which station broadcast waves with more energy


Answer 1

Gamma rays are the most energetic, have the shortest wavelengths, and have the highest frequencies.

Do radio waves have a lot of energy?

Radiofrequency (RF) radiation is at the low-energy end of the electromagnetic spectrum and comprises radio waves and microwaves. It is classified as non-ionizing radiation. Non-ionizing radiation lacks the energy required to remove electrons from an atom.

Radio waves have low-energy photons, microwave photons have somewhat more energy than radio waves, infrared photons have even more, then visible, ultraviolet, X-rays, and, finally, gamma-rays.

Learn more about Gamma rays



Related Questions

A human-centered view of our relationship with the environment is known as
answer choices


A human-centered view of our relationship with the environment is known as anthropocentrism.

An anthropocentric viewpoint is referred described as "anthropocentrism." Anthropocentrism is the philosophical position that holds that humans are the sole or principal possessors of moral standing. Anthropocentrism believes that people are superior to and different from nature and that only human life has intrinsic worth, while all other living things—including animals, plants, minerals, and other resources—can legitimately be used for the benefit of humankind.

Anthropocentrism, according to authors who care about the environment, is morally wrong and the cause of ecological disasters. The link between two basic motivations for environmental attitudes—ecocentrism, or appreciating nature for its own sake, and anthropocentrism, or valuing nature for the material or physical benefits it may offer humans—was investigated.

Learn more about anthropocentrism here:



What basic unit of heredity is found on segments of DNA and are passed on from parent to offspring?

A. nucleotide
B. gene
C. phosphate molecule
D. deoxyribose sugar


That is b- the gene . Genes are passed from parents to baby
The correct answer is B / gene

A gene is the basic physical and functional unit of heredity. Genes are made up of DNA. Some genes act as instructions to make molecules called proteins. However, many genes do not code for proteins. In humans, genes vary in size from a few hundred DNA bases to more than 2 million bases. An international research effort called the Human Genome Project, which worked to determine the sequence of the human genome and identify the genes that it contains, estimated that humans have between 20,000 and 25,000 genes.

all of the following conditions are required for hardy-weinberg equilibrium except __________. natural selection
a large population
no mutation
no gene flow
random mating


Natural selection is the process through which particular qualities gradually increase or decrease in prevalence in a population.

The process of natural selection is driven by the environment and the organisms that possess certain traits that give them an advantage over other organisms tend to survive and reproduce more often. Therefore, natural selection can lead to changes in the allele frequencies in a population, and is the opposite of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium.

In conclusion, for a population to reach Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, natural selection must not be present. If natural selection is present, it can lead to changes in the allele frequencies, and the population will not reach Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium.

Learn more about population visit:



One of the requirements that is not necessary for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium is natural selection.

In the absence of external effects, genotype frequencies in a population genetic condition known as Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium remain constant from one generation to the next. The following prerequisites must be satisfied for this state to exist:• A sizable population, so that the random genetic changes have little impact on the population's genetic composition as a whole.• No mutation, preserving the population's genetic diversity.• No gene flow, preventing population genetic diversity from changing as a result of human migration.• Random mating, to prevent non-random mating from altering the genetic composition of the population.One of the key elements that can upset the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium is natural selection. It is the process by which specific qualities, depending on how well they aid individuals in surviving and procreating, become more or less frequent in a community. As a result, different genotypes and allele frequencies may fluctuate throughout time.

To know more about natural selection brainly.com/question/2725702#SPJ4

compare the process of digesting food in an amoeba (unicellular) to those in a mouse (multicellular),


The process of digesting food in an amoeba (unicellular) is based on the invagination of the plasma membrane in a process called endocytosis, while digestion in a mouse (multicellular) involves a series of specialized organs that form the digestive system.

What is the invagination of the plasma membrane or endocytosis?

The invagination of the plasma membrane or endocytosis is the process by which the plasma membrane is pulled inward, creating a small invagination or sac for the transport of materials within the cell.

Therefore, with this data, we can see that endocytosis is a cell process while the digestive system involves many coordinated processes during digestion.

Learn more about endocytosis here:



Water is essential to life. Which property of water affect(s) life less than the others? a) Hydrogen bonds b) Nearly colorless c) Cohesiveness


cohesiveness of water affect(s) life less than the others.

All of the qualities of water are crucial for the existence of living things because it is necessary for life. Water's cohesion, however, has less of an impact on life than its other characteristics.

Water molecules' propensity to adhere to one another because of their hydrogen bonds is referred to as cohesiveness. This characteristic gives water its surface tension, which enables plants to carry water through their stems and insects to walk on water.

Hydrogen bonds, which are created when one hydrogen atom's partial positive charge is attracted to another's partial negative charge, are the characteristic of water that have the greatest impact on life.

To know more about water, click here,



Water is essential to life. property of water which affects life less than the others is  b) Nearly colorless

Life cannot exist without water because A living thing's primary component is water. It is essential because a liquid medium is required for all metabolic processes necessary for growth and development. The majority of reactions take place when the substances are dissolved.

Water is a clear liquid with no flavor. Water's condensed form exhibits unusual properties due to its extensive hydrogen bonds. Additionally, this results in high boiling and melting points.

Know more about hydrogen bonds here: https://brainly.com/question/15099999


describe the anatomy of xylem tissue and explain why it is an efficient system for the transport of water through the plant.


Xylem is a tissue consisting of dead, hollowed-out cells that form a system of pipes. the function of xylem is to  move the water through channels present in the plant cell , from one cell to the next either symplast or apoplast pathways.

components of xylem is, tracheid's which is fundamental cells and are elongated cells with tapering ends, it also have pits. tracheid have thickenings too like annular thickening.

vessels, which are called trachea and are tube like cells, they have segments or vessel elements.

Third is Xylem Fibres, they are dead cells and have central lumen which makes the transport of water efficient and the last is xylem parenchyma.

xylem, is a more efficient way to transfer water, as it follows unidirectional methods and water is pulled to mesophyll cells through transpiration pull.

To know more about xylem,



what is the name of the layers of the cell membrane?


The cell membrane, also known as the plasma membrane, is composed of a double layer of phospholipid molecules.

These phospholipids are arranged in a bilayer, with their hydrophobic tails facing each other and their hydrophilic heads facing outward. The two layers of phospholipids in the cell membrane are called the phospholipid bilayer.

This bilayer is selectively permeable, meaning it controls the movement of substances in and out of the cell. Additionally, the cell membrane has a variety of other molecules embedded in it, such as cholesterol, glycoproteins, and glycolipids, which help to maintain the fluidity and stability of the membrane.

To learn more about cell membranes



The cell membrane, also known as the plasma membrane, is composed of a double layer of phospholipid molecules.

These phospholipids are arranged in a bilayer, with their hydrophobic tails facing each other and their hydrophilic heads facing outward. The two layers of phospholipids in the cell membrane are called the phospholipid bilayer. This bilayer is selectively permeable, meaning it controls the movement of substances in and out of the cell. Additionally, the cell membrane has a variety of other molecules embedded in it, such as cholesterol, glycoproteins, and glycolipids, which help to maintain the fluidity and stability of the membrane.

To learn more about cell membranes click here



is there dna in your food? how do you know? why are you not harmed (or altered) by ingesting the dna of another organism?


Because it is dissolved in stomach acid

the muscle contraction that allows the muscle to shorten is called?


The muscle contraction that allows the muscle to shorten is called Concentric concentration.

A concentric contraction causes the muscle to shorten because the force produced by the muscular is less than its maximum. Muscle contraction generally refers to this kind of contraction. In contrast to the other two types, it uses more energy, but its contraction produces the least force.

Muscle contracture is the term for the actual physical shortening of a muscle's length, and it frequently occurs in conjunction with the actual shortening of certain other soft tissues like fascia, nerves, vasculature, and skin.

Inactivity and fibrosis from an accident or burn are the most frequent causes of contracture. The risk of contracture deformity is significantly higher in people with various illnesses that limit mobility. For instance, individuals with severe rheumatoid arthritis (RA).

Learn more about muscle contractions here:



Muscle contraction that allows the muscle to shorten is called  

c) concentric  contraction.

In general, concentric contraction results in shortening of muscle as the  force that is produced by the muscle is less than the maximum force. Muscle contraction also term as the actual physical shortening of a muscle's length, that takes place in conjunction with the actual shortening of certain other soft tissues like fascia, nerves, vasculature, and skin.

Also the Inactivity and fibrosis from an accident or burn are result of contraction. The risk of contraction deformity is increasingly higher in people with various illnesses that limit mobility. For instance, individuals with severe rheumatoid arthritis (RA).

The complete question is :

The type of contraction in which the muscle fibers do not shorten is called:

a) tetany.

b) treppe.

c) concentric.

d) isotonic.

e) isometric.

Hence, the correct option is C

Learn more about muscle contractions ,here



brainiest to best answer and 30 points
Explain how natural selection is related to individuals and populations.



Natural selection is the process through which populations of living organisms adapt and change. Individuals in a population are naturally variable, meaning that they are all different in some ways. This variation means that some individuals have traits better suited to the environment than others.


Changing a ingle amino acid in a protein coniting of 325 amino acid would alway alter the



Changing a single amino acid in a protein containing 325 amino acids will always alter the protein's properties in some way.

Select the correct answer from each drop-down menu. plants are classified based on the presence of a certain specialized tissue. a specialized tissue called_____tissue helps transport____and water to all parts of the plant.1. A. VascularB. MycorrhizaeC. Sporophyte2. A. PollenB. OxygenC. Nutrients



1.Vascular B


What causes muscle wasting and atrophy?


Malnutrition, advanced age, heredity, a lack of exercise, and specific medical problems can all contribute to muscle atrophy.

When you don't use these muscles enough, you develop disuse (physiologic) atrophy. Neurological conditions or disorders can cause neurogenic atrophy. A category of disorders known as muscular dystrophy leads to gradual muscle loss and weakening.

In muscular dystrophy, faulty genes (mutations) prevent the body from making the necessary proteins for building healthy muscle. Different types of muscular dystrophy exist. Muscle atrophy has also been linked to vitamin D insufficiency in both humans and animals.

An imbalance in the rates of protein synthesis and breakdown leads to muscle atrophy. Symptoms of muscle atrophy include balance issues, lack of muscle coordination, weakness in the face, tingling in the arms and legs, visual issues, weariness, and more.

Learn more about muscle atrophy here:



Muscle wasting or atrophy is caused by a variety of factors including disuse of the muscles, neurogenic conditions, poor nutrition, and underlying health conditions. It  states that disuse of muscles can cause muscle atrophy, which can be reversed with exercise and a healthy diet.

It also states that muscle atrophy is usually caused by not being able to regularly exercise your muscles, and your inability to move may be due to an injury or an underlying health condition. It reports that lack of physical activity due to an injury or illness, poor nutrition, genetics, and certain medical conditions can all contribute to muscle atrophy. In summary, muscle wasting or atrophy is caused by a combination of factors such as disuse, neurogenic conditions, poor nutrition, underlying health conditions, injury, genetics and certain medical conditions.

Find out more about Muscle wasting



Identify whether or not the following are systems of power and meaning that anthropologists study through intensive fieldwork and the observation of people's everyday lives.
anthropologist study:
-racial and ethnic
-gender and sexuality
-socioeconomic and political
anthropologists do not study:
-financial market


When it comes to emphasising the covert expressions of power—which can be simply defined as the capacity to influence the choices actions and comparission of others—anthropology differs from other sciences.

Additionally anthropology is the discipline has both scientific and humanistic impulses that can clash with one another. In order to provide collectively holistic perspectives of how power functions "above" and "below," anthropologists also study persons in positions of authority. Studies of state leaders, whiteness and white supremacy, military regimes, and significant companies are a few examples of this type of scholarship. Fieldwork, relativism, holism, and comparison are the four main anthropological stances.

To know more about anthropology, click here:



When it comes to emphasising the covert expressions of power—which can be simply defined as the capacity to influence the choices actions and comparission of others—anthropology.

differs from other sciences. Additionally anthropology is the discipline has both scientific and humanistic impulses that can clash with one another. In order to provide collectively holistic perspectives of how power functions "above" and "below," anthropologists also study persons in positions of authority. Studies of state leaders, whiteness and white supremacy, military regimes, and significant companies are a few examples of this type of scholarship. Fieldwork, relativism, holism, and comparison are the four main anthropological stances. In order to provide collectively holistic perspectives of how power functions "above" and "below," anthropologists also study persons in positions of authority. Studies of state leaders.

learn more about anthropology,here:



Composed of layers of ice when strong gusts of upward wind keep them

inside the cloud, causing them to collide with other raindrops causing them

to grow, which one of these would that be?






Hail collides with other raindrops causing them to grow.

Hail is made up of supercooled water that gets refrozen in the atmosphere and then falls to the ground as a big ice ball. When thunderstorm updrafts lift raindrops into extremely cold regions of the atmosphere, they condense into hail, which is precipitation.

Hail may kill humans and cattle and cause damage to vehicles, buildings, and airplanes. One or more microscopic ice crystals combine in the snow to create the complicated and distinctive designs of a snowflake. A hail is a frozen raindrop that is often much larger than a pure ice crystal. A form of precipitation, or water in the atmosphere, is hail.

Learn more about hail here:



Hail causes raindrops to enlarge when it hits other raindrops.

Hail is composed of water that has been supercooled, which is then refrozen in the atmosphere before falling to the ground as a large ice ball. Raindrops are transformed into precipitation when thunderstorm updrafts carry them into the atmosphere's coldest regions.

Hail may damage and even destroy cars, houses, and airplanes in addition to killing people and cattle. The intricate and unique patterns of a snowflake are the result of the combination of one or more tiny ice crystals in the snow. A hailstone is a frozen raindrop that frequently exceeds the size of a pure ice crystal. Hail is a type of precipitation, or liquid in the atmosphere.

To learn more about hail click here:



what part of the brain coordinates reflexes between body and brain



The brainstem


The brainstem also controls your balance, coordination and reflexes.


best description of cellular respirarion


It's where the cell reproduces and forms more cells

until atoms react with another , they are


Atom that does not react with one another are said to be stable.

what is an atom?

A chemical element is uniquely defined by its atoms, which are tiny pieces of substance. An atom is made up of a core nucleus and one or more negatively charged electrons that orbit it. The positively charged, comparatively hefty protons and neutrons that make up the nucleus may be present.

what is atomic reaction?

A nuclear reaction is a process in nuclear physics and nuclear chemistry where two nuclei or a nucleus and an outside subatomic particle meet to create one or more new nuclides. A nuclear reaction must therefore result in the conversion of at least one nuclide into another.

learn more about atom here



a mutation occurs that alters the third base in an mrna codon from a c to a g. this mutation is most likely a


The correct option is B ; Missense mutation , A missense mutation is a change in DNA that causes different amino acids to be encoded at a specific place in the resultant protein.

Some missense mutations cause the resultant protein's function to change. Substitution, deletion, insertion, and translocation are all examples of mutations.

Deletion mutations, on the other hand, are the polar opposite of a point mutation. They entail the elimination of a base pair. Both of these mutations produce the most damaging sort of point mutation of all: the frameshift mutation.

Base mutations arise when polymerase fails to pick up the correct base during DNA replication, which is a type of error. Base mutations known as nonsense mutations are the most likely to result in gene knockout.

Learn more about to mutation



Full Question ;

A mutation occurs that alters the third base in an mRNA codon from a C to a G. This mutation is most likely a

A. frameshift mutation

B. missense mutation

C. nonsense mutation

D. silent mutation

Regions of the chromosomes where non-sister chromosomes cross over are called




Regions of the chromosomes where non-sister chromosomes cross over are called chiasmata.

describe the path followed by water from the soil, through the plant and into the atmosphere. where are the important resistances to water movement in this path? describe the casparian strip and its function. from the point of view of its function, what is the most important substance in the casparian strip?


The water moves from the soil through the cells of plants and finally reaches the atmosphere via transpiration. The resistance factors of this process are air, humidity, light intensity, temperature, and transpiration. Casparian strips are important for their impermeable nature for water movement.

The movement of water starts when the root uptakes water from the soil. The water first enters the growing root tip and then enters the root hairs. The water will move the root using three different pathways such as apoplastic, transmembrane, and symplastic pathways. Once this water crosses these pathways, the centers the cortex and crosses the endodermis having a Casparian strip. Then, water enters the xylem cells which are subject to long-distance transport. The water then vascular bundle and distribute in the epidermal and mesophyll cells. It is drawn into plant cell walls and is moved to the atmosphere in the form of water vapor via stomata. The resistance that affects this pathway is air, humidity, light intensity, temperature, and transpiration.

Casparian strips are impermeable substances that are found in the endodermal cells of plant roots. They form a barrier against the apoplastic flux and force the ions to pass through the selectively permeable membrane to the cytoplasm. This thus forms positive hydrostatic pressure and prevents the movement of toxic and pathogens.

To know more about Casparian strips:



what are the roles and differences of ligaments, tendons, and cartilage?


The roles and differences of ligaments, tendons, and cartilage is to provide support for muscles and organs and help protect them during movement.

A ligament is an elastic band of tissue that connects bones and stabilises joints. Cartilage is a soft, gel-like cushioning material that protects joints while also allowing mobility. Tendons, ligaments, and cartilage are all connective tissues that support and protect muscles and organs during movement.

The most obvious distinction between ligaments and tendons is that tendons connect bone to a skeletal muscle, whereas ligaments connect bone to another bone. Fibroblast cells, which form the structural framework for connective tissues, are present in both of these problems. Cartilage is a type of tissue that is tough, but not as hard as bone. It is, however, more durable than a tendon or a ligament.

To know more about the cartilage, refer to the following link:



Ligaments, tendons, and cartilage are all types of tissue that provide stability, flexibility, shock absorption, and cushioning between bones to enable movement.

Ligaments are a type of connective tissue that helps to hold bones together and keep them stable. Made up of strong fibrous bands of collagen, elastin and other proteins, they provide strength and elasticity to help reduce stress and strain on the bones and joints.

Tendons, on the other hand, are also a type of connective tissue that attach muscle to bone. They are made up of densely packed collagen fibers and are much tougher than ligaments. They enable the muscle to move the bone and allow for greater flexibility.

Lastly, cartilage is a type of connective tissue that acts as a cushion between bones. It is made up of specialized cells called chondrocytes and a gelatinous matrix of proteins and other substances. This helps absorb any impact or force placed on the joints and bones as well as reduce friction between bones during movement.

Learn more about Ligaments visit:



How many countries are currently the members of the European union?


There are 27 countries in the European union

What is European union?

The European Union is a special collaboration between 27 member states of the European Union. Together, they encircle a sizable portion of Europe.

Common policies on trade, agriculture, fisheries, and regional development are maintained under EU policies, which also seek to safeguard the free movement of people, goods, services, and capital inside the internal market. Travel within the Schengen Area no longer requires a passport.

A person who meets the requirements to be considered a European citizen has the freedom to move, settle, and work in any of the 27 member states of the union.

Learn more about European union at:



what is delivered over the hypothalamic-hypophyseal portal system?


The hypothalamic-hypophyseal portal system is a specialized circulatory system that connects the hypothalamus to the pituitary gland.

It is responsible for the transport of a variety of chemical signals between these two structures. The hypothalamus, which is located at the base of the brain, produces several releasing and inhibiting hormones that control the activity of the pituitary gland.

The pituitary gland is divided into two main lobes, the anterior lobe and the posterior lobe, each of which has different functions.

The hypothalamic-hypophyseal portal system delivers releasing and inhibiting hormones to the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland, which in turn regulates the secretion of several hormones including growth hormone, thyroid-stimulating hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone, and luteinizing hormone.

To learn more about the circulatory system



The hypothalamic-hypophyseal portal system is a specialized circulatory system that connects the hypothalamus to the pituitary gland.

It is responsible for the transport of a variety of chemical signals between these two structures. The hypothalamus, which is located at the base of the brain, produces several releasing and inhibiting hormones that control the activity of the pituitary gland. The pituitary gland is divided into two main lobes, the anterior lobe and the posterior lobe, each of which has different functions. The hypothalamic-hypophyseal portal system delivers releasing and inhibiting hormones to the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland, which in turn regulates the secretion of several hormones including growth hormone, thyroid-stimulating hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone, and luteinizing hormone.

To learn more about the circulatory system click here



Choose the correct statements.

Many scientific questions were answered

There are no alternate hypotheses that explains the extinction of the dinosaurs

We cannot be 100% certain that an asteroid killed the dinosaurs

Walter's hypothesis remained the same throughout his journey


The correct statement: We cannot be 100% certain that an asteroid killed the dinosaurs.

Explain the Dinosaur Extinction Theory?

Paleontologists are working to determine what led to the extinction of all non-avian dinosaurs 65 million years ago.

While researchers continue to argue how volcanism or climatic change brought on by receding sea levels may have contributed, the majority of experts think that a huge asteroid or comet impact played a significant influence. However, several proposed theories for the demise of nonavian dinosaurs were categorically untrue, according to paleontologists.Since 19th-century naturalists began researching the extinct animals, our understanding of how dinosaurs died has undergone significant shift. Following one of the biggest mass extinctions in the history of our planet, caused by a devastating asteroid impact, extensive volcanic activity, and climatic change, most dinosaur lineages vanished by roughly 66 million years ago, according to paleontologists.

Thus, the correct statement is-

We cannot be 100% certain that an asteroid killed the dinosaurs.

To know more about the Dinosaur Extinction Theory, here



what is the complementary strand of dna for the sequence of bases below?




Adenine pairs up with Thymine

Cytosine pairs up with Guanine

An easy way to remember this is the saying "Apples in the Tree.  Cars in the Garage."

hope this helps! :)

why i it important to know how to convert temperature cale to Celiu or Kelvin cale


It is important to know how to convert the temperature scale to Celiu or Kelvin scale because we get the values of temperature in different units, so to make them comparable we have to change them to the same scale.

Heat is the flow of thermal energy between items with various temperatures, whereas temperature is a measurement of how hot or cold one object is in relation to another object (its thermal energy content).

Fahrenheit, Celsius, and Kelvin are the three scales that are most frequently used to measure temperature (K). Utilizing elements that stretch or compress when heated or cooled, thermometers monitor the temperature. For instance, a reservoir of liquid in a mercury or alcohol thermometer expands as it warms and contracts when cooled, causing the liquid column to extend or shorten as the liquid's temperature varies.

You can also learn about Celsius from the following question:



For which of these questions could a testable hypothesis be developed? Check all that apply.



check 1,3,and 4


What is the purpose of adding chlorine to water during the water treatment process?

What is the purpose of adding chlorine to water during the water treatment process?

to filter and remove large debris

to form flocs that bacteria and other impurities will cling to

to kill bacteria and other microorganisms that have accumulated, as well as prevent future bacterial growth

to remove unwanted gases and toxic compounds


To prevent contamination with germs, water companies add a disinfectant—usually either chlorine or chloramine—that kills disease-causing germs such as Salmonella, Campylobacter, and norovirus.

What is Disinfect?

Numerous sources of water, including lakes and wells, can be polluted with pathogens that can make people ill.

Water businesses add a disinfectant—typically chlorine or chloramine—that kills pathogens including Salmonella, Campylobacter, and norovirus in order to prevent contamination with germs. The two main disinfectants used in public water systems are chlorine and chloramine.

Obtaining a copy of your utility's consumer confidence report will allow you to learn whether your water is disinfected, what kind of disinfectant is used, and how well your utility has complied with disinfection regulations.

Therefore, To prevent contamination with germs, water companies add a disinfectant—usually either chlorine or chloramine—that kills disease-causing germs such as Salmonella, Campylobacter, and norovirus.

To learn more about Chloramine, refer to the link:



Organisms inherit specific traits and characteristics from their parents. Albinism is an inherited disorder that occurs when an organism is unable to produce or distribute melanin. Melanin is a substance in the body that helps determine skin color, hair color, and eye color.

An albino alligator.

Which is the basic unit of heredity that carries the trait of albinism from parent to offspring?

A. base pairs
B. genes
C. proteins
D. codons


Answer: B) genes


Albinism is passed on from parent to offspring through genes.

Answer: B.

Explanation: Got it right on edge
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