Which rhetorical appeals do Washington and Chesnutt employ in the texts? What purpose do those appeals serve in supporting the authors’ arguments? Use specific evidence from both texts to support your answer.


Answer 1

Invokes the audience's sense of trust in the speaker by asking them to believe what they are saying. The individual's reputation, expertise, and experience are highlighted in this context.

What rhetorical device persuades a reader of the author's worth or moral character?

The goal of ethos is to persuade your audience that you are trustworthy because you have good morals and a solid reputation. Your talk needs to establish an ethos right away, or the audience won't accept what you have to say.

Which rhetorical strategy makes use of proof?

Logic or factual arguments are referred to as logos. It denotes that a writer has thoughtfully weighed all relevant factors and has reached a reliable opinion about the results. It also implies that the author draws on data, facts, proof, and comprehensible reasoning.

To Know more about context.



Related Questions

Read Friar Laurence's speech in Act 4, Scene 1, in which he lays out his plan for Juliet. Then, distill the plan into 6 clear steps, and detail them
below in your own words (in as much detaill as possible). Then, see if you can identify possible problems at each stage.
-W.B. Yeates
Potential problems
Can you think of a better plan than the one that the Friar came up with? Detail it below, taking into
account the context of the time, and Juliet's pressure from her parents.


Friar Laurence's plan for Juliet in Act 4, Scene 1 of Romeo and Juliet can be distilled into six clear steps:

STEP ONE: Juliet must go to her chamber and be alone.
The Friar instructs Juliet to go to her chamber and be alone, where she will take a potion that will make her appear to be dead.

Potential problems: Juliet may be discovered by her family members or servants while she is alone in her chamber, and they may try to intervene.

STEP TWO: Juliet must take the potion.
The Friar gives Juliet a potion that will put her in a deep sleep, making her appear to be dead. The potion will last for 42 hours.

Potential problems: The potion may not work properly, or it may have unexpected side effects. Juliet may also be afraid to take the potion, or she may have second thoughts about the plan.

STEP THREE: Juliet's family must believe that she is dead.
The Friar sends a letter to Romeo, explaining the plan and telling him to come to the Capulet tomb to retrieve Juliet when she wakes up. He also sends a letter to Juliet's family, explaining that she has died of grief over Tybalt's death.

Potential problems: Romeo may not receive the letter in time, or the letter may be intercepted or destroyed. Juliet's family may not believe that she is dead, or they may suspect foul play.

STEP FOUR: Juliet must be laid in the Capulet tomb.
Juliet's family will place her body in the Capulet tomb, where Romeo will find her.

Potential problems: Juliet may not be placed in the tomb properly, or she may be discovered by someone else before Romeo arrives.

STEP FIVE: Romeo must retrieve Juliet from the tomb.
Romeo will come to the Capulet tomb and retrieve Juliet when she wakes up.

Potential problems: Romeo may encounter obstacles on his way to the tomb, or he may be delayed in some way. He may also be discovered by someone else while he is at the tomb.

STEP SIX: Juliet and Romeo must flee to Mantua.
Once Romeo has retrieved Juliet from the tomb, they will flee to Mantua to start a new life together.

Potential problems: They may be discovered by their families or the authorities, or they may encounter other obstacles on their way to Mantua.

Overall, Friar Laurence's plan for Juliet is risky and fraught with potential problems. There are many points at which the plan could go wrong, and any misstep could lead to tragedy.

One possible alternative plan that takes into account the context of the time and Juliet's pressure from her parents could be for Juliet to run away and elope with Romeo, rather than faking her death. This plan would require Romeo and Juliet to be willing to defy their families and society's expectations, but it would avoid the risks and uncertainties of the Friar's plan. However, this plan would also require Romeo and Juliet to be willing to leave behind their old lives and start anew, which may not be easy or practical.

Someone please help me! Reread the second-to-last paragraph in Chapter 29 and the two paragraphs describing Boo in Chapter 1 (". . .malevolent phantom" and "Jem made a reasonable description. . ."). How is Boo representative of the theme "appearance vs. reality"? List one direct quote.


Boo Radley is representative of the theme "appearance vs. reality" because he is initially perceived as a dangerous, malevolent phantom, but is later revealed to be a kind, gentle soul.

What is soul?

Soul is often described as the essence or inner being of a person. It is often thought to house the deepest desires and ambitions of an individual, as well as being the source of their identity. Soul is also seen as something that transcends the physical body and connects us to a higher power or energy. A soul is seen as eternal, and as a part of a larger spiritual realm that allows us to be connected to a greater purpose and meaning. Soul is seen as a source of creativity, inspiration and passion, a unique way of expressing our feelings and beliefs in life. It is the gateway to understanding and connecting with the divine and our higher selves.

Boo Radley is representative of the theme "appearance vs. reality" because he is initially perceived as a dangerous, malevolent phantom, but is later revealed to be a kind, gentle soul. Direct quote: "Boo was our neighbor. He gave us two soap dolls, a broken watch and chain, a pair of good-luck pennies, and our lives." (Chapter 1)

To learn more about soul



It took only a
determine that the report was
glance to
A. fleeting... impervious
B. passing... faultless
comprehensive ... unerring
cursory... expurgated
E. plagiarized ... prolongated



It took only a _________ to determine that the report was glance to _______

A. fleeting... impervious

B. passing... faultless

C.comprehensive ... unerring

D.cursory... expurgated

E. plagiarized ... prolongated


You're welcome.

It took only a glance to determine that the report was cursory, or expurgated, which is in option D as the sentence implies that the report was evaluated quickly and that the evaluation was negative.

What exactly is a glance in a fill in the blanks sentence?

The sentence "It took only a glance to determine that the report was cursory...expurgated" suggests that someone quickly evaluated a report and found that it was both cursory and expurgated. The word "glance" implies a brief or cursory look at the report, which means that the evaluation was not detailed or thorough. The use of the word "only" emphasizes that the evaluation was quick and efficient. The adjective "cursory" means hasty, superficial, or not thorough. Therefore, the sentence implies that the report was not well-written, lacked important details or information, or was not properly researched.

Hence, It took only a glance to determine that the report was cursory... expurgated, which is in option D.

Learn more about the glance here.



Why does Daisy cry over the "beautiful shirts"?


In F. Scott Fitzgerald's novel "The Great Gatsby," Daisy cries over the "beautiful shirts" that Gatsby shows her, because they represent the material wealth and status that she values so highly.

Throughout the novel, Daisy is portrayed as a character who is obsessed with money and status. She is used to living a life of luxury and privilege, and she is accustomed to being surrounded by beautiful things. When Gatsby shows her his collection of shirts, he is demonstrating his own wealth and success, and he is trying to impress her with his material possessions.

Daisy's tears are a result of her recognition that Gatsby has achieved the same level of wealth and status as she has, and that he has done so through illegal means. She realizes that Gatsby's wealth is the result of his involvement in organized crime, and this realization fills her with a sense of guilt and regret. She understands that Gatsby's wealth and success come at a great cost, and that his pursuit of the American Dream has led him down a dark and dangerous path.

In addition to representing Gatsby's material success, the shirts also represent his love for Daisy. Gatsby has carefully amassed his wealth and status in the hopes of winning Daisy's love, and the shirts are just one example of his attempts to impress her. Daisy's tears may also be a result of her recognition that Gatsby truly loves her, and that his material possessions are simply a means to an end.

Overall, Daisy's tears over the "beautiful shirts" are a poignant reminder of the novel's central themes of wealth, status, and the pursuit of the American Dream. They demonstrate the way in which material possessions can become symbols of success and achievement, and they highlight the emotional toll that the pursuit of wealth and status can take on individuals and society as a whole.

A normal method in poet was to begin with a woman's hair and move down to her feet to describe how physically beautiful she was. Mercutio uses this technique to characterize Juliet's physical beauty, giving particular emphasis to her midriff. How does the figurative language in the example impact the overall meaning in the text?




The use of figurative language in Mercutio's description of Juliet's physical beauty adds depth and richness to the text, as it helps to create a vivid and compelling image of her. Specifically, Mercutio's emphasis on Juliet's midriff, using metaphors such as "the fair sun" and "a snowy dove trooping with crows," helps to elevate her beauty to a level of almost mythic proportions.

This figurative language has several effects on the overall meaning of the text. Firstly, it reinforces the idea that Juliet is a uniquely beautiful and desirable woman, setting her apart from the other characters in the play. Secondly, it contributes to the theme of light and dark, with Juliet's radiance being contrasted against the darkness of her surroundings. Finally, the use of metaphor and poetic language helps to establish the play's tone and style, highlighting the romantic and dramatic nature of the story.

Overall, the figurative language in Mercutio's description of Juliet's physical beauty is an essential element in creating a rich and meaningful portrayal of the character.

Select the correct answer.
Read the excerpt from paragraph 4.

[4] "In the race to mitigate the effects of human-made climate change, human-made technology can be a key advantage," said Technology Transfer Program Executive Dan Lockney. "By making our repository of software widely accessible, NASA helps entrepreneurs, business owners, academia, and other government agencies solve real problems."

What is the meaning of mitigate as it is used in the excerpt?

A. diminish
B. intensify
C. understand
D. excuse



A. diminish

Hope this helps!


The meaning of mitigate as it is used in the excerpt is ‘diminish’. Hence, option (a) is correct.

What is human made climate change?

Human-made climate change is the phenomenon of global warming caused by human activities such as burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, and excessive use of fertilizers. These activities release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, trapping heat and leading to an increase in global temperatures.

In the excerpt, the term ‘mitigate’ is used in the context of reducing the effects of human-made climate change. Therefore, the meaning of ‘mitigate’ as used in the excerpt is ‘diminish’, i.e. to reduce or lessen the severity of.

Therefore, it can be concluded that the meaning of mitigate as it is used in the excerpt is ‘diminish’. Hence, option (a) is correct.

Learn more about human-made climate change here:



Cruises are expensive. You can take steps that will help you save money and get the most out of every dollar you spend.

Make sure you understand exactly what the fare covers. On some lines, food, beverages, and tips are all included. On some ships, they cost extra.

Invest in travel insurance. Many things can interfere with your travel plans. Illness, flight delays, or bad weather happens.

Take your cruise in the spring or fall. The weather is just as good, crowds are fewer, and rates are lower.

This essay would benefit from transitional words and phrases. Choose the option below that uses transitions most effectively.

Cruises are expensive, meaning you should take steps that will help you save money and get the most out of every dollar you spend.

Make sure you understand exactly what the fare covers. On some lines, food, beverages, and tips are all included. On some ships, they cost extra.

Invest in travel insurance, on account of the many things that can interfere with your travel plans. Illness, flight delays, or bad weather happens.

Take your cruise in the spring or fall, since compared with the peak season, the weather is just as good, crowds are fewer, and rates are lower.

Cruises are expensive. Accordingly, you can take steps that will help you save money and get the most out of every dollar you spend.

Such as, make sure you understand exactly what the fare covers. On some lines, food, beverages, and tips are all included. On some ships, they cost extra.

Thus, invest in travel insurance. Many things can interfere with your travel plans. Illness, flight delays, or bad weather happens.

Finally, take your cruise in the spring or fall. The weather is just as good, crowds are fewer, and rates are lower.

Cruises are expensive. However, there are three steps you can take when planning your trip that will help you save money and get the most out of every dollar you spend.

First, make sure you understand exactly what the fare covers. On some lines, food, beverages, and tips are all included. But on other ships, all these of things cost extra.

Second, invest in travel insurance. Many things can interfere with your travel plans, such as illness, flight delays, or bad weather.

Third, take your cruise in the spring or fall. Compared to peak season, the weather is just as good, crowds are fewer, and rates are lower.

Cruises are expensive. Conversely, there are many steps you can take that will help you save money and, in addition, get the most out of every dollar you spend.

To begin with, make sure you understand exactly what the fare covers. On some lines, food, beverages, and tips are all included. On some ships, they cost extra.

Later, invest in travel insurance. Many things can interfere with your travel plans. Illness, flight delays, or bad weather happens.

In the end, you can also take your cruise in the spring or fall. The weather is just as good, crowds are fewer, and rates are lower.


On analyzing both the given text, Text A contains no transition words. On the surface, Text B is the exact same, only transition words like first, to begin with, and later, have been added to make it easier to read.

What do transition words mean?

To connect several ideas in your text, you can use transitional words and phrases, also known as connecting words, linking words, or transitional terms. By expressing the connections between various sentences or sentence components, they make it easier for the reader to follow your ideas.

The readability of your information can be improved by using transition words in your writing. These words make your work more fluid and help readers understand the connection between phrases and paragraphs. Transitional phrases and words can help your reader follow the logic of your argument by forging strong ties between your ideas.

To learn more about transition words, visit:





Answer: Modifier

Explanation: The phrase "green outfit" adds more information

rode, said, told, caught, gave, knew, wrote

Julius Caesar, the emperor of ancient Rome, ___ his army in secret code. His messages ___ the army what to do. He ___ the messages to a messenger and __ 'Quick! Take this to my army. The messenger jumped on a horse and __ to where the army was fighting. Sometimes enemies __ the messenger, but the enemies couldn't read the message because they didn't know the secret code. Only a few people in Julius caesar's army __ the code and could read the message.​



wrote, told, gave, said, rode, caught,knew


? Question
Type your response in the box.
List examples of symbols in the poem other than the ones discussed on the last screen. Analyze what the symbols you chose might mean.


Complete question: List examples of symbols in the poem the lady of shallot. Analyze what the symbols you chose might mean.

"The Lady of Shalott" by Alfred, Lord Tennyson, is a poem that is rich in symbolism. Some examples of symbols in the poem include The mirror, The web, The curse, The boat and The four gray walls.

What do these symbols mean?

The mirror: The mirror symbolizes the Lady of Shalott's detachment from the real world. She is only able to view the outside world through its reflection, and is unable to directly experience it.The web: The web symbolizes the Lady of Shalott's artistry and creativity. She weaves a tapestry that depicts the scenes she sees in the mirror.The curse: The curse symbolizes the Lady of Shalott's isolation and imprisonment. She is unable to leave her tower and must remain within its walls for her entire life.The boat: The boat symbolizes the Lady of Shalott's inevitable fate. It is the means by which she leaves her tower and sets out on the river, which ultimately leads to her death.The four gray walls: The four gray walls symbolize the Lady of Shalott's confinement and lack of freedom. They represent the physical and emotional barriers that prevent her from living a full and meaningful life.

To know more about symbols, visit:



Which qualities show effectiveness at work?
In a last few weeks, Steve has stopped with his coworkers during work. He takes short lunch breaks and is while working.



It's difficult to determine whether someone is effective at work based on a single behavior or set of behaviors, as effectiveness depends on a variety of factors, including the nature of the job, the specific tasks being performed, and the goals of the organization. However, there are some general qualities that tend to be associated with effectiveness at work. Here are a few examples:

Productivity: Effective employees are often productive and efficient in their work. They are able to manage their time well, prioritize tasks, and produce high-quality work in a timely manner.

Reliability: Effective employees are reliable and dependable. They show up to work on time, meet deadlines, and follow through on commitments.

Communication: Effective employees are often good communicators. They are able to express themselves clearly and effectively, listen actively to others, and collaborate well with coworkers.

Adaptability: Effective employees are able to adapt to changes in the workplace and take on new challenges as they arise. They are flexible and able to work well in a variety of situations.

Based on the behavior described in the scenario, it's difficult to determine whether Steve is effective at work or not. While taking short lunch breaks and working while on the job may be viewed as positive qualities, it's important to consider the quality of Steve's work and his overall productivity, as well as other factors such as his communication skills and ability to work well with others.



In a last few weeks, Steve has stopped chatting with his coworkers during work. He takes short lunch breaks and is focused while working.


I took the test!

Shelby saw that concert tickets were on sale but she didn't know how much she was aloud to buy

What is misspelled or wrong? plssssssssss


The word that is wrong is aloud which means audible, Shelby saw that concert tickets were on sale but she didn't know how much she was allowed to buy. Allowed means permitted which is the correct word in the given context.

Why is spelling so crucial in English?

The use of graphemes (the building blocks of the writing system) to express a language in written form is governed by a set of norms known as spelling. The right arrangement of letters makes a word spelled correctly. Writing relies heavily on spelling, which is a complicated skill.

A coherent written message can be communicated by using proper spelling, which is also expected in society. The fact that spelling is an essential part of communication makes it vital for three reasons. The development of general literacy depends on the relationship between spelling and reading abilities. Opportunities for employment are directly impacted by spelling accuracy.

To learn more about spelling, visit:



Hotel the to him the told way i


Told him the way to the hotel

Why Is Rewriting Necessary?

Rewriting is important because it demonstrates that you understand the concept behind the original message and helps you practise rewriting someone else's thoughts in your own words.

There are four processes that can be included in rewriting:

To avoid the appearance of a thought fragment, make your sentences longer.
Shorten sentences to make them more clear and effective.
Rephrase words to better fit the context of the sentence.
Use the entire sentence for a more compelling meaning.
Some writers have an incorrect perception of the purpose of rewriting because they consider it a "free launch" and no longer have to do their best work.

However, it is important to note that rewriting articles is not for lazy writers because it requires the same amount of effort.

To know more about Rewrite,click on the link :



To strengthen, perpetuate, and extend this interest was the object for which the insurgents would rend the Union, even by war; while the government claimed no right to do more than to restrict the territorial enlargement of it.

What does the meaning of the affix -ment as it is used in the word government indicate about the word?
A The word government is an adjective.The word government is an adjective.
B The word government is an adverb.The word government is an adverb.
C The word government is a noun.The word government is a noun.
D The word government is a verb.


The wοrd gοvernment is a nοun dοes the meaning οf the affix -ment as it is used in the wοrd gοvernment indicate abοut the wοrd.In this case οptiοn C is cοrrect.

The affix -ment is cοmmοnly used tο fοrm nοuns frοm verbs, indicating an actiοn οr prοcess, οr tο fοrm abstract nοuns indicating a state οr cοnditiοn.

In the case οf the wοrd gοvernment, the affix -ment is added tο the verb gοvern, indicating the actiοn οr prοcess οf gοverning, and thus fοrming the nοun gοvernment, which refers tο the system οr bοdy that gοverns a cοuntry οr state.

The affix -ment is a nοun suffix, which is added tο verbs tο fοrm nοuns indicating the actiοn οr prοcess οf the verb. In the wοrd "gοvernment," -ment is added tο the verb "gοvern" tο create a nοun indicating the act οr prοcess οf gοverning. Therefοre, "gοvernment" is a nοun that refers tο the system οr bοdy οf peοple that gοverns a state οr cοmmunity.

To know more about  noun  here



An author needs to do what when writing an argument? (Select all that apply)
A. Give evidence to support their claim
B. Give reasons as to why they believe what they do
C.Use reasoning to explain why the
D.Pick a clear side evidence matters​



A, B, C, and D are all correct answers. An author needs to provide evidence to support their claim, give reasons as to why they believe what they do, use reasoning to explain why the evidence supports their claim, and pick a clear side where evidence matters when writing an argument.

When writing as argument, is imperative that you state your claim and provide evidence as to why you feel that way.

With that being said, the answer to your question is A, B, C, D.

How is racism demonstrated the 1960s film Uptight? What are some scenes, as examples of such, that support this?


Uptight is a 1960s film that depicts the struggles of African Americans in the aftermath of the Civil Rights Movement. The film takes place in Cleveland, Ohio, and portrays the racial tension and discrimination that existed during that time.

One example of racism in the film can be seen in a scene where a group of white police officers brutally beat a young African American man who is suspected of stealing. The police officers use racial slurs and make derogatory comments about the man's race, suggesting that their violence is motivated by racism.

Another scene that illustrates racism in the film is when a group of African American men are denied entry into a local bar, which is reserved exclusively for white patrons. The African American men are forced to wait outside in the cold while their white friends are allowed inside, highlighting the pervasive discrimination that existed in public spaces during this time.


What is English subject?​



The English subject is the study of the English language, literature, and culture. It includes the study of grammar, syntax, phonetics, semantics, and vocabulary of the English language. It also involves the analysis and interpretation of literary works written in English, including novels, poems, plays, and short stories. The English subject is important because it is the primary language of communication for millions of people around the world and is used in various fields, including business, education, media, and entertainment. In addition, the study of English helps individuals develop communication skills, critical thinking, and analytical abilities that are essential in many aspects of life.

English subject is often split into two main topics which, obviously, can help a student to improve his/her skills in English. These two topics are English Literature and English Language. When we talk about English Literature it is simply the study of different books and writings from authors past and present.

What is the meaning of English subject?
A subject is a part of a sentence that contains the person or thing performing the action (or verb) in a sentence.

Society and Solitude (excerpt I)
Ralph Waldo Emerson

1‘Tis hard to mesmerize ourselves, to whip our own top; but through sympathy we are capable of energy and endurance. Concert fires people to a certain fury of performance they can rarely reach alone. Here is the use of society: it is so easy with the great to be great; so easy to come up to an existing standard;—as easy as it is to the lover to swim to his maiden through waves so grim before. The benefits of affection are immense; and the one event which never loses its romance, is the encounter with superior persons on terms allowing the happiest intercourse.

2It by no means follows that we are not fit for society, because soirées are tedious, and because the soirée finds us tedious. A backwoodsman, who had been sent to the university, told me that, when he heard the best-bred young men at the law school talk together, he reckoned himself a boor; but whenever he caught them apart, and had one to himself alone, then they were the boors, and he the better man. And if we recall the rare hours when we encountered the best persons, we then found ourselves, and then first society seemed to exist. That was society, though in the transom of a brig, or on the Florida Keys.

3A cold, sluggish blood thinks it has not facts enough to the purpose, and must decline its turn in the conversation. But they who speak have no more,—have less. ‘Tis not new facts that avail, but the heat to dissolve everybody’s facts. The capital defect of cold, arid natures is the want of animal spirits. They seem a power incredible, as if God should raise the dead. The recluse witnesses what others perform by their aid, with a kind of fear. It is as much out of his possibility as the prowess of Cœur-de-Lion, or an Irishman’s day’s-work on the railroad.

4‘Tis said, the present and the future are always rivals. Animal spirits constitute the power of the present, and their feats are like the structure of a pyramid. Their result is a lord, a general, or a boon companion. Before these, what a base mendicant is Memory with his leathern badge! But this genial heat is latent in all constitutions, and is disengaged only by the friction of society. As Bacon said of manners, “To obtain them, it only needs not to despise them,” so we say of animal spirits, that they are the spontaneous product of health and of a social habit. “For behavior, men learn it, as they take diseases, one of another.”

5But the people are to be taken in very small doses. If solitude is proud, so is society vulgar. In society, high advantages are set down to the individual as disqualifications. We sink as easily as we rise, through sympathy. So many men whom I know are degraded by their sympathies, their native aims being high enough, but their relation all too tender to the gross people about them. Men cannot afford to live together by their merits, and they adjust themselves by their demerits,—by their love of gossip, or by sheer tolerance and animal good-nature. They untune and dissipate the brave aspirant.

According to the author, how does one develop an animal spirit?
A through intense meditation
B through vigorous exercise
C through health and society
D through joy and sorrow
E through authority guidance



option is a through intense meditation

How does Sophocles reinforce our views of Oedipus in Lines 594-705?



Sophocles reinforces our views of Oedipus in lines 594-705 through the use of dramatic irony, characterization, and language.

Firstly, Sophocles uses dramatic irony to reinforce our views of Oedipus. Dramatic irony is when the audience knows something that the characters do not. In this case, the audience knows that Oedipus is the killer of Laius, but Oedipus himself does not know this. As a result, the audience views Oedipus as tragic and doomed, while Oedipus remains ignorant and self-assured. Sophocles uses this dramatic irony to build tension and increase our sympathy for Oedipus, who is struggling to uncover the truth about his past.

Secondly, Sophocles uses characterization to reinforce our views of Oedipus. Throughout the play, Oedipus is characterized as a strong and determined leader who is willing to do whatever it takes to solve the mystery of Laius' murder. However, in lines 594-705, we see a different side of Oedipus. He becomes more emotional and vulnerable, as he realizes the full extent of his past and the role he has played in his own downfall. This characterization reinforces our view of Oedipus as a tragic hero, who is struggling to come to terms with his fate and the consequences of his actions.

Finally, Sophocles uses language to reinforce our views of Oedipus. In lines 594-705, Oedipus uses language that is full of despair and anguish. He speaks of being "wretched," "miserable," and "hopeless," as he realizes that he has unknowingly fulfilled the prophecy that was foretold to him many years ago. This language reinforces our view of Oedipus as a tragic hero, who is struggling to come to terms with his own fate and the consequences of his actions.

Overall, Sophocles uses dramatic irony, characterization, and language to reinforce our views of Oedipus in lines 594-705. Through these literary devices, we see Oedipus as a tragic hero who is struggling to come to terms with his fate and the consequences of his actions.

Watch the Tiny Tutor and answer the following question.
Based on the Tiny Tutor, why should you read your papers outloud?
so that you can better practice for your speech
O It will help you check your writing for sentence fragments.
O The process will enable you to understand the emphasis you need in your sentences.



The process will enable u to understand the emphasis you need in ur sentence

What lies beneath the surface of this text? Symbols, themes, imagery? What is the effect of the use
of these symbols and images (the snake on the water in the beginning and end of the novel, etc.) in the novel Of Mice and Men?



Of Mice and Men, written by John Steinbeck, is a novel filled with symbols, themes, and imagery. The use of these literary devices helps to give the story depth and meaning beyond the surface level of the plot.

One of the most prominent symbols in the novel is the dream of owning a farm. George and Lennie's shared dream of owning a farm represents their desire for independence and stability in a world that is often chaotic and unpredictable. The dream is also a symbol of the American Dream, which at the time of the novel's setting was seen as a way for anyone to achieve success and prosperity.

The imagery of the snake that is seen at the beginning and end of the novel also adds to the depth of the story. The snake is a symbol of danger and death, and it foreshadows the tragic events that unfold at the end of the novel. The snake also represents the predatory nature of human beings, as many of the characters in the novel are shown to be willing to exploit others in order to get ahead.

The theme of loneliness is also prevalent throughout the novel. Many of the characters are shown to be isolated and disconnected from others, and they are all searching for some kind of companionship and connection. This theme is particularly evident in the character of Curley's wife, who is constantly seeking attention and validation from the other men on the ranch.

Overall, the use of symbols, themes, and imagery in Of Mice and Men helps to give the story a greater depth and meaning beyond the surface level of the plot. These literary devices help to create a more nuanced and complex portrayal of the characters and their experiences, and they contribute to the overall impact of the novel.

1.4.3 cst monsters and hero’s


Answer: Can u identify which question you need assistance on ?


What is the meaning of "intermediate point"?


Intermediate Point means a point located on a route between two other points that are specifically named in an auto transportation company's certificate or tariff.

One pager about louis from the butler movie


"The Butler," directed by Lee Daniels, is a film that highlights pivotal moments in the civil rights movement and calls into question both the government's role in achieving racial equality and the public's ability to effect change.

Write a summary about Butler Movie

During Cecil Gaines' tenure as a White House butler, the civil rights movement, Vietnam, and other major events impact this man's life, family, and American society.Cecil Gaines was a sharecropper's son who grew up as a domestic servant for the white family who casually destroyed his life in the 1920s. Cecil eventually strikes out on his own and becomes such an efficient and discrete hotel valet in the 1950s that he becomes a butler in the White House itself. Cecil would serve numerous US Presidents as a passive witness to history as the American Civil Rights Movement gained momentum, despite his family's own difficulties. Gloria, his wife, is battling addictions.

To know more about Civil, click on the link below:



Grammar check

Doctors, as it happens, worry about some of the trillions of microbes in your body .


The sentence you provided "Doctors, as it happens, worry about some of the trillions of microbes in your body" has correct grammar.

What is meant by trillions of microbes?

The term "trillions of microbes" refers to the large number of microorganisms that can be found both inside and outside of the human body. These microorganisms include bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other very small organisms. These microorganisms assume a significant part in keeping up with the body's general wellbeing and prosperity, including absorption, resistance, and digestion. Despite the fact that many microbes are beneficial or even harmless, some can also cause disease or infection, which is why medical professionals frequently study and monitor these microbes.

To know more about Microbes, visit:



which is the best summary for this portion of the text ?


A strong summary should be thorough, succinct, coherent, and independent. A summary must be thorough: You should pick out the key ideas from the original passage and make a list of them.

What are the summary's top three elements?

Every summary you write should have the following, regardless of whether the essay is entirely a summary or the summary is just a minor part of another form of writing. The author's name. the work's title.

What is the name of the text summary?

A summary, sometimes referred to as an abstract, precis, or synopsis, is a condensed version of a work that emphasises its main ideas.

To know moree  about summary for text visit:



The following question is incomplete the complete question is as follows:

What is the best summary for text?

Create a group time with goals and materials that focus on phonemic awareness
Identify ways programs and child care centers can build family-school partnerships and what strategies you could use to facilitate family-school communication.
Based on your readings and your knowledge of developmentally appropriate practice, create a set of guidelines for using computer technology in early childhood settings. Create guidelines for each age group: toddlers, 3-4, 5-6, and 7-8-year-olds.
This is a reflection question-part of our job as educators is to reflect on what works, what doesn't, etc. Reflect on this class and answer these questions:
*What did you find most useful that you will be able to use in your classrooms? (or future classrooms or care)
*What did you learn that you did not know before?
*If there was anything you would change about the course, what would it be?



Group time with goals and materials that focus on phonemic awareness:


To develop children's phonemic awareness skills, including the ability to recognize and manipulate individual sounds in words.

To promote language development and vocabulary building through fun and engaging activities.

To encourage children to be active listeners and thinkers.


Picture books with rhyming words and alliteration

Letter tiles or magnetic letters

Phonemic awareness games and activities, such as "I Spy" or "Guess the Word"

Audio recordings of stories or songs with emphasis on sounds and phonemes.

Ways programs and child care centers can build family-school partnerships:

Hosting family events and workshops to discuss child development and learning goals

Providing regular communication to families about their child's progress and activities in the program

Encouraging families to be involved in classroom activities and volunteer opportunities

Collaborating with families to identify their goals and values for their child's education and development.

Guidelines for using computer technology in early childhood settings: Toddlers (1-2 years):

Limited use of technology, only as a supplement to hands-on experiences and with adult supervision.

Interactive apps and games that promote basic skills such as cause-and-effect or spatial reasoning.

3-4 year-olds:

Introduction to basic computer skills such as using a mouse or keyboard.

Educational apps and games that promote literacy, numeracy, and creativity.

Limited screen time and frequent breaks.

5-6 year-olds:

More complex computer activities, such as online research or creating digital projects.

Continued focus on educational apps and games, but with increasing emphasis on critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Setting clear expectations for safe and responsible technology use.

7-8 year-olds:

Increasing independence in technology use, with continued adult supervision and guidance.

Opportunities to explore coding and other technology skills.

Encouraging critical thinking and evaluation of online content.


The most useful thing I learned from this course is the importance of play-based learning and child-centered approaches to education.

I learned more about the specific developmental milestones and needs of young children in different domains, such as language, cognitive, and social-emotional development.

If there was anything I would change about the course, it would be to incorporate more practical, hands-on activities and discussions about implementing these concepts in real-world settings.

Essay on health and fitness (sports, leisure activities)


Health and fitness is an important aspect of life that should be taken seriously. It involves physical activities such as sports, leisure activities and exercise, as well as mental activities such as eating healthy and getting enough sleep.

What is physical activities?

Physical activities are any bodily movements produced by the skeletal muscles that require energy expenditure. This includes activities such as walking, running, jumping, swimming, cycling, playing sports, and any other activities that involve physical exertion.

The combination of physical and mental activities is important to promote overall health and fitness.

Sports are a great way to get exercise and stay in shape, as well as to socialize with others. Playing a sport can improve strength, agility, and cardiovascular health. It can also help to boost self-esteem and reduce stress. Participating in team sports can help to develop leadership skills, while individual sports can help to build discipline and focus.

Leisure activities are also a great way to stay healthy and fit. Activities like biking, hiking, swimming, and dancing can improve strength, balance, and flexibility, while also providing a great way to socialize with others. Leisure activities can help to reduce stress, increase energy levels, and improve overall mental health.

Eating healthy is another important aspect of health and fitness. Eating a balanced diet that includes a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins can help to improve physical and mental health. Eating healthy can also help to reduce the risk of chronic illnesses such as diabetes, heart disease, and obesity.

Getting enough sleep is also important for health and fitness. Sleep helps to restore energy and can help to reduce stress and improve mental clarity. It is recommended to get at least seven to nine hours of sleep each night.

Overall, health and fitness involves physical activities such as sports and leisure activities, as well as mental activities such as eating healthy and getting enough sleep. Taking part in these activities can help to improve physical and mental health and reduce the risk of chronic illnesses.

To learn more about physical activities



Which of the following sentences correctly uses parallel structure?

Raquel went to mail a package, the department store, and the yoga studio
Raquel went to the post office, the department store, and the yoga studio.
Raquel went to the post office, to go shopping, and the yoga studio.
Raquel went to the post office, the department store, and to do yoga.



The second sentence correctly uses parallel structure:

Raquel went to the post office, the department store, and the yoga studio.

All three items in the series are structured the same way, starting with a prepositional phrase (to the post office, to the department store, to the yoga studio).

Standing up to absolute power thesis


Standing up to

absolute power

is a thesis that highlights the importance of

resisting oppression


promoting democratic values

. By challenging oppressive regimes and advocating for human rights, individuals and groups can create a better future for all.

The thesis of standing up to absolute power is that individuals and groups have a

moral obligation

to challenge and resist oppressive regimes, even at great personal risk. This thesis has been supported by numerous historical examples, including the

resistance against totalitarian regimes

such as Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union.

Standing up to absolute power requires courage, determination, and a willingness to sacrifice one's own safety and well-being for the greater good. It also involves

promoting democratic values

such as




, and


, and

advocating for human rights


While standing up to absolute power can be difficult and dangerous, it is necessary to prevent the abuses of power that can lead to widespread human suffering. Through

peaceful resistance

, individuals and groups can challenge oppressive regimes and promote a better world for all.

To learn more about

Absolute Power



Other Questions
gcf of 17,22, and 46 Which piece of evidence best captures the speaker's overall perspective towardsAmericans in the story American Journal?A. "the americans this baffling / multi people" (Lines 1-2)B. "squalid ghettoes in their violent cities"(Line 69)C. "their knowledge / power and inventiveness (Lines 87-88)D. "much violence much that repels"(Line 112) TRUE OR FALSE if you were examining a plasmodesma under a microscope, you would expect to find a plant cell at each end What phenotype will an individual with a heterozygous genotype display? Who ruled as a dictator and strengthened the army, police, and central government use the present perfect my father / start / a new job Movie theater have, in recent years, faced unprecedented challenges; do you believe that theater can survive in the long term? Why or why not? What strategic alterations should be made in order to afford theaters the best chance of a bright future? What role do you foresee MoviePass-style subscription service playing going forward? WHAT IS THE ANSWER? HELP ME PLeese Read the excerpt from A Black Hole Is NOT a Hole by Carolyn Cinami DeCristofano.Most of the time gravity seems to work the way Newton described it. Newton's rules explain a lot, from falling apples to most planets' orbits. But his laws don't work perfectly. In high-gravity zones, Newton's ideas don't jibe with what scientists observe. For example, Mercury's orbitup close to the Sunhas a blip in it that Newton's laws can't explain.Glitches like this one were the reason Einstein worked so hard at coming up with a new explanation. He wanted to account for everything. His ideas about curving space may sound bizarre, but they work! They took care of the gaps in Newton's theory and explained Mercury's orbit. They led scientists to predict shifting starlight and black holes. All of this is powerful evidence that Einstein was on to something.In which order would events appear on a timeline based on the details in the excerpt?1. Newton developed his laws of gravity.2. Scientists predicted black holes.3. Einstein developed his explanation of gravity.1. Scientists predicted black holes.2. Newton developed his laws of gravity.3. Einstein developed his explanation of gravity.1. Newton developed his laws of gravity.2. Einstein developed his explanation of gravity.3. Scientists predicted black holes.1. Einstein developed his explanation of gravity.2. Newton developed his laws of gravity.3. Scientists predicted black holes. Explain the existence of oxygen gas on the early earth. Shooting some baskets and retrieving missed shots before you play a game of basketball is an example of a(n) _____ activity Find value of x in simplest form The height, h, in feet of a ball suspended from a spring as a function of time, t, in seconds can be modeled by the equation h = 3 sine (StartFraction pi Over 2 EndFraction (t + 2)) + 5. Which of the following is the graph of this equation?On a coordinate plane, a curve crosses the y-axis at (0, 5). It increases to (2, 8), and then decreases to (6, 2).On a coordinate plane, a curve crosses the y-axis at (0, 8). It decreases to (4, 2), and then increases to (8, 8).On a coordinate plane, a curve crosses the y-axis at (0, 5). It increases to (1, 8), and then decreases to (3, 2).On a coordinate plane, a curve crosses the y-axis at (0, 5). It decreases to (2, 1), and then increases to (3, 8). A group of 10 hunters are hunting, where the games include astag and several hares. Each hunter can choose whether to hunt thestag or go after a hare. It takes the joint effort of all 10players to PLEASE HELP MEEEE I NEEED HEELPPPPP THEO: According to Rosemary Ruether, what are the positive attributes or applications of an androgynous Jesus Christ? How is this a positive theology for women? Suppose at your university you are asked to find the relationship between weekly hours spent studying (study) and weekly hours spent working (work). Does it make sense to characterize the problem as inferring whether study causes work or work causes study? Explain Which of these statements are true? Select 2 options.A. The new line character is "\newline".B. In a single program, you can read from one file and write to another.C. Python can only be used with files having ".py" as an extension.D. If you open a file in append mode, the program halts with an error if the file named does not exist.E. If you open a file in append mode, Python creates a new file if the file named does not exist. Which of the following is a true statement regarding setting a scene with music?A. Any music can highlight parts of a story.B. Any music can enhance parts of a story.C. Appropriate music can enhance and highlight parts of a story.D. Appropriate music cannot enhance parts of a story. What value of y makes the equation true? y+2.91=11A) 8.1B) 8.09C) 9.1D) 13.91