Which one of these test systems can be used to evaluate the adequacy of fibrinogen in heparinized patients?


Answer 1

The test system that can be used to evaluate the adequacy of fibrinogen in heparinized patients is the Reptilase time test. A blood test called the reptilase time is used to identify fibrinogen deficiencies or other abnormalities, particularly when heparin contamination is present.

Who are heparinized patients?
Patients who are getting heparin treatment are said to be heparinized. Heparin is an anticoagulant, which means it is a drug that aids in preventing the formation of blood clots. It is frequently administered to patients who have particular medical disorders, such as deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism, have recently undergone surgery, or are otherwise at danger of blood clot development.

To learn more about fibrinogen, click here: -


Given above is an incomplete question, here is the complete question -
Which one of these test systems can be used to evaluate the adequacy of fibrinogen in heparinized patients?
a) Prothrombin time test.
b) Thrombin time test.
c) Reptilase time test.
d) Partial thromboplastin time test.

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from a population perspective, what are three key health behaviors that can increase longevity and reduce risk of disease?


Three key health behaviors that can increase longevity and reduce disease risk are following a balanced diet, getting regular exercise, and practicing stress management.

Three key health behaviors that can increase longevity and reduce disease risk are following a balanced diet, getting regular exercise, and practicing stress management. A balanced diet includes eating a variety of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, while limiting processed foods and foods high in saturated fat, trans fats, and added sugars. Regular exercise can improve cardiovascular health, help control blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and reduce the risk of diabetes. Stress management is important for physical and mental health, and can include activities such as yoga, deep breathing, and mindfulness. Making these behaviors part of your daily routine can help you enjoy a longer and healthier life.

To know more about Stress management click below:



the nurse finds that the client is exhibiting wheezing, prolonged exhalations, and rhonchi. the client uses accessory muscles during breathing. as a treatment, the health care provider prescribes bronchodilators and corticosteroids in the form of inhalers. which disorder does the nurse identify related to the symptoms and treatment of the client?


The client's symptoms and treatment are identified by the nurse A nurse examines a patient's reports and discovers that the patient has rhonchi, wheezing, and extended exhalations. Client employs an accessory.

Which lung issue affects patients with a hereditary disorder most frequently?

A genetic (inherited) condition known as cystic fibrosis (CF) results in the accumulation of thick, gooey mucus in many organs, including the pancreas and the lungs. Thick mucus plugs the airways of CF patients, making breathing challenging.

Of the following types of restricted lung disease are brought on by exposure to the environment?

Exposure to inorganic dust can result in restrictive lung disease, such as silicosis, asbestosis, talc, breathing problems, berylliosis, hardened steel fibrosis, coal worker's breathing problems, and chemical worker's lung.

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a woman has preinvasive cancer of the cervix. in discussing available treatments, the nurse includes what


The treatments the nurse includes for the pre-invasive cancer of cervix are: Cryosurgery, laser surgery, and loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP).  

Cancer is the disease that generates when the normal cells of the body start dividing uncontrollably. These cells form a mass of cells called tumor. When this tumor starts migrating to other parts of the body, thus property is called metastasis and the disease is termed as cancer.

Cryosurgery is a type of surgical procedure where a frozen liquid or some instrument, called a cryoprobe are used to destroy the abnormal cells of the body. The treatment is directed to the specific damaged cells of the body and hence no normal cells are lost.

To know more about cancer, here



medical screening to determine the priority of treatment


A nurse's triage is not an MSE. In most hospitals, triage is used to ascertain the kind and seriousness of a patient's complaint and to decide the order in which patients are examined by a doctor.

Which four sorts of screening are there?

Although seven words are used to characterise them: case-finding, mass screening, multiphasic screening, opportunistic screening, periodic health assessment, prescriptive screening, and focused screening, there currently appear to be four main goals of screening.

Which two screening techniques are there?

It forecasts the propensity for someone to have or develop a specific condition. Organized screening programmes and opportunistic screening programmes are the two types of screening.

To know more about triage visit:



a 45-year-old woman is admitted after undergoing a hysterectomy. she has been immobile for 2 days. she has a 20-year history of smoking. she also takes oral estrogen to manage her hot flashes. as a nurse assesses the client, she notices that the client's left leg is dark purple and measures 2 inches (5 cm) larger than her right leg. what is the client most at risk for?


The client who is most at risk for a pulmonary embolism, according on the information provided.

What happens to a woman's body after a hysterectomy?

Your never longer have cycles after having your uterus removed, and you are unable to become pregnant. Your might not exhibit more signs of menopause, though, if your ovaries are still producing hormones. Due to surgery's potential to have obstructed blood supply to the follicles, you may experience hot flashes, a menopause sign.

What are the signs you need a hysterectomy?

Your doctor might suggest a hysterectomy for a number of reasons, some of which are as continues to follow: endometrial fibroids, also classified as benign (non-cancerous) tumors. The most frequent justification for hysterectomy is uterine fibroids. extremely heavy periods that happen regularly.

To know more about hysterectomy visit:



The use of antibiotics is creating the mutations in bacteria that make them resistant to these antibiotics .


Some bacteria can resist these antibiotics due to genetic mutations, and they transmit these mutations on to their offspring.

What is antibiotic resistance and why is it important?

Antibiotics are one of our most effective medical treatments for bacterial infections that can be fatal. Antimicrobial resistance: what is it? Antimicrobial resistance occurs when bacteria or fungus stop responding to medications intended to kill them. This indicates that these germs are not destroyed and keep multiplying. Researchers at MIT have recently discovered a new category of mutations that aids bacterial resistance development. It was found through research on E. coli that alterations to genes related to metabolism can also assist bacteria in avoiding the toxic effects of a variety of antibiotics. When germs are exposed to antibiotics and survive, resistance develops.

To learn more about genetic mutations refer to:



the nurse prepares a patient for a total hip replacement. what information will likely postpone the surgery?


A patient is made ready by the nurse for a total hip replacement. The client's complaints of burning while urination will probably delay the operation.

Which behavior would a client learn to avoid following a total hip replacement from the nurse?

As a precaution, you should avoid bending forward more than 90 degrees and lifting your knee on the side of the surgery higher than your hip. Avoid crossing your legs, turning your foot outward, and twisting or pivoting your hip that has had surgery.

Which physiological alteration should the nurse anticipate happening when the patient is in severe pain?

Which physiological alteration should the nurse anticipate happening when the client is in severe pain? Skin temperature dropped. A client is given the go-ahead for a liver scan before surgery.

To know more about urination visit:-



which type of nursing diagnosis consists of the problem and defining characteristics as its structural components


Health promotion diagnosis consists of "problems" and "determining the characteristics of structural components".

The problem, along with the definition of the traits, explains the central idea of ​​health promotion diagnostics. The main topic of health promotion diagnostics is the motivation for improving the standard of living. It is characterized by the development of new strategies for improved coping mechanisms. Defining problems and features does not explain the diagnosis of syndromes, risk factors, and acute conditions. The question describes the diagnostic process of the syndrome with or without defining relevant factors and features. Defining the problem, associated factors, and features describe the diagnostic process in acute conditions. Defining Problems and Characteristics/Risk Factors describes the process of diagnosing risk factors.

Learn more about the nursing diagnosis in



an older adult is returned to the surgical unit after having a subtotal gastrectomy. the nurse anticipates that which dietary modification will be prescribed?


Continue with small, easily digested feedings gradually will be prescribed by the nurse to the old adult client who had subtotal gastrectomy.

In general, health care providers prevent the dumping syndrome by changing the diet after surgery. Changes may include eating smaller portions or restricting foods high in sugar. More severe cases of dumping syndrome may require medication or surgery. This aims to ensure the complete removal of the tumor by providing adequate longitudinal and circumferential resection margins. Subtotal gastrectomy is the gold standard treatment for early gastric cancer located in the distal third of the stomach. A gastrectomy is a major operation, and recovery takes a long time. You will usually stay in the hospital for 1 to 2 weeks after surgery and may be given direct intravenous nutrition until you can eat and drink again.

Learn more about gastrectomy in



the nurse is preparing medication for a 30-month-old with right otitis media. the child weighs 33 pounds. the health care provider has ordered cephalexin, 50 mg/kg/day in divided doses every 8 hours. the medication concentration is 250mg/5ml. how many milliliters should the nurse give the toddler at each dose?


Since the dosage for the drug is 250mg/5ml, the nurse should give the youngster 5 milliliters every time.

What is otitis?

A inner ear infection called otitis media causes swelling, redness, or fluid buildup behind the eardrum. Anyone can get a middle ear infection, but infants between both the age of six and 15 months are the ones who get them the most commonly. Tympanoplasty with mastoidectomy is the sole procedure for treating chronic otitis media and cholesteatoma. These disorders cannot be cured by medications. The removal of all infection and cholesteatoma is the main objective of surgery for chronic otitis media and cholesteatoma.

How is otitis prevented?

Urging kids to consume wholesome foods like fruit and veggies. advising kids to wash their hands, use a tissue to blow their nose, and dispose of the tissue afterward. avoiding putting anything in a child's ear unless a health care provider specifically instructs you to. avoiding smoking near children.

To know more about Otitis visit:



which action would the nurse take first for a client with pink raised areas that are swollen and itchy after using a new soap?


The nurse will perform a full history and physical examination for a client with pink raised areas that are swollen and itchy after using a new soap.

A medical professional examines your body throughout a physical examination to identify whether or not you have a physical condition. A medical professional evaluates a person for any potential indications or signs of a medical illness during a physical examination, which often includes observation, probing, and auscultation.

Toxins such cleansers and compounds found in cleaning supplies are the main contributors to allergic contact dermatitis. Constant exposure to harmless compounds may potentially cause it. An item that can result in either hypersensitivity or irritating contact dermatitis is soap.

To learn more about physical examination here



a factory worker has presented to the occupational health nurse with a small wood splinter in his left eye. the nurse has assessed the affected eye and irrigated with warm tap water, but the splinter remains in place. what should the nurse do next?


For the factory worker with a small wood splinter in his left eye, the nurse should arrange the worker to be examined promptly by an ophthalmologist (eye specialist).

What is an ophthalmologist?

An ophthalmologist is a doctor who specializes in ophthalmology. Ophthalmologists differ from optometrists in their level of training and what they can diagnose and treat.

Which doctor is best for vision?

For general eye care, either an ophthalmologist or an optometrist are good options. Both can perform a comprehensive advanced eye examination. Write prescriptions for eyeglasses and contact lenses.

Who is an ophthalmologist or optician?

An optician is a technician who adjusts eyeglasses, contact lenses, and other vision-correcting devices. Optometrists examine, diagnose, and treat patients' eyes. An ophthalmologist provides medical and surgical treatment of eye diseases.

To learn more about vision visit:



which instruction would the nurse provide to the client with hemiparesis who is learning to ambulate with a cane?


The instruction that nurse would be given to client with hemiparesis who is learning to ambulate with a cane is to shorten the stride of the unaffected extremity. Because it will help the client to speed up the healing process.

What is hemiparesis?

Hemiparesis define as weakness or the uncapable to move of one side of the body that make hard to perform everyday activities such eating, walking or dressing.  The most common cause of the Hemiparesis are stroke, brain damage because of trauma, brain damage because of head injuries and brain tumors caused by cancer.

Learn more about hemiparesis here



which intervention would the nurse implement for an adolescent experiencing knee pain during a vaso-occlusive crisis?


A vaso-occlusive crisis, also known as a VOC, happens when sickled RBC obstruct blood flow to the extent that tissues are oxygen-deprived. As the body attempts to address the issue, this in turn triggers an inflammatory response.

Which five roles does the RBC play?

in order to protect the body from hazardous illnesses. carbon dioxide and oxygen must be transported. at the scene of injuries, to coagulate the blood. making white blood cells.

What makes RBCs termed cells?

In the bone marrow, where they are created, red blood cells be given a nucleus at birth. Later, they shed their nuclei to make room for more hemoglobin, which allows them to carry more oxygen. They continue to be regarded as cells as a result.

To know more about RBC visit:



a client is returning home after having a bone marrow aspiration and biopsy. what which statement indicates that teaching by the nurse has been effective


The statement that indicates teaching by the nurse has been effective is "The area might ache for 1 to 2 days”.

Bone marrow aspiration and biopsy can determine if your bone marrow is healthy and producing enough blood cells. These techniques are used by doctors to identify and monitor blood and marrow illnesses, such as certain malignancies, as well as fevers of unknown cause. Typically, a bone marrow aspiration is performed first. The physician will draw a little liquid sample of bone marrow cells through the needle with a syringe. As the needle is driven into your bone, you may feel pressure. When the marrow is extracted, you will feel a tugging sensation.

A biopsy is a common medical technique performed by a surgeon, interventional radiologist, or interventional cardiologist. The procedure involves the extraction of specimen cells or tissues for analysis to diagnose the presence or severity of a disease. Biopsies are commonly connected with cancer, however simply because a doctor prescribes one does not imply that one has cancer.

To learn more about bone marrow aspiration and biopsy, here



what is the most common type of injury experienced by healthcare workers? accidental needlesticks accidental needlesticks stomach ulcers stomach ulcers infectious diseases infectious diseases back injury


According to OSHA data, these injuries are the much more frequently reported among healthcare workers. The shoulders and lower back are typically affected by strains and sprains.

What is the most typical reason for nurse injuries?

Over 82% of all nursing injuries are caused by overuse of the body, falls, and aggression. Because of this, hospitals and other healthcare facilities need to enact safety regulations to stop them.

What sets a strain apart from a sprain?

The difference between a strain and a sprain is that a strain involves direct injury to a muscle or to the cartilage band that joins a muscle to a bone, whereas a sprain involves an injury to the bands of tissues that connect two bones together.

To know more about Sprains and strains visit:



julianne green is being admitted for induction of labor. the certified nurse midwife has ordered oxytocin 30 units/500 ml iv to be started at 1 milliunit/min. what will you set for the rate in ml/hr on the pump?


3 mL/hr. To figure out the pump drip rate for this client, the nurse needs perform a lot of computations. The nurse must first calculate how many milliunits there are in a volume of 1000 mL of fluid: 1000 mL with 10 units

Are flow rate and drip rate equivalent?

The amount of DROPS the IV fluid is dropping at is referred to as the drip rate. So, you'd be keeping track of droplets per minute. The pace at which an IV solution enters a vein is referred to as flow rate.

How is drip per hour determined?

If you just need to calculate the infusion rate, or the amount of medication to infuse each hour, divide the entire volume in mL by the total number of hours the medication was prescribed.

To know more about drip rate visit:



question modematching questionmatch the reasons for the federal government creating restrictive regulations for the sale and use of some psychoactive drugs with their descriptions.


The government create restrictive regulations for public safety, prevention of addiction and low crime rate in society.

For a number of reasons, including the following, the federal government imposes severe regulations on the sale and use of several psychoactive substances:

Public health and safety: The federal government restricts the sale and use of some psychoactive medicines that have the potential for abuse and dependency or that can result in serious harm if used inappropriately in order to safeguard the public's health and safety.Reducing crime: Because some psychoactive medicines are linked to illegal activities including drug distribution and trafficking, the government is working to limit these crimes through restrictions.Children, expectant mothers, and other vulnerable groups may be particularly sensitive to the negative effects of some psychoactive substances, hence the government controls their use and sale in order to safeguard these groups.

To know more about government, click here,



an adolescent client with type 1 diabetes is experiencing high glucose levels upon awakening in the morning. after reviewing the client's chart, the nurse determines that the elevated glucose level in the morning is due to the somogyi effect. which finding would lead the nurse to this conclusion? refer to chart.


After looking at the client's chart, the nurse decides that the somogyi effect is to blame for the morning's elevated glucose level. As a result, the chart shows that the glucose level was 65 mg/dL at 2 am.

What is the main cause of diabetes?

Diabetes in its majority has no recognized definite cause. In every circumstance, blood sugar levels rise. This is a result of the pancreas' insufficient insulin production. Both types of diabetes may be brought on by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Diabetes is a chronic disease caused by either insufficient pancreatic insulin production or ineffective body insulin utilization. A hormone called insulin controls blood sugar levels.

What is the treatment for diabetes?

To manage type 1 diabetes, you will need to use insulin. You can use a pump or an injection to administer the insulin. Although eating well and exercising more may help you manage Type 2 diabetes at first, you may eventually require insulin or other drugs.

To know more about Diabetes visit:



which body system effects would the nurse state as occurring due to immobility? select all that apply.


The body system effects occurring due to immobility are: (A) Increased cardiac workload; E) Increased risk for renal calculi; and F) Increased risk for electrolyte imbalance.

Immobility is defined as the condition of the body where its physical movement is limited or completely lost. The individual suffering from immobility is either partially or completely dependent on another person or equipment for the movement.

Renal calculi in simple terms are called the kidney stone. These are the hard deposits of minerals and salts that form inside the kidneys. The condition of presence of renal calculi is very painful for the person.  

The given question is incomplete, the complete question is:

Which body system effects would the nurse state as occurring due to immobility? Select all that apply.

A) Increased cardiac workload

B) Increased depth of respiration

C) Increased rate of respiration

D) Decreased urinary stasis

E) Increased risk for renal calculi

F) Increased risk for electrolyte imbalance

To know more about renal calculi, here



the nurse is assisting the anesthesiologist with the insertion of an epidural catheter and the administration of an epidural opioid for pain control. what adverse effect of epidural opioids should the nurse monitor for?


Side effects of epidural opioids that caregivers should monitor include maternal hypotension and post-puncture headache.

What are epidural opioids?

Epidural opioids are commonly used to relieve central nervous system block and postoperative analgesia. Although they can be used alone in this regard, some studies have shown that pain relievers are more effective when combined with local anesthetics.

How do epidural opioids work?

Morphine LP Epidural is an analgesic that belongs to the opioid class. This medicine relieves pain by acting on specific nerve cells in the spinal cord and brain. Morphine LP Epidural is used to treat severe pain in patients requiring opioids via epidural injection.

What drugs are used for epidural analgesia?

The most commonly used opioids for epidural analgesia are fentanyl, hydromorphone, and morphine.

To learn more about epidural opioids visit:



how might the different issues involved in hearing loss impact the treatment of each of these respective issues


The different issues involved in hearing loss impact the treatment of each of these respective issues with earwax removal for conduction hearing loss and cochlear implants for sensorineural hearing loss.

Hearing loss is loss of hearing in one or both ears due to prolonged loud noises or problems with the auditory nervous system. There are two types of hearing loss, namely conductive hearing loss, which is a disorder that occurs during the process of transmitting sound due to problems in the ear. While sensorineural hearing loss occurs due to damage to the inner ear and interference with the nerve pathways that connect the inner ear to the brain.

Treatment of conduction hearing loss is usually done by cleaning the wax in the ear which is often the cause of hearing loss. Meanwhile, for the treatment of sensorineural hearing loss, cochlear implants are used to improve hearing function

Learn more about sensorineural hearing loss at:



which other nutrient would the nurse include in the teaching while counseling the parents of an adolescent with anemia related to an inadequate diet after explaining that several different nutrients, including protein, iron, and vitamin b 12, are involved?


The nurse should provide a lecture on vitamins like folic acid while giving advice to the parents of a teen who has anemia brought on by a poor diet.

Does folic acid aid in treating iron-deficiency anemia?

For pregnant women, iron combined with folic acid has a positive effect on anemia at maturity and should be regularly taken, at least in developing nations, to lower the prevalence of anaemia due to increasing demands during pregnancy. The production of heme, the steel protein in hemoglobin, requires the coenzyme folic acid. The creation of red blood cells does not involve calcium. It is a cofactor in the metabolism of carbohydrates. The creation of energy and the development of tissues are controlled by riboflavin. A B vitamin called folic acid assists your body in producing red blood cells. Anemia results from a lack of sufficient red blood cells. Oxygen is carried throughout the body by red blood cells.

To know more about Anemia visit:



the nurse is checking a child for dehydration and documents that the child is moderately dehydrated. which symptoms would be noted in determining this finding? select all that apply.


Oliguria. Somewhat recessed fontanels. mucous membranes feel quite dry. Patients with mild dehydration should get oral rehydration therapy.

There are several symptoms, including nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, fever, decreased oral intake, inability to stop further losses, decreased urine output, deteriorating into lethargy, and hypovolemic shock. Infants who are nursing should keep doing so. Drinks having a lot of sugar in them should be avoided because they can make diarrhoea worse. Age-appropriate foods can be served to kids on a regular basis in tiny portions.

Slight dehydration

The Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report advises giving 50 to 100 millilitres of oral rehydration solution per kilogramme of body weight over the course of two to four hours to make up for the expected fluid deficit, with more oral rehydration solution given to make up for continued losses.

The complete question is:

the nurse is checking a child for dehydration and documents that the child is moderately dehydrated. which symptoms would be noted in determining this finding? select all that apply.


Urine output

Slightly sunken fontanels

Limit concentrated sweets

Very dry, mucous membranes

Learn more about Dehydration here:



the nurse is collecting data on a newly admitted client with conversion disorder. the nurse knows which voluntary motor or sensory function deficits might be present in this client? select all that apply


The nurse is aware of any potential deficiencies in this client's voluntary motor or sensory functions.




5.Movement disorder

How does conversion disorder develop?

current severe stress, or recent mental or physical trauma. having a mental illness, such as an anxiety or mood problem, dissociative disorder, or specific personality disorders. having a family member who suffers from a neurological disorder or symptoms. having a background of childhood neglect or sexual or physical abuse.

Can speech be impacted by conversion disorder?

Any speech issue that is the result of one or more different psychological processes is referred to be a psychogenic speech disorder. Anxiety, depression, conversion disorders, and emotional reactions to stressful events are examples of this, although they are not the only ones.

To know more about speech disorder visit:



Complete question is:

the nurse is collecting data on a newly admitted client with conversion disorder. the nurse knows which voluntary motor or sensory function deficits might be present in this client? select all that apply





5.Movement disorder

a patient's blood panel indicates high levels of blood calcium. which hormone is most likely not being produced in sufficient quantity?


A patient's blood test results reveal elevated blood calcium levels. Most likely, there is insufficient production of the hormone calcitonin.

In this quiz, you'll learn which hormone is released in reaction to a high blood calcium level.

In response to elevated blood calcium levels, calcitonin is secreted. PTH is the minute-to-minute hormone, whereas calcium is thought to be an emergency hormone.

Which gland produces the hormone mainly responsible for regulating the level of calcium in the blood?

For the parathyroid glands to produce parathyroid hormone, which regulates blood calcium levels, is necessary. Even slight fluctuations in calcium levels can cause problems with muscles and nerves, therefore the human body needs exact calcium levels.

To know more about calcitonin visit:-



a health care provider diagnoses primary osteoporosis in a client who has lost bone mass. for which client is primary osteoporosis most common? group of answer choices


A health care provider diagnoses primary osteoporosis in a client who has lost bone mass. For elderly postmenopausal woman client is primary osteoporosis most common.

Low bone mass, deteriorating bone tissue, and disruption of the bone microarchitecture are all symptoms of osteoporosis, which can decrease bone strength and raise the risk of fractures. The most prevalent bone disease in people, osteoporosis, is a serious public health issue. Women, older persons, and Caucasians are more likely to experience it. Like hypertension, osteoporosis increases the risk of fracture.

To learn more about osteoporosis, Click here:



which information would the nurse provide when teaching parents about the nutritional needs of their 15-year-old child? select all that apply. one, some, or all responses may be correct.


When educating parents on the nutritional requirements of their 15-year-old child, the nurse would present information. Adolescents from underrepresented.

What exactly is adolescence?

Between the ages of 10 and 19, adolescence is the stage of existence between childhood and adulthood. It is a distinct period in human development and crucial for setting the groundwork for long-term health.

Teenagers grow quickly in terms of their physical, cognitive, and emotional development. The period of development and growth between childhood and maturity is known as adolescence.

Any person between the ages of 10 and 19 is considered an adolescent by the World Health Organization (WHO). Pay attention to how it sounds. Concerning a disease's psychological, emotional, economic, and spiritual side effects.

To know more about Adolescent visits :



regulated medical waste falls into which dot hazard class


Regulated medical trash is classified as PG II packaging. Rgulated Medical Waste, n.o.s. is its correct shipping name, and it belongs in Hazard Class 6, Division 6.

What is Hazardous Materials?

Hazardous substances, hazardous waste, marine pollutants, elevated temperature material, and hazardous substances (6) Materials that match the definitions in Part 173, as well as (5) Materials listed in 172.101. CONTROLLED BY THE US D.O.T.

UN3373 refers to medical waste.

The term "Biological substance, Category B" and the identification number UN3373 must be used to describe infectious substances in Category B. Medical waste that is subject to regulation must be given the identification number UN3291 and is excluded from this.

To know more about Hazard Class visit:



Full question:

Regulated medical waste falls into which hazard class?

a. Hazard Class 6

b. Hazard Class 5

c. Hazard Class 1

d. None

a nurse is reviewing the teaching plan about heart failure with a client. the nurse determines that learning in the affective domain has been achieved based on which client statement?


A client and a nurse are discussing the heart failure lesson plan. Based on the statement option(a)i.e, "I realize now just how important it is to watch how much salt I use," the nurse decides that learning in the affective domain has been accomplished.

A chronic condition at which point the heart doesn't push ancestry in addition it should. Heart failure can happen if the essence cannot inject (systolic) or fill (diastolic) adequately. Treatments can contain eating less seasoning, confining fluid consumption, and taking formula drugs. In a few cases, a defibrillator or pacemaker can be inserted.

Excessive sodium intake is linked to water memory, and it is further a risk determinant for high ancestry pressure. Both overdone sodium consumption and extreme blood pressure are bigger risk determinants for expanding heart failure, and for precipitating complexities in those accompanying existing heart attacks.

To know more about heart failure refer to: https://brainly.com/question/29430349


The complete question is:

A nurse is reviewing the teaching plan about heart failure with a client. The nurse determines that learning in the affective domain has been achieved based on which client statement?

"I realize now just how important it is to watch how much salt I use."

Injury risk associated with mother's ignorance of child safety

delivering a leaflet about insulin injections to the client's mother

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