Which of the following is one of the main ways that interest groups participate in Supreme Court cases?
Question 32 options:


filing amicus curiae briefs


lobbying the justices


giving monetary contributions to the court


protesting in front of the Supreme Court building


Answer 1




Related Questions

Help please Write 3-5 questions about Gun control why there should be more gun laws. One question needs to involve the effect public discussion has had with your issue. Make sure they are questions that can be answered through research. ( at least 3 cited sources need to be from a magazine, book, journal, newspaper, or historical document)



What evidence suggests that stricter gun laws reduce gun violence, and what are some specific examples of successful gun control policies in other countries? (Sources: "The Effect of Gun Control Laws on Gun Violence: A Review of International Evidence" by Christos Koumpoulidis and Gary Mauser in the Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice Research; "The International Evidence on Gun Control: Understanding a Complex and Sensitive Issue" by Philip J. Cook in the Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy; "Gun Control: International Comparisons" by David Hemenway in the Journal of the American Medical Association)

How have public discussions about gun control changed over time, and what impact have they had on policy decisions? (Sources: "The Changing Politics of Gun Control" by Robert Spitzer in the Journal of Policy History; "The Effect of Public Opinion on Public Policy: A Review of the Literature" by Daniel Carpenter and David Yoon in the Annual Review of Political Science; "Guns, Public Opinion, and the Politics of Control" by James D. Wright in Crime and Justice)

How do current gun laws in the United States compare to those in other countries, and what is the impact of these differences on rates of gun violence? (Sources: "Gun Laws and Violence: Comparative Evidence from the United States and Mexico" by Mark Duggan and Randi Hjalmarsson in the Journal of Law and Economics; "Gun Laws and Crime: An Empirical Assessment" by John J. Donohue III in the Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology; "Gun Laws and Violence: The English Experience" by David McDowell in the American Journal of Criminal Justice)

What was the Iran-Contra Affair?
A. Bush was found to have invaded Grenada without any cause
B. Bush was caught wiretapping Iranian citizen phones
C. Reagan was caught secretly selling weapons to Iran
D. Reagan had funded pro-Cuban terrorists in Nicaragua



The answer is C. Reagan was caught secretly selling weapons to Iran

How long ago did NCs mountain range start forming?



Mountain ranges are formed by a variety of geological processes.


But most of the significant ones on earth are the result of plate tectonic.

How do you think that people convicted of committing crime will be punished in the United States in the future?


In recent years, there has been a growing movement in the United States to reform the criminal justice system and move away from punitive measures toward more rehabilitative and restorative approaches.

This includes initiatives such as diversion programs, drug courts, and community-based alternatives to incarceration.

What role did the criminal justice system play?

The criminal justice system is responsible for maintaining law and order, investigating and prosecuting crimes, and punishing offenders. In medieval society, the criminal justice system was generally controlled by the king or other rulers, who delegated authority to local officials to enforce the law.

The criminal justice system in medieval Europe was often harsh and punitive, with severe penalties for even minor crimes. Punishments could include fines, imprisonment, flogging, branding, mutilation, and even execution. The justice system was also often biased against marginalized groups such as women, minorities, and the poor.

To learn more about the criminal justice system, click




How did the United States' entry into World War I change the culture and international
political policies of the country?





World War I marked a turning point in world and U.S. history that is far too little understood today. The United States’ formal declaration of war and entry into the Great War in April 1917 represented a seismic shift for the nation, which to that point, had attemped to avoid larger scale entanglements in European power politics and conflicts.

Answer: The entry of the United States into World War I had a profound impact on the culture and international political policies of the country. On the cultural front, the war led to a surge in patriotism and national pride, as Americans rallied around their country's effort to help defeat Germany and its allies. The war effort also brought about significant social changes, such as an increase in women's participation in the workforce and a greater emphasis on government regulation of the economy.

In terms of international political policies, the U.S. entry into World War I marked a major shift in the country's foreign policy. Prior to the war, the U.S. had followed a policy of isolationism, avoiding involvement in European conflicts and focusing on building up its own economy and military strength. However, the war forced the U.S. to become more involved in global affairs, as it provided significant military and financial support to the Allied powers.

Following the end of the war, the U.S. played a key role in shaping the post-war world order, helping to establish the League of Nations and advocating for the principle of self-determination for nations around the world. However, the failure of the U.S. to ratify the Treaty of Versailles and join the League of Nations marked a return to a more isolationist foreign policy in the years that followed. Overall, the U.S. entry into World War I marked a significant turning point in the country's culture and political policies, both domestically and internationally.


help!!! I will give all my brainiest (253) depending on the answer you give !!! (middle school)

This template will help you write a speech about ratifying the Constitution. Remember to include lines that explain checks and balances, as well as the viewpoints of the Federalists and Anti-Federalists.

Speech Title: Balancing Power in the Constitution

Your Name:

Reviewer (Parent or Guardian):


First Paragraph: Hook your audience into wanting to read or hear your speech. You can tell a story or use a quote. Introduce the event and basic facts like people and places. Use at least three to five sentences.

Second paragraph: Discuss the separation of powers and checks and balances. Use examples to explain the difference between the two ideas.

Third paragraph: Discuss the position of the Federalists related to ratification of the Constitution. Use facts.

Fourth paragraph: Discuss the position of the Anti-Federalists related to ratification of the Constitution. Use facts.

Fifth paragraph: Summarize and review what you wrote.

Reviewer Suggestions:



Speech Title: Balancing Power in the Constitution

Your Name: [Insert Your Name]

Reviewer (Parent or Guardian): [Insert Reviewer's Name]

Date: [Insert Date]

First Paragraph:

Ladies and gentlemen, have you ever thought about how our country was formed and the framework that our founding fathers laid down for us to follow? Well, let me take you back to the year 1787. Our country was in turmoil as the Articles of Confederation were not working effectively, and there was a need for a new constitution. In this speech, I will discuss the importance of balancing power in the Constitution and why it was necessary to have checks and balances.

Second Paragraph:

The separation of powers and checks and balances are two fundamental concepts in the Constitution. The separation of powers means that the government is divided into three branches: the legislative, executive, and judicial. Each branch has its own responsibilities and powers. Checks and balances, on the other hand, means that each branch has the ability to limit the power of the other branches. For example, the legislative branch can override a veto from the executive branch, and the judicial branch can declare a law passed by the legislative branch unconstitutional.

Third Paragraph:

The Federalists believed in the ratification of the Constitution. They argued that a strong federal government was necessary to maintain order and protect the nation's interests. They also believed that the Constitution provided sufficient protections for individual rights.

Fourth Paragraph:

The Anti-Federalists, on the other hand, were against the ratification of the Constitution. They believed that a strong federal government would lead to tyranny, and they feared that the Constitution did not adequately protect individual rights. They argued for a Bill of Rights to be added to the Constitution to protect individual liberties.

Fifth Paragraph:

In conclusion, balancing power in the Constitution was crucial to ensuring that no one branch of government had too much power. The separation of powers and checks and balances were designed to prevent tyranny and protect individual liberties. While the Federalists and Anti-Federalists had differing opinions on the ratification of the Constitution, their debates and discussions helped to shape the document that has been the foundation of our government for over 200 years.

Reviewer Suggestions:

Great job! You did an excellent job of explaining the importance of balancing power in the Constitution and providing examples of checks and balances. You also provided a clear explanation of the Federalist and Anti-Federalist positions on the ratification of the Constitution. One suggestion would be to include more specific examples of how checks and balances work in practice. Overall, a well-written and informative speech!

What seems to be the easiest and most effective way to get the government to hear and respond to your concerns? Explain.



The easiest and most effective way to get the government to hear and respond to your concerns is through active participation in the democratic process, including exercising your right to vote and contacting your elected representatives. By voting in elections, you can choose representatives who share your values and who will work to address the issues that concern you. Additionally, by contacting your elected representatives through phone calls, emails, letters, or in-person meetings, you can voice your concerns and opinions and urge them to take action on your behalf.

It is also important to join and support organizations that advocate for the issues that you care about. These organizations can amplify your voice and help to build momentum and support for your cause. Social media can also be a powerful tool for raising awareness and mobilizing people around a particular issue.

Overall, it is important to remember that government officials are elected to serve the public and to represent their constituents. By actively participating in the democratic process, you can hold them accountable and ensure that your concerns are heard and addressed.


Final answer:

The most effective ways to get the government to hear and respond to your concerns include voting in elections, organizing or signing petitions, and directly contacting your local representatives. Each method allows for active participation in the democratic process.


The easiest and most effective way to get the government to hear and respond to your concerns is through a variety of methods, including but not limited to voting, petitioning, and contacting your local representatives. Voting is crucial because it allows citizens to express their views on the officials who make vital choices on their behalf.

Another method is through petitioning, a democratic device where citizens may express their issues and require action from their government. This age-old method can compel the government to address the concerns therein.  Finally, directly contacting your local representatives, such as Members of Parliament, senators, or city council members, can be a very effective way to voice your concerns. These elected representatives are there to serve the interests of their constituents and should take your concerns seriously.

Learn more about Political participation here:



What is the correct definition of capacity for potential cosigners?


Answer: Te correct definition of Capacity for potential cosigners is the financial ability to repay a loan with present income.


What is the relationship between Islam and
the empire of Mali? Please be at least 50 words.


"Islam played a significant role in the empire of Mali, particularly during the reign of Mansa Musa in the 14th century. Mansa Musa, who is considered one of the wealthiest individuals in history, was a devout Muslim and made a pilgrimage to Mecca, bringing back Islamic scholars and architects to help build mosques and centers of Islamic learning in Mali. Under his reign, Islam became more widespread and influential in Mali, shaping its culture, society, and governance." (ChatGPT, 2023)

1. What New Deal programs especially benefited the "common man" & why?

2. What "out-groups" became more accepted under the New Deal?



The New Deal programs that especially benefited the "common man" were the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), the Works Progress Administration (WPA), and the Social Security Act.

The CCC provided jobs for unemployed young men, allowing them to support themselves and their families during the Great Depression. They were paid a small wage, but their work had a lasting impact on the environment, as they built trails, planted trees, and fought forest fires.

The WPA provided jobs for millions of unemployed Americans, including construction workers, artists, writers, and musicians. They built schools, parks, highways, and bridges, and created works of art that still exist today.

The Social Security Act provided a safety net for the elderly, the disabled, and families with dependent children. It created a system of old-age pensions, unemployment insurance, and aid to families with dependent children. These programs helped to reduce poverty and provide a basic level of economic security for millions of Americans.

The New Deal era saw a number of "out-groups" become more accepted. African Americans, for example, were included in many New Deal programs, although they still faced discrimination and segregation in many parts of the country. Women also gained new opportunities, as many New Deal programs were open to both men and women. Finally, labor unions became more powerful and more accepted, as workers organized and demanded better wages and working conditions.

How did the Thirty Years War influence the development of the identiities of Europe?



- It increased Spain's power over the rest of Europe.

- It wiped out most of Europe's Protestant population.

- It led kingdoms to establish clear boundaries.

-  It turned most of Europe against the Catholic Church.

Please correct me if i am wrong

Differentiate between white man's burden and nationalism.
a. Nationalism is when you hate your country but white man's burden is when you love your country
b. White man's burden is when white people think it is their job or duty to "ducate" the other races but nationalism is when you think your country is the best
c. White man's burden is when you hate your country but nationalism is when you love your country
d. Nationalism is when white people think it is their job or duty to
"educate" the other races but white man's burden is when you think your country is the best


The White Man's Burden is a concept that originated during the colonial era when white Europeans believed it was their duty to bring civilization to non-white people.

Why was this a justification for colonial control?

It was a form of justification for colonialism and imperialism. In contrast, nationalism is the ideology that emphasizes the love and devotion to one's country and its interests. It is a sense of pride and loyalty towards one's nation.

The two concepts differ in their focus and intention, as the White Man's Burden is centered on the idea of superiority and responsibility towards others, while nationalism is about prioritizing one's own country and people.

Read more about nationalism here:



Please i need a to write a paper with all the instructions i need 750 words please i really really need help I don't know how to do this I am not good for Government class please.

This course is about politics, governmental policies, and people. Select a topic which covers a current event or situation that addresses a local or foreign issue, problem or person of international consequence.
Learn about a current political issue or problem of political consequence.
Develop your Internet and library research skills.
Evaluate your topic from the perspective of different cultures and/or political viewpoints as well as your own.

What your paper should focus on:
1. Address the various sides of the issue with conclusions based on your own analysis of the issue, and demonstrating an understanding of its complexities.

2. Compare and contrast the different viewpoints of sources used on your topic taking into account the limits of a position.

3. Present an informed evaluation of the evidence and different viewpoint surrounding the topic

How they interact,
The impact of government policy,
How and if they benefit society,
If it is worthy of the cost,
If the policy needs to be changed, expanded or eliminated,
What effects they create - good or bad




Politics is a complex and dynamic field that affects individuals and societies globally. Governments formulate policies that impact people's lives in many ways. This paper aims to discuss a current political issue of international consequence, its various perspectives, and evaluate its impact on society.

Topic Selection:

The selected topic for this paper is the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine. This issue has been a longstanding one and has had a significant impact on the Middle East region and the global community. The conflict has resulted in the displacement of thousands of Palestinians, loss of life, and destruction of property.

Research and Analysis:

In researching the issue, it is important to consider the perspectives of both sides. Israeli and Palestinian sources present different views on the causes and solutions to the conflict. According to Israeli sources, the conflict began when Arab nations refused to accept the United Nations' decision to establish two states, one Jewish and one Arab, in the area known as Palestine in 1947. The Arab nations, including Palestine, rejected this plan and instead declared war on the newly formed state of Israel. In contrast, Palestinian sources argue that the conflict began with the displacement of Palestinians during the establishment of Israel and the subsequent occupation of Palestinian territories.

It is also important to consider the impact of government policies on the conflict. Israel's policy of building settlements in the West Bank and Gaza Strip has been a significant source of tension between the two sides. Palestinians view these settlements as illegal and a barrier to the establishment of a Palestinian state. Israeli leaders argue that these settlements are necessary for Israel's security and are built on land that they consider part of Israel.


The conflict between Israel and Palestine has had far-reaching effects on the region and the world. The displacement of Palestinians and the ongoing violence have resulted in a humanitarian crisis. The international community has attempted to broker peace negotiations, but these efforts have been unsuccessful. The United States, in particular, has played a significant role in the conflict, providing military and financial aid to Israel while being accused of bias towards Israel.


In conclusion, the conflict between Israel and Palestine is a complex issue that requires a multi-faceted approach to resolve. It is important to consider the perspectives of both sides, the impact of government policies, and the humanitarian consequences of the conflict. It is crucial for the international community to continue to work towards a peaceful resolution to the conflict and to address the root causes of the issue. Ultimately, the goal should be to establish a just and lasting peace that benefits both Israelis and Palestinians.

Suppose you support the efforts of Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus to reform Rome. Write a letter or speech to other Romans that
explains why reform is needed and what types of reforms should occur.


The answer is the reforms in Rome from  Tiberius and Gaius included  limiting land ownership to 125 hectares per citizen or 250 hectares per family, and distributing the freed-​​up land to the poorest Romans, usually free of charge.

A triumvirate which included Tiberius' brother, Gaius Gracchus, was charged with enacting the law.

The reforms were needed because of to the military and logistical stagnation of the Roman Republic in the late 2nd century BC.

Reforms signify historically?

Since 1663, the idea of reform has been in society. Reform is described as "The repair, or modifying for the better, of some faulty condition of things, esp. of a corrupt or oppressive political institution or practice; the eradication of some abuse or injustice".

An instance of reform?

Reforms on a variety of topics, having women's rights, remove of slavery, jail reform, and missionary activity in the West, sparked organizations devoted to advancing society. These initiatives frequently began in Protestant churches.

To know more about Reforms visit:



Which election loss forced the conservative movement to reorganize and change tactics?
A. Kennedy - Nixon
B. Carter - Ford
C. Reagan - Ford
D. Johnson - Goldwater


The answer is c-Reagan ford

Which statement about Hitler's treatment of European Jews is correct?


Jews who lived in Germany and had good jobs were not discriminated against.

Jews who lived in Germany and had good jobs were not discriminated against.

Jews all over Europe were rounded up and sent to concentration camps to be murdered.

Jews all over Europe were rounded up and sent to concentration camps to be murdered.

Hitler's persecution of the Jews led the United States to declare war on Germany.

Hitler's persecution of the Jews led the United States to declare war on Germany.

Most of the Jews in Europe fled to the United States in the years before World War II.




Jews all over Europe were rounded up and sent to concentration camps to be murdered. Or Hitler's persecution of the Jews led the United States to declare war on Germany.

Suppose a representative opposes a current tax bill. Would he or she want the bill to be brought to the floor under a closed rule or an open rule? Explain your answer.


A closed rule forbids amendments and restricts debate, whereas an open rule permits changes to be made to the bill on the floor. by allowing for modifications.

What procedures must be followed for a bill to become law?

A bill is a draught legislative proposal that, when accepted by the president and both chambers of parliament, becomes a law. immediately after the bill has been framed.

How does a House bill become a law?

A representative first sponsors the measure. A committee is then given the task of researching the measure. The measure is placed on a calendar to be voted on, discussed, or altered after it has been issued by the committee. If the invoice By a simple majority (218 out of 435), the bill is approved and is sent to the Senate.

To know more about amendments visit:-



Need help!

Envision that you have the opportunity to talk to James Madison, who was one of the main writers of the US Constitution. Based on what you learned about the articles of the Constitution, what questions would you have for him and why?


If I had the opportunity to talk to James Madison, one of the main writers of the US Constitution, I would have several questions to ask him:

What inspired the concept of checks and balances in the Constitution, and how did you envision this system working in practice? I would be interested in Madison's thoughts on how the three branches of government would interact and balance each other's powers.
How did you and your colleagues reconcile the issue of slavery with the ideals of liberty and equality laid out in the Constitution? I would want to know how Madison and other framers of the Constitution justified the continued existence of slavery in a document that declared all men to be created equal.
In the Bill of Rights, the First Amendment guarantees freedom of speech, religion, assembly, and the press. What was your vision for the role of the press in American democracy, and how did you envision protecting the press from government interference?
The Constitution has been amended 27 times since it was written. What do you think of these amendments, and do you think any additional amendments are necessary to address the needs and concerns of modern America?
Finally, I would be interested in Madison's thoughts on the current state of American democracy and whether he thinks the Constitution has stood the test of time. What, if any, changes would he propose to the Constitution in light of current challenges facing American democracy?

Complete the chart about federalist and entifederalist.​


The Federalists supported the Constitution and wanted a stronger national government. The Antifederalists opposed the Constitution because they wanted more power to remain with states.

The Federalists were primarily represented New England and Mid-Atlantic States. In the case of Anti-Federalists, they were largely represented within the states of New York, Virginia, and Massachusetts.

The Federalists oppose including a bill of rights on the ground that it was unnecessary. The Anti-Federalists, who were afraid of a strong centralized government, refused to support the Constitution without one.

The Founding Fathers consisted of George Washington (Federalist), Alexander Hamilton (Federalist Paper Author - Federalist), John Adams (Federalist), James Madison (Federalist Paper Author - Federalist), John Jay (Federalist Paper Author - Federalist), Patrick Henry (Antifederalist), James Monroe (Antifederalist), Richard Henry Lee (Antifederalist), George Manson (Antifederalist), Sam Adams (Antifederalist).

The Federalists supported an effective central government. They supported the establishment of a national bank and favored an industrial, international trade, and commercial economy. The main and most persistent criticism of the Constitution made by the Anti-Federalists was that it did not place any restrictions on the power of the federal government to levy taxes. Nearly all of the works by Antifederalists have as a recurring topic Congress' unrestricted ability to raise taxes.

Federalists supported representational, as opposed to direct, democracy and supported lesser state governments, strong central government, indirect election of government officials, lengthier term restrictions for officeholders. The ratification of the Constitution was contested by antifederalists. Their main contention was that the Constitution gave the federal government too much power and stripped the states of too much authority.

Eddie E.

How was Washington's presidency important?​



Washington's presidency was significant beyond the fact that he was the first president. His actions established a strong central government and helped put in place a plan to fix the problem of the national debt.


Eliade holds that the element of fear in experiences of the
Show answer choices
A) have become more common in modern times.
are the one constant element in the history of
have become less common in modern times.
D were never particularly common.


The one continuous factor in religious experiences throughout history, according to Eliade, has been terror.

What is said about the sacred by Eliade?

Eliade emphasises that the Sacred occurs in human experience as a significant point of orientation while also granting access to the ontological reality that serves as its source and is what homo religiosus yearns for in his expansion and explanation of the phenomenological components of the Sacred.

What is sacred time according to Eliade?

According to Eliade's view, just as a thing's power comes from its source, the power of the entire world comes from the cosmogony. The mythological age is holy time—the only time that has any value—if the Sacred established all legitimate patterns in the beginning, during the period depicted in myth.

To know more about experiences visit:-



What did Washington want to do after he resigned his military commission.​


The resignation not only signified the end of Washington's tenure as commander in chief, a position to which he was appointed to on May 9, 1775, but also Washington's desire to return to his Mount Vernon estate as a private citizen.

Hope im correct

The lawmaking process is lengthy and complex, just as the Founders intended. Should the long and difficult legislative process be simplified? Why or why not?




could also result in lower quality legislation and fewer checks and balances

lot of people's wants are put into consideration when passing a law.

making passing laws quicker could l include less people's input <--- that's less democratic


Nativists opposed the arrival of many new immigrants in America mainly
because they saw new immigrants as a threat to:
A. industrialization and urbanization.
OB. unions and the labor movement.
C. American culture and values.
D. Progressive reform movements.



(C.) American culture and values


Nativists wanted America to stay as a pure nation based on the original, Anglo Europeans who settled across the 13 colonies.

1. What is this cartoon's topic/theme?

2. Who is the figure depicted in the image?

3. What is the cartoon's message?

4. How does this message relate to lessons we studied in this module?
Your assignment involves addressing the following issues: 1. What is - 1


The cartoon's theme is how the nation of Great Britain is taking a lot from the colonies.

The figure depicted in the image is the nation of Great Brtiain as the Mother country.

The cartoon's message is that Britain keeps taking resources from her colonies and one can infer that this would lead to problems in future.

The message relates to lessons on the reason why the American colonies wanted independence.

How to describe the cartoon ?

The cartoon represents a common theme in the history of colonialism: the exploitation of colonies by the imperial power. The figure of Great Britain is depicted as a mother figure, taking resources from her colonies as if they were her children.

This theme of exploitation was one of the key factors that led to the American colonies seeking independence from Great Britain. The colonists felt that they were being treated unfairly, with Britain imposing taxes and regulations on them without their consent.

Find out more on cartoons at https://brainly.com/question/18742499


why are the wigwams inpordent to learn about



For several reasons, it's crucial to learn about wigwams:

1) Cultural significance: Certain Native American tribes, including the Algonquian and the Ojibwe, still live in wigwams today. Understanding wigwams can help us comprehend the customs and culture of these indigenous peoples.

2) Historical significance: Before European settlers came to North America, Native American tribes used wigwams for thousands of years. They were crucial for providing shelter from the elements and acting as gathering spots for neighbourhood celebrations and rituals. We can better comprehend North American history and the ways in which Native American civilizations were structured by knowing about wigwams.

Identify two primary sources from online databases or archives that help you understand the royal proclamation of 1763.


The Royal Proclamation of 1763, sometimes known as the Proclamation of 1763, was issued by King George III following Great Britain's victory in the French and Indian War. West of the Appalachian Mountains, the proclamation forbade colonisation on Native American land.

What did the 1763 Royal Proclamation accomplish?On October 7, 1763, King George III published the Royal Proclamation of 1763. The Seven Years' War was officially concluded by the Treaty of Paris, which also gave Great Britain control over French territories in North America. At the Eastern Continental Divide in the Appalachian Mountains, the Proclamation Line of 1763 was a boundary drawn by the British. The Proclamation Line, which was established on October 7, 1763, banned Anglo-American colonists from settling on territories obtained from the French after the French and Indian War.The Royal Proclamation served as the cornerstone for the development of Canada's territorial framework and is a key document in the relationship between First Nations people and the Crown. The opportunity to honour this memorial as a significant moment in Canadian history is rare.

To learn more about The Royal Proclamation of 1763, refer to:


King George III issued the Royal Proclamation of 1763, also known as the Proclamation of 1763, following Great Britain's victory in the French and Indian War.

What was the Royal Proclamation of 1763 used for?

Anglo-American colonists were prohibited from settling in French-occupied territory following the French and Indian War by the Proclamation Line, which was established on October 7, 1763.

The Royal Proclamation of 1763 was made public by King George III on October 7, 1763. The Treaty of Paris, which also gave Great Britain control over French territories in North America, marked the official end of the Seven Years' War.

The British established a boundary in 1763 by drawing the Proclamation Line at the Eastern Continental Divide in the Appalachian Mountains. The Royal Proclamation is an important document in the relationship between First Nations people and the Crown. It was the foundation for the creation of Canada's territorial framework. It is extremely uncommon to commemorate this memorial as a significant moment in Canadian history.
To learn more about Proclamation Line visit :



Compelling Question: How do the sources we get exposed to impact how we understand and remember history?

Document A:

Evidence of What The White Supremacist View Believes/Stands For Based on This Document

Connections Between What The White Supremacist View Is and What it Promotes or Ignores

Inferences on How The White Supremacist View (in isolation) Would Impact Historical Understanding

Significance of These Inferences

Document B:

Evidence of What The White Supremacist View Believes/Stands For Based on This Document

Connections Between What The White Supremacist View Is and What it Promotes or Ignores

Inferences on How The White Supremacist View (in isolation) Would Impact Historical Understanding

Significance of These Inferences

Document C:

Evidence of What The White Supremacist View Believes/Stands For Based on This Document

Connections Between What The White Supremacist View Is and What it Promotes or Ignores

Inferences on How The White Supremacist View (in isolation) Would Impact Historical Understanding

Significance of These Inferences

Document D:

Evidence of What The White Supremacist View Believes/Stands For Based on This Document

Connections Between What The White Supremacist View Is and What it Promotes or Ignores

Inferences on How The White Supremacist View (in isolation) Would Impact Historical Understanding

Significance of These Inferences

Document E:

Evidence of What The White Supremacist View Believes/Stands For Based on This Document

Connections Between What The White Supremacist View Is and What it Promotes or Ignores

Inferences on How The White Supremacist View (in isolation) Would Impact Historical Understanding

Significance of These Inferences

Reflection Questions:

How similar or different is this view of Reconstruction to your own family or community’s view?

What elements of this view of Reconstruction can you see in the United States today?

How does thinking about how the views someone is exposed to impacts how they understand and remember history make you aware of what views you are personally being exposed to?

How do you think this idea of exposure shaping understanding impacts you and how you understand disagreements?


Answer: Electronic copies of this document are available from the Computer ... law enforcement agents to understand how to obtain electronic evidence stored.


Restoration of the Union, reform of southern society, and adoption of progressive laws promoting the rights of emancipated slaves were the three main goals of reconstruction.

What was reconstruction era?

The Reconstruction era, which began after the American Civil War and lasted roughly until the Compromise of 1877, was a time in American history.

Attempts were made to reconstruct the nation after the brutal Civil War, admit the former Confederate states back into the union, and address the political, social, and economic repercussions of slavery during Reconstruction.

The 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments to the Constitution were enacted during this time period, presumably guaranteeing the newly freed slaves the same civil rights as those of white people and ending the last Confederate secession in the South.

The U.S. military was given sovereignty over formerly separatist states by Congress, who also mandated that the former Confederate states adopt civil rights protections.

Learn more about reconstruction era, here



Which of the following is NOT an example of Huck's maturity in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn?
He steals Aunt Sally's things to help rescue Jim.
He feels bad for the Duke and King when they are tarred and feathered.
He feels guilty when Aunt Sally is worried about Tom.
He tells the truth to Mary Jane.


"He steals Aunt Sally's things to help rescue Jim,"

The first option, "He steals Aunt Sally's things to help rescue Jim," does NOT reflect Huck's development as a person in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Huck still has a ways to go before he learns the difference between right and wrong and respects the property of others, as evidenced by his choice to take Aunt Sally's possessions. The remaining choices all highlight Huck's developing maturity throughout the book.

Do you feel that the ERA still needs to be ratified, or have women already reached the point of true equality with men in the U.S.? Explain your answer.



The Equal Rights Amendment is a proposed amendment to the US Constitution that would guarantee equal legal rights for all American citizens regardless of their gender. While the amendment was first introduced in 1923, it has yet to be ratified and become law, despite ongoing efforts to pass it.

Despite significant progress towards gender equality in the US, there are still areas where women do not have the same rights and opportunities as men. For example, women in the US still earn less than men for the same work and are underrepresented in positions of power and leadership.

Furthermore, women are more likely to experience gender-based violence and discrimination, including sexual harassment and assault. Women also face unique challenges related to reproductive rights and healthcare.

While there has been progress in advancing gender equality in the US, the fact remains that women do not have full legal and social equality with men. Therefore, the ERA remains relevant and necessary to ensure that women have equal protection under the law and are able to enjoy the same rights and opportunities as men.


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