Which statement below best states the universal
theme communicated in these passages?
O Don't trust your friends.
O Good deeds are rewarded.
O Appearances can be deceiving.
OBe careful what you wish for.


Answer 1
Be careful what you wish for

Related Questions


11. We _ to Europe several times. It’s always a wonderful trip. [to be]
12. I _ here for fourteen years, so I think you should listen to me. [to work]
13. Peter _ last year and since then he _ his time to gardening. [to retire; to dedicate]
14. Emily should go with us. The last time we _ there we _ a great time. [to go; to have]
15. When I _ in Paris I _ to the Eifel Tower just because everyone _ to visit it. [to be; to go; to visit]
16. I _ some weight because I _ every night after work for the past three weeks. [to lose; to jog]
17. Philip _ to ballet classes. I don’t know if he wants to lose weight or to shock his family. [to enroll]


Both Present Perfect and Past Simple are verb tenses used in the English language. However, they are used in different ways and for different purposes.

Explain Present Perfect and Past Simple and answer the given questions.

The Present Perfect tense is used to describe actions that have occurred at an unspecified time in the past, but whose effects are still present or relevant in the present. It is usually formed by combining the auxiliary verb "have" or "has" with the past participle of the main verb. For example, "I have studied Spanish for five years" or "She has lived in Paris since 2010."

On the other hand, the Past Simple tense is used to describe completed actions in the past that have no connection to the present. It is usually formed by adding "-ed" to the base form of regular verbs or by using the irregular past forms of irregular verbs. For example, "I studied Spanish for five years" or "She lived in Paris in 2010."

11. We have been to Europe several times. It’s always a wonderful trip. [Present Perfect]

12. I have worked here for fourteen years, so I think you should listen to me. [Present Perfect]

13. Peter retired last year and since then he has dedicated his time to gardening. [Present Perfect]

14. Emily should go with us. The last time we went there we had a great time. [Past Simple]

15. When I was in Paris I went to the Eiffel Tower just because everyone visits it. [Past Simple]

16. I have lost some weight because I have been jogging every night after work for the past three weeks. [Present Perfect]

17. Philip has been going to ballet classes. I don’t know if he wants to lose weight or to shock his family. [Present Perfect]

To learn more about verb tenses, visit:



Which skill should not be a direct focus of classroom instruction?



phonological working memory

Which part of the “sample introduction” is section 3


section 3 would likely be the thesis statement or main argument of the paper. This is typically presented near the end of the introduction and summarizes the main point or purpose of the paper.

What is thesis?

A thesis is the main argument or central point that a writer is making in a piece of writing, such as an essay or a research paper. It is usually presented near the beginning of the paper, often in the introduction, and provides a clear statement of the writer's position on the topic they are discussing. The thesis guides the reader through the paper and helps them understand the writer's purpose and argument. It should be specific, focused, and debatable, so that it can be supported and developed throughout the rest of the paper.

To know more about thesis visit:



form the book alone way gone memoirs of a boy soldier by ishmael beah

Who is Abigail? Describe her.


In the book "A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier" by Ishmael Beah, Abigail is a nurse who works at a rehabilitation center for children who have been affected by the civil war in Sierra Leone. She is described as a kind and caring person who takes an interest in Ishmael's well-being and tries to help him heal from the trauma he has experienced. She is patient and understanding with Ishmael, even when he is uncooperative or difficult, and she encourages him to express his emotions and talk about his experiences. Abigail becomes an important figure in Ishmael's life, providing him with a sense of stability and hope for the future.

How does Scene 2 build on Scene
Scene 2 shows that Camilla would
rather be in a softball game than in a
trivia bee.
Scene 2 shows that Camilla's softball
team depends on her just as much as
her trivia team does.
Scene 2 shows that Camilla's softball
teammates are just as angry at her as
her trivia teammates are.
Scene 2 shows that Camilla must train
harder for softball than for her trivia


Scene 2 builds on Scene 1 by further developing Camilla's character and highlighting the conflict she faces between her two passions, softball and trivia.

The first bullet point shows that Camilla's preference for softball over trivia is consistent with her behavior in Scene 1, where she showed little interest in studying for the trivia bee.

The second bullet point shows that Camilla's softball team is just as dependent on her as her trivia team. This creates a parallel between the two teams and emphasizes the importance of Camilla's role in both activities.

The third bullet point shows that Camilla's behavior has consequences, as her softball teammates are just as angry with her as her trivia teammates. This reinforces the idea that Camilla needs to find a way to balance her commitments to both teams.

The fourth bullet point highlights the different levels of effort required for each activity. This underscores the challenge that Camilla faces in trying to succeed in both areas and suggests that she may need to make some difficult choices going forward.

Overall, Scene 2 builds on the conflicts and challenges established in Scene 1, and sets the stage for further development of Camilla's character and the resolution of her dilemma.

is this story specific only to jamica?Explain your thought.​



You have to understand what the story is about. Does it include Jamaica's perspective of things, does the story circle around her life? If the story only mentions her name, and doesn't include what she's doing, and the stories talking about another person than no the story isn't specific only to Jamica.


I would have gave you a better answer but I didn't see the story on here.

Question 7 of 10
A question a reviewer should ask about a creative work's context is:
OA. What is the mood of the work?
B. What might have influenced this work?
OC. How does this work make me feel?
D. What are the people in this work feeling?


The appropriate question a reviewer should ask about a creative work's context is "What might have influenced this work?" (B). Understanding the context of a creative work can give insight into the inspiration and influences behind it, which can help in understanding and analyzing the work.

Analyze the analogy about the “snow monsters” that Dai gives the new reelers on page 31. Why does she share this with them? What does it mean to the women?

complete anwsers from the book ("Reeling for the Empire")


Dai’s analogy of the “snow monsters” is meant to help the new reelers understand the importance of working together as a team.

What is monsters?

Monsters are mythical creatures that are often depicted as fearsome and dangerous. They are often seen in folklore, literature, and popular culture. Monsters can be described as supernatural, mythical, or monstrous. They may also be described as evil creatures, forces of nature, or creatures of the unknown. Monsters can take various forms and can be found in many different places, such as in the sea, in forests, or in the sky.

She tells them that the workers are like snow monsters, with each person standing on one foot and holding the other foot of the person in front of them. This analogy demonstrates how the workers must rely on one another in order to complete the task of reeling, just as the snow monsters must rely on each other to move forward. By emphasizing the importance of teamwork, Dai is helping the new reelers to understand the communal aspect of their work. This analogy also serves as an empowering metaphor for the workers, showing them that they are stronger together than they are apart.

To learn more about monsters



Chapter One: Start Your Day With a Task Completed.

What are four different characteristics each member of your group find admirable?


Each member of the group may have their own unique characteristics that they find admirable in others. However, some common characteristics that people may admire in others include:

honesty,reliability,empathy,strong work ethic.

"What are some common characteristics people admire in others?"

Honesty is a trait that many people find admirable in others, as it shows that they are trustworthy and have integrity. A reliable person is also highly regarded, as they can be counted on to follow through on their commitments and be there when needed. Empathy is another admirable trait, as it shows that a person cares about others and is able to put themselves in their shoes.

Finally, a strong work ethic is often respected, as it demonstrates that a person is willing to put in the effort to achieve their goals and contribute to society. Overall, these characteristics can help individuals build strong relationships and succeed in both their personal and professional lives.

Read more about member characteristics



Read the excerpt below and answer the question.
Not so the anclents of these lands;-
The Indlan, when from life released,
Again is seated with his friends,
And shares again the joyous feast.
What is Freneau referring to in this excerpt from "The Indian Burying Ground"? Select all that apply.
Native American battle customs
the Native American custom of burying a person sitting up
Native American rites of passage during adolescence
the Native American conception of the afterlife


In this excerpt from "The Indian Burying Ground" by Philip Freneau, the author is referring to the Native American belief in the afterlife.  Therefore, option D is correct.

According to this belief, when an individual passes away, their spirit is released and they are reunited with their loved ones who have already passed away. The line "The Indian, when from life released, Again is seated with his friends, And shares again the joyous feast" suggests that death is not seen as an end, but rather as a continuation of life in the afterworld.

The idea of an afterlife is a central belief in many cultures around the world, including Native American culture.

Learn more about Philip Freneau, here:



Part B
Using the main point and supporting evidence from Part A, draft a body paragraph.
Tip: remember that your paragraph should synthesize information. To synthesize, you take multiple ideas from your
evidence and draw conclusions for your reader that help answer your research question.
BIUX² X₂ 15px
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Space used (includes formatting): 0/ 15000
Apr 10


Without a Part A, it is difficult to determine what the paragraph should be about. However, I can provide a summary of  "What It Takes to Make a Difference" and you can make use of that.

What is the essence of the TED talk "What It Takes to Make a Difference" ?

An activist and social entrepreneur named Dr. Tererai Trent gave a TED talk "What It Takes to Make a Difference." The main point of the talk was that anyone, regardless of their circumstances or background, can change the world.

Dr. Trent shares her moving individual story of experiencing childhood in a provincial town in  Zimbabwe, where schooling was not accessible to young ladies, and how she defeated various obstacles to go after her fantasy about getting training. She went on to earn a number of degrees, including a PhD, and has since  made it her life's work to assist other people, particularly girls and women, in realizing  their own dreams through education and empowerment.

The talk focuses on how important it is to set goals and take small, attainable steps to reach them. Dr. Trent also stresses the significance  of seeking mentors who can guide and support you along the way and having a support network.

Learn more about TED talks here:



Which is a motif in "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge" that represents being trapped? the railroad tracks the cannonballs the wooden planks the noose


The use of motifs in Bierce's book An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge is superb. The best illustration would be when Peyton jumps into the river, breaking free of his bonds and awakening.

What key concept runs through An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge?

Farquhar departs from time and space as well as his physical body as he nears death. He is left with little more than a patchwork of unreliable sensory impressions, which he uses to fabricate his fantasy of escape. The growing separation between illusion and truth is evident in Farquhar's warped sensory perceptions.

What is it possible for a motif to be or do?

Themes in a story are frequently reinforced by motifs. To be clear, motif is not the same as topic, yet motifs might be the traces that point us in the right direction.

To know more about Motif visit:-




The noose is the motif in "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge" that represents being trapped.


I took the test.

the story: Reptile is one of the five main groups of vertebrate animals. Vertebrates are animals with backbones. Reptiles have a body covering of scales. These scales protect their bodies. Scales keep them from drying out. Scaly skin lets some reptiles live in dry places. Alligators, snakes, turtles, and lizards are all reptiles. Reptiles live on land and in the sea. They can be found in deserts and wetlands. Reptiles can't keep their bodies warm by themselves. They are called ectotherms. Some people call this "cold-blooded." Their bodies are the same temperature as the air around them. When they get cold, they slow down. They must move to a warmer spot or bask in the sun to get warm. If they get too warm, they cool down by moving into the shade or into cool water. Most reptiles live on or near land in warm places. Some animals that live in deserts make homes underground. Under the ground stays warmer at night than the cool night air above ground. Being underground in the daytime is cooler than being out in the hot sun. Reptiles have lungs. They breathe air like you and I do. Even reptiles that spend much of their time in water, like alligators, must come to the surface of the water to breathe air or they will die. Most reptiles lay eggs on land. Their eggs have a leathery shell. A female sea turtle digs out a nest in the sand. She lays thirty or more eggs in the nest. She covers the nest with sand and leaves. She spends the rest of her life in the sea. Male sea turtles never return to land. A Komodo dragon is a reptile. This lizard can grow to be ten feet long. It has sixty teeth and eats pigs and deer. A dwarf gecko is one of the smallest reptiles. It's less than one inch long! Pythons are snakes that grow very big. A python killed in 1912 measured 33 feet long! Tortoises are reptiles that live longer than any other animal that we know of. The oldest known tortoise is at least 188 years old! Alligators, snakes, turtles, and lizards are all reptiles. Crocodiles, tuatara, and tortoises are, too. They do not look the same. They do not live in the same places. They do not eat the same food. But they share some of the same traits. They have backbones. They have scales on their skin. They breathe air with lungs. They are ectotherms. They lay eggs. Reptiles are interesting creatures! the questions:how are reptailes like amphibians (frogs toads and salamanders)? how are they different you might have to do some more reading to find this out. ​


Reptiles and amphibians share some similarities in their physical characteristics, such as having backbones and laying eggs. Both groups also have thin, moist skin, although reptiles have scales that protect them while amphibians do not.

What is the differtence

However, there are also some important differences between the two groups. One key difference is that amphibians go through a metamorphosis from a water-dwelling larval stage to a terrestrial adult stage, while reptiles hatch from eggs as miniature versions of the adults.

Another difference is that amphibians have a permeable skin that allows them to absorb water and oxygen, while reptiles rely on lungs to breathe air. Additionally, amphibians typically require a moist environment to survive, while reptiles are better adapted to living in dry habitats.

Read more on reptiles here:https://brainly.com/question/12436777


Which statement describes the best way to work with multiple perspectives in a group discussion? Multiple perspectives should be avoided so that there is no conflict in the group. Group members should debate their ideas and then agree on one perspective. Multiple perspectives should be recognized, respected, and discussed. Group members should try to convince one another of their perspectives.


It presents various, and occasionally conflicting, perspectives on an occurrence.  Students' critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills are all improved as a result.

For what purposes does group discussion work best?

Students engage in collective discussion of topics and ideas during group discussions (GDs), a type of learning activity. In group discussions during GD, students attempt to solve issues and share knowledge. Students' critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills are all improved as a result.

When we talk about conflict in organisations, what kind of conflict are we primarily talking about?

This disagreement happens within a larger organisation between two or more people. It could be brought on by dissimilar personalities or opposing viewpoints on how to achieve objectives.

To know more about group discussion visit:-



I.... the work.


I did the work. Do doesn’t fit because it say ur doing the work right now and done doesn’t fit because it isn’t proper

Can someone help me please


The small toad blinded by our lights, leaped like live of rain


The rewritten form are:

The small toads blinded By our lights leaped like Live drops of rain.

What is Simile?

A simile is known to be a figure of speech that in a straightforward way compares two things.

Note that Similes makes comparison words using "like", "as", "etc.

Therefore, The rewritten form are:

The small toads blinded By our lights leaped like Live drops of rain.

Learn more about simile from


How could the final sentence be revised to present a stronger conclusion?


Start the final paragraph by restating your thesis before moving on to a more general topic. Finally, state your position.

What elements should be added to this conclusion to make the last sentence stronger?

Describe the significance of your thoughts on the matter. Give the reader a sense of completion. In a summary, restate your major points. Before restating your thesis, you should rephrase it.

How can you start a strong conclusion sentence?

Start the final paragraph by restating your thesis before moving on to a more general topic. Finally, state your position. Unlike your opening, which switched from being specific to general, this paragraph does the opposite.

To know more about Stronger conclusion visit:-



Read the excerpt from President Ronald Reagan’s speech on the night before the 1980 presidential election. A popular novel of the '60s ended prophetically with its description of a "kindly, pleasant, greening land about to learn whether history still has a place for a nation so strangely composed of great ideals and uneasy compromise as she.” That is really the question before us tonight: for the first time in our memory many Americans are asking: does history still have a place for America, for her people, for her great ideals? There are some who answer "no”; that our energy is spent, our days of greatness at an end, that a great national malaise is upon us. They say we must cut our expectations, conserve and withdraw, that we must tell our children . . . not to dream as we once dreamed. Last year I lost a friend who was more than a symbol of the Hollywood dream industry; to millions he was a symbol of our country itself. And when he died, the headlines seemed to convey all the doubt about America, all the nostalgia for a seemingly lost past. "The Last American Hero,” said one headline; "Mr. America dies,” said another. Well, I knew John Wayne well, and no one would have been angrier at being called the "last American hero.” Just before his death, he said in his own blunt way, "Just give the American people a good cause, and there’s nothing they can’t lick.” Duke Wayne did not believe that our country was ready for the dust bin of history, and if we’ll just think about it we too will know it isn’t. Which ideas from the excerpt would be most appropriate to include in a summary? Select three options. Popular novels from the past often ask provocative questions that are important to consider today. Many Americans have given up and say that the nation is no longer great or a land of dreams. John Wayne, nicknamed Duke, was an iconic Hollywood actor and filmmaker. President Reagan believed that John Wayne would argue that he was not the last American hero, because there are many more. Duke Wayne died as a symbol of the hollywood dream industry


First Excerpt is Many Americans are questioning whether history still has a place for America and her great ideals, while some believe the country's days of greatness are over.

Here are remaining two appropriate ideas to include in a summary of the excerpt :

John Wayne, an iconic Hollywood actor and filmmaker, did not believe that America was ready for the dustbin of history and argued that the American people could conquer anything with a good cause.

When John Wayne died, headlines seemed to convey doubt about America and nostalgia for a seemingly lost past, but he would have been angry at being called the "last American hero" because there are many more heroes in America.

To know more about excerpt visit:







5. Give me one of those. Demonstrative Pronoun or Indefinite Pronoun? ​


The word "one" in the sentence "Give me one of those." is an indefinite pronoun. It is used to refer to an unspecified object or quantity.

Which word is misspelled here ?
a performance


The misspelled word is "Faience". The correct spelling is "Faiance"

Quotes from Heart of Darkness, from when Marlow gets to Africa and seeing how the African people are being treated.


"Heart of Darkness," a novel that was released in 1899. The author's travels in Africa gave him the inspiration for this book, which tells the tale of a man who succumbs to the allures of power.

What is Marlow in Heart of Darkness?

Marlow, a 32-year-old sailor, has spent his whole life at sea. since of his experiences in the Congo, the novel's narrator refers to Marlow as "a meditating Buddha" since they have caused him to become reflective, to some extent philosophic, and enlightened.

In Heart of Darkness, is Marlow a decent person?

At the conclusion of the novel, Marlow is still a fine man, but he has undergone transformation. He is no longer able to view the world through rose-colored glasses since he has witnessed its darkness. He understands that society could be a bigger myth than we prefer to believe.

To know more about Marlow visit:



which element moves a story along and creates reader interst? cultural values, point of view, theme, conflict


We can see here that the element that moves a story along and creates reader interest is D. conflict.

What is a story?

A story is a narrative or account of events, whether true or fictitious. It typically has a plot, which includes a sequence of connected events that follow a particular course of action and lead to a resolution.

Stories can be written in various forms, such as novels, short stories, plays, and films, and they often aim to entertain, inform, or educate the reader or audience. They may also convey a message or theme, express emotions, or evoke a particular response from the reader or audience.

Conflict is the central driving force of any story, and it is the source of tension and drama that keeps readers engaged.

Learn more about story on https://brainly.com/question/24292088


Select the correct answer.

Read this excerpt from a sporting goods store’s damaged merchandise policy:

Employees in charge of shipping and receiving should inspect merchandise and return damaged products to the manufacturer. Shipping personnel must send a request to the manufacturer to authorize the return. In the request, employees must include the item’s identification number, retail price, and receipt number. If authorized, the manufacturer will send an authorization ID and a label to stick on the item to mark it as authorized. If an employee does not attach the label, the manufacturer can refuse the return and employees will need to go through the process again.

Based on the information in the policy, what would a store employee need to do if the employee misplaces the label?

Send the item to the manufacturer with a note explaining the situation.
Repeat the process of contacting the manufacturer to get a new label.
Request the store’s operations manager to contact the manufacturer.
Create a new label in the store with the necessary information.


B. Repeat the process of contacting the manufacturer to get a new label.

5. As a sales representative of an electronics company write a product information of a washing machine.​



Introducing the latest addition to our electronics company's product line, the brand new washing machine designed to make laundry day a breeze! With advanced features and cutting-edge technology, this washing machine is the perfect solution for all your laundry needs.

The washing machine boasts a large capacity drum, capable of washing up to 8kg of laundry in a single load, making it ideal for families and those with busy lifestyles. Its energy-efficient design and low water consumption make it not only environmentally friendly but also easy on your wallet.

The machine's intuitive interface makes it easy to navigate and control the settings, with a range of options to choose from including a variety of wash cycles for different fabrics and stain levels. The machine also features a rapid wash option, perfect for when you're in a hurry and need to get your clothes clean quickly.

The washing machine is also designed with your safety in mind, with an automatic door lock to prevent accidents and a child lock function to prevent little ones from accidentally starting the machine. Additionally, the machine's noise-reducing technology ensures that it operates quietly, without disrupting your daily routine.

With its sleek design and advanced features, our new washing machine is a must-have for any modern household. Don't let laundry day stress you out - upgrade to our latest washing machine and enjoy a hassle-free laundry experience.

2. Mark is late. Do you think he ............. about the dinner?

a) have forgotten
b) might have forgotten
c) forgot
d) did forget



I think its A


Answer: I think it's C iirc


Well if you think about it A sounds weird so does D and I think B is a distradistraction or somthing so yeah I think it's C (sorry if im wrong)

Which rhetoric appeal would be the most effective if you were applying for a job promotion?

Ethos: explaining how you are an expert in your field
Kairos: expressing the reason why this is a good time for you to change jobs
Logos: establishing your superiority to the other candidates
Pathos: telling a nostalgic story about your first job


The most effective rhetoric appeal for applying for a job promotion would be ethos, which involves establishing yourself as an expert in your field. This is because a job promotion is typically based on the candidate's qualifications and performance, and emphasizing your expertise and experience can demonstrate that you are the most qualified candidate for the position.

Kairos, which refers to the timing or context of an argument, may be relevant in certain situations, such as if the company is expanding or restructuring and there is a need for new leadership. However, it is not as directly relevant to a job promotion as ethos.

Logos, which involves using logic and reasoning to make an argument, may be helpful in highlighting your achievements and qualifications, but it may come across as arrogant or dismissive of the other candidates.

Pathos, which involves appealing to emotions, is unlikely to be effective in a job promotion scenario as it is not directly relevant to the qualifications and performance required for the position. While telling a nostalgic story about your first job may be endearing, it is unlikely to sway the decision-making process for a job promotion.

Kairos: expressing the reason why this is a good time for you to change jobs were applying for a job promotion.

Which rhetoric appeal would be the most effective if you were applying for a job promotion?

The most effective rhetorical appeal for applying for a job promotion would be ethos, or the appeal to credibility and trustworthiness.

To persuade your employer that you are deserving of a promotion, you should demonstrate your qualifications, work ethic, and dedication to the company. This can be achieved by highlighting your accomplishments, experience, and relevant skills.

Additionally, presenting yourself as a responsible and trustworthy employee who is committed to the success of the company will enhance your credibility and increase your chances of being promoted.

Learn more about rhetoric appeal here:



A white heron by Sarah Orne Jewett in the excerpt from the short story a hunter comes to the house of Sylvia and her grandmother he is searching for a white heron Sylvia knows where the white heron lives but she’s not sure she wants the Hunter to find the bird she is soon faced with the dilemma In what way does Sylvia change in the excerpt? A. she learns that life is full of difficult decisions that must be made B. she realizes that honor and loyalty to her family is more important than anything else C. she discovers that other people can be as committed to their ideals as she is D. she decides that saving the bird is more important than benefiting from the birds death


She decides that saving the bird is more important than benefiting from the birds death.

The correct option is D.

What does Sylvia symbolize in the white heron?

Sylvia's association with the heron is a reflection of the connection Jewett wants people to have with nature, enabling them to appreciate its independence and wonder and, as a result, decide to defend it from human goals.

Sylvia is what kind of a character?

Sylvia, a disobedient youngster who takes pleasure in her independence, disagrees with Miss Moore because she dislikes Miss Moore's college degree, her use of "proper" language, and her patronizing teachings.

To know more about Sylvia visit :



Read the excerpt from "Indian Emigration."
It is said, "they (the Cherokees,) have by the exchange
freed themselves from the harrassing [sic] and ruinous
effects consequent upon a location amidst a white
population." But time will soon prove the contrary;
Difficulties of a new and more serious nature await
Which rhetorical appeal is most evident in this excerpt?
O ethos
O kairos
O logos
• pathos


The rhetorical appeal that is most evident in this excerpt is logos
Logos is to the answer

Read the rough draft of a student's conclusion to an
argumentative editorial.
(1) Year-round schooling would help student
achievement. (2) Not so much information would have
to be crammed into nine months. (3) Furthermore, the
elimination of long breaks, particularly summer break,
would significantly reduce "learning loss" and the
additional time wasted at the beginning of each
academic year to reteach previously learned material.
(4) It is clear that year-round schooling helps students
learn and retain more. (5) The United States is not the
only country to experiment with a year-round school
schedule. (6) Although many still claim that evidence
about year-round school and its link to higher
achievement is inconclusive, these people need to
open their eyes and see that students in these
schools consistently score higher on certain
assessments than students who attend schools with
Which best revises sentence 6 to create a more
appropriate and respectful tone?
O Although many still claim that evidence about year-
round school and its link to higher achievement is
inconclusive, studies consistently reveal that year-
round students score higher on certain
assessments than those students who attend
schools with traditional nine-month calendars.
• Although many still claim that evidence about year-
round school and its link to higher achievement is
inconclusive, this theory is wrong because students
in year-round schools consistently score higher on
certain assessments than those students who
attend schools with traditional nine-month
• Although many still claim that evidence about year-
round school and its link to higher achievement is


The best that revises sentence 6 to create a more appropriate and respectful tone is: A. Although many still claim that evidence about year-round school and its link to higher achievement is inconclusive, studies consistently reveal that year-round students score higher on certain assessments than those students who attend schools with traditional nine-month calendars.

What is revision?

Revision is the process of reviewing, editing, and improving a piece of written work. It involves examining the content, structure, style, and language of a document to ensure that it is accurate, clear, and effective in conveying its intended message.

Revision is an essential part of the writing process as it helps writers to refine their ideas, eliminate errors, and enhance the overall quality of their work.

Learn more about revision on https://brainly.com/question/8823021


Denis is not very popular with other students. Her parents are both teachers at our school (adj clauses)


The correct sentence with adjective clauses would be: "Denis, whose parents are both teachers at our school, is not very popular with other students."

What is the adjectival clauses?

It appears that there may be an error in the sentence provided. The pronoun "Her" does not agree in gender with the name "Denis," which is typically a masculine name. If we assume that "Denis" is intended to be a male name, the correct sentence with adjective clauses would be:

"Denis, whose parents are both teachers at our school, is not very popular with other students."

This sentence uses the relative pronoun "whose" to introduce the adjective clause "whose parents are both teachers at our school." The clause provides additional information about Denis, indicating that his parents are teachers at the same school where he is a student.

Read more about adjectival clauses here:



Other Questions
Which of the following represents the legal ability to enter into a binding agreement?A. Majority.B. Emancipation.C. Contractual knowledge.D. Contractual capacity.E. Informed consent if you are convicted of dui for the fourth time, you will be fined at least a bond of face amount 100 pays semi-annual coupons and is purchased at a premium of 36 to yield annual interest of 7% compounded semiannually. the amount for amortization of premium in the 5th coupon is 1.00. what is the term of the bond? How did Billy Graham affect American society? A. He was one of the first people to use television to project a religious message to mass audiences. B. He ended the Iranian hostage crisis as soon as he became president of the United States. C. He convinced Americans that it was necessary to restrain corporate power and prevent monopolies. OD. He inspired the public to fight for civil rights even after he was assassinated for his beliefs. The states C and D spend a total of $56.8 million for tourism. The state C spends $1.8 million more than the state D. Find the amount that each state spends on tourism.D spends $___ million on tourism , and state C spends $___million on tourism. howd the technological revolution change latin america? if you want to save $900,000 for your retirement, you invest your money in a savings account that has an APR of 6% which is compounded each month. you are 20 years old and planning to retire at age 65, how much money do you need to deposit into the savings account each month in order to reach your retirement goal at age 65? Choose the part of speech of the dependent clause in each sentence.Whoever wants to help is invited to come with us.Talk to the person who is behind the counter.When I press the button, the computer starts up. Technology has had dramatic impacts on the operations of marketing organizations by creating all of the following except which? (multicultural, programming, marketspace, intranets, e-commerce) Consider the reaction described by the chemical equation shown.C2H4(g)+H2O(l)C2H5OH(l)rxn=44.2 kJUse the data from the table of thermodynamic properties to calculate the value of rxn at 25.0 C.rxn= ? JK1Calculate rxn.rxn= ? kJIn which direction is the reaction, as written, spontaneous at 25 C and standard pressure?reversebothneitherforward T/F: the file history utility only keeps the most recent version of a file. ______________premise reasoning starts with a broad, general statement, called a(n)_________premise. It then gives a specific situation and derives a(n) __________premise based on the premise and the situation. Graph X-3 What is the value of x in this equation?2x + 65= 1(x - 11) g compare and contrast the fixed, freely floating, and managed float exchange rate systems. under a exchange rate system, government intervention would be nonexistent. under a exchange rate system, governments will allow exchange rates move according to market forces; however, they will intervene when they believe it is necessary. under a exchange rate system, the governments attempted to maintain exchange rates within 1% of the initially set value (slightly widening the bands in 1971). what are some advantages and disadvantages of a freely floating exchange rate system versus a fixed exchange rate system? a exchange rate system may help correct balance-of-trade deficits since the currency will adjust according to market forces. countries are more insulated from problems of foreign countries under a there are many ways to test the design effectiveness of an organization's change control process. which of the following is the most efficient and sufficient way? the auditor should test a sample of the approved changes the auditor should interview the personnel leading the change control process the auditor should perform an end to end walk through of the change control process the auditor should test a sample of the change requests' population The nurse is caring for a 5-month-old infant with a diagnosis of intussusception. Theinfant has periods of irritability during which the knees are brought to chest and theinfant cries, alternating with periods of lethargy. Vital signs are stable and withinage-appropriate limits. The physician elects to give an enema. The parents ask thepurpose of is the enema. Select the nurse's most appropriate response.1. "The enema will confirm the diagnosis. If the test result is positive, your child willneed to have surgery to correct the intussusception."2. "The enema will confirm the diagnosis. Although very unlikely, the enema mayalso help fix the intussusception so that your child will not immediately needsurgery."3. "The enema will help confirm diagnosis and has a good chance of fixing theintussusception."4. "The enema will help confirm the diagnosis and may temporarily fix theintussusception. If the bowel returns to normal, there is a strong likelihoodthat the intussusception will recur." cells with spinelike processes protruding from the cytoplasmic membrane (spider cells), occurring singularly and rarely in sheets, with smooth nuclear margins found proximal to the endocervical canal are diagnostic of a set of ideas that explain or justify some aspect of social reality is called _____. rowley pharmaceutical company produces a drug that promotes new blood vessel growth. is there any application for this drug in wound treatment?