Which of the following would identify the specific aim or goal of the study based on the identified problem?
1. Purpose
2. Literature review
3. Methodology
4. Assumptions


Answer 1

Option (A), According to the identified problem, the purpose would specify the precise aim or goal of the investigation.

What precisely ought to be looked into through research?

Investigative research is a term that refers to a variety of methods and tools for learning information about a particular subject or situation that may not be immediately obvious. Searching for important data that might not be readily available is another step in the process.

What is the main objective of the inquiry?

The aim of an investigation is to obtain data that will either confirm or deny allegations of fraud and misconduct. It is a formally approved process for gathering information that is conducted in an impartial and objective way with the goal of determining the relevant facts and creating recommendations in this regard.

Learn more about Investigative research: https://brainly.com/question/13664159


Related Questions

which of the following scenarios best illustrates the concept of homogamy? group of answer choices marla marries her childhood sweetheart xavier. selene marries her sister's best friend adrian. kim marries han who is from the same social class as kim. jane marries mark who is five years older than her.


The following scenarios best illustrates the concept of homogamy is-

Kim marries Han who is from the same social class as Kim.

In this case, Option D is correct

In biology, the term "homogamy" has four distinct meanings:Homogamy is another name for inbreeding.Homogamy, which is the opposite of dichogamy, is defined as the simultaneous or synchronous hermaphrodism of the maturation of the male and female reproductive organs (of plants). Although many flowers seem to be homogamous, some of these may not be strictly functionally homogamous because male and female reproduction do not always coincide. The florets that make up the flower heads in the daisy family are numerous and either homogamous or heterogamous. Ray florets near the edge and disk florets in the center make up the two types of florets found in heterogamous heads. Homogamous heads are constructed from

To know more about homogamy here



Which factor started the growth of colonial town and cities?


Town location played a significant role in the growth of "colonial" towns.

What is a colonial town?

A place where people live and work that is typically larger than a village but smaller than. It contains many residences, shops, places of work, places of amusement

In the early stages of the capitalist world system, colonial cities formed in nations that were ruled by Europe and North America. Because of the colonial relationship, the colonial society's output had to be changed in order for its wealth to be exported

Learn more about  colonial town  here:



Which of the following statement corresponds to anthropologist Daniel Miller's definition of the humility of things?
a. Objects are not important unless humans notice them
b. Objects are not important because they do not resist human activity
c. Objects are often important precisely because we do not see them
d. Anthropologists used to pay attention to things, but stopped doing so when they recognized that symbols matter more.


Option (c), According to anthropologist Daniel Miller, the humility of things them can be defined as the fact that objects are frequently significant precisely because we cannot see itself.

How is it possible to be humble?

Amie Long's menu serves as a good example of how important the cuisine choices made by women boardinghouse managers were in attracting and fostering a bond with their guests. The subversive politics of the meal, however, might not have been known to the male delegates.

Anthropologist Daniel Miller refers to this phenomena as the "humility of things," where society relegates some items to background decor. These items may influence what is acceptable behavior, giving them a great deal of power despite being invisible.

Learn more about anthropologist Daniel Miller: https://brainly.com/question/14454833


When a supervisor introduces a new hire to her new colleagues and other important people in the organization he is engaging in ________.


When a supervisor introduces a new hire to her new colleagues and other important people in the organization he is engaging in onboarding. Onboarding is a human resources industry term referring to the process.

Onboarding is a word used in the human resources field to describe the process of integrating a new recruit into a company. Onboarding, sometimes referred to as organisational socialisation, is a crucial step in assisting staff in comprehending their new roles and responsibilities. Their smooth integration with the rest of the business is made possible by the process. The onboarding process involves a variety of steps, from the job offer to team training. The length of onboarding might range from a few weeks to a year, although the best onboarding often lasts for at least a few months. When the onboarding process is finished, workers should feel competent and confident. Despite the fact that onboarding comprises of several distinct procedures, there is no consensus on what it exactly means.

Learn more about Onboarding here:



You face demands from government officials that will be required before you are allowed to do business. payments are to be made to individuals, not the government.


Public actions are the demands from government officials that will be required before anyone is allowed to do business.

The strength of a community in issue (voice) campaigns or electoral (vote) campaigns is very publicly expressed through public acts. Public actions can take place at a public event or an event hosted by another group or public body, such as a school board meeting.

Public auctions usually referred to as government auctions, are held to sell property that is owned by the government or that has been sold by a court order.

Public Actions are planned, orchestrated activities that show the strength of a community. A public person may have the chance to publicly "pin" their position on a campaign platform during some public events.

To learn more about Public Auctions, click here:



you are standing guard outside a department store and you observe two men coming out of a bar across the street. they start to fight. you should: ________.


you are standing guard outside a department store and you observe two men coming out of a bar across the street. they start to fight. you should Call the police if you can remain at your post as it a criminal act.

When should I call police ?

 When you have a Police, Fire or Medical  exigency.  There's a situation that could, or does, pose a  peril to life, property or both.  There's a suspicious  exertion involving a person( s) or vehicle that appears to have felonious intent.  Any situation that requires immediate dispatch of an officer.  To report a serious crime,  similar as thievery, domestic violence or sexual assault.  Remain calm and patient while the 9-1-1 call taker asks you questions. 9-1-1 call takers are trained to ask specific questions that  snappily determine what's wrong, and what type of  backing to  shoot.   Please stay on the line until the call taker tells you to hang up.

to know more about Police help, visit: brainly.com/question/8566088


what are the economic benefits and costs of harvesting timber with and without management?


Harvesting timber can have both economic benefits and costs, depending on whether it is done with or without management.

One of the main economic benefits of harvesting timber with management is that it can provide a sustainable source of revenue for landowners and the forestry industry. This is because proper management techniques, such as selective cutting, thinning, and replanting, can ensure that the forest can continue to produce timber for many years to come. This can provide a steady stream of income for landowners and the forestry industry, as well as jobs for workers in the industry.

Another benefit of harvesting timber with management is that it can help to improve the overall health and diversity of the forest. This is because proper management can reduce the risk of disease and insect infestations, as well as promote the growth of a variety of different tree species. This can lead to a more resilient and diverse forest ecosystem, which can provide a range of benefits, such as improved water quality, wildlife habitat, and carbon sequestration.

However, there are also economic costs associated with harvesting timber with management. These include the costs of planning, implementing, and monitoring the management activities, as well as the costs of replanting and maintaining the forest. Additionally, there may be opportunity costs associated with not harvesting the timber, such as foregone revenue or the loss of jobs in the forestry industry.

On the other hand, harvesting timber without management can lead to significant economic costs. This is because it can lead to overcutting and the depletion of the forest resource, which can leave the land barren and unproductive. This can lead to a loss of income for landowners and the forestry industry, as well as a loss of jobs for workers in the industry. Additionally, harvesting timber without management can also lead to a range of environmental problems, such as soil erosion, sedimentation in streams, loss of wildlife habitat, and increased risk of wildfires.

In summary, harvesting timber with management can provide a sustainable source of revenue and improve the overall health and diversity of the forest, but it also has costs such as planning, implementing, and monitoring management activities, replanting and maintaining the forest. On the other hand, harvesting timber without management can lead to significant economic costs such as overcutting and depletion of the forest resources, loss of income and jobs, and environmental problems.

How are crevasses formed?


Answer: A crevasse is a crack in the surface of a glacier caused by extensive stress within the i

Explanation: A crevasse is a crack in the surface of a glacier caused by extensive stress within the ice. For example, extensive stress can be caused by stretching if the glacier is speeding up as it flows down the valley. Crevasses can also be caused by the ice flowing over bumps or steps in the bedrock.

according to health psychologists , which of the following is a reason an individual may choose not to have their child vaccinated?


Personal convictions or philosophic justifications. Some parents feel that their children's natural immunity is preferable to immunity gained through immunisations.

What are personal values and personal beliefs?

Personal values are defined as "wide desired goals that direct people's behaviour and serve as guiding principles in their life." Personal values include things like giving to charity or spending time with loved ones. Everybody has values, but they range from person to person. An individual's culture, upbringing, experiences in life, and a variety of other factors all have an impact on these variances. The term "core beliefs" refers to fundamental, rigid, unwavering, and generalised ideas that people have about themselves, other people, the world, and/or the future. When someone holds a belief, they are assuming the truth of their idea or proposition. Because many views cannot be directly witnessed, there is some uncertainty surrounding beliefs. Beliefs are a tool we use to comprehend the world around us.

To know more about personal values visit:             brainly.com/question/30260590


which of the following is a similarity between locke's social contract theory and the declaration of independence?


The Declaration of Independence and Locke's social contract theory both place a strong emphasis on the concept of natural rights.

The foundation of John Locke's social contract theory is the notion that God has endowed humans with certain natural rights, including the right to life, liberty, and property. Since the government did not grant these rights, it cannot take them away, in Locke's view. According to Locke, the function of the government is to uphold these fundamental freedoms.

Similarly to this, the Declaration of Independence declares that every human being has certain unalienable rights, such as the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. All people are thought to be born with these rights, which are not granted by any government. Additionally, it declares that the people have the right to modify or abolish these rights if the government does not uphold them.

To learn more about Locke's social contract theory at



e. is it possible to determine which schools do not have any of their students belonging to any club in that school? explain


Clubs that advocate for violence or hatred, as well as clubs that promote criminal conduct. Schools are not allowed to forbid clubs that may be viewed as controversial, like the Gay Straight Alliance.

What is a violence?Violence is defined as "the use of physical force with the intent to harm, malign, damage, or destroy.There are many definitions that are employed as well, such as the World Health Organization's definition of violence as "the deliberate When someone attempts to influence another person's behavior physically, they employ a weapon or a portion of their body. When a person is made to engage in sexual behavior against their will, sexual violence happens. When someone says or does something to make someone else feel foolish or worthless, emotional violence has occurred.Any action or threat of action that has an effect on another person includes all physical, sexual, emotional, financial, and psychological aspects. The majority of women around the world endure this type of violence.

To learn more about violence refer to:



carl rogers's person-centered approach is considered______because the client actually does all the real work, with the therapist merely acting as a sounding board. directive nondirective behavioral cognitive


carl rogers's person-centered approach is considered Nondirective approach  because the client actually does all the real work, with the therapist merely acting as a sounding board.

A non-directive strategy is what, exactly?

Because the mentor or coach is listening and questioning the receiver skillfully, a non-directive method enables the recipient to develop their own solutions and activities. Non-directive approach  coaching or mentoring has the following benefits: There is no requirement that the mentor or coach be an industry specialist. a method of psychotherapy and counseling where the therapist or counselor clarifies the client's thoughts and creates a supportive environment rather than taking control of the session.

To know more about Nondirective approach visit:



maurya (continuing): michael has a clean burial in the far north, by the grace of the almighty god. bartley will have a fine coffin out of the white boards, and a deep grave surely. what more can we want than that? no man at all can be living for ever, and we must be satisfied. (she kneels down again and the curtain falls slowly).


The white boards Maurya purchased to construct Michael's coffin are present onstage the entire time, and their presence is a sign of death that suggests another death will take place before the play's conclusion.

It is evident from Maurya's frequent references to these message boards that the protagonists' thoughts are continually consumed with death. Furthermore, the uncertainty surrounding whose body would be placed in the casket emphasizes the idea that death is both common and encroaching on the Aran Islands. The coffin can hold someone else even though the planks are intended for Michael, whose body has not yet washed ashore. Bartley's body contradicts Maurya's suggestion that the boards might be for her because she won't survive once all of her boys have passed away.

Even though it is implied that the coffin belongs to Bartley, Maurya mysteriously forgets to acquire the nails required to construct the coffin, thus the boards remain onstage unfinished until the play's conclusion. The boards still ominously lean against the wall as the curtain closes, portending that there would be more deaths.

To know more about The white boards: https://brainly.com/question/18493157


The correct question is:

Give Symbol Analysis of The White Boards?

question 6 an inner join is a function that returns records with matching values in two or more tables. an outer join is a function that combines right and left join to return all matching records in both tables.T/F


It is accurate to say that an inner join is a method that retrieves data from two or more tables that has values that match. The outer join function combines the right and left joins to retrieve all matching records from both tables.

The inner join's purpose is what?If there are matching values in a field shared by both tables, an inner join joins records from the two tables. All the employees in each department can be chosen by using an  inner join using the Departments and Employees tables.It is accurate to say that an inner join is a method that retrieves data from two or more tables that has values that match. The outer join function combines the right and left joins to retrieve all matching records from both tables.If there are matching values in a field shared by both tables, an inner join joins records from the two tables.            

To learn more about inner join refer to:



A function called an inner join finds records in two or more tables with matching values. A function called an outer join combines a left and right join to retrieve all matching records from both tables. True.

What is an inner join for?

If there are matching values ​​in a field common to both tables, an inner join joins the records from the two tables. All employees of each department can be selected via an inner join across the Departments and Employees tables. It is correct to say that an inner join is a method that retrieves data from two or more tables that contain matching values. The outer join function combines left and right joins to retrieve all matching records from both tables.

If there are matching values ​​in a field common to both tables, an inner join joins the records from the two tables.    

To learn more about inner join refer to:



Work with a partner. Determine which subsets of the set of complex numbers
contain each number.
a. √—
9 b. √—

0 c. −√—

d. √


e. √—

2 f. √—



a.√—9 is the set of all complex numbers whose square is -9. This set contains two numbers: 3i and -3i, where i is the imaginary unit.

b.√—0 is not a valid mathematical expression, as the square root of 0 is 0 and cannot be negative.

c.−√—4 is the set of all complex numbers whose square is 4. This set contains two numbers: 2 and -2, which are both real numbers.

d.√—4—9 is not a valid mathematical expression. The square root operator can only be applied to non-negative real numbers.

e.√—2 is the set of all complex numbers whose square is -2. This set contains two numbers: √—2i and -√—2i, where i is the imaginary unit.

f.√—−1 is the set of all complex numbers whose square is -1. This set contains two numbers: i and -i, where i is the imaginary unit.

A ________ variable is one we think is affected by another variable.


The correct answer is dependent variable

the propensity to show facial expressions and tendency to live in groups are related in that they both


The propensity to show facial expressions and tendency to live in groups are related in that they both are human universal.

The facial expressions are the unique way of communicating with each other without speaking. Similarly, the tendency to live in groups add new light in the lives of people everyday. While women chatter and gossip to pass their day, children live in groups where they study and play, and men generally work together. The concept of urban society is also based on better and collaborated communication and living. Facial expression communication helps in showing happiness, anger, delight or sadness. Human universal studies all the psychological and physical being related to the person, which helps in genetically and biochemically linking the individuals in the society.

Learn more about facial expressions at:



in the context of racial plurality in the united states, between 2000 and 2010, the percentage of americans identifying as more than one race increased by . group of answer choices 32 percent 2 percent 100 percent 18 percent


In the context of racial plurality in the united states, between 2000 and 2010, the percentage of Americans identifying as more than one race increased by 32 Percentage. So, the correct option is A.

The ethnic and racial composition of the American population is changing. Just as waves of immigrants from Southern and Eastern Europe did a century ago, new immigrants from Asia and Latin America have significantly increased the cultural and phenotypic diversity of the American population in recent years.

Additionally, due to increasing rates of intermarriage and an increase in people of mixed ancestry, the lines dividing racial and ethnic groups are fuzzier than ever.

To know more about immigrants, click here:



FILL IN THE BLANK the enduring political struggle is characterized by the human need for ______and the need to it, and how countries decide to do this determines what structure they use.


The enduring political struggle is characterized by the human need for political control and the need to it, and how countries decide to do this determines what structure they use

Different strategies are employed by political leaders to ensure widespread adherence to state laws and to reduce opposition. Research typically examines various strategies separately, implying fundamental differences in underlying assumptions and objectives. We define political control as a concept that unifies these various strategies into a single framework, and we illustrate the analytical value of talking about seemingly unrelated tactics together rather than separately. We summarize a growing body of recent research on political control, including studies of indoctrination, distribution, and infiltration as well as novel repressive strategies. The degree of violence and the materiality of state actions, according to our argument, are the two main dimensions along which political control strategies can be understood to vary. We draw attention to recent research on the consequences of political control.

To know more about political control here



The enduring political struggle is characterized by the human need for political control and the need for it, and countries decide to do this determines.

Politics is the set of activities that are related to making choices in organizations, or different types of strong relations amongst individuals, inclusive of the distribution of resources or popularity. A political birthday party is an organized organization of human beings or bodies who are seeking to capture political power thru an election so that it will run the affairs of a rustic. It frequently places forward applicants for public office.

The political electricity definition of authority is the capacity of a character or a set of humans to influence the mind, actions, and mindsets of people in a nation. This strength may be valid strength given to an entity by means of the humans of a kingdom that holds authority over society. A political essay is a chunk of writing that deals with political or governmental issues. In different phrases, it is a piece of literature that changed into created to exercise knowledge of particular political thoughts.

To learn more about Political control visit here:



Kevin shows a pattern of instability in his relationships, self-image, and feelings. As such, he most likely has ________ personality disorder.
a. borderline
b. avoidant
c. dependent
d. antisocial


Kevin shows a pattern of instability in his relationships, self-image, and feelings. As such, he most likely has A. borderline personality disorder.

A pervasive pattern of unstable interpersonal interactions, self-image, and emotions, together with severe impulsivity, is the distinguishing feature of borderline personality disorder. These people may frantically try to avoid abandonment in response to it, whether it is real or imagined. Their relationships may be intense and unstable, and they frequently switch between seeing people as either completely good or completely bad. Thus, option A is the right choice.

Personality features are regarded as a personality disorder when they cause a great deal of distress, social impairment, and/or BPD impairment. Many people who have this illness claim to feel "empty" all the time, and they may also suffer with tremendous, inappropriate rage that they may find challenging to control.

To know more about a personality disorder, refer to the following link:



Ethics is a branch of philosophy that seeks to discover what different moral beliefs different People do in fact have.


It is true that ethics is a subfield of philosophy that looks into the actual moral convictions that people have.

What area of ethics deals with the development of moral principles and many facets of morality?

The history of ethical conceptions itself is a topic covered by meta ethics, sometimes known as "analytical ethics." Whether an activity is right or wrong, good or terrible, is not taken into account. Conversely, it poses the question such as "What is goodness, rightness, or morality itself?" It actually involves giving a thought about ethics in a very abstract way.

Why is moral philosophy also referred to as ethics?

Ethics can be perfectly described as a collection of ethical precepts. They have an influence on how individuals live their lives and arrive at choices.

To know more about Ethics, visit:



the country of agoria has a moderate level of per capita national income. a few of agoria's megacities are highly industrialized, but agoria also has huge slum areas with low standards of living. agoria is most likely a . group of answer choices second world nation third world nation fourth world nation first world nation


According to the 2016 United Nations World Cities Report, the number of slum residents in developing nations climbed from 689 million in 1990 to 880 million in 2014.

More than half of the population in some cities in the developing world lives in slums, where they frequently lack access to sufficient shelter, good water and sanitation, education, and healthcare.
The daily fight is made more difficult by the absence of formal land rights, which endangers people's homes and investments in vital services.

The Thomson Reuters Foundation's collection of articles Slumscapes uses photography, drone footage, video, and narrative to convey the experiences of people who live in slum all around the world. In order to prevent the government from constructing a road through Kibera and demolishing thousands of houses, schools, and clinics, residents have filed a lawsuit.

Learn more about sanitation  here:



The first major US industrial labor organization, which collapsed during the depression of the 1870


The first major US industrial labor organization, which collapsed during the depression of the 1870 is National Labor Union.

In American history, the National Labor Union (NLU), a political-action movement, sought to improve working conditions through legislative reform rather than through collective bargaining from 1866 to 1873. The National Labor Union was the first significant industrial labor union in the United States; it failed during the 1870 depression.

The National Labor Union was founded in 1866 in Baltimore, Maryland, at a convention designed to unite farmers, reformers, and skilled and unskilled laborers into a coalition that would put pressure on Congress to enact legislation that would limit the workday to eight hours. The National Labor Union may have had as many as 500,000 members during its brief life, and there were 77 delegates present at the convention.

Learn more about national labor union at https://brainly.com/question/5057514


____in the united states created a gap between nonpaid work performed by women at home and paid work performed by men and women. group of answer choices pastoralism postmodernism horticulturalism industrialization


Industrialization in the United States created a gap between nonpaid work performed by women at home and paid work performed by men and women.  

What is industrialization?

Industrialization is the transition from an economy based on agriculture or natural resources to one based on mechanized production.

It is typically linked to higher average incomes and higher standards of living. During the 18th and 19th centuries, early industrialization took place in Europe and North America, and subsequently in other regions of the world. With varied degrees of success, many industrialization tactics have been tried over the years. Economic expansion, a more effective division of labor, and a surge in technological innovation are some of the benefits of industrialization.

To learn more about industrialization visit;



which of the following individuals that offer securities to the public on behalf of a broker-dealer must be registered in the state? i full-time employees ii part-time employees iii independent contractors iv officers




Any person, outside a broker-dealer, who represents a broker-dealer or issuer in carrying out or attempting to carry out purchases or sells of securities is referred to as a "agent."

A "broker-dealer" is defined by the Uniform Securities Act as a person who conducts securities transactions for the benefit of others or a person who transacts in securities for its own account.

An agent, an issuer, a bank, savings institution, or trust company, or a person without a physical presence in the state are not considered brokers-dealers if they only effect transactions in the state with or through I the issuers of the securities involved in the transactions.

the 2020-2025 dietary guidelines for americans (dga 2020) promote healthy eating. which of the following statements about the dga 2020 are true? emphasize energy-dense foods provide recommendations from birth through older adulthood recommend limiting calories from added sugar to 15% of total calories updated every 10 years provide specific dietary recommendations for those with nutrition related diseases recommend staying within calorie limits recommend that adults should limit sodium to 2300 mg per day


Updated every ten years, older adulthood recommendations limit calories from added sugar to 15% of total calories and advise people to limit their daily sodium intake to 2300 mg.

What are the goals of the American Dietary Guidelines for 2020–2025?

In order to meet nutrient requirements, enhance health, and aid in the prevention of chronic disease, the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2020–2025, offer recommendations on what to eat and drink.

What are the 3 dietary principles?

Three important dietary principles can aid individuals in adhering to the Dietary Guidelines. The Dietary Guidelines recommend the following to help improve Americans' eating habits:

A. satisfy nutritional requirements mostly through food and drink.

B. Pick a range of possibilities from each food category.

C. Consider the size of your portions.

To know more about  2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines visit:



occurs when members of a racial or ethnic group are conquered and forcibly placed under the economic and political control of the dominant group in a particular society. group of answer choices structural segregation ethnic nepotism xenocentrism internal colonialism


Internal colonialism occurs when individual of a racial or ethnic group are conquered and forcibly placed under the economic and political power of the dominant group in a particular society.

Comparable to global colonialism in terms of its economic effects is internal colonialism. Colonialism occurs when a foreign power claims a portion of another country, depriving the native population of their rights there. When states "colonise" particular regions for the advantage of others, this is known as internal colonialism.

As a result, some state regions benefit economically more than others. Additional problems, such as conflicts on the basis of race and class, may result from this economic mismatch. Internal colonialism refers to the imbalances that arise when racial or geographic divides within a nation give rise to disparities of many different kinds.

Know more about Internal colonialism here



Conflict is an expressed struggle between at least two interdependent parties who perceive incompatible goals, scarce resources, and interference from the other party in achieving their goals.
A. Expressed struggle captures the notion that conflict does not exist unless all the people involved know that the disagreement exists even if the expressed struggle is not verbalized.
B. Perceived incompatible goals is a situation where it seems as if the goals of those involved are mutually exclusive, but that is not always the case, as mutually satisfying answers can be agreed upon.
C. Perception of scarce resources occurs when people believe there are not enough resources, such as time, money, affection and space to go around.
D. Interdependence is another feature that captures the notion that people in a conflict are dependent upon each other.
E. Inevitability addresses that fact that conflicts are impossible to avoid; the challenge is to handle them effectively when they occur.


All the statement related to conflict are true because conflict is defined as struggle of thoughts, goals or any other thing which cannot be done by mutual agreement, which means options are correct.

It is necessary that we address conflicts of any kind which occur in our society because conflicts hamper growth and they possibly create situation which lead to reduce efficacy of the individuals. Many even get stressed and may indulge in wrong unlawful activities. Conflict arises due to incompatible behavior, use of false means to grow and other lack of trust and cooperation. Many organizations implement conflict resolution measures to help tackle such situations through reasonable views and opinions.

Learn more about conflict at:



in the context of the passage, which of the following versions of the underlined text is the most effective way to introduce the evidence provided in sentence 10 (reproduced below) ? confirmation bias does admittedly have its uses: it can, for example, increase the efficiency with which we process information and also protect us against information that might be damaging to our self- esteem.


The version of sentence 2 that makes the most persuasive claim to introduce the topic of the passage will be emphasised .If established successfully, economic connections.

They bring people together to create economic and cultural links that are mutually beneficial. They bring people together to create beneficial cultural and economic ties when they are successfully developed." A writer or author is regarded to be utilising an effective claim when they use a statement to back up their assertion. It's a fact-based assertion used to support a claim.

In this instance, the claim was made to demonstrate how cultural and economic ties can develop in a mutually beneficial way.

Learn more about economic.



brian married his high school sweetheart, and they have been faithful to each other for over 40 years of marriage. from this information, it can be said that their marriage is . group of answer choices endogamous polygamous exogamous monogamous


From this statement, it can be said that their marriage is considered to be Monogamous.

What is monogamous?

Monogamy is a relationship that involves just one partner at a time as opposed to several. Although it's typically both, a monogamous relationship might be either sexual or emotional. Monogamy is common in contemporary partnerships. However, some people struggle to maintain their monogamy even when they only want to be with one partner. Monogamy is the practice of having a single, long-term marriage to one husband and one wife. The practice of polygamy involves either a husband marrying several wives or a wife marrying several husbands. While polyandry is the union of several men with one woman, polygyny is the union of one man with several women.

Learn more about monogamous: https://brainly.com/question/845734


Brian and his high school sweetheart have a monogamous marriage for 40 years.

Monogamy is a form of marriage in which an individual is married to only one person at a time and is sexually exclusive with that person. In this case, Brian and his high school sweetheart have been married for over 40 years and have remained faithful to each other, indicating that they have a monogamous marriage.

Monogamy is the most common form of marriage in many cultures & it provides a stable framework for intimacy, emotional connection and family formation. Monogamy is often seen as a way to promote trust, respect and mutual support in a relationship and it can serve as a foundation for long term commitment and partnership.

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If the domain of f(x) is -3 x 9 and the range of f(x) is 2 y 15, then which of the followingstatements is correct about the domain and range of 9 (x) = f(x-2) - 8? A Closer Look at Independent Assortment During melosis, the pairs of homologous chromosome are divided in half to form haploid cells, and this separation, or assortment of homologous chromosomes is random. To These chromosomes could have arranged in a different way. Drag the chromosomes to the cells in the alternative arrangement. Each cell MUST receive one long chromosome and one short Which of the following issues is a benefit of globalization?A.a loss of jobs in some industries and sectorsB.an increased availability of goods and servicesC.an increase in the power of corporationsD.a loss of cultural diversityPlease select the best answer from the choices providedABCD Lucy kreb is a bookkeeper. Her personal excemptions are $84. 60 a week. State tax rate is 3. 5 percent of taxable income. Local tax is 1. 5 percent of gross pay Fill-in-the-blank with the correctindirect object pronoun.gustan losA mgatos.O meO teO leO nos TRUE/FALSE. carefully considering your buying options is the second step when you're developing the skill of power over purchasing. 1. what are some of the deeply held values by mr. nemeroff and the writers that in part define the organizational culture of the learning focus? 2. explain how these differing values produce the conflict among the parties in this case. 3. in an attempt to bring about a change in the organization, what do you think might happen to the learning focus if nemeroff fired all the existing writers and replaced them with new writers? 4. what significance does the legacy of the mccalls have on the way the writers currently view the company? 5. if you were asked to bring about change that benefited the learning focus, what change strategies would you follow and why? if the economy is currently at point d. what is the opportunity cost of producing an additional 100 trucks? Sarina shares a phone plan with her brother, Quentin. Each month, they are allowed to send a limit of 1000 text messages. Last month, they did not go over their 1000 text message limit. Sarina knows she sent 400 text messages.How many text messages, on average, could Quentin have sent per day in the month? Last month, there were 30 days.Graph the number of text messages as an inequality on the number line. Studies show that the ______ is connected with aggressive behavior in monkeys, cats, and other animals rationalize the denominator of $\displaystyle \frac{1}{\sqrt{2} \sqrt{3} \sqrt{7}}$, and write your answer in the form\[ \frac{a\sqrt{2} b\sqrt{3} c\sqrt{7} d\sqrt{e}}{f}, \]where everything is in simplest radical form and the fraction is in lowest terms, and $f$ is positive. what is $a b c d e f$? Which of the following is false regarding the use of simulation?one answer A. we might choose to conduct a simulation because gathering the desired data by means of an experiment may be considered unethical.B. We might choose to conduct a simulation because we want to gain insight into real world probabilities or expected values.C. Conducting a well designed simulation can mimic real world outcomes.D.Conducting a simulation can help to establish a cause and effect relationship between two variables.E.A simulation must be repeated many times in order to provide reliable information about probabilities How many kinds of chemically non-equivalent hydrogens are there in each of the following compounds? 3-Chlorocyclopentene The number of chemically non-equivalent hydrogens is ____The number of chemically non-equivalent hydrogen is ____ SimplifyThe following expression.6 1/1 6 91/10A. 18B. 1/126C. 216D. 1/18 Annette is standing with a tree directly between her and a building. She stands so that, in her eyes, thetop of the tree appears to "touch" the top of the building. If the distance between her and the tree is30 ft, the distance between the tree and the building is 15 ft, and the tree is 20 ft tall, how tall is thebuilding? (You may ignore her height.) 1. A TV has a width of 45 inches and a height of 30inches. What is the length of the diagonal of the TV? Question 40 If old experiences disrupt recall of new experiences, this is referred to as: a. Proactive interference. b. Retrieval failure. c. Retroactive interference. d. Encoding failure. which of the following statements is false? program execution begins at main(). a program executes one statement at a time. each statement ends with a period.an output statement outputs a value to the screen. Who said love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy? All the information is in the picture help please