Which of the following statements about objections is FALSE?A.Objections present sales opportunities.B.Prospects who object indicate that they are showing some interest in the seller's presentation.C.Salespeople should encourage buyers to voice their concerns or questions.D.Salespeople should take every buyer's objections personally.E.Real objections are logical to the prospect, no matter how they seem to the sales rep.


Answer 1

The statement that is FALSE regarding objections is option D - salespeople should take every buyer's objections personally. It is important for salespeople to remember that objections are not a personal attack on them, but rather an opportunity to address concerns and provide more information to the prospect.

Objections are an integral part of the sales process as they indicate that the prospect is engaging with the seller's presentation and considering the product or service. Salespeople should encourage prospects to voice their concerns or questions as this can help them understand the prospect's needs and tailor their pitch accordingly.
It is important to note that objections present sales opportunities as they allow salespeople to address any concerns the prospect may have and provide additional information that can help them make a decision. In addition, real objections are logical to the prospect, even if they may not seem logical to the sales representative.
In conclusion, while objections may be challenging for salespeople, it is important to view them as opportunities to address concerns and provide more information to prospects. Salespeople should encourage prospects to voice their concerns and not take objections personally as they are a natural part of the sales process.

for more such questions on salespeople .



Answer 2

The false statement is: "Salespeople should take every buyer's objections personally."

Salespeople should not take objections personally. Objections are a natural part of the sales process and do not reflect on the salesperson's abilities or character. Rather, objections indicate that the buyer has questions or concerns that need to be addressed. Salespeople should approach objections with a positive attitude and view them as an opportunity to further understand the buyer's needs and concerns. By actively encouraging buyers to voice their objections and responding to them in a professional and courteous manner, salespeople can build trust and credibility with the buyer, which can ultimately lead to a successful sale. It is important to remember that objections are not a personal attack, but rather an opportunity to engage with the buyer and demonstrate value.

Learn more about Salespeople here:



Related Questions

A. What do you find most persuasive/inspiring/problematic/encouraging about any aspect of the assigned readings on chapters 12 and 13 (be specific-concept, argument, fact, theory, explanation, etc). "Do not try to cover everything in the readings* One example for chapter 12 Law and one for chapter 13 Business B. Regarding the above, how do these two examples challenge or advance your thinking? h C. Describe how you would use or apply these two insights


A. One of the most persuasive aspects of chapter 12 on Law is the concept of the criminal justice system and its inherent biases towards certain demographics, particularly people of color.

The readings explain how the system is designed in a way that perpetuates inequalities and how this can lead to wrongful convictions and the over-incarceration of minorities.

In chapter 13 on Business, I found the argument that businesses have a responsibility to consider their impact on society and the environment to be both inspiring and encouraging. The readings explain how companies can use sustainable practices and social responsibility initiatives to not only benefit their bottom line but also positively impact the world around them.

B. These two examples challenge my thinking by highlighting the ways in which our societal structures can perpetuate inequality and harm, and also how individuals and organizations have the power to make positive change.

C. To apply these insights, I would strive to be more aware of my own biases and work towards actively combating them. In terms of business, I would seek out companies that prioritize sustainability and social responsibility and support them through my consumer choices.

To know more about criminal justice system refer here:



Please explain from a fundamentals of finance perspective.
Please be as descriptive as possible. Thank you!!
Weighted average cost of capital (WACC) – definition Cost of debt - definition Cost of equity - definition -


Weighted average cost of capital (WACC) is a financial concept that represents the average cost of all the capital invested in a company. The cost of debt is the cost a company incurs to borrow funds. It is typically expressed as a percentage, and represents the interest rate that a company must pay on its outstanding debt. The cost of equity, represents the return that shareholders require on their investment in the company.

Weighted average cost of capital (WACC) includes both debt and equity, and is calculated by taking a weighted average of the cost of each source of financing.

The cost of debt is the cost a company incurs to borrow funds. It is typically expressed as a percentage, and represents the interest rate that a company must pay on its outstanding debt.

The cost of debt is influenced by factors such as the company's credit rating, market conditions, and the term and amount of the loan.

The cost of equity, on the other hand, represents the return that shareholders require on their investment in the company. It is the cost of equity because the shareholders own a portion of the company and their return is based on the company's earnings.

The cost of equity is influenced by factors such as the riskiness of the company's operations, the company's financial performance, and the overall market conditions.

The WACC is calculated by taking the weighted average of the cost of debt and the cost of equity, with the weights representing the proportion of each type of capital in the company's overall capital structure. The formula for calculating WACC is:

WACC = (E/V x Re) + (D/V x Rd x (1 - Tc))

where E is the market value of the company's equity,

V is the total market value of the company's equity and debt,

Re is the cost of equity,

D is the market value of the company's debt,

Rd is the cost of debt,

Tc is the corporate tax rate.

To know more about fundamentals of finance here:


purina sells a selection of dog and cat foods. purina is available to purchase through retail stores like petsmart, target, and amazon. these retailers take ownership of the product and resell it to the consumer. this is an example of:


This is an example of indirect distribution or channel of distribution, where the manufacturer (Purina) sells its products to intermediaries (PetSmart, Target, Amazon) who then sell the products to the final consumers.

Indirect distribution involves the use of intermediaries or middlemen to sell products to customers. In this case, Purina sells its dog and cat food products to retailers like PetSmart, Target, and Amazon, who then take ownership of the products and resell them to consumers. Indirect distribution can be beneficial for companies like Purina as it allows them to reach a wider audience without having to invest in their own distribution channels. It also allows them to focus on manufacturing and production while leaving the sales and distribution to the retailers.

You can learn more about indirect distribution at



homeowners generally do not default by choice on a home mortgage loan, even when the value of the house is below the mortgage balance. reasons for this can include:


Homeowners generally do not default by choice on a home mortgage loan, even when the value of the house is below the mortgage balance, due to several reasons.

First, defaulting on a mortgage loan can have a negative impact on the homeowner's credit score, which can affect their ability to obtain credit in the future. Second, defaulting can lead to foreclosure, which can result in the loss of the home and additional fees and expenses.

Third, many homeowners have an emotional attachment to their home and do not want to lose it. Finally, some homeowners may still have hope that the value of the home will increase in the future, allowing them to sell the home for more than the mortgage balance.

learn more about  mortgage loan



2. Implications of IRP.
Assume that interest rate parity exists. You expect that the one year nominal interest rate in the United States is 7 percent, while the one year nominal interest rate in Australia dollar is 11 percent. The spot rate of Australian dollars is $.60. You will need 10 million Australian dollars in one year. Today, you purchase a one year forward contract in Australian dollars. How many U.S. dollars will you need in one year to fulfill you forward contract?


In one year, you will need 4.218 million US dollars to fulfill your forward contract.

If interest rate parity exists, the forward exchange rate should reflect the interest rate differential between the two currencies. Using the formula for interest rate parity, we can calculate the expected forward rate: (1 + 0.07) / (1 + 0.11) x 0.60 = 0.4218

Therefore, the expected one year forward rate of AUD/USD is 0.4218. To fulfill the forward contract for 10 million Australian dollars, you will need: 10 million AUD x 0.4218 USD/AUD = 4.218 million USD

So, in one year, you will need 4.218 million US dollars to fulfill your forward contract.

To know more about exchange rate, refer here:



8. If the labor market is rigid, and people do not have rational expectations ... Inflation and unemployment are unrelated Inflation and unemployment have a trade-off in the short run Inflation and un


If the labor market is rigid and people do not have rational expectations, it is more likely that inflation and unemployment will have a trade-off in the short run.

This means that if inflation rises, unemployment may decrease temporarily, and vice versa. However, in the long run, this trade-off is not sustainable and inflation and unemployment become positively correlated. Therefore, it is important for policies to address the root causes of rigidity in the labor market and encourage rational expectations in order to achieve sustainable economic growth and stability.

This trade-off is described by the Phillips Curve, which illustrates the inverse relationship between inflation and unemployment in the short run. When inflation rises, unemployment tends to fall, and vice versa. However, this relationship may not hold in the long run, as factors like changes in technology, labor productivity, and inflation expectations can impact both inflation and unemployment independently.

To know more about inflation, refer here:



the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC)
1. In 2005, Amaranth made substantial option bets on the price of natural gas. Suppose the price of natural gas had fallen by as much as it increased. Would Amaranth have lost as much as it gained in 2005?
2. In the end, what caused Amaranth to lose so much so quickly?
3. In what major ways are the regulatory responsibilities of the FERC different from the CFTC?
4. The NYMEX natural gas futures contract is different from the ICE natural gas futures contract in terms of physical or cash delivery. Explain the difference, and why it was important for cases of price manipulation?
5. On what grounds did the PSI Report claim that Amaranth dominated the natural gas futures market during 2006? What arguments are there against PSI’s claims?



1. Amaranth lost so much so quickly due to a combination of factors. 2.Instead of focusing on long-term market trends, they were employing an aggressive trading strategy that was based on moment-to-moment price changes.  3.The regulatory responsibilities of the  (FERC) and the (CFTC) differ in several major ways.  4.Amaranth tried to manipulate the market by trading in order to change the price of natural gas. 5. Amaranth asserted that their trading activity was in line with industry standards and best practises while denying any wrongdoing.


If the price of natural gas had fallen by as much as it increased, Amaranth would have lost as much as it gained in 2005. The losses in the options market are symmetric, meaning that the loss potential is equal to the gain potential.

First, the company took on an excessively large position in the natural gas futures market, which left them vulnerable to price movements. Second, they were using an aggressive trading strategy that relied on short-term price movements, rather than long-term market trends.

Third, Amaranth's risk management procedures were inadequate, and they failed to monitor and control their positions effectively. Finally, there were allegations of market manipulation by Amaranth, which led to regulatory scrutiny and forced liquidation of their positions.

The FERC has jurisdiction over the physical markets for electricity, natural gas, and oil, while the CFTC regulates the derivatives markets for these commodities.

The FERC has the authority to investigate and prosecute market manipulation and fraud, while the CFTC has a broader mandate to ensure the integrity of the futures and options markets. The FERC has the power to set rates and terms of service for transmission and wholesale electricity markets, while the CFTC focuses on ensuring that these markets operate fairly and efficiently.

The NYMEX natural gas futures contract is settled through physical delivery, meaning that the buyer of the contract must take delivery of the physical commodity at the expiration of the contract. The ICE natural gas futures contract is settled through cash delivery, meaning that the buyer and seller exchange cash based on the difference between the contract price and the market price at the time of expiration.

The difference in delivery mechanisms was important for cases of price manipulation because physical delivery provides a natural limit to the amount of manipulation that can occur. In contrast, cash delivery contracts can be settled without any physical delivery of the commodity, making them more vulnerable to manipulation.

The PSI Report claimed that Amaranth dominated the natural gas futures market during 2006 based on the company's large positions and trading volume in the market. The report also alleged that Amaranth engaged in market manipulation by attempting to influence natural gas prices through its trading activity.

Arguments against PSI's claims include the fact that Amaranth's positions were largely offset by other market participants, and that the company's trading activity may have actually contributed to market liquidity and efficiency. Additionally, Amaranth denied any wrongdoing and claimed that their trading activity was consistent with industry standards and best practices.

For more such questions on market, click on:



chadwick is a developer considering purchasing a large piece of unimproved land for a subdivision development. what should he do before committing to the project?


Before committing to a subdivision development project, Chadwick should conduct a feasibility study that evaluates the zoning regulations, availability of utilities, potential demand, surrounding area, and financial feasibility. This study will help him make an informed decision and reduce potential risks and costs associated with the project.

Before committing to a subdivision development project, Chadwick should conduct a thorough feasibility study. This study should include researching the zoning regulations and restrictions on the land, determining the availability of utilities such as water, sewage, and electricity, and assessing the potential demand for the proposed development. Chadwick should also evaluate the surrounding area to determine the market trends, competition, and potential risks such as natural disasters or environmental hazards. Additionally, Chadwick should consider the financial feasibility of the project. This would involve estimating the total cost of the land purchase, infrastructure development, and construction expenses. He should also evaluate the potential revenue from home sales or rental income and determine if the project is financially viable.

To know more about financial feasibility refer to



You are given these quotes by the bank:
You can sell Canadian dollars (C$) to the bank for $0.68.
You can buy Canadian dollars (C$) from the bank for $0.69.
The bank is willing to buy dollars for 0.89 euros per dollar.
The bank is willing to sell dollars for 0.94 euros per dollar.
The bank is willing to buy Canadian dollars for 0.63 euros per C$.
The bank is willing to sell Canadian dollars for 0.67 euros per C$.
You have $80,000. Estimate your profit or loss if you would attempt triangular arbitrage by converting your dollars to euros, and then convert euros to Canadian dollars and then convert Canadian dollars to U.S. dollars. Use a minus sign to enter a loss, if any. Do not round intermediate calculations. Round your answer to the nearest dollar.


By attempting triangular arbitrage, you would make a profit of $6,372.15. To estimate the profit or loss from triangular arbitrage with $80,000, follow these steps:

1. Convert USD to Euros: Divide $80,000 by the bank's selling rate of 0.94 euros per dollar to get 80,000 / 0.94 = 85,106.38 euros.

2. Convert Euros to Canadian dollars: Divide 85,106.38 euros by the bank's selling rate of 0.67 euros per C$ to get 85,106.38 / 0.67 = 127,017.88 C$.

3. Convert Canadian dollars back to USD: Multiply 127,017.88 C$ by the bank's buying rate of $0.68 per C$ to get 127,017.88 * 0.68 = $86,372.15.

4. Calculate the profit or loss: Subtract the initial investment of $80,000 from the final amount of $86,372.15 to get 86,372.15 - 80,000 = $6,372.15.

To know more about triangular arbitrage refer here:



An employer uses a career average formula to determine retirement payments to its employees. The annual retirement payout is 6 percent of the employees' career average salary times the number of years of service. Calculate the annual benefit payment under the following scenarios. Years Worked Career Average Salary
25 66000
28 68500
30 70000


The annual benefit payment under the given scenarios would be:

For 25 years of service with a career average salary of $66,000: $9,900 ($66,000 x 0.06 x 25)

For 28 years of service with a career average salary of $68,500: $11,130 ($68,500 x 0.06 x 28)

For 30 years of service with a career average salary of $70,000: $12,600 ($70,000 x 0.06 x 30)

The calculation for each scenario involves multiplying the employee's career average salary by 0.06 (i.e., 6 percent) and then multiplying that result by the number of years of service. This gives the annual retirement payout that the employee would receive.

It's worth noting that the actual retirement benefits that an employee would receive could be affected by various factors such as inflation, changes to the retirement plan, and the employee's age at retirement.

For more questions like Salary click the link below:



high-income people are willing to pay more than lower-income people to avoid the risk of death.for example, they are more likely to pay for safety features on cars. do you think cost-benefit analysts should take this fact into account when evaluating public projects? consider, for instance, a rich town and a poor town, both of which are considering the installation of a traffic light. should the rich town use a higher dollar value for a human life in making this decision? why or why not?


Yes, cost-benefit analysts should take into account fact that high-income people are willing to pay more than lower-income people to avoid risk of death. This is because value of human life is not same for everyone and can vary based on their financial circumstances and priorities.  

In the example of the rich town and the poor town both considering the installation of a traffic light, the cost-benefit analysts should take into account the different income levels and willingness to pay for safety. However, this does not necessarily mean that the rich town should use a higher dollar value for a human life in making the decision.

Instead, the cost-benefit analysis should consider the overall benefits and costs of installing the traffic light in each town, including the potential reduction in accidents and injuries, the impact on traffic flow, and the costs of installation and maintenance. The analysis should also consider any disparities in safety and access to transportation between the two towns, and whether the installation of a traffic light would help to address these disparities.

Ultimately, the decision on whether to install the traffic light should be based on a comprehensive analysis that takes into account the needs and preferences of both the rich and poor communities, rather than solely on the basis of income level.

Know more about  cost-benefit analysis here:



Ma&Son Company is expected to pay a dividend of $2.60 one year from today (i.e., D = 2.60). The company's required rate of return is 11%. If the market expects that the dividend will grow at a constant rate of 4% per year forever, Ma&Son's stock should sell for $ today.


Ma&Son Company's stock should sell for $35.00 today given the dividend of $2.60 and a required rate of return of 11%.

The stock price is determined by the present value of an infinite series of future cash flows (dividends). The expected dividend growth rate of 4% is used to discount the future dividends back to the present.

By discounting the future dividends at the required rate of return, we can calculate the present value of the stock and arrive at the current stock price of $35.00.

This price is the market's expectation of what the investor will receive in total return over the life of the investment. Therefore, it is the amount the investor is willing to pay to purchase a share of Ma&Son's stock today.

Know more about cash flows here



the vice president of biomedics inc. is trying to decide the composition of a new product development team. if she chooses members from multiple functional areas in the firm, which of the following disadvantages is she most likely to experience? group of answer choices fewer instances of social loafing increase in instances of whistle-blowing less cross-fertilization of ideas increase in communication and coordination costs


If the vice president of Biomedics Inc. chooses members from multiple functional areas in the firm, she is most likely to experience an increase in communication and coordination costs.

This is because members from different functional areas may have different priorities, work styles, and communication protocols, which could lead to misunderstandings, delays, and conflicts. Additionally, coordinating the work of a diverse team may require additional resources, such as time, technology, and project management skills.

However, choosing members from multiple functional areas can also provide benefits, such as the cross-fertilization of ideas and a broader range of skills and perspectives.

To learn more about functional areas, visit here



Assume the risk free rate is 2.5% and the beta for a particular firm is 1.0, current firm share price is $114 and the market risk premium is 8%.
What is the required rate of return for this firm?
Please use 5 decimal places in your response


To invest in this firm, investors would require a return of 10.5%. To calculate the required rate of return for the firm, we need to use the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM). The CAPM formula is Required Rate of Return = Risk-Free Rate + (Beta * Market Risk Premium).

Given the information provided, we know that the risk-free rate is 2.5% and the market risk premium is 8%. The beta for the firm is 1.0. Therefore, the required rate of return for the firm is:

Required Rate of Return = 2.5% + (1.0 * 8%) = 10.5%

This is the minimum return that they would expect to receive for the level of risk associated with the investment.

It is important to note that the required rate of return is dependent on the beta of the firm. A higher beta would result in a higher required rate of return, while a lower beta would result in a lower required rate of return. Additionally, changes in the risk-free rate and market risk premium would also impact the required rate of return.

To know more about Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) refer here:



piechocki corporation manufactures and sells a single product. the company uses units as the measure of activity in its budgets and performance reports. during may, the company budgeted for 6,300 units, but its actual level of activity was 6,250 units. the company has provided the following data concerning the formulas used in its budgeting and its actual results for may: data used in budgeting: fixed element per month variable element per unit revenue $ 0 $ 33.80 direct labor $ 0 $ 5.80 direct materials 0 13.40 manufacturing overhead 33,000 1.30 selling and administrative expenses 25,100 0.50 total expenses $ 58,100 $ 21.00 actual results for may: revenue $ 212,300 direct labor $ 35,730 direct materials $ 85,600 manufacturing overhead $ 41,500 selling and administrative expenses $ 30,430 the revenue variance for may would be closest to:


The revenue variance for May is ($1,240).

To calculate the revenue variance, we need to compare the actual revenue with the budgeted revenue.

Budgeted revenue = 6,300 units x $33.80 per unit = $213,540

Actual revenue = $212,300

Revenue variance = Actual revenue - Budgeted revenue = $212,300 - $213,540 = ($1,240)

Click the below link, to learn more about The revenue variance :



Firms with high_ratios are well positioned to pay off unexpected expenses quickly. A. turnover O B. leverage O C. liquidity OD. P/E


Firms with high liquidity ratios are well positioned to pay off unexpected expenses quickly: A liquidity ratio. The correct option is C.

A liquidity ratio measures a company's ability to pay off its short-term liabilities using its short-term assets. Higher liquidity ratios indicate that a company can more easily cover its obligations, making it better prepared for unexpected expenses.

A. Turnover ratio measures how efficiently a company is utilizing its assets, such as inventory or accounts receivable. It is not directly related to paying off unexpected expenses.

B. Leverage ratio measures the proportion of a company's debt to its equity. A higher leverage ratio may indicate a higher risk, as the company relies more on borrowed funds. This is not directly related to covering unexpected expenses.

C. Liquidity ratio, as explained earlier, measures a company's ability to meet its short-term liabilities using its short-term assets.

D. P/E (price-to-earnings) ratio measures the valuation of a company by comparing its current market price to its earnings per share. This is more relevant for investors evaluating the value of a company's stock, not its ability to pay off unexpected expenses.

In summary, firms with high liquidity ratios are well positioned to pay off unexpected expenses quickly because they have the necessary short-term assets to cover their short-term liabilities.

To know more about expenses, refer here:



Complete question:

Firms with high____ratios are well positioned to pay off unexpected expenses quickly.

A. turnover

B. leverage  

C. liquidity

D. P/E

calculate the lower bound to the 95th confidence interval given the following price and dividend information. (enter percentages as decimals and round to 4 decimals) year price dividend 2017 139.72 2018 129.05 3.75 2019 137.49 3.98 2020 157.38 4.19 2021 171.07 4.45 2022 176.65 4.52


The lower bound to the 95th confidence interval for the dividend yield is 1.27%.

How to calculate the lower bound

To calculate the lower bound to the 95th confidence interval, we first need to calculate the average dividend yield for the given years.

We do this by adding up all the dividends and dividing by the average price.

This gives us a dividend yield of 0.0295 or 2.95%.

Next, we need to calculate the standard deviation of the dividend yields.

We do this by using the STDEV.S function in Excel or a similar statistical software.

This gives us a standard deviation of 0.0089 or 0.89%.

Using these values, we can calculate the lower bound to the 95th confidence interval using the following formula:

Lower Bound = Average Yield - (1.96 * Standard Deviation / √n

Where n is the number of observations (in this case, 6).

Plugging in the values, we get: Lower Bound = 0.0295 - (1.96 * 0.0089 / √6) = 0.0127 or 1.27%

Learn more about dividend yield at



The following information will be used to answer questions 8, 9, and 10.
Your company can invest in 1 of the following projects:
cash flows year project a project b 0 -70,000 -65,000 1 30K 8K 2 10K 8K 3 10K 8K 4 18K 9K 5 5K 30K 6 4K 40K The interest rate is 6%.
8a. What is the payback period for each project?
8b. If you base your decision on which project has the shortest payback, which will you choose?


The payback period for Project A is 4 years, and for Project B, it is 5 years. Based on the shortest payback period, you should choose Project A.

To calculate the payback period, we need to determine how long it takes for each project to recover its initial investment. For Project A:
Year 1: -70,000 + 30,000 = -40,000
Year 2: -40,000 + 10,000 = -30,000
Year 3: -30,000 + 10,000 = -20,000
Year 4: -20,000 + 18,000 = -2,000
By the end of year 4, Project A has almost recovered its initial investment.

For Project B:
Year 1: -65,000 + 8,000 = -57,000
Year 2: -57,000 + 8,000 = -49,000
Year 3: -49,000 + 8,000 = -41,000
Year 4: -41,000 + 9,000 = -32,000
Year 5: -32,000 + 30,000 = -2,000
By the end of year 5, Project B has almost recovered its initial investment.

Since Project A has a shorter payback period of 4 years compared to Project B's 5 years, you should choose Project A based on this criterion.

To know more about payback period   click on below link:



Rocket corp has 100 bonds outstanding. The bonds are annual coupon bonds with a face value of $1000, a coupon rate of 6.5%, and 11 years until the bond matures. If the YTM of the bonds is 7.5%, what is the total market value of the bonds for Rocket corp?


The total market value of the 100 annual coupon bonds for Rocket Corp is approximately $94,734.

To find the total market value of the 100 annual coupon bonds for Rocket Corp, we first need to calculate the market value of one bond. Given that the bonds have a face value of $1,000, a coupon rate of 6.5%, 11 years until maturity, and a YTM of 7.5%, we can use the bond pricing formula:Bond Price = (C * (1 - (1 + YTM)^(-n)) / YTM) + (FV / (1 + YTM)^n)Where:C = annual coupon payment (Face value * coupon rate) = 1000 * 0.065 = $65YTM = yield to maturity = 0.075n = number of years to maturity = 11FV = face value = $1,000.

Using the formula, we get:Bond Price = (65 * (1 - (1 + 0.075)^(-11)) / 0.075) + (1000 / (1 + 0.075)^11)Bond Price ≈ $947.34Now, we can calculate the total market value of the 100 bonds:Total Market Value = 100 bonds * $947.34 per bond ≈ $94,734So, the total market value of the 100 annual coupon bonds for Rocket Corp is approximately $94,734.

Learn more about  annual coupon bonds here:https://brainly.com/question/27123871


calculate the upper bound to the 99th confidence interval given the following price and dividend information. (enter percentages as decimals and round to 4 decimals) year price dividend 2017 139.72 2018 129.05 3.75 2019 137.49 3.98 2020 157.38 4.19 2021 171.07 4.45 2022 176.65 4.52


The upper bound of the 99th confidence interval for the dividend yield is approximately 0.0287, or 2.87% when expressed as a percentage.

How to calculate the upper bound

To calculate the upper bound of the 99th confidence interval, we need to consider the mean, standard deviation, and the z-score for a 99% confidence level.

First, calculate the dividend yields for each year with available dividend information:

2018: 3.75/129.05 = 0.0290

2019: 3.98/137.49 = 0.0289

2020: 4.19/157.38 = 0.0266

2021: 4.45/171.07 = 0.0260

2022: 4.52/176.65 = 0.0256

Now, calculate the mean dividend yield:

(0.0290 + 0.0289 + 0.0266 + 0.0260 + 0.0256) / 5 = 0.0272

Next, calculate the standard deviation:

σ = √[((0.0290-0.0272)^2 + (0.0289-0.0272)^2 + (0.0266-0.0272)^2 + (0.0260-0.0272)^2 + (0.0256-0.0272)^2) / 4] ≈ 0.0015

The z-score for a 99% confidence level is 2.576.

To find the upper bound of the confidence interval, use the formula:

Upper bound = Mean + (z-score * (Standard deviation / √n))

Upper bound = 0.0272 + (2.576 * (0.0015 / √5)) ≈ 0.0287

Learn more about dividend yield at



Gateway Communications is considering a project with an initial fixed assets cost of $1.53 million that will be depreciated straight-line to a zero book value over the 9-year life of the project. At the end of the project the equipment will be sold for an estimated $242,000. The project will not change sales but will reduce operating costs by $403,000 per year. The tax rate is 40 percent and the required return is 11.7 percent. The project will require $53,000 in net working capital, which will be recouped when the project ends. What is the project's NPV? Multiple Choice Ο $159,906 Ο S152,954 Ο $207762 Ο $201,060 Ο $193,327


The net present value of the project is $193,327

What is the NPV value

To calculate the NPV of the project, we need to find the present value of all cash inflows and outflows of the project, discounted at the required return of 11.7%.

The initial fixed asset cost is $1.53 million, which is an outflow. The annual operating cost savings is $403,000 for 9 years, which is a total savings of $3,627,000. At the end of the project, the equipment is expected to be sold for $242,000, which is an inflow. The net working capital required is $53,000, which is an outflow but will be recouped at the end of the project.

Using these inputs, we can calculate the NPV as follows:

PV of initial fixed asset cost = -$1.53 million

PV of annual operating cost savings = -$3,627,000 / (1 + 0.117)^1 + -$3,627,000 / (1 + 0.117)^2 + ... + -$3,627,000 / (1 + 0.117)^9

PV of equipment sale = $242,000 / (1 + 0.117)^9

PV of net working capital = -$53,000 / (1 + 0.117)^9

NPV = PV of cash inflows - PV of cash outflows

NPV = $242,000 / (1 + 0.117)^9 - $1.53 million - $3,267,947 + $53,000 / (1 + 0.117)^9

NPV = $193,327

Therefore, the NPV of the project is $193,327.

Learn more on NPV here;



Freddie bought a stock for $25 last year. The stock la now wonin 532, and over the year, he received total areal vidends d' 51.40 persone. What is the dicend you this holding period a. 43.8%
b. 33.6%
c. None of the seed toms is correct d. 5.6%
e. 28%


The correct answer is not listed in the options provided. The closest answer is e. 28%, which is the dividend yield for one year only, not for the entire holding period.

To calculate the dividend yield for Freddie's stock holding period, we need to divide the total dividends received by the original purchase price of the stock. The original purchase price was $25, and the total dividends received were $51.40. Therefore, the dividend yield for the holding period is:

$51.40 / $25 = 2.056

To convert this to a percentage, we need to multiply by 100. So the dividend yield for the holding period is:

2.056 x 100 = 205.6%

However, the answer choices provided are in percentages, so we need to subtract 100 to get the actual dividend yield percentage for the holding period:

205.6% - 100% = 105.6%

To know more about dividend yield refer here:



after the creation of a free trade area involving five nations, higher cost external fabric producers were replaced by lower-cost external fabric producers within the free trade area. this is known as


Higher-cost external fabric producers were replaced by lower-cost external fabric producers inside the free trade area following the establishment of a free trade zone including five nations. Trade diversion is what this is known as.

Is trade created in a free trade area when lower cost external suppliers are replaced by more expensive providers?

When higher-cost suppliers from the free trade area take the place of lower-cost external suppliers, commerce is diverted. Only if the quantity of trade it generates outweighs the amount it diverts would a regional free trade agreement be advantageous to the entire world.

Which of the following describes a free trade area's member nations?

What distinguishes a free trade area from other regions? Each member nation is permitted to choose its own own trade policies with regard to nonmembers. Member nations are required to have a central political apparatus that coordinates economic, social, and foreign policy

To know more about trade visit :-



the cost savings and/or advantages that individual firms get when they are located in the same area as other firms of the same industry is known as a(n) economy.


The cost savings and/or advantages that individual firms get when they are located in the same area as other firms of the same industry is known as an economy of scale.

This economy of scale refers to the ability of businesses to achieve lower costs and increased efficiency by producing goods or services on a larger scale. When firms are located in close proximity to one another, they can benefit from shared infrastructure, labor pools, and supply chains. This means that they can collectively negotiate better deals with suppliers, streamline transportation and logistics, and pool their resources to invest in technology and research and development. The end result is often increased productivity and profitability for all firms involved.

In addition to these benefits, firms in an economy of scale can also benefit from knowledge spillovers, as they are more likely to share information, ideas, and best practices. Overall, an economy of scale can be a powerful tool for businesses looking to improve their competitiveness and achieve long-term success.

Learn more about economy of scale here: https://brainly.com/question/30389885


a training and education initiative with specific requirements delivered by an industry professional association to salespeople in that industry is an example of a(n)


A training and education initiative with specific requirements delivered by an industry professional association to salespeople in that industry is an example of a certification program. Certification programs are designed to provide individuals with the knowledge, skills, and competencies required to perform a particular job or function within an industry or profession.

In this example, the industry professional association is providing a certification program to salespeople in that industry, which likely includes specific training and education requirements that must be met in order to receive certification. The purpose of the certification program is to ensure that salespeople in that industry have the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively perform their job duties and provide value to their customers.

Certification programs are often used in industries where there is a need for specialized knowledge or skills, such as healthcare, finance, or information technology. By completing a certification program, individuals can demonstrate their expertise and commitment to their profession, which can lead to increased job opportunities and higher salaries.

Overall, certification programs are an important tool for ensuring that individuals within an industry or profession have the necessary skills and knowledge to perform their job duties effectively. They also provide a means for individuals to demonstrate their expertise and commitment to their profession, which can lead to professional advancement and increased opportunities for career success.

Click the below link, to learn more about Industry professional association:



The is Problem Solving. MUST Show INPUT and OUTPUT of Each Financial Function Key. All the answers are expressed at 2 digits after the decimal point. All the calculation steps MUST be clearly demonstr


Problem solving is a crucial skill in the financial world. Financial functions on calculators such as the present value (PV), future value (FV), interest rate (I/Y), and payment (PMT) can aid in solving financial problems.

For example, if we want to find the present value of an investment that will yield $10,000 in 5 years with a 5% interest rate, we would input N=5, I/Y=5, FV=10000, and solve for PV, which equals $7,789.61.

Alternatively, if we wanted to determine the monthly payment for a $100,000 mortgage with a 4% interest rate over 30 years, we would input N=360, I/Y=4/12, PV=100000, and solve for PMT, which equals $477.42. These financial functions allow for efficient and accurate problem solving in the financial industry.

To know more about Problem solving , refer to the link:



Estimating growth rates It is often difficult to estimate the expected future dividend growth rate for use in estimating the cost of existing equity using the DCF or DG approach. In general, there are three available methods to generate such an estimate: Carry forward a historical realized growth rate, and apply it to the future. Locate and apply an expected future growth rate prepared and published by security analysts. Use the retention growth model. Suppose Kirby is currently distributing 45.00% of its earnings in the form of cash dividends. It has also historically generated an average return on equity (ROE) of 8.00%. Kirby's estimated growth rate is _.


The retention growth model can be used to determine Kirby's anticipated growth rate. The predicted growth rate for Kirby would be 4.40% (55.00% 8.00%) if it keeps 55.00% of its earnings and has an average ROE of 8.00%.

How is the retention rate determined from the growth rate?

The rate of growth that a business can anticipate experiencing over the long term is known as the sustainable growth rate. The sustainable growth rate, often known as G, is derived by dividing the return on equity by the profits retention rate of a business.

How do I use ROE and retention ratio to calculate sustainable growth rate?

The sustainable growth rate is determined by multiplying the company's return on equity by the outcome of 1 and subtracting the dividend.

To know more about growth rate visit:-



mark buys 250 shares of stock in a fund with a net asset value of $25.17 and an offer price of $25.30. mark wants to sell all of his shares when he can profit $1,000. if mark sells his shares today, he would have proceeds of $7,300. determine if mark should sell his shares today and why.


Mark should not sell his shares today as the current offer price of $25.30/share is not enough to achieve his profit target of $1,000. He should wait until the offer price reaches at least $29.17/share to sell his shares and make a profit of $1,000.

To determine whether Mark should sell his shares today, we need to calculate his total cost and total proceeds from the sale.

Mark bought 250 shares of stock in a fund with a net asset value of $25.17, so his total cost was:

250 shares x $25.17/share = $6,292.50

If Mark sells all of his shares today at an offer price of $25.30/share, his total proceeds would be:

250 shares x $25.30/share = $6,325

However, Mark wants to sell his shares when he can make a profit of $1,000. To calculate the minimum offer price that would allow Mark to achieve his profit target, we can use the following equation:

Profit = (Offer price - Net asset value) x Number of shares

$1,000 = (Offer price - $25.17) x 250 shares

$1,000/250 shares + $25.17 = $29.17

Therefore, Mark needs an offer price of at least $29.17/share to achieve his profit target of $1,000.

Since the current offer price is only $25.30/share, Mark should not sell his shares today if he wants to achieve his profit target. He should wait until the offer price reaches at least $29.17/share to sell his shares and make a profit of $1,000. However, if Mark needs the money urgently or has a different investment strategy, he may choose to sell his shares at the current offer price.

To learn more about the offer price



Assume a $1,000 face value bond has a coupon rate of 7.8 percent paid semiannually and has an eight-year life. If investors are willing to accept a 10.2 percent rate of return on bonds of similar quality, what is the present value or worth of this bond?


The present value or worth of the bond is $891.09.

To calculate the present value or worth of the bond, we need to find the present value of the bond's future cash flows, which are the semiannual coupon payments and the face value received at maturity. The formula for calculating the present value of an annuity is:

[tex]PV = C \times [1 - (1 + r)^{(-n)}] / r[/tex]

where PV is the present value, C is the coupon payment, r is the required rate of return, and n is the number of periods. The formula for calculating the present value of a single payment (the face value at maturity) is:

[tex]PV = F / (1 + r)^n[/tex]

where F is the face value.

Using these formulas, we can calculate the present value of the semiannual coupon payments as follows:

PV of coupon payments = 7.8% x $1,000 / 2 x [1 - (1 + 10.2% / 2⁻²ˣ⁸] / (10.2% / 2) = $700.63

We can calculate the present value of the face value at maturity as follows: PV of face value = $1,000 / (1 + 10.2% / 2)²ˣ⁸ = $190.46

Therefore, the present value or worth of the bond is:

PV = $700.63 + $190.46 = $891.09

To know more about present value, refer here:

The "quantitative easing" policies of the Fed during, and following, the financial crisis of 2008-2009, resulted in
(A) rapid growth of both the money supply and nominal GDP.
(B) rapid growth of the money supply and a substantial increase in the rate of inflation.
(C) low interest rates and a sharp decline in the velocity of the money supply.
(D) low interest rates and a sharp increase in the velocity of the money supply


The quantitative easing (QE) policies of the Fed during and following the financial crisis of 2008-2009 resulted in low interest rates and a sharp decline in the velocity of the money supply. The correct option is (C).

QE is a monetary policy tool used by central banks to stimulate the economy by increasing the money supply through the purchase of government bonds and other financial assets. This strategy aimed to provide liquidity, stabilize financial markets, and encourage lending and investment.

The implementation of QE led to a rapid growth in the money supply, as the Fed's balance sheet expanded significantly. However, this did not translate into a substantial increase in nominal GDP or inflation rate, as some may have anticipated.

Instead, the impact of QE was more pronounced in the form of low interest rates, which persisted for an extended period. These low interest rates were essential in promoting borrowing and stimulating economic activity during the recovery period.

Additionally, QE contributed to a sharp decline in the velocity of money, which refers to the rate at which money circulates in the economy. This decline occurred because, despite the increase in the money supply, economic agents held on to cash instead of spending it due to uncertainties in the economic environment. The low velocity of money, combined with low interest rates, helped mitigate the inflationary pressures that could have arisen from an increased money supply.

In summary, the Fed's quantitative easing policies during and after the financial crisis led to low interest rates and a sharp decline in the velocity of the money supply, facilitating a gradual recovery of the economy.

For more such questions on Quantitative easing.



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