Which pronoun best completes the sentence?
How is the pronoun used?

Mom and Dad talked to my sister and __________.

me; object of a preposition

me; direct object

I; direct object

I; object of a preposition


Answer 1


me; direct object


My sister and "I" is not right.

You use it when talking about going somewhere.

Not using it when talking about someone.

So "me" is better.

Also, it is a direct object because they're talking to you.

They are directly talking to you.

Related Questions

what are 6 main events of "things fall apart"?


1. Okonkwo is a wealthy member of the umfia clan where people who have wrestling title are highly respected. in his youth he defeated Amazline the Cat who was undefeated until this match. The win brought honor to his village

2. Ikemefuna was given to okonkwos village because his father killed a lady from Okonkwo village

3. During the week of peace Okonkwo notice one of his wives left the hut without making dinner.When she return from her friends hut he beat her repeatedly. Because he broken the week of peace he had to repent his sins by sacrificing a goat,hen to pay a fine f one length of cloth and pay one hundred cowries.

4. Ikemefuna is a boy given to Okonkwo by a neighboring village. One of okonkwos wife took him in a he became very attacked to the family he even called Okonkwo father. Ikemefuna lived with the family for three years until Ogbuefi told Okonkwo that Ikemefuna must be killed.After hours of walking a man attacks him with a machete. Ikemefuna cries out to Okonkwo for help but instead he cuts the boy down so he doesn't look weak in front of the men.

5. At the funeral of ogbuefi Okonkwo accidentally shot his 16 year old son in the chest. In Okonkwo village killing another villager is a crime a the criminal has to be exiled for seven years.

6. Okonkwo almost shot his wife

Question 5 pts How does King change the meaning and connotation of the word "tension" change in lines 104-119? 18 O In the beginning, tension means flexible and creates a receptive tone. By the end, tension is a conflict in the darkness of racism. On the beginning, tension means mild pressure and creates a somewhat friendly tone. By the end, tension is a strength that can defeat its enemies. O In the beginning, tension means conflict and creates a hostile tone. By the end, tension means stretching the truth about racism. In the beginning, tension means conflict and creates an oppositional tone. By the end, tension is a positive energy that can change the world. uz saved at 10-Nonm​



In the beginning, tension means conflict and creates an oppositional tone. By the end, tension is a positive energy that can change the world


At first King's use of the word "tension" creates an oppositional or negative tone. But as the story progresses we now discover a change in its meaning.

In fact, to an avid reader, by the end of the story, the word 'tension' is given a more positive tone; as the positive energy that can change the world

Can someone please help me I don’t know how to start this


Start with an interesting hook or something that grabs the readers attention. You can make it a related question to the story. It’s pretty simple, start with what you know.

hey can ya'll just answer this real quick I'm timed I'll give you brainliest tho dw.
It's multiple choice



the repetition of a syllable sounds at the beginning of word only (but not like in rhyme). It must be repeated at least two times.


"Alliteration" is considered a literary device which is poetic in nature.

This happens when you repeat the first syllable or consonant sound of a word to the rest of the words or most words in the group. It can be used in a sentence or a phrase with two words or even in one word as long as it is repeated at least twice.


Krispy Kreme


She sells seashells by the seashore.

what is the main topic about exploring north america by lila eriksson



Portugal, Spain, France and England were transformed from small territories into nation-states with centralized authority in the hands of monarchs who were able to direct and finance overseas exploration.


He Newsela article "Shelter Dog Protects Owner with Epilepsy" describes Toby as "jumping on Parker, nipping at his mother's hands and trying to herd the family into one room." How does this sentence help develop the idea that Toby was a good choice for Parker?


Hello. You forgot to enter the answer options. The options are:

A.It shows that Toby was trained as a herding dog.

B.It shows that Toby liked Parker and would protect him from others.

C.It shows that Toby was a friendly dog that loved to play.

D.It shows that Toby was able to alert the family that Parker was about to have a seizure.


D. It shows that Toby was able to alert the family that Parker was about to have a seizure.


When Toby realized that his owner was not acting normally, he felt worried and went to get help. Even without being able to speak, the dog managed to get people's attention to go to Parker's meeting and help him during the seizure. This shows that Roby is a good dog and a good choice for PArker, because he is able to help him during epileptic seizures.

replace the noun with a pronoun Liz and ray played tag​



She and ray played tag


I believe it’s,

They played tag.

what do you feel after realizing that you have an important role in your family and in your community



i feel I matured in enough to handle things

Write your thesis statement in the space provided. Because this paper is asking you to make an argument, your thesis should clearly state your stance on the answer to your particular historical question. Here are some other tips and instructions for writing a good


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

You forgot to include your particular historical question, the tips, and the instructions. So although you forgot to include those elements, we can help to comment on the following.

To write a great thesis statement, you have to find one or two powerful statements that could represent the foundation of your work. You can write the main idea of your report. You can have your stand on the subject. Do not forget to be specific and concrete. Another piece of advice would be this. Your statement has to be somewhat controversial. This means that after reading it, your readers would have different opinions about it. If everybody agrees with your statement, it is probably wrong. A good thesis statement invites debate.

Identify whether the infinitvie form is used as a noun, adjective, adverb.
To travel abroad is something that everyone should have the chance to do.
a) noun
b) adjective
c) adverb



It would be a noun.


The infinitive form would be "travel abroad" is something everyone should have a chance to do would be seen as a subject. And a subject is most commonly a noun.

11. What does Jose have to do with Tita's father's death?



Tita's father and Mama E's husband who she is forced to marry instead of Jose. When he finds out that Gertrudis is not actually his daughter, he has a heart attack and dies.


hope this helps

essay of susan b. anthony



It is fifty-one years since we first met and we have been busy through every one of them, stirring up the world to reorganize the rights of women...We little dreamed when we began this contest...that half a century later we would be compelled to leave the finish of the battle to another generation of women. But our hearts are filled with joy to know that they enter upon this task equipped with a college education, with business experience, with the freely admitted right to speak in public - all of which were denied to women fifty years ago."


think of it in a negative way, as a woman who is too high strung and opinionated. The word feminist is actually a female who has opinions on the way her sex is treated. Modern feminism will be discussed, along with using some examples such as Susan B. Anthony. As to the history of feminism, the beginning will be with what is called the “Feminist Revolution” (Rappaport 28). This revolution began in 1837 in New York. Women banded together for the first time at an anti-slavery convention. These

Photosynthesis is the process through which plants produce sugar and oxygen. Photosynthesis can also take place in single-celled organisms like phytoplankton and other microorganisms.
The process of photosynthesis occurs differently from one organism to the next, but several features remain the same. In short, photosynthesis takes in water and carbon dioxide, uses sunlight as a catalyst, and produces oxygen and sugar. The plants release the oxygen through respiration. They digest or store the sugar.
Although the process seems simple, it is the most important event on the planet as far as animal life is concerned. Oxygen is a byproduct of photosynthesis. Animals would not be able to breathe if it was not for this process. Herbivores live off these fruits and vegetables and form the basis of any food chain. Carnivores and omnivores would not be able to find food if it were not for these sugars. Were it not for the simple process of photosynthesis, the Earth would be an uninhabited planet.

Animals would not be able to breathe if it was not for this process.
How does this sentence help to develop the idea that photosynthesis is essential to animal life?

A. It shows that animals depend on this process for oxygen.
B. It suggests that photosynthesis occurs in all animals.
C. It suggests that photosynthesis takes place in the lungs.
D. It shows that animals depend on this process for food.


The answer is A. It shows that animals depend on this process for oxygen.

Photosynthesis is how Carbon dioxide (what we breathe out) is turned into Oxygen (what we breathe in)

If Photosynthesis never took place Oxygen would run out and animals would suffocate.

please help !!! the question is in the picture


Answer:** Because Elmer is careful and avoids the lion ** or ** Because Elmer is smart and he tricks the lion **


It is one of those two for sure. It all depends on why Elmer was doing what he was doing. Why was Elmer tying a ribbon on the lion?

Lines 80-93: In what four places does Poe repeat a word or phrase? What idea does the repetition of “to feel” emphasize? What impact does the repetition of the word “stealthily” have?



The repetition of the word "feel" is intended to create a pace of suspense and horror, as well as to make the reader feel the emotions the narrator and the old man feel. Thus, repetition represents the beating of the two men's hearts.

The recurrence of the word "stealthily" also suggesst how vile and deceitful the narrator is. In fact, he is entering the old man's house to kill him.


The story there will be school tomorrow tell the summary for this story...​


what story? show more details

Read the passage.
1.Whan that Aprill with his shoures soote
2. The droghte of March hath perced to the roote,
3.And bathed every veyne in swich licour
4.Of which vertu engendred is the flour;
5.Whan Zephirus eek with his sweete breeth
6.Inspired hath in every holt and heeth
7. The tendre croppes, and the yonge sonne
8. Hath in the Ram his half cours yronne,
Which literary device is used in lines 3 and 4?
O a standard rhyme scheme
O alliteration
O irony


The literary device used in lines 3 and 4 is alliteration





Stony the road we trod

Bitter the chast’ning rod,

Felt in the days when hope unborn had died;

Yet with a steady beat

Have not our weary feet

Come to the place for which our fathers sighed?

We have come over a way that with tears has been watered

We have come, treading our path thro’ the blood of the slaughtered

Out from the gloomy pasty, till now we stand at last

Where the white gleam of our bright star is cast

Using Textual Evidence To Support Your Answer, What Can You Infer About The Journey Forward From The "dark past"?



It can be inferred that the journey forward from the "dark past" came to a beautiful and happy ending - a white gleam.

Textual Evidence:

"Out from the gloomy pasty, till now we stand at last

Where the white gleam of our bright star is cast"

This evidence infers that despite the dark experiences of the journey, it still ended well and happily. The white gleam signifies its happy ending.

Read the excerpt from " Crossing Brooklyn Ferry." Just as you feel when you look on the river and sky, so I felt, Just as any of you is one of a living crowd, I was one of a crowd, Just as you are refresh'd by the gladness of the river and the bright flow, I was refresh'd, Just as you stand and lean on the rail, yet hurry with the swift current, I stood yet was hurried, Just as you look on the numberless masts of ships and the thick-stemm'd pipes of steamboats, I look'd. How is this excerpt representative of free verse?


Answer and Explanation:

"Crossing Brooklyn Ferry" is the poem by Walt Whitman that made him a pioneer of free verse. Free verse happens when a poem does not follow any rules for meter or rhyme schemes. Let's take a look at the excerpt provided:

Just as you feel when you look on the river and sky, so I felt,

Just as any of you is one of a living crowd, I was one of a crowd,

Just as you are refresh’d by the gladness of the river and the bright flow, I was refresh’d,

Just as you stand and lean on the rail, yet hurry with the swift current, I stood yet was hurried,

Just as you look on the numberless masts of ships and the thick-stemm’d pipes of steamboats, I


Each line has a different length, so to speak. It is clear that Whitman had no concern for the number of syllables and the rhythm to be the same in each line. When we look at the last word or sound of the lines, we notice the same lack of concern for them to be similar or equal. We can tell there is the repetition of the phoneme /t/ at the end of each last word, but that is not enough to characterize rhyming. This is why this excerpt is a representative of free verse.




Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary, Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore- While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping, As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door. - Edgar Allan Poe, "The Raven" Which statement best explains how the alliteration in this excerpt from Edgar Allan Poe's poem "The Raven" contributes to its meaning? A. The repetition of the 'qu sound in line 2 stresses the abruptness of the knock at the door. B. The repetition of the "n" sound in line 3 highlights the pleasant sensation of being asleep. C. The repetition of the sound in linei draws attention to the speakers unhappy state of mind D. The repetition of the sound in line 4 emphasizes the fear felt by the speaker​



The answer in my opinion is C.

Answer: "C. The repetition of the sound in linei draws attention to the speakers unhappy state of mind."

How would a book written by an anthropologist about an indigenous group of people be different from an autobiography of one of the people's elders?



A book written by an anthropologist would be less connected to the lives and culture of the people and therefore would be more factual, while an autobiography would be written more personally and include some aspects of the culture in a more specifically connected way.

Describe the sound the narrator makes. Explain what causes him to make that sound. the outsider


so the reader can understand the sound and where the sound comes from

Jack refuses to hunt because Ralph asks him to.
True or



the answer is true becuase jack refused to hunt with ralph




Read this excerpt from "Rules of the Game."
“Ali-ya. So shame be with mother? She grasped my hand even tighter as she glared at me.
How does the use of the word glared affect the meaning of the text?
A.It emphasizes how angry Waverly's mother is with her daughter.
B.It shows how sad Waverly's mother is about Waverly's disrespect.
C.It illustrates how frightened Waverly's mother feels about her daughter's response.
D.It describes how proud Waverly's mother is with her daughter




Explanation: Waverly's mother felt angry because Waverly told her mother to stop bragging about her winning the chess games to random people because Waverly felt emberassed but Waverly's mother took it the wrong way and got angy instead of understanding how her daughter felt.


its b


Explain why it is important to have a desire to
win. What determines the difference between
winners and losers? Provide examples in 1


desire will boost your motivation to do more and put your best show on.


a i just took the test

Amber has been asked to identify the meter of "Sonnet 18.” She is highlighting the syllables that should be stressed.

And often is his gold complexion dimm'd Which syllables should Amber highlight? Select 3 options.




B (of-), D (is,) F (gold)


edge 2021

The syllables that Amber can highlight are B (of-), D (is,) F (gold).

What are syllables with examples?

In English, a syllable is known to be a portion of a word that has a one vowel sound and that is often voiced out or pronounced as a specific unit.

An example as seen in the scenario above is ' gold' has one syllable, and ' of' has one syllables.

Learn more about syllables from


50 POINTS Write an essay on how characterization is used to express and develop the main themes in “Animal Farm”, choosing two from the following pairs: Napoleon/corruption of power The Pigs/social-class hierarchy The Animals/working-class loyalty Squealer/manipulation of language Use specific details from the story and information about historical events to describe how characters and their actions express and develop each of the two themes. Paragraph 1 Define “Characterization”. (research and make sure you cite your sources) (1-2 sentences) Why do you think characterization is used in the story? (2-3 sentences) Give a brief summary of Animal Farm and its theme. (2-4 sentences) Paragraph 2 Choose your first character. What does this character represent? (2-3 sentences) Describe this character and his/her contribution to the farm. (2-4 sentences) What makes this character important? (1-2 sentences) What’s the theme for this character and why is it important? (2-3 sentences) Paragraph 3 Choose your second character. What does this character represent? (2-3 sentences) Describe this character and his/her contribution to the farm. (2-3 sentences) What makes this character important? (1-2 sentences) What’s the theme for this character and why is it important? (2-3 sentences)



What is a theme and why is it important? Well, a theme is the message that the author is trying to convey throughout the story. It is important because the theme is one of the reasons why the author wrote it in the first place. "Animal Farm", a novella written by George Orwell, tells a story of a group of animals from Manor farm who rebel against their human farm owner. There are several characters in which their actions developed themes throughout the novel such as Squealer and Napoleon. Both characters' actions developed the themes of "using language as an instrument to abuse power" and "corruption".

First, both Napoleon and Squealer demonstrates the theme of "using language as an instrument to abuse power". One of the author's focal concerns in the novel is the way language can be used as an instrument of control. In the novella, Squealer is known to be manipulative for he is a vastly persuasive speaker. He uses language to make the animals doubt what they have witnessed firsthand and to accept and believe the falsehoods that Squealer tells them. According to the text, ""You do not imagine, I hope, that we pigs are doing this in a spirit of selfishness and privilege? Many of us actually dislike milk and apples. Milk and apples (this has been proved by Science, comrades) contain substances absolutely necessary to the well-being of a pig. We pigs are brainworkers. The whole management and organization of this farm depend on us. Day and night we are watching over your welfare. It is for your sake that we drink that milk and eat those apples."" This tells the readers that Squealer is quite good at making others agree on his beliefs. Napoleon is also one of the characters that demonstrates this theme. Although he is not a gifted speaker, he is still known for getting his ways. In the novella, Napoleon seemed to possess the trust of the animals. According to the text, it states, ""Comrades, do you know who is responsible for this? Do you know the enemy who has come in the night and overthrown our windmill? SNOWBALL!"" This tells the readers that Napoleon was blaming Snowball which then led to the animals believing what Napoleon said for one of the characters, Boxer, claimed that "Napoleon is always right."

Second, both Napoleon and Squealer demonstrates the theme of "corruption". The novella consists a lot of foreshadowing in which it creates the sense that the events of the story are unavoidable. the novella also unequivocally recommend that some other conceivable ruler would have been as terrible as Napoleon. According to the text, ""Somehow it seemed as though the farm had grown richer without making the animals themselves any richer—except, of course, for the pigs and the dogs."" This tells the readers that this is a form of corruption for it says that the farm had gotten richer while the animals, except for the pigs and the dogs, were left with nothing. In addition, Squealer demonstrates this theme for he represents the propaganda arm of the controlling class, which are the pigs. He usually takes the truth and spin it to create false accusations on Snowball or the others, to show that Napoleon has no flaws. According to the text, "the others said of Squealer that he could turn black into white." This tells the readers that Squealer is quite capable in manipulating anyone of anything. Napoleon uses this skill for his own benefits.

In conclusion, both Napoleon and Squealer's actions developed the themes of "using language as an instrument to abuse power" and "corruption". This is because both characters work together to be able to manipulate the other animals. They also take advantage of the other animals which then makes them corrupt and evil. In the novella, Squealer is talented in persuading and manipulating others. Napoleon on the other hand is not very gifted in speaking but is quite intimidating. Both in which are a result of them demonstrating the two themes.

It should be noted that Animal Farm was written by George Orwell and it was a story about a group of animals that rebelled against their owners.

A theme simply means the main idea that's conveyed in a story. In the novel, the theme of using language as an instrument that can be used to abuse power was demonstrated by Napoleon and Squealer. In their case, it can be deduced that Squealer was manipulative and a persuasive speaker.

Also, the theme of corruption was demonstrated in the novel. In this case, Squealer was corrupt and was known for lying. He was good at manipulating others.

Lastly, the theme of unity was demonstrated. The animals united before taking over power from the farm owners.

Learn more about Animal Farm on:


when does the book written in the stars by aisha saeed take place
(like what time period)​


Answer:Naila’s conservative immigrant parents have always said the same thing: She may choose what to study, how to wear her hair, and what to be when she grows up—but they will choose her husband

I need help ASAP!

1) What contribution do you think you will make
to your country?

2) What contribution did Barack Obama make?


1. I will make the world a better place again

2. Barack Obama made the usa an even better country then it already was

Which sentence contains a pronoun without a clear antecedent? After Kara and Maddie run one lap, they will do lunges. Because Troy lost his phone, he could not respond to text messages. Before the lecture, they will hand out packets of information. Diego and Liza prepared themselves for a difficult debate.


The correct answer is Before the lecture, they will hand out packets of information.


In sentences, it is common a noun previously mentioned is replaced later using a pronoun such as she, he, they, etc.; this makes the sentence to flow naturally as it avoids repetition of the same noun. For example, in the sentence "Gabriella does not like vanilla ice cream; she prefers chocolate one" the noun Gabriella is later replaced by the pronoun "she". Also, Gabriella is considered as the antecedent.

This does not occur in the sentence "Before the lecture, they will hand out packets of information" because there is not an antecedent for the pronoun "they" or there is not mentioned who or what will hand out the packets of information.




edg. 2020

Other Questions
Read this excerpt. The word "strategies" can bestbe replaced byAtimetables.Borders.plans of action.Dmilitary tactics. If you dig a 6 feet hole how tell is the hole Adelberg Corporation makes two products: Product A and Product B. Annual production and sales are 1,500 units of Product A and 1,500 units of Product B. The company has traditionally used direct labor-hours as the basis for applying all manufacturing overhead to products. Product A requires 0.4 direct labor-hours per unit and Product B requires 0.2 direct labor-hours per unit. The total estimated overhead for next period is $87,630. The company is considering switching to an activity-based costing system for the purpose of computing unit product costs for external reports. The new activity-based costing system would have three overhead activity cost pools--Activity 1, Activity 2, and General Factory--with estimated overhead costs and expected activity as follows: Expected Activity Activity Cost Pool Estimated Overhead Costs Product A Product B Total Activity 1 $ 41,400 1,000 500 1,500 Activity 2 15,720 800 400 1,200 General Factory 30,510 600 300 900 Total $ 87,630 (Note: The General Factory activity cost pool's costs are allocated on the basis of direct labor-hours.)The overhead cost per unit of Product B under the activity-based costing system is closest to:_________a. $42.90b. $9.10c. $21.30d. $63.92 Could someone help me with this. It's the last thing I have to do in the assignment. I need help ASAP please thank you (15 points) Questions 1-5. Bryan invests $500 in an account earning 4% interest that compounds annually. If he makes no additional deposits or withdrawals, how much will be in the account:After 15 years?(round to the hundredths place HELP PLS7. A steel ball is dropped from a height of 100 meters. Which velocity-time graph best describes themotion of the ball? If John drove 210 miles in 3 hours, how far will he havedriven in 4.5 hours? Drag the tiles to the boxes to form correct pairs.Match each novel description to the fiction genre it belongs to. Consumers get energy from cellular respiration true or false I just need some one to explain how to do it , amino acid structure: the only part of the amino acid structure that varies between the amino acids and makes each type unique is What is social responsibility? Need help with 5-8 with working out will be marking brainliest The homoskedasticity-only F-statistic and the heteroskedasticity-robust F-statistic typically are: if atoms are made up of mostly space, why do objects feel like they are mostly solid Find the Theme in this short story! Then tell me how you got the theme! PLZ 100 Pts!!!!Sarah has always been ultra competitive. She always wants to be number one, no matter what! Her parents even tell stories of how she cheated at Candy Land at the young age of 5 just to make sure she won. While it might have been cute for a 5 year to switch out cards in order to make it to the candy castle first, her need to win got old really fast. As she grew into her teenage years, Sarah would continue to rig games and activities to make sure she was number one. As you can imagine, her friends and family became very annoyed with her antics and refused to compete against her anymore. When it came time for backyard games like kickball, Sarah was always the last one to get picked. It even got to the point her friends would no longer call her to let her know they were getting together. So while Sarah may have been declared a victor at many games, she lost numerous friends in the process. Which term can be described as "many different species living together, interacting with eachother and with their physical environment?A. a food chainB. a food web. a nutrient cycleD. an ecosystem 2. What types of organisms have cells with very large vacuoles?AnimalsPlants .BacteriaFungiCLEAR ALL After 8 hours of snow, the temperature dropped by 16 degrees. What was the average change in temperature each hour while it was snowing? Roosevelt said it best: "The only