario in the picture in two
3. How do you feel about it?



I see a kid getting bullied harshly.

There is a kid feeling horrible because 4 other kids are taunting him and making fun of him.

It makes me wanna stand up for the kid getting bullied and show those bullies what's up



Read these stanzas from “The Chimney Sweeper.” What is the poet saying about the lives of the sweepers?

Then naked and white, all their bags left behind,
They rise upon clouds, and sport in the wind.
And the Angel told Tom, if he'd be a good boy,
He'd have God for his father and never want joy.

And so Tom awoke; and we rose in the dark
And got with our bags and our brushes to work.
Though the morning was cold, Tom was happy and warm;
So if all do their duty, they need not fear harm.

Being poor is a part of God’s plan.

No one deserves to be treated badly.

If the boys are good in this life, they will be happy in the next.


Answer: If the boys are good in this life, they will be happy in the next. Hope this helps and by the way that was a beautiful poem.


In what ways does dialog help build character



Dialogue can help you establish the backstory, and it can reveal important plot details that the reader may not know about yet. Dialogue is great for ratcheting up the tension between characters. Dialogue can also establish the mood.


Hope this helps!

Answer:Dialogue is a useful tool for developing your characters and moving your plot forward. Dialogue can help you establish the backstory, and it can reveal important plot details that the reader may not know about yet. Dialogue is great for ratcheting up the tension between characters. Dialogue can also establish the mood.

How many times did your uncle who writes children's fiction......that prize? a) award b) was awarded c) win d) was rewarded​



its win because the other ones dont make sense

Type your response in the box. Reread the poem "Winter-Time C" by Robert Louis Stevenson. Then copy and paste the last two stanzas into the answer field and scan them. Identify the stressed and unstressed syllables as well as the meter. When you scan the stanzas, remember to highlight or bold the stressed syllables and place foot markers in the appropriate spots. Lord's the first stanza of the room ac an cyarople.​



When to | go out, | my nurse | doth wrap

Me in | my com | -forter | and cap;

The cold | wind burns | my face, | and blows

Its frost | -y pep | -per up | my nose.

Black are | my steps | on sil |-ver sod;

Thick blows | my frost |-y breath | abroad;

And tree | and house, | and hill | and lake,

Are frost |-ed like | a wed | -ding-cake.

Have a nice day! Most importantly, don't let your teacher find out.

Answer:Black are | my steps | on sil |-ver sod;

Thick blows | my frost |-y breath | abroad;

And tree | and house, | and hill | and lake,

Are frost |-ed like | a wed | -ding-cake.


Prompt: Write an analytical essay in which you analyze and evaluate the British World War II propaganda directed at women. Which statement is the strongest thesis for the writing prompt? In order to show that women were essential to the war effort, the British government created a series of posters and disseminated them during the war. During the war, the British government engaged in a campaign to convince the general public that every man and woman must in some way join the war effort in order to support their country. In order to convince women to join the war effort in some capacity, the government disseminated posters that depicted them as strong, capable, and necessary for Britain’s victory. The government felt that if women worked in factories or hospitals or found another type of wartime employment, Britain would have a better chance at winning the war.



C. In order to convince women to join the war effort in some capacity, the government disseminated posters that depicted them as strong, capable, and necessary for Britain’s victory.


Took the test

The essay you have been asked to write is an analytical essay. Follow the instruction given below for how to write a great analytical essay.

What are the Steps to Writing an Analytical Essay?

To write an analytical essay, you must ensure that you first research the topic you have been given from credible sources.

1. With clarity, introduce the topic in a manner that follows logically from the task and purpose you have been given. It must be clear that you have a good command of the topic.

2. In the body of your essay (which should follow after your introduction) you must demonstrate adequate provision of related and relevant evidence to buttress your points. Spend on paragraph one each point and always start with the key point for each paragraph.

Please note that it also helps to ensure that your paragraphs are roughly the same amount of words.

3. Show coherence, style, and organization. Ensure that all your points follow one another in a logical sequence.

Always recap your main points and summarize your findings in the conclusion.

Learn more about Analytical Essays at:


the code is 338 015 9348 and the password is 3eY5FA






you shouldnt be posting this kind of stuff :p


Easy Short question but IDK please HELP!
A student is revising the sentence below:
My intent is simply to amuse the audience, to give them some joy to remember later in their dreary week.

Based on the context of this sentence, which would be the best synonym for amuse?

A) Distract—to turn aside or away from; sidetrack
B) Engage—to hold the attention of; engross
C) Entertain—to provide entertainment for; divert
D) Please—to satisfy, gratify, or make content


Answer: C) Entertain—to provide entertainment for; divert

Explanation: 1). i got it right on my test

2). look it up on a internet browser...


if i was going to express my opinion about this topic it would would mostly about how the US has been treating black people all this years it was not only george floyd who was gun shot they have been mistreating black people and had blamed them for the things they haven't done just because they are black it doesn't mean they are different or they don't deserve to have the humans equality and right the black people should be respected and have all the rights that other people have. my contention would be that keep protesting the safe way because violence is not going to do anything then making worst if we protest with violence and they will make reports saying that they are protesting just because they want to steal and destroy things.



The United States of America have been treating African Americans systemically worse than the general population for years before people woke up after the shooting of George Floyd.  It has been shown in many of the states largest cities, black communities were policied differently, not treated with the same financial funding for education and other social programs that white communties recieved.  With the recent events of George Floyd and countless other victims of police brutality, protests should remain peaceful, respectful and organized. These type of silent protests lead to more respect from both sides whether you agree or not and doesn't distance others who are on the fence of the issue at hand, systemic racism in the United States.


Which detail from The Narrative of The Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave by Frederick Douglass best supports the inference that he had previously tried to escape from slavery?



One ex-slave who became very important in the abolitionist movement was Frederick Douglass. You will read about his life from his birth in approximately 1818 to the time when his first autobiography Opens in modal popup window was published (1845). By that time, Douglass had earned his freedom, worked for several years, and made an important speech to a white audience.

The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass was so well written that many people doubted whether the writer had really been a slave. And it was so successful that Douglass had to flee to England to avoid being caught by slave hunters who were chasing him in the North. Eventually, several British friends paid Douglass's former master for Douglass's freedom, and Douglass returned to the United States as a legally free man.

In 1860, Douglass worked for the presidential campaign of Abraham Lincoln. During the Civil War that soon followed, Douglass recruited Union soldiers, including black soldiers, for two regiments in Massachusetts.

Douglass went on to publish two updates to his autobiography later in life—one in 1855 (still pre-Civil War) and another in 1881. He published a newspaper, gave lectures, and spoke out for human rights around the world.

Look at the time line to get an idea of where Frederick Douglass belongs in a historical context. Be sure to click the area between 1845 and 1865 for details about Douglass's role in the years leading up to, and including, the Civil War.


Hope this help

I need help on this asap





just dont

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of flashback?
Select one:

transition from a future event to the current event

provides background information

presents past events to understand current events

could happen through memories or dreams


Answer: transition from a future event to the current event


The answer is 1. Transition from a future event to the current event.

Shauna has collected a variety of sources for her research about Charlie Chaplin's impact on American cinema, in performing

her preliminary evaluation of each source, Shauna should

thoroughly review and examine the content

perform a quick search to determine the author's reliability,

check whether the author agrees with experts on the subject

decide whether it will be useful in her final essay

Save and Exit



Shauna should:

B. perform a quick search to determine the author's reliability.


According to the instructions, Shauna has taken the step of collecting a variety of sources for her research. The next step she should take is performing a quick research to determine the author's reliability. That way, she can filter the sources and select the ones she determines reliable. It is not time yet to review the content thoroughly or to check if the author agrees with experts. Those are steps she should take further on, as well as deciding if the sources will or not be useful in her final essay.

The preliminary evaluation is the first investigation that a person makes to determine the authenticity and applicability of the source. When examining her sources at the preliminary stage, Shauna has to;

Perform a quick search to determine the author's reliability.

The reliability of an author refers to how dependable and trustworthy he is.

If the author is an expert in the field, then Shauna can trust that whatever he says on the subject should be reliable.

So, checking for academic qualifications and titles might be a way to determine reliability. Therefore, option C is correct.

Learn more here:


what is falling action? ​



Events leading to the end of the story


Falling Actions

Why is Fortunato's name ironic?
O He is very rich.
O He is arrogant.
O He is not very fortunate.



he is not very fortunate

Read the excerpt from “Broken Chain.”

“Come on, man, let me use it,” Alfonso pleaded. “Please, Ernie, I’ll do anything.”

Although Ernie could see Alfonso’s desperation, he had plans with his friend Raymundo. They were going to catch frogs at the Mayfair canal. He felt sorry for his brother and gave him a stick of gum to make him feel better, but there was nothing he could do. The canal was three miles away, and the frogs were waiting.

Which message does Gary Soto want readers to take away?

Small gifts have great influence.
Achieving one's goals is unrealistic.
Friendship is something that everyone should value.
People place their own needs above those of others.



People place their own needs above others


Answer: Small gifts have great influence

Explanation: In the text is states " He had plans with his friend Raymundo "

I can infer that he didn't want to cancel his plans so instead he gave him some gum to lighten him up

Hope this helps, and good luck ^^

Pick the sentence that avoids redundancy and wordiness.
When Luther realized his mistake, his cheeks turned the same rosy red flush as his red T-shirt
When Luther realized his mistake, his cheeks flushed, turning the same color as his T-shirt.
When Luther realized his embarrassing mistake, his cheeks began turning the same rosy color as his T-shirt.
When Luther realized his mistake, his cheeks turned the same rosy red glow as his red T-shirt.



The second one


The other sentences keep describing the color of his cheeks and shirt and in the second one, it describes his cheeks being flushed, meaning red, and how it's the same color as his shirt.


When Luther realized his mistake, his cheeks flushed, turning the same color as his T-shirt.


Bewildered is a term used to characterize a set of disconnected words. We can also say that verbiage is a speech without nexus or even an insignificant conversation, speech or talk. On the other hand, redundancy is an unnecessary repetition of ideas, also called vague pleonasm or tautology.

Following this reasoning we can see that only the sentence "When Luther realized his mistake, his cheeks flushed, turning the same color as his T-shirt." is the only option that has neither wordiness nor redundancy.

According to Thoreau, what happens to those individuals who “serve the state with their consciences”?why?



Thoreau believes the majority of men serve the state physically, or “as machines, with their bodies.” These individuals make up the military and police forces, and because they are unable to make judgments or moral decisions--only follow orders--Thoreau does not think very highly of these individuals. In fact, though others admire the men in these positions, Thoreau see them as beasts of burden or pets of the state.

“They have the same sort of worth only as horses and dogs.” (ouch!)

A smaller set serve legislatively, and in this Thoreau includes pastors. These individuals are on a higher level than the previous group because they are able to make moral judgments and to act on it.

The final set, and the one that Thoreau admires, are those that serve ideologically : “heroes, patriots, martyrs, reformers…” These individuals are often seen as the enemies of the state for using their consciences to resist any injustice they see. They are not appreciated for their efforts by others,...

PLZ HELLLP!! I need a very very short story. it can be about anything but with some sort of twist in the end. anything simple will do.
Minimum of 150 words.


Answer:   This story takes place in Chinatown, New York, where a drought has caused a famine, resulting in everyone starving to death and suffering. The townspeople, Aurora, Bing, Bo, Bojing, Chao, Wohang, Malana, Uett, Wong, Ilan, muhang, Jing, Hing, Aya and many others were in danger and fearful of what the future might hold for them. Their spirits were helpless and when the lord came, things only got worse for them. This is a story about finding hope through the worst of times.  

1. A lord by the name of Ozawa, who looked well-fed and in expensive clothing, visited the village with his army to ask the townspeople to hand whatever money they had. A man by the name of Bojing, dressed in brown rags, went up to the lord and tried handing him 3 dimes, but his hand got pushed away by one of the guards, dropping the money.  The lord,  with a confused look on his face, thought he was being attacked so he told his men to seize Bojing  The guards, dressed in intimidating armor, intervened and arrested the man.  

2. A few days after he was arrested, his friends visited him and tried to explain to the jailer what had happened.  The jailer didn't believe what they had to say and turned them away saying “Bojing had to serve his 2 month sentence”.  Bojing, however, never gave up hope and spent the time in jail planning his revenge against Ozawa. He believed that if he could make the lord pay, it would help the village.  

3. Bojing was pacing in his jail cell thinking about reasoning with the lord in order to get him to help the village.  His argument would be, “if the villages under your control were poor and starving, you will appear useless, weakening your rule.” Bojing was planning to use the lord's confidence against him to control him into helping the village and possibly making him give up his power.


It was a stormy morning at the bus stop. I was standing in a puddle when it began raining fish. I know it's crazy, but it's true. I was questioning it so I went to the smartest person in town. Flikaira. She told me the phenomenon was called Fishy Weather, which occurs every 30 years. But something about this year was different from the Fishy Weather 30 years ago. These fish are alive. They sprouted legs and chase me. I duck in the bushes. The fish are smarter than normal fish, too. They have razor-sharp teeth that cut through the bush. I scream like a girl and run.

The fish are too fast. One grabs my legs. When did they grow arms? One grabs my arms. The fish open there big wide mouth and gobble me up. "Johnny? Johnny? Are you okay?" I hear Mom ask. I glance over at my clock. 6:25. It was all a dream. Just a dream. I look outside my window. Nothing. Yep, a dream. A really crazy messed up dream. Suddenly my window breaks and a fish with legs and arms jumps in and eats me. I see light and hear MEAP MEAP MEAP. Okay, another dream. I wait for a while. Yep it was just a dream.

Ion think jesus is even religious LOL


haha lol that’s funny



yes he is and don't play around like that Jesus can punish you for doing that


What is Merriton going to investigate?

a. downstairs in his house to see what a noise is

b. outside to the edges of the marsh to look at the strange stars

C. throughout his house to see what his butler is doing

d. outside to see what flickering flames are near the marsh


Answer: d. outside to see what flickering flames are near the marsh

Explanation: Merriton was going to investigate flames that were flickering outside near the marsh just like a signal fire would do. Watching the flames for a good twenty minutes made him nervous and informed his decision to go see what was causing it.

In the story Paul Bunyan and his Great Blue Ox, Paul ls a lumberjack with superhuman strength who can perform extraordinary feats. He has a pet, a blue ox named Babe, that ls so large, he Is as big as a mountain. Based on this description, how would you categorize this story
tall tale





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