Which of the following statements about automatic processing or effortful processing is true?
A) Effortful processing does not require conscious awareness
B) Effortful processing makes other processing more difficult
C) Automatic processing requires little mental effort
D) Automatic processing does not improve with practice
E) Effortful processing is affected by intelligence


Answer 1

Automatic processing requires little mental effort, is the correct statement about automatic processing or effortful processing.

Two distinct information processing methods are recognized by cognitive psychologists. They have been viewed as cooperating in a dual-process account of human cognition and are commonly known as automatic processing and regulated processing. In other words, parallel activities including automatic and regulated processing can run side by side. Our capacity to carry out various kinds of attentional tasks has frequently been the subject of research on automated and regulated processing. Researchers have, however, also looked into how these ideas connect to other cognitive skills including language learning and memory. It is crucial to define what processing information entails before delving into these two ideas. According to how something is originally processed, information can be kept in memory and people are said to think about a number of the things they can see and hear in their environment. Later, those memories may affect how information is interpreted in different situations.

Learn more about automatic processing here



Related Questions

Shield laws protect journalists' right to refuse to testify against their sources while gathering information in their role as journalists. There is no shield law at the federal level.
Which of the following statements is best supported by the information on the map?
A-Some states are more interested in cooperating with the federal government than others are.
B-Some states prioritize freedom of the press over criminal prosecutions.
C-Some states receive more federal funding for shield law programs than other states do.
D-Some states adhere to the exclusionary rule of the First Amendment more than other states do.


Shield laws are pieces of legislation that give journalists the right—either outright or with restrictions—to withhold information or sources they used while obtaining news federal level.

A shield law is a piece of legislation intended to safeguard journalists' rights. This privilege pertains to the freedom of journalists to withhold testimony about the information and/or sources used in the news collecting and dissemination process. Journalists have the option to decline to testify regarding information or the identities of information sources obtained during the news gathering process thanks to shield legislation. Shield law is present in 49 of the 50 states. According to the theory behind the reporter's privilege, journalists have a limited First Amendment right not to be required to disclose information or secret sources. a courtroom. In order to create articles that deal with issues of genuine public interest, journalists rely on confidential sources. federal level. Shield rules permit journalists to keep a source's identity a secret. Reporters can protect the identity of anyone who provides them with information thanks to laws that make communications between them and informants anonymous in some jurisdictions, like Colorado.

Learn more about federal here :



a south asian country is home to many different religious groups and their respective organizations. these groups coexist in the society and cater to different segments of the population. in this scenario, the south asian country has achieved . group of answer choices religious stratification religious pluralism religious naturalism religious fanaticism


In this scenario, the South Asian country had achieved religious pluralism.

As a South Asian country's example, India is known for its rich cultural diversity and religious pluralism. This means that, despite being the birthplace of some of the world's oldest and most widely practiced religions, such as Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism, it is also home to numerous other religions including Islam, Christianity, Sikhism, and Zoroastrianism.

South Asian countries become incredibly diverse and tolerant place to live, where people of all backgrounds can come together to celebrate their different cultures and faiths without fear of persecution. In fact, the government of India has even implemented laws related to religious pluralism.

Hence, the correct option is "SECOND".

To know more about Asian, click here.



true/false. a researcher is demonstrating the scientific attitude of when they admit that recent data support an alternative theoretical perspective better than it does their own.


Social psychologists are not the only people who want to understand and predict social behavior, nor are they the only ones who study it. Religious leaders, philosophers, politicians, novelists, and others all consider social behavior.

it is a popular topic on television shows. However, the social psychological approach to understanding social behavior goes beyond simply observing human behavior. Social psychologists believe that only a systematic scientific approach can provide a true understanding of the causes of social behavior, which is why they conduct scientific research. The study of social behavior, according to social psychologists, should be empirical that is, based on the collection and systematic analysis of observable data. Because social psychology is concerned with interpersonal relationships, and because we can frequently find answers to questions about human behavior by using our own common sense or intuition, many people believe that empirical research is unnecessary . However, while we learn about people by observing others, and thus social psychology is partly common sense, it is not entirely common sense. Of course, both of these contradictory outcomes are illogical. The problem is that simply reading a description of research findings causes us to recall the many cases we know that support the findings, making them appear credible. The hindsight bias refers to the tendency to believe that we could have predicted something that we probably could not have predicted.

To learn more about scientific attitude here:



Which of the following is an example of research designed to examine
individual differences in human abilities?
A. The use of the change detection task to estimate visual working memory capacity
B. Studies examining the correlation between visual working memory capacity and broad measures of cognitive ability (e.g., the MATRICS battery and
the WASI IQ test)
C. Studies examining the use of visual working memory representations in
the guidance of eye movements during scene viewing
D. Experiments that test the Slot and Resource models of visual working memory


"Studies examining the correlation between visual working memory capacity and wide measures of cognitive ability (e.g., the MATRICS battery and the WASI IQ test)" is an example of research designed to examine individual differences in human abilities.

In healthy people, the capacity of working memory (WM), which is frequently assessed using cognitively demanding span tasks, is connected with higher-order cognitive ability. Numerous studies have shown that disparities in working memory (WM) storage capacity can predict how well healthy individuals would score on a variety of broad tests of complex cognition, such as scholastic ability, fluid intelligence, and executive function.

The majority of this proof comes from connections between criterion cognitive tests and complex WM span tests, which measure participants' capacity to keep information in WM while engaging in distracting cognitive tasks.

The correct asnwer is option B.

Know more about working memory here



Under NASAA rules for State-registered advisers, transactions must be recorded in customer account records no later than:


NASAA rules for State-registered advisers require that customer account records be posted no later than 10 business days following the end of each calendar quarter.

A "liquidated damages provision" in an advisory contract would state that if the customer suffers a loss, the adviser is responsible. NASAA rules require that State-registered advisers keep, in their principal office, records of customer purchases and sales and customer securities positions such as account statements. All advisers must retain the records set by the Administrator - not only advisers that take custody.

Yes, an investment advisory firm registered with the SEC must prepare and deliver Form CRS/Form ADV Part 3 to a retail investor even if he or she has a high net worth.

To know more about NASAA:



Which of the following problems might occur with the new performance appraisal system at L.I.J.M.C.? Check all that apply. A. Hospitals cannot measure infection rates accurately. B. The new goals in the performance appraisal system are more subjective than the old goals were. C. Infection rates might be different in different parts of the hospital. D. The hospital might not get a representative sample of patient satisfaction ratings. E. More dissatisfied than satisfied patients might fill out the surveys.


The following problems might occur with the new performance appraisal system at L.I.J.M.C. are as follows infection rates might be different in different parts of the hospital, the hospital might not get a representative sample of patient satisfaction ratings, and more dissatisfied than satisfied patients might fill out the surveys. Thus, the correct option is (C, D, E).

A performance evaluation system administers an organization's employee performance process in order to evaluate a team's work performance. It entails gathering qualitative and quantitative feedback and transforming it into actionable insights.

Several typical sources of mistakes in performance assessment systems may be identified. These include

Central tendency errors.Strictness or leniency mistakeHalo effectRecency errorPersonal biases.

The performance management cycle is divided into four segments. They are as follows: planning, monitoring, developing, and reviewing, as well as grading and rewards.

Therefore, the correct option is "C, D, E".

To know more about the performance appraisal system, visit:



In a __________ study, the subjects do not know to which group they are assigned, but the researchers are aware of the subjects' group assignments.


A double-blind study is one in which neither the participants nor the experimenters know which treatment they are receiving. This method is used to avoid bias in research results.

Double-blind studies are especially helpful in avoiding bias caused by demand characteristics or the placebo effect. Consider the following scenario researchers are studying the effects of a new drug. The researchers who interact with the participants in a double-blind study would not know who was receiving the actual drug and who was receiving a placebo. In contrast, in a single-blind study, the experimenters know which participants are receiving the treatment while the participants are unaware. Researchers may use what is known as a placebo in such studies. A placebo is a harmless substance, such as a sugar pill, that has no effect on the person who consumes it. Participants who are randomly assigned to the control group are given the placebo pill. A control group is a subset of participants who were not exposed to any of the independent variable's levels. This group serves as a control group to see if the independent variable had any significant effects. Those assigned to the experimental group at random receive the treatment in question. Data from both groups are then compared to see if the treatment had any effect on the dependent variable.

To learn more about A double blind study here:



select all that apply although sarah does not particularly like her job anymore, her employer provides her with a generous benefits package that she cannot afford to give up. which of the following describe sarah's relationship to her organization? multiple select question. she is withdrawing from it. she has a continuance commitment to it. she is embedded in it. she has a normative commitment to it.


Despite the fact that Sarah no longer particularly enjoys her job, she is unable to forgo the great benefits package that her employer offers. So, Sarah has a continuance commitment to it and she is embedded in it.

Continuance commitment is a sense of loyalty to the company that an employee has because they believe they have few other options or believe it would be too expensive to leave.

As an example, an older employee who worries that it will be challenging to find a position with equal pay and benefits after leaving the company. Or take the case of a worker who made an investment in a plan for employee stock options. Because of the company's recent difficulties, they might think that quitting will make their financial situation worse. The primary benefit of ongoing dedication is lower staff turnover. Employees who make a high level of commitment to the organization are more likely to stay.

Even though Sarah no longer truly enjoys her job, she is firmly rooted in it since her employer offers her a great benefits package that she cannot afford to forgo.  Sarah is integrated into it and has a long-term commitment to it.

To learn more about  continuance commitment:



What is the author's purpose in writing this text?
A. To place the readers in the daily lives of the people of Pompeii
B. to discuss how archaeological research can provide different types of insight
C. to blame the Roman Empire for its failure to protect the people of Pompeii
D. to argue why the site of Pompeii should not be neglected by the Italian government


It appears that the article in question is "Pompeii, an Introduction". It can thus be inferred that the author's purpose in writing this text is "To place the readers in the daily lives of the people of Pompeii" (Option A)

What is the purpose in literature?

Literature exists to amuse, enlighten, and inspire readers. Literature may take readers to various worlds, give a fresh perspective on the world around them, and elicit emotions via the use of inventive and creative writing.

It may also be used to preserve cultural heritage and pass information down from generation to generation. Literature may also be used to provide social and political commentary, increasing awareness about significant topics and promoting change.

Learn more about Literary Purpose:

understanding how your gestures influence the reception of your message is likely to do which of the following? check all that apply.


Understanding how our gestures affect the reception of our message and what we are likely to do:

C. Improve your deliveryD. Make you a more compelling speaker

The correct answers are C and D.

Understanding how our gestures affect the reception of our message can help us deliver it more effectively by allowing us to use gestures that are congruent with our message and create a more impactful visual representation. It can also make us more compelling speakers by allowing us to add emphasis and emotional weight to our messages with gestures. This can improve overall communication and make the message more memorable for the audience. On the other hand, understanding how your gestures influence the reception of your message will not frighten your audience, impede cross-cultural communication, or get you in trouble.

This question should be provided with answer choices, which are:

A. Hinder cross-cultural communicationB. Frighten your audienceC. Improve your delivery D. Make you a more compelling speaker E. Get you in trouble

The correct answer is C and D.


Learn more about gesture here: brainly.com/question/24170015


Virginia Satir theorized, the complex relationships within a family resemble the world as a whole and viewed the family as a microcosm. True or False


Virginia Satir theorized, the complex relationships within a family resemble the world as a whole and viewed the family as a microcosm. given statement is true.

What is an illustration of a complex relationship?

A partnership in which parties have different expectations and boundaries is referred to as complicated. Lack of good communication among friends, family members, or significant others leads to complicated relationships. This is a perfect illustration of what a complex relationship looks like. The fact that one of you is married and having an affair, the fact that you work together, the fact that your friends or family don't like or think this person is right for you are all additional factors. The list is endless.

To know more about complex relationships visit:



American Indians of the West were moved from their homes to reservation lamds in the late 1800s. Many of these reservations could be described in which of these ways?


American Indians of the West were moved from their homes to reservation lands in the late 1800s.

What are the reservation lands?

Generally, Many of the reservations established for American Indians of the West in the late 1800s could be described as isolated, underfunded, and lacking in resources.

They were often located in remote areas with poor soil and limited economic opportunities.

Many American Indians were forced to leave their ancestral lands and were not given adequate compensation or support to rebuild their communities on the reservations.

Additionally, the reservations were often overcrowded and living conditions were poor. The Federal government also implemented policies that aimed to assimilate American Indians into mainstream American culture, which often involved removing children from their families and placing them in boarding schools.

Read more about reservation lands



The somatic nervous system regulates external behavior; in contrast, the _____ nervous system underlies internal behavior.
a) central
b) endogenous
c) autonomic
d) secondary


The somatic nervous system is involved in conscious processes and is made up of nerves that supply the skin and muscles.

The CNS is linked to visceral organs including the heart, stomach, and intestines by the autonomic nervous system, which is made up of nerves. It facilitates unconscious processes. You can move and regulate the muscles in every part of your body thanks to your somatic nervous system. Additionally, it sends data to your brain from your four senses—smell, hearing, taste, and touch. The somatic and autonomic nerve systems each have a hand in regulating how the body moves. Additionally, both of them are divisions of the peripheral nervous system. The central nervous system (CNS) can actively move the skeletal muscles and skin thanks to the somatic nervous system's somatic motor fibers. muscles. The body's internal organs and many glands are innervated by the autonomic nervous system (ANS). While the autonomic nervous system solely includes motor pathways, the somatic nervous system also has sensory and motor pathways. While the somatic nervous system manages muscles and movement, the autonomic nervous system manages interior organs and glands.

Learn more about nervous system here :



FILL THE BLANK steel workers who process metal ore and autoworkers who then convert the ore into automobiles, trucks, and buses are engaged in __________ production


Steel workers who process metal ore and autoworkers who then convert the ore into automobiles, trucks, and buses are engaged in manufacturing production

The answer I chose was "manufacturing". This term is used to describe the process of taking raw materials and turning them into finished goods. In this case, steel workers process metal ore, and autoworkers take that ore and turn it into automobiles, trucks, and buses. This is an example of manufacturing, as the raw materials are being turned into a finished product.

Learn more about autoworkers at: https://brainly.com/question/14581745


the cultural practice of marrying within one's own group is called . group of answer choices polygamy heterogamy endogamy polyandry


Endogamy, commonly known as "in-marriage," is a tradition that forbids finding love outside of one's own community.

The consequences for breaking endogamous rules have varied considerably among civilizations and have included everything from mild disapproval to death. Exogamy is the term used to describe marriages that are required to members of outside groups. Endogamy: A marriage between members of the same caste, class, or tribe. when a marriage takes place outside of a particular family. Monogamy: A marriage in which there is only one husband and one wife. Polygamy is the practice of having multiple partners in a marriage at once. Jews, Polynesians, Low German Mennonites, the Amish, Acadians or Cajuns (French settlers in what is now Nova Scotia, Canada), French Canadians, people from numerous Arab nations, people from Newfoundland, and people from other endogamous groups are some examples of endogamous groups. several islands Endogamy is the term for marriage within a particular group that is mandated by law or custom. In endogamous organizations, it may be against the rules to marry outside the community, or there may just be a propensity to do so. The practice of polygyny is widespread throughout cultures and is a subject of intense academic and political attention. It is frequently seen as a negative cultural practice that serves men's interests over those of women and children.

Learn more about marrying here :



workers have not overthrown capitalism as marx predicted because . group of answer choices fewer people are engaged in the economy many workers have experienced a rising standard of living individual capitalists still own and control factories and other means of production workers have lost legal protections in the form of rights and benefits


As mark predicted, workers have not overthrown capitalism because many workers have experienced a rising standard of living. In a capitalist economy, the means of production are owned by private organizations.

The private ownership of the methods of production and their use for profit are the cornerstones of the capitalism economic system. Capital formation, competitive markets, the use of prices, the recognition of private property rights, private property ownership, voluntary exchange, and wage labor are some of capitalism's key features. In a market economy, wealth, property, and production capabilities are used to influence investments and decision-making, although competition in the markets for products and services and capital determines primarily the prices and distribution of commodities and services. The beginnings of mercantilism and agrarian capitalism in early Renaissance city-states like Florence are where capitalism in its present form may be found. Since ancient times, capital has existed on a modest scale in the form of trader, rental, and loan operations as well as sometimes as small-scale industries with some wage labor.

Learn more about capitalism here



the central motif in the decoration of the interior of the dome of the taj mahal is . the sun (light) the moon death sexuality


The central motif in the decoration of the interior of the dome of the Taj Mahal is the sun (light).

Sunlight is a type of electromagnetic radiation emitted by the Sun, specifically infrared, visible, and ultraviolet light. When the Sun is above the horizon, sunlight is scattered and filtered through the Earth's atmosphere and appears as daylight.

Sunlight, a combination of bright light and radiant heat, is experienced when direct solar radiation is not blocked by clouds. Sunlight is diffused when it is blocked by clouds or reflected off other objects. According to sources, a global average of 164 watts to 340 watts per square meter over a 24-hour day;NASA estimates this figure to be about a quarter of Earth's average total solar irradiance.

Learn more about   taj mahal



Full Question :The central motif in the decoration of the interior of the dome of the Taj Mahal is _____.

the sun (light),

the moon,



research findings indicate that if there are fewer onlookers at a crime scene, one or more of them will more likely intervene than if there are many onlookers.A. trueB. false


True is the right response.

Information on the following is referred to as research findings: the title of the research, the content keywords, the location of the research, the research questions, the research methodology.

A summary of the key findings, research limitations, the connection between the research and other research, the need for additional research, the practical implications, the end-users who are likely to benefit from the research findings, the value of the research, and a list of pertinent PUBs.

Delivering study findings often takes one of three basic forms: oral presentation, poster presentation, or written report. The Methods section should include a description of the procedures utilised to test the study's hypothesis. Research results include any output or result of research and development activities, such as new or improved products, inventions, innovations, and improvements to any technique, procedure, tool, or equipment.

For such more question on Information.



True is the appropriate response. The following information is referred to as research findings: the research title, content keywords, research location, research questions, and research technique.

A overview of the important results, research constraints, the relationship between the research and other research, the need for future study, the practical implications, the end-users who are likely to benefit from the research findings, the research's value, and a list of relevant PUBs.

The presenting of study findings often takes one of three forms: oral presentation, poster presentation, or written report. A description of the processes used to test the study's hypothesis should be included in the Methods section. Any output or outcome of research and development activity is considered a research result.

For such more question on Information.



which of the following sociological perspectives on race and ethnic relations is associated with gendered racism? group of answer choices the symbolic interactionist perspective the conflict perspective the functionalist perspective critical race theory


The answer is d. Critical race theory. This perspective seeks to examine how race and gender intersect to create and perpetuate systemic racism.

It challenges traditional understandings of racism and suggests that racism is not only a structural issue, but also a deeply embedded cultural and social issue. Critical race theory views racism as a system of power and privilege that is maintained through laws and policies, media representations, and social practices. This perspective emphasizes the need to challenge and dismantle oppressive structures in order to create a more equitable society.

Learn more about  cultural and social issue at: https://brainly.com/question/13813806


in psychoanalysis, the physical entity responsible for finding realistic ways to satisfy drives


In psychoanalysis, "working through" gives patients an opportunity to evaluate and change how they handled disputes as children.

Passing through

A therapeutic approach created by the Austrian neurologist Sigmund Freud at the end of the 19th century that systematized information about the human psyche. Three topics were investigated:

The study of the functioning of the psyche

Theorized framework for understanding human experience and conduct

implementation of the free association approach during treatment.

Psychoanalysts and Freud held the view that repressed feelings, traumatic memories, and unconscious ideas could all be released by becoming cognizant of these thoughts.

With this knowledge, we may draw the conclusion that the "working through" process in psychoanalysis entails examining what has been done and developing a method.

For such more question on psychoanalysis.



In psychoanalysis, "working through" allows patients to review and adjust how they handled conflicts as children.

A therapeutic technique developed at the end of the nineteenth century by Austrian neurologist Sigmund Freud that systematized facts about the human psyche. Three issues were researched:

The study of how the mind functions.Theorized framework for comprehending human experience and behaviorDuring therapy, the free association technique is used.Psychoanalysts and Freud believed that becoming aware of one's thoughts might unleash repressed feelings, painful experiences, and unconscious beliefs.We may conclude from this that the "working through" process in psychoanalysis comprises assessing what has been done and establishing a technique.

For such more question on psychoanalysis



introversion, the tendency toward inward reflection, is arguably a good leadership quality. when it is paired with self-motivation.


Confirming the idea that introversion and extroversion will not only affect a student's academic performance, but also affect a student's preference.

Today, psychologists group people with externally focused characteristics as extroverts and people with internally focused characteristics as people who are motivated by productivity,not ambition.They build more meaningful connections.They are not easily distracted.Human qualities,for example, leadership,motivation and empathy,if your purpose is self-introversion, extrovert traits and charisma to succeed should be reviewed introvert,extrovert, personality traits, leader.Our personalities influence our well-being, happiness and meaning in life,extrovert and introvert personality differences.Personality analysis is a way to increase self-awareness and direct your energy inwards towards the reflection of concepts and ideas.

To learn more about introversion please click on below link.



a factor that affects the size and distribution of the population in a given area is , which refers to the movement of people from one geographic area to another for the purpose of changing residency.


Migration affects the size and distribution of the population in a given area. refers to the physical location of people in a geographic area.

The main factors that determine the distribution of the population are: climate, landforms, topography, soil, energy and mineral resources, accessibility, such as distance from the coast, natural ports, rivers or canals. navigables, cultural factors, political borders, controls on migration and trade, government policies. When demographers try to forecast changes in the size of a population, they generally focus on four main factors: fertility rates, mortality rates (life expectancy), the initial age profile of the population (whether it is relatively old or relatively young to start with) and migrating individuals may be distributed in a uniform, random, or clumped pattern. Uniform means that the population is evenly spaced, random indicates random spacing, and clustered means that the population is distributed in groups. Density-dependent limiting factor refers to the factor that restricts the size of a population as a function of density.

To learn more about population please click on below link.



A(n) __________ is one in which factory or mechanized production has replaced agriculture as the major form of economic activity.
a. pastoral society
b. industrial society
c. commerce society
d. agrarian society


A industrial society is one in which factory or mechanized production has replaced agriculture as the major form of economic activity.

In what sense do you refer to production?

Production is the process of mixing several inputs, both immaterial (such as plans or information) and immaterial (such as metal, wood, glass, or polymers), in order to produce output. A valuable good or service that enhances people's utility will be this output's ideal form.

Describe a production example.

The creation of automobiles serves as an illustration. By putting parts together, cars are built. In order to insert seats before the automobile rolls off the assembly line, for instance, rubber tires are fitted to metal bodywork.

To know more about Production visit:



identify the type of law that covers those legal issues and problems that concern one's individual resource relationships with other people


Answer: Private law

Explanation: hope that helped and look at my name for reassurance

The maps above show the Kashmir region in south central Asia. Why might the same region be shown three different ways on three countries' maps?


The maps above show the Kashmir region in south-central Asia. The same region is shown in three different ways on three countries' maps as China, Pakistan, and India all claim parts of Kashmir as their own. Thus the correct option is A.

What is a map?

A map is referred to as a pictorial representation of different places used to identify the direction and reach the next location. They help the user to identify sea, rail routes, and roads to reach the destination.

Land disputes over the Region of Kashmir are the focus of the Kashmir conflict. In the northwest, Pakistan is under the rule. The People's Republic of China governs the northeast, while India governs the middle, southern, and Ladakh portions.

Therefore, option A is appropriate.

Learn more about Map, here:



The complete question is probably

The maps above show the Kashmir region in south-central Asia. Why might the same region be shown three different ways on three countries' maps?


China, Pakistan, and India all claim parts of Kashmir as their own.


China has the strongest claim to ownership of the Kashmir region.


The maps show the changes in ownership of Kashmir over time.


India and Pakistan peacefully share their claims to Kashmir.

according to early cognitive scientists, in the form of are needed to explain human behavior and thought


According to the cognitive approach to behavior, people process information in much the same way that computers do.


The cognitive approach to behavior focuses on studies in areas including schema processing, memory processing, and thinking, as well as how cognition may affect behavior.

Who founded the cognitive method to understanding human behavior?

Neisser, who is regarded as the founder of cognitive psychology, transformed the field by questioning behaviorist theory and attempting to understand how the mind functions.  He had a keen interest in vision and memory.

Why is cognitive psychology crucial to comprehending why people behave the way they do?

Understanding ourselves and others better, learning more effectively, changing undesirable behaviors, and controlling various mood disorders are all made possible by cognitive psychology.  This study has paved the door for new universities and methods of treating mental disease.

To Know more about cognitive approach



the summary provided presents a clear and accurate summary of how deviance is determined by how an act is perceived and judged by society. it also gives specific examples to illustrate the point. the summary also clarifies the difference between a norm that is known to the society, and an act that goes unrecognized and the impact on the person who committed the act. additionally, the summary provides an example of how different cultures can have different norms, and how these norms can be evaluated and react as positive or negative sanctions. the summary also mentions that if the person committed an act of violation of a norm but only he/she is aware of that, then it would be deviant and how society can take action to limit people from committing more.


Deviance is any type of rule-breaking behavior that does not follow the standards and expectations of a given community or social group.

What does "deviance" mean?

Deviant behavior refers to any action that violates the law or violates social norms. Utilizing drugs is one form of deviant behavior. For the most part, social groupings view drug use as abnormal conduct. It is also regarded as abnormal conduct to engage in violent behavior, such as murder or assault.

Describe a deviant behavior example.

Deviant habits include seeing adult content, using drugs, binge drinking, hunting without a license, eating disorders, and any form of self-harm or addiction. Several of them have various degrees of online presence.

To know more about Deviance visit:



Compare and contrast the three models of organizational decision processes thought to occur when bounded rationality conditions hold.


The standard definition of rationality, which assumes that people are completely aware of all their options and the consequences of their decisions, is different from bounded rationality.

What is the decision-making bounded rationality model?

The restricted rationality decision-making paradigm states that people choose adequate results above the best.

Bounded rationality illustrates how human decision-making deviates from perfect economic rationality due to our cognitive constraints, the knowledge that is available to us, and the passage of time. Decisions that are pleasing are typically chosen over those that are "excellent."

To know more about decision making, refer:



When a focus group deals with a potentially sensitive topic, which of the following statements about providing confidentiality to focus group participants is correct? The researcher cannot control what participants repeat about others outside the group.


When a potentially delicate subject is being discussed in a focus group, the researcher has little influence over what the members say about others outside the group.

Do focus groups allow for the discussion of sensitive topics?

They can be helpful in facilitating access to fragile study populations and giving voices to communities that are usually ignored. Because of them, disclosure of experiences or actions that would be prohibited in other contexts might take place in a setting that is more secure.

How can participants' privacy in focus groups be guaranteed?

Risks and Contamination: Due to the nature of focus groups, confidentiality cannot be assured. The researchers must tell participants about the protocols in place to ensure the confidentiality of the study data and must instruct them not to repeat what was discussed in the focus group to others.

Learn more about focus group: https://brainly.com/question/13024118


(Please don't search up these questions, answer them by knowledge please)
(You will get brainliest if it's helpful)


Just taking a stab at it: the second estate had the most status in society. The third estate has the most people, and the third estate had the most power. This leads to revolution because there is not a way for common people to rise out of their poverty, leading to resentment of nobility.

The 1st Estate, the Clergy, had the most status in society as they were seen as the representatives of God and held significant land, money, and power.

The 3rd Estate, which included everyone else, had the most people in it as it was composed of a wide range of social classes such as lawyers, doctors, businessmen, merchants, soldiers, craftsmen, shopkeepers, and peasants.

The 3rd Estate had the least amount of power as they were largely excluded from political decision-making and held little representation in government.

The social structure of the three estates could lead to a revolution as it resulted in a concentration of power and wealth among the 1st and 2nd Estates, leaving the majority of the population in the 3rd Estate with little representation or access to resources. This could lead to widespread discontent and frustration among the 3rd Estate, which could eventually culminate in a revolution as the 3rd Estate sought to overthrow the existing social and political order.

Other Questions
a mobile device user is having problems keeping malware off his device. the user is continuously removing offending apps and regularly running a check for os updates. after a short period of relief, the malware continues to be a problem. which of the following are the best actions for the user to take? (select two.) a. Perform a factory reset. b. Disable full device encryption. c. Remove unused apps. d. Jailbreak or root the device. e. Install an anti-malware app. se the drop-down menus to answer the questions about the passage.What motif is represented in this scene?How does the use of this motif in the passage reflect an important theme in the play? when the authors writers the c . diego suarez i should have been a meat eater she most likely means that the species A rectangle pool is 11 feet wide and 12 feet long. The owner of the pool will create a rectangular walkway, 3 feet wide, around the pool. What is the area, in square feet, of the walkway? fill in the blank. in a certain company, the average salary for college graduates is $62,047 and the average salary for high school graduates is $40,626. the average salary for college graduates is ___% higher than that of high school graduates. (round your answer to the nearest whole percentage point, e.g., enter 14 if the answer is 14%.) select which one(s) of the following conditionals are equivalent to you will get sick unless you eat your vegetables. group of answer choices if you are sick, then you have not been eating your vegetables. if you eat your vegetables, you won't get sick. if you don't eat your vegetables, you will get sick. if you are not sick, then you are eating your vegetables. your initial assessment indicates that the child is irritable and breathing rapidly which of the following is the most appropriate initial intervention Help please and thank you If a trait is x-linked recessive, who would express the trait?a. homozygous dominant females and hemizygous recessive malesb. homozygous recessive females and hemizygous recessive malesc. the same proportions of females and malesd. heterozygous dominant females and hemizygous dominant malese. heterozygous recessive females and hemizygous dominant males Find the equation of the perpendicular bisector of AB where A and B are the points (3,6) and (-3,4) respectively. Also find its point of intersection with (i) x-axis and (ii) y-axis. you have been asked to design a network for a large company that needs redundancy and has a large budget. which topology do you choose? PLEASE HELP ASAP !! The flight of Jae and Miguel's rocket t seconds after launch is modeled byh(t) = -5t + 40t + 1, where h(t) is their rocket's height in meters.What was their rocket's height in meters 0.5 seconds after launch???How many sec after launch did their rocket hit the ground???What was their rockets maximum height in meters?? FILL THE BLANK _______ occurs when the receipts in a category exceed the payments. Multiple choice question. net cash receipt net cash outflow net cash payment net cash inflow if a taxpayer has a choice of receiving income in the current year versus the following year, which of the following tax rates is important in determining the year in which he should include the income? A uniform brick of length 24 m is placed over the edge of a horizontal surface with a maximum overhang of 12 m attained without tipping. i need to explain how i got the answer also what type of deterrence would sanction a first time offender to steer him or her away from committing another offenses? a client has an open reduction and internal fixation of the hip. before transferring the client to the chair, which would the nurse do? assess the strength of the affected leg Maggie Bertone was offered a position as director of food service for the East Egg Public School District. She received a written offer of employment on the first of the month with the stipulation that the offer would be in effect until the 15th of the month. If Ms. Bertone were to accept, she was required to sign the employment contract enclosed with the offer and return it to the offices of the public school district before the 15th.Excited about the offer from the East Egg Public School District, Ms. Bertone turned down another job offer with a food distributor at an annual salary of $75,000.00. Ms. Bertone then read through the terms of the agreement with the East Egg School District. After reading the terms of the contract, Ms. Bertone decided the offered salary of $90,000.00 was too low. Accordingly, she adjusted the salary upward in the contract by $5000 and initialed and dated the change on the contract. Ms. Bertone then signed the agreement and mailed the executed document, along with a letter indicating that she was pleased to accept the offer, to the East Egg Public School Districts Administrative Offices.The School District received the correspondence and the signed contract on the 10th of the month. On the 13th of the month, the Superintendent for the District called Ms. Bertone to express his sadness that she did not take the job, at which time Ms. Bertone, realizing the salary change was too high, verbally accepted the job at the original salary offered. The Superintendent advised Ms. Bertone, however, that the District had already offered the position to someone else. Ms. Bertone filed a suit for breach of contract against the School District.Will Ms. Bertone prevail in her breach of contract action? Why or why not? Explain the potential damages that might be available if Ms. Bertone were to succeed. question mode multiple select question select all that apply the following are mechanisms to mitigate potential agency problems: multiple select question. boards of directors can force out management teams that are underperforming. outsiders can monitor the firm, making other outsiders uncomfortable in the process. poor or bad performers may be subjected to the threat of a takeover. compensation plans tie to the income of managers to the success of the firm.