Which topics are likely to be critiqued in southern gothic literature? check all that apply. a. poverty b. discrimination c. equality d. technology e. violence


Answer 1

The topics are likely to be critiqued in southern gothic literature are a) poverty, b) discrimination and e) violence.

What is Gothic Literature

Gothic literature is a literary genre that rose to prominence in the late 18th century. The term Gothic historically refers to the architectural style that was popularized in the Medieval period. Since then the term has come to apply to any medium that displays certain aesthetic characteristics, such as dark settings and a supernatural setting and element. All of this and much more can be found in Gothic novels.

Examples of Classical Gothic Literature

Many of the Gothic stories read and retold today are now considered classics. Dive into the plots of some of the great Gothic novels.

Otranto Castle by Horace Walpole (1764)

Otranto Castle contains all the elements necessary to be called the first true Gothic novel. So much so that the subtitle that appears on the cover is “A Gothic Story.” This genre-defining story has all the hallmarks of a good Gothic novel: prophecy, collapsing castles, madmen, murder, and intrigue.

The Mystery of Udolpho by Ann Radcliffe (1794)

Ann Radcliffe paved the way for women in the Gothic genre with her breakthrough and scandalous Mysteries of Udolpho. This story features aristocrats of dubious lineage, a tragic heroine, a brooding villain, seemingly supernatural events, and a sinister country castle.

Learn more about Southern Gothic literature at



Answer 2



took on edge

Related Questions

in the late 1980s, challenges to communist rule were least successful in select one: a. poland. b. china. c. romania. d. czechoslovakia. e. hungary.


In the late 1980s, challenges to communist rule were least successful in China. Hence, option B is correct.

The history of communism spans a wide range of ideologies and political movements that all shared the central theoretical ideals of shared property, economic entrepreneurship, and wealth ownership.

The majority of contemporary variants of communism have their roots in Marxism, a 19th-century ideology and methodology developed by Karl Marx. Later, Marxism grew widely throughout much of Europe, and its ardent adherents played a crucial role in several failed uprisings on that continent in the late 1800s.

During the same time period, communist groups proliferated as well. These parties supported collective property and a classless society but eschewed armed revolution.

To know more about China, click here:



The picture below is from Marco Polo’s book The Travels of Marco Polo. Identify the objects Marco Polo has aboard his ship as he prepares to return to the West including what possibly is stowed in the trunk and cloth bag. Explain why these items were sought by the West and what their impact might be on the West.


Based on the pictures from Marco Polo’s book, the objects he took as aboard his ship as he prepares to return to the West including what possibly is stowed in the trunk and cloth bag includes:

spicessilkporcelainother luxury goods

These items were sought by the West because: the silk, for example, was in high demand for textiles and clothing, and the spices were used for cooking and medicinal purposes. The porcelain was also highly valued for its beauty and craftsmanship.

Why was the Travels of Marco Polo significant?

Marco Polo was a Venetian merchant and explorer who traveled to China and the Mongol Empire during his 24 years of expedition. He wrote a book called "The Travels of Marco Polo" which described the customs, culture, and geography of the places he visited.

However, it is known that Marco Polo brought back valuable items such as spices, silk, porcelain, and other luxury goods from his travels to the East. These goods were highly sought after in the West, as they were rare and not available in Europe.  

The impact of these items on the West was significant. The trade in these luxury goods helped to spur economic growth and expansion in Europe, as merchants and traders sought to acquire these goods and bring them back to the West. Additionally, the introduction of these goods to Europe led to cultural exchange and the spread of new ideas and technologies.

Read more about Marco Polo



How are the Second Industrial Revolution and the Gilded Age closely related? Provide at least 3 pieces of evidence.



Explanation: a period of great extremes: great wealth and widespread poverty, great expansion and deep depression, new opportunities, and greater standardization.

What characteristics of fifteenth-century Florence encouraged artistic life?



In fifteenth-century Florence, the wealth generated by the city's thriving textile industry, coupled with the patronage of powerful banking families and the Medici family, encouraged artistic life as it provided a steady source of patronage for artists and artisans, allowing them to produce works of art on a large scale. Additionally, the city's focus on humanism and classical learning also encouraged artistic development, as it led to a fascination with classical art, and the creation of new forms of art such as the Renaissance style.

Which engineering feat connected the city of Rome with territory throughout the empire? answer choices. a. canals. b. roads. c. ships. d. runners.


The engineering feat that connected the city of Rome with territory throughout the empire is the Roman road system. Thus option B is the answer.

The Roman road system was an impressive engineering feat that connected the city of Rome to the rest of the empire. The Romans built a network of roads that were typically straight and well-maintained, making them easy to navigate.

These roads were crucial for communication and transportation of goods and troops, allowing the Roman Empire to expand and maintain control over its territories. They also played a role in the spread of Roman culture and architecture. The Romans built many of the roads using a technique called opus caementicium which was a concrete-like mixture that made the road resistant to erosion. The Roman road system was an innovative and influential achievement in the field of engineering and transportation.

Learn more about Roman empire:



england’s first permanent colony in north america founded in 1607. true or false


The given statement “England€™s first permanent colony in north America founded in 1607” is true because, In 1607, 104 English men and young men showed up in North America to begin a settlement. On May 13 they picked Jamestown, Virginia for their settlement, which was named after their Ruler, James I.

On May 14, 1607, a gathering of about 100 individuals from a joint endeavor called the Virginia Organization established the principal super durable English settlement in North America on the banks of the James Stream.

The principal province was established at Jamestown, Virginia, in 1607. A significant number of individuals who got comfortable in the New World came to get away from strict oppression.

Learn more about first permanent colony:



This task will prompt you to investigate a specific aspect of a literary work from the colonial era and its relationship to a particular topic in history. To complete this task, you must complete the following steps:

Select a particular topic that is relevant to the colonial era and the Age of Reason, and form a thesis that explores an aspect of that topic.
Research your topic and identify relevant information that supports your position.
Draft your historical investigative report and organize your research findings.
Produce a final draft by proofreading and revising your initial drafts.


The literary work (magazines, newspapers, songs and poems) which were written and then published and circulated in the nation helped in the development of feeling nationalism among the people in the colonial era.

What is nationalism?

The nationalism is an ideology or a feeling that is based on the premise that the individual’s loyalty and devotion to the nation-state surpass other individual or group interests.

The nationalism is the feeling of devotion and patriotism for our own nation. It can also sometimes be a fighting for the development and making a nation independent against foreign rule.

The literary work were written and then published and circulated in the nation helped in the development of feeling nationalism among the people in the colonial era.

Learn more about nationalism here:



Question 12 of 16

What was one major effect of the American victory in the Revolutionary War?

A. France and Spain divided most British territory in North America.

B. The British had to give the United States the Northwest Territory.

C. Almost all African slaves were granted their freedom.

D. Women gained the right to vote in most U. S. States.



"The British had to give the United States the Northwest Territory", was one major effect of the American victory in the Revolutionary War.

The Treaty of Paris led to Great Britain recognising the United States as an independent country. In what is now known as the American Midwest, the British ceded a sizable portion of land, essentially everything between all the founding 12 colonies and the Mississippi river.

New marketplaces and trade connections were made possible by the Revolutionary War. The American triumph also allowed for invasion and settlement of the western regions, opening up new home markets. Instead of relying solely on British manufacturers, Americans started to establish their own.

The correct answer is option B.

Know more about Revolutionary War here



1. Who experience this discrimination?
2. What kind of discrimination was it? What happened? What was their reaction?
3. How was it resolved?
 4. If you were in their shoes, what would you have done differently?

please help me on this bukas na due date nito please help me please sagot ​


The kind of discrimination experienced could vary greatly depending on the situation. It could be anything from racial discrimination to gender discrimination, to religious discrimination.

Who experience this discrimination?

My family or friends.

2. What kind of discrimination was it? What happened? What was their reaction?

Whatever the case, the person would have felt mistreated, belittled, or judged for something that was out of their control. Their reaction could have included feeling angry, embarrassed, frustrated, or hurt.

3. How was it resolved?

The resolution of the situation could depend on the specifics of the situation. It could involve legal action, or it could involve a conversation between both parties to come to a mutual understanding. It may also involve the person speaking out against the discrimination and advocating for change.

4. If you were in their shoes, what would you have done differently?

If I were in their shoes, I would have taken a stand and spoken out against the discrimination they experienced. I would have advocated for change and worked to ensure that all people were treated with respect, regardless of their race, gender, or religion. I would have also taken the necessary steps to ensure that the situation was resolved in a way

Read more about discrimination



if odysseus makes the sacrifices to poseidon as required, how will he die?


Odysseus is to make specific penances to Poseidon in that area. Odysseus can carry on without his life and bite the dust in harmony if he adheres to these and different directions. (Be that as it may, the excursion inland happens after the occasions depicted in The Odyssey.)

Odysseus' mom, who passed on from pain and yearning for him, is simply permitted to move toward after his gathering with the soothsayer. Odysseus knew nothing about his mom's demise until he saw her among the dead.

She enlightens him concerning his dad, Laertes, who is as yet alive but is lamenting and has lost his will. In one of the legendry's most moving scenes, Odysseus attempts multiple times to hold his mom however can't do so because she is never again flesh.

Learn more about Odysseus:



According to Madison, what must a government do to limit the influence of a powerful faction?


A faction is defined as a group of people who have a similar interest. Madison believed that when a faction works in its own interests rather than the interests of the people, it poses a threat to efficient governance.

The detrimental quality of a group is that it will hurt others to accomplish its objectives. A public institution's competence to manage resources, conduct affairs, and ensure the implementation of human rights in a way that is mostly free from abuse and corruption and with adequate concern for the rule of law is evaluated through the process of good governance.

The eight criteria of Participation, Rule of Law, Transparency, Responsiveness, Consensus Oriented, Equity and Inclusiveness, Effectiveness and Efficiency, and Accountability are used by the UN to assess good governance. Every time a public employee makes an administrative choice or a municipality renders a service, the requirements of good governance must be met.

To know more about Madison on



Read the passage below. Then answer the question that follows using information and evidence from the text.

May 28, 1830

An Act to provide for an exchange of lands with the Indians residing in any of the states or territories, and for their removal west of the river Mississippi.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That it shall and may be lawful for the President of the United States to cause so much of any territory belonging to the United States, west of the river Mississippi, not included in any state or organized territory, and to which the Indian title has been extinguished, as he may judge necessary, to be divided into a suitable number of districts, for the reception of such tribes or nations of Indians as may choose to exchange the lands where they now reside, and remove there; and to cause each of said districts to be so described by natural or artificial marks, as to be easily distinguished from every other ...

What were the effects of this act on United States history? (5 points)

a-Native Americans were forced from their traditional lands onto reservations.
b-Native Americans agreed to buy land west of the Mississippi River.
c-White settlers and Native Americans agreed to move west of the Mississippi River.
d-White settlers paid Native Americans for their traditional lands.



a- Native Americans were forced from their traditional lands onto reservations.

The passage describes an act passed by the United States government that allows for the exchange of land with Native Americans living in any state or territory and for their removal west of the Mississippi River. It states that the President of the United States has the authority to divide the land west of the river into districts for the reception of tribes or nations of Indians who choose to exchange their current lands for land in these districts. This act gave the President the power to cause the removal of native American tribes from their traditional lands and onto reservations west of the Mississippi River. It does not state that this act is based on any agreement or purchase made by the Native Americans or that White settlers and Native Americans agreed to move west of the Mississippi River together.

Do you agree that humans are contributing to greenhouse gas levels? Explain your answer.


I agree that humans are contributing to greenhouse gas levels due to our production methods and energy generation.

How are humans contributing to greenhouse gas levels ?

Greenhouse gas concentrations have increased due to human activity. Burning fossil fuels like coal and oil has increased the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere during the past century (CO2). This rise is brought on by the burning of coal or oil, which produces CO2 when airborne carbon and oxygen mix.

Burning fossil fuels for transportation, heat, and power is the main cause of human-related greenhouse gas emissions in the United States.

Find out more on greenhouse gas levels at https://brainly.com/question/11133725


Who is Chief John Ross? write a paragraph telling me who he is and what did her do


John Ross was a important cherokee political leader of the 19th century. Ross helped establish the cherokee national government and presented as the cherokee nations principal chief for about 40 years.

Explain clearly why Fidel Castro and his band of rebels staged a coup against the regime of Fulgencio Batista​



The 1952 Cuban coup d'état took place in Cuba on March 10, 1952, when the Cuban Constitutional Army, led by Fulgencio Batista, intervened in the election that was scheduled to be held on 1 June 1952, staging a coup d'état and establishing a de facto military dictatorship in the country.


The diagram below provides details about United States involvement in China during the late
1800s and early 1900s.
Global Powers
Compete for
Influence in
United States
the Open
Door Policy
toward China
Which phrase completes the diagram?
A. United States Develops Interest in Chinese Markets
B. United States Makes Commitment to Free Elections
C. United States Plans Establishment of Military Bases
D. United States Supports Democracy in Chinese Communities


United States Develops Interest in Chinese Markets is the phrase which completes the diagram.

What is the Chinese Markets?

The Shanghai Stock Exchange and the Shenzhen Stock Exchange were founded only a few decades ago, whereas the New York Stock Exchange dates back more than two centuries. This means that the Chinese stock markets are much more recent than the American ones.

International investors own just over 5% of the shares in Chinese markets, which are primarily owned by Chinese investors; local and foreign investors both participate in U.S. market trading.

Comparative to American businesses, Chinese firms also tend to rely more on bank loans and retained earnings than do their American counterparts. In comparison to China, where retail investors predominate, institutional investors are heavily represented in U.S. markets.

Learn more about Chinese markets



Superficial equity is failing to take time to build equity-centered knowledge and fluency, leading to behavioral shifts without understanding deeper meaning or historical context. True or False?


It is described as "Superficial Equity" when behavioral adjustments are made without a complete understanding of the deeper meaning or historical context. This occurs when equity-centered knowledge and fluency are not established. Hence, this statement is true.

A shallow endorsement of any equity-centered practice denotes a lack of understanding of its origins, significance, and effective implementation. For example, one group with whom we worked decided to "do" culturally responsive education (CRT).

You cannot and should not attempt to undertake culturally responsive teaching or any other activity without becoming familiar with its history, gaining a firm understanding of what it entails, and putting it into practice on your own. Culturally Responsive Education (CRT) is not something you "do."

To learn more about Superficial Equity, please refer:



How did Henry Ford affect the automobile industry? was I right or no


Answer: I did some research if its correct then yes you are right ^v^


when was the civil rights act passed barring segregation. State of True or False. 1. True2. False


The given assertion "When was the civil rights act passed barring segregation "is true. the Civil Rights Act Social equity Exhibit of 1964 disallowed disengagement in associations like theaters, bistros, and lodgings. It confined one-sided practices in business and completed detachment transparently puts.

Segregation is a preparation that has been used over the whole process of everything working out to abuse explicit social occasions and advance uniqueness. It lays out a threatening environment where those assigned feel split the difference, dehumanized, and dismissed.

Segregation undermines social equality and dismisses the potential gains of a fair and complete society, and states, establishments, and individuals ought to coordinate to fight it. The social fairness act was passed to stop detachment and racial uniqueness.

Learn more about segregation:



What promise is President Ford asking the American people to make


Whip Inflation Now (WIN) was an attempt, made in 1974, to ignite a grassroots movement to fight inflation in the US by promoting personal savings and restrained spending habits in addition to the government measures suggested by Gerald Ford.

What was the purpose of Ford's presidency?

Despite objections from a strongly Democratic Congress, Ford implemented his ideas during his initial year in office. His primary objective was to reduce inflation. He then switched to measures meant to stimulate the economy as recession emerged as the country's most pressing domestic issue.

(WIN) was an effort undertaken in 1974 to start a grassroots campaign to increase inflation in the United States by encouraging individual savings and frugal purchasing patterns in addition to the governmental measures proposed by Gerald Ford.

Therefore, Ford's decision to pardon Nixon for his part in the Watergate affair was one of his first significant acts after taking office, and it severely damaged Ford's reputation.

Learn more about Ford from the given link.



How will the decisions about Germany’s lands create problems in the future?


This idea is opposed primarily for two causes. First, they make the point that most Germans hold the idea of national unity in the same regard that Americans do .

How will the decisions about Germany’s lands create problems in the future?

That nothing would enrage them more than being forcibly kept apart when they so desperately wanted to unite—to be "Germans" and not merely citizens of one or more distinct provinces.

It would be risky to have a population of 70 million people in the middle of Europe who would be perpetually enraged over what they would see as an intolerable intrusion on their right to choose their own form of governance.

Learn more about Germany’s lands here



the cuban missile crisis ended after president john kennedy agreed to select one: a. remove american missiles from west germany. b. restore diplomatic ties with cuba. c. provide economic aid to cuba. d. not invade cuba. e. withdraw american troops from west berlin.


The Cuban missile crisis ended after president john kennedy agreed to not invade cuba.

During the Cuban Missile Crisis of October 1962, U.S. and Soviet leaders faced 13 days of political and military tension over the deployment of Soviet nuclear missiles in Cuba, just 90 miles from U.S. shores. In a televised address on October 22, 1962, President John F. Kennedy (1917-63) alerted the American people to the presence of the missiles and explained his decision to impose a naval blockade around Cuba, urging the United States to I made it clear that I was ready. We will deploy military force as necessary to neutralize this perceived threat to national security. After this news, many feared that the world was on the brink of nuclear war. However, disaster was averted when Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev (1894-1971) agreed to a proposal to withdraw Cuban missiles in exchange for a US promise not to invade Cuba.

To know more about Cuban missile crisis click here:



John F. Kennedy's decision to refrain from invading Cuba brought an end to the Cuban Missile Crisis. Here option C is the correct answer.

During the Cuban Missile Crisis, President Kennedy and Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev reached a secret agreement in which the US would not invade Cuba and the Soviet Union would remove its nuclear missiles from the island.

In exchange, the US agreed to not invade Cuba and to remove its own nuclear missiles from Turkey. Additionally, the US promised to respect Cuba's sovereignty and not interfere in its internal affairs.

The agreement was reached after a tense standoff between the two countries that brought the world closer to nuclear war than ever before.

To learn more about Cuban Missile Crisis




1. What does Pope Francis believe is the first and foremost message for helping build a positive future?
2. What happens in the parable of the Good Samaritan? What lesson does this parable teach?
3. What “revolution” does Pope Francis discuss? What does he mean by this revolution?


Love and compassion is believed to be the first and foremost message for helping build a positive future by Pope Francis

The parable teaches kindness and love to all regardless of race or where they are from.

The revolution of tenderness is discussed by the pope.

What did the Pope preach?

Pope Francis believes that the first and foremost message for helping build a positive future is one of love and compassion for others. He has emphasized the importance of caring for the poor and marginalized, promoting peace and justice, and building a culture of encounter and dialogue among different cultures, religions, and societies. He has also emphasized the importance of protecting the environment and the importance of solidarity and cooperation among all people.

Read mpre on pope Francis here: https://brainly.com/question/11679732


Why did the supreme court decide to overturn plessy v. ferguson, as explained in brown v. board of education?a. separate is inherently unequal. b. education is important for all people. c. school policies should be uniform. d. citizenship requires voting rights.


The supreme court decide to overturn plessy v. ferguson, as explained in brown v. board of education because a. separate is inherently unequal.

About Plessy v. Ferguson

Plessy v. FergusonPlessy v. Ferguson, 163 U.S. 537 (1896), was a landmark U.S. Supreme Court decision in which the Court ruled that racial segregation laws did not violate the U.S. Constitution as long as the facilities for each race were equal in quality, a doctrine that came to be known as "separate but equal". The decision legitimized the many state laws re-establishing racial segregation that had been passed in the American South after the end of the Reconstruction era (1865–1877).

The underlying case began in 1892 when Homer Plessy, a mixed-race man, deliberately boarded a "whites-only" train car in New Orleans. By boarding the whites-only car, Plessy violated Louisiana's Separate Car Act of 1890, which required "equal, but separate" railroad accommodations for white and non-white passengers. Plessy was charged under the Act, and at his trial his lawyers argued that judge John Howard Ferguson should dismiss the charges on the grounds that the Act was unconstitutional. Ferguson denied the request, and the Louisiana Supreme Court upheld Ferguson's ruling on appeal. Plessy then appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Learn more about Plessy v. Ferguson at



Answer: its A


just got it right : )

Who was President when Johnson was first elected to the US House of Representative



Choose two conditions set by the Congress’s Plan for Reconstruction.
Each community must give lodging to Northern carpetbaggers.
All Southern citizens had to spend two months at designated Northern states to relearn social graces.
Citizenship and rights to former slaves, and each state had to rewrite constitutions to include voting for all African males.
Southern states had to pass the 14th Amendment


Choice The two conditions established by the Congressional Reconstruction Plan were:

Citizenship and rights to former slaves and,Each state had to rewrite constitutions to include voting for all African males.What was the Congressional Reconstruction Plan?

It corresponds to a committee held in 1867, which had as its central objective the political participation of the southern states in the Union, through the division of the confederate states and the rights of former slaves.

Therefore, the reconstruction plan aimed at uniting the country and greater rights for former slaves, defining new relationships between citizens and greater equality among all Americans.

Find out more about Reconstruction Plan on:



Word Bank - pick from the following terms to complete the sentences below:

boycott, Catholic, established, franchise, Massacre, militia, republic, Tea Party

1. One area of difference among the British colonies in North America involved ____________________ churches, which in the North were mostly Congregationalist, while those of the South were uniformly Anglican.

2. Three primary means of expressing colonial discontent with higher British taxes after 1763 included petition, _____________________, and violence.

3. A major point of contention between the British and the colonists included the Boston _____________________, which involved the destruction of valuable British property.

4. While Britain used regular military forces with excellent training and equipment in the American Revolution, the colonists instead relied primarily upon ________________________.

5. Both of the early constitutions developed in the new United States limited the _________________________ to adult, rich, white males.


Answer: 1. Churches 2. Boycott 3. Tea Party 4. Militia 5. Republic

I belive.


What is Laura Ingalls Wilder most known for? (5 points)

Teaching Native American children to read

Acting as a leader of the temperance movement

Campaigning for women's suffrage

Writing books about life of on the western frontier


Laura Ingalls Wilder is mostly known for Writing books about life of on the western frontier

Who  was  Laura Ingalls Wilder ?

One of the most significant children's writers in American history is Laura Ingalls Wilder. Her vivid depiction of incidents from her youth in the renowned historical fiction Little House series contributed to the development of the general conception of the American frontier.

After leaving their property, they relocated east and briefly lived in Wabasha County with their extended family. There, a son born at Walnut Grove who was the youngest Ingalls kid was ill and passed away.

Read more on western frontiers here: https://brainly.com/question/725799



Its D


How does Erasmus respond to those who would restrict access to the Scripture in native languages?



Erasmus strongly advocated for the translation of the Bible into the vernacular languages, which was a controversial idea at the time. He believed that the Bible should be accessible to all people, regardless of their level of education or fluency in Latin, the language in which the Bible was traditionally written.

Erasmus argued that by restricting access to the Scriptures in native languages, the Church was keeping the people in ignorance and preventing them from understanding the true message of Christianity. He believed that the Bible was the foundation of Christianity, and that everyone should have the opportunity to read and understand it for themselves.

Erasmus also believed that the translation of the Bible into the vernacular languages would help to counter the influence of false teachings and heresies that were spreading at the time. He argued that by making the Bible more widely available, individuals would be better equipped to discern the truth for themselves and would be less likely to be misled by false teachings.

Overall, Erasmus responded to those who would restrict access to the Scripture in native languages by advocating for the translation of the Bible into the vernacular languages and the dissemination of it to all people. He believed that this would be a powerful tool for the spiritual development of individuals and for the reform of the Church.

Answer: Erasmus strongly advocated for the translation of the Bible into the vernacular languages, which was a controversial idea at the time. He believed that the Bible should be accessible to all people, regardless of their level of education or fluency in Latin, the language in which the Bible was traditionally written.


What announcement does King Duncan make at the end of his conversation with Macbeth and Banquo? (b) What effect does that announcement have on Macbeth?


As a guest at the place of Macbeth, the ruler reported that his child Malcolm will be the following Lord of Scotland. Macbeth hates to hear this, ("The Ruler of Cumberland!') and it the impact to begin arranging the homicide of the people who hold him up, ("Let not light see my dark and profound longings")

The declaration Ruler Duncan makes after he, Macbeth, and Banquo Trade warm good tidings as there are more compensations available for Macbeth and he says thanks to Banquo as well.

King Duncan gets a fresh insight into the execution of Cawdor and conveys a formal account of Macbeth and Banquo as far as it matters for them in the fight. Then, to the confidential amazement of Macbeth, Duncan declares his replacement as lord.

Learn more about Macbeth and Banquo:



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