which of the following self-presentation strategies create respect by persuading others that you are competent? a. exemplification b. supplication c. intimidation d. self-promotion


Answer 1

The self-presentation strategy that creates respect by persuading others that you are competent is (d) self-promotion.

What is self-presentation?

Self-presentation is the way a person presents himself or herself to others. It is the image that one projects in front of others. It refers to the way people present themselves through physical appearance, behaviors, and communication. The self-presentation strategy that creates respect by persuading others that you are competent is self-promotion.

What are the strategies for self-presentation?

Here are some self-presentation strategies:

Self-promotion: This strategy aims to enhance one's image by highlighting one's strengths and accomplishments in order to increase one's self-esteem and confidence. This strategy is most useful when attempting to establish oneself in a new role or position.

Exemplification: This strategy entails setting a high standard of behavior for oneself in order to gain the trust and admiration of others.

Supplication: This strategy involves appearing to be in need of assistance or advice from others, which can elicit a more positive response from them.

Intimidation: This strategy involves using aggression or fear to control or influence others.

How does self-promotion strategy create respect?

The self-promotion strategy involves highlighting one's strengths and accomplishments in order to increase one's self-esteem and confidence. By showcasing one's skills, knowledge, and experience, it creates a perception of competence, which can lead to respect from others. Self-promotion strategy helps in building up self-confidence and enables the person to express his/her skills and knowledge in the best way possible.

Thus, the self-presentation strategy that creates respect by persuading others that you are competent is (d) self-promotion.

To know more about Self-presentation refer: https://brainly.com/question/16956695


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25 : Issues involved in making real the implications of death are concerned primarily with takingleave of _________.A : the bodyB : the personC : the funeral serviceD : the cemeteryE : the survivorsCorrect Answer : B


The issues involved in making real the implications of death are concerned primarily with taking leave of the person. Therefore, option B is the correct answer. The implications of death are: After a person dies, there is a gap in the lives of those who were close to them.

The death of someone who was close to us causes a deep sense of loss and disorientation. Death can be an incredibly powerful reminder of how fragile and uncertain life is.The finality of death is a tough fact to grasp. It can be especially difficult to come to terms with the fact that we will never see the person who has passed away again.

We must not ignore the impact that death can have on our lives, but instead, we must learn to deal with it in our own way. There are a variety of methods to cope with death, and what works for one person may not work for another. Grieving is a natural process that everyone experiences differently.

However, no matter how one chooses to grieve, the goal should be to accept the reality of the situation and learn to live without the deceased.

To know more about death, refer here:



what is sternberg's ability that involves discovering novel solutions?


Sternberg's ability that involves discovering novel solutions is creative intelligence.

According to Sternberg, this type of intelligence includes the ability to identify and define issues, generate hypotheses, and choose and implement the best solution. Creativity, which involves the creation of novel and valuable ideas. Sternberg suggests using open-mindedness, high levels of motivation, and the ability to learn from feedback.

Sternberg's Triarchic Theory of Intelligence is a model that tries to describe how individuals become intelligent. It is made up of three distinct types of intelligence: analytical intelligence, practical intelligence, and creative intelligence. Sternberg claims that analytical intelligence is a person's ability to evaluate, judge, compare, and contrast ideas, as well as assess the relationship between different concepts. Practical intelligence is a person's ability to apply knowledge and skills to practical situations. Finally, creative intelligence is the capacity to develop novel solutions to everyday problems.

To learn more about sternberg's ability: https://brainly.com/question/8004184


in studying acute stress disorder and ptsd, researchers now understand the relationships among stress, trauma, and psychopathology as a(n):


In studying acute stress disorder and ptsd, researchers now understand the relationships among stress, trauma, and psychopathology as Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Model. The ACE Model proposes that early life adversity and trauma, such as child abuse and neglect, are associated with an increased risk for the development of physical, mental, and behavioral health problems in adulthood.

This model has become a cornerstone for trauma-informed research, highlighting the importance of considering the role of childhood experiences in the development of later psychopathology. In brief, the ACE Model states that as the number of adverse childhood experiences increase, so does the risk for a variety of negative outcomes in adulthood.

Furthermore, individuals who experience multiple types of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) are more likely to experience adverse outcomes than those who experience one or no ACEs. The ACE Model suggests that the experience of trauma and adversity in childhood can have a profound effect on the development of physical, mental, and behavioral health problems in adulthood.

The ACE Model has been an important tool in understanding the long-term effects of childhood adversity and trauma on physical and mental health. This model helps explain why individuals with multiple ACEs may be at higher risk for a variety of negative health outcomes. It is important to note, however, that even individuals with multiple ACEs may be able to mitigate the risks and lead healthy, successful lives.

Know more about ACE Model here:



according to government reports, about what percentage of convicted jail inmates were under the influence of alcohol when they committed their crimes?


According to the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics, about 40% of inmates in jails reported being under the influence of alcohol when they committed their crimes.

What is the influence of alcohol?

Alcohol is a chemical substance that depresses the central nervous system, causing feelings of euphoria, relaxation, and socialization when consumed.

However, consuming too much alcohol or using it in conjunction with other drugs can cause significant negative effects, ranging from sluggishness to unconsciousness or even death.

When people drink alcohol, it affects their brains and bodies in various ways, impairing their judgment, motor skills, and decision-making abilities. This can lead to bad behavior, poor decision-making, and even legal issues.

The U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) reports that, in 2018, 40.4% of jail inmates reported being under the influence of alcohol when they committed their offenses.

This is up from 37.2% in 2000. Additionally, the BJS reports that 12.6% of jail inmates said they were under the influence of illicit drugs at the time they committed their crimes.

Another question about alcohol in https://brainly.com/question/947751


aric is playing trivia with his friends and is trying to remember who won the world series three years ago. how would this memory task be categorized?


This memory task is categorized as episodic memory. Episodic memory is a type of long-term memory that involves recalling specific events that have happened in the past.

Examples include remembering a birthday party or who won the World Series three years ago.

It involves a conscious recall of the event or experience, and is distinct from semantic memory, which involves the recall of facts or information.

Episodic memory is an important part of the human memory system because it allows us to remember our past experiences and make connections between them.

It is also associated with the ability to plan for the future, as it allows us to use past experiences as a reference point.

Episodic memory can be divided into two categories: explicit memory and implicit memory.

Explicit memory is the conscious recall of a past event, such as the question of who won the World Series three years ago. Implicit memory is the recall of information without the conscious awareness of it.

Examples of implicit memory include remembering how to ride a bike or recalling the rules of a game.

Overall, episodic memory is the type of long-term memory associated with the recall of specific events in the past.

It is divided into explicit and implicit memory and is an important part of the human memory system.

To know more about episodic memory here



according to karl marx law religion and morality in bourgeoisiesociety represent what to the proletariant?


The proletariat's view of religion and morality in a bourgeoisie society is discussed by Karl Marx. He believed that the ruling bourgeoisie class created religion to promote their own interests and preserve their power.

According to Marx, religion helps the bourgeoisie control the working class by causing them to be fearful, obedient, and ignorant.

Religion is used by the bourgeoisie to maintain the workers' submissive behavior by threatening them with the idea of divine punishment if they disobey the established authority.

Religion also serves as a source of comfort and hope for the working class when they are in pain, providing an illusion of security that the ruling class wants them to believe.

As a result, religion and morality in a bourgeois society represent a tool for maintaining power and oppression by the bourgeoisie. According to Marx, the proletariat must reject religion and become conscious of their economic and social status, which will empower them to overthrow their oppressors and build a classless society.

To learn more about karl marx, refer below:



order the remaining stages of perception according to devito. stage one is (1) stage two is (2) example: stage three is interpretation - evaluation stage four is (3) stage five is (4)


Stage one is: Stimulation
Stage two is: Organization
Stage three is: Interpretation-Evaluation
Stage four is: Memory
Stage five is: Recall

How did the british break the terms of the treaty of portsmouth?


The British did not directly break the terms of the Treaty of Portsmouth, as they were not a party to the agreement. However, they did play a significant role in shaping the events leading up to the treaty's signing.

What is the Treaty of Portsmouth?

The Treaty of Portsmouth was a peace agreement signed on September 5, 1905, between the Empire of Japan and the Russian Empire, with the mediation of US President Theodore Roosevelt, ending the Russo-Japanese War.

The treaty granted Japan many concessions and territories, including southern Sakhalin Island, which was divided between Japan and Russia, and the leasehold of the Liaodong Peninsula and the South Manchurian Railway.

Learn more about Treaty of Portsmouth here: https://brainly.com/question/14460587


। (Write any two causes of corruption



-greed of money desires

-higher levels of democracy,weak and civil participation and low political transparency.

sarah's extended family lives in various locations throughout the united states. they are too busy to stay in contact with everyone, and some family members are estranged from one another. what would probably be the most effective way for this family to communicate?


The most efficient method for Sarah's extended family to interact and remain linked despite physical distance and time limitations would be a group conversation or video conference using a tool like Zoom.

Sarah's extended family would profit from a contact method that is both practical and inclusive given the hectic schedules and physical separation. No matter where they are in the world, family members can communicate virtually by using a tool for group messaging or video conferencing like Zoom.

Family members can communicate more easily using this tool because it can handle different time zones and schedules, making it simpler for them to do so at convenient times. A controlled and polite contact strategy, like email or a private conversation, may be more suitable for alienated family members to prevent any potential disputes. In general, even in the face of distance and other difficulties, frequent communication and finding shared ground can help reinforce family ties.

Learn more about video conferencing:



what is the term for nonphysical aggression that is intended to hurt another person's psychological well-being?


The term for nonphysical aggression that is intended to hurt another person's psychological well-being is known as psychological aggression.

Psychological aggression can cause harm to an individual’s psychological well-being. A few forms of psychological aggression are verbal aggression, cyberbullying, and social exclusion, among others.

Verbal aggression is the use of language to cause harm to others. This could take the form of shouting, cursing, insults, mockery, sarcasm, or name-calling.

Cyberbullying is the use of electronic communication technologies such as social media, email, or text messages to harass, intimidate, or threaten someone. It can include sending threatening or abusive messages, spreading rumors or gossip, impersonating someone else online, or posting embarrassing photos or videos of someone else.

Social exclusion is a form of aggression that involves excluding an individual from a group, team, or community. It is often used as a form of punishment or retaliation, and can lead to feelings of loneliness, rejection, and isolation.

To learn more about psychological aggression, refer below:



the lowering of the average age of puberty from prehistoric times to present day is known as .


Secular trend refers to a gradual change that takes place over several decades or even centuries.

It is a gradual trend that results from complex socio-economic, cultural, and environmental factors. It is a change that occurs over a long period of time due to a multitude of reasons such as environmental changes, lifestyle changes, health and nutrition, and advances in medical science.

A secular trend is often seen as a cyclical pattern that is repeated over many years. As such, it is possible to predict future trends based on the current trend. The term "secular" refers to the long-term pattern rather than the immediate trend.

To know more about Secular trend click on below link:



Where did people who needed relief during the Great Depression most generally obtain help?
A. from big business
B. from other families
C. from former employers
D. from the federal government


"The people who needed relief during the Great Depression most generally obtained help B. from other families." The correct option is B.

President Herbert Hoover during the Great Depression wasn't a big help to the people suffering from it. The president that help-ed the most was Franklin D. Roosevelt. Roose-velt held the presidency from 1934 to 1945, lead-ing the United States through the Great Depression & World War II. His legislative pro-gram, the New Deal, greatly expand-ed the role of the federal govern-ment in American society.

The Great Depression was the wo-rst economic down-turn in US hi-story. The stock mark-et crash of October 1929 signaled the begin-ning of the Great Depression. By 1933, unemployment was at 25%. The correct option is B.

To know more about the great depression click below:



lukas, an ell from germany, arrived in the us about a month ago. his esl teacher noticed that he often seems nervous or frustrated. just this week, lukas has expressed a desire to return to germany almost every day. what could be a probable cause of this behavior?


Lukas could be experiencing culture shock and struggling to adjust to his new environment, especially due to his language barrier.

This can lead to feelings of anxiety, frustration, and homesickness, which may cause him to express a desire to return to Germany. It's important to provide him with support and resources to help him feel more comfortable and adjusted.

What is language barrier?

A language barrier refers to a situation where people are unable to communicate effectively due to differences in language. This can occur when individuals speak different native languages or when one person is not proficient in the language being used for communication. A language barrier can make it difficult to convey ideas, express emotions, and understand instructions or information, which can cause frustration and miscommunication.

What is culture?

Culture refers to the shared beliefs, customs, behaviors, and artifacts that characterize a group or society. It encompasses everything from language, religion, values, and social norms to art, music, literature, and cuisine. Culture is learned and transmitted from generation to generation, and it shapes how individuals perceive and interact with the world around them.

To know culture, viist:



people who can verify background information and provide personal evaluations of candidates are called


People who can verify background information and provide personal evaluations of candidates are called references.

What is a reference?

A reference is a person or an organization contacted by an employer to obtain information about a job candidate's abilities, character, employment history, educational qualifications, and other personal details that may affect his or her suitability for employment.

A reference is often asked to provide a reference letter or to speak on behalf of a candidate when seeking a job or other professional opportunity. Reference checks are frequently conducted by employers during the hiring process. Employers can verify the accuracy of a candidate's résumé, employment history, and qualifications by contacting their references.

In addition, references may provide valuable insight into a candidate's professional and personal conduct, temperament, and other characteristics that might impact their ability to fit into an organization's culture.

What is a personal evaluation?

A personal evaluation is a way of measuring a person's potential or current performance against a set of standards. This may include the assessment of an individual's strengths and weaknesses, skill set, knowledge base, and experience, among other factors.

Personal evaluations can be done in a variety of contexts, such as in the workplace, educational setting, or for personal growth and development.

Potential employers and hiring managers may conduct personal evaluations of job candidates to determine their suitability for a job. A candidate's personal evaluation may include information about their work ethic, communication skills, ability to work in a team, problem-solving abilities, and other relevant attributes.

Personal evaluations can be conducted through interviews, assessments, or through the use of self-assessment tools such as surveys or questionnaires.

To know more about personal evaluation refer: https://brainly.com/question/26640332


ali is aware of his feelings, emotions, and thoughts. he is also aware of his surroundings, the warmth of the sun, and the sound of nearby traffic. ali is in a state of . a. conscience b. consciousness c. rem sleep d. unconsciousness


As Ali is aware of elements such as his feelings, emotions, the warmth of the sun and sounds, then he is in a state of consciousness. Therefore, alternative b. is correct.

Consciousness refers to the state of being aware of one's surroundings, thoughts, emotions, and sensations. In this state, a person is awake and alert, and they can perceive and respond to external stimuli. Ali's ability to recognize his surroundings, such as the warmth of the sun and the sound of nearby traffic, indicates that he is conscious.

Being conscious also means that a person is capable of introspection and self-awareness, which Ali appears to be exhibiting as he is aware of his own feelings, emotions, and thoughts.

In conclusion, alternative b. consciousness is correct.

See more about consciousness at https://brainly.com/question/14471849.


which method of surveillance is planned at specific intervals or dates and is appropriate for tasks that occur infrequently


The method of surveillance that is planned at specific intervals or dates and is appropriate for tasks that occur infrequently is called cyclical surveillance.

Cyclical surveillance is when surveillance activities are planned for specific times in a repeating cycle, for example weekly, monthly, or quarterly. This type of surveillance allows for regular monitoring of certain tasks or activities and ensures that any issues that may arise can be identified and addressed in a timely manner.

When tasks or activities occur infrequently, cyclical surveillance is an effective way of making sure that any issues that arise are monitored and addressed in a timely manner. This type of surveillance allows for the regular monitoring of certain tasks or activities and allows for the identification of any issues that may arise.

This method of surveillance is particularly useful when activities occur on a less frequent basis, and can help to ensure that any issues are quickly identified and resolved.

Cyclical surveillance also allows for a more structured approach to monitoring, as the surveillance activities can be planned at specific intervals or dates. This allows for a more consistent approach to surveillance and helps to ensure that any issues that may arise are identified and addressed in a timely manner.

Overall, cyclical surveillance is a useful method of surveillance that is planned at specific intervals or dates and is appropriate for tasks that occur infrequently. This type of surveillance allows for regular monitoring of certain tasks or activities and helps to ensure that any issues are quickly identified and resolved.

To learn more about surveillance here:



one way that sleep deprivation affects drivers is by group of answer choices increasing irritation, frustration, and potential road rage. impairing motor skills. making them drive more slowly and cautiously. reducing vision and hearing.


One way that sleep deprivation affects drivers is by impairing motor skills. Sleep deprivation is a state in which a person is deprived of the appropriate amount of sleep required by the body to function efficiently.

Due to sleep deprivation, there are different ways in which the body can be affected. One of such ways is by impairing motor skills, especially in drivers who may be operating vehicles that require high levels of alertness and coordination.

Lack of sleep causes individuals to experience a delay in their reflexes, making them slow to react to various stimuli they encounter on the road. Sleep deprivation can cause micro-sleep, which is when an individual falls asleep for a few seconds, even when awake.

Sleep deprivation can have negative effects on drivers, including reducing their attention span, reducing vision and hearing, making them drive more slowly and cautiously, and increasing irritation, frustration, and potential road rage. It is essential to get an adequate amount of sleep to function properly in daily life activities, including driving.

The amount of sleep required by different people may vary, but it is generally recommended that an adult should have between 7-9 hours of sleep per night.

To learn more about sleep deprivation, refer below:



the developmental definition of authentic leadership states that leadership group of answer choices involves followers' commitment to the leader's values. involves followers' commitment to developing their own skills. grows out of the leader's self-awareness and morality. is based on the unique traits of the leader.


The developmental definition of authentic leadership states that the leadership involves followers' commitment to the leader's values.

Authentic leadership is a management style that emphasizes authenticity, transparency, ethical behavior, and positive relationships with followers. It is a style of leadership that emphasizes the importance of the leader's moral character and values as well as the leader's ability to connect with and inspire followers.

The authentic leadership style has been shown to be effective in promoting positive outcomes for organizations and followers. Research has found that authentic leaders are more likely to have followers who are committed to their work, have higher levels of job satisfaction, and are more likely to stay with their organizations over time.

The developmental definition of authentic leadership emphasizes the importance of followers' commitment to the leader's values. This means that followers are more likely to be committed to their work and to the organization when they feel that their leader's values align with their own values. It also means that the leader must be self-aware and morally upright, in order to be able to lead by example and to inspire followers to do the same.

The developmental definition of authentic leadership also emphasizes the importance of the leader's ability to develop the skills of their followers. This means that the leader must be able to identify the strengths and weaknesses of their followers, and to provide the necessary training and support to help them develop their skills. By doing so, the leader can create a culture of continuous improvement and growth within the organization.

For more such questions on Authentic leadership.



which is the most likely reason that bowlby used the term attachment rather than the traditional term object relations?


John Bowlby used the term attachment instead of the traditional term object relations because it encompasses the emotional bond between an infant and their primary caregiver.

Object relations theory generally focuses on how an individual's past experiences and relationships shape their current behavior and relationships with others. However, attachment theory specifically examines the attachment bond that forms between an infant and caregiver and how that bond influences the child's development and future relationships.

There are several reasons why Bowlby chose to use the term attachment over object relations.

Firstly, he believed that attachment was a biologically programmed behavior that evolved to ensure the survival of infants. Bowlby argued that infants are born with an innate need to form an attachment bond with their primary caregiver in order to feel safe and secure. He also believed that this attachment bond provides a template for future relationships.

Secondly, Bowlby believed that the attachment bond had a profound impact on a child's emotional development. He argued that infants who form secure attachments with their primary caregiver are more likely to develop a positive sense of self and have more positive relationships with others throughout their lives. In contrast, infants who do not form secure attachments are more likely to experience emotional difficulties later in life.

Finally, Bowlby believed that attachment was a distinct concept that could not be fully explained by object relations theory. While object relations theory provides insights into how early experiences shape later relationships, attachment theory specifically examines the emotional bond between an infant and caregiver. As such, Bowlby believed that attachment theory offered a more comprehensive explanation of the development of human relationships.

To know more about John Bowlby here



which of the 17 interventions is often preceded by outreach activities and frequently follows surveillance?


The intervention that is often preceded by outreach activities and frequently follows surveillance is Intervention 9 - Early detection and response.

The 17 interventions are divided into four different categories based on their objectives:

Prevention and control of influenza and other respiratory infectionsSurveillance and monitoringUse of vaccinesUse of antivirals

Among these categories, each intervention has a specific objective to achieve, such as preparing for the next influenza pandemic or addressing ongoing respiratory infections.

1 - Pandemic planning intervention

2 - Public health communication intervention

3 - Health sector coordination intervention

4 - Infection control in healthcare settingsIntervention

5 - Emergency medical services and hospital surge capacityIntervention

6 - Laboratory diagnostic testingIntervention

7 - Vaccine supply and user intervention

8 - Antiviral drugs intervention

9 - Early detection and responseIntervention

10 - Social distancing interventions

11 - Personal protective measures interventions

12 - Food and agriculture sector measures interventions

13 - Travel measures interventions

14 - Border management intervention

15 - Public gatherings and mass eventsIntervention

16 - School measures interventions

17 - Workplace measures

Learn more about interventions here:



the smcr model of communication is unique from the transmission (aka the transactive) model of communication because it... a. does not involve message receivers. b. utilizes multiple channels c. involves a process of message encoding and decoding. d. minimizes the role of feedback.


The SMCR Model of Communication is unique from the transmission (aka transactive) model of communication in several key ways.

Firstly, the SMCR model does involve message receivers, whereas the transmission model does not. The SMCR model utilizes multiple channels, such as verbal, written, non-verbal, or digital, to send and receive messages, while the transmission model only involves a one-way path from sender to receiver. Additionally, the SMCR model involves a process of message encoding and decoding, which means that the sender must first encode their message into a form that the receiver will understand.

Then, the receiver must decode the message to interpret its meaning. Lastly, the SMCR model emphasizes the role of feedback, while the transmission model minimizes the role of feedback, as messages are only sent in one direction.

to know more about smcr model:



the need to socialize with other people is blurred or difficult to determine. learned. physiological hereditary. manifest.


The need to socialize with other people can be difficult to determine and is influenced by both physiological and hereditary factors. Socialization can manifest in different ways, such as learning the cultural norms of a group, or even the development of different communication and interaction skills.

Physiological factors include things such as the development of our senses, brain chemistry, and overall body health, as well as the physical environment that we are exposed to as we grow up. This includes the type of people we interact with, as well as the kind of conversations that we are exposed to.

Hereditary factors also influence the need to socialize. This includes the kind of values, beliefs, and customs that we may have inherited from our parents, as well as any genetic predispositions to different behaviors.

Overall, the need to socialize with other people is influenced by both physiological and hereditary factors. It is important to understand how these two aspects of our lives are connected in order to better understand and develop healthy social relationships.

To learn more about Socialization here:



in expanding le bon's work on deindividuation, freud suggested that, in groups, individuals display what four behavioral characteristics?


Freud suggested that, in groups, individuals display four behavioral characteristics such as "anonymity, suggestibility, conformity, and contagion."

What is Deindividuation?

Deindividuation refers to the situation in which people do not feel individually responsible for their behavior because their identity is hidden from others. It occurs when there is a loss of individuality, usually as a result of being in a group. It is a phenomenon that occurs in group settings when people lose their sense of self-awareness and self-restraint when they become part of a larger crowd. The individual's sense of identity is diminished as the crowd identity grows larger. Hence, the crowd becomes more powerful and the individual becomes more anonymous.

What is Le Bon's work?

Le Bon's work on deindividuation describes how people's behavior changes when they are part of a group. He argues that people in a group become less rational and more emotional, which makes them more susceptible to suggestion and less resistant to the influence of others. Furthermore, they tend to engage in behavior that they would not otherwise do if they were alone. It is this phenomenon that he called deindividuation.

What are the four behavioral characteristics that individuals display in groups?

Freud suggested that in groups, individuals display four behavioral characteristics:

Anonymity: In groups, individuals often feel anonymous and therefore less accountable for their behavior.

Suggestibility: People in a group become more suggestible, meaning that they are more likely to accept ideas that they might otherwise reject.

Conformity: In groups, people tend to conform to the behavior of the group as a whole.

Contagion: When people are part of a group, their emotions can become contagious, leading to group hysteria, which can often result in irrational behavior.

For more about deindividuation:



which of the following would be found on a culture-fair iq test?multiple select question.exclusively verbal questionsquestions only familiar to middle class peoplequestions familiar to all people of all ethnic backgroundsquestions familiar to people of all socioeconomic backgrounds


A culture-fair IQ test should not contain any questions exclusively verbal or only familiar to middle class people, as this would create a bias based on language is picture completion the correct option is picture completion

The questions should be familiar to people of all ethnic backgrounds and all socioeconomic backgrounds.

A culture-fair IQ test will generally involve questions that require problem solving, spatial reasoning, and pattern recognition. These tasks should not require any previous knowledge and should be accessible to all cultures. Examples include spatial rotation tasks, figural patterns, and object assembly.

Additionally, the test should not contain any culturally-specific information, such as references to particular holidays or cultural events. The questions should not contain references to English as this would create a language bias.

In conclusion, a culture-fair IQ test should contain questions that are familiar to all people of all ethnic backgrounds and all socioeconomic backgrounds, and the questions should be related to problem solving, spatial reasoning, and pattern recognition. the correct option is picture completion

To learn more about culture-fair IQ test here:



Complete question

Which of the following kinds of items would most likely be found on a culture-fair IQ test?

sentence completion

vocabulary recognition

picture completion

general information

fiona just failed her psychology exam and is upset. she goes back to her dorm room and immediately starts screaming at her roommate. which defense mechanism is fiona using?


The defense mechanism Fiona is using is called "displacement."

What is the meaning of displacement as a defense mechanism?

Displacement is a defense mechanism that involves diverting one's emotions from the original source of the problem to a safer, substitute object. Instead of acknowledging the real cause of the tension, anger, or frustration, displacement enables the individual to transfer those feelings onto a less threatening or non-threatening person, object, or behavior. This is what Fiona is doing to her roommate after failing her psychology exam; she is displacing her emotions and directing them toward her roommate, who is not the true source of the tension.

However, it's crucial to keep in mind that displacement is a defense mechanism that is frequently harmful and leads to additional problems. Rather than addressing the true problem or cause of anxiety, it merely suppresses or hides it, creating tension, anger, or frustration in other areas. Consequently, to resolve the underlying problem, it is necessary to address the genuine source of the issue.

For more about defense mechanism:



claiming that allowing people the freedom to make greater and greater degrees of technological modifications to their bodies will eventually lead to everyone becoming a robot, suffers from which logical fallacy?


The claim that allowing people the freedom to make greater and greater degrees of technological modifications to their bodies will eventually lead to everyone becoming a robot suffers from the slippery slope logical fallacy.

Slippery slope is a fallacy that occurs when a person argues that a particular event or action will inevitably lead to a series of negative consequences, without providing sufficient evidence or a clear causal link between the initial event and the predicted consequences.

In this case, the claim that everyone will eventually become a robot if people are allowed to make technological modifications to their bodies is based on the assumption that there is a clear and inevitable causal link between the two. However, this assumption is not supported by evidence or logic.

While it is true that technology can have a significant impact on society and individuals, it is also true that technological developments can be regulated, controlled, and managed in a way that ensures their benefits outweigh their negative consequences.

Moreover, the idea that everyone will become a robot is a far-fetched and unlikely scenario that ignores the complexity of human identity, agency, and diversity.

In summary, the claim that allowing people the freedom to make greater and greater degrees of technological modifications to their bodies will eventually lead to everyone becoming a robot suffers from the slippery slope fallacy, as it fails to provide sufficient evidence or a clear causal link between the initial event and the predicted consequences.

For more details about technological click here:



over the past few months demetrius has become increasingly argumentative, wanting to debate every decision made by his parents. which theorist would assure his parents that this is a normal part of adolescent development?


The theory that states that suggests that argumentativeness is a normal part of adolescent development is the Erik Erikson's theory.

The  Erik Erikson's theory of adolescent development states that during adolescence, individuals strive to develop a sense of identity and autonomy as they transition into adulthood.

Part of this process is challenging parental authority, which often manifests as increased argumentativeness.

By understanding that this is a normal part of adolescent development, parents can respond to their child's increased argumentativeness with empathy and respect, instead of punitive measures.

Parents should also make sure to stay consistent with expectations and consequences, while allowing their child to express their thoughts and opinions. By maintaining a supportive and trusting relationship, parents can help their child navigate this stage of development.

Learn more about  adolescent development here:



while there is a divide on issues such as gay marriage among conservatives and liberals, a real divide in public opinion on gay marriage involves what demographic factor


While there is a divide on issues such as gay marriage among conservatives and liberals, a real divide in public opinion on gay marriage involves religious and age demographic factors.

Gay marriage is the legal union of two people of the same sex. Gay marriage is a controversial issue in many countries, with supporters seeing it as a step toward equality and detractors seeing it as an attack on traditional values. Religious and age demographic factors, as well as social, cultural, and political beliefs, can all influence a person's opinion on gay marriage.

According to Pew Research, there is a large and growing generational gap in support for gay marriage. While the majority of adults under the age of 30 support gay marriage, those who are 65 and older are significantly less likely to support it. Religion also plays a role in people's views on gay marriage. Conservative religious groups are less likely to support gay marriage than more liberal religious groups.

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building a plan will help you to focus your efforts when using social media. what should you consider when making your social media plan?


Building a plan will help you to focus your efforts when using social media. When developing your social media strategy, keep B) Your audience’s interests in mind.

You can create content that is relevant and engaging to your audience by understanding their interests and needs. This can help you build a following and increase brand engagement.

Other factors to consider when developing your social media strategy include your goals, target audience demographics, content themes, posting frequency, and success metrics. Understanding your target audience is an important strategy that will help your organisation grow to a greater extent.

Knowing the audience's interests can help us determine what they are looking for, allowing us to reach those specific audiences who support our business's growth. By tailoring our approach, we will be able to target those specific audiences in the near future.

To know more about social media plan:



Correct question:
Building a plan will help you to focus your efforts when using social media. What should you consider when making your social media plan?

A Your audience’s data

B Your audience’s interests

C You audience’s available income

D Your audience’s offline behavior

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