which russian leader ended forty years of nuclear confrontation with the west? group of answer choices


Answer 1


Mikhail Gorbachev


After 10 months in office, Mikhail Gorbachev declared the goal of a nuclear-free world by the year

Please mark me brainiest and give thanks on my answer

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how did the decline of party machines during the early twentieth century contribute to a drop in turnout?



The decline of party machines during the early twentieth century contributed to a drop in voter turnout in several ways.

Party machines were political organizations that exerted significant control over the political process in many cities and states during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. They were known for their ability to mobilize voters and get out the vote, particularly in urban areas where they had a strong presence. The party machines were able to do this through a combination of patronage, which involved offering jobs and services in exchange for political support, and a well-organized system of precinct captains and ward leaders who were responsible for mobilizing voters on election day.

However, in the early twentieth century, a number of factors contributed to the decline of party machines, including progressive reforms that aimed to reduce corruption and increase transparency in the political process, as well as demographic changes such as the growth of suburban areas and the decline of urban political machines. As party machines declined, so too did their ability to mobilize voters and get out the vote.

Without the organizational support provided by party machines, voter turnout began to decline, particularly in urban areas where the machines had previously been most active. In addition, the decline of party machines was accompanied by a rise in negative campaigning and a decrease in voter enthusiasm, which further contributed to the drop in turnout.

Overall, the decline of party machines during the early twentieth century contributed to a drop in voter turnout by reducing the ability of political organizations to mobilize voters and get out the vote, and by creating a more negative and less enthusiastic political climate.

The major New Deal program that attempted to provide flood control, electric power, and economic development occured in the valley of the



The major New Deal program that attempted to provide flood control, electric power, and economic development occurred in the valley of the Tennessee River. This program was known as the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), and it was created in 1933 as part of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal. The TVA was designed to provide a comprehensive approach to regional development in the Tennessee River Valley, which had been hit hard by the Great Depression and suffered from poverty, unemployment, and a lack of basic infrastructure.

The TVA was tasked with a range of responsibilities, including flood control, navigation, irrigation, and the generation of electric power. The agency built a series of dams along the Tennessee River and its tributaries, which provided flood control and generated hydroelectric power. The TVA also established a network of transmission lines and power stations to distribute electricity to rural areas, where many residents had never had access to electric power before. This helped to stimulate economic development in the region, as businesses were able to expand and new industries, such as aluminum production, were attracted to the area.

In addition to its economic and infrastructure development activities, the TVA also engaged in environmental conservation and reforestation efforts. The agency worked to improve the quality of the river and its tributaries, and it established a series of national parks and wildlife refuges to protect the region's natural resources.

Overall, the TVA was a major New Deal program that had a significant impact on the Tennessee River Valley and the surrounding region. It helped to provide much-needed infrastructure, flood control, and electric power, while also spurring economic development and promoting environmental conservation. Today, the TVA remains a major provider of electric power and a key player in regional development in the southeastern United States.

5.2 Lesson 1: Cuzco - The Center of the Inca World Read through the content on the ancient city of Cuzco. What can we infer about the Incan people who once lived there by what they physically left behind?​


The physical remains left behind by the Incan people in Cuzco suggest that they were highly skilled in architecture, engineering, agriculture, textiles, metalwork, and had a rich cultural and religious life.

What is Cuzco?

Cuzco, also known as Cusco or Qosqo in Quechua, is a city located in the southeastern region of Peru. It was the capital of the Inca Empire, which was the largest pre-Columbian civilization in the Americas, spanning from the 13th to the 16th centuries.

Impressive Architectural Structures: The Incas were skilled architects and engineers, as evidenced by the impressive stone structures that still stand in Cuzco today, such as the famous Temple of the Sun (Qorikancha), the Sacsayhuaman fortress, and the intricate stone walls found throughout the city.

Terraced Agricultural Fields: The Incas practiced terrace farming, as seen in the agricultural terraces that can still be found in the surrounding areas of Cuzco.

Learn more about Cuzco from the given link



In your own words, briefly discuss Guizot’s views of the mob , anarchy and revolution


Guizot governed French revolution issues before the French Unrest of 1848. He battled to safeguard a protected government after the July Unrest of 1830 as a moderate liberal who went against Lord Charles X's endeavor to usurp regulative power.

As minister of education from 1832 to 1837, Guizot was accountable for authorizing the Guizot resolution (1833), which laid out the possibility that everybody ought to approach mainstream essential instruction.

Guizot has an extensive origination of European progress that envelops "man himself," as well as the organizations of the political, monetary, and social circles. It is every so often profitable to not be fair while making a case. History of Civilization in Europe by François Guizot is one such model.

Learn more about French revolution:



poor white southerers slavery. multiple choice question. universally despised generally championed overwhelmi


Poor white southerners' stance on slavery can be described as generally championed, as they often supported the institution due to racial beliefs and the hope of achieving a higher social status.

The degree of respect accorded to members of a community is correlated with social position. Less educated women will have more time to socialise with other members of their society and spend more time with their children and families.  

They gain a higher social rank as a result of this. The majority of highly educated individuals will be employed, leaving little time for interaction with their communities and families. They have lower social position as a result of this.

Women with better social status tend to be wealthier and more educated as a result (this is both a consequence and a cause of wealth).

Learn more about social status here



supporters of nuclear energy hailed it as a cleaner and less expensive alternative to ______________________________________


Supporters of nuclear energy hailed it as a cleaner and less expensive alternative to traditional fossil fuels such as coal and oil.

Proponents of nuclear energy argue that it is a much cleaner and more efficient energy source than traditional energy sources, as it does not produce emissions that contribute to air pollution, acid rain, and global warming.

Additionally, nuclear energy is thought to be much less expensive than traditional energy sources over the long term, due to its higher efficiency, lower maintenance costs, and lower fuel costs. Nuclear energy is also believed to be much safer than traditional energy sources, due to extensive safety measures and the fact that it does not produce the same amount of hazardous waste as traditional energy sources.

With advances in technology and increasing global concerns over climate change, nuclear energy continues to be a viable option for many countries, as it is a much cleaner and more efficient alternative to traditional energy sources.

To know more about nuclear energy, click here:



in his letter to the galatians, paul paradoxically associates freedom with what?


In his letter to the Galatians, Paul paradoxically associates freedom with submission to Christ and obedience to God's will. By embracing this spiritual discipline, believers experience true freedom from sin and self-interest.

The Galatians  were a Celtic people dwelling in Galatia, a region of central Anatolia surrounding present-day Ankara, during the Hellenistic period.[1] They spoke the Galatian language, which was closely related to Gaulish, a contemporary Celtic language spoken in Gaul. The Galatians were descended from Celts who had invaded Greece in the 3rd century BC. The original settlers of Galatia came through Thrace under the leadership of Leogarios and Leonnorios c. 278 BC. They consisted mainly of three gaulish tribes, the Tectosages, the Trocmii, and the Tolistobogii, but there were also other minor tribes. In 25 BC, Galatia became a province of the Roman Empire, with Ankara (Ancyra) as its capital.

Learn more about Galatians here:



During the early nineteenth century, liberals supported nationalism because they associated it with constitutions, the celebration of the achievements and political awakening of the common people, and
Choose matching definition
political socialization
class struggle
political transformation


The matching definition for the given context is: political transformation.

During the early nineteenth century, liberals supported nationalism because they associated it with constitutions, the celebration of the achievements and political awakening of the common people, and the political transformation of societies from autocratic monarchies to democratic nation-states. Nationalism was seen as a force that could unite people across class and regional differences, and create a shared sense of identity and purpose. This, in turn, was expected to lead to the establishment of constitutional governments that would reflect the will of the people and protect individual rights and freedoms.

Learn more about nationalism here:



who lived around 1500 A. D.


There were many people who lived around 1500 A.D., and it depends on which part of the world you are referring to. Here are some examples of notable figures who lived around that time:

Leonardo da Vinci, the famous Italian artist, inventor, and scientist, lived from 1452 to 1519.

Christopher Columbus, the explorer who is credited with discovering the New World, lived from 1451 to 1506.

Michelangelo, another Italian artist known for his sculptures and paintings, lived from 1475 to 1564.

Martin Luther, the German theologian who initiated the Protestant Reformation, lived from 1483 to 1546.

Emperor Charles V, who ruled over a vast empire that included Spain, Germany, and parts of Italy and the Netherlands, reigned from 1519 to 1556.

Suleiman the Magnificent, the Ottoman Sultan who expanded the empire to its greatest extent, reigned from 1520 to 1566.

These are just a few examples, and there were many other important figures in various parts of the world during this time period.


boycotts, work slowdowns, and corporate campaigns have increased since the 1980s because? A. Empoyees have become more militant.
B. Strikes are no longer a viable option for many workers because of the employer's use of permanent strike replacements
C. Strikes are less costly to employers because they have more inventory today.
D. Strikes are no longer legal in most situations.


The most likely purpose for the increase in boycotts, work slowdowns, and corporate campaigns since the Nineteen Eighties is option B - strikers are no longer a feasible choice for plenty employees because of the organisation's use of everlasting strike replacements.

The use of permanent alternative employees through employers has made it a whole lot more tough for putting workers to have an effect on the agency. This has led to workers exploring other strategies of protest, such as boycotts, work slowdowns, and company campaigns, which may be effective in elevating public attention and placing stress on groups to change their practices.

Additionally, modifications in the political and financial panorama since the 1980s have caused a decline in union membership and bargaining strength, which has also contributed to the upward thrust of these alternative forms of protest.

Learn more about boycotts:-



Boycotts, work slowdowns, and corporate campaigns have increased since the 1980s because employees have become more militant.

This is due to various factors such as the decline of unions, increasing income inequality, and the growing awareness of corporate practices that negatively impact workers, consumers, and the environment.

Additionally, strikes are less common because employers have more inventory and can withstand a work stoppage for a longer period of time. However, strikes are still legal in most situations, but other tactics like boycotts and corporate campaigns have become more popular as a way to put pressure on companies to change their practices.

Boycotts, work slowdowns, and corporate campaigns have increased since the 1980s because employees have become more militant. This means that employees are more assertive and proactive in advocating for their rights and improved working conditions. As a result, they are increasingly using these non-traditional methods to pressure employers for change, rather than relying solely on traditional strikes.

Visit here to learn more about Boycotts brainly.com/question/878223


what did lithuania, georgia, and other soviet republics do as a result of the democratic reforms sweeping through eastern europe?


In response to the democratic reforms sweeping through Eastern Europe, Lithuania, Georgia, and other Soviet republics took steps to regain their independence and establish democratic governance.

These actions included declaring independence, organizing pro-democracy movements, and holding free and fair elections. The reforms contributed to the eventual dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, Lithuania, Georgia, and other Soviet republics began to embrace democratic reforms in response to the changes sweeping through Eastern Europe. This included holding free elections, establishing multi-party systems, and granting more political freedoms to citizens. In Lithuania, this led to the restoration of their independence in 1990, making it the first Soviet republic to break away from the Soviet Union. Similarly, Georgia held its first multi-party elections in 1990 and declared independence in 1991. These actions paved the way for other Soviet republics to follow suit and eventually led to the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991.

Learn more about the Soviet Union here: brainly.com/question/10173240


Of all the newly opened territories west of the Appalachians in the early nineteenth century, which state was the first to attract settlers and also was the seedbed of revivalism?


Kentucky was the first state to attract settlers west of the Appalachians and also became known as the seedbed of revivalism due to the significant religious revivals that took place there in the early nineteenth century.

"Significant religious" is a term that refers to a religion or belief system that has a notable impact on society, culture, or history. These religions have millions of followers worldwide and have a significant influence on the way people think, behave, and interact with one another. Examples of significant religions include Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Judaism, among others. These religions often have their own set of beliefs, practices, and rituals that are considered sacred by their followers. They have also played a crucial role in shaping the world's history, art, and architecture, and have contributed to the development of philosophy, science, and literature.

Learn more about Significant religious here:



OF all the newly opened  territories at the west of the Appalachians in the early nineteenth century, the first to attract settlers and also was the seedbed of revivalism was Kentucky.

Kentucky's fertile lands and navigable waterways made it an ideal location for settlers to establish new homes and communities. Additionally, the region was less prone to conflicts with Native Americans compared to other western territories, making it a more appealing destination.

Kentucky also became the seedbed of revivalism during this period. The Second Great Awakening, a religious revival movement, gained significant momentum in Kentucky in the early 1800s. The movement emphasized individualism, religious fervor, and a renewed commitment to personal faith.

The Cane Ridge Revival in 1801, which took place in Bourbon County, Kentucky, is a notable example of this revivalist fervor. Thousands of people gathered to hear fiery sermons, participate in emotional worship, and commit themselves to a more devoted Christian life.

The revivalism in Kentucky played a vital role in shaping the social and cultural landscape of the region. It encouraged the growth of new Protestant denominations, such as the Baptists and Methodists, and led to an increase in church membership. The religious fervor also contributed to various reform movements, including temperance and the abolition of slavery, and helped establish a sense of shared moral values among the settlers.

In summary, Kentucky was the first state to attract settlers west of the Appalachians due to its favorable geographic features and relatively peaceful relations with Native Americans. The state also served as the seedbed of revivalism, as the Second Great Awakening ignited religious passion and social reform throughout the region.

To learn more about Kentucky refer here:



who was the italian, noted fossil beds in rock used on roads and canals?


Answer: Leonardo da vinci


In the election of 1824, John Quincy Adams was a "Favorite Son" of the Northeastern merchants in the United States. What does it mean to be a "Favorite Son?​


Favorite Son" in a political context means that a candidate enjoys the support of their home state or region. It means he is the choice of the people.

How was John Quincy Adams the "Favorite Son"

John Quincy Adams was one of the people who had the full backing of the area he was from in the United States.

Particularly in Massachusetts and Northeastern United States, the people believed in him. Many of the Northeastern merchants saw him as the right candidate to represent their interests.

Hence the use of favorite son simply tells us that he was wanted and loved by the people. It tells us he was favored for the position out of all other person's.

Read more on Quincy Adams here:https://brainly.com/question/27915015


explain why the mandate system was created. which countries became mandates? which countries governed them?


The mandate system was created after World War I as a way for the victorious Allied powers to administer and oversee former Ottoman territories in the Middle East and Africa.

The mandate system was established by the League of Nations, which granted certain countries the authority to govern and develop these territories with the ultimate goal of preparing them for eventual independence. The countries that became mandates included Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, and Transjordan. These mandates were governed by various European powers, with France controlling Syria and Lebanon, and Britain controlling Iraq, Palestine, and Transjordan. This system allowed certain countries to govern the mandates. Some countries that became mandates include Iraq, Palestine, and Transjordan (controlled by Britain), as well as Syria and Lebanon (controlled by France).

To know more about Independence refer :



wanted to establish a lasting peace in Europe



Establishing lasting peace in Europe has been a goal of many individuals and organizations throughout history, particularly in the aftermath of major conflicts such as World War I and World War II.

One of the most significant efforts to establish lasting peace in Europe was the creation of the European Union (EU) in 1993. The EU was founded on the principles of cooperation, democracy, and the rule of law, with the goal of promoting economic and political integration among its member states. The EU has been successful in promoting peace and stability in Europe by fostering cooperation and collaboration among member states, and by providing a forum for resolving conflicts and addressing common challenges.

Other efforts to establish lasting peace in Europe have included the establishment of international organizations such as the United Nations and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), as well as various peace treaties and agreements between individual countries. While there have been setbacks and challenges along the way, these efforts have helped to create a more peaceful and prosperous Europe, and remain important goals for individuals and organizations committed to promoting peace and stability in the region.


The Fourteen Points speech of President Woodrow Wilson was an address delivered before a joint meeting of Congress on January 8, 1918, during which Wilson outlined his vision for a stable, long-lasting peace in Europe, the Americas and the rest of the world following World War I.


Hola mark me brainilest..

The ________ process dates back to the 3rd millennium B.C.E.A. gildingB. subtractiveC. lost-waxD. bas-reliefE. None of these answers is correct.


The correct answer is C. lost-wax. The lost-wax process, also known as investment casting, has been used since the 3rd millennium B.C.E. to create intricate metal objects. It involves creating a wax model, coating it in clay, heating it to melt the wax and harden the clay, and then pouring molten metal into the resulting mold.

The lost-wax process is also known as investment casting or precision casting. The technique involves creating a wax model of the object to be cast, which is then coated with a ceramic shell. This shell is then heated in a furnace, causing the wax to melt and flow out of the shell, leaving behind a void that is the exact shape of the original wax model. Molten metal is then poured into the ceramic shell, filling the void and creating a metal casting that is an exact replica of the wax model. The ceramic shell is then broken away to reveal the finished metal object. Today, the lost-wax  process is still used by artists and craftsmen to create high-quality metal objects with fine details and complex shapes. It is commonly used in the production of jewelry, sculpture, and other decorative objects, as well as in the manufacturing of aerospace and medical components.

Learn more about precision here:



The lost-wax process dates back to the 3rd millennium B.C.E.

To answer your question, we need to identify which of the following terms fits into the blank in the sentence:

A. gilding, B. subtractive,C. lost-wax, D. bas-relief, or E. None of these answers is correct.

The correct answer is C. lost-wax. The lost-wax process, also known as investment casting, is an ancient metalworking technique that dates back to the 3rd millennium B.C.E.

This method involves creating a wax model of the object to be cast, then covering the model in a heat-resistant material, such as clay or plaster.

Once the material hardens, the wax is melted and drained away, leaving behind a mold in the shape of the original model. Molten metal is then poured into the mold to create the final object.

The other terms provided do not fit the context of the sentence:

A. Gilding refers to the process of applying a thin layer of gold or another metal to the surface of an object, typically used for decorative purposes.

B. Subtractive refers to a process where material is removed from a solid block to create a sculpture or other artwork.

D. Bas-relief is a sculptural technique in which the artist carves or molds figures that project slightly from a flat background.

Thus, the correct answer is "The lost-wax process dates back to the 3rd millennium B.C.E."

To know more about lost-wax process  refer here



why did the european renaissance have a more overtly religious cast to it than did the italian renaissance?


The European Renaissance had a more overtly religious cast to it than the Italian Renaissance due to several reasons. Firstly, Europe was more deeply rooted in Christianity than Italy, where the Renaissance began.

The religious influence in Europe was reflected in the art and architecture of the time, which often featured religious themes and motifs. Additionally, the European Renaissance was a response to the Protestant Reformation, which sought to reform the Catholic Church. This religious conflict gave rise to a renewed interest in theology and religious themes, which were also reflected in the art and literature of the time. Overall, the European Renaissance was more overtly religious due to the deeply ingrained religious traditions in Europe and the religious conflicts of the time. The European Renaissance had a more overtly religious cast to it than the Italian Renaissance because the European movement was strongly influenced by the Protestant Reformation, which sought to reform the Roman Catholic Church and led to the establishment of various Protestant denominations.

To know more about Reformation refer :


why did congress override the veto described in this excerpt?

A. Congress wanted to expand its power to provide
funding to the military.

B. Congress wanted to give the president the power to make battlefield decisions.

C. Congress wanted to regain control over itstreaty-making powers.

D. Congress wanted to limit the president's power
to send U.S. troops into armed conflicts.


Answer: D. Congress wanted to limit the president's power

to send U.S. troops into armed conflicts.


1. how was the national consciousness important during the period of foregib occupation? ( 2 sentence )

2. in your opinion, what is the importance of the national consciousness during the present time?
( 2 sentences )

3. in what way can we keep the national consciousness alive in the heart of every filipino at present ( 2 sentences )​


Questions related to the statement can be answered as follows:

National consciousness was important during the period of foreign occupation because it united the Filipinos in their struggle for independence and fueled their resistance against their colonizers.National consciousness is still important in the present time as it helps people understand and appreciate their cultural heritage and history, which is essential in shaping their sense of identity and values. We can keep the national consciousness alive in the heart of every Filipino at present by promoting and supporting cultural education and activities that celebrate our heritage and history. This includes preserving historical landmarks and artifacts, promoting traditional arts and crafts, and teaching our youth about our national heroes and their contributions to our nation's history. What is national consciousness?

Refers to the collective awareness or sense of identity shared by the people of a nation or a particular group. It is a feeling of belongingness and loyalty to a particular nation or community, shaped by common historical experiences, cultural traditions, language, and values.

Therefore, National consciousness is often expressed through national symbols, shared traditions, and a sense of pride in one's country's achievements, as well as a commitment to its progress and development.

Find out more about national consciousness at:



Physics-wise, what was significant about the 16th and 17th centuries?
A. Galileo discovered that the earth rotates around the sun
B. People like Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle had significant scientific breakthroughs
C. People like Copernicus, Galileo, and Newton had significant scientific breakthroughs
D. Einstein discovered the Theory of Relativity
E. The field of Thermodynamics was invented


Physics-wise, People like Copernicus, Galileo, and Newton had significant scientific breakthroughs was significant about the 16th and 17th centuries

The sixteenth and seventeenth centuries saw massive medical breakthroughs in physics, specifically within the fields of astronomy and mechanics. Nicolaus Copernicus posted his heliocentric version of the solar machine, which placed the sun at the center and the planets in orbit round it.

Galileo Galilei used his telescope to examine the moons of Jupiter, the phases of Venus, and different celestial our bodies, confirming the heliocentric model and helping the idea of a universe governed by mathematical laws.

Isaac Newton advanced the laws of motion and prevalent gravitation, which explained the actions of planets, comets, and other objects in area. those breakthroughs laid the muse for modern physics and helped usher in the medical Revolution.

Learn more about  Copernicus, Galileo, and Newton :-



Option C is the correct answer . People like Copernicus, Galileo, and Newton had significant scientific breakthroughs that were significant about the 16th and 17th centuries.

During the 16th and 17th centuries, there were significant advancements in the field of physics, including the development of the heliocentric model of the solar system by Copernicus, Galileo's discoveries about the laws of motion and the behavior of objects in space, and Newton's development of the laws of gravity and the calculus.

These breakthroughs revolutionized our understanding of the universe and paved the way for further scientific inquiry and discoveries in the centuries that followed.

The field of Thermodynamics was not invented during this time period.

Visit here to learn more about Thermodynamics:



what led to the great textile strike of 1934 that caused the chiquola mill incident in honea path, s.c.? responses riots led to death during a labor union movement in the north riots led to death during a labor union movement in the north poor working conditions and factory owners not following the national industrial recovery act poor working conditions and factory owners not following the national industrial recovery act racial riots over factory owners willingness to hire african-american workers racial riots over factory owners unwillingness to hire african-american workers the use of child labor continued in s.c. despite the national recovery act


The Great Textile Strike of 1934 that caused the Chiquola Mill incident in Honea Path, S.C. was caused by poor working conditions and factory owners not following the National Industrial Recovery Act.

The National Industrial Recovery Act was a law enacted by the U.S. Congress in 1933 that aimed to improve working conditions and raise wages for workers. However, many factory owners in the textile industry, particularly in the South, were resistant to these changes and refused to follow the guidelines set out in the Act. This led to widespread labor unrest and strikes across the industry, including the Great Textile Strike of 1934.
During this strike, workers in many Southern textile mills, including the Chiquola Mill in Honea Path, South Carolina, walked off the job in protest of poor working conditions, low wages, and the refusal of factory owners to comply with the National Industrial Recovery Act. This strike was met with violent opposition from local law enforcement and hired thugs, which culminated in the Chiquola Mill incident, in which seven workers were killed and dozens more were injured.Overall, the Great Textile Strike of 1934 was a pivotal moment in the labor movement in the United States, highlighting the need for better working conditions and the right of workers to organize and strike in pursuit of these rights.

Learn more about textile here:



What piece of legislation is being described?

A) the Dawes Plant
B) the Homestead Act
C) the Indian Removal Act
D) the Kansas-Nebraska Act

-Affected public lands in 30 of the 50 states
-Resulted in the settlement of over 270,000,000 acres on the western frontier
-Gave settlers up to 160 acres for a filing fee of less than $20
-Required that settlers make improvements to the land, build a home, and farm the land for a minimum of five years


This section of law describes the Homestead Act. In accordance with the Homestead Act, any adult citizen or intending citizen could purchase land in 1862 during the Civil War.

What exactly is the Homestead Act and what does it accomplish?

The Homestead Act of 1862 was created by Congress in an effort to develop the American West and stimulate economic growth. It gave everyone who agreed to cultivate 160 acres of public land. The act gave individual settlers access to millions of acres of western territory.

Why was the Homestead Act an issue and what did it cover?

President Abraham Lincoln signed the Homestead Act on May 20, 1862, allowing modest family farmers—known as "homesteaders"—access to government-owned land. Although it provided many people with a chance at independence, it also led to the widespread eviction of Native Americans.

To know more about Homestead Act visit :-



6 cards are shown with the letters CLOUDY
Find the sample space.

A 6-sided dice is rolled. Find the sample space.


The dimension of the sample area is the complete number of viable outcomes. For example, when you roll 1 die, the pattern area is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6. So the dimension of the pattern space is 6.

What is the pattern house of cards?

1. What is the sample space of fifty two cards? The pattern area of 52 playing cards is all fifty two feasible outcomes, which is {Ace of Hearts, two of hearts, three of hearts...etc}.

The pattern area of a random scan is the series of all possible outcomes. An match related with a random test is a subset of the pattern space. The likelihood of any effect is a quantity between zero and 1.

Learn more about sample space of cards here:


which of the following was a reason why japan adopted fascism? question 19 options: suffering in world war i turned the japanese people against their government. reaction against misgovernment by a dictatorial emperor. growing nationalism and militarism. fear that japanese culture would be destroyed by the large number of foreigners in the country.


Growing nationalism and militarism one of the reason for the Japan to adopt fascism.

Japan adopted fascism in the early 20th century due to a combination of factors, including growing nationalism and militarism. Japan had experienced rapid industrialization and modernization in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, which led to a sense of national pride and a desire for Japan to become a major power in the world.This nationalism was accompanied by a strong military culture, which emphasized discipline, loyalty, and self-sacrifice. Many Japanese leaders believed that the country needed a strong, centralized government to guide it through the challenges of the modern era, and they looked to fascism as a model for this kind of government.The rise of fascism in Japan was also fueled by economic and social instability, as well as a fear that Japanese culture would be threatened by the influx of foreign ideas and influences. Fascism promised to restore order and stability, and to protect Japanese culture and traditions from outside forces.Overall, while there were multiple factors that contributed to Japan's adoption of fascism, growing nationalism and militarism played a key role in shaping the country's political and social landscape in the early 20th century.

Learn more about fascism here:



The political cartoon above
a. expresses the view that US colonies such as Cuba were angered by US expansion in the early 1800s.
b. indicates that President McKinley was more than willing to engage in territorial expansion.
c. is an attempt to provide justification for US imperialism following World War I.
d. shows President McKinley's displeasure in establishing a US international empire.


The political cartoon above depicts President McKinley's dissatisfaction with the idea of establishing a US international empire.

The cartoonist uses symbolism to convey McKinley's displeasure with the notion of expanding American influence overseas. The cartoon shows McKinley sitting at his desk, with his head resting on his hand and his face appearing distressed. In the background, a group of men is shown laying out a map of the world, with various countries labeled as potential targets for American expansion.

The men are shown holding swords and guns, suggesting that the expansion of American power would require military force. The cartoonist is clearly critical of the idea of American imperialism, portraying it as a dangerous and misguided policy that would ultimately harm the nation. Overall, the cartoon serves as a warning against the dangers of pursuing an aggressive foreign policy and highlights the importance of restraint in American diplomacy.

For more question on political



The huge 1964 Alaskan earthquake, one of the largest earthquakes ever recorded, was caused by:A. rupture on a long segment of a strike-slip faultB. normal faulting on an ancient fault zone in the crustC. thrusting along a subduction zone (megathrust)D. an underwater landslide that caused a tsunamiE. a volcanic eruption on Augustine volcano


The huge 1964 Alaskan earthquake, one of the largest earthquakes ever recorded, was caused by: C. thrusting along a subduction zone (megathrust).

The earthquake occurred on March 27, 1964, and had a magnitude of 9.2. It caused widespread damage and triggered a tsunami that caused additional damage and loss of life. The earthquake was the result of the Pacific Plate subducting beneath the North American Plate along the Aleutian Trench, causing the thrusting motion. The 1964 Alaskan earthquake remains one of the most significant earthquakes in history, and its effects continue to be studied by seismologists and geologists today.

Learn more about earthquake here:



As far back as 2737 BC, the Chinese were using marijuana to treat gout, malaria, and gas pains, T or F?


True, as far back as 2737 BC, the Chinese were indeed using marijuana to treat various ailments such as gout, malaria, and gas pains.

Marijuana, also known as cannabis, is a psychoactive drug derived from the cannabis plant. It is commonly used for recreational and medicinal purposes, and contains the chemical compound tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which produces a "high" when consumed. Marijuana has been used for thousands of years for various purposes, including pain relief and relaxation. However, it is illegal in many countries, including the United States, due to its psychoactive effects and potential for abuse. In recent years, there has been growing debate over the legalization and regulation of marijuana, with some countries and states legalizing it for medicinal and/or recreational use.

Learn more about Marijuana here:



The statement "As far back as 2737 BC, the Chinese were using marijuana to treat various ailments such as gout, malaria, and gas pains" is true.

The use of marijuana in traditional Chinese medicine was well documented in the ancient texts such as the Pen Ts'ao Ching, which lists cannabis as one of the 50 fundamental herbs. The text describes the plant's healing properties, which included its ability to alleviate pain and inflammation.

In traditional Chinese medicine, marijuana was often used in conjunction with other herbs to treat various conditions. For example, it was commonly used in combination with ephedra and ginger to treat asthma, coughs, and other respiratory ailments. It was also used to treat rheumatism, menstrual disorders, and digestive issues.

While the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes in China has a long history, the plant's psychoactive effects were not widely recognized until much later. In fact, the use of marijuana for recreational purposes was largely unknown in China until the 20th century, when Western influences began to shape Chinese culture.

Today, the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes continues to be a topic of much debate and controversy. While some argue that it can be a useful treatment for certain conditions, others point to the potential risks and side effects of using the drug. Regardless, the fact remains that marijuana has been used for medicinal purposes for thousands of years and continues to be used in many cultures around the world.

To know more about marijuana refer here:



(07.07 MC) What was the main purpose of the United Nations?

Stopping the spread of communism
Stopping the spread of capitalism
Helping former colonies develop
Preserving a lasting peace


After the Second World War, 51 nations came together to form the United Nations, an international body whose mission is to uphold peace and security on a global scale.

Why did the United Nations exist?

The goal was to uphold human rights, protect world peace and security, establish a framework for international law, advance social and economic development, raise living standards, and combat disease.

How significant is the United Nations?

People all over the world are impacted by the United Nations' work on issues pertaining to peace and security, development, and human rights; from efforts to combat terrorism and extremism to efforts to disarm, from conflict prevention to peacekeeping and peacebuilding, and from the prevention of disease to the promotion of gender equality.

To know more about  United Nations visit :-



how was kennedy both bold and cautious in promoting his presidential agenda



he cut taxes and increased the minimum wage which resulted in less Americans being unemployed


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