Which of the following statements about variables or values are true? Check all that apply.

Variables store values.

Variables store permanent data.

Values are the result of functions.

Variables in code are useful only on a single occasion.


Answer 1


A and C


Answer 2

Variables store values as well as values are the result of functions. The correct options are A and D.

What are variables?

A variable in programming is a value that can change based on external factors or data that has been supplied to the program.

A program typically consists of data that it uses while running and instructions that tell the machine what to execute.

A variable is a place where values are kept. In order to use a variable, we must first declare it in order to inform the program that it exists and then assign it in order to inform the computer of the value we are placing in the variable.

Values are both stored in variables and the output of functions. Variables can have a wide range of values, which is why they are called variables.

Thus, A and D are the correct options.

For more details regarding variables, visit:



Related Questions

In which place does essential computing of computer takes place at?


3.Mother board controls everything


123456789-0[tex]\lim_{n \to \infty} a_n fffff[/tex]


What are some characteristics of effective notes? Check all that apply.
The notes are neatly formatted.
The notes have dates.
The notes contain a little information.
The notes use abbreviations.
The notes avoid headings.



It is A,B, and D


The characteristics of effective notes are the notes are neatly formatted, the notes have dates, and the notes use abbreviations. The correct options are a, b, and d.

What are effective notes?

Notes are the list of things that are written to memorize them easily. It is also an extract of large books or school materials.

Taking notes is mostly used to promote active learning and create study materials for exams. You should be able to organize material into an understandable format that will aid in your learning process by developing note-taking skills.

Observe a happening. This section may consist of a lecture by the instructor, a lab experiment, a slide display of the works of an artist, or a passage from the assigned reading. Take notes about what you observed in that situation.

Therefore, the correct options are

a. The notes are neatly formatted.

b. The notes have dates.

d. The notes use abbreviations.

To learn more about effective notes, refer to the link:



Question 12 (1 point)
Generally, each pixel in an image creates 25 bytes of data.



This is B: False


Each pixel of an image creates 24 bits, or 3 BYTES of data for color, and 1 byte for black and white.

who goes to belle place middle and is in 7th grade on hear​



Not me but thx for the free points lol


One day you tap your smartphone screen to turn it on, and nothing happens. It appears to be turned off and will not turn on. What should you try first to fix it?

perform a soft reset

plug it into a charger for an hour
submerge it in a bag of rice for 24 hours
perform a hard reset



B) Plug it in


Though the other answer would be helpful in a real life situation, the correct choice on ed g e is b) :)

plug it into a charger for an hour

You should structure the
first before you search for a relevant picture.





a.) WAP to display the sum
of the numbers I to



I am confused on what you are asking


The only WAP i know is cardi Bs and Megan Thee Stallion


Please enter a name: (Nope to end) Antonio
Nice to meet you Antonio
Please enter a name: (Nope to end) Jonathan
Nice to meet you Jonathan
Please enter a name: (Nope to end) Tyler
Nice to meet you Tyler
Please enter a name: (Nope to end) Brianne
Nice to meet you Brianne
Please enter a name: (Nope to end) Nope



In python:

while True:

   name = input("Please enter a name: ")

   if name != "Nope":

       print("Nice to meet you {}".format(name))



Following are the program to the given question:

Program Explanation:

Defining a header file.Defining a main method.Inside the method a string variable "name" and an integer variable "n" is declared.In the next step, a print message and define a loop that input and check its value.To check the input value a conditional statement is defined that check input value "Nope", if it's it break the loop, otherwise it print the value and input another value.


#include <iostream>//header file

using namespace std;

int main()//main method


   string name;//defining string variable

   int n=1;//defining an integer variable

   cout<<"Please enter a name: (Nope to end)";//print message

   while(n==1)//defining a while loop to that inputs and check the value


       cin>>name;//input name value

       if(name=="Nope")//use if that check name=="Nope"


           n=0;//initilze n=0

           break;//break the loop


       else//else block


           cout<<"Nice to meet you "<<name<<endl;//print input value with message

           cout<<"Please enter a name: (Nope to end)";//print message



   return 0;



Please find the attachment file.

Learn more:


Where are the motors for the light year one located ???


Not sure honestly ...

A business letter should always include the address of the sender.




Explanation:it is true because like that they could send that letter were it go's so like that they don't have trouble looking for the person's letter

please mark me as brainlist

It is true because otherwise there
is no way to prove it is not a fake.

? Assessment
Which of the following products likely include Internet of Things (IoT) connected
A soap dispenser that dispenses soap
when it detects a hand underneath.
A smart toilet flushes automatically
after use.
Lights that turn on when someone
enters the bathroom.
None of the above



none of the above


1. Problem solving is
(4 Points)
O A. highly interactive
B. collaborative
C. Both And B
D. Designing an App





1. Problem solving is

(4 Points)

O A. highly interactive

B. collaborative

C. Both And B

D. Designing an App

To allow a document to be opened easily on most computers, save the document as a _____.

a hyperlink
require a password
a template
read only





Answer:read only


Steve Jobs described early computers as “the most remarkable tool that we’ve ever come up with..it’s equivalent of a bicycle for our minds.” Would you describe smartphones as a bicycle for our minds?



Here is my stance on the phone issue and a quote from Steve himself.

"I think one of the things that really separates us from the high primates is that we’re tool builders. I read a study that measured the efficiency of locomotion for various species on the planet. The condor used the least energy to move a kilometer. And, humans came in with a rather unimpressive showing, about a third of the way down the list. It was not too proud a showing for the crown of creation. So, that didn’t look so good. But, then somebody at Scientific American had the insight to test the efficiency of locomotion for a man on a bicycle. And, a man on a bicycle, a human on a bicycle, blew the condor away, completely off the top of the charts.

And that’s what a computer is to me. What a computer is to me is it’s the most remarkable tool that we’ve ever come up with, and it’s the equivalent of a bicycle for our minds."


Like anything smartphones, computers, and television can be the junk-food equivalent of our minds or the inspiration to better yourself with knowledge and creativity. To me its like a bicycle in that are you riding the bicycle to healthfoods or mcdonalds. Its the freedom of the transportation of knowledge that can be so life-changing and so life-threating at the same time.

I would not think of smartphones as a bicycle for our minds as they do not run on how my mind functions.

What are people view on the quote above?

Some people do believe that the statement is true. They think also that smartphones and tablets can be a source of big distraction if not handled well.

Smartphones are a good learning tools, or they can be bicycles for our minds only when they are used by a skillful person.

Learn more about smartphones from


Lei is being cyberbullied by a group of girls. What advice would most help Lei? Share an unflattering photo of the bullies to get them back Immediately delete all evidence of the bullying Don't ignore or block the bullies online Talk to a trusted adult and get his or her perspective



Talk to a trusted adult and get his or her perspective


Which line of code outputs the decimal portion of a float stored in the
variable x?



the answer is a


This feature allows you to adjust your view to see the lower or upper part of a document.



C.Scroll bar




C. scroll bar


Its what you use to scroll up and down on documents to see different parts of it

Kerrri uses a database file many time a day. To increase her productivity, she should___.

A. Put it in her My Music folder
B. Move the file to the system tray
C. Create a toolbar for this file
D. Create a shortcut on the desktop to the file





A shortcut will make it easier for her to access the database file

1. Which of the following is not the name of a Java wrapper class from the Java API?

A. Byte
B. Int
C. Long
D. Boolean*

2. Which of the following statements will cause a compiler error?

A. Integer i = new integer ( ) ;*
B. Integer j = new integer ("5") ;
C. Integer k = Integer.valueOf ("5");
D. int m = Integer.pareseInt ("5");

3. If variables j and k refer to objects of type Double and j . compareTo (k) returns a value of 1, which of the following is true?

A. The double value held in j is less than the value held inside k.
B. The difference between values held in j and k is 1.*
C. The double values held inside j and k are both positive.
D. The double value held inside j is greater than the value held inside k.

4. What is a radix as used in the method parseInt (String s, int radix) from the integer class?

A. A numeric base 2 such as for binary or 16 for hexadecimal.
B. The number of characters in the string that represent integers.*
C. The Unicode character code to be used when parsing the string.
D. The number of times the string should be repeated before being converted to an int.

5. Which of the following is a static method of the integer class?

A. intValue ( )
B. parseInt ( )
C. toString ( )*
D. compareTo ( )

6. Which of the following statements will cause a compiler error?

A. Double a = new Double (10.6) + 3;
B. Integer b = 0;*
C. Double c = 0;
D. int d = new Integer (7) ;

7. Which of the following is not an example of autoboxing?

A. Boolean a = false
B. Integer b = new integer (9);
C. double x = 3.0;
Double c = x;
D. Character d = ‘2’;*

8. What is the result of the following code fragment?

BigInteger a = new BigInteger (“10”);
BigInteger b = new BigInteger (“25”);
a . multiply (b);
a . add (b);
System.out.println (a);

A. 10
B. 35
C. 250 *
D. 275

9. What is the name of the BigInteger method that will calculate the remainder of division by another BigInteger?

A. modulo ( )
B. modulus ( )*
C. divisor ( )
D. remainder ( )

the ones marked in asterisks are my answers, I'm not totally sure if they're right and would like someone to double check for me



1. Which of the following is not the name of a Java wrapper class from the Java API?

A. Byte

B. Int

C. Long

D. Boolean

Int is not a wrapper class  

Byte is the wrapper class of byte, Int is not a wrapper class and is a primitive data type, Long is a wrapper class of long, Boolean is a wrapper class for boolean. Hence Int is the correct answer and its wrapper class is Integer.

2. Which of the following statements will cause a compiler error?

A. Integer i = new integer ( ) ;

B. Integer j = new integer ("5") ;

C. Integer k = Integer.valueOf ("5");

D. int m = Integer.pareseInt ("5");

“I” in integer in A and B must be in capital.

3. If variables j and k refer to objects of type Double and j . compareTo (k) returns a value of 1, which of the following is true?

A. The double value held in j is less than the value held inside k.

B. The difference between values held in j and k is 1.

C. The double values held inside j and k are both positive.

D. The double value held inside j is greater than the value held inside k.

Compareto return 1 if first value is greater than with what it is compared.

4. What is a radix as used in the method parseInt (String s, int radix) from the integer class?

A. A numeric base 2 such as for binary or 16 for hexadecimal.

B. The number of characters in the string that represent integers.

C. The Unicode character code to be used when parsing the string.

D. The number of times the string should be repeated before being converted to an int.

The radix value is 10 for decimal, 2 for binary and 16 for hexadecimal. Radix is the base or number of unique digits.

5. Which of the following is a static method of the integer class?

A. intValue ( )

B. parseInt ( )

C. toString ( )

D. compareTo ( )

ParseInt() is a static method of the integer class, and rest are non static methods.

6. Which of the following statements will cause a compiler error?

A. Double a = new Double (10.6) + 3;

B. Integer b = 0;

C. Double c = 0;

D. int d = new Integer (7) ;

In A and C data type does not matches like Double c=0 means Double c=new int(0) which is never true.

7. Which of the following is not an example of autoboxing?

A. Boolean a = false

B. Integer b = new integer (9);

C. double x = 3.0;

Double c = x;

D. Character d = ‘2’;

Autoboxing brings out reference type from the value type, and this is not true for A  

8. What is the result of the following code fragment?

BigInteger a = new BigInteger (“10”);

BigInteger b = new BigInteger (“25”);

a . multiply (b);

a . add (b);

System.out.println (a);

A. 10

B. 35

C. 250

D. 275

a.multiply(b) = 250

a.add(b)= 250+25=275

9. What is the name of the BigInteger method that will calculate the remainder of division by another BigInteger?

A. modulo ( )

B. modulus ( )

C. divisor ( )

D. remainder ( )

Remainder is the correct answer.


Please check answer.

Write a while loop that replaces every occurrence of “cat” in the message with “dog” using the indexOf and substring methods.

public class ChallengeReplace
public static void main(String[] args)
String message = "I love cats! I have a cat named Coco. My cat's very smart!";

// Write a loop here that replaces every occurrence of "cat"
// in the message with "dog", using indexOf and substring.




Complete the program using:

int index = message.indexOf("cat");

while(index != -1){

message = message.replace("cat","dog");

index = message.indexOf("cat");






The line gets the index of string "cat"

int index = message.indexOf("cat");

The following operation is repeated until all occurrence of "cat"s has been replaced with dog

while(index != -1){

message = message.replace("cat","dog");

index = message.indexOf("cat");


This prints the new string




The program illustrates the use of loops.

Loops are used to perform repetitive and iterative operations.

The code segment where comments are used to explain each line, is as follows:

//This gets the index of "cat" in the string message

int index = message.indexOf("cat");

//The following loop is repeated, until there is no occurrence of "cat" in the string

while(index != -1){

//This replaces "cat" with "dog"

message = message.replace("cat","dog");

//This gets another index of "cat" in the string message

index = message.indexOf("cat");


//This prints the new string




At the end of the loop, all occurrence of "cat" are replaced with "dog".

Read more about similar programs at:


how major is the technology problem in the United States? Why is it such a big problem?




the problem is predators can get to children easier through the internet

When would you use the Reading View in Word?

To add an image to the document
To have Word Online read the document to you
To make changes to the document
To read the document without any distractions



D: to read the document without any distractions

To read the document without any distractions is used in the reading View in Word. Thus, option D is correct.

What is an Inference?

This refers to the deductions or conclusions that are made about a particular thing or idea based on available evidence, background information and powers of conclusion.

Hence, we can see that from the given text, Nicholas Carr is quoted as saying that reading online makes people to be 'mere decoders of information.' and this makes people become less engaged as they tend not to use their ability to interpret texts less and less.

Based on the given text, it can be seen that Nicholas Carr believes that reading online makes people not connect as deeply as reading without distraction, which can be an inference, to offline reading.

Therefore, To read the document without any distractions is used in the reading View in Word. Thus, option D is correct.

Learn more about document on:



is techonalygy harmful or useful


Tech can be both harmful and useful. Some techs you can use for school or educational purposes. Some apps can harm your brain.




both because tech. can be useful to anyone depending on what they need but harmful because you are hurting your eyes by looking at the scree for way to long, along with physical heath by sitting there for way to long and not being active.

why computer caller versatile machine



hii h r u

where u live....................

A data unit created at the transport layer by UDP is a _____.

A. segment

B. packet

C. datagram

D. frame



A datagram


Protocol data units for the Internet protocol suite are: The transport layer PDU is the TCP segment for TCP, and the datagram for UDP. The Internet layer PDU is the packet.


I think it's Datagrame


You receive an email from an impressive-sounding stranger, Professor Alexander Rothschild Renard III, president of the American Institute for Scientific Political Statesmen. He urges you to vote for his presidential candidate choice. This social media red flag is known as pomposity inanity superstition fanaticism





Pomposity is a form of social media red flag that centers on individuals or users employing flamboyant captions, words, or catchy phrases to describe something or someone in a way that appears more significant than the reality.

In this case, given that the email is from an "email from an impressive-sounding stranger" means Professor Alexander is using flamboyant words to persuade me to vote for his presidential candidate in a way that is more substantial than the reality.

Hence, in this case, the right answer is POMPOSITY




2.4 Code Practice: Question 1

Write the code to input a number and print the square root. Use the absolute value function to make sure that if the user enters a negative number, the program does not crash.



num = float(input("Enter a number : "))

ab = abs(num)

sqrt = float(ab ** 0.5)



What is a Qwerty?
A) It's a Computer
B) It's a keyboard
C) A type of frog


A qwerty is a keyboard


its a keyboard


Does anyone know how to snip or like screenshot the screen?



yes it is on pc shift command 3


thats how i do it

What is a Boolean Expression?
A) Statements that only run when certain conditions are true
B) Something a program checks to see whether it is true before deciding to take an action
C) An expression that evaluates to true or false


The answer is C, an expression that evaluates to true or false.

In computer science, a Boolean expression is an expression used in programming languages that produces a Boolean value when evaluated. A Boolean value is either true or false.

( Lol. I’m in 7th grade doing college work, so this was fun to answer! )
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