which of these enviroments will have the highest average temperatures? rural farms, urban cities, ocean shorelines, or suburban centers?


Answer 1


Among rural farms, urban cities, ocean shorelines, and suburban centers, urban cities are likely to have the highest average temperatures. This is because urban areas typically have a large amount of concrete and asphalt which absorb and retain heat, resulting in what is known as the urban heat island effect. In addition, urban areas often have less vegetation and green space compared to rural areas, which can further contribute to higher temperatures.

While ocean shorelines can have warm temperatures, they are often moderated by ocean breezes and can experience a range of temperatures depending on the season and location. Rural farms and suburban centers can also have warm temperatures, but they are typically less built up than urban areas and may have more green space and vegetation to moderate temperatures.

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Journey to the Center of the Earth answer key



jump into the creator and find a way to the centre of the earth

1) in what way does the constitution reflect the principles of popular sovereignty and limited government?
2) why did the framers of the constitution create a distinct form of federalism instead of adopting a unitary system of government?
3) how does the bill of rights work to protect individual rights?
4) why has the constitution been amended only 27times in more than 200 years?
5) why did James Madison believe that the U.S. republic's large size would help government serve the public good?
6) how does the system of checks and balances help prevent one branch of government form becoming too powerful?


The U.S. Constitution incorporates the concepts of limited government and people sovereignty in a number of ways.

In what way does the constitution reflect the principles of popular sovereignty and limited government?

According to the notion of "popular sovereignty," which is founded on the notion that the people are the ultimate source of political power, the Constitution establishes a system of government. For a number of reasons, the Constitution's founders decided against implementing a unitary form of government and instead constructed a unique form of federalism. The U.S. Constitution incorporates the concepts of limited government and people sovereignty in a number of ways. One justification was to maintain a balance of power between the federal government and the states. The founders desired to protect state autonomy while also acknowledging that a robust central government was required to fund the common defence and advance the common good.

To Know more about U.S. Constitution Visit:



Why is Russia discussed in the Eastern Europe unit instead of Asia when 75% of Russia is on the continent of Asia


is geographically situated in Europe, as opposed to the country's sparsely populated and vastly larger eastern part, which is situated in Asia, encompassing the entire northern region of the continent. The Ural Mountains divide Russia into two parts, bisecting the Eurasian supercontinent

The summary of napoleons conquest from the point of view of one of his soldiers



The below explanation is a good summary of Napoleon's conquest from the point of view of one of his soldiers.


As a soldier in Napoleon's army, I witnessed firsthand the incredible military campaigns that led to his conquests. Under his leadership, we marched through Europe and won victories against powerful enemies like Austria, Prussia, and Russia.

Napoleon's tactics and strategies were innovative and effective. He utilized fast-moving infantry and cavalry to outmaneuver his opponents, and he was a master of artillery. His ability to inspire his soldiers and keep them disciplined was unmatched.

However, the cost of war was high. I saw many of my fellow soldiers fall in battle, and the toll on civilians and their homes was devastating. Despite the glory of victory, there were also moments of fear and uncertainty as we faced superior forces and harsh conditions.

Despite the challenges, I remained loyal to Napoleon and believed in his vision for a united Europe. His military conquests brought about significant changes, such as the spread of the Napoleonic Code and the modernization of government and society in conquered territories. As a soldier, I was proud to serve under his leadership and contribute to his remarkable legacy.

To write a summary of Napoleon's conquest from the point of view of one of his soldiers, you must do consistent research of the period, in historical documents and books, to generate reliability in your text.

What were Napoleon Bonaparte's conquest?

In his military and political career, Napoleon had several achievements, such as:

Conquest of ItalyBattle of AusterlitzNapoleonic CodeExpansion of the French Empire

Therefore, you can portray in your text, from the perspective of a Napoleonic soldier, about such experiences and conquests, in addition to the horrors suffered in war, violence and victories.

Find out more about Napoleon on:



Which evidence did Wegener use to develop the theory of continental drift?


Wegener used fossil evidence to support his continental drift hypothesis. The fossils of these organisms are found on lands that are now far apart. Grooves and rock deposits left by ancient glaciers are found today on different continents very close to the equator.

Alfred Wegener developed his theory of continental drift at the dawn of the 20th century on a variety of different pillars.

Firstly, he saw how the sizes of the continents, particularly those of North africa and The Middle, seemed to fit together like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle.

Secondly, Wegener found that rock formations on opposite sides of the ocean had similar ages and compositions, suggesting that they had formerly been connected.

Third, identical individuals belonging to the identical species can not have been found on opposite sides of the Atlantic if the landmasses genuinely were in their present locations.

Not to mention, Wegener noted that the distribution of glacial deposits demonstrated that regions that are today far apart were formerly occupied by ice sheets.

Learn more about continental here:


A guy wire runs from the top of a cell tower to a metal stake in the ground. Ember places a 12-foot tall pole to support the guy wire. After placing the pole, Ember measures the distance from the stake to the pole to be 5 ft. She then measures the distance from the pole to the tower to be 21 ft. Find the length of the guy wire, to the nearest foot.


To find the length of the buy wire, we can use the Pythagorean theorem, which states that in a right triangle the length of the guy wire is approximately 22 feet .

The square of the hypotenuse (the longest side) is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides.Let x be the length of the guy wire. Then we have a right triangle with sides 5 ft (the distance from the stake to the pole), 21 ft (the distance from the pole to the tower), and x (the length of the guy wire).Using the Pythagorean theorem, we have:[tex]x^2 = 5^2 + 21^2x^2 = 25 + 441x^2 = 466x ≈ 21.6[/tex]  Therefore, the length of the guy wire is approximately 22 feet, rounded to the nearest foot.

To learn more about buy click the link below:



can someone please please help me with this question
it’s for psychology


Conditioned response, because it uses a neutral stimulus

differentiate between bronze and an alloy​



Brass and bronze are both metal alloys, which means they are a combination of two or more different metals. Brass is composed of copper and zinc, whereas bronze is made up of copper and tin, sometimes with other elements such as phosphorus or aluminium added in.

Brass and bronze are both metal alloys, which means they are a combination of two or more different metals. Brass is composed of copper and zinc, whereas bronze is made up of copper and tin, sometimes with other elements such as phosphorus or aluminium added in.

Match the correct term to each image.

parallel lines
line segment
perpendicular lines


1. Ray

2.perpendicual line 90-degree angle is formed between the lines.

3. Line segment. A line with 2 endpoints.

4. parallel lines. The line never touches.

The correct matches with the image are:  Image 1 is ray. image 2 is perpendicular lines. image 3 is line segment. Image 4 is Parallel lines.

1. Ray: A ray is a part of a line that starts at an endpoint and extends infinitely in one direction. It has one endpoint and goes on forever in the opposite direction. For example, imagine an arrow drawn on a piece of paper starting at a specific point and going off into the distance in one direction.

2. Perpendicular Lines: Perpendicular lines are lines that intersect at a 90° angle, forming a right angle. This means that the two lines are at a perfect right angle to each other. For example, if you have a horizontal line and a vertical line on a piece of graph paper, they would be perpendicular.

3. Line Segment: A line segment is a part of a line that has two endpoints. It is a straight path connecting two points. Unlike a line, which extends infinitely in both directions, a line segment has a specific length. For example, imagine a line segment on a piece of paper connecting two dots.

4. Parallel Lines: Parallel lines are lines that lie in the same plane and do not intersect each other. They have the same slope and will never meet, no matter how far they are extended. Examples of parallel lines include railroad tracks or the sides of a rectangular table.

Learn more about Parallel Lines here:



Which best defines a ray?
part of a line that has an endpoint and extends infinitely in one direction
two lines that share the same endpoint
part of a line that has two endpoints and can be measured
part of a line that is two points
Reset Next


Answer: A ray is defined as a part of a line that has an endpoint and extends infinitely in one direction.

Explanation: Rays are used in geometry to describe lines and angles, and they are often represented with an arrow pointing in the direction that the ray extends. A ray is different from a line segment, which is a part of a line that has two endpoints and can be measured.

A ray is a part of a line that has one endpoint and goes on infinitely in only one direction. You cannot measure the length of a ray.

The one that best defines a ray?

A ray is a segment of a line with a fixed starting point but no terminus, according to the mathematical definition of the term. In a single direction, it can go on forever. A ray's length cannot be determined because it lacks an end point. Fun Facts: A ray is something like the sun's rays.

What purpose does a ray serve?

A general-purpose cluster programming framework called Ray is available. With Ray, programmers may simply parallelize existing Python applications or create new ones, and execute those apps at any scale, from a laptop to a big cluster.

Learn more about Ray



Select the correct answer.
Which of the following countries has a system of rule that does not let people choose their government, but has an economic system that allows for
outside investment?
O A. North Korea
O B. South Korea
O C. China
O D. Japan


Answer: Option C. China

Explanation: China is ruled by the Communist Party of China, which was not selected by the people through equal representation; however, China has become one of the world's largest economies through its economic system that allows for outside investment.

Why was there a reform movement (and civil war) after Perry’s arrival?



The arrival of Commodore Matthew Perry in 1853 is considered a significant event in Japanese history, as it marked the end of Japan's isolationist policy and the beginning of the country's modernization process. However, Perry's arrival and the subsequent opening of Japan to the world also led to significant social and political changes, which resulted in a reform movement and ultimately a civil war.

One of the main reasons for the reform movement was the realization among Japanese leaders that their country had fallen behind the rest of the world in terms of technology, military power, and economic development. The arrival of Perry's ships, which were far more advanced than any Japanese vessels, highlighted the technological gap between Japan and the Western powers. This realization led to calls for modernization and reform, particularly among the samurai class, who were the traditional ruling elite in Japan.

In addition to technological and military concerns, the opening of Japan also led to social and political changes. As Japan began to interact more with the rest of the world, ideas and values from other cultures began to influence Japanese society. This led to debates over issues such as democracy, human rights, and social equality. Some Japanese leaders, particularly those in the samurai class, saw the need for reforms that would modernize Japan's political and social structures.

However, not everyone in Japan supported the reform movement. Some traditionalists, particularly those in the rural areas, saw the changes as a threat to their way of life and opposed the reforms. These tensions eventually boiled over into a civil war, known as the Boshin War, which lasted from 1868 to 1869. The war pitted supporters of the reformist Meiji government against supporters of the old feudal system.

In the end, the reformers emerged victorious, and Japan embarked on a period of rapid modernization and development. However, the process of modernization was not without its challenges and setbacks, and Japan's history in the late 19th and early 20th centuries was marked by struggles over issues such as imperialism, militarism, and democracy.


transport in the cape metropolis?

step 1- formulate the hypothesis
step 2- maps
step 3- background information about the study area
step 4- data collection
step 5- analyze data
step 6- representation and solution
step 7- finally - accept/reject the hypothesis
step 8- bibliography
step 9- submission
​please help I don't have enough points an the due date is tomorrow please help I don't want to fail


A general outline of the steps that you can take to conduct such a study of transportation:.

The Outline

Step 1: Formulate the hypothesis

Before you start any study, you need to formulate a hypothesis. In this case, a hypothesis could be that the current transportation system in the Cape Metropolis is not efficient, resulting in traffic congestion, long travel times, and high transportation costs.

Step 2: Maps

You can use maps to help you identify the transportation routes in the Cape Metropolis, including highways, main roads, public transportation, and bike paths. You can also use maps to visualize traffic congestion hotspots and areas with high transportation demand.

Step 3: Background information about the study area

Gather information about the Cape Metropolis, including its population, demographics, economic activities, and transportation infrastructure. This information can help you understand the transportation needs of the residents and identify any existing transportation challenges.

Step 4: Data collection

Collect data on transportation in the Cape Metropolis, including traffic volume, travel time, public transportation ridership, transportation costs, and road safety statistics. You can gather this data through surveys, interviews, and data analysis of existing sources.

Step 5: Analyze data

Analyze the data to identify any transportation challenges, including traffic congestion, long travel times, and high transportation costs. You can also identify any existing transportation solutions and evaluate their effectiveness.

Step 6: Representation and solution

Represent the data using graphs, tables, and other visual aids to communicate your findings effectively. Identify potential solutions to the transportation challenges, such as increasing public transportation, improving road infrastructure, and promoting alternative transportation modes like biking and walking.

Step 7: Accept/reject the hypothesis

Based on your data analysis and findings, you can either accept or reject your initial hypothesis.

Step 8: Bibliography

Include a bibliography of all the sources you used in your study, including academic articles, books, and online resources.

Step 9: Submission

Prepare a report summarizing your study's findings, including your hypothesis, data analysis, and recommendations for addressing transportation challenges in the Cape Metropolis. You can submit your report to relevant stakeholders, including local government officials, transportation planners, and community organizations.

Read more about transportation here:



The ancient Babylonians developed a method for calculating nonperfect squares by 1700 BCE. Complete the statements to demonstrate how to use this method to find the approximate value of . In order to determine , let G1 = 2, a number whose square is close to 5. 5 ÷ G1 = , which is not equal to G1, so further action is necessary. Average 2 and G1 to find G2 = 2.25. 5 ÷ G2 ≈ (rounded to the nearest thousandth), which is not equal to G2, so further action is necessary. Average 2.25 and G2 to find G3 = 2.236. 5 ÷ G3 ≈ (rounded to the nearest thousandth), which is equal to G3. That means is approximately 2.236.


The ancient Babylonians developed a reliable method to calculate nonperfect squares which is explained below

How was nonperfect squares calculated?

The ancient Babylonians developed a method for calculating nonperfect squares by 1700 BCE. To find the approximate value of a nonperfect square, you can follow these steps:

1. Let G1 be a number whose square is close to the nonperfect square you want to find the value of. In this case, we want to find the value of the nonperfect square 5, so we let G1 = 2, since 2^2 = 4 is close to 5.

2. Divide the nonperfect square by G1. 5 ÷ G1 = 2.5, which is not equal to G1, so further action is necessary.

3. Average 2 and G1 to find G2. G2 = (2 + G1)/2 = (2 + 2)/2 = 2.25.

4. Divide the nonperfect square by G2. 5 ÷ G2 ≈ 2.222, which is not equal to G2, so further action is necessary.

5. Average 2.25 and G2 to find G3. G3 = (2.25 + G2)/2 = (2.25 + 2.222)/2 = 2.236.

6. Divide the nonperfect square by G3. 5 ÷ G3 ≈ 2.236, which is equal to G3.

That means the approximate value of the nonperfect square 5 is 2.236.

Learn more on nonperfect squares here;






Tennessee is a state in the Southeastern United States that is divided into three Grand Divisions: East Tennessee, Middle Tennessee, and West Tennessee. Each Grand Division has its own distinctive landforms, climate, and natural resources, as well as major cities. In this essay, I will compare and contrast these three regions of Tennessee.

East Tennessee is the easternmost part of the state, bordering North Carolina and Virginia. It is part of the Appalachian Mountains and has a rugged terrain with many peaks, valleys, and ridges. The highest point in Tennessee, Clingmans Dome (6,643 feet), is located in East Tennessee. The region also has many rivers, lakes, and waterfalls, such as the Tennessee River, Watauga Lake, and Bald River Falls. The climate of East Tennessee is humid subtropical with four distinct seasons. The average annual temperature is 57°F and the average annual precipitation is 51 inches. East Tennessee has abundant natural resources, such as coal, marble, copper, zinc, and timber. Some of the major cities in East Tennessee are Knoxville (the largest city in the region), Chattanooga, Johnson City, Kingsport, and Bristol.

Middle Tennessee is the central part of the state, bordering Kentucky and Alabama. It is part of the Interior Low Plateaus and has a rolling landscape with hills and plains. The highest point in Middle Tennessee is Short Mountain (2,106 feet). The region also has many rivers and streams, such as the Cumberland River, Duck River, and Harpeth River. The climate of Middle Tennessee is humid subtropical with four distinct seasons. The average annual temperature is 59°F and the average annual precipitation is 48 inches. Middle Tennessee has rich natural resources, such as limestone, phosphate, iron ore, natural gas, and oil. Some of the major cities in Middle Tennessee are Nashville (the capital and largest city of the state), Murfreesboro (the geographic center of the state), Clarksville, Franklin, and Cookeville.

West Tennessee is the westernmost part of the state, bordering Arkansas and Mississippi. It is part of the East Gulf Coastal Plain and has a flat terrain with low hills and swamps. The highest point in West Tennessee is Brown Mountain (806 feet). The region also has many rivers and lakes, such as the Mississippi River (the western boundary of the state), Reelfoot Lake (formed by an earthquake in 1811), and Hatchie River. The climate of West Tennessee is humid subtropical with mild winters and hot summers. The average annual temperature is 62°F and the average annual precipitation is 54 inches. West Tennessee has fertile natural resources, such as cotton, soybeans, corn, wheat, and hardwoods. Some of the major cities in West Tennessee are Memphis (the largest city in the region), Jackson, Dyersburg, Union City, and Martin.

In conclusion, Tennessee is a diverse state with three Grand Divisions that have different landforms, climate, and natural resources. Each region also has its own cultural heritage and history that contribute to the identity of the state. By comparing and contrasting these three regions of Tennessee123, we can learn more about this fascinating state and its people.

Complete Essay #17: Compare and contrast the benefits of being a traditional missionary with being a tent maker.


Answer: Traditional missionaries and tent makers are two approaches to serving in a foreign mission field. While both involve serving others and spreading the gospel, there are some differences in the benefits that each approach offers.

Traditional Missionaries:


Dedicated time and energy for missionary work: Traditional missionaries have the opportunity to focus solely on evangelism and discipleship without being distracted by other jobs or responsibilities. They are able to dedicate their full time and energy towards the mission work.

Access to financial support and resources from mission agencies, churches, and donors: Traditional missionaries have the benefit of access to financial support from mission agencies, churches and donors which can be crucial for the success of their work.

Strong sense of purpose and fulfillment in being called to full-time missionary service: The sense of purpose and fulfillment that comes from being called to full-time missionary service can be a huge benefit for traditional missionaries.

The ability to engage with the local community in a more focused way: Traditional missionaries are able to engage with the local community in a more focused way and establish deep relationships with locals.


Financial dependence on outside sources can be challenging: Traditional missionaries may face financial challenges since they are dependent on outside sources for funding.

May face significant cultural barriers, including language and customs: Cultural barriers such as language and customs can be a challenge for traditional missionaries to overcome.

Can be difficult to establish relationships with locals due to the perceived power dynamic and cultural differences: Traditional missionaries may face difficulties in establishing relationships with locals due to the perceived power dynamic and cultural differences.

Limited opportunities to engage with those outside of the Christian community: Traditional missionaries may have limited opportunities to engage with those outside of the Christian community.

Tent Makers:


Can support themselves financially and be self-sufficient: Tent makers are able to support themselves financially and be self-sufficient which can be a great benefit for them.

Can build relationships with locals in a more natural way: Tent makers have the opportunity to build relationships with locals in a more natural way since they are not solely focused on evangelism and discipleship.

More opportunities to engage with those outside of the Christian community: Tent makers may have more opportunities to engage with those outside of the Christian community since they are not solely focused on evangelism and discipleship.

Ability to blend in and integrate with the local community more easily: Tent makers can blend in and integrate with the local community more easily since they are living and working among them.


Less time and energy for missionary work: Tent makers have less time and energy for missionary work since they have to balance their work and mission work.

Limited access to financial support and resources from mission agencies, churches, and donors: Tent makers may have limited access to financial support and resources from mission agencies, churches, and donors.

May face challenges in maintaining their Christian faith while working in a secular environment: Tent makers may face challenges in maintaining their Christian faith while working in a secular environment.

Limited opportunities for focused evangelism and discipleship: Tent makers may have limited opportunities for focused evangelism and discipleship.

In conclusion, both traditional missionaries and tent makers have their own benefits and drawbacks. Traditional missionaries have the benefit of being able to dedicate all their time and energy towards missionary work, and access to financial support from outside sources. Tent makers have the benefit of being self-sufficient and having more opportunities to engage with those outside of the Christian community. Ultimately, the decision to be a traditional missionary or tent maker depends on personal preferences, skills, and circumstances.

Describe how each of the following impacts our environment: rainforest, population growth, and use of natural resources


Answer: Rainforest:

Rainforests play a vital role in maintaining the health of the planet's ecosystem. They act as a carbon sink, absorbing large amounts of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and producing oxygen, which is essential for life. Rainforests are also home to millions of species of plants and animals, many of which are found nowhere else on earth. When rainforests are destroyed or degraded, it leads to soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, and the release of large amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Deforestation is one of the main causes of climate change, and rainforests play a critical role in mitigating its effects.

Population growth:

The increasing human population has a significant impact on the environment, including the depletion of natural resources, deforestation, pollution, and the destruction of habitats. As the population grows, so does the demand for food, water, and energy, which puts increasing pressure on natural resources. This increased demand can lead to overexploitation, which results in the depletion of natural resources such as water, fish, and forests. The growing population also leads to urbanization and the expansion of cities, which can result in the loss of biodiversity and the destruction of habitats.

Use of natural resources:

The use of natural resources, such as fossil fuels, minerals, and timber, has a significant impact on the environment. The extraction and processing of natural resources can result in air and water pollution, habitat destruction, and soil erosion. The burning of fossil fuels, in particular, releases large amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, contributing to climate change. Additionally, the overexploitation of natural resources can lead to depletion, which may have long-term effects on the environment, such as the loss of biodiversity, soil degradation, and desertification. To mitigate the negative impacts of resource use, it is crucial to use these resources sustainably and minimize waste and pollution.

Explanation: i went all out

The ecosystem of the planet depends heavily on the health of the world's rainforests. The environment is significantly impacted by the growing human population, including habitat loss, pollution, deforestation, and resource depletion. Using natural resources like minerals, fossil fuels, and wood has a big impact on the ecosystem.

The ecosystem of the planet depends heavily on the health of the world's rainforests. They serve as a carbon sink, removing a significant amount of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere while generating oxygen, a necessary component of life. Millions of species of plants and animals, many of which are unique to the earth, can be found in rainforests.

Natural resource exploitation and processing may lead to soil erosion, water and air pollution, and habitat degradation. The burning of fossil fuels, in particular, emits significant volumes of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, leading to climate change.

The environment is significantly impacted by the growing human population, including habitat loss, pollution, deforestation, and resource depletion.

To know more about rainforest and population growth, refer to:



Which situation shows people practicing inclusion?
O showing words in a video for viewers who cannot hear the audio
O asking a small group of workers to share their concerns about their workplace
O learning about different cultures and trying different foods at an international festival
Oleaving out students who cannot participate in sports when planning a school field day




The situation that shows people practicing inclusion is: showing words in a video for viewers who cannot hear the audio.

Inclusion means ensuring that everyone is included and valued, regardless of their differences. In the given situation, the video creators are making the effort to include viewers who are deaf or hard of hearing by providing them with an accessible means of understanding the video's content. This is an important step in ensuring that everyone can participate in and benefit from the video, regardless of their abilities.

Asking a small group of workers to share their concerns about their workplace and learning about different cultures and trying different foods at an international festival are also examples of inclusive practices. On the other hand, leaving out students who cannot participate in sports when planning a school field day is an example of exclusion and goes against the principles of inclusion.

Which of the following is NOT a major agreement aimed at environmental causes?


Answer: National Environmental Policy Act (1970).

Explanation: Not sure this is correct, because I can't see the other answers

Final answer:

While the Kyoto Protocol, Paris Agreement and Rio Declaration are all major agreements aimed at environmental causes, the Geneva Convention is not.

The Geneva Convention is in place to ensure humanitarian treatment during warfare.


Major agreements aimed at environmental agreements causes include, but are not limited to, the Kyoto Protocol, the Paris Agreement, and the Rio Declaration.

These comprise international initiatives taken to combat diverse environmental issues, especially global warming and climate change.

However, the document known as the Geneva Convention is noteworthy amongst these as it does not tackle environmental issues. Instead, it was established to ensure humanitarian treatment during war times.

Therefore, the Geneva Convention is a major agreement which is not aimed at environmental causes. It is essential to differentiate between environmental agreements and other international treaties to avoid confusion.

Learn more about Environmental Agreements here:



Why is the United States called a "nation of immigrants"?
HELP FASTTT A Few people are immigrants or descended from immigrants. B It is a nation with few immigrants. C Most people are immigrants or descended from immigrants.
D People in the Unites States move around a lot.



I think it's C


I am probably wrong.

Answer: A Few people are immigrants or descended from immigrants.

Explanation: :)

Question 1 of 15
Rural areas have
Check all that apply.
than cities.
A. longer average commutes to work
B. more expensive housing
C. more people that need cars
D. less crime


A. longer average commutes to work

C. more people that need cars

D. less crime

Option B is generally not true, as housing tends to be less expensive in rural areas compared to cities.

What types of tectonic forces create mountains?


Answer: Mountains are created by tectonic forces that cause large-scale movements in the Earth's crust. The two primary types of tectonic forces that create mountains are compression and tension.

Explanation: Compression occurs when tectonic plates collide, causing the rock in between to be squeezed and folded. This process is known as folding, and it can create mountain ranges with long, parallel ridges, such as the Appalachian Mountains in the eastern United States.

Tension occurs when tectonic plates pull away from each other, creating a rift or a valley. This process can cause volcanic activity, and it can also create mountains as magma rises and solidifies. An example of this is the East African Rift Valley, which has created several mountains, including Mount Kilimanjaro.

In addition to compression and tension, mountains can also be created by uplift, which occurs when large blocks of rock are pushed upward by forces deep within the Earth's crust. This process can create fault-block mountains, such as the Sierra Nevada range in California.

Overall, the creation of mountains is a complex process that involves various types of tectonic forces and geological processes.

Answer: Converging plates

Explanation: imma be honest, i learned this in 5th grade

What are some measures to reduce the effects of harzads?



There are many measures that can be taken to reduce the effects of hazards. Here are some examples:

Preparedness: One of the most important measures to reduce the effects of hazards is to be prepared. This includes having an emergency plan, knowing where to go for shelter, and having an emergency kit with essential items.

Hazard identification and assessment: Knowing the hazards that are present in your area and assessing the risk associated with them can help you prepare for potential disasters.

Building codes and standards: Adhering to building codes and standards can help ensure that buildings are constructed in a way that minimizes the risk of damage during a hazard event.

Early warning systems: Having early warning systems in place, such as sirens or alerts on your phone, can give you more time to prepare for a hazard event.

Hazard mitigation: Taking steps to mitigate hazards, such as building sea walls to reduce the risk of flooding, can help reduce the potential impact of a hazard event.

Community involvement: Engaging the community in hazard planning and preparedness can help ensure that everyone is on the same page and that resources are used effectively.

Education and awareness: Educating people about hazards and their potential impacts can help raise awareness and encourage preparedness.


Your friend says he was born in South Africa in a town at 6°N.Tell her why this is impossible.


I will tell her that it is not possible for someone to be born in a town at 6°N in South Africa because South Africa is located entirely in the Southern Hemisphere, where latitudes are measured as degrees south of the equator, not degrees north.

Why is the geographical co-ordinate impossible in SA?

A geographic coordinate system is a system that uses a three-dimensional spherical surface to determine locations on the Earth. Any location on Earth can be referenced by a point with longitude and latitude coordinates.

A latitude of 6°N would place the town in the Northern Hemisphere, which is not part of South Africa. In fact, South Africa is located entirely between latitudes 22°S and 35°S. Therefore, it is more likely that your friend may have been born in another country or town located at a different latitude.

Read more about co-ordinate



For a project in his Geometry class, Chase uses a mirror on the ground to measure the height of his school’s football goalpost. He walks a distance of 7.25 meters from the goalpost, then places a mirror flat on the ground, marked with an X at the center. He then walks 6.55 more meters past the mirror, so that when he turns around and looks down at the mirror, he can see the top of the goalpost clearly marked in the X. His partner measures the distance from his eyes to the ground to be 1.45 meters. How tall is the goalpost? Round your answer to the nearest hundredth of a meter.





What is the purpose of the underlined sentences in the passage?


Answer: Use italics or underlining to emphasize, stress, or clarify a word or letter in a sentence or when using a word as a linguistic symbol rather than for its meaning: It was the first time I felt appreciated by my children.

Find the area of ABC


The area of the triangle is 37.20 squared units

What is the area of the triangle

To find the area of a triangle given two sides and an angle between them, you can use the formula:

Area = (1/2) x side1 x side2 x sin(angle)

where side1 and side2 are the two given sides of the triangle, and angle is the angle between them.

To calculate the area of the triangle, we have to use the formula

A = bc * sin A

Substituting the values into the formula;

A = 7.8 * 9 * sin 32

A = 37.20 squared units

Learn more on area of triangle here;



Question 12 of 15
What is the main geographic feature of the eastern European region east of
the Hungarian Plain?
OA. A peninsula bordering the Mediterranean Sea
OB. A string of large saltwater seas
OC. A desert with extremely hot temperatures
OD. A crescent-shaped mountain range



B. A string of large saltwater seas. The region east of the Hungarian Plain includes the Black Sea, the Sea of Azov, and the Caspian Sea.


how much more energy was released by the earthquake in china than the one in haiti



The Haiti earthquake was magnitude 7, which releases the energy equivalent of several nuclear bombs. The United States Geological Survey estimates magnitude 7 as equivalent to about half a million tons of high explosive.14 Jan 2010

Define weight and mass?



Mass is an intrinsic property of a body. It was traditionally believed to be related to the quantity of matter in a physical body, until the discovery of the atom and particle physics.

Weight is the Gravitational force with which the Earth attracts the masses towards its center.


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